Samsul Bahri
Samsul Bahri
Samsul Bahri
The 3rd International Seminar on Science Education
Organized by:
Science Education Program, Graduate School
Indonesia University of Education (IUE)
The 3 International Seminar on Science Education
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Responsible Persons:
Prof. Dr. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd. (IUE Rector)
Prof. Furqon, Ph.D. (Director of SPs IUE)
Prof. Dr. Liliasari, M.Pd. (Head of Science Education Program, SPs UPI)
Steering Committee:
Dr. Agus Setiawan, M.Si., Dr. Agus Setiabudi, M.Si., Dr. Ari Widodo, M.Ed.
I Gede Rasagama, Muh. Tawil, Suatma, Ajat Sudrajat, Rudy Hidana, Ketang
Wiyono, Abdul Haris Odja, Al Husni, Samsul Bahri
This seminar conducted to fulfill annual agenda of Science Education Program of IUE
Graduate School. This is the third international seminar that has been conducted by the
Nowadays many educational problems faced in Indonesia. Rapid development of the
number of students, subject matter concepts, but limitation time, and many abstract science
concepts, caused difficulties in students learn. There is also disparity of educational quality
in many schools in Indonesia those have difficulties to get information in rural area. The
development of information and communication technology in this digital era is the answer of
the problems. Therefore it needs exchanges information between science education
researchers all over the world and our seminar theme is “challenges in science education to
face digital era”. Through discussion in the seminar it hoped to get effort of digital learning
science to build scientific literate society that have long life education.
I would like to express my special gratitude to Prof.Dr.Kazue Tazaki from Kanazawa
University Japan, Prof.Dr.Roy Tasker from University of Western Sidney Australia, and Dr.
Aloysius Rusli from Bandung Institute of Technology; who are specially come here to be
keynote speakers. Thank you for sharing your latest research with us.
Finally I would like to thank to the committee, to the sponsors, to all speakers and
participants and everyone who participated in publishing the seminar proceedings.
Editor ............................................................................................................................ i
Foreword of Head of Science Education Program ....................................................... ii
Table of Content ........................................................................................................... iii
Keynote Speakers
No Presenters Institution Title Pages
1. Kazue Tazaki Kanazawa University Current Perspective on Nanotechnology for 1
Japan Environmental Geomicrobiology and
2. Roy Tasker University of Western Research into Practice: Visualisation of the 8
Sydney, Austraslia Molecular World for a Deep Understanding of
3. Liliasari Indonesia University The Effect of Interactive Multimedia Functions 26
of Education to Enhance Students’ Generic Science Skills
4. Aloysius Parahyangan Three Challenges: Facts, Faith, and Hazing 35
Rusli Catholic University
and Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Indonesia
Biology Education
No Presenters Institution Title Pages
1. A. Wahab Mataram University Implementation of the Inquiry Based Learning 43
Jufri Kit through Cooperative Learning Strategy to
Develop Attitudes of SMA student in Mataram
2. Ari Widodo Indonesia University Dual Mode Inservice Training: An Alternative 51
of Education Model for Teachers Professional Development
(PD) in Indonesia
3. D. Setiadi Mataram University The Correlation of Learning Styles and 63
Students’ Achievement: A Basic Consideration
in Developing Biological Instructions
4. Evi Apriana Serambi Mekkah Application of Society Technology Science 69
University, Banda (STS) Approach with Role Playing Method to
Aceh Improve Comprehension of Senior High
School Students’ of Biological Natural
Resources Conservation
5. Faturrahman Mataram University The Application of Probiotic Effective 76
Microorganism-4 in Abalone (Haliotis asinina
Lin. 1758) Larval Reaing
6. Fenny IKIP PGRI Semarang Profile Sosiocultural Perspective Biological 84
Roshayanti Teacher Candidate Student in Argument at
Lecturing of Human Physiology
7. Fransisca Indonesia University Pedagogical Competence of Pre-service 94
