Unit I. Unit II. Cells, Tissues, Glands and Membranes

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Unit I. Unit II.

Cells, Tissues, Glands

and Membranes
A. Anatomy
1. Definition 1. Cells
2. Types of Study A. Cell Structure and Function
-Systematic Anatomy B. Whole Cell Activity
-Regional Anatomy
- Surface Anatomy 2. Tissues
A. Basic Tissue Types
B. Physiology -epithelial tissue
1. Definition -Connective tissue
2. Types of Study -muscle tissue
-according to the organism involved -nervous tissue
- according to levels of organism - membranes
within a given organism -inflammation
-tissue repair
C. Structural and Functional
organization 3. The Chemistry of Life
1. Seven Structural Levels A. Basic Chemistry
- Chemical B. Chemical Reactions
-Organelle C. Acids and Bases
-Cell D. Water
-Tissues E. Organic Molecules
- Organ
-Organ System Unit III. The Respiratory
-Organism System
D. Characteristics of Life A. Anatomy of the Respiratory System
1. Organization - Nose & Nasal Cavities
2. Metabolism - Pharynx
3. Responsiveness - Larynx
4. Growth - Trachea
5. Development - Bronchi & smaller air passages
6. Reproduction - Lungs
- Pleural cavities
E. Homeostasis
1. Negative feedback
2. Positive feedback B. Ventilation and Lung Volumes
F. Terminology and the Body Plan -Phases of Ventilation
1. Directional Terms -Mechanisms of Ventilation
2. Planes/Sections -Collapse of the Lung
3 Body Regions - Pulmonary volumes and capacities
4. Body Cavities
5. Serous Membranes C. Gas Exchange

D. O2 and CO2 transport in the Blood

E. Modification of Ventilation
Unit IV. The cardiovascular
B. The Endocrine Glands and their
A. The Heart Hormones
C. Other Hormones
B. The Blood Vessels and Circulation of
-Structure & Function Unit IX. The Urinary System
-Blood Vessels of the Pulmonary and Fluid Balance
-Blood Vessels of the Systemic A. Structure and function
Circulation 1. Kidney
-The Physiology of Circulation 2. Ureters
-Control of Blood Vessels 3. Urinary Bladder
-Regulation of Arterial Pressure 4. Urethra

Unit V. The Blood B. Fluids and Electrolytes

1. Body Fluid Compartments
A. Function 2. Composition of Fluid in the body
B. Composition of Blood Fluid Compartments
-Plasma 3. Exchange between Body fluid
-Cellular Content Compartments
-WBC or Leukocytes 4. Regulation of Extracellular Fluid
-Platelets or Thrombocytes Composition
C. Preventing Blood Loss 5. Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
6. Alterations in the Buffering
Unit Vi. The Lymphatic System
and Immunity
Unit X. The Integumentary
A. Functions System
B. Lymphatic Vessels
C. Lymphatic Organs A. Structure of the Skin
D. Immunity B. Accessory Skin Structures

Unit VII. The Digestive System Unit XI. The Nervous System

A. Activities in the Digestive System A. Division of the Nervous System

B. Trunks or Layers of the Digestive B. Cells of the Nervous System
Tract C. Central Nervous System
C. Organs and Functions of the D. Peripheral Nervous System
Digestive System E. Autonomic Nervous System
D. Movements and Secretions in the
Digestive System
E. Metabolism Unit XII. The Special Senses

A. Major Groups
Unit VIII. The Endocrine System B. General Sense
C. Special Senses
A. Hormones
Unit XIII. The Skeletal System

A. Major Components
B. Connective Tissue
C. General Feature of Bone
D. General Classification of Bone

Unit XIV. The Muscular System

A. Characteristics of Skeletal muscle

B. Smooth Muscle Anatomy
C. Skeletal Muscle Anatomy

Unit XV. The Reproductive


A. Male Reproductive System

-Physiology of male reproduction

B. Female Reproductive System

-Physiology of the female reproduction

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