Ar 2012 13
Ar 2012 13
Ar 2012 13
Sl. Chapter Page No.
2. Conservation 39
7. Research 215
Annexures 400
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Role and Mandate of the Ministry Facility (GEF) and regional bodies such as
Economic and Social Council for Asia and
Role of the Ministry
Pacific (ESCAP) and South Asian Association
The Ministry of Environment & Forests for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) on matters
(MoEF) is the nodal agency in the Central pertaining to environment.
Government for overseeing the implementation
The broad objectives of the Ministry are:
of India’s environment and forest policies
and programmes relating to conservation ● Conservation and survey of flora, fauna,
of the country’s natural resources including forests and wildlife,
lakes and rivers, its biodiversity, forests and ● Prevention and control of pollution,
wildlife, ensuring the welfare of animals and
● Afforestation and regeneration of degraded
prevention and abatement of pollution. While
implementing these policies and programmes,
the Ministry is guided by the principle of ● Protection of the environment, and
sustainable development. ● Ensuring the welfare of animals.
The Ministry is also the nodal agency for These objectives are well supported by
the United Nations Environment Programme a set of legislative and regulatory measures,
(UNEP), South Asia Co-operative Environment aimed at the preservation, conservation and
Programme (SACEP), International Centre for protection of the environment. Besides the
Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) legislative measures, a National Conservation
and the United Nations Conference on Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment
Environment and Development (UNCED). The and Development, 1992, National Forest
Ministry also coordinates with multilateral Policy, 1988, a Policy Statement on Abatement
bodies such as the Commission on Sustainable of Pollution, 1992 and a National Environment
Development (CSD), Global Environment Policy, 2006 also guide the Ministry’s work.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Resources particularly of Forest, Flora,
● Fundamental and applied research and
Fauna, Ecosystems etc.
training including higher education in
● Bio-diversity Conservation including that forestry.
of lakes and wetlands.
● Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological
● Conservation, development, management Park.
and abatement of pollution of rivers which
● N at i o n a l As s i s t a n ce to Fo re s t r y
shall include National River Conservation
Development Schemes.
● Environmental Impact Assessment. ● Indian Plywood Industries Research and
Training Institute, Bangalore.
● Environment research and development,
education, training, information and ● Afforestation and Eco-development which
awareness. shall include National Afforestation and
Eco-Development Board.
● Environmental Health.
● Forest Development Agenc y and ● Desert and Desertification.
Joint Forest Management Programme ● Forest Survey of India.
for conservation, management and ● Indian Institute of Bio-diversity, Itanagar.
● Central Pollution Control Board.
● Wildlife conservation, preservation,
● G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
protection planning, research, education,
Environment & Development.
training and awareness including Project
Tiger and Project Elephant. ● Wildlife Institute of India and Indian Board
● International co-operation on issues for Wildlife.
concerning Environment, Forestry and ● Indian Institute of Forest Management.
Wildlife. ● Central Zoo Authority including National
● Botanical Survey of India and Botanical Zoological Park.
Gardens. ● Indian Council of Forestry Research &
● Zoological Survey of India. Education.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
● Andaman and Nicobar Islands Forest and ● The Water (Prevention and Control of
Plantation Development Corporation Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 (36 of 1977).
● The Air (Prevention and Control of
● Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981).
● Matters relating to pounds and cattle ● The Indian Forest Act, 1927 (16 of 1927).
● The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of
● Gaushalas and Gausadans.
● The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
● The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
1960 (59 of 1960).
(69 of 1980).
● The National Environment Tribunal Act,
1995 (27 of 1995). ● The Environment (Protection), Act, 1986
(29 of 1986).
● The National Environment Appellate
Authority Act, 1997 (22 of 1997). ● The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
● The Water Prevention and Control of (6 of 1991).
Pollution Act, 1974 (6 of 1974).
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Survey of Flora
Botanical Survey of India
The Botanical Survey of
India (BSI) is the apex research
organization under the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Govt. of
India for carrying out taxonomic
and floristic studies on wild plant
resources of the country. It was
established on 13th February,
1890 with the basic objective
Fig-1. Palash (Butea monosperma) used for timber, resin, fodder, medicine and dye
to explore the plant resources
of the country and to identify
the plants species with economic virtues. general and protected areas, hotspots and
Sir George King, the then Superintendent fragile ecosystems in particular; publication
of the ‘Royal Botanic Garden’ Calcutta was of National, State and District Floras.
appointed as First ex-officio Honorary Director – Identification of threatened/red list species
of the BSI. After independence the department & species rich areas needing conservation;
was reorganized in 1954 by Government ex-situ conservation of critically threatened
of India as a part of scientific development species in botanical gardens.
of the country. During the successive plan – Survey and documentation of traditional
periods, the functional base of BSI was further knowledge (ethno-botany) associated with
expanded to include various new areas such as plants.
inventorying of endemic, rare and threatened
– Develop a National database of Indian
plant species; evolving conservation strategies;
plants, including herbarium and
studies on fragile ecosystems and protected
live specimens, botanical paintings/
areas, like wildlife sanctuaries, national parks
illustrations, etc.
and biosphere reserves; multiplication and
maintenance of endemic and threatened plant Secondary objectives
species, wild ornamentals, etc., in Botanic – Revisionary/Monographic studies on
Gardens and Orchidaria; documentation of selected plant groups.
traditional knowledge associated with plants – Qualitative analysis of nutritive value of
and development of National Database ethno-food plants and other economically
of herbarium specimens/live collections/ useful species.
botanical paintings/illustrations, plant – Capacity building in plant taxonomy
distribution and nomenclature, plant uses, etc. through refresher courses and post M.Sc.
Primary objectives of BSI certificate course.
– Environment Impact Assessment of areas
– Exploration, inventor ying and
assigned by MoEF
documentation of phytodiversity in
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Develop and maintain Botanical Gardens, Tawi Wildlife Sanctuary), Meghalya (South
Museums and Herbaria. Garo Hills – Siju Wildlife Sanctuary,
– Preparation of Seed, Pollen and Spore Baghmara Pitcher Plant Wildlife Sanctuary
Atlas of Indian Plants. and Balpakram National Park, Pynursla &
Progress/achievements made during the Mawphlang block in East Khasi Hills district,
year (upto Dec., 2012) Ri-Bhoi district, Sohrarim, Mawphlang,
Laitkynsew, Mawryngkneng, Jowai and
A. B o t a n i c a l E x p l o r a t i o n &
Inventorisation of Phytodiversity
– Arid – Semi Arid: Haryana (Sultanpur
Field tours and Herbarium consultation National Park); Gujarat (Shoolpaneshwar
tours Wildlife Sanctuary, Narmada, Dang District);
Sixty seven field tours were undertaken for Rajasthan (Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife
floristic/ethnobotanical/ pharmacognostical Sanctuary, Sirohi, Udaipur, Rajsamand and
studies on flowering and non-flowering Chhittorgarh districts for lichens)
plants, as well as live germplasm collection
– Ganjetic Plains: Uttar Pradesh (Upper
for introduction in the gardens, by different
Ganga Ramsar Site), Chhattisgarh (Korea
regional centres and units of BSI covering the
and Korba area); Jharkhand (Koderma
following regions. These include 25 tours in 19
Wildlife Sanctuary, Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary,
protected areas.
