Gas Metal Arc Welding Used On Mainline 80 Ksi Pipeline in Canada

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Gas Metal Arc Welding Used on

Mainline 80 ksi Pipeline in Canada

Welding developments meet the demands from the natural gas
industry for large diameter, higher strength pipe


T he transportation of inaeasing volumes of natural gas

can be achieved by a combination of larger pipe diam-
eters and higher operating pressures requiring heavier wall
Welds were produced in the pipe materials meeting Grade
SSO requirements, following procedures adopted by The
Welding Institute in work for Ihe Pipeline Research Commit-
thicknesses. Since the cost of the pipelne in terms of mate- lee of the American Gas Association (Ref. I), with cellulosic
rials and construction is largely limited to the diameter and wall shielded melal arc welding electrodes. E55010 electrodes
thickness of the pipe, one approach to limit these costs has were used for the root with E62010 for the remaining passes.
been, and continues to be, the use of higher strength pipe The welds were tested in accordance with CSA-ZI84 and all
materials. were satisfactory.
Pipe toNPS 42 CSA-Z245.1 Clade 414 (60,000 psi yield) has Material specification data sheets were prepared for the
been used by NOVA for the construction of Iarge-diameter pipe requrred for the Empress East project based on NOVA
pipelines since 1'J68. Clade 483 (70,000 psi yield) pipe proprietary line pipe specification P-I. which is. in turn, based
became avaaable from Canadian mills in 1971, resulting in a on CSA Standard CAN3-Z245. t (llself similar to the API 5lX
14':, reduction in wall thickness and weight. Grade 550 Standard). The NOVA specification contains additional re-
(80,000 psi) wal bring a further reduction of 12.5')1, over Grade strictions on steel chemistry, carbon equivalent and dimf'n-
483. As well as the lower cost of the pipe ilself, additional sion control. all designed to facilitate field welding. In addition.
savings drf'> achievable Ihroogh reduced transportation field welding using a celkJlosic manual shielded metal arc pro-
charAes and lower construction costs due to shorter welding cess is always required and. consequently, the two prequal-
and radiOKraphic inspection times. ified pipe suppliers were required to provicle proof of weld-
In the faU of 1989, it was decided 10 use Grade 550 pipe abmty with this process, in terms of freedom from hydrogen
to construct the Empress East Crossover - Fig. 1. This project cracking, by submitting their products to a modified Welding
consists of two short sections of pipeHne ruming between the Institute of Canada (W1C) restraint cracking test (Ref. 2).
foothills mainline system and an ethane stripping plant. The Bids were solicited from the suppliers considered to have
high operating pressure of the system, combined with future been capable of supplying Clade 550 material meeting all of
flow re<pJirements, resulted in a diameter and waD thickness NOVA's mechanical property and field weldability require-
combination which could justify the use of a higher grade menls. After review of the bids, the supply contraet was award-
material-Tabler. ed and the supplier was required to provide pipe samples of
Due 10 its short length, the project could be designed, pro- the proposed chemistry and rolling practice to fu"her eval-
cured and built completely on the basis of Clade 550 mate- uate the welding procedures in preparation for construction.
rial. The project would offer an opportunity to evaluate the
performance of the pipe supplier and detect any problems in
coating, fIeld bending or fIeld welding of this grade of pipe.

Selection of Pipe Supplier

NOVA has been involved in discussions with various pipe
manufacturers since 1987, and, in early 1989, pipe suppliers
were inviled by NOVA to supply samples of pipe considered
by them to be able to meet Grade 550 requirements in order
to "prequalify" them. Pipe body tests were carried out in ac-
cordance with CSA-Z24S.1 and, as can be seen from Table
2. pipe from only three suppliers met the yield strength
requirements of Grade 550.

D. V. DORUNG, A. LOYER and A. N. RUSSELl are with the Alberta Gas

Transmission Division, Nova Corporation of Alberta. C"'ary. Al-
berta. Unada. T. S. THOMPSON is with CRC-Evans Automatic
Wekfng. Houston, Tex.
Fig. t-1he Empress &sf Crossover project in southe.Jst Albert.
coosistJ of two short sectb1s of,*"""" RnIinB between the Foot-
hils ~.,.." Mtd iIrI ethane S/rjlpi'Ig"'t

Tobie I-Empress f .., Ctouover-DesipI De,.., . Tobie 2- Tensile Tes' Rosutt. on CIndldote erode 550 Pipe
5'.... i
Design Pressure 8700kPa
:Dameler NPS ~2 Yield Ullimate
Design Factor 0.8 for line pipe
0.5 for plant pipe Manufacturer Sample
MP. (
length 2.0 km of line pipe 1 620 748
0.5 km of plant pipe 2 612 745
Wall Thickness (Gr 550) 10.6 mm for line pipe 2 1 649 753
16.9 mm for plant pipe 2 618 752
3 1 53~ 704
2 536 703
~ 1 546 659
Selection of Field Welding 2 536 655
Processes 5 1 571 702
2 553 675
Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6 1 520 642
2 511 636
Even wilh all Ihe developmenls in mechanized welding,
manual welding using the shielded melal arc process wilh
cellulosic electrodes remains an essential part of pipeline
construction. Conditions such as tie-ins. road crossings, by welding procedures and weld metal yield strengths!
repairs and future maintenance require the flexibility of this Hardness traverses (fig. 2) show that for the DO region the
process. weld metal does slightly undermatch, and that the HAZ shows
considerable softening. In the 10 region (mostsusceptibJe to
Work recently completed tor Ihe Pipeline Research Com-
disconlinuities), considerable weld metal undermatching oc-
mittee of the American Gas Association has studied the effect
curs and lhe HAl shows increased softening. The effect of a
of overmatching and undermatching weld metal yield
narroW band of softening in the HAZ at the 00 may be dif-
strengths on tracture behavior (Ref. 3). While the work con-
ficult to interpret because of the beneficial effect of the sur-
centrated on Grade 483 materials. it has some important im- rounding material. In the rool, however, the region is no
plications tor the welding of Grade 550 pipe.
longer narrow because of the undermatching of the weld,
The study shows Ihat the difference belween weld and and no beneficial effect of surrounding material can be
pipe metal yield strengths is an important factor in protecting expected.
any pre-existing weld metal defect from severe plastic strains.
Essentially. if the weld metal overmatches, then gross-secrion furthermore, all welds produced wilh these cellulosic
yielding is likely 10 occur in the pipe. If the weld undermatches, SMAW procedures on the candidace pipe materials revealed

thpn gross-section yielding in the pipe will not occur. straining a tendency to internal undercutting and porosity in the root.
of the weld will occur, and higher levels of toughness wm be which was tell would be even more diffICUlt to control under
rpquired to prevent fracture initiation from a pre-existing de- field conditions. An alternative is to use basic eleclrodes which
fecI. The use of cellulosic procedures with E550 10/E620 10 can provide Ihe necessary strength and toughness, bulthese,
consumahles is unlikely to achieve overmatching yield in their conventional uphill formulation, are not conducive to
strengths. Resulls from the cellulosic E5SO 10/E62010 proce- high-productivilY mainline wekfrng. low4lydrogen downhill
dure test on the selected supplier's prequalification Grade 550 electrodes are ava~able for pipeline applications, bul, whie
overaD weld complelion limes are comparable to those
pipe (Table 3) show that the C5A CToss-weld lenslle test (re-
inforcement in place) yield51rength was 532-573 MPa (77-83 achieved with cellulosic electrodes, root bead completion I,
times are considerably slower. ;
ksi). The same test with the reinforcement removed gave a
yield strenglh of 516-522 MPa (75-76 ksi), with tailures in the A compromise was suggested by the pipe supplier. It was
weld region. The pipe body temile tests gave a yield slrength
of r, 18-649 MPa (90-94 ks;).
Although failure occurs in the pipe in standard CSA tests,
the beneficial effect of the weld reinforcement is negated in
the presence of a weld metal discontinuity. Even if an appro-
decided to test a combination of ceDulosic root bead and hot
pass. using electrodes of Japanese manufacture, with fills and
cap passes deposited using basic electrodes spedally de-
signed for high-productivily downhill welclng, also by the
same Japanese manufacturer. A NOVA pipeline welder
priate level of loughness can be achieved in these circum- assisted the electrode manufacturer to compJele Ihe desired i
stances, it will be difficult to guarantee in the field. test welds. A 4-mm (0.16';n.) diameter E4801(}{; electrode i
was selected for the root and hot pass. The benefil of this
Another important consideration with Grade 550 materials lower strength e1eclrode is its reduced susceptibility to
is softening in Ihe heat-affecled zone. How is this influenced hydrogen-assisted cracking and its superior operating char-

