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Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S.







Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Education

Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S.





I hereby,

Name : Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S.

Registered Number : 1914441005
Study Program : Biology Education
Thesis Title : Development of Biology E-Modules on Cell Division Class XII
High School

I declare sincerely that this thesis summary originally belongs to my own work and not
belongs to other researcher for different degree. Furthermore, this thesis summary is not a
work published before, except some parts with their original references. Otherwise, if it is
found that this thesis summary is plagiarism, I’m ready to be ceased academically.

Makassar, January 17th 2024


( Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S.)


This thesis is submitted by Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S., Registered Number
1914441005 entitled Development of Biology E-Modules on Cell Division Class XII High
School, had been defended in front of the committee of examiners, (SK. No.
1925D/UN36.1/PP/2023, date October 11th 2023) and declared to be accepted as part of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Education in Study Program of Biology
Education, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State
University of Makassar on Wednesday, October 11th 2023.

Approved by:
Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, State University of Makassar

Drs. Suwardi Annas, M.Si., Ph.D.

NIP. 19691231 199403 1 110

The Committee of Examination

1. Chairman : Prof. Hartati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D ( )

2. Secretary : Dr. Ir. Muhammad Junda, M.Si ( )

3. Supervisor I : Hartono, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Biotech., Ph.D ( )

4. Supervisor II : Prof. Dr. Muhiddin P., S.Pd., M.Pd ( )

5. Examiner I : Dr. Abd. Muis, M.Si ( )

6. Examiner II : Rachmawaty, S.Si., M.P. Ph.D. ( )

7. Proofreader : Faisal, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. ( )


Siti Ainunnisa Lingga Winari S, 2023. Development of Biology E-Module On

Cell Division for Class XII High School. Thesis. Biology Department. Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Makassar State University. (Supervised by Hartono
dan Muhiddin P).

This research aims to develop teaching materials in the form of E-Modules on cell division
material in class XII high school that valid and practical. This research is Research and
Development (R&D) which refers to the ADDIE development model which consists of
five stages, which analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The e-
module developed will be tested for validity by 2 validator and practicality tested by
teachers and students. The subjects of this research were a teacher and 30 students of class
XII MIPA 1 SMAN 14 Makassar to test the practicality of the e-module that had been
developed. The data collection technique was carried out using questionnaire. Based on
data analysis, the validity values obtained from the two validator show that the E-Module
is in the very valid category with average percentage attained was 94,2%. The results of
the E-Module practicality assessment obtained from the teacher responses was 93,6%, and
the percentage of practicality obtained from student responses was 89,6%. Based on the
results of data analysis, it was concluded that the biology e-module on cell division for
class XII high school developed was valid and practical.

Keywords : E-Module, Teaching Material, ADDIE, Cell Division


I dedicate this thesis summary to my parents. My father M. Setiawan Rahman S.E

and my mother Chelmy Murtiningsih S.Sos as a manifestation of gratitude for all the
prayers that have always been offered to accompany every step of my journey. I extend my
thanks to my comrades, my friends, and to all the people involved in my story. May this
work bring pride and happiness to all of you.