Udhwa Lake Bird Sanctuary, Ranchi,
– Western Himalaya: Uttarakhand (Upper Ramgarh and Bokaro district for Algae), Bihar
Girthi valley, Badhani Forest, Sunderdhunga (Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary), West
valley and its surroundings, Mothranwala Bengal (Buxa Wildlife Sanctuary, Jaldapara
and Mussoorie); Jammu & Kashmir (different Wildlife Sanctuary); Odisha (Nabarangpur,
localities of Ladakh in cold desert area); Balangir and Dhenkanal, Chilika lagoon and
Himachal Pradesh (Shimla, Kullu, Manali, Rushikulya coast in Khurda and Ganjam
Narkanda and Rohtang) district)
– Eastern Himalaya: Arunachal Pradesh – Deccan Peninsula: Andhra Pradesh
(Ajnaw District, West Siang District, East (Kadapa and Rajampeta divisions of
Kameng District, West Kameng District, Pakke Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve and
Wildlife Sanctuary); Sikkim (Lungthang, Thimmamma marrimanu of Kadiri area,
Kupup, Memenchu lake and Tamzey area Ananthapur district, Nagarjunasagar-
of East Sikkim; Lachen, Thangu and Yangri Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary)
areas of North Sikkim; Lachen, Chopta – Western Ghats: Maharashtra (Lonavala,
Velley, Zema, Samthang, Kalep, Thangu Khandala, Matheran and adjacent areas,
and Chhaten of West Sikkim); West Bengal Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, Sawantwadi,
(Jalpaiguri District) Ambholighat, Radhanagari, Koyna Wildlife
– North–East India: Assam (Ranga, Kakoi & Sanctuary & adjacent areas, Kas Plateau,
Dullung Reserve Forests, North Lakhimpur), Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary,
Mizoram (Murlen National Park, Blue Thane district); Tamil Nadu (Srivilliputhur
Mountain National Park, Ngenpui Wildlife Wildlife Sanctuary, Kalakad Mundanthurai
Sanctuary, Khawaglung Wildlife Sanctuary, Tiger Reserve, Tirunelveli); Karnataka
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(Sharavathi valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Pilikula – Eragrostis henryi C. P. Vivek, G.V.S. Murthy
Nisarga Dhama, Mangalore and Pilikula & V. J. Nair [Poaceae]
Nisarga Dhama, Agumbey and adjoining – Eriocapitella rupicola (Cambess.) Pusalkar,
areas) D.K. Singh & S.K. Srivast [Ranunculaceae]
– Coastal Region: Kerala (Seaweeds of – Frullania mizoramensis Sushil K.Singh &
Kerala) Barbhuiya [Frullaniaceae]
– Andaman & Nicobar Islands: North – Lactarius crenulatus K. Das & Verbeken
Andaman Islands (Narcondum Islands, East [Russulaceae]
Islands, Peacock Islands, Paget Islands, North
– Lactarius croceigalus K. Das & Verbeken
Reef Islands.); South Andaman Islands (Rani
Jhasi Marine National Park); Little Andaman
Islands (John Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, – Nervilia pangteyana J.S.Jalal, P.S. Kumar &
Outrum, Rutaland Island) G.S. Rawat [Orchidaceae]
Apart from that 14 herbarium consultation – Opegrapha granulosa S. Joseph & G.P. Sinha
tours and 16 ex-situ conservation tours were [Opegraphaceae]
also conducted. – Rhododendron pangeanum Mao A. A. and
M. Bhaumik [Ericaceae]
During these field tours, ca 13,743
specimens were collected and 5,791 specimens – Syncesia coonoorensis S. Joseph & G.P. Sinha
were identified into 5399 species. This resulted [Roccellaceae]
into the discovery of 01 new genus (Fungi), 17 – Tropidia hegderaoi S. Misra [Orchidaceae]
new species, 22 new records for India and 33 – Zeuxine mooneyi S.Misra [Orchidaceae]
new distributional records for biogeographic
New Specific records for India
regions/states. 05 plant species were collected
after more than 50 years. – Anredera cordifolia ( Ten.) Steenis
New Genus
– Apistonema expansum Geitler
– Beltramono D u b e y, Pa n d e y & [Chryophyceae]
Manoharachary [Dematiaceae] – Bacidia arceutina (Ach.) Rehm & Arnold
New species [Ascomycota]
– Beltramono costei Dubey, Pandey & – Bacidia heterochroa (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr.
Manoharachary [Dematiaceae] [Ascomycota]
– Bispora aeglei D ubey, Pandey & – Drepanolejeunea longii Grolle & R.L.Zhu
Manoharachary [Dematiaceae] [Lejeuneaceae]
– Caloplaca gyrophorica Joshi, Y., Jagadeesh – Drepanolejeunea siamensis (Bischl.) Grolle
Ram, T.A.M. & G.P. Sinha [Ascomycota] & R.L.Zhu [Lejeuneaceae]
– Corydalis devendrae Pusalkar – Drepanolejeunea tibetana (P.C.Wu & J.S.Lou)
[Fumariaceae] Grolle & R.L.Zhu [Lejeuneaceae]
– Corydalis magni Pusalkar [Fumariaceae] – Ficus carica L. sub. sp. Rupestris (Hausskn.
– Drepanolejeunea devendrae Sushil K. Singh ex Boiss.) Browicz. [Moraceae]
& M. Dey [Lejeuneaceae]
Annual Report 2012-2013
[Lecanoraceae] T. Anders. var. digitalis [Acanthaceae]
– Monallanthes brevicyndrus Pascher – Strobilanthes viscosea (Arn. ex Nees)
[Xanthophyceae] T. Anders. var. viscosa [Acanthaceae]
– Radula chinensis Steph. [Radulaceae] – Trichosanthes quinquangulata A. Gray
– Ranunculus hirtellus Royle var. orientalis [Cucurbitaceae]
W.T. Wang [Ranunculaceae] – Tristellateia australasiae A . R i c h
– S t y l o s a n t h e s h a m a t a ( L . ) Ta u b . [Malphigiacea]
– Synura splendida Korshikov.
– Per tusaria thiospoda Knight.
– Trachelomonas volvocina var. compressa
Drezep. [Euglaenophyceae] Himachal Pradesh
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Regional/State/District Flora
Taxonomic description of 954 species for
Flora of Uttarakhand, Flora of Gujarat, Grass
Flora of Arunachal Pradesh, 65 species for
Flora of Anjaw District, Arunachal Pradesh,
Flora of West Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh,
Polypodiaceae of North East India, Bryoflora
(Hepaticae & Anthocerotae) of Mizoram, Flora
of South Garo Hills Dist., Meghalaya, Wild
Mushrooms of North Sikkim, Pteridophytic
Flora of North Sikkim, Flora of Sikkim, Flora
of Chhattisgarh, Floral Diversity of Upper
Ganga Ramsar Site, Uttar Pradesh, Flora of Fig-2. Water Lilly (nelumbo nucifera)
Uttarakhand, Vol. II, Endemic & Threatened
Pteridophytic Flora of North West Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh; Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary,
Flora of Cold Desert of N. W. Himalayas, Vol. II Jharkhand; Ranga, Kakoi and Dullung Reserve
(Part II), Flora of Gujarat State, Vol. III, Ferns of Forests, Assam; Rani Jhansi Marine National
Maharashtra, Foliicolous Fungi of Maharashtra, Park, South Andamans; Seshachalam Biosphere
Orchids of Maharashtra, Seaweed of Kerala Reserve, Andhra Pradesh; Sharavathi Valley
Coast, Herbs and Shrubs of Greater Hyderabad, Wildlife Sanctuary, Shimoga, Karnataka;
Flora of N. Andaman Isls. (Narcondam, Peacock, Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Narmada,
Paget and North Reef Isls.), Foliicolous lichens Gujarat; Srivilliputhur Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil
of Andaman Islands, Alpine & Sub-Alpine Flora Nadu; Sultanpur National Park, Haryana; Udhwa
of Central Arunachal Pradesh, Flora of Bihar, Lake Bird Sanctuary, Sahibganj, Jharkhand
Flora of Jharkhand, Liverworts & Hornworts were completed
of Sikkim, Wood Rotting Fungi of Koderma C. Ex-Situ Conservation
Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand and Algae of
– 135 live plants under 49 species collected
from Meghalaya & Arunachal Pradesh have
Flora of Protected Areas been introduced in the nursery of Acharya
Jagadish Chandra Bose IBG, Howrah.