T~ble 3- Tensile Test Results for E550101E62010 Weld

acteristics, giving freedom from internal undercut. The 4.5"1llm
(O.l8-1n.) diameter E62018-G selected for fiB and cap passes
was similarly easy to use. The mocllfied tip of the eleclrode

Yield Ultimate
(hollow tip wilh arMlarling compound) faalilated a dean
slart wilh no porosity, unlike low-hydrogen downhill elec- I
Type of Strength. Strength. trodes previously evaluated. The welds met the radiographic
Tensile Test Sample MPa MPa and mechanical test requirements of the C5A standard.
Pipe Body 1 649 753 The results of the tensile tests with both reinforcement on
2 618 752 and reinforcement removed are given in Table 4. Although
Reinforcement on 1 532 672
2 573 those lests with reinforcement removed still failed in the weld,
Reinforcement removed 1
the yield strengths recorded easUy exceeded 550 MPa (80 ksi)
and were dose the yield strength of the pipe as measured j
in the pipe body tensile tests.

56 I MAY 1992 I,
Mechanized GiIS Melal Arc Welding Using this e<J.Iipment and the experience gained from the co-
operative program, the pulsed GMAW process was f~st ap-
The mechanized gas metal arc welding process has be- plied to the welding of the hot pass on the 3o-km (18.6-rni1e),
come the standard for the welding of major,largHliameter, NPS 24 North Lateral Loop in the fall of 1989. The process was
cross-<:ountry pipelines in Canada. Normally, projects such a, successful in eliminating spatter and reducing significantly the
Empress East would not be considered for mechanized weld- number of incomplete joint penetration and incomplete fu-
ing because the length of pipeline to be constructed will not sion cflSContinuities. hence. its selection.
support the high mobilization and minimum rental costs of the Subsequent to the NOVA/CRC-Evans program, a project
mechanized welding equipment. However, there were a was completed for the pipeline research committee of the
number of factors to be taken into consideration for the American Gas Association by Microalloying International on
weld•.,g of the Grade 550 pipe: .. . the pulsed gas metal arc welding of API SLX80 steels (Ref. 6).
• This trial project should evaluate the sultaba,ty of welding The NOVA/CRC-Evans procedures were used to weld X80
processes and procedures considered for any future, long- pipe materials from fIVe different mals with exceDent results.
distance pipeline project using Grade 550 mate"al. The pulsed GMAW process was able to consistently produce
• Matching or overmatching yield strengths can be obtained discontinuity-free welds in a range of X80 materials at a join-
from these welds with standard procedures. ing rate equivalent to that of conventional mechanized
• If some heat-affected zone softening does occur, generally GMAW. The welds produced exhibited overmatching yield
the HAl is narrow and the full benefit of the surrounding pipe strength and crack tip opening displacement (ClOD) tough-
and weld metal properties will be realized. The mechanized ness properties exceeding 0.32 mm at-S'C (1.28 in. at 23'F).
gas metal arc welding process is alow-hydrogen process with For these reasons, it was decided to use the pulsed gas
considerably lower risk of HAZ discontbwities. metal arc welding process for hot, fill and cap passes for the
The construction of 102 km (63 maes) of a 42~n. (107-<:m) welding of the Grade S50 Empress East project. The suscep-
c6ameter pipeline on the Western Alberta System, to be bbilityof the pulsed GMAW process to the effects of residual
completed just prior to the commencement of the Empress pipe magnetism precludes its use for the internal root pass;
East Crossover, offered the opportunity to use mechanized this is applied using standard, short circuiting GMAW.
welding for the Grade 550 pipe with the minimum of
additional cost. Both projects were included in one contract
and mechanized welding was specified. Qualification of Construction Welding
Pulsed GMA welding was used for Mainline Weldilg
hot, fill and cap passes, A previously established procedure for largHliameter.
cross-<:ountry pipe6ne construction, where mechanized weld-
ing is used, is to inspect the weld using mechanized uhrasonic
For the welding of the Ipsco-manufactured, Grade 483 pipe
for the Western Alberta Mainline Loop, the pulsed gas metal
arc welding process was specified for the hot pass. In all other
passes conventional. short-<:ircuiting GMAW was specified.
Since t985, NOVA ha, actively pursued the appiication of the
pulsed GMAW process to pipeline construction (Refs. 4, S).
Alberta Gas Transmission Division research programs ted to
the development of a methodology for the selection of
pulsed welding parameters and process ~ontrol logl~ for
pipeline welding applicatIons and the IdentifICatIOn of SUItable
wire/shielding gas combmatlons for superior strength and
toughness properties. In 1989. a cooperative program be-
tween NOVA and CRC-Evans was completed to merge
NOVA.<Jeveloped pulse/arc length control logic with the ca-
pabilities of the CRC-Evans controlled drop transfer pulsed
power source and, with the NOVA.<Jeveloped Ar-He-cO,
shielding gas in combination with Thyssen C-Mn-Si-Ti wire,
,. J-
.15 .10 ..
rL--I._--......_ _+-~_'_I--_-I

5 l' 15

establish a field-ready, mechanized pulsed gas metal arc

welding capability. Detaaed welding procedures were devel-
oped and qualified with a complete fleld-ready pulsed
GMAW system in both Grade 483 and Grade S50 pIpe steels.
.....WEUI ....

Table 4- Tensile Test R.....lts for E480101E62018 Weld

Yield Ultimate
Type of
Tensile Test
Reinforcement on

... ......
"""'" ......
-1. .1.
... ,.
_ 1 - -............>1-_......_ _-1
4 642 736
Reinforcement removed 1 625 717
2 610 714
3 613 708
4 tn7 719

testing and employ an alternative weld acceptance stand..ard
based on engineering critical assessment (Rei. 7). In order to
be quaDfled. welding procedures must meetlhe requirements
of CIao.Ke 6.2.5 and aause K3 of lhe CSA-Zl84 standard.
Oause K3 requires that cross-weld tensie tests be carried out
with reinforcement removed and that the yield str~ngth of
the weldment be equal to or greater than the spedfjed min- (
imum yield strength of the pipe material. Charpy V-notch tests
are required to be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of ASTM Standard f23 and CTOD tests are re-
quired to be conducted in accordance with the requirements
of 8r~ish Standard as S762. Tighter restrictions apply on some
of the essential welding variables.

..... The 42-in.-<!iameter. 10.6-mm and 16.9-nlm (0.42- and

0.6B-In. waD thickness (WT») project pipe was shipped to
CRC-Evans in Houston to complete the welds for procedure
qualification. "Set-in" welds. trial welds to confrm the number
2.8mm of passes for each wall thickness and the precise welding con-
ditions for each individual pass. were first conducted using the
previously developed procedures (Ref. 6) as a starting point.

All tensile tests fractured outside

of the welds.
"'l==:ft.. mm 4.7mm

Two deviations from these existing procedures were required

to accommodate project specifIC conditions. The first devia-
tion was the use of the standard 7SAr-25C02 shielding gas for
the root pass instead of 82.5Ar-12.5CO,.5He. The reason for
F/8. J -Bevel prepd,ation for pulsed GW;\ W. this was to minimize equipment resetting and welder training
when the contractor moved from the Grade 483 Western
Alberta Mainline Loop to the Grade 550 Empress fast project.

