تقارير معملية
تقارير معملية
تقارير معملية
Materials Science
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599940
Bibliographical Information
Title: Materials Science: Academic Laboratory Experiments
Author: Mahmood Shubbak
Affiliations: University of Bremen - Center of Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM)
German- Jordanian University - School of Applied Technical Sciences (SATS)
Date: January 1, 2018
Abstract: This document presents an overview of academic laboratory experiments in
the field of materials science. It summarized the physical principles, setting
up, results and conclusions of lab experiments that were conducting at the
German-Jordanian University in the summer semester 2009. The
experiments cover the following topics: tensile testing of metals, hardness
testing, the behavior of metals under high strain rate loading (impact test),
bending test, the preparation of metallic specimens for micro‐examination,
scanning electron microscope, corrosion principles, hardening steel using
different quenching media, hardenability and Jominy test, tensile testing of
plastics, and melt mass flow rate of thermoplastics.
Keywords: Materials Science, Laboratory Experimentation, Tensile Testing, Hardness,
Impact Test, Bending Test, Micro-examination, SEM, Corrosion,
Hardenability, MFR
Pages: 1-55
SSRN URL: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599940
Alternative URL: https://www.shubbak.de/2014/03/21/materials-science-lab-reports/
Contents: 01: Tensile Testing of Metals [p. 2]
02: Hardness Test [p. 6]
03: Impact Test [p. 11]
04: Bending Test [p. 17]
05: Specimen Preparation [p. 21]
06: Scanning Electron Microscope [p. 26]
07: Corrosion [p. 30]
08: Hardening Steel Using Different Quenching Media [p. 34]
09: Hardenability and Jominy Test [p. 39]
10: Tensile Testing of Plastics [p. 47]
11: Melt Mass Flow Rate of Thermoplastics [p. 52]
Suggested Shubbak, M., “Materials Science: Academic Laboratory Experiments”
Citation: (2018), pp.1-55. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599940
Experiment 1
Tensile Testing of Metals
Strength is the resistance of a material to a tensile load applied to a specimen, and this is the
principle of the Tensile Test.
The tensile test specimen differs in shape, size and kind of material according to final
product we want.
In this experiment we have studied the relation between the tensile force acting on a piece
of metal [N] and the extension of it [mm].
In order to get rid of size we study the relation between stress and strain.
Strain (ε): the measure of the elongation or contraction of a line segment in the body.
In Engineering Stress and Strain we use the original section area (A0) and the extension of
length (∆L).
But in True Stress and Strain we use the instantaneous area (Ai) and instantaneous gauge
length (Li).
The first step is measuring the cross section dimensions (width; thickness or
reduced diameter) by micrometer and slide caliper if needed.
The next step is scribing the gauge length L0 on the piece by two soft marks of symmetrical
distance from both ends; After scribing the gauge length it should be measured accurately by
using slide caliper; and this gauge will be the reference for obtaining the percentage
Next we install the appropriate grips of the convenient size on the tensile testing machine;
and put the chart of load-extension diagram on the plotter attached to the testing machine;
which its vertical Y ordinate axes gives the force in a factor of mm according to the chosen
force-scale; and its horizontal X axes moves in a magnified scale with the displacement of the
moving head of the tensile machine.
Then we remove the specimen from the machine, measure all parameters that we have
measured earlier. And analyze the results.
Applying the experiment method we got the graph shown on page (5).
% 100% . %
% 100% . %
Note: the graph on page (5) describes the force as a function of extension, from this graph we
can easily get the engineering stress-strain diagram using the initial properties which are
explained in the results part of this report.
Experiment 2
Hardness Test
Hardness is the resistance of a material to a permanent indentation; the values of
hardness give general indication of the strength of the material and its resistance to
wear and scratches.
There are several methods to measure hardness, the most commonly used tests
are shown in the following figure:
In this experiment we have seen the Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell tests using
Universal Hardness Testing Machine.
1. Rockwell Test:
This method is widely used in industry because it is quick, simple and direct
reading although it is not reliable and inaccurate.