Taxonomic description of 576 species
Buxa Wildlife Sanctuary, Jalpaiguri, West – 23 rare and endangered species have been
Bengal; Gautama Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary, introduced in other associated botanic
Bihar; Great Indian Bustard Wildlife Sanctuary, gardens of different Regional Centres.
Maharashtra; Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, D. Micro-Propagation of Threatened
Jalpaiguri, West Bengal; Jamwa Ramgarh Species
Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan; Koderma
– Multiplication of Cymbidium tigrinum,
Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand; Malabar Wildlife
C. eburneum, Illex khasiana (at ERC,
Sanctuary, Kakkayam, Kozhikode, Kerala;
Shillong) and Eremostachys superba,
Murlen National Park, Mizoram; Nagarjunasagar
Pittosporum eriocarpum and Indopiptadenia
Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh;
oudhensis (at NRC, Dehradun) have been
Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary, East Kameng Dist.,
taken up through tissue culture.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
E. Studies of Nutritional Values of Wild – One more ethnobotanical field tour was
Edible Plants of Meghalaya undertaken, to the Nabarangpur, Odisha.
– Total phenolic, flavonoid and flavonol 216 nos. of ethnobotanical interested
content, reducing power and DPPH radical species in duplicate voucher specimens
scavenging activity of wild edible fruits collected with the help of medicine man
of Zanthoxylum armatum, Gomphogyne (Baidya or elder village people) from
cissiformis, Gymnopetalum cochinensis, different tribal populated village areas
Artocarpus gomeziana, Baccaurea sapida at Nabarangpur district. There are about
and wild edible leaves of Allium porrum, 270 ethnobotanical uses recorded. Out of
Carpesium cernuum, Tricyrtis pillosa, 270 uses 153 are as medicinal 54 as food,
Spilanthes acmella, Leea sambucina, 7 veterinary, 8 fodder, 7 rope making, 2
collected from Meghalaya state, were herbal dye, 9 tooth brush, 3 insect repellant
carried out using different solvent system. 4 hair oil and 25 other purposes. Some of
The antioxidant activities of different these specimens are dried properly and
parts of Lysimachia laxa and Gymnocladus poisoned. GPS was used and recorded data
assamicus were also carried out. of location of different places. Collected
F. Documentation of Indegenous 20 items of different kind of seeds and
Knowledge of Plant Resources plant parts for ethnobotanical museum.
– An ethnobotanical field tour was Visited weekly market (Hut) at a) Jharigaon
undertaken to Dhenkanal, Odisha state as b) Hathibari and collected different plant
per Annual Action Plan 2012-2013. A total parts. About 250 photographs of different
of 320 ethnobotanical interested plant plant specimens and tribal habitation
species in duplicate voucher specimens taken
were collected with the help of medicine – A total of 207 field nos. comprising 621
man from different tribal populated village ethno-botanically important specimens,
at Dhenkanal. Among these 320 plants, 194 36 exhibits for Museum and about 20
plants were used as medicine, 42 plants specimens (bulbs & corms) for garden were
as edible, 14 plants for small timber, 5 for collected from Dang district, Gujarat.
agriculture implements, 8 as bio-fencing,
G. Report of The Indian Botanical
3 plants as insect repellent, 3 as tooth
Liaison Officer
brush, 3 for oil, 2 for liquor, 10 as fodder
and 4 as rope/fibre. – Images of 205 Type/authentic specimen
images were sent to various researchers
– Another ethnobotanical field tour was
undertaken to Balangir District, Odisha in India.
state as per Annual Action Plan 2012-2013. – 694 pages photocopies of protologues of
Collected 205 field nos. comprising 284 37 species and 50 research papers, and
ethnobotanical information, which are three complete books related to Indian
used by the tribes and other rural people Botanic Gardens, which were published
for different purposes e.g. medicine (148), in 1861, 1895 and 1907, were sent for use
edible (28), fodder (8), broom (2), tooth by BSI scientists, University and College
stick (3), plates (2), dye (2), Fish poison teachers and students. Apart from that
(2) and miscellaneous (89) more than 270 pages of downloaded
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Bibliography and Abstracts of papers on
were solved/ clarified after referring the
Flora of Maharashtra.
original publications.
– During this period attended 12 lectures/ The following publications are in press:
talks at Kew and two evening meeting at National Flora:
the Linnean Society. One Symposium was
– Flora of India, Volume 23
also attended in which various lectures
on different topics were given by the – Fascicles to the Flora of India, Volume
researchers funded by Bentham-Moxon 25
Trust. State Flora & District Flora:
H. Floristic Study of Sacred Groves – Flora of Kerala, Volume 2
– One day field trip to Thimmamma – Flora of Subansiri District, Arunachal
marrimanu of Kadiri area, Ananthapur Pradesh, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
district was undertaken on 2nd July 2012. – Paschim Banglar Udvid, Volume 5
32 plant species have been enumerated
from the sacred groves. Specialized Group:
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Fig-3. Ashoka tree (Saraca asoca) – an important tree in the cultural traditions of the Indian Subcontinent and adjacent areas
Annual Report 2012-2013
and also assisted scientists, students and
researchers in their pursuit of taxonomic Pharmacognosy Unit
research on plants. During the period – Pharmacognostic studies on medicinal
scientists, students and visitors, including Aconites of India
9 VIPs, have visited the Botanic Gardens,
Cryptogamic Unit
Herbaria and Museums of BSI; 185 requests for
information and supply of plant materials have – Liverwort & Hornwort Flora of Sikkim
been attended. Identified 180 plant materials – Moss Flora of Darjeeling District, West
and supplied 1125 pages of photocopied Bengal
– Algal Flora of Jharkhand
Revenue Earnings: During the period BSI – Wood Rotting Fungi of Koderma Wildlife
earned ` 1,17,055/- (1) Sale of departmental
Sanctuary (Jharkhand)
publications (2) identification of plant
specimens and supply of photocopied Ecology Unit
literature, etc. – A Checklist of Dinophyceae in India
Scientific Workshop/Training Programme Plant Chemistry Unit
– Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value
– A training course in plant taxonomy was of Wild Edible Plants of Meghalaya
organized at BSI, NRC, Dehradun during – Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah:
March 19–26, 2012. Total 39 (23 outside
Established in 1787 at Howrah, the IBG
from Universities, Institutions) and 16 in
has an area of ca 273 acres with a National
house trainees have attended this training.