TOlbie S-Pulsed GMA Welding Procedure

Consumables: Root 0.9 mm diameter Thyssen K·Nova
Hot. Fill & Cap 1.0 mm diameter Thyssen K+.lova
Shielding Gas ('-~.); Root 75Ar-25CO,
Hot/Fills 82.5Ar-12.5CO,.SHe
Cap 87.5Ar-12.5 CO,
Welcfrng Direction: 5G/Down
Number of Welders: Internal-Six Welding Heads
External - Two Welding Heads

Electrical Parameters for 10.6 mm WT:

(Internal) HOI Fm 1 Fil/2 Cap
(Short Arc) (Pulsed) (Pulsed) (Pulsed) (Pulsed)
Arc Speed, mm/min 720-800 970-1070 360-400 300-460 300-460
Wire Speed. mm/min 9650 11430 7880 7880 7880
Gas Flow, cmh 1.7-2.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4 9.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Voltage. V 19-20 22-25 21-24 21-24 23-26
Amperage. A 190-210 220-260 150-180 150-180 140-180
Electrical Parameters for 16.9 mm WT:
Root Hot Fill 1 +2 Fili 3 Cap
(Internal) (Pu~ed) (Pu~ed) (Pulsed) (Pulsed)
(Short Arc)
Arc Speed. mm/min 720-800 970-1070 360-400 300-460 300-460
Wire Speed. mm/min %50 11430 10920 10920 7880
Gas Flow. cmh 1.7-2.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.4
awo,mm 9.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Voltage. V 19-20 22-25 22-25 22-25 23-26
Amperage. A 190-210 220-260 190-220 190-220 140-180
Pulse Parameters: Pulse Wtdth. ms 2.75
Peak Current. A 430
Background Current. A 45

58 I MAY 1992
The second deviation was for the deposition of the cappass.
Tmle 6- Tensile Test Results for Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Weld
In the development work. the cap pass~s had been apprled
using the Model M200 industrial welding carriage. The system
Yield Ultimate
to be used on the Empress East project was the P100 pipeline Type of Strength. Strength.
"bug:' which lacks the sidewall dwell capabi6ties of the Tensile Test Sample MP. MP.
M200. As a result. external undercut was encountered dur-
ing procedure development. To overcome the problem. the Reinforcement on 1 594 708
shielding gas mixture for the cap pass was changed from the 2 621 723
3 615 i02
62.5Ar-12.5CO,-5He to 67.5Ar-12.5C02. 4 598 707
The 10.€rlnm and 16.9-mm wall thickness welding proce- Reinforcement removed 1 619 699
dures are shown in Table 5. A bevel geometry designed to 2 572 698
minimize the number of fill passes on the heavy wall was used
on both thicknesses and is shown on Fig. 3.
Five "consistency" welds were produced for each thick- the transition from the short arc to the pulsed GMAW pro-
ness and subjected to radiographic insj:>eclion according to cess. After naving assembled all the equipment on the right-
Clause 6.2.9 of CSA-l164. Two welds for each thickness of-way, each welder completed his pass on fIVe consecutive
were taken at random and subjected to a manual ultrasonic training/",a1ification welds. All welds were acceptable based
inspeaion using the probes and acceptance cr~eria designed on radiographic inspection and the welders were qualified to
for the mechanized ultrasonic inspection to be used on the start produaion weiding.
project. The welds were then shipped back to Canada for Produaion welding consisted of 96 welds in pipe of 10.6
destruaive testing. according to aause 6.2.5 and Clause K.3 mm and 26 welds in 16.9 mm wall thickness. Such a short
of CSA-l164. project did not warrant a full spread 0; mechanized welding
The resuks of tensile tests with reinforcement on and reIn- equipment capable of 100 welds per day. Only one welding
forcement removed are given in Table 6. All tests fractured station was utilized for each pass as opposed to the mulliple
outside of the welds. indicating that the weld metal was fill and cap statIons that would normally be provided. How·
overmatching. ever, equipment handling and welding speeds for the pulsed
Hardness traverses (Fig. 4) show. for both the 00 and the GtvlAW process are similar to those with conventional, short
ID regions. that the weld metal matches or overmatches. and arc GMAW and there is no reason to expect that the produc-
that there is less softening of the heat-affected zone than WIth tivity wal be any different. The pulsed welding equipment had
the conventional SMAW procedure. already proven itself on two NOVA long-distance pipe6ne
projects for the welding of the hot pass. in a variety of right-
Manual SMAW Tie-in and Repair Welding
According to CSA-Z 184. a tie-in welding procedure cover-
ing both wall thicknesses of Grade 550 pipe could be quali-
fied by a single test weld on 16.9-mm-thick material. ~though '..."" ...
the grade of the material was the same. the Che~lstry and
roSing practice were different for the two waD thicknesses
and it was therefore decided to produce and qua6fy welding
procedures for both. In addition. the pipeline was tied to
valve assemblies using transition pieces made of 17.5-mm
(O.7-in.) WT. Grade 483 pipe and the procedure for join-
ing the Grade SSO to the Grade 463 also required qualifica-
... ......
- ......
Repair welding procedures were qualified by producing
and testing repairs of previously completed welds In two po-
sitions (first and third quadrant).
All welds were qualified by radiographic inspection ac-
...." . • •
cording to Clause 6.2.9 and destructive testing to Clause 6.2.5
" "
of CSA-l164. In addition to these requirements. the follow- Subsurface

...... ...
ing tests were conducted:
• Charpy V-notch tests at -SoC in the weld metal and HAl.
• Microhardness traverses (HvSOO).
• Metallographic examination. I
The various combinations of manual welds qualified are
summarized in Table 7. ... ""
A typical SMAW procedure is given in Table 6.

.. .........
...... I
I .........
Performance during Construction
Mainline Welding
... I

Normally, welders are required to complete and quafify for
all passes. However, as Empress East was such a short project.
each welder was,qraItied crly.for a specifIC pass of the pro-
cedure. The root aixl hot pass welders were already trained
from having used the same process on the previous 100 km
(62 miles) of the Q-ade 463 project and crly minIma/ training
was considered necessary for the fill and cap welders to make
.-_06 -.
ol' ~

.... --


• 11

metal Me _ _
pool is improved andno problems were encountered_ For the
16.9-rnrn WT pipe. visibifity is still Impaired. akhouBh to a
lesser degree. for the second fUI pass and. not surprishgly, the
defect occurred in both firsl and second fill passes. A revised
wekfong procedure with a small change in the bev~ angle to
improve the visibility was qualified and succeeded in reduc- (.
ing the incidence of the defect but did not eliminate it. With .
more training Of with experience on a longer project the
welders will develop the necessary skms to compensate for
lhese equipment limitations and this was evident by the way
the number of repairs required were diminishing as the
project progressed. The repair rate on the final day 0 f main-
line welding was 14%. Nevertheless. in order to consider ap-
plying pulsed GMAW to fiU and cap passes on future projects.
a relatively small development exercize wm need to be con-
ducted to confirm that, with equipment properly configured.
Fig. 5 -Location of recurring discontinuity. the recurring discontinuity is eliminated.