2. Vickers Test:
In this method a very small diamond indenter having pyramidal geometry is
forced into the surface of the specimen. [Applied loads are much smaller
3. Brinell test:
In Brinell tests, as in Rockwell measurements, a hard, spherical indenter is
forced into the surface of the metal to be tested. The diameter of the
hardened steel (or tungsten carbide) indenter is 10.00 mm (0.394 in.).
Standard loads range between 500 and 3000 kg in 500‐kg increments; during
a test, the load is maintained constant for a specified time (between 10 and
30 s). Harder materials require greater applied loads. The Brinell hardness
number, HB, is a function of both the magnitude of the load and the diameter
of the resulting indentation.
Applying the experiment method we got the following results:
4. Micro Vickers:
9 In this method we used a very accurate machine that gives the HV and
converts it automatically into HRC.
9 Maximum Load force 2000 g.
9 d1 = 99.49 mm
9 d2 = 99.21 mm
9 The Hardness value got from machine:
o 193 μHV
o 9.2 μHRC
Experiment 3
The Impact Test
Toughness is a measure of the amount of energy required to cause an item to
fracture and fail. The more energy that is required then the tougher the material.
In order to determine the impact toughness of a material there are two types of
Impact Test methods differs in specimens' specifications and methods of holding the
specimens. These two types are:
2. Charpy Test:
The edge of the pendulum strikes at mid‐span directly behind the milled notch.
Take a specimen of the standard [BS EN 10045‐1] and the shape shown in fig.2.
Using an accurate microscope measure the specimen dimensions and check
whether they satisfy the specific standard.
Fix the specimen on the Impact Test machine in Charpy holding method.
Raise the pendulum hammer of the impact machine to its initial upper height
and fix it.
Put the pointer of the absorbed energy scale at its initial position.
Release the pendulum to strike the specimen and rise to another high, and
notice the reading of the absorbed energy scale.
This reading is in kgforce.m unit, in order to get the toughness in Joules multiply by
g (= 9.8 m\s2).
Notice the fracture appearance of the specimen and the shear fracture area.
Applying the experiment method we got the following results:
ª All these dimensions are approximately among the standard range (see
page 7 )
Brittlee fracture sh
hows a cleaan
granulaar structure with little
deformation, whilee ductile fraacture
shows fibrous
f structure. In the very ducttile materialls the fractu
ures will nott
compleete .sometim mes due to the
t very higgh ductility of a material the test isi
held at low temperature.
Experiment 4
Bending Test
Ductility is th
D he ability off a material to withstan
nd permaneent deformaation witho
n order to determine
d t
inteernal forces we use thee method
of sections fromm which wee can
draw w the shearr and momeent
diaggrams as follows:
While acting with a forcee (P), the hiigher surfacce of the speecimen is co
W onfronted with
mpression fo
orce while the
t lower su urface is connfronted with tension force.
he Neutral Axis
A N.A andd Neutral Pllane are som
mewhere between thee two layerss
mpression and
a tension
n) where theere is neithe
er tension nor
n compression.
When we apply the load (P) some deflection (δ) will occur in the beam, this can be
determined by the following formula:
Where E: is the Modulus of elasticity.
P: is the applying load.
L: the Length.
I: the moment of inertia of the cross section.
We can get the value of E (Modulus of Elasticity) of the specimen using this
In this experiment we are interested in
deflecting the specimen from its mid‐point by
180o and seeing if it will fracture or not
(whatever the necessary load is). Then we can
determine if the specimen is ductile enough or
At the end of the bend test we can calculate
the length of the specimen using this formula:
2 2
(t: clearance = (5‐10) mm)
The test is held on a Deformed Carbon‐Steel Concrete reinforcement of 10 mm
outside diameter according to standards.
The specimen will be cut so it is adapted to the machine.
Choose a mandrel of dimensions; D= 4 x d = 4 x 10 = 40 mm.
Install the mandrel in the plunger.
Calculate the length between supports which equals to:
L = 50 + 40 + 20 + 10 = 120 mm.