Sudargo of Education Biology Teacher on Conducting Inquiry
Tapilouw Approach to Develop Science Process Skill
8. Gita Nurul SMP Negeri 2 The Use of Popular Movie Clips in Learning of 104
Puspita Cimahi Excrettion System
9. Handoko FKIP UM Metro Teachers’ And Students’ Respons To The 112
Santoso Inquiry Learning And Cooperative Strategy At
SMA Students Which High And Low Academic
Abilities at Kota Metro Lampung
10. Herfen Guru SMA YPVDP The Use of Epidermis/Onion Skin as 121
Suryati Bontang Semipermeable Membrane to Prove Diffusion
Osmosis Phenomeon and Its Application in
The Process of Making Seaweed Sweets
11. Meilinda Indonesia University Interactive E-Module of Constructivism Based 129
of Education on Genetic Material to Increase The Concept
Mastery of Biology Teachers in Secondary
12. Muhfahroyin Univ. The Effect of ICT Based Learning Guided By 138
Muhammadiyah STAD and Academic Ability on Biological
Metro cognitive learning out comes students’ of SMA
Kota Metro
13. Nina Rosliana STIKES Bina The Relation of Exclusive Mother Breast 150
Husada Bandung Feeding Supply’s History, Nutrient Status,
Environment with Diarrhea of Children under
five years old at Sukarasa Public Health Center
at Bandung City 1 July to 7 August Periode
14. Riandi Indonesia University The Impact of Information Technology-Based 170
of Education Course (GenTIK) on Students’ Critical
Thingking Skills
15. Rudy Hidana STIKes Bakti Tunas Student Status Influence to The Public Health 176
Husada Tasikmalaya Principles Knowledges in The Relationship
with Attitude and Beahvior of to Environment
16. Siti Siliwangi University Agricultural Land Conversion Influence To 184
Fadjarajani of Tasikmalaya Continuity of Area of in Kawasan Bandung
17. Siti Sriyati Indonesia University Function of Concept Diagram as Formative 192
of Education Assesment Form to Improve Student
Motivation in Botani Phanerogamae Course
Chemistry Education
No Presenters Institution Title Pages
1. Abdul Indonesia University Applied Lesson Study on Chemistry Learning 200
Hadjranul F. of Education by Experiment Method Based on Local
2. Abdullatif Haluoleo University Scafolding on Writing Direct Instruction Lesson 209
Nusu Plan and Conducting Peer teaching for Pre-
Service Chemistry Teacher
3. Aliefman University of Scrining Phytochemistry on The Heartwood 220
Hakim Mataram and The Root Bark of The Artocarpus Camasi
4. Cucu Zenab Sunan Gunung Djati Efforts to Improve Students Conceptions About 225
Subarkah Bandung Electrolysis by Applying Remedial Teaching
Using Animated Presentation Media
5. Hartono Sriwijaya University Teaching Science Practical Course in Blended 233
Learning Environment
6. I Wayan Ganesha University Application of Argument Mapping-based 243
Redhana of Education Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical
Thinking Skills in Thermochemistry Topic
7. Ida Farida UIN Sunan Gunung The Importance of Competence 255
Djati Bandung Representational in Chemical Problem Solving
Through Interactive Multimedia
8. I Nyoman Ganesha University Implementation of Problem Based Learning by 264
Suardana of Education Using Module to Improve Learning Process
and Student’s Learning Achievement in
Electrocehemistry Concept
9. Muhammad State University of Developing Physical Chemistry Course to 278
Anwar Makassar Improve Generic-Skills for Prospective
Chemistry Teachers
10. Nancy Universitas Pelita Implementation of Science Technology and 285
Susianna Harapan Society Learning Model and Contextual
Teaching and Learning Approach to Improve
Creativity of Senior High School Student in
11. Solfarina Tadulako University Readiness of Prospective Chemistry Teachers 294
to Face Implementation of Information
technology in Education
Physics Education
1. Abdurrahman Lampung University Student’s Representations Preference In 304
Learning Physics and “Thematic Pre-
Conceptions” In Quantum Physics Concept
2. Achmad Indonesia University Using Of “Cels” In Basic Physics Experiment 314
Samsudin of Education To Improve Learning Motivation And To
Develop Performance Skills Of Student
3. Andi Suhandi Indonesia University Influence Grain Problem In Form Against 321
of Education Animation Concept Understanding Test
Results Refraction of Light
4. Chaerul UIN SGD Bandung Physics Learning Urgency that Integrate Value 328
Rochman Islam
5. Didi T. Indonesia University Analysis of Correlational Study among 336