Manual Tie-in and Repair Welding

of-way and weather conditions. and the equipment contin- Four welders were assigned for manual tie-ins and repairs
ued to operate satisfactorily at Empress East. and received four days of training in the techniques to han·
Nearly 50"" of the welds contained rejectable discontinu- die the different cellulosic and low-hydrogen downhill elec-
ities detected by a combination of radiographic and ultrasonic trodes. The welders were using their own lincoln ZOO-A
inspection. Such a level of repairs is not unusual at the start welding machines. which proved unable to reliably supply the
of any project and many of the discontinuities were dearly current necessary for the qualified welding procedure requir-
equipment set-up problems or human errors. which normally ing 4.5-rnm (¥o.~n.) electrodes in the fill and cap passes. A re-
disappear aiter a iew. days of construction. However, a vised procedure using 4.o-mm ('n,~n.) electrodes were qual-
recurring problem that immediately presented itself on com- ified to deal with Ihis limitation. At the end oi training. each
mencing production welding was indications of incomplete welder was qualified by successfully completing all passes on
sidewall fusion in the iirst iill pass. some of which were of re· half of the circumference of a tie-in weld. For repair welding,
jectable length. The indications were limited to the vertical the welders were required to complete repairs in two oppo-
sections (3 anri Y o'c1ock positions) of the weld and predom- site quadrants of a weld.
inantlyon one side of the pipe (one welder). At first, the dis- The completion time for the tie-in welds was only Slightly
continuity was detected only by ultrasonic inspection and was slower than a conventional tie-in of Ihe same size. due to the
coniirmed by metallographic examination of a cross-section extra care taken to achieve a good iitup. Twenty-six tie-ins
oi a defective weld. The discontinuity was later detected both were complete with eight requiring repair. Both the time and
by radiography ann ultrasonic inspection. The morphology the incidence of discontinuities would be expecled to de-
and location of the discontinuity indicates that it is technique crease as the welders became more familiilr wilh the new
reldted. As can be seen from Fig. 5. good penetration into the consumables.
hot pass had been achieved and the sidewall had been A total of 70 repairs were completed with 14 rejectable.
melted. However. slag had been allowed to run between the primarily due to porosity. Repair welcftng was considered to
molten pool and the sidewall and the weld failed to fuse. be slightly slower with the use of low-hydrogen downhill
The fill-pass bUgs are configured such that the torch trails electrodes. again through lack oi familiarity. Some of the re-
the carriage. which is opposite to the hot pass and cap pass pairs were performed internally using a special crawler and
bugs where the torch is located at the iront of the carriage. the 4.O-rnm low-hydrogen downhill electrode. In such a con-
The conventional fill-pass bUgs supply a "blanket" gas shield fined space. it was found that a smaller electrode would be
from a tube located in front of the arc. whereas. for the easier to handle.
pulsed GMAW process. the welding head has been modified
to supply a ilow of gas concentric to the welding arc. As a re- Summary and Conclusions
sult oi the gas cup surrounding the contact tube and the lim-
ited contact tube-to-work distance required by the process. A 2.S-1<m-long pipeline has been successfully designed.
the welder has limited visibility of the weld pool and. for the procured and constructed in accordance with the require-
vertical sections at least. he is viewing the pool from behind. mentsofCSA-Z 184 usingNPS 42 CSA-Z24S.1 Grade 550 pipe.
The problem is compounded by the brightness of the pulsed Current large diameter. cross-country pipeline construction
arc. and by the tact that the welder is changing position from
standing to lying on his back to complete the bottom portion
at the weld. During the change. he cannot control steering or Table 8-SMAW Procedure for Tie-ins
contact tube-to-work distance. For the second fill pass in the
10.6-rnm WT pipe, the welder's ability to see the arc and weld Electrode
Weld Size Welding Amperage Vol~age Range.
Table 7-Malerial Combinalions Qualified for SMAW Pass (mm) Class DireclionRange Range mm/min

Tie-in on 10.6 mm WT X Gr. 550 Root 4.0 E48011}<; Down 111H6Q 21-30 200-365
Tie-in on 16.9 mm WT X Gr. 550 Second 4.0 E48011}<; Down 120-180 24-36 25D-450
Tie-in on 16.9 mm WT X Gr. 550 10 17.5 mm X Gr. 483 FiII(s) 4.5 Eb201S-c Down 170-270 24-34 215-550
Repair on 10.6 mm WT X Gr 550 PGMA mainline welds Cap 4.5 Eb201S-c Down 180-260 22-34 17D-430
Repair on 16.9 mm WT X Gr 550 PGMA mainline welds Allernate 4.0 Eb201S-c Down 130-200 22-30 175-450
Repair on 16.9 mm WT X Gr 550 SMA 1ie1l welds Fm & Cap

60 I MAY 1992
practices can be used with Grade 550 pipe using mechanized . ".?

pulsed gas metal arc welding. Improvements in weldinJftech-

niques and welding equipment configuration have been SHEET METAL WELDING
identified to reduce the incidence of recurring discontinuities.
M.1nual shielded metal arc welding procedures with Iow- CONFERENCE
hydrogen downhill SMAW electrodes can be used for the .J

tie-in and repair welding of Grade 550 pipe. • October 7,8,9,1992

Fairlane Holiday Inn
References Detroit, Michigan
1. Pargeter. R. ,. 1986. Fie!d weldability of high strength pipefll'le The American Welding Society·Detroit Section
steels. Final report to the Pipetine Research Comminee of the Amer- urges you to attend this conference to discover the
ican Gas Associatkm on Project PR-16-1-415. AGA Catalog # L51507. latest in state-of-the-art sheet metal welding
2. Rothwell. A. B. 1990. Assessment of cracking tests for pipefine technologies. AWS Is sponsoring this phenomenal
steels. International Conterence on the Aoietallu"gy. Welding and three-day event to help promote the advances In
Qualification of MicroaJloyed (HSLA) Steer Weldments. Houston, Tex. the sheet meta1 joining sciences.
3. Denys. R. 11::190. Fracture behavior of large-diameter pipeline Leading specialists and AWS members wiD be
girth wekfs: Effect ot weld metal strength. Interim report to the Pipe- subini~ teclmical reports and special
line Research Comrninee of the American Gas Association on Project presentations in both the fundamental
PR-202-922. and application areas of welding.
4. Dorling. D. V.. Hunlley. R. M .. Geertigs. J.. and Rothwel. A. B.
1986. Pulsed gas metal arc welding of thick-section steels for Iow- In addition, wndor contact booths wiD be on
temperalure app/ications. Report prepared for Canmel by NOVA display to exhibit the J'I"'VIIiIing automation
Corporation of Alberta. DSS File # 14SQ.23440-4-9065. controls. robotics and laser teChnologies.
5. Thompson. 1. 5.. Rothwell. A. B.. and DorIing. D. V. 1988. The Unfortunately, attendance Is Umited and the
influence ot shiekfang gas composition on pulsed gas metal arc weld- conference Is expected to seIJ.out quickly.
ing ot arctic and offshore structures and pipelines. Report prepared You must resdster immediately to secure
lorCanmet by NOVA Corporation of Alberta. DSS Fle#03SQ.2.l44()o reservations. Por more information on the
6-91U. Sheet Metal Welding Conference V. contact the
b. MicroaUoying Inlernalional Inc. 1990. Pulsed gas metal arc AWS-Detroit SeCtion at 1313) 549-0520.
welcrang IPGMAW) oi API 5lX--60 pipe. American Gas Association. Fi-
nal report lor COll"act PR- t87-821. AGA Catalog #L51610.
7. Glover. A. G.. Hodgkinson. D.. and Dorling. D. V. 1990. The
Jpplicarion ot mechanized ultrasonic inspection and alternalive
oIcceplance criteria '0 pipeline girth wek:fs. Internalional Conference
on f'ipeline Technology. Ostenct Belgium. Clrcl. No. 20 on R••de, Info-C.rd

l-edJv t<. tt-

WELDING WORKBOOK Datasheet No. 204a

Practical information for welders and others involved in welding and its allied processes.

Cas Tungsten Arc Welding

Cas tungsten arc welding (ClAW) is a fusion process the torch excessively or the shielding gas coverage of the
tliat utilizes a nonconsumable tungsten electrode. An arC weld pool may be compromised and air may be drawn into
is established between the electrode and the workpiece, the shielding gas.
and metal fusion may be assisted by the addition of a filler If filler metal is used, make sure it is cleaned of contam-
metal or iI may be done without a filler metal. inants such as oil, oxides, dirt and grease. The filler rod
This process is noted (or its excellent quality welds and should be held at approximately a 1S-deg angle from lhe
absence of spatter. It can be used to join a variety of fer- workpiece and fed at the leading edge of the weld pool.
rous and nonferrous metals. To add filler melal. the end of the rod should be dipped
Manual performance of this process is known to require into the mollen pool, being careful not to touch the tungs-
dexterity and a greater eye-hand coordination than some ten electrode. It is incorrect to allow the end of the rod to
other fusion processes, especially when filler metal is melt and drip into the weld pool.
added. Arc initiation with manual welding is commonly Uis very important to keep the end of the rod, the weld
accomplished with the scratch or touch start technique or pool and the electrode all within the area covered by the
by high-frequency Slarting. shielding gas. If the hot end of the rod is removed from the
A technique for manual welding is illustrated below. protective shield, that end can become contaminated by
After the arc is established. a slight circular motion creates the atmosphere.
a molten pool. Once this is done, tilt the torch approxi- The whole process should be performed smoothly and
mately 5 to 15 de,.; from vertical and proceed to weld, keep- uniformly.
ing the weld pool at a uniform width. Be careful not to tilt

-_., (

A Circular Motion Develops the Weld Pool Electrode Moved to Trailing edge


Filler Metal Added at the Leading Edge Withdraw Rod Slightly from the Weld Pool

Move Electrode to Leading Edge and Repeat
the Procedure when Needed
Excerpted from the Weldins Handbook, Vol. 2, 8th edition.