Adjust the supports to this distance.
Put the specimen on the supports, then turn the machine on and let the mandrel
move to bend the specimen at a U shape with the specified angel 180o.
If the specimen holds up it then it complies with the standard requirements and
it is accepted.
Otherwise any crack occurs the specimen doesn’t follow the requirements and it
is rejected.
1. The Sp
pecimen Dimension
D ns:
9 Thee specimen'ss diameter d = 10 mm..
9 Thee mandrel's diameter = 4 * d = 4 * 10 = 40 mm m
9 quals L = 50 + 10*2 + 40
Totaal length eq 0 +10 = 120 0 mm
9 Thee 10 mm is for
f clearancce
9 Theere is no neeed to obtainn the energyy or stress since
s the machine test the
specimen if it bends
b right (ductile) orr not only.
2. The Be
ending Test:
9 Appplying the experiment
e procedure we see
thatt the specim
men we stu
udied is ducctile
ough becausse it doesn’’t fracture.
Experiment 5
Preparation of Specimen for
In preparing a specimen for micro‐eexamination
n, it must have a surfacce produced,
which is flat, an
nd scratch free.
Iff there was some sort ofo deformattion, the spe ecimen must be cut in the directio
of the deformaation, not peerpendiculaar to it. Also
o when cuttting the specimen, we
musst be awaree of overheaating the sppecimen, because if theere was oveerheating – in
somme cases‐ it will result in deformattion in the
ucture of thee specimen, and as a result,
r givin
incoorrect concllusion.
nding & Pollishing:
After selectin
ng the specimen, it is necessary
n too
obtaain a reasonnably surfacce with mirror finish, this is
achieved by grinding, and then it sho ould be cleaned
h water and d rotated th
hrough 90° ata each change of
the paper.
Affter the specimen is go one through h the grindin
ng and the polishing
p prrocesses, th here
is a last process that it shoould go thro
ough, in ord
der to be reaady for testting, it is the
Etchhing. This prrocess is im
mportant to produce a deformatio
d n free layerr of metal, and
to show the cryystal structu ure.
Ettching can be
b done by immersion
i the surface
e of the speccimen in thee etching
soluution, or by swabbing the t surface with a piece of cotton soaked witth the etching
soluution, and handled
h withh a nickel to
ongs. The
f etching varies with the type off
timee required for
used matter, and etching reagents off course.
Som me alloys can be etched d in a few seeconds,
and d some requ uires as mucch as thirty minutes
(likee cast iron which
w is studied in this
experiment). After
A the etcching process, the
specimen mustt be washed d under run nning waterr,
to move
m away the etchingg reagent, and then
swaabbed with alcohol, and d then driedd.
Bringg representaative specim
men with a diameter
d off 20 mm, an
nd a thickne
of not more than n 12 mm.
d the specim
men minimu um form 120 grit, 400 then
t 1000 ggrit gradually.
The specimen
s sh
hould be waashed in water and rotated througgh 90° at eaach
end of
o the sand paper, to prevent the carry‐over of
o relativelyy coarse
grinding from a paper
p to the next finge
er grade san
nd paper.
h the ground surface of o the specimmen using the
t rotatingg disc polishing
mach hine, a consttant drip off suspended
d polishing powder
p in w
water is
necesssary; to keep the cloth h covering the
t disc wettted thorouughly, during
the polishing operation.
At thiis point the surface of the specimen must bee like a mirro
Use proper method to apply the etching solution to the prepared surface of
the specimen, and apply it.
After etching, quickly wash the surface with running tap water, then swab
it with alcohol and dry it.
Using Microscope
Put the specimen under the objective lens of the metallurgical microscope
and use the proper magnification power.
Applying the experiment method we got the following results:
2. Etching:
3. Microscope:
Experiment 6
Scanning Electron Microscope
Thhe Scanningg Electron Microscope
M is a microsccope that usses electron
n beam insttead
of light to form
m extremelyy larger with
h high resoluution imagees.
w does a SEEM work?