Alhamdulillah, all praise and gratitude are directed to the presence of Allah SWT,
to whom alone the writer seeks assistance. It is through His help, mercy, and blessings that
the writer has been able to complete this simple thesis. May blessings and peace always be
bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, the companions, and his
followers until the end of time. This final project is compiled to fulfill one of the
requirements for obtaining a bachelor's degree in the Biology Education Study Program,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of
This final project contains the research results with the title "Development of
Biology E-Module on Cell Division Class XII High School." The author is aware that in
completing this final project research, there were several obstacles and challenges, but they
were overcome with the ease granted by Allah SWT, as well as the assistance and
encouragement from various parties, enabling the research to yield results compiled into a
With deep gratitude, the author expresses the highest appreciation and thanks to
both parents, Mr. M. Setiawan Rahman S.E and Mrs. Chelmy Murtiningsih S.Sos, who
have always been a source of encouragement and the strongest reason to persist until
achieving a bachelor's degree. Thanks to the prayers and support of the author's parents,
the author has reached this point. The author realizes that there is still a long way to go
before feeling proud in front of their great and extraordinary parents. Hopefully, this work
is worthy of being a dedication that the author can offer. The author is also proud to have a
sibling, Muh. Dzaky Dzulfahmi S., who has always provided encouragement until the
author reached this stage.
Specifically, the author extends gratitude to Mr. Hartono, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Biotech.,
Ph.D., as the First Supervisor and Academic Advisor, who has been willing to dedicate
time, energy, and thoughts to accompany the author throughout the academic period,
providing guidance and input during the thesis preparation. Thanks to Dr. Muhiddin P.,
S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Second Supervisor, who has devoted time, energy, and thoughts to
provide guidance, as well as advice and motivation for the author to complete the final
The author also expresses appreciation to Dr. Abd. Muis, M.Si., as the First
Examiner, and Mrs. Hj. Rachmawaty, S.Si., M.P., Ph.D., as the Second Examiner, for their
suggestions and improvements for the perfection of the author's thesis. May Allah always
provide protection, health, and multiplied rewards for all the kindness bestowed upon the
author thus far.
On this occasion, the author extends special appreciation and thanks to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Husain Syam, M.TP., IPU., ASEAN Eng., as the Rector of Makassar
State University and the leaders of the University Senate.
2. Drs. Suwardi Annas, M.Si., Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences at Makassar State University.
3. Prof. Dr. Muhiddin P., S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Head of the Biology Department at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University, who
facilitated the author in completing the study.
4. Hj. Rachmawaty, S.Si., M.P., Ph.D., as the Secretary of the Biology Department at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University, who
facilitated the author in completing the study.
5. Faisal, S.Pd, M.Pd., Ph.D, as the Head of the Biology Education Study Program at the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University, who
facilitated the author in completing the study.
6. Hartono, S.Si., S.Pd., M.Biotech., Ph.D., as the Head of the Laboratory in the Biology
Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Makassar State
University, who facilitated the author in completing the study.
7. The professors and lecturers of the Biology Department at the Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences, Makassar State University, who educated, guided, and equipped
the author with knowledge throughout the course.
8. The staff of the Biology Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Makassar State University, who assisted in the administrative process during
the course.
9. SMA Negeri 14 Makassar, which assisted the author in completing the research.
10. Friends during the university years, the author expresses thanks to DRAMAQUEEN,
Namirah Sanda, Andi Tenri Ola Batari Nuneng, Fadhilah Salwa Amalina Aras, Reni
Royyatul Kholidah, Yuyun Maqfira Mandatari, Nurfadila, Nurul Mutia Indah
Permatasari, and Alifiah A.M.P. Fatshaf, who were always there in every joy and
hardship throughout the university years from freshmen until the preparation of the
final project, a place to pour out all concerns, who always struggled together, adding
color and togetherness during the university years.
11. Friends from middle school until now, the author expresses thanks to NHAFREAK,
Safitri, Atikah, Nur Afia, Herwina, and the late Asmaul Husna, who were always there
in every joy and sorrow, who always provided encouragement and strength to
overcome difficult times until today, and who always celebrate every good day in the
author's life.
12. Fellow students of the Biology Department, 2019 batch (L19AMEN), and fellow
students of the Biology Education Program, 2019 batch (PER19ONIUM), who
accompanied and assisted the author during the university years.
13. All those who cannot be mentioned individually. This does not diminish the author's
gratitude for all their assistance.
The author expresses thanks to everyone and welcomes criticism and corrections from
readers with an open heart for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah always protect and
bestow His blessings upon us all.