Chandra of Education Students’ Physics Ability, Technological
Literacy and Creativity on Basic Technology
Education Program in Junior High School
6. Dwi Susanti Jakarta State Virtual Laboratory Use in Optical Activity in 349
University Practicum Inkuiri to Enhance Understanding
The Concept of Student Teacher Candidate
7. Dzikri Student in Indonesia Student’s science process skill profile After 359
Rahmat University of implementation of inquiry based laboratoryTo
Romadhon Education analyze parabolic motion
8. Eka Cahya Indonesia University Problem Solving Laboratory as an Alternative 370
Prima of Education Physics Experiment Activity Model
Implemented in Senior High School
9. Endi Suhendi Indonesia University The Use Of E-Learning Based Moodle To 381
of Education Increase Student’s Discuss Participation In a
Big Class Of General Physics Lecture
10. Gunawan University of Developing Virtual Laboratory for Teaching 386
Mataram Modern Physics
11. I Gede State Polytechnic of Improving of Critical Thinking Skils D3 396
Rasagama Bandung Students’ of Bandung State Polytechnic Pass
Learning of Vibration Bases on Inquiry
12. I Ketut Jember University The Improve a Physics Student Achievement 407
Mahardika With Quantum Teaching Model Endorsed by
an Interactive Power Multimedia CD
13. Ida Sriyanti University of Nanocomposite Prepared by Simple Mixing 415
Sriwijaya Method
14. Indrawati Jember University Improving The learning Activity and The Skill of 421
Developing Physics Instructional Media to The
Students of Physics Education Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Jember University Even Semester Year 2007-
15. Judyanto Tanjungpura Cognitive Conflict Approach to Increase Critical 429
Sirait University Thinking of The Students in Physics
16. Jusman Tadulako University, Phenomenographic Study Of Students’ and 439
Mansyur Palu Teachers’ Strategies In Physics Problem
17. Kartini Lampung University Implementing Problem-Based Learning For 453
Herlina Student Of 6th Semester In Teacher Training Of
Physics In Optic’s
18. Ketang University of Using Computer Simulation To Improve 461
Wiyono Sriwijaya Concept Comprehension Of Physics Teacher
Candidates Students In Special Relativity
19. Kosim Mataram University Developing Devices of Multimethod Learning in 468
Physics Courses for B-Package at PKBM
Lombok Tengah District
20. Leni Marlina University of Nanoparticle SiO2 Preparated By Simple 479
Sriwijaya Milling Method
21. Lidia First State Islamic The Web-Based Learning Model On Dynamic 484
Mubarrak Secondary School Fluid Concept To Improve Student’s Science
Generic Skills
22. Lovy IKIP Mataram Problem Based-Learning with Inquiry Approach 496
Herayanti to Improve Students’ Understanding on Electric
Static Concepts
23. Manat Senior High School Conceptual Interactive Learning Approach To 504
Simanjuntak PLUS Palangkaraya Improve Student’s Mastering Concepts And
Communication Skill On Static Fluid
24. Mohammad Semarang State Interactive Flash Modeling (IFM) Usage To 516
Noor Faizin University Reduce Misconception In Dynamic Electrical
And To Improve The Students’s Learning
25. Muh. Tawil Makassar State Formal Common Sense Ability, and Area Of 526
University Education Of Family Related To Result Of
Student Physics Learning Class X SMA Negeri
26. Muhamad University of A Study Of Students’ Representational 536
Yusup Sriwijaya Competence On Concepts Of Electrostatics
27. Muhammad Tadulako University Tool Development Studies Simple Science of 544
Ali Goods Quality Used to Improve Elementary
Science Learning on the Remote Region in
28. Ni Made Ganesha University Implementation of STAD Type Cooperative 550
Pujani of Education Learning Models to Improve The Quality Of
Students’ Learning Process And Scientific
Literacy On Fundamental Physics I
31. Oni Rizali Senior High School 1 The Use Of Virtual Simulation Media In 573
Kundur Kab Learning With The Interactive Conceptual
Karimun-KEPRI Approach To Develop The Understanding Of
Physics Phenomena In Electrostatic
32. Rd. Bagus Indonesia University Profile of Student’s Experiment Abilities after 581
M.W.A of Education Laboratory by Inquiry Applied In Their First
Experiment Activity
33. Sahrul Tadulako University Development of Computer Simulation in 589
Saehana Cooperative Learning Model To Minimize the
Misconception Physics in high school students