Orchidarium, 25 Lakes and number of
28 lectures on various topics on Plant
conservatories. Initially served as platform
Diversity and Herbarium Techniques were
for introduction of such commercially
delivered by the resource persons of BSI,
important plants, as cardamom, pepper,
Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun,
nutmeg, cotton, tobacco, indigo, coffee,
National Botanical Research Institute
sago, teak, cinchona, rubber, jute,
(NBRI), Lucknow and Universities.
mahogany, etc. It has 2132 species under
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1. Flora of North Andaman Islands (Narcondam, Peacock, Paget, Landfall)
2. Flora of Rani Jhansi National Park
3. Foliicolous lichens of Andaman Islands
Andhra Pradesh 4. Flora of Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve, Andhra Pradesh
5. Flora of Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh
6. Flora of 650 Sacred Groves of Andhra Pradesh
7. Herbs and Shrubs of Greater Hyderabad
Arunachal Pradesh 8. Grass Flora of Arunachal Pradesh
9. Flora of Anjaw District
10. Flora of West Siang District
11. Flora of Pakhui Wild life Sanctuary, East Kameng
12. Alpine and Sub-Alpine Flora of Central Arunachal Pradesh
13. Liverworts and Hornworts of West Siang District
Assam 14. Flora of Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary
15. Flora of Ranga, Kakoi and Dullung Reserve Forests, Assam
Bihar 16. Wetland flora of Gangetic plains in Bihar from Buxar to Katihar
17. Flora of Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary
18. Flora of Bihar
Chhattisgarh 19. Flora of Chhattisgarh
Gujarat 20. Ethnobotany of Junagarh District
21. Flora of Gujarat, Vol. III
22. Flora of Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Narmada
23. Lichens of Kutch and Gujarat
Haryana 24. Flora of Sultanpur National Park
Jammu & Kashmir 25. Endemic & Threatened Pteridophytic Flora of NW Himalayas
26. Flora of Cold Desert of NW Himalaya
27. Flora of Jammu & Kashmir, Volume V
Jharkhand 28. Flora of Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary
29. Flora of Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary
30. Wood Rotting Fungi of Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary
31. Flora of Udhwa Lake Bird Sanctuary
32. Algal Flora of Jharkhand
Annual Report 2012-2013
41. Folicolous Fungi of Maharashtra
42. Studies on the Orchids of Maharashtra
Meghalaya 43. Checklist of flora of Meghalaya
44. Flora of South Garo Hills Dist., Meghalaya
45. Chemical composition & nutritive value of wild edible plants of
Mizoram 46. Bryoflora (Hepaticae & Anthocerotae) of Mizoram
47. Flora of Phawangpui Blue Mountain Peak, Mizoram
48. Flora of Murlen National Park, Mizoram
Odisha 49. Ethnobotany of Odisha
50. Poaceae of Odisha
Rajasthan 51. Flora of Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary
52. Lichens of Rajasthan
Sikkim 53. Liverwort & Hornwort Flora of Sikkim
54. Pteridophytic Flora of North Sikkim
55. Studies on Wild Mushrooms of North Sikkim
56. Flora of Sikkim
Tamil Nadu 57. Flora of Srivilliputhur Wildlife Sanctuary
Uttar Pradesh 58. Floral Diversity of Upper Ganga Ramsar Site,
Uttarakhand 59. Flora of Uttarakhand
West Bengal 60. Flora of Buxa Wildlife Sanctuary
61. Flora of West Bengal, Volume V
62. Moss Flora of Darjeeling District
Ministry of Environment & Forests
cultivation including (two living types and) has 20,000 exhibits of economic plants
1092 exotics. Every year over 5 lakh people and plant products arranged in 8 Bays
visit the garden for education, awareness for public awareness; 70,000 herbarium
and recreation purposes. specimens; 18 volumes containing 700
Current Projects samples of Indian textiles in silk, cotton,
muslin and wool, representing one of the
– Collection, introduction and multiplication
20 sets captioned Textiles Manufactures
of 100 endemic, threatened, medicinal,
and Costumes of the People of India, and
ornamental and economically important
a 15 volume companion set on Natural
– Indigenous Palms of India Current Projects
– Bamboos of India: Ex – situ
– Collection of economic plant materials for
enrichment and replacement of exhibits
– Development of Division No. 25 of AJC of the Botanical gallery
Bose IBG.
– Listing of collections of George Watt
– Orchids of Tripura & North Bengal deposited at BSIS
– Central Botanical Laboratory, Howrah: – Central National Herbarium, Howrah:
Established in 1954 at Kolkata and later Established in 1795 at Howrah, holds ca
shifted to Howrah with Economic Botany, 2.05 million specimens of seed plants,
Cytology & Plant physiology section. 10,000 type specimens, 12,000 Wallichian
Current Projects specimens and 10,000 non-flowering
– Ethnobotany of Odisha state plants. The unit has been responsible for
discovery of 09 genera and 235 species
– Revision of the Family Memecylaceae in
new to science.
Current Projects
– Ethnomedicinal uses of Fabaceae in India
recorded in herbarium and published – Alpine and Sub-Alpine Flora of Central
literature Arunachal Pradesh
– Ethnobotanical information recorded in – Editing & Updating of mss. of Flora of West
herbarium and literature for treatment of Bengal, Vol. V (Monocot) Hydrocharitaceae
stone. – Poaceae (37 families)
– Industrial Section, Indian Museum, – Editing of Flora of India, family
Kolkata: Established in 1887 at Kolkata Acanthaceae
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Flora of Bihar, Volume – I [Introduction, at Sankie View has ca 400 species under
Key to the Families, Ranunculaceae cultivation.
– Mimosaceae (ca. 728 species, 62 Current Projects
– Flora of Anjaw District, Arunachal
– Flora of Buxa Wildlife Sanctuary, Jalpaiguri, Pradesh
WB. (ca 368.99 sq. km.)
– Flora of West Siang District, Arunachal
– Flora of Gautam Buddha Wildlife Sanctuary, Pradesh
Bihar & Jharkhand,(ca. 259 sq. km.) – Liverworts and Hornworts of West Siang
– Flora of Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, West District
Bengal (ca 216.51 sq km) – Revison of Family Aspidiaceae in N.E.
– Flora of Jharkhand, Volume – I [Introduction, India
Key to the Families, Ranunculaceae – Grass Flora of Arunachal Pradesh
– Mimosaceae (ca. 728 species, 62
– Flora of Pakhui Wild life Sanctuary, East
– Flora of Koderma Wildlife Sanctuary, – Taxonomic Study of family Polypodiaceae
Jharkhand. (ca.150 sq. km) (ca 100 spp.) of North East India
– Flora of Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary, – Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong:
Jharkhand. ca.183 km2 Jurisdiction – Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
– Flora of Udhwa Lake Bird Sanctuary, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura. Established
Jharkhand (ca 5.65 sq. km.) in 1956 at Shillong, the circle has ca
– Palynotaxonomic studies of Lauraceae of 2,71,000 herbarium specimens, including
India 508 types representing 5 genera and 89
species discovered as new to science. The
– Revision of the Genera Carex L. and
associated garden of 10 ha at Barapani
Kobresia Willd. in India
has ca 800 species under cultivation.