A Image of human
An h blood
d cells underr SEM.
S to see the
t writing on its surfaace by
adjussting it to th
he suitable magnificatio
m on power.
pplying the experimentt method we
w got the fo
ollowing ressults:
1. Magniification Power:
9 Thee magnificattion power we
w used to see the writings clearlly was almo
15 to
t 20 times..
2. Chemiical Comp
Experiment 7
Corrosion is the processs in which metal
m deteriiorates thro
ough a chem
mical reactio
h the enviro
with onment.
Noon‐metallic materials
m aree affected by corrosion allso. Plastics, for examplee, are attacke
by salvation or chemical
c reaction causingg softening, swelling and d ultimate failure.
here are manny types of co
orrosion, likee:
Generall corrosion.
on fatigue.
Galvanic corrosion.
Cavitation corrosionn.
1. Surface
e Preparattion:
de a surface comparable to that in thhe system that is being m
modeled; in this
experriment we wiill use 2 carb
bon steel cou
upons 3×5×00.1 cm.
Degreease the testt specimens using Hydrochloric Acid (M = 0.1 mo ol/l) at ambie
tions for 2 minutes,
m to reemove any protective
p de layer. Then
or passive oxid
rinse with
w distilled d water and dry with papper tissue.
Keep the test speecimens in Acceton for (1)min. then drry them using air dryer.
Repeaat these last two steps ussing Ethanol.
weighed the test
t specimen (before exxposure).
1. Experiment conditions:
9 Temperature = 52 o C.
9 Solution: Acidic.
9 Kind of solution: HCl.
9 Solution composition: M= 0.5 mol/l.
9 Solution movement: Stagnant.
9 Type of Metal: Carbon Steel.
2. Experiment Readings:
9 We ran the experiment for two specimens and got the following readings:
Specimen A Specimen B
Trial(1) = 18.1801 g Trial(1) = 18.1818 g
Initial weight Trial(2) = 18.1799 g Trial(2) = 18.1819 g
Avg = 18.1800 g Avg = 18.18185 g
Trial(1) = 18.1389 g Trial(1) = 18.1510 g
Final weight Trial(2) = 18.1392 g Trial(2) = 18.1510 g
Avg = 18.13905 g Avg = 18.1510 g
Weight Loss (g) 0.04095 0.03085
Sample area* (m2) 3.16 x 10‐3
Exposure Time (day) 30min = 0.0208 day
Corrosion rate** (g/m .day)
2 622.025 468.608
Corrosion rate*** (mm/y) 187.326 141.120
*Sample Area= 2x3x5 + 2x3x0.1 + 2x5x0.1 = 31.6 cm2 = 3.16 x 10‐3 m2
**Corrosion rate= WL/AT
Specimen Density: D1=12.12 g/cm3 , D2=12.1212 g/cm3
***Corrosion rate (mm/y) = 87.6WL/DAT
Experiment 8
Hardening Steel
Using Different Quenching Media
Plain carbon steels and alloy steels are among relatively few engineering materials,
which can be usefully heat‐treated in order to vary their mechanical properties.
Steels are heat treated, because of the structural changes that can take place within
solid iron carbon alloys. The various heat‐treatment process appropriate to plain
carbon steels are:
1. Full annealing.
2. Normalizing.
3. Process annealing.
4. Hardening.
5. Tempering.
In all above process the steel is heated slowly to the appropriate temperature
according to its carbon content and then cooled.
It is the rate of cooling which determines the ultimate structure and properties
that the steel will have at the end of each of the pre‐mentioned heat treatment
he most com
mmonly useed quenchin ng media arre:
a. Compreessed air blaast.
b. Oil.
c. Water.
d. 10% Briine (water + 10% salt).