DECLARATION ……………………………………………………………………. iii

LEGALITY PAGE ………………………………………………………………….. iv
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………… v
DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………………. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………… vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………… x
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………..…………………………... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………… 1

A. Type of the Research ………………………………………….. 6
B. Place and Time of the Research ………………………………. 6
C. Research Subjects …………………………………………….. 6
D. Methods ………………………………………………………. 6
E. Data Collection Techniques and Research Instruments ……… 6
F. Data Analysis Techniques ……………………………………. 7


A. Results ………………………………………………………… 10
B. Discussion …………………………………………………….. 13


A. Conclusions …………………………………………………… 16
B. Recommendations …………………………………………….. 16

REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………… 17


No. Title Page

3.1 Scoring on Likert Scale Questionnaire 15
3.2 Validity Score Percentages 25
3.3 Practicality Level of E-Module 25
4.1 The Process of E-Module Development 26
4.2 Prototype of The E-Module 26
4.3 Validity Result of The E-Module 32
4.4 Practicality Result of The E-Module 33


Education is a prior necessity for human throughout life. Without education,

individuals would not be able to develop and might even lag behind in life. Therefore,
education must be directed towards producing high-quality individuals who can compete,
possess good character, and uphold moral values (Trianto, 2010). Education plays a crucial
role in the progress of a nation, whether it is a developed or developing country, such as
Indonesia. The development and progress of a nation can be seen through its human
resources (HR), which depend on the quality of the nation's education. The government
has made various efforts to improve and enhance the quality of human resources through
the improvement of national education quality (Susanti, 2013). Teaching materials hold a
very crucial position in learning, encompassing all forms of materials used to assist
teachers in conducting classroom teaching activities. If teaching materials used in the
learning process are developed according to the needs of both teachers and students and
utilized correctly, they become a critical factor that can enhance the quality of education.
By utilizing teaching materials designed to meet the learning needs, students are directed
to become active learners as they can read or study the material provided before
participating in classroom (Amri & Ahmadi, 2010).
The selection of appropriate teaching materials will impact the success of the
instruction delivered by educators. Educators must be careful and meticulous in choosing
teaching materials that are engaging for learners, so that learners are motivated to study
and learn on their own. All types of teaching materials have a beneficial function in
enhancing educators in the teaching and learning process. These media can take the form
of textbooks, modules, worksheets, and teaching aids. One commonly used teaching
material is modules. A module is a learning activity that can be explored by learners with
minimal assistance from educators. In a previous study conducted by Anggoro et al (2018),
it was found that learning with modules requires learners to solve problems in learning
independently in a new way, as educators only instruct learners and then deliver modules
with the hope that the modules provided can train learners in creative mathematical
thinking by solving the intended problems. Updating modules into digital format is also
necessary to make them more engaging for learners.
One of the software that can be used in creating e-modules is Canva. The Canva
application is one that can support the development of e-modules as an attractive and easy-
to-implement learning medium, preventing the learning process from becoming
monotonous. In this application, it is not limited to just text; there are also interesting
features such as animated motion, video and audio presentations, images, making the
presentation of material richer and more engaging so that during the learning process,
participants do not feel bored. The Canva application is expected to be an alternative for
teachers in creating attractive e-modules for use in learning activities.
Learning biology in several schools in Indonesia is still predominantly
conventional. Typically, teachers provide instruction to students limited to understanding
concepts, principles, and memorizing the scientific names of biology. Sometimes, students
do not actively participate in the learning activities, leading to their untapped potential
during the learning process. Students are still insufficiently trained to achieve learning
outcomes, and the learning process has not yet become an effective means to attain
educational results. One of the topics covered in the Biology subject for senior high school
students in Grade XII based on the 2013 curriculum is cell division. This topic is found in
Basic Competency 3.4 and requires students to understand the concepts of mitosis,
meiosis, the cell cycle, and gametogenesis. Mastery of the material in its entirety requires
in-depth analysis along with comprehensive information about each process of cell
division. Several research results indicate that the topic of cell division is difficult to teach
due to its abstract nature. Therefore, many teachers also face challenges in explaining how
cells undergo mitosis and meiosis, as well as the activities of chromosomes in each phase
of cell division. As Eltariza (2011) expressed, the teaching of Biology, especially the topic
of cell division, has been considered difficult because the material is hard to comprehend.
Processes such as cell division are challenging to present vividly to students. The process
of cell division is somewhat elusive in the minds of students, requiring supportive tools in
the teaching process to enhance students' understanding.
Therefore, the researcher will develop engaging teaching materials to make
students enjoy and comprehend biology lessons. The development of these teaching
materials aims to assist teachers in delivering the cell division material effectively. Hence,
the research focuses on "Developing E-Modules for Biology on the Topic of Cell Division
for Senior High School Grade XII."