– Revision of the Genus Festuca in India
Current Projects
– Revision of the Tribe Vernonieae in India
– Bryoflora (Hepaticae & Anthocerotae) of
– Study on Genera Jencellus, Anosporum, Mizoram
Sorostachys and remaining taxa of Cyperus
– Checklist of flora of Meghalaya
under Flora of India. (ca. 88 taxa)
– Flora of South Garo Hills Dist., Meghalaya
– Verification of deposition of types at
different herbaria of BSI based on names – Flora of Barnadi Wild life
of new taxa published during 1990 – 2004 – Flora of Ranga, Kakoi and Dullung Reserve
in some selected journals Forests, Assam
– Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre, – Flora of Murlen National Park, Mizoram
Itanagar: Jurisdiction - Arunachal Pradesh. – Micropropagation of RET plants of NE India
Established in 1977, the circle has 13,500 (Nymphaea & Cymbidium)
herbarium specimens, including 34 types
– Multiplication and conservation of Rare/
representing 20 species discovered as new
Endangered/Economically important
to science. The associated garden of 48 ha
plants in Botanic Garden of BSI-ERC.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Current Projects – Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore:
– Flora of Gujarat, Vol. III Jurisdiction – Tamil Nadu, Kerala &
– Ethnobotany of Gujarat (Junagarh Lakshadweep Islands. Established in 1955
District) at Coimbatore, the circle has ca 2,75,000
herbarium specimens, including 2594
– Flora of Jamwa Ramgarh Wildlife Sanctuary,
Rajasthan types representing 08 genera and 155
species discovered as new to science. The
– Flora of Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary,
associated garden of 19 ha at Yercaud and
Narmada, Gujarat
in the campus has ca 1100 species under
– Western Regional Centre, Pune: cultivation
Jurisdiction – Maharashtra, Karnataka,
Current Projects
Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli.
Established in 1955 at Pune, the circle – Seaweed survey of South East Coast of
has ca 1,70,000 herbarium specimens, India.
including 571 types representing two – Flora of Kerala, Vols. III, IV & V
genera and 146 species discovered as new
– Flora of Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary,
to science. The associated gardens of 19.5
Kozikode, Kerala
ha at Mundhwa and in the campus have
ca 400 species under cultivation. – Pollen and Seed morphology of Genus
Andrographis Wall. ex Nees using SEM
Current Projects
– Seed morphology of Ficus L. using SEM
– Flora of Great Indian Bustard Wildlife
Sanctuary, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra – Study of Caryopsis in Eragrostis Sporobolus
and Tripogon genera of Poaceae using
– Ferns of Maharashtra
– Foliicolous Fungi of Maharashtra
– Study of Pollinia of South Indian Orchids
– Flora of Sharavathi valley Wildlife Sanctuary,
using SEM
Shimoga, Karnataka
– Deccan Regional Centre, Hyderabad:
CENTRE, PORT BLAIR: Jurisdiction –
Jurisdiction – Andhra Pradesh, Odisha.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– Fauna of States
– Fauna of Conservation Areas
– Fauna of Important Ecosystems
– Status Survey of Endangered Species
– Ecological Studies/Environment Impact
Assessment Survey, and
– Computerization and Dissemination of
Primary Objectives
Fig-4. A view from great Andaman The current mandate of ZSI is survey,
collection documentation (including the
Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Established traditional knowledge associated with animals)
in 1972, the circle has 22,000 herbarium and ex situ conservation of wild animal diversity
specimens, including 100 t ypes of the country.
representing two genera and 66 species
High priority areas include
discovered as new to science. The
associated garden of 30 ha at Dhanikheri – Digitization of present collections,
has ca 200 species under cultivation. preparation of fine scale distribution
maps based on primary occurrence data
Current Project
and making it available in a searchable
– Flora of Rani Jhansi Marine National format.
– Publication of National and State faunas.
– Flora of N. Andaman Isls. (Narcondam,
– Ta xo n o m i c s t u d i e s, re v i s i o n a r y /
Peacock, Paget and North Reef Isls.)
monographic studies on selected animal
– Foliicolous lichens of Andaman Islands groups.
Survey of Fauna – Identification of Red list species and species
rich areas needing conservation and focus
Zoological Survey of India
on data deficient species to collect more
Introduction and Objectives information on populations.
The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), a – Development of National database
premier institution under the Ministry, has of Indian animals including Museum
been undertaking survey, exploration and specimens, live specimens, paintings,
research leading to the advancement of our illustrations etc. and maintenance of
knowledge on the exceptionally rich faunal already existing collections with modern
diversity of the country since its inception in facilities and as per international standards
1916. With its headquarter at Kolkata and 16 of collection management.
Regional Centers located at different parts of – Developing and maintaining Museums
the country, ZSI in recent years re-oriented its and using such facilities for conservation
plan of work by grouping the survey and studies education for people especially
under the following six major programmes: students.
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Ex situ conservation of critically threatened coast, one to east coast of India, one to Costal
taxa. zone of Tamil Nadu, one to Gulf of Mannar and
– Cap ac i t y b u i l di n g i n ta xo n o my, one to Kerala coast.
nomenclature, specimen collection, Biosphere Reserve / Conservation areas:
preservation and maintenance through Fourteen surveys, two to Sunderban, one each
training programmes. to Middle Eastern Ghat, Eastern Ghat Northern
Secondary Objectives Western Ghat and Southern Western Ghat,
three to Western Ghat, one to Kachchh from
– To establish a panel of experienced and
Gujarat and two to Valmiki Tiger Reserve from
active taxonomists and obtain their
Bihar during the year.
consent to participate in fauna project.
– To prepare annotated checklist of different National Parks: Five surveys, one to Chambal
groups of animals, museum collections, from Madhya Pradesh, two to Saddle peak from
based on published documents giving Andaman, two to Sultanpur from Haryana.
local names if any with locality and habitat.
Wildlife Sanctuaries: Ten surveys, three to
Make available the electronic version
Sajnekhali, West Bengal, one to Bethuadahari,
of checklist to the general public; and
West Bengal,two to Kalatop-Khajjar, Himachal
circulate it among the panel of zoologists
Pradesh, one each to Kalakkad, Tamil Nadu,
who would, in turn, check for omissions,
Bhitarkanica, Odisha, Nongkhyllen, Meghalaya
ambiguities, localities and habitat through
and Landfall Island from Andaman.
active consultation with other local
zoologists. States and Union territories: Under the
– To begin with, publication of state state fauna programme 25 surveys in several
faunas electronically giving correct districts of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Himachal
names, localities, habitats, sketches and Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
photographs of important species on an Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and
interactive Fauna of India Website. This will Uttarakhand were carried out.
act as an outreach programme for all the
Ecological / Status Survey: Totally four Status/
biologists, and other interested public.
ecological survey namely Fishes of Ganga
Performance/ Achievements/ Progress Brahmaputra Drainage and Fishes of West Khasi
made during the year Hills, Indian Golden Gecko (Calodactyloides
Faunal explorations and surveys aureus) and Coral reefs and associated
organisms in Palk Bay were carried out.
Mountain Ecosystem: Four surveys were
undertaken to Spity valley from Himachal Other studies: Totally eighteen surveys were
Pradesh undertaken, one on Insect Pest and Pollinator of
crop pest of North Bengal, one to Budge Budge,
Estuarine ecosystem: Four surveys, two to
South Parganas on Earthworm population, five to
Pennar estuary from Andhra Pradesh, one to
Indian Botanical garden, one to Bankura District
Diamond harbor from West Bengal and one to
on Lepidoptera, two to Bihar and Jharkhand, two
Narmada Tapti.