1. Specim
men Heatin
a) Brin
ng three speccimens with similar dime ensions
m steel contaaining more thant 0.3% C bars.
b) Heat the furnacee to the hard dening temperature of th
he specimen (until they
becoome totally austenite),
a he hardeningg temperature usually deepends on th
th he
perccentage of caarbon of the steel bar used.
hen put the three specim
Th mens close to each other inside the heeated furnacce. In
ordeer to protectt them from oxidization, it is recommmended to co over them wiith
sandd inside a steeel cast iron container.
c) Leavve the specim mens inside the
t furnace for
f 30– 60 minutes.
a) Leavve one specimen inside the t furnace forf a long tim me (6 hours o
or more); in
ordeer to cool it with
w small co ooling rate.
b) Takee the second d specimen out
o from the furnace usin ng nickel tongs, and quennch
it in the air (larger cooling raate).
c) Takee the third sp pecimen outt, and quench h it using thee water media with stirring
until it becomess cold. (the laargest cooling rate).
a) Grin
nd the surfacce of each sp pecimen propperly to prep
pare it for thee hardness te
b) Meaasure the hardness for eaach one of th he specimens using the V Vickers testin
macchine, do 3 trrials for each
h specimen.
mpare betweeen the results, and discu
c) Com uss the effectt of each queenching med dium
on the
t hardnesss of the speciimen.
pplying the experimentt method we
w got the fo
ollowing ressults:
Experiment 9
Hardenability and Jominy Test
One of the most important properties of materials is Hardness; which describes the
resistance of a material to a permanent indentation.
In steels, the value of hardness depends on many factors such as the carbon
content, alloying elements and the cooling rate during hardening process.
When a thick steel component is quenched from its hardening temperature, it will
take longer time to the inner core of the component to cool than for the surface
layers that are in contact with quenching medium. This leads to a variation in
hardness across the section of the steel component, and this mass variation in
hardness is referred to as “mass effect”. This mass effect in plain carbon steel may
be remedied to some extent by adding alloying elements to the steel, such as nickel,
chromium, molybdenum, etc. these alloying elements make it possible to get a
martensitic structure throughout the section of the steel component, even by oil‐
quenching. This is one of the most important functions of alloying, but the lack of
uniformity of structure and hardness in steels, can seriously affect the other
mechanical properties. For this reason it becomes necessary to specify the maximum
diameter of the bar of "ruling section".
1. Specim
men Heatin
a) Choose two typees of steel baars with propper dimensioons to be maachined to th
ndard dimenssions of the Jominy test specimen. One
stan O of these steel bars is
madde from plain
n carbon steeel and the otther is from alloy
a steel (h
here we used
d d2
b) Heat each of theese two barss up to its ausstenite temp
3. Hardne
ess Measuring:
e) Grin
nd a flat alon
ng the side off each specim
f) Meaasure the hardness everyy 3 mm form m the quenched side of th he
bar using Vickers1 hardness testing
t machhine (the oldest one in th
g) Plott the hardnesss measured (HV) of each h bar with th
he relation to
the distance from quenched d end (mm) on o the same graph paperr.
h) Commpare the hardenability ofo the two ob btained curvves.
pplying the experimentt method we
w got the fo
ollowing ressults:
In the
t standard Jominy
J test Ro
ockwell C Harrdness must be used, but heere in this exp
periment we have
d Vickers insteead.
Distance HV
3 736 Specimen Type: d2 Steel
6 626.1
9 561
12 662.1
15 598.5 Hardenability for d2 Steel
18 579.1
21 561.1
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599940
24 598.1 800
27 561.1
48 712.1 100
51 700.4 0
54 666.8
0 20 40 60 80 100
57 660
60 653.3 Distance from q
quenched end (mm)
( )
63 634.7
66 612.4
69 559.4
72 541.8
75 504 1
78 478.9
81 480.3
84 423.1
87 410.1
90 628 5
Distance Plain Steel d2 Steel
3 618 736
6 661.35553 626.1
9 618 561 Hardenability for 1045 & d2 Steel
12 618 662.1
15 578.77211 598.5 900
18 639.12669 579.1
21 639.12669 561.1
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599940
30 709.43878 579.1 600
Vicckers Hardness (H
Pl i Steel
Plain St l
33 560.54422 579.1
36 597.90379 662.4 d2 Steel 500
39 526.57988 765.4 Plain Steel)) .أسي 400
42 543.16406 736.1
45 467.29679 708.5 d2 Steel)) .أسي
48 495.61149 712.1
51 395.52 700.4 200
54 417.48921 666.8
57 385.18006 660 100
60 356.48133 653.3 0
63 375.24034 634.7
0 20 40 60 80 100
66 375.24034 612.4
69 375.24034 559.4 Distance from quenched end (mm)
72 356.48133 541.8
75 385.18006 504.1
78 395.52 478.9
81 365.68047 480.3
84 365.68047 423.1
87 385.18006 410.1
90 330.87448 628.5
Discussion and Conclusion:
In this experiment we learned about the Hardenability of Steels.