Datasheet 204b

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

The selection of electrode, current and shielding gas de- As with any welding process, any problems that arise re-
pends on the type of metal being joined and its thickness. quire a careful evaluation of all factors involved :n the op-
The table below offers a guide for making those selections. eration (i.e.• fixturing, equipment, procedures), but the lable
Before welding, become familiar with the characteristics of below on troubleshooting offers some possible solutions to
the different electrodes, currents and shielding gases. common problems.

Recommended Types of Current, Tungsten Eleclrodes and Shielding Cues for W~lding Differ~t Metals

Type of Melal Thickness Type of Currenl Electrode- Shielding Gas

Aluminum All Alternating current Pure or zirconium Argon or argon-helium
over 1ft in. DCEN Thori<lted Argon-helium Of argon
under" in. DCEP Thoriated or zirconium "'gon
Copper. _ alloys All DaN Thori<lted Helium
under J' in. Alternating current Pure or zirconium Argon
Magnesium alloys All Alternating current Pure or zirconium Algon
under Wi in. DCEP Zirconium or thori,lled Argon
Nickel. nickC'1 alloys All DCEN Thoriated Atgon
Plain carbon, low-alloy steels All DCEN Thoriated Argon or argon-helium
under" in. Alternating current PurC' or zirconium Atgon
Stainless steel All DCEN Thoriated Argon or al}.'tm-twlium
under Vi in. Alternating current PurE" or zirconium A-g<>n
Titanium All DCEN Thoriated Atgon
'Whl'ft, mu,..""..d "ok,tnd'S ...... fl,'Omm..onded,. ~ (If 1.",11,,10011...1 l'kot"tfOlk'S ITIoIV ,1ho b.: UK'd.

Troubleshooting Cuide for Cas Tungsten Arc Welding

Problem Cause RC'IllOOY

Excessive electrode 1. In,ldequate gas flow. 1. IncreaS(" gas flow.
consumption 2. Operating on reverse polarity 2. Use larger electrode Of change to
3. Improper size eleclrode for current straight polarity.
required. 3. Use larger electrode.
4. Excessive heating in holder. 4. Check for proper coUet contact.
5. Contaminated electrode. 5. Remove contaminated portion. Erratic
6. Electrode oxidation during cooling. results will continue as long as
7. Using gas containing oxygen or COl. contamination exists.
6. Keep gas flowing .liter stopping arc for
at least 10 to 15 seconds.
7. Change to proper gas.
Erratic use 1. Base metal is dirty, greasy. 1. Use appropriate chemical cleansers,
2. joint too narrow wire brush, or abrasives.
3. Electrode is contaminated. 2. Open joint groove; bring electrode
4. lire too long closer to work; decrease voltage.
3. Remove contaminated portton of
4. Bring holder closer to work to shorten

Porosity 1. Entrapped gas impurities (hydrogen, 1. Blow out air irom all lines before
nitrogen, air, water vapor). striking arc; remove condensed
2. Defective gas hose or loose hose moisture from lines; use welding grade
connections. (99.99%) inert gas.
3. Oil film on base metal. 2. Check hose and connections for teaks.
3. Clean with chemical cleaner not
prone to break up in arc; DO NOT
Tungsten contamination of 1. Contact starting with electrode. 1. Use high frequency starter; use copper
wOOepiece 2. EJectrode melting and alloying with ...iker pia...
base metal. 2. Use less CUrrent or larger eJectrode;
J. Touching bJngslen to moI,en pool. use thoriated or zircooium-tungsten
3. Keep 'ungslen out 01 mohen pool.

232 I APRIL 1997


Orbital CTA Welding Used to

Replace Tubing at Generating Plant

E ach year, TransAha Ulililies Corp.

(TAU) of Calgary. Alberta, Canada,
shuts down one of the six coal-fired units
placements. The plant had experienced
several bimelallic weld failures in the
past and these failures typically cost the
of removing the existing bimetallic welds
(and adjacenl tubingland installing the
replacement bimetallic weld assemblies.
at its Sundance Generating Stalion for a company $50,000 per day in lost rev-
major turbine inspeclion/overhaul. The enue. Floyd wanted these replacemenls Orbital Pipe Welding
six units atlhe stalion, located 70 kilo- to allow the planlto operate with high
meters west of Edmonton, Alberta, have reliability for up to an additional 200,000 Traditionally, this work was carried
a total capacity of 2100 MW. This ex- hours. A new joint design was utilized oul by several skilled craftsmen. The
tended outage also provides the oppor- for the bimetallic weld. welding ponion of the work, stainless
tunity to undenake major boiler repairs. The new design used Inconel' as steel (J04·H) to stainless sleel. and
this year, !he 342 superheater bimetal- filler, instead of the original E309 weld- chrome-moly (T22) to chrome-moly.
lic welds were scheduled for replace- ing rod, and featured an altered weld would require 20 to 26 qualified gas
ment. These welds, which join the stain- profile with a wide cap. This design has tungsten are welders. On a similar pr0-
less steel internal elements with the shown a fourfold increase in the life of ject the previous year, the contraclor
chromium-molybdenum exlernal ele- the weld on laboratory creep tests. Orig· working for TAU was unabl" to hire
ments, had reached the end of their use- inally done as field welds, the replace- enough skilled workers 10 perform the
fullife. menl bimetallic welds for this project work, and TransAlta was forced to re-
were shop fabricaled off-site and cruit additional resources of manpower
Bimetallic Weld Replacement TransAha believes they won'l require re- and orbital welding equipm£"nt. manu·
placemenl during the remaining life of faClured by Arc Machines. Inc. of Pa-
The superheater design condilions the plant. The shop-fabricated assem- coima, Calif. During that project. the pa-
are 2475 psig atlooSoF. The bimelallic blies were four feet long. comprising two tentia' of the orbital welding eqoipment
welds absorb lhermal slresses altribuled feel each of stainless steel and
to varying expansion coefficients be- chromium-molybdenum tubing. and
one central bimetallic weld. The work 1. Inoonel ;s d ".clemdr! 0; ,h<" Inco iamily
tween dissimilar materials, in addition of comp;Jnies.
to normal pressure and lemperalure con- scheduled for the unit overhaul consisted
siderations. These stresses are accumu-
lated due 10 periodic unit shutdowns for
maintenance, resuhing in a creep life
weld limitation of nominal 100,000 op-
eraling hours. EPRllThe Electrical Power
Research Institule) has carried out a
number of studies into this problem, and
has eslimated that the firsl weld failure
could be expected at an accumulation
of 75,000 operating hours. The failures
typically have been shown to propagate
internally from the heal-affected zone
(HAZl. Unit One al Sundance is now 20
years old, and running with an availabil.
ity factor of 88%. It has accumulated
more than operating hours, and
numerous bimetallic welds had already
been repaired manually. II was clearly
!he time for replacement.
Floyd Mulligan, plant manager at the
station, was looking for welding quality
that would extend the life of the tube Fe-
FiB. I - A weld lINd po,ition«l on • superhNrer hurl« lube in _nltion fo< rrUlki"ll.
IlARBARiI K. HENON is willi teehnia/ __ weld. WIIM 1M weld /Iud is mt1UIIIed on "'" ante< ~ as shown. cle.rMIU Is just sufficient
Kces, Ale MKhi_. Inc. hcoirno. Q/i!. ftK toe.,;", the weld heM!. A finished weld c.n be ..... in the Ioreground.