to Arunachal Pradesh, three to Madhya Pradesh
Marine /Island ecosystem: Six extensive and three surveys to Eastern Himalaya to study
surveys one each to Maharashtra and Gujarat on Zooplankton of lower Arunachal.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Nicobar Administration)
– Lead Institution-Great Nicobar
Biosphere Reserve (Sponsored by:
– Faunal Diversity of Great Nicobar
Biosphere Reserve (Sponsored by:
– Rapid EIA studies on the road
alignment from Shastri Nagar to
Indira Point, Great Nicobar Island
(Sponsored by: Border Roads Task
Force, Ministry of Defense, Govt. of
– Preparation of Management
Fig-5. Chowsingha (Tetracerus quadricornis) Action Plan for Lohabarrack
the four-horned antelope in its wild habitat Crocodile Sanc tuar y, South
Andaman (Sponsored by: DoEF,
S ome I mp or tant Research studies Andaman and Nicobar Administration)
– Status survey on Holothurians of A&N
– Optical Characterisation of Corals – Islands (Sponsored by: DoEF, Andaman and
A collaborative project with Space Nicobar Administration
Application Centre, Ahmedabad. – Rapid EIA studies on runway extension in
– Improving quality of Reefs through Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar and Sibpur,
Transplantation/Restoration of Corals North Andaman (Sponsored by: Indian Navy,
at Gulf of Kachchh (Sponsored by World Ministry of Defense, Govt. of India
Bank) – Strengthing of Marine Aquarium and
– Promoting Scientific Research and Regional Centre at Digha, West Bengal
Molecular studies of Civets of the genus (Sponsored by: World Bank)
Viverra particularly Malabar Civet V. – All India Coordinated Project on Nematode
civettina Taxonomy (Capacity Building)
– Survey and monitoring the health of coral Special Collaborative Projects: The details
reefs of India, National Coral Reef Research of the special collaborative projects are as
Institute (NCRI) (Sponsored by MoEF) follows;
– Diversity and Distribution of Corals and
– Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has
their Associated Fauna of Rani Jhansi
been signed with the Indian Institute of
Marine National Park, Andaman (Sponsored
Sciences, Bengaluru for molecular study
by MoEF).
of fishing cat.
– Monitoring the Coral Reefs of Andaman and
– ‘Faunal Diversity of Protected Areas in
Nicobar Islands (Sponsored by: Department
Chhattisgarh (Phase-1)’ and ‘District–wise
of Environment and Forests, Andaman and
Faunal Diversity of Chhattisgarh (Phase-1)
Annual Report 2012-2013
identified by the scientists of ZSI Head quarter – C. discoides
and regional centres. In addition 11 species
– Ercolania kencolesi
new to science have been described during
the year and 47 species were added new to the – Pseudoceros irretitus
fauna of India. – Chromoloris joshi
Table-3. Details of number of species identified from different surveys
States/UT’s Protozoa Rotifera Nematoda Mollusca Annelida Crustacea Cladocera Decapoda Insecta Odonata
Andhra Pradesh 10 6 11 13
Assam 9 2
Bihar 12 12 5
Goa 65
Gujarat 33
Himachal Pradesh 4 12
Karnataka 14
Kerala 12 9
Maharashtra 18 69 25
Mizoram 5
Odisha 4 2
Rajasthan 12 11
Tamil Nadu 4 7 13 18 8
Uttarakhand 8 10
Uttar Pradesh 26
West Bengal 4 20 15
States/UT’s Orthoptera Hemiptera Homoptera Coleoptera Lepidoptera Arachnida Echinodermata Fishes Amphibia Reptilia Mammalia
Andhra Pradesh 8 13 5 3 7
Assam 11 9
Haryana 33 32 6
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Himachal Pradesh 58 22 13 7
Madhya Pradesh 25 17 14
Maharashtra 7 7 39 10 35 14
Manipur 6 12
Meghalaya 12 11 6
Odisha 6 10
Rajasthan 7
Tamil Nadu 7 7 24
Uttarakhand 23 41 35
Uttar Pradesh 35
West Bengal 5 34
Annual Report 2012-2013
Fishes and two species of Reptiles were
– Haplodoris estrelyado
– Phyllidiapol kadita
– Northern Western Ghat, Maharashtra: Six
– P. monacha species of Collembola were determined
– Robastra gracilia
Wildlife Sanctuary
– Montipora samarensis
– Phansad, Maharashtra: 27 species of
– Anacropora forbesi
Lepidoptera, 15 species of Orthoptera, 5
– Seriatopora guttatus species of Scolopendromorpha, 20 species
– Psammacoranier straszi of Odonata, 3 species of Hymenoptera,
– Rhizopsammia verrilli 7 species of Frogs, 3 species of Lizards,
2 species of Collembola and 5 species of
Taxonomic studies
Fishes were determined.
The research work carried out on the
– Veerangana Durgavati, Madhya Pradesh:
fauna collected from different states, protected
4 species of Lepidoptera, 8 species of
areas and important ecosystems are as
Fauna of States
The details of number of species
identified from different surveys of
different States are given in Table-3.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
photography is under
– Pictorial Handbook
on Dragonflies
and Damselflies of
Rajasthan: Description
of 15 species was
completed and two
photo plates were
– Pictorial Handbook
on Fishes and
Amphibians of
Himachal Pradesh:
Diagnostic characters
of 15 species of Fishes Fig-7. Tree frog or Flying frog (genus Rhacophorus)
and 17 species of
Amphibians were completed. Training and Extension
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-4. Budget allocation and Progress of Expenditure during 2012-13 XII Plan Outlay
(` Crore)
Plan Non-Plan
BE RE 2012-13 Exp. Upto (%) BE 2012-13 RE 2012-13 Exp. Upto (%)
2012-13 31.12.2012 31.12.2012
15.32 18.41 13.13 85 16.35 17.91 14.69 90
Annual Report 2012-2013
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (1979)
– Sunderban Regional Centre (SRC), Canning, Forest Survey of India (FSI), an
West Bengal (1979) organization under Ministry of Environment
– Estuarine Biology Regional Centre (EBRC), & Forests, Government of India is engaged
Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam, Odisha (1980) in the assessment of the country’s forest
resources on a regular interval. Established
– Western Ghat Regional Centre (WGRC),
on June 1, 1981, the Forest Survey of India
Kozhikode, Kerala (1980)
succeeded the “Preinvestment Survey of Forest
– Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre (APRC), Resources” (PISFR), a project initiated in 1965
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (1983) by Government of India with the sponsorship
– Marine Aquarium cum Regional Centre of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
(MARC), Digha, West Bengal (1989) and United Nations Development Programme
Agreements with countries/International (UNDP). The main objective of PISFR was to
Organizations. ascertain the availability of raw material for
establishment of wood based industries in
Zoological Survey of India has signed an
selected areas of the country. In its report in 1976,
agreement of co-operation with the Institute for
the National Commission on Agriculture (NCA)
Tropical Biology and Conservation, University
recommended the creation of a National Forest
of Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia.
Survey Organization for collection of reliable
Forest Resources and Survey data through countrywide comprehensive
forest resources survey at regular intervals.
Survey and Utilisation (SU) Division
Consequently, PISFR was reorganized into FSI
Survey & Utilization (SU) Division deals in June 1981. After a critical review of activities,
with the matters related to Forest Survey of the mandate of FSI was refined in 1986 in
India, Dehradun, Andaman & Nicobar Forest & order to make it more relevant to the rapidly
Plantation Development Corporation Limited, changing needs and aspirations of the country.
Port Blair, all State Forest Development The main objectives of FSI are as follows:
Corporations, Export & Import of wood
and wood products, Forest Certification, Objectives of FSI
Sustainable Forest Management, International – To assess the forest cover of the country
Tropical Timber Organization, National Forestry through Remote Sensing technology,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Fig-9. Palash (Butea monosperma) used for timber, resin, fodder, medicine and dye
resources have gained importance because GPS, DGPS and inventory techniques. About
of their increasing role in meeting the needs 125 forestry personnel have been trained in
of wood based industries and society. The different courses since April 2012 to December
outcome of the TOF inventory is estimation 2012. In addition to in house training courses,
of growing stock in TOF areas, estimation of FSI is also conducting outreach training
production of wood from TOF and tree cover. programme on GPS for imparting training to
front line staff of State Forest Departments in a
The data collection work for ISFR 2013 has
bulk number. During the current financial year
already been completed and data checking
upto December 2012, the outreach training
and data processing is under progress. The
programme has been conducted in three
process of preparation of inventory of forest
states namely Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat
and TOF in selected 30 districts for 2012-13 is
in which 191 forestry personals have been
under progress.
trained in handheld GPS.
