Thermoluminecent Dosimeters: Nayana.M M.Sc. Radiation Physics Calicut University

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The key takeaways are that TLDs are used to monitor radiation exposure and dose by measuring light emitted when heated, TLD materials include lithium fluoride and calcium sulfate doped with dysprosium, and TLDs have both advantages like sensitivity and reusability as well as disadvantages like lack of uniformity and fading.

A thermoluminescent dosimeter, or TLD, is a type of personnel radiation dosimeter that measures ionizing radiation exposure by measuring the intensity of visible light emitted from a crystal in the detector when the crystal is heated, with the amount of light dependent on the radiation exposure.

In a TLD reader, the irradiated TLD material is placed in a heater cup and heated, causing electrons trapped in the crystal to be released as photons of light. This light is measured by a photomultiplier tube which converts it to an electrical current, which is then amplified and measured to determine the radiation dose absorbed by the TLD.



As per the radiation protection rules , radiation monitoring become
necessary for person , patient ,public. Dosimetry is the monitoring of individuals to accurately
determine their radiation dose equivalent at work sites.
When radiation interacts with the human body, there are no perceptible
sensations and usually no immediate effects. To protect ourselves and others, we must use
and rely upon instruments to quantify and qualify radiation measurements .That is to ensure
dose limits are not exceeded 20 mSv /y for whole body and to confirm that doses are As Low
As Reasonably Achievable.

 Thermoluminesecence is the glowing property of some materials when get heated..

 A thermoluminescent dosimeter, or TLD, is a type of personnel radiation dosimeter. It
measures ionizing radiation exposure by measuring the intensity of visible light emitted
from a crystal in the detector when the crystal is heated.
 The amount of light emitted is dependent upon the radiation exposure
 Measures radiation ranges from 10mR- 10000R with accuracy of +/- 10%
Theory of thermoluminescent dosimetry:-
 Heating causes e- to drop back to valence band, releasing a
photon of energy equivalent to energy difference between trap
state and ground state.

 If it take long time to drop back then it is called FADING. It is a

property that is dependent on incident energy and intrinsic
property of TLD material.
Glow Curves
- Plot of thermoluminescence against temperature is called
Glow curve.

- As the temperature of TL material exposed to radiation is

increased the probability of releasing e- increases.

- Optimum Temperature for TLD readout is 170-230oc

- Area under this curve is directly proportional to the amount

of radiation that was absorbed in the chip.

- The individual glow peaks are numbered and correspond to

different trap depths.
o The materials are usually inorganic crystalline or polycrystalline crystals or
phosphors which have defects produced during synthesis including those
due to impurities added intentionally.
o The most commonly used TL phosphors are:
o lithium fluoride
o calcium fluoride
o lithium borate
o calcium sulphate.
o In India CaSO4:Dy(1:3) embedded Teflon TLD disk are used.
o It should have a single glow curve.
Characteristics of CaSO4:Dy

- Effective Atomic No- 15.

- Main Peak at 200oC
- Emission Maximum 480-570 nm
- Fading less than 5 % per month(at 25oC )
- Self fading 0.01 mSv/month
- Linearity in Response :linear upto 30 Gy
- Colour of emitted light :yellowish -white
To measure X, , - radiation

- Irradiated material is placed in heater cup or planchet

and heated .

- Emitted light is measured by photomultiplier tube

converts light into electrical energy. current is then
amplified and measured by recorder
-One badge should be worn at chest level to record whole body equivalent
- Should be worn below the lead apron if used.
-If selectively high doses are expected to hands and head- additional wrist
and head badges may be used.

◦ Able to measure a greater range of doses (better sensitivity)

◦ Doses can be easily obtained
◦ Linearity of dose response
◦ Energy independence.
◦ Quicker turn around time for readout
◦ Reusable
◦ Small size -So effective in point dose measurement.
◦ Less expensive.

 Lack of uniformity – batch calibration needed

 Light sensitivity
 Fading
 No permanent record
 Dust on the detector will glow when heated and will be recorded by
the phototube as a false reading.

 Use of TLD is necessary at radiation working environment

 It only measures the dose doesn’t provide any protection to


 A TLD of one can’t be used by other.

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