in Pal
34. Samsul Bahri Serambi Mekkah Application Of Cooperative Learning With 596
University Material Assignment Towards Topic Of Direct
Current Electrical Circuit
35. Sardianto University of Preliminary Studi On The Using Amazing 606
Markos Sriwijaya Physics Interactive Multimedia
36. Sarwanto State University of Prey Calendar System Institution in the Era of 613
Solo Information Technology
37. Sondang R Medan State Use Of Computer Visualization In Quantum 623
Manurung University Physics Learning Design For Enhancement Of
The Quality Of Teacher Candidates In Physics
38. Susilawati Sriwijaya University Implementation Of Survey, Question, Read, 633
Recite And Review (SQ3R) Method On Physic
Teaching In Grade X Senior High Schoo
Srijaya Negara Palembang
39. Taufiq Sriwijaya University The Application of Hypothetical Deductive 641
Learning Cycle Learning Model to Improve
Senior High School Students’ Science Generic
Skills on Rigid Body Equilibrium
40. Viyanti Lampung University Using Of Performance Assessment To The 649
Fluid Experiment Inquiry Based To Increase
The Student Mastery Concept
41. Wahono Surabaya State The Development of Interactive Multimedia on 657
Widodo University Introductory Physics Learning for Prospective
of Vocational High School Teachers in Foods
Science Education
1. Agus Fany Indonesia University of Collaborative Ranking task (CRT) in e- 668
Candra Education Learning Support System to Improve The
Mastery of Earth and Space Science Concept
for Future Physics Teachers
2. Arif Hidayat Indonesia University of The Importance of Science Education as 677
Education Global Challenge Answer: International
Program on Science Education (IPSE)
Curriculum Analysis
3. Chaerun Centre for Problem Solving Practices of Science 684
Anwar Development of Teachers in Senior High School
Teachers and
Education Personnel
in Science,
4. Dandhi Indonesia University of Media Design of ICT Based Lesson Study for 692
Kuswardhana Education Learning Community of Junior High School
Science Teachers and to Improve Quality of
Elementary Education in West Java
5. Enjang Indonesia University of ICT Implementation Based Learning In 699
Akhmad Education Lesson Study To Develop Science Learning
Juanda Community For ScienceTeachers In Order
Improving The Quality Of Basic Education In
West Java
6. Esther Sanda Hasanudin University The Profile of Oceanic World Through The 709
Manapa Eyes of Indonesia Elementary Students’
Perspective, (Case study: Students from
grade 4th,5th, and 6th)
7. Haratua Tiur Tanjungpura Developing Design and Science Education 718
Maria.S University, Pontianak Tools Using The Implementation of The
Integrated Teaching-Learning Approach in
Multigrade Primary School in West
8. Judhistira Indonesia University of Prototype of Remote Telescope as a Tool of 727
Aria Utama Education Astronomy Learning for Students
9. Suciati UNINUS Bandung Improving Skill’s Class Teacher on Concept 733
in Network Integration Through The Use of
Model “Sun-Squid Maping” IPA Integrated
Learning in School Foundation Speak in The
Framework of Digital Area
10. Tri Jalmo Lampung University Training of Improving Competence of Junior 741
High School Teachers in Developing Learning
Outcome Test Items Using Scaffolding
11. Yunita State Islamic Alternative of Teaching Strategy (ATS) as 749
University of Sunan Relevant Model on Lesson Learn to Improve
Gunung Djati, on Science Lesson in State Islamic Middle
Bandung School (MTs) of Serang, Banten Province
12. Erman Surabaya State The Intervention Model In Science Teaching 756
University Process Of 4th Grade Students Of Elementary
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Samsul Bahri
Universitas Serambi Mekkah Banda Aceh
Abstract: The aim of this study is to improve learning quality and physics students‘ learning
output, especially, on direct current electrical circuit topic through cooperative learning with
learning material assignment. As a reflection, this study is classroom action research which
is conducted by collaborating with classroom teacher. This study take place in 5 cycles,
observation result on each cycle is evaluated and reflected to improve next action. Data that
is collected in this research is students learning output, comprehension towards assigned
items material, learning activity observation, and students‘ response towards learning.