A. Teaching Materials
Teaching materials are a crucial component in the implementation of learning in
schools. Through teaching materials, educators find it easier to teach, and students find it
easier to comprehend their lessons. According to Prastowo (2014), teaching materials
encompass all content (information, tools, or readings) arranged analytically,
demonstrating the complete form of competencies that students are meant to understand.
Meanwhile, according to Hamdani (2013), teaching materials encompass all forms of
content (recorded or unrecorded) used by teachers in guiding learning activities in the
classroom. Teaching materials come in various types, including both printed and non-
printed materials. Printed teaching materials consist of books, handouts, modules,
brochures, and student worksheets. Non-printed teaching materials include audio-based
materials such as cassettes, radio, vinyl records, and audio CDs. There are also interactive
multimedia teaching materials such as compact discs (CDs) and web-based instructional
materials (Lestari, 2013).
B. E-Modules
A module is systematically and attractively structured teaching material that
includes content, methods, and evaluations that can be used independently. The language
in a module is kept simple according to the students' thinking level or depending on their
academic level. It is used independently so that individuals can learn at their own pace
effectively and efficiently. An e-module is an electronic version of a module that is
accessed and utilized through electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, or
even smartphones. It can display images, videos, audios, animations, and formative
quizzes, creating an active learning environment that helps learners improve their
cognitive competencies or understanding. E-modules allow self-directed learning within a
specific time frame.
According to Vembiarto (1985), essential components that should be included in a
module are subject reviews, introductions, learning activities, exercises, exercise answer
guidelines, summaries, formative tests, and formative test answer keys. E-modules can be
embedded in multimedia technology, making them a better learning source compared to
traditional print media modules. E-modules are equipped with images, videos/animations,
quizzes, and interactive features to capture students' attention.
The E-Module used in activities has several advantages. The content presented in
the E-Module is not only in text form but can also be enriched with images or videos that
can enhance the interest and appeal of students' learning (Wulandari et al., 2021). This
advantage certainly enables the learning process to be conducted effectively and
efficiently. Additionally, it can support interaction between teachers and students, allowing
students to better understand the lesson concepts and experience improved learning
outcomes. As for the disadvantages of the E-Module, both teachers and students are
required to have internet access and compatible devices to use the E-Module. Moreover,
teachers need to have the capability to use technology to effectively implement the E-
C. Development of E-Module Using Canva Application
One of the software that can be used in creating e-modules is Canva. Canva is an
online design program that provides a variety of designs, such as social media designs,
presentations, videos, marketing prints, office materials, photo collages, book covers,
magazine covers, calendars, posters, worksheets, reports, agendas, comics, proposals,
ebook covers, and many other designs. This application offers features used for education,
marketing, advertising, and more. By utilizing Canva, one can create a creative and
engaging e-module (electronic module) (Pelangi, 2020). Canva has numerous advantages,
as mentioned by Tanjung and Faiza (2019), including the following:
1. It offers a variety of attractive graphic designs, animations, templates, and page
2. Canva can enhance teachers' creativity in designing instructional media due to the
many provided features, including drag-and-drop functionality.
3. It saves time in designing practical instructional media.
4. Students can review the material through Canva instructional media provided by the
5. Canva has good image resolution, and Canva media slides can be automatically
printed with print size settings.
6. Collaboration with other teachers in designing media and creating Canva design teams
for sharing instructional media is possible.
7. Designing instructional media can be done anytime, not only on a laptop but also on a
mobile phone. To add animations, users must make a payment through a credit card.
However, Canva media can be downloaded in various storage formats such as PDF