Hardenability is an important property of material (especially steels) that
describes the capacity of the steel to harden in depth under a given set of
Jominy test is an effective method to measure Hardenability of steels; by
quenching one end of a specimen to generate Martensite along its depth,
then measuring the hardness at different distances from this end, and
determine the ability of this steel specimen to generate Martensite with
As we have studied (and also noticed in the lab) adding some alloys to steel
make it more hardenable. The following graph explains this:
When we applied the Jominy test on the two specimens in this experiment
we found the following:
1. The 1st specimen's (Plain Steel 1045) curve was approximately similar to
our expectations except some out‐of‐range points –as you can see in the
results part of this report‐.
2. The 2nd specimen's (D2 Steel) curve was almost strange; since the first 12
points are less hard than the next part of the curve, and this doesn’t make
sense (because these 1st points have more cooling rate i.e. more
opportunity to form Martensite).
3. But in general we can notice from the third graph (the comparison one)
the effect of alloying in increasing hardenability.
This unexpected curve2 (of D2 steel) can be due to some factors such as:
a. Some inhomogeneousity in the specimen.
Notice: this part of experiment for D2 steel has done by the other group of students, and I actually
don’t know the way or conditions in which they made it. So all the reasons I mentioned are just
I think that the third reason is the most expected because they have
changed the hardness testing machine (from the manual one to the
automatic one) between the 12th and 13th points, and their mistakes
could be either in measuring d1 & d2 of the impression, or in
calculating the Vickers hardness.
Experiment 10
Tensile Testing of Plastics
Strength can be defined as the ability of a material to resist applied forces without
yielding or fracturing.
The strength of materials can be determined using some kind of tests called Tensile
Test, in which a tensile load (force) is applied to a specimen of the material and its
extension is measured with respect to this load, i.e. Tensile test is used to measure
the force required to break a specimen and the extent to which the specimen
stretches or elongates to that breaking point.
Applying this test, the Stress‐Strain Diagram is produced, and we can investigate
the tensile behavior of the material and its properties from this diagram.
Strain (ε): the measure of the elongation or contraction of a line segment in the body.
In this experiment we are studying the tensile behavior of some polymers (Plastics)
under specific conditions (such as temperature, initial geometry and speed of testing
The testing speed: is the rate of separation of the grips of the testing machine
during the test (expressed in [mm/min]).
The effect of strain rate is completely the opposite of T; while the strain rate of
testing increases the ductility of the material decreases and it seems stronger.
1. Test Atmosphere:
a. Conduct the test in the same atmosphere used for conditioning the test
specimen. (the conditions we used in this experiment were:
T = 23 oC (+/‐ 2)
Humidity = 50% (+/‐ 5)
6. Testing speed: set the speed of testing in accordance with the appropriate for the
material concerned.
7. Recording of data: record the force and the corresponding values of increase of
the gauge length and the distance between grips during the test using the automatic
recording system of the tester.
In this experiment we have tested three specimens; 2 PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) specimens (with
different testing rate) and 1 HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) specimen.
Material Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Gauge Length (mm) Testing Speed
HDPE 3.06 6.12 25 100 mm/min
PVC1 3.3325 3.175 50 5 mm/min
PVC2 3.4 11.72 50 15 mm/min
2. Stress‐Strain2 Diagrams:
The stress strain diagram for each specimen was drawn by the automatic
recording system of the tester and you can see them in the next pages.