Before action is conducted, students are given pretest, after learning of two sub concept,
students are given formative test, and in the end of learning, students are given final test
(posttest). Data is analyzed descriptively and statistically by using t-test for students‘ learning
output significance. This study result shows that qualitatively there is significance students‘
learning output for all groups. The highest improvement is on group of high school students.
It is supported by students‘ comprehension change towards items material which is
improved significantly. Based on interviews with teacher, cooperative learning with material
assignment can improve student‘ creativity, motivation and learning activity. Cooperative
learning with learning material assignments really help students which have mediocre and
low ability because they can ask question, discuss, and ask for help towards more clever
students in understanding concept. Cooperative learning with learning material assignment
can also increase responsibility and grow social attitude among students.
Proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas pada umumnya masih didominasi oleh guru. Siswa
dianggap sebagai kertas kosong yang akan ditulis dengan pengetahuan yang belum tentu
sesuai dengan keperluannya. Ketidaktahuan peserta didik mengenai kegunaan fisika dalam
praktek sehari-hari menyebabkan siswa lekas bosan dan tidak tertarik untuk memahami
konsep. Guru beranggapan bahwa pengetahuan yang diberikan dapat diterima seluruhnya
oleh siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar. Siswa harus menerima informasi yang diberikan
guru, siswa lebih banyak mendengar, menulis apa yang diinformasikan guru dan latihan
mengerjakan soal. Jika diamati secara seksama, pembelajaran lebih berpusat pada guru
sebagai penyampai materi.
Hasil survei dan diskusi dengan guru fisika, diperoleh informasi bahwa mata
pelajaran fisika merupakan mata pelajaran kurang disenangi, hasil siswa ujian tergolong
rendah dibandingkan mata pelajaran lain. Helmi Nalori (2000) dalam penelitiannya
menemukan kesulitan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal arus searah adalah pada
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
sangat memungkinkan buhnya suasana belajar kerjasama, dan belajar secara gotong
Salah satu strategi pembelajaran kooperatif adalah adalah model yang
dikembangkan oleh Lonning yaitu Cooperative Learning Srategies (CLS). Model ini
diperkirakan mampu meningkatkan kreativitas siswa, dan penciptaan iklim yang kondusif,
karena model ini hanya dapat diterapkan jika hubungan kerjasama antar siswa terjalin
dengan baik, dan komunikasi tercipta secara dialogis. Kolaborasi dan partisipasi dapat
terbentuk dan terbina secara efektif, hubungan persahabatan yang saling rcaya dapat
terjalin dengan baik dan dinamis.
Berdasarkan uraian permasalahan, penelitian ini sebagai upaya mengatasi
permasalahan pembelajaran fisika. Adapun ruang lingkup masalah adalah ” Apakah
penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pemberian bahan ajar pada topik rangkaian
listrik arus searah dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Secara rinci rumusan masalah
dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah penerapan pemebelajaran kooperatif dengan
pemberian bahan ajar dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa; (2) Apakah penerapan
pemebelajaran kooperatif dengan pemberian bahan ajar dapat meningkatkan pemahaman
siswa belajar fisika pada konsep rangkaian listrik arus searah?
Berdasarkan latar belakang rnasalah tersebut, yang menjadi permasalahan dalam
penelitian ini adalah : Apakah penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pemberian bahan
ajar pada topik rangkaian listrik arus searah dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa ?
Adapun tujuan penelitian ini memperbaiki proses proses pembelajaran fisika melalui
penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif learning dengan pemberian bahan ajar pada konsep.