and JPG. Therefore, for offline presentations, it can be combined with other media
like PowerPoint.
In addition to the advantages gained by using this application, Canva also has some
fundamental disadvantages, including the following:
1. Canva relies on a sufficiently stable internet network. If there is no internet or
insufficient data on the device, Canva cannot be used or supported in the design
2. In the Canva application, there are paid features such as templates, stickers,
illustrations, fonts, etc. So, some features are paid while others are not. However, this
is not an issue as there are many attractive and free templates available. It depends on
the user to design something interesting and rely on their own creativity. Sometimes,
the selected design may resemble designs chosen by others, whether it be templates,
images, colors, etc. However, this is not a problem, as it ultimately depends on the
user to choose a different design.
3. Sometimes, the selected design may have similarities with designs chosen by others,
whether it be the template, images, colors, and so on. However, this is not a problem;
it ultimately depends on the user to choose a different design.

D. Cell Division
Cell division is an abstract learning material, and there are two types of cell
division: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells, forming new cells with the
same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meanwhile, meiosis occurs in gamete
cells (egg and sperm) within the gonad (Campbell, 2010). The essential topics in cell
division include mitosis, meiosis, the cell cycle, and gametogenesis. Mitosis is the cell
division that occurs in somatic cells, while meiosis is the cell division that occurs in
reproductive cells. Mitosis and meiosis are part of the cell cycle and only cover 5-10% of
the cell cycle. Gametogenesis is the process of forming gametes (sex cells) through
meiotic division. Gametogenesis includes spermatogenesis (formation of sperm or
spermatozoa) and oogenesis (formation of eggs). Gametogenesis is a process that
transforms germ plasma into specialized sex cells capable of fertilization or conception,
leading to growth and development into a new individual.


A. Type of the Research

This research adopts the Research and Development (R&D) approach. R&D is a
fundamental research activity aimed at obtaining information about user needs (needs
assessment), followed by development activities to produce a product and test the validity
and practicality of that product. The R&D approach is employed in this research because it
aims to create a product, namely an E-Module developed using the Canva application,
specifically focusing on the topic of cell division.
B. Place and Time of the Research
This research was conducted in the second semester of the academic year
2022/2023. The research took place at SMAN 3 Makassar located at Jl. Baji Areng 18,
Makassar, South Sulawesi.
C. Research Subjects
The research subjects in this development study were teachers and 12th-grade
students at SMAN 14 Makassar. The trial was conducted in only one class, namely the XII
MIPA 1 class, consisting of 30 students, to test the practicality of the developed e-module.
D. Methods
This research uses the ADDIE development model. According to Sugiyono (cited
in Kurnia et al., 2019), the ADDIE Model consists of 5 stages: Analyze, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This model was chosen because the
ADDIE development model is more detailed and easily understood by researchers. The
ADDIE development model includes stages starting with the analysis cycle, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. This development model was chosen
because it aligns with research development using the concept of technology in creating a
product, namely the e-module. Additionally, the steps in this model are sequential and
straightforward, resulting in a product that can be implemented in learning.
E. Data Collection Techniques and Research Instruments
The data collection instrument used is a questionnaire. The questionnaire used
contains questions formulated by the researcher, which will then be examined in the study.
The use of questionnaires aims to gather data on the compatibility of the product, in the
form of the developed e-module. The instruments used include practicality questionnaires
for teachers and students, as well as an expert validation sheet. The product validation
instrument sheet is used to assess the validity of the product, while the questionnaire
response sheets for teachers and students are used to assess the practicality of the
developed product, which will be evaluated by teachers and students. In this study, the
researcher used a questionnaire, in which the research instrument already includes the
answers. Respondents fill out the questionnaire regarding the e-module by checking the
selected answers using a Likert scale with five options (five-point scale).
F. Data Analysis Techniques
In conducting data analysis, the researcher as a developer employs both qualitative
and quantitative data analysis techniques. These two data analysis techniques can be
explained as follows:
1. Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative data analysis is an action of analyzing data qualitatively. According to
Sudjana (1995), qualitative data can be organized and directly interpreted to draw research
conclusions by categorizing qualitative data based on the research problem and objectives.
In this study, qualitative analysis is obtained from observational data, questionnaires,
expert feedback, and documentation that have been recorded. These data are then analyzed
descriptively qualitatively. Suggestions provided by experts are utilized for the
improvement or revision of the subsequent product.
2. Quantitative Analysis
a. Validation Analysis
Quantitative data is numerical data that does not represent the actual state before
further processing and analysis. In this research, according to Sudjana (1995), quantitative
analysis is used to describe the quality of the developed e-module based on the assessment
of experts, including media experts and content experts. In the development research of
alternative teaching materials, the e-module using the Canva application with the ADDIE
model, an instrument in the form of a questionnaire is utilized during expert validation.
The questionnaire responses are structured based on the Likert scale. The Likert scale used
consists of five alternative categories, as seen in Table 3.4 below.
Table 3.1 Scoring on Likert Scale Questionnaire
Score Category
1 Not Good
2 Not Really Good
3 Quite Good
4 Good
5 Very Good