pare the tubing ends for orbital welding.
The hUtl)an factor was cons~ as
well; In Older 10 minimize the time thaI
the men were away from Ihe job. spe-
. cial air-conditioned lunchroom and
washroom facilities wt"re conslrueted on
the sevenlh noor of the boiler bui 'ding
al the same level as the superheater
header. Since the only elevalor "ad a
limited capacity and was rather slow,
these specially built rooms contributed
to the efficiency of the project.
A lotal of 684 welds had to be made
in Ihree weeks. The header tubes are ar-
ranged in 114 rows stacked three tubes
deep with about 2 in. of radial clearClnce
provided between the tubes. All tubing
to be welded was 2 in. 00. Tbechrome-
moly tubing had a wall thickness of
0.460 in., while the stainless lubing had
a wall of 0.240 in. Before welding could
Fig.. :! - An orbitJI \\·ddin~ m.lchine operdlOr uses a prosram operator pend.lnt to ddjust the begin, ABB's welding engineering tech-
JJfNtion 01 tht' ndd Jw.JCI in p(('PMJtiOIJ (or wt'lding the superheater header tube. Note 1M lin· nologist, larrie Hermans, had to develop
ishlvl chmmium-molyhd<'IJUm.lo-<.-hromium-moJrbdenum welds 4Jnd Ihe Idyered arrangement
of Ihf.· tuhi",; f'fl/ly;nj: the superheJler h('~lder.
a qualified welding procedure that con-
formed to Sections I and IX of the ASME
Boiler and Pressur" Vessel Code. Weld
WdS rC'c.:ognizeu hy Steve, TAU technology profile. The Iraining took Procedure Specifications (WPS), and
wnior pngineering technologist. place at ABB's Edmonton office. frank Procedure and Performance Quali-
Tr.lnsAltd \\-'anted 10 use the orbital York, pipe welding product manager fication Records <PQRs) were requ ired
wr.ldinl-\ t~(luif)m{!nt (or the bimetallic and welding specialist from Arc Ma- to certify that both the process and the
wt.'ld (t.'P'.l«..·ment un the Sundance Unit chines, spent two 32 hour sessions, welding operators satisfied Ihe require-
111. Wurking with Asecl Brown Boveri, training four welders on the equipment ments of the code.
Inc V\BB Cum bust ion Servil"esl. plan- in eaeh session. Upon completion of The work was carefully planned by
ninl-: \\1.15 done to incorporate Ihe use 0; their training. each welder had 64 hours ABB and TAU. Steve Thomas (TAUI,
rh£' urhil.ll welding equipment into lhe of experience working wilh the equiip- Brad Hercze~. ABB maintenance man-
prnjl·cl. TAU ~t.'lected
.o\BB p.1rtly be- ment. Half of this time was spent on ager, and Spencer Allen, ABB site super- (
(".lllSl~ oi its nmsidt.·r.,ble cxpt'ricncc welding and half on performing joint visor, worked fO generate a viable plan
with Ihl' liSt" 0; orbital weldin~ equip- prep."ation, all of which was under the that gelVe a realistic picture o( the actual
mpn, .,1 UlliN m.lior utilities lhroughout supervison of ABB's senior orb~al weld- man-days needed to perform the job.
C.m.ItI.I. ing technician, Steve Chambers.
Welding Equipment
Personnel Selection and Training The Scope of Work
Three Model 215 full-function micro-
for th.. job.lI the Sundance Gener- The scope of work was carefully processor-controlled pipe welding
.llin).; SI.,lion.•1 reli.lble SUUfl"e or Ir.,ined planned with a detailed estimate of the power supplies were used on this pro-
m~lI1p(}\Ver \'\(dS .l~.lin needed. In the actual man-days required for each phase ject- fig. 1. The qualified weld sched-
C.lIlolcfi.lIl po\V~r industry. m.ljor main- of the job. Dai Iy goals were set for tube ules listing the weld parameters for travel
Il'n.1n("(' OVl'rh.luls .1rp schl'dult'rl for the dressing, setup.
summt.'r months \\o"hen the dlaniand for filling, welding the
pnwpr is less. DurinA this time of year rools. x-ray, ele.
Iherl' is llSU.llly d short.1~c o( m.mpower. The aClual job was
•-\BB Comhustion S~rviccs. .11 the lime begun on August 2
o( Ihl' Suncl.lncc Unit III projcct, did nol and scheduled for
heWe..' .1 Idrgt' l.'1l0UKh st.,t{( of rr.. inro rna· (amplelion on
chine 0f'C"r.,tors.•,nd there W.1S no avail- September 16. Ev-
..1bl(' pool oi It.lined opl·rators. TAU, eryth ing possible
working closely \",ill1 ABO. invested in was done to assure
the Ir.lining of eight weldl"rs employed thaI the job would
with ABB on.1 regular basis from the In- be done effi-
tern.Jtion.ll Brotherhood of Boilermak- ciently, smoothly
ers. local 146. local 146 is ABBls man- and on schedule.
power supplier in lhe Alberta area for TransAlta pro-
boiler maintenance. The local was very vided tools and es-
interested in orbital welding technology sential equipment.
and felt that obtaining training for its including facing
members would give them a higher. equipment to pre- Fig. 3 - The welding operator controls lhe welding ~ratlon £tOm
Ihe penrhnt while ,he weld head, which is posilioned "" /he bottom
row of lhe superlleater ",,"der 'ubing. e>recules lhe weld. ·'.

64 I MAY 1992
spt'ed. M( \()Ir.l~e conlrol. were able to Sdve lime hv
',: \\cldinA currents. o!"cillcltion schNiulinH the radiQAr.lphv 10
.,ncJ wire il'"ed !-peed \\-ere en- be done on the W{OCk(.'ndS.
lerm into the unit viol the pro- ABB developed .1 numhf"r
~r.lmOpN.llor pend.lnt .lnd of lime-sJving iabric.llion
slorpcl in l1l~mor~' - FiA. 2. techniques ior cutlinJ; anc1
Durin~ tht· \\del. ~Ih:hl Sll't'(· purg,ing. This was done 10
inA nI thp torch W.1S .Kearn· give TAU the hesl possible'du~ing the 5n1.lller .W:\.- cost J.S Ihis project was done
iliarv nper,'lin~ pend.mE. four on a time dnd m.llerials basis.
Model R 1 woller-cooled pipe Arc Machines coop(>ratcd b,,'
wt'ldin~ ht'.lds were prpsent hdvinH Frank York un site 10
un the ~itl.·: one \\'c1S kepi to he advise 1hem .lnd keep rhe
US~I.1S.1'. Thl' M·R1 had welding opcr.uion going.
,1 I t!xlens.ion ior the end AII"r Ihe 51art oi th" job. Ih,,\,
of Ih<..· IOfl"h. which provided were .1hle to save a signiiic.lnt
hfmer \ isibililv or the joint dur- amount 0; welding time bv
il1~ wl'lding and IJrolecled the reducing rhe- numbl'f 01
wl·ld h£>.,d from l'xcC'ssive passes on the st.linless·lo-
Iw.lI. Tht' working SI>.1<..t..' WelS st.linless \"'clds irom iour 10
vl'r\, 1i1.:hl \\Ilh .1 les~ thOlIl ~­ three. The <.:hrome molv-Io·
in •. dl'.U.Hll."(" hl'(\\CCn the chrome moly w('ld rE.'quire-d
lulx'~ -FiA. S.I" 01 lew pl.lC('S. '.- ..... eight passes to (OO1p((.'I<.'. fhl'
Ill<' luh,'s h.ld '0 h" slighlly stclinless-Io-stainless welds
spn·.ld .1p~UI to .KcoOlmodale were done iirsl so Ch.l1 thest.·
Iht' Wt'h.l IW.ld. which h.1s .1 welds could be purJ;M wilh
nOll1imdl r.ldi.ll dt'M.ll1t:(' of inert drAon AdS durin~ \\'(,Id-
1.73 in. inA. PurRinA wilh .ugon Jtm·
Tlw luhes .11 ont' end ui Ihe tccts the weld suri.lce ;rom
1U'.u'C'r wt"re welded first wilh oxid.ltiun .1nd provides .1
Ill(' ulh.'r.Hurs \\'urkin~ toward cleaner, higher qu.llity \.......·ld.
rhp n'nlt'r nn IwO of the 01.1- The soluble pur~c cl.101
l hifW~ iFig. -II, .1I1d from (he ri.ll Ih.ll W.lS used \\',lS r('-
tow,un tlu' olhpr ('od
l ('111('( muvpd durin~ hydrolt.·sting.
\\illl Ihplh'\rrl m.H.-bi,l('. l$.-'tlV- Thf" \\·t"ldin~ (tPN.lti(ms Wl'rp
il1J.:, II WIIl( ow 01 llllWPIC ed (;()nSI~ll'IIlIY !J\:I\I\\' 111,,- ":)1'-

luht's 10 providl' ,In.:css for m.ltro nl.1n·d.l~'S tor w(lldin~.