Training on estimation of carbon tools and
Forest Survey of India (FSI) has been technologies by USDA Forest Service in
imparting training to forestry personal of State USA.
Forest Departments since 1981 through short A group of seven members; 5 from FSI
term courses (one/two weeks) on the modern and one each from Indian Council of Forestry
geomatic tools such as remote sensing, GIS, Research and Education (ICFRE) and MoEF
Ministry of Environment & Forests
visited different places in USA to get an were present. The focus of these consultations
exposure on estimation of carbon stock in was on the following:
forest. The training comprised of theoretical
– Establishment of National Forestry
lectures and field visit . Under the field visit
Information System;
actual plots were laid down in different forest
– Near real time monitoring of forest fires;
types. The training was found to be very useful
and some of their techniques are being now – Alignment of forest inventory work of FSI
piloted in India. with working plan exercise in the SFDs.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Real Time Monitoring of Forest Fires enable them to carry out the field work while
FSI monitored forest fire incidences arrangement for quality control and quality
through remote sensing and GIS based assurance shall be done by FSI. The data
technology from 2004 to 2011. FSI was doing processing and image processing work would
near real time monitoring of forest fires through be carried out by FSI. The outcome of the 18-
which forest fire alerts had been sent to State month project will be district-wise forest type
Forest Departments through SMS using a map, slope and aspect map, drainage map and
remote sensing based system developed by forest cover draped digital elevation model at
University of Maryland. 30 m interval. In addition, an inventory report
for the forest as well as non-forest areas will
From 2012 onwards, FSI in collaboration
also be prepared for Nagaland state.
with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
has initiated a Real Time Monitoring of Forest Inventory and Monitoring of Biosphere
Fire wherein the forest fire alerts from active Reserves in India, using Remote Sensing
fire locations are being generated as KML file and GIS Technology
which is Google compatible format. The alerts FSI has taken up a project to study the
have been sent to registered users via Emails temporal change in land use dynamics over the
and SMS. KML alert would be up to state level expanses of three Biosphere Reserves (BRs): viz.
whereas SMS alert would be up to district level. Pachmarhi in Madhya Pradesh, Achanakmar
The time lag of the information is less than 2 Amarkantak in M.P/Chhattisgarh and Nokrek in
hours from the receipt of information from the Meghalaya. It is envisaged to study the impact
satellite. of BR management to develop and test RS & GIS
Project for Forest Cover Mapping and based approach for assessment and valuation
Inventory of Forest/Tree Resources in of ecosystem services in a selected Biosphere
Nagaland Reserve of the Himalayan region, and make
recommendations for effective management
In order to help Nagaland state, which
of BR focusing on redefining zones and
has forest cover of 13,464 sq km (81.21% of
boundaries. Temporal change analysis for land
the state’s geographical area) for preparation
use and land cover is to be done over 5 years’
of Working Plans of its nine forest divisions
period since they were declared Biosphere
spread over 11 districts, a new project has
Reserves. Landsat TM and LISS III data is being
been launched. The project has the objective
used for temporal change analysis. LISS IV data
to provide assistance to Nagaland Forest
will be used for the year 2010. Making use of the
Department in preparation of different maps
latest RS images, a natural resource data base of
using remote sensing data and in carrying out
the areas under the three Biosphere Reserves
inventory of forest and tree resources including
will be created with a focus on preparing land
vegetation survey and estimation of soil carbon
use and land cover maps. The maps and GIS
as per the methodology laid down by FSI. In
layers shall be prepared at 1:50,000 scale.
addition, species diversity and important Non-
Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) will also be The Biosphere Reserves are internationally
quantified. designed landscape/seascape units under
UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Programme for
FSI has imparted field training to forestry
building harmonious relationship between
personnel of the state on these aspects to
Ministry of Environment & Forests
human activities and ecosystem conservation. and integrated information system which
There are 18 Biosphere Reserves in India, and would enable automating various functions
besides FSI, three institutions (G. B. Pant Institute and activities related to monitoring and
of Himalayan Environment & Development, transparency in the use of CAMPA funds and
MS Swaminathan Research Foundation and various works sanctioned in the Annual Plan
the National Remote Sensing Centre) are of Operations (State CAMPA) approved by
implementing agencies of this programme for the State Authorities. It would also facilitate
the other 13 Biosphere Reserves. the optimal use of available ICT technologies
for the institutionalization of monitoring
CAMPA and e green watch
mechanism to monitor and evaluate projects
Compensatory Afforestation Fund being undertaken by the State CAMPA.The
Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA) name of i-CCMES was subsequently changed
was constituted on the order issued by Apex to e-Green Watch. At present, the e greenwatch
Court as National Advisory Council under the portal is being hosted by NIC extensively relates
chairmanship of the Hon’ble Union Minister of to online monitoring of various afforestation
Environment & Forests. The basic aim of CAMPA works and allied works being undertaken by the
is to promote afforestation and regeneration States using CAMPA funds. In addition, it also
activities as a way of compensating for forest has details of lands diverted for compensatory
land diverted to non-forest uses. The Supreme afforestation, etc. At present the e-Greenwatch
Court also approved the guidelines prepared project has been initiated with five pilot
by MoEF for utilizing CAMPA funds by an states viz Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
agency to be constituted in the States known Karnataka, Tripura, Sikkim.
as the “State CAMPA”. The need for monitoring
At present, the role of FSI has been to
of the CAMPA funds and proposed activities
analyse the status of the polygons uploaded
led to the formulation of the Integrated CAMPA
by the States in terms of Forest cover mapping,
Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation System
forest type mapping based on legacy datasets.
(i-CCMES). An Information portal (i-CCMES) was
required to be designed to provide one-step Decision Support System
information source for all activities undertaken
Forest Survey of India is in the process
by CAMPA and facilitate a single sign-up facility
of developing a GIS based Decision Support
for all future applications. The design and
System for the use of Ministry of Environment
development of i-CCMES was conceptualized
and Forests to help facilitate dealing of Forest
and proposed a platform with a framework
Conservation (FC) cases/proposals received
for gathering, aggregating and serving
by them. In this system, layers of spatial
data and providing a means for monitoring
information pertaining to forest cover, forest
project delivery system that was, completely
types, protected area status, biodiversity
transparent, reliable, accountable, presentable
and richness etc. are being provided so that
data in real time, accessible to all stakeholders
for any proposal received by the Ministry,
and public at large and allow for monitoring,
the information pertaining to the aforesaid
evaluation, social and ecological audits.
parameters can be instantly generated and
It involved design and development of a visualized by them on screen, making use of
web-based, role-based workflow applications this GIS system being developed. In this regard,
Annual Report 2012-2013
digitized boundaries of areas under control defined set of standards and formats by different
of respective States Forest Departments are mapping agencies in India. This endeavour of
essentially required to be overlaid on the forest DST is aimed at creating a portal from which
cover maps. users may directly access and buy all kinds
of spatial data generated by Indian mapping
The digital data with regard to the
agencies. FSI is the nodal agency for forestry
Recorded Forest areas of the SFD’s was received
sector and has created spatial layers as per the
from 18 States. However, on analysis it was
requirements of NSDI in order to develop a
seen that out of these, the Recorded Forest
national spatial knowledge repository.
area boundaries of only 12 States were usable
and the rest of the six States were asked to In the current year, as part of the follow
refurnish their boundaries as the data furnished up to the previous year’s work, FSI participated
were incomplete. As of now, information with in NSDI12 on 20-21st December, 2012. National
respect to the Recorded Forest area generated GIS for geospatial governance was the focus
from Forest Cover and Forest Type Map has of the said meeting wherein FSI showcased
been completed in respect of 12 states. In the work progress carried at its end. Metadata
addition, the information of Forest Cover, Forest creation in version 2.0 has been completed
Types has been deduced for 40 Tiger Reserves and has been submitted to NSDI for uploading
and 555 Protected Areas that include National on NSDI portal. The Web Server (Application
Parks 89, Wild Life Sanctuaries 464, and two Server) and Database Server have been
Conservation Reserves. installed and established as FSI node at Forest
Survey of India, headquarters Dehradun.