The data analysis technique employed to analyze the questionnaire results is the
percentage analysis technique. The formula used to calculate the questionnaire results is
the percentage calculation. The formula is as follows.
Ρ= X 100 %
Explanation :
Ρ : Percentage
Σx : Total number of respondent answers
Σxi : Total number of ideal values for 1 item
100 % : Constant
In the data analysis mentioned above, initially, the percentage data of qualitative
assessment is converted into quantitative descriptive. Guidelines for decision-making from
data analysis use a qualification scale to determine conclusions. The criteria for the
validation results are presented in Table 3.6 as follows.
Table 3.2 The Validation Score Percentage
Score Qualification
91% - 100% Very Valid
71% - 90% Valid
41% - 70% Quite Valid
21% - 40% Not Valid
0% - 20% Very Not Valid

b. Practicality Analysis
To conduct practicality analysis of the e-module, quantitative data obtained from
student and teacher response questionnaires using the Likert scale is used. The data
obtained from the student response process is then analyzed using the percentage
technique as below.
Ρ= X 100 %
Explanation :
Ρ : Percentage
Σx : Total number of respondent answers
Σxi : Total number of ideal values for 1 item
100 % : Constant
With slight modifications, the product practicality assessment table will be used the
same as the validity assessment table as follows:
Table 3.3 Practicality Level of E-Modules

Valuation Score Percentage (%) Notes

Very Practical 5 86% - 100% No Revision
Practical 4 66% - 85% No Revision
Quite Practical 3 51% - 65% A Few Revision
Not Practical 2 36% - 50% Revision
Very Not 1 20% - 35% Revision

The practicality value in this study is determined with a minimum criterion of

"practical." Therefore, the biology e-module on cell division developed using the Canva
application can already be utilized as an alternative teaching material.