\\(·JdillJ.: - Fj~. 3. TlU'rc W.1S but these irnpwvP!1lC'f1IS
good (r.1\\,1 !"p.l((' unciN thl' we((l. 10 5001<' ext('nr. nm·
10\\('( row oi IUhing, hut tilt' Fi,.:. ., - P,Jr,,,,tlv (~fJmph.·'t'(/ chromium-nlf)/)'lJdMum-UH'hrom;um- sumcd hv e);,lr.l limp nc<,ded
n'nlt'r row oi luhing \\,.1S tht· moJrhdeoum weld.. (m <;upCrhl'.lffV he.ldeor fum's_ flit' mot fJ.r~s .lOti tor IU<.'<:ision iit·up.<Jt·~1 10 n'.l<:h. Ii thl!~e wl~lds 'i~t ti// pJS.\ .lft' dam' ,;(~t .md thm mu..t pdSS ,.ld;(J,l!r.ll'h~· in"/Jef.·,ion ABB l'stim.llcs Ih.11 lhi~ joh.
W('f(' dOIlI"Ill.1IlU.ll1V. the ('en· 1)(.·If)((· tll(.' [in.11 fill,lOrl (",If) P.U5l'S Cdn be done. done with orhit.11 \V('lding.
h'r row \\,('Id would h.1\'(' to he was _,l>oUI 2:;% morC'l'I"iidl'nl
dOlw ,,:ilh Ih(> ,,,·.. Iell'( ('':ll:hinA Ihclll .1 ~imilctr juh dUll(> Iwo
down from thl' lop or up irom the hot- live irom the St.lft of the replacement hefnre with CTA'A'. In ,lei·
torn. \\'ilh Ih(' orhit"l t'Quipment, it was projecl. \Vith three eiAhl-hour shifls in dilion. Ihere is now .1 core oi traint'(t pt'r-
pO!ioihll' to'.1 single oper.ltor on each opC'ration iive days a week, the produc· sonnelthat (~an he 1<11>.)('(1 ;or iUlurC' jobs,
nhlrhirw, when.',ls it Ihf' joh werfO to bp tivilV lev(>1 .1Ver-
dun(' m,mu.ll1v. Iwu welders would he il~ed tlbout eiJ;hl
wurking un the same weld joint tit the w"lds p"r shii. per
~olm(' lifllll , Thus. the use u( the oluto- machine. Some
m,lIic ('(luipm('nt eliminated some of the operators were
work Ih,ll would be done with the mcln- .1ble 10 doubie this
ual \\'(.,lelN in ,111 uncomiortable I>osition ratc.
or in c1iiiicult-lo·reJ<:h places. On previous
projects done with
manual welding
Production Techniques Lead to ll!Choology, radio-
Increase in Productivity graphy was a con-
straint to produc-
()urinA trc1ining. h'O..lls were set for lhe tivity and cl time
1"",,1 oi ","'ding produclivily that would window 10 f>eriorm
Ih" radiography
be required 10 complete the project suc·
cessiully. Although cl 1C'.uning curve was was required. On '

expecled. the operators were produc· Ihis project, they

Fill. 5 - FinistKd wclds show three-deep .1«Jn;<:ement 01 svperhe.Jlpr
heading tuhin]: .J~ ,~. Mlf'rlhe Mo.1dfar .11 /f"it.


• Easy to program and use. Each screen is prompted in English, French and German (other
languages available)
• Solid-state pulsed 350 amps DC GTAW Power Supply, 100% Duty Cycle
• High capacity memory for storage of weld schedules
• Operator overrides on 14 essential welding variables. Amount of override can be controlled by
the user from 0% to 100%
• Compatible with all standard Arc Machines' weld heads
• Operates up to 200 feet away from weld head
• Complete line of options and accessories
• Built-in diagnostic features


Arc Machines. Inc. Arc Machines, Inc. Arc Machines GmbH Arc Machines UK limited
10280 Glenoaks Blvd. Chemin du lavasson 2 Markelsbach 2 Unit 31, Derwent Business Ctr.
Pacoima. CA 91331 CH-1196 Gland 0-53804 Much Clarke Street
U.S.A. Switzerland Germany .- Derby, DE1 2BU England
Tel: 1-818-896-9556 Tel: +41 / 22/995.00.51 Tel: 02245/91680 Tel: 01332129.1.888
Fax: 1-818-890-3724 Fax: +41 /22/995.00.59 Fax: 02245/916868 Fax: 01332/291295
The').rc Machines Model 215 microprocessor-controlled power supply is a field-proven GTAW power supply wtlich (
represents the latest in state-of-the-art technology. II is a solid-state pulsed 300 amps DC power supply with a
100% duty cycle. The Model 215 operates all standard Arc Machines welding heads and is an extremely versatile
power supply with a strong emphasis on ease of operation. Each programming screen is prompted in plain
English assuring the user simple and fast programming of weld schedules. No computer codes are used.

The memory system of the Model 215 is capable of storing a large number of weld schedules. Each individual
weld schedule may consist of up to 100 passes with 38 variables and each pass may contain up to 100 levels with
17 variables. These combinations allow virtually unlimited versatility.

The Arc Machines Model 215 can be stationed up to 200 feet away from the weld location. All controls necessary
to operate the Model 215 are located on a small. portable. hand-held programmer-operator pendant, which can be
located at the weld site or near the power supply. When welding in a hazardous environment is mandated. the
Model 215 has a remote welding option which allows the operator to monitor the weld on a TV screen while
maintaining a safe distance from the hazardous area.

The Arc Machines Model 215 Offers:

• Solid-state. precision. pulsed GTAW power supply
• Operates all standard AMI welding heads
• Complete operation and programming at weld head location
• Alpha-numeric graphic display of all weld information and
function values. plus patented "Heads-Up" display available
with remote pendant
• Large-capacity memory for storage of all weld schedule
information and function values
• Display of system operation instructions (operator prompting)
• Rapid input of weld schedule information
• Fourteen user-controlled overrides. programmable from
0% to 100%
• Complete line of accessories available
• Detects and indicates faults such as: ground, temperature.
gas flow, coolant flow, internal voltages, etc. Model 215 Program Operator Pendant
• Current pulsation synchronized with oscillation, dwell.
wire feed and travel

Complies with all applicable international norms and directives, inclUding: IEC 974·1; ISOIDIS 700; EN 50199; EN 60974·1,

Technical Data:
Process: GTAW (TIG) Arc Start System: High frequency or touch start
Weld Current: 5 to 350 amps DCSP Input Power: 230/460 VAC, 3 phase 60 Hz,
±1%, 100% Duty Cycle Other ratings available.
Arc Voltage Control: 5to 20 volts Dimensions: Height: 36.00"
(Closed loop position servo) Width: 24.00"
TraveVRotation Speeds: Range depends on weld head type Depth: 42.00"
Wire Feed Speed: 1.0 to 200 IPM synchronized to Memory Capacity: Up to 254 weld schedules
pulsation and oscillation Up to 100 passes per schedule
Torch Oscillation: Range depends on weld head type Up to 100 levels per pass
Cooling System: liqUid cooled. Filtered forced-air Overrides: Programmable from 0% to 100%
heat exchanger Applicable Spec: Specification No. 215

Specifications subject 10 change without notice.

·,ARC MACHINES, INC. One Year limited W;uranty

Made in the U.S.A.


Shown wifh fitting-fa-fitting weld

Ideal For:
• Fabrication shops

• Food, dairy and beverage industries Shown with fitting-fa-ferrule

• Biomedical 1 pharmaceutical installations

• Semiconductor fabrication facilities and high-purity piping installations

• Vacuum and exhaust fittings

• CIP panel construction and valve clusters 1 headers

• Sanitary ferrule and short-tangent weld fittings

• Orbital weld head for fusion welding of fitting to fitting, fitting to tube, and tube to tube applications

• Narrow head width accommodates all "standard" tube fittings

• Highly efficient liquid cooling of both intemal and extemal components allows high duty cycle usage

• Range: 1.00" 0.0. to 4.00" 0.0. (25,4mm to 101,6mm 0.0.)