Secara rinci, tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1). Meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa tentang
konsep listrik arus searah; (2) Meningkatkan pemahaman siswa belajar fisika tentang
konsep konsep listrik arus searah; 3. Memberikan bahan ajar tentang konsep konsep listrik
arus searah; 4. Menerpakan model cooperatif learning strategis pada pembelajaran konsep
listrik arus searah.
Aspek yang diamati meliputi : konsepsi awal dan akhir siswa tentang konsep
rangkaian listrik arus searah; (2) apakah terjadi perubahan pemahaman siswa setelah
pembelajaran dilakukan; (3) apakah pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pem-berian bahan ajar
dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada konsep rangkaian listrik arus searah. (4)
mengamati aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dengan pemberian
bahan ajar; dan (5) respon siswa dan guru terhadap model pembelajaran yang dilakukan.
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Metode Penelitian
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas II
SMA dalam mempelajari topik listrik arus searah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode
tindakan kelas. Bentuk penelitian tindakan yang dipilih adalah PTK kolaboratif partisipatoris
(Hopkins, 1993), dalam penelitian ini peneliti berjasama dengan guru di sekolah yang
mempunyai permaslahan dan pengalaman empirik di kelas. Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian,
guru dan peneliti saling bertukar pikiran tentang berbagai permasalahan kelas dan mencari
jalan keluar untuk masalah tersebut.
Tahap-tahap yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : observasi
Awal, bertujuan untuk Mengumpulkan data tentang kemampuan/hasil belajar siswa
sebelumnya; memperoleh informasi tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi guru dan siswa di
kelas, dilakukan dengan mengamati secara langsung proses pembelajaran, wawancara
dengan siswa,serta mendiskusikan temuan awal dengan guru; tahap refleksi, dilakukan
refleksi terhadap berbagai permasalahan jumpai untuk menentukan tindakan pembelajaran
yang paling tepat guna mengatasi masalah tersebut dan Menentukan kelas yang akan
dijadikan tempat dilakukannya penelitian tindakan; tahap penyusunan rencana tindakan,
mempersiapan berbagai hal yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan tindakan. hal-hal yang
dipersiap kan antara lain, waktu pelaksanaannya, Menyusun rencana pembelajaran,
Menyiapkan bahan ajar (modul dan LKS), menetapkan cara dan format observasi,
menyusun instrumen tes pemahaman dan menetapkan langkah dan jumlah tindakan yang
akan dilaksanakan dan berikutnya Tahap pelaksanaan tindakan.
Pembelajaran dilakukan sebanyak tiga siklus, tiap siklus dilakukan dua kali
pertemuan. Pada saat pembelajaran dilaksanakan observasi dan observer sesuai dengan
format yang telah ditetapkan. Melaksanakan tes hasil belajar yang pertama sebagai evaluasi
silkus. Siklus I, membahas tentang konsep arus listrik dan hambatan listrk; Siklus II, hukum
kirchoof dan rangkaian hambatan listrik dan membahas tentang konsep; siklus III, susunan
hambatan listrik dan susunan sumber tegangan listrik.
dilakukan sudah mulai menampakkan hasil atau belum. Jika hasil analisis data itu belum
menunjukkan keberhasilan, hal itu akan menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk tahapan
perencanaan pada siklus berikutnya.
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Dari grafik 1. tampak bahwa profil pengetahuan awal siswa tergolong rendah, rata-
rata hasil tes 2,83 dalam skala 10. Hasil tes belajar kelompok unggul rata-rata 4,20, sedang
2,49 dan rendah 2,15. Dua minggu setelah tindakan, siswa diberi tes akhir untuk
mengetahui sejauhmana penguasaan materi dan pemahaman mereka terhadap konsep
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
listrik arus searah. Gambaran tentang nilai postes ditunjukkan pada grafik 2, menunjukkan
pencapaian hasil belajar siswa setelah dakan pembelajaran. Pada grafik ditunjukkan bahwa
terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar dengan skor rata-rata 6,69 pada skala 10. Jika ditinjau
berdasarkan kelompok, maka skor paling tinggi adalah pada kelompok siswa kategori
unggul dengan rata-rata skor 8,00 pada skala 10, kategori sedang 6,49 pada skala, dan
kategori Rendah 5,80 pada skala 10.