A. Result
The ADDIE model is used in the development process of this e-module. The
ADDIE model consists of five stages as follows: analyze, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation.
1. Analyze
Analysis is the basic stage to understand the situation in the field and to identify problems
in learning, obtaining data about the instructional material to be developed, whether the e-
module will be needed, and whether it is necessary to develop it. Some analyses conducted
by the researcher in this development include an analysis of the needs and characteristics
of the e-module, technology analysis, and curriculum analysis. The purpose of this analysis
stage is to provide a foundation for the development of the e-module.
a) Needs Analysis: The instructional materials used during learning only follow the
teacher's book and student's book of the 2013 curriculum revision 2017, insufficient
use of technology during learning, insufficient use of innovative and interactive
instructional materials in the learning process.
b) Technology Analysis: Based on direct observations at SMAN 14 Makassar, it was
found that the school is equipped with adequate technological facilities to support the
learning process of students and assist researchers in conducting future trials. The
school has a computer lab with a sufficient number of computers, an adequate internet
network, WiFi availability, and several LCD projectors. Therefore, students can use
the e-module on a computer if they do not have a smartphone or laptop.
c) Curriculum Analysis: The curriculum used at SMAN 14 Makassar, based on
observations, is the 2013 curriculum for grades XI and XII and the independent
curriculum for grade X. The instructional materials used in grade XII are printed
teacher and student books revised in 2017. Before conceptualizing the lesson material,
the researcher first identifies the Competency Standards (KD), indicators, learning
objectives, and the subject matter to be taken, which is cell division.
2. Design
a) Preparing materials and equipment

In this stage, the researcher prepares the materials and equipment needed in the
development process of the E-Module which laptop, Canva Pro App, Google Forms,
Liveworksheet, Quizizz, and Biology Material Book.
b) E-Modules Development Process
The process of making an e-module using the Canva application can be seen as
Table 4.1 The Process of E-Module Development
Stages Figure
Designing the E-Module Cover

Designing The Introduction of E-Module

Designing The Content of The E-Module


Making the Sub Components With Google


Making The Sub Components With Quizizz and


Export The E-Module Using Web Feature On
Canva App

Here is the prototype of the biology e-module on the topic of cell division
developed using the Canva application.
Table 4.2 The Prototype Design of E-Module
E-Module Components Sub-Components Display
Cover  Title
 Illustration Picture
 Grade Level
 Curriculum, Tut Wuri
Handayani and UNM
 Editor Name
 University Name
Introduction  List of Contents
 Glossary
 Concept Map
 E-Module Identity
 Learning Objectives
 Use Instruction
 Pre-Test
 Material Summary Video

Learning Activities  Activity Title

 Material Description
 Practice Questions
 Self Assessment

Closing  Summary
 Evaluation
 References

3. Development
In the development stage, the product that has been designed is then validated by
validators. Product validation is carried out by validators who are experts in their field.
Material validation is carried out by a material expert, Mr. Hartono, S.Si., S.Pd,
M.Biotech., Ph.D. Meanwhile, media validation is carried out by a media expert, Dr. Drs.
Abd. Muis, M.Si. The results of the validation assessment of the e-module obtained from
the material expert and the media expert are presented in Table 3 as follows.
Table 4.3 Validity Results of The E-Module
No Validator Percentage Notes
1 Material Expert 91,6% Very Valid
2 Media Expert 96,8% Very Valid
Average 94,2% Very Valid

The suggestions from the validators will then be used by the researcher as a
reference for refining the e-module product.
4. Implementation
The next stage after validation is the implementation of the product, which involves
testing to determine the practicality level of the product, as seen from the questionnaire
responses given to teachers and students. The results of the practicality assessment of the
e-module obtained from teachers and students can be seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4.4 Practicality Results of The E-Module
No Respondent Percentage Notes
1 Teacher 93,6% Very Practical
2 Students 89,6% Very Practical
Average 91,6% Very Practical