The diagrams on Pages(7‐9) are force‐extension diagrams, that we can turn into Stress‐Strain using
the two equations of Stress and Strain (in the introduction part of this report).
Experiment 11
Melt Mass Flow Rate (MFR)
Of Thermoplastics
One of materials' properties is the melt mass flow rate which describes the
viscosity of the polymer in the melt phase. . It is defined as the mass of polymer in
grams flowing per 10 minutes through a capillary of specific diameter and length by
a pressure applied via a range of standard weights at specified temperature.
MFR is a simple and quick test of the polymer viscosity, carried out using some
Apparatus (Extrusion Plastometer) consists of the following essential parts:
1. Cylinder: manufactured from a material resistant to wear and corrosion up to
a maximum temperature of the heating system, and the finish, properties
and dimensions of its surface shall not be affected by the material being
tested. The cylinder shall have a length between 115 mm and 180 mm and an
internal diameter of 9.550 ± 0.025 mm.
2. Piston: also manufactured from a material resistant to wear and corrosion up
to a maximum temperature of the heating system, and the finish, properties
and dimensions of its surface shall not be affected by the material being
tested. The piston shall have a head 6.35 mm ± 0.10 mm in length. The
diameter of the head shall be less that the internal diameter of cylinder by
0.075 mm ± 0.010 mm.
3. Temperature control system: between 10 mm and 75 mm above the top of
the die. And it shall allow the test temperature to be set in steps of 0.2ºC or
4. Die: made of tungsten carbide or hardened steel, 8.000 mm ± 0.025 mm in
length. The die shall have ends that are flat, perpendicular to the axis of the
bore and free from visible machining marks.
5. Means of setting of maintaining the cylinder truly vertical: a two‐directional
bubble level, set normal to the cylinder axis, and adjustable supports for the
apparatus are suitable for the purpose.
6. Load: a set of removable weights, which may be adjusted so that the
combined mass of the weights and the piston gives the selected nominal load
to an accuracy of ± 0.5 % are mounted on top of the piston.
Using this machine, we get some cut‐offs of the specimen in specified time (taking
other conditions such as temperature, load and dimensions into consideration), then
we can calculate the MFR using this equation:
Where: T is the test temperature [oC].
mnom is the nominal load [kg].
m is the average mass [g] of the cut‐offs.
T is the cut‐off time‐interval [sec].
600 is the factor used to convert g/sec into g/10 min (600s).
1. Selection of temperature and load:
The material standard takes precedence over the international standard. If no
material standard exits, use an appropriate set of conditions based on knowledge of
the melting point of the material or the processing conditions recommended by
Here we used two specimens (raw material and manufactured HDPE) with
temperature and load as fixed in Standards.
2. Cleaning:
The apparatus should be cleaned thoroughly after each determination. The
cylinder may be cleaned with cloth patches and the piston with a cotton cloth (while
it’s hot) and the die is cleaned with a closely fitting brass reamer.
4. Measurements:
ª Place the selected weight on the piston. When
the lower reference mark has reached the top
edge of the cylinder, start timing, simultaneously
cut off the extrudate with the cutting tool.
ª Collect the successive cut‐offs in order to
measure the extrusion rate at a given time
interval. Choose a time interval1 so that the
length is not less than 10 mm and preferably
between 10 & 20 mm.
ª Stop cutting when the upper mark reaches the edge of the cylinder. After
cooling, weigh individually, to the nearest 1mg, preferably three or more2, and
calculate their average mass.
ª The time between the end of charging the cylinder and the last measurement
shall not exceed 25min for any material. For some materials, this time may need
to be reduced to prevent degradation or cross‐linking of the material during the
5. Expression of results:
Calculate the melt mass flow rate in term of g/10 min using the equation placed in
the introduction part of this report.
Then compare the MFR values of raw material and manufactured HDPE.
Here we have chosen 240 seconds as a time interval for cutting.
In this experiment we have done the test only one time for each specimen.