Anatomy and Physiology of Gallbladder

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• Located in right hypochondriac

• It is a pear-shaped sac from
7-10cm long and 3cm broad at
its widest point. Can hold 30-
50 ml of bile.
• Divided into four anatomic
portions: the fundus, the
corpus or body, infundibulum,
and the neck.
• Fundus is the rounded, blind end
• Normally extends beyond the liver's
• It may be unusually kinked and
present the appearance of a
“phrygian cap.”
• It contains most of the smooth
muscle of the organ
• Corpus or body, which is the major storage
area and contains most of the elastic
• The body tapers into the neck, which is
funnel-shaped and connects with the cystic
• The neck usually follows a gentle curve,
the convexity of which may be distended
into a dilatation known as the infundibulum,
or Hartmann's pouch.
The Gallbladder is a
small, pear-shaped organ
in the abdomen.  Its job
is to store and release
bile, a fluid made by the
liver.  Bile helps break
down fats in the food you
• Your liver makes bile.
• Most of the bile is
sent through a
network of ducts to
the duodenum (first
part of the small
intestine).  A small
amount of bile is also
sent to the
gallbladder for
• BILE SALTS, (formed in the liver from
cholesterol) are the most essential part of
• BILE PIGMENTS-The pigment bilirubin
(red) and biliverdin (green), derived from
hemoglobin, give bile its greenish color
because it secretes bile into ducts.
1. It breaks down the fats
that you eat so that your
body can utilize them.
2. Bile is a very powerful
antioxidant which helps to
remove toxins from the
• The gallbladder stores
some bile.  The
concentrates the bile
by removing the
water.  When bile is
needed to digest fats,
hormones (chemical
messengers) signal the
gallbladder to squeeze
bile out through the
cystic duct.
• Bile is sent to the
duodenum. The bile
moves through the
common bile duct to the
duodenum. There, it
mixes with food. The
pancreas  adds other
juices. Digestion
continues in the small

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