5. Evaluation
Evaluation and revision are carried out at every stage of development so that the
developed e-module can be considered valid. The researcher makes improvements at every
process and stage, ensuring that the product developed, namely the e-module, can be used
for 12th-grade high school biology lessons on cell division. Evaluation is conducted at
every stage of development, from the initial phase to the end of the research and product
development process.
B. Discussion
This research is a type of Research and Development (R&D). The developed
product is an electronic teaching material in the form of an e-module using the Canva
application for biology lessons on cell division in 12th-grade high school. The ADDIE
model is used to create this product, consisting of stages such as analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. The researcher chose the ADDIE model
during product development because it can be applied to various forms of product
development, including teaching materials like the e-module being created (Sari, 2017).
The development process of the e-module begins with the analysis phase, including
needs analysis, technological analysis, and curriculum analysis. The needs analysis aims to
identify issues in the learning process, adjusting them to the development of the e-module.
The data show the need for additional or supporting teaching materials to explain cell
division, where students cannot rely on imagination alone but need clear, concrete, and
clear guidance. Therefore, this e-module is developed according to the needs and
characteristics or the learning level of 12th-grade high school students, allowing them to
use it independently. Technological analysis is also performed to determine the availability
of technology devices for the future implementation of the e-module. The research site,
SMAN 14 Makassar, has a computer lab, allowing students without smartphones or
laptops to implement the product. Curriculum analysis reveals that 12th-grade classes at
SMAN 14 Makassar still use the 2013 curriculum. Thus, the e-module is developed in line
with the competencies, indicators, and learning objectives of the 2013 curriculum.
The next stage is the design or development of the e-module. The researcher
collects material from various sources, selects the necessary tools and materials, and then
begins designing the e-module product. Subsequently, the development phase follows the
ADDIE model. The developed product will be validated by experts or validators in their
respective fields, namely material and media validators. Based on the explanations related
to the validation results from both expert validators, the e-module can be categorized as
highly valid. The e-module developed by the researcher has been well-designed according
to the validity assessment criteria. Within the e-module, the purpose of use is clearly
stated, all components are complete, there is a reference list to facilitate further learning,
usage instructions and e-module learning activities are clearly presented, and the
components are systematically organized. The e-module is also equipped with various
images, instructional videos, quizzes, and evaluation activities presented through various
media such as Quizziz, LiveWorksheet, and Google Form. The suggestions from these
validators will be used by the researcher as a reference for improving the e-module
product. The validation process involves two stages.

After validation, the next stage is product implementation, including testing to
determine the practicality level, observed through questionnaires given to teachers and
students. Some comments provided by students on the questionnaire sheets include that the
e-module is easy to understand because it is structured and supplemented with various
media such as images and instructional videos. Some students express a desire to use this
type of e-module in every lesson because it facilitates their understanding of the material
The implementation stage has been completed, and the final step is evaluation. Evaluation
during the development stage involves refining the product based on feedback or
corrections from validators. Evaluation during the implementation stage is conducted by
observing difficulties experienced by students during the trial to revise the product.


A. Conclusions
The conclusions drawn from the findings of the research and development of the
biology e-module using the Canva application on the topic of cell division for grade XII
high school are as follows:
1. The development process of the e-module was conducted following the ADDIE
model, as this model is applicable for addressing instructional material-related issues.
The process includes analysis stages (needs, technology, curriculum), followed by the
design stage, development involving validation of both material and media by experts,
implementation through testing and administering practicality questionnaires to grade
XII MIPA 1 teachers and students at SMAN 14 Makassar, and an evaluation stage for
the creation of the biology e-module on the topic of cell division.
2. Based on the data analysis and discussion results, the level of validity of the developed
e-module is deemed highly valid. This is indicated by the percentage of validity
results from the material expert, which is 91.6%, and the validity results from the
media expert, which is 96.8%. The e-module is considered to meet every aspect of the
validity criteria.
3. According to the analysis of data and discussion, the practicality level obtained from
response questionnaires conducted by teachers and students resulted in a practicality
percentage of 93.6% from the teacher questionnaire and 86.3% from the student
questionnaire. This indicates that the developed e-module falls into the category of
very practical and is considered to meet every criterion for practicality aspects.
B. Recommendations
1. The researcher suggests that during the development process of the e-module product
using the ADDIE model, specifically in the design and development stages, it is
advisable to incorporate more variations of applications or media. This approach aims
to enhance the quality and interactivity of the resulting product.
2. The researcher recommends that during the product validation process, create the
product thoroughly and comprehensively according to the criteria of e-module
components. This ensures that there is minimal need for revisions or modifications to
the already established e-module.


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