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Pada grafik 3. profil pemahaman siswa ketika dilakukan tes awal, rata-rata hanya 8,8
% materi soal yang dipahami, 19,5% materi soal kurang dipahami, dan 71,7% materi belum
atau tidak dipahami. Grafik 4 menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap materi tes
akhir. Pada grafik tampak bahwa setelah pembelajaran siswa dapat memahami materi soal
rata-rata 54,1 %, kurang paham 29,4%, dan tidak paham/belum paham 16,6%. Jika dilihat
berdasarkan kelompok siswa, maka siswa -~gori unggul telah paham materi soal rata-rata
71,8%, kurang paham 22,8%, dan tidak paham 5,5%. Dapat dilihat adanya peningkatan
pemahaman siswa terhadap materi soal yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan hasi1
pretes. Siswa yang kurang paham dan tidak paham terjadi merata pada seluruh kelompok
siswa baik sebelum atau sesudah tindakan pembelajaran. Kurang dan tidak paham mungkin
saja terjadi karena konsepsi siswa berbeda dengan konsep ilmiah (miskonsepsi) dengan
konsep yang diajarkan guru. Peningkatan hasil belajar dapat dilihat dari perbedaan skor
pretes, dan postes siswa sesudah proses pembelajaran berlangsung.
Peningkatan hasil belajar dan pemahaman siswa,disebab meningkatnya motivasi
dan aktivitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. pembelajaran kooperatif mendorong siswa
lebih aktif dalam belajar, Hal ini sangat membantu siswa dalam mengkonstruk konsep-
konsep yang sedang dipelajari. Siswa tidak merasa puas konsepsi yang telah dimilikinya
setelah fakta-falcta baru (konsep baru)yang ditunjukkan lebih masuk akal. Pada kondisi
seperti ini konsepsi siswa yang baru mulai terbentuk terestrukrisasi dan berubah
(termodifikasi) membentuk kesetimba-ngan baru (konsep baru) melalui percobaan, diskusi,
bertanya kepada guru dan siswa lain dalam kelompoknya. Menurut teori konstruktivisme,
memang seharusnya anaklah mengkonstruk pengetahuannya sendiri melalui berbagai
interaksi dengan lingkungannya.
Menurut Posner (1982 dalam Tomo, 2002) bahwa siswa seharusnya memilki
keinginan untuk mengubah pikirannya melalui proses akomodasi, menganti konsepsi lama
dengan konsepsi yang baru melalui Proses akomodasi. Proses akomodasi ini akan terjadi
apabila syarat atau kondisi perubahan konseptual dapat dihadirkan dalam ajaran yaitu : 1)
harus ada rasa ketidakpuasan terhadap konsepsi yang telah ada; 2) konsepsi yang baru
harus dapat dipahami dan masuk akal; dan (3) konsepsi baru memungkinkan kebergunaan.
Gagne (1985) juga mengatakan proses belajar akan lebih bermakna jika menghubungkan
pengetahuan baru dengan pengetahuan yang sudah ada, hal ini hanya akan terjadi apabila
penetahuan yang ada telah diaktivasi ke dalam pikiran. Kemudian dalam pembelajaran
harus dikondisikan (instructional events), misalnya : memotivasi siswa, mengkomunikasikan
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Daftar Pustaka
Berg V.D Euwe. (1991). Miskonsepsi Fisika dan Remediasi. Salatiga Universitas Kristen
Satya Wacana.
Gagne R.M. (1985). The Conditions of Learning: Practice and Theory of instruction. 4th ed.
New York: CBS Colledge Publishing.
Helmi Nalori (2000). Analisis Kesulitan Siswa MAN dalam Menyelesaikan soal- soal Listrik
Arus Searah. Tesis PPS 1K1P Bandung : tidak diterbitkan.
“Challenging Science Education in The Digital Era”
Tomo (1995). Model Konstruktivisme untuk Membangkitkan Perubaltan tual Siswa dalam
Pengajaran IPA. Tesis PPS IKIP Bandung : tidak diterbitkan.