• All-gear drive mechanism


Arc Machines, Inc. Arc Machines, Inc. Arc Machines GmbH Arc Machines UK Umited
10280 Glenoaks Blvd. Chemin de la Cretaux Schmerbachstrasse 9 Unit 31, Derwent Business Glr.
Pacoima, CA 91331 CH-1196 Gland 0-53804 Much Clarke Street
~~~.A(818) 896-9556
Switzerland Derby, DEl 2BU England
Tel: +41/22/364.1064 Tel: 02245/5868 Tel: 01332/291888
Fax: (818)890-3724 Fax: +41 122/364.1809 Fax: 02245/5965 Fax: 01332/291295
The Model 8-4000 weld head Is an Ol'bital weld head fqI: Julion TIG (GTAW) ~. oJ ~ lUlling. end thin wall
pipe. The narrow width of this head makes it ideal for limited clearance applications, such as welding filtl~ to
filtl~ or fitting to valve body assemblies. Welds materials such as stainless steel, titanium, Hastelloy and other
autogenously weldable alloys.

A key feature of the Model 8-4000 weld head is its unique cooling design, allowing high duty-cycle welding. When
connected to an AMI cooling unit, all components of this weld head are Iiquid-eooled, including cables, upper and
lower clamp housings and electrode rotor (patent pending).

A variety of clamps are available to perfectly suit every welding application. For fitting-to-fitting welds the standard
Model 8' (narrow) clamps require the least amount of stick-out. Where more stick-out Is available (sizes up to
3.500" 0.0. or 88,9mm), an adapter ring may be used in conjunction with Model 9-3500 standard or 9E-3500 extra
wide clamp inserts, providing maximum grip and support, and allowing the usage of existing customer's inventory.

To weld fittings or ferrules with dimension Tless than shown here, please contact AMI factory. sales offices or
one of our representatives for recommendations.

Weld Head TubelPlpe 0.0. T
Model No. Range A B C 0 E E1· E2·· p •• minimum

8-4000 1.00-4.00" 16.19" 3.81· 3.75"' 0.85" 1.02" 2.14" 1:70" 0.85"
25,4-101,6mm 411,2mm 96,8mm 95,2mm 190,5mm 21,6mm 25,9mm 54.3mm 43,2mm 21,6mm


F r
ll.JI ~ E,E1,E2

ModeIB-4000 shown with representative sanitary fittings

"I: dimension with standard Model 8 narrow clamp insert

"E1" dimension with adapter ring & standard Model 9 clamp insert
~. -ET dimension with adapter ring and extra wide Model 9 clamp insert
"P'dimension with standard Model 8 narrow clamps

Technical Data ]
Process: GTAW (TIG) Fusion only Eleclrode Size: 1/16" and 3/32"
Travel Motor: D.C., P.M., D.C. Tachometer Rotor RPM: 0.1 to 5.0
Head Weight: 10 Ibs. (less cables) Cable Length: 25 Ft. inclUding adapter cable
Recommendation: Water cooling unit Extension cables are available
Specifications subject to change without notice

ARC MACHIf:JES, INC. One Year Umited Warranty

Made in the U.S.A.




• Rugged, compact weld head with water-cooled torches

• Exclusive, zero-backlash gear drive (no friction drives) for positive, consistent travel speeds
(uphill or downhill) in all positions
• Range from 3" pipe through all standard pipe sizes, such as 6", 8", 10", 12" up to any diameter.
Flat track for flat plate welds and large-radius curved track are available
• Extremely quick mount / dismount

• Cross-seam steering
• Synchronized torch oscillation, AVe, rotation and wire feed

• On-board wire feed mechanics, single or dual wire feed system

• Compatible with AMI Model 215 or Model 227 Power Supplies


Arc Machines, Inc. Arc Machines, Inc. ArcMachlnes GmbH Arc Machines UK Umlted
10280 Glenoaks Blvd. Chemin de la Cretaux Schmerbachstrasse 9 Unit 31, Derwent Business Ctr.
Pacoima, CA 91331 CH-1196 Gland 0-53804 Much Clarke Street
U.S.A. Switzerland Germany Derby, DE1 2BU England
Tel: (818) 896-9556 Tel: +41/22/364.1064 Tel: 02245/5868 Tel: 01332/291888
Fax: (818) 890-3724 Fax: +41/22/364.1809 Fax: 02245/5965 Fax: 01332/291295
15 WH/November. 1995/E
Model 15 Narro",,-Gap To,.,h
The narrow-gap torch was designed to promote positive fusion of weld-joint side walls in healiy-wall pipe and vessel
welds, with less heat input and quicker weld times than conventional equipment now being used. This'torch uses a
rotating tungsten. which provides mechanical manipulation of the arc and wire feed within the groove. The integral (
gas cup provides direct gas shielding 01 the tungsten and the weld metal. This combination, in conjunction with
narrow preps, allows deposition rates that are higher than conventional cold-wire GTAW. Current weld preps being
used are approximately 112" Wide, in the root area, with a 3 to 9 degree included angle for welds up to 4" thick. The
clean, compact torch design simplifies process operation so that no special training is required for operators familiar
with AMI orbital pipe welding equipment.
Narrow Groove Data: 30" 00, 4" Wall Pipe
~ No. of Passes
Ii] Lbs Filler
150 II Arc Time (Hrs.)

Standard Prep Compo Bevel Narrow Gap
Consult Arc Machines, Inc. for applications assistance
• Suitable to weid up to 6" wall thicknesses
• Excellent remote visibility. Equipped with 2 video cameras
• Torch set-up in 2" increments to minimize radial clearance • I

• Reduces weld time -

• Wire size range: 0.030 • 0.045" -


• Torch: Water-cooled, 350 amp ,

- -,,
• Optional 0.375" wide gas cups for special applications
• Actual weld groove (joint prep) depends on the type of material .. .--i
being joined, component geometry and restraint
• ~ .-
;.- - 1


Model 15 Options
AVC { Oscjllator Interchange: Allows the AVe Servo to be used as the oscjllator and allows the oscjllator servo to
be used as the AVe. Required when torch is tilted to be parallel with axis of the weld head. (Used for buttering,
nozzle build-Up, bUlkhead or similar welds)
AVli Heversal: Allows for the torch to be mounted upside down and the AVC to operate in reverse. (Required for
large diameter 1.0. welding)

Right-Angle Drive: Allows the weld head to be mounted perpendicular to the pipe instead of parallel to it. Used for
short radius elbows or tight axial clearance in conjunction with AVe { ose Interchange.

AVC TIlt: Allows the torch and AVe movement to be tiited up to a 60 degree angle. (Required for fjllet and socket
v- ---~ .. __ ._. • __ ~ ....- VI

contact Arc Machines.

15-CW Wire Feeder and Spool Holder: Additional (second) wire feeder. Allows welding in both directions of head
travel; the power supply automatically selects proper wire feeder as a function of rotation direction.

ii'Am'dr',Ol'lg r'aOtUS'lll68w; . (t:6nsuit Afc"Madiines: Inc.)

Gas Cup { Gas Lens { Wire Manipulator Extender: This multi-part option allows most torches to be used In WAin
1"1'" WilD up \0::> wall IOICKness.

Cables: Extension cable assemblies are available which allow weld head operation up to 200 feet from the power

Large Wire Spool Holders: Allows use of S" (10 lb.) or 12" (30 lb.) wire spools under certain limited conditions.

300 IPM Wire Feed MotQr: For use with special-applicatiQn tQrches.
'x tt' 'V" •• , ...... y' ,.'t,yMy'" '!'V'Ylp. I VI at-'..,u"aLlVIIIC\.fUIIIIIY II.VltI IUlque or raster travel.

Technical Data

Torch AVC StrQke: 1.75" AmplitUde, max.: 1.00"

Travel Speed: 0.1 to 20 IPM Wire Manipulator: Vertical, HorizQntal and
Wire Feed Speed: 5tQ2oolPM lManu:1!i Ani \ 4nOI"!:IIr
Torch: Water-cooled, 300 ADe Fjller Wire: 0.020 - 0.045",
100% duly cycle Standard: 0.035"
Torch Adjustments: Torch specific Wire Spool Size: 2 lb., 4· standard spool
Tungsten Size: 3132", lIS" Qr 5132" Radial Clearance Depends Qn pipe diameter,
Torch Cross-seam Range: tQrch type and configuration;
Steering Range: 2.00" 3.750· (minimum)
Axial Clearance Depends Qn torch type and
Max. Wall Thickness: Depends Qn tQrch type, Range: options; 11.5" (minimum)
-_.. ~--- ---' ~~-----
OiJtiirie Drawing:
- _.".- .
SpecificaIJons subject to change without notice.

IARC MACHINES, INC. One Year Umlted Warranty I

Made in the U.S.A.

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