A number of correspondences have
The server would be repository for the entire
been carried with the concerned SFD’s
forestry database that would be available to
requesting them for urgent necessary action
users through internet. Preparation of data
to complete digitization of forest boundaries
content standard for vegetation theme of FSI
in their respective states and furnish the said
was prepared and submitted to NSDI. Web
digital data to FSI at the earliest.It may also
Map Service (WMS) services have also been
be mentioned that this data along with other
prepared for Forest Cover of the entire country
layers of information being generated at FSI,
(state wise) and have been uploaded on NSDI
would also form essential component of the
portal. WMS services of India Forest Type Map
National Forestry Information System (NFIS)
have been created and uploaded on NSDI
for which FSI has already initiated action and
consultations with State Forest Departments
through its regional offices. Meeting of the interoperability Working
Group held on 8th December, 2012 at Delhi
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
and chaired by FSI. The WMS services and
National Spatial Data Infrastructure Web Feature Service (WFS) services created
(NSDI) for India is an initiative undertaken by FSI were presented before the partner
by Department of Science and Technology organizations. Only Survey of India (SOI) and
(DST), Govt. of India. NSDI aims at encouraging partly National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
collection, aggregation and distribution of are other organizations which have shown
spatial data on different themes on a common some progress in the matter. The work progress
Ministry of Environment & Forests
shown by FSI was greatly appreciated by the forestry development projects and scheme
house. with specific emphasis on conservation of
Indo-US workshop on developing reference
baselines and scenario – To assist the State/UT Governments in
preparation of the proposals involving
FSI has conducted a two days Indo-US
diversion of forests land for non-forestry
workshop during 7 -9th November,2012 at FSI
purposes under the provisions of
Dehradun on developing reference baseline
Forest(Conservation) Act, 1980;
and scenario for forest sector inventories and
carbon estimation for REDD+. Five expert from – To undertake physical inspection of site in
USFS, three from USAID and officers from varies cases of diversion of forestland involving
state forest departments and representative an area of more than 40 hectare.
from ICFRE, Forest Research Institute (FRI), – To monitor the implementation of
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), conditions and safeguards stipulated
and Wildlife Institute of India (WII) participated by Central Government in the proposal
in the workshop. approved under Forest (Conservation) Act,
Inventory of TOF in Uttarakhand
– To assist the State/UTs in the preparation
A project on inventory of TOF in five of management plans for working of forest
district of Uttrakhand namely Dehradun, Pauri under their control within the framework of
Garhwal, Nanital, UdhamsinghNagar and guidelines issued by Central Government
Haridwar has been taken by FSI in collaboration from time to time;
with Uttarakhand State Forest Department.
– To assist the State/UTs in streamlining
The work under the project in under progress.
collection, collation, storage and retrieval
Inventory of TOF Haryana Project of data / covering all forestry activities
and to transmit such data to the Central
FSI has taken a project of Inventory of TOF
Government/ Central Data Processing
in all district of Harayana. This project is also a
collaborative project in which field work will be
done by Harayana state forest department and – To dispose of proposal for diversion of
other work such as data entry data checking, forestland up 5 ha. & to examine / process
data processing and report writing will be the proposal above 5 ha to 40 ha; except
done by FSI. regularization of encroachment and
Network of Regional Offices
– To render assistance in preparation of the
Six Regional Offices have been set up at National Forestry Action Plan.
Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Lucknow, – To assist Paryavaran Vahinies in the
Shillong and Chandigarh, with the Headquarter capacity of observers as well as technical
unit at New Delhi in the Ministry:- advisors;
Main functions (Objectives) of the Regional – To monitor implementation of conditions
offices are:- and safeguards laid down by the Ministry for
– To monitor and evaluate all ongoing Environmental clearance under EPA 1986
Annual Report 2012-2013
Fig-10. Guggal (Commiphora wightii) listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species (Chapter-02 IUCN Red Listing)
The Headquarter Unit at New Delhi in The report by National Forest Certification
the Ministry is responsible for administration, Committee was submitted in September,
supervision and co-ordination of all the 2010 and was circulated to all the State Forest
activities relating to the functions assigned to Departments to furnish their comments on
the Regional Offices as enumerated above. the same. The Ministry has also constituted a
Core Committee under the Chairmanship of
Forest Certification of Timber and Non-
Director General of Forests & Special Secretary
Timber Forest Products
in the Ministry to undertake one-on-one
Forest Certification has emerged as a consultation with stakeholders and firm up
voluntary market-driven mechanism in support the concept of the envisaged Indian Forest
of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). Certification Council.
Certification initiatives rely on consumers
exercising purchasing choice in favour of After one to one consultation with different
products labelled as originating from forests stakeholders, a meeting was also held in the
certified to have been sustainably managed. Ministry on 13th and 14th June, 2011, where
Certification and Eco-labelling are the new all the stakeholders unanimously accepted
mantras to enhance the product positioning the proposed framework of Indian Forest
for a premium price on one hand and ensuring Certification Council and it was suggested that
better forest management practices on the the Ministry should facilitate to prepare a draft
other hand. concept note of Indian Forest Certification
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Council as per the recommendations received and other issues. In this regard, few meetings
from various stakeholders. at the national level were also conducted
during this year with the Nodal Officer from
The Hon’ble Minister of Environment
the States dealing with NTFP Management.
& Forests has approved ‘in principle’ the
Even an advisory was circulated to some major
constitution of Indian Forest Certification
producing NTFP States regarding Minimum
Council. As per the approval, a draft Cabinet
Support Price of Minor Forest Produce.
Note has been prepared.
During the year 2012-13, the Ministry
National Coordinated Programme for
has sanctioned the 2nd installment to Forest
Assessment of Non-Timber Forest Products
Resources Research Institute, Dehradun for the project
‘National Study on Commercial production of
The scheme was introduced during 11th Non Timber Forest Products for Ensuring Fair
Five Year Plan for assessment of Non Timber Returns to Primary Collectors’.
Forest Product (NTFP) Resource focuses on
assessment, monitoring and evaluation studies Other Works of the Division under mandate
in the broad areas of forestry trade, production that may be mentioned are:
and disposal of NTFPs in the country. – Export & Import of forestry products
Planning Commission has recently and Tariff structure forestry items
suggested that the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, The Division deals with the formulation
Government of India, shall be the nodal and of guidelines and directions for domestic and
administrative Ministry for operationalizing international trade in forest produce and the
the Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest necessary regulation of export and import of
Produces (MFPs). Planning Commission has forest produce as per the Foreign Trade Policy
also given the responsibility to the Ministry of as well as the applied Tariff rates.
Environment & Forests for compiling National – I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr o p i c a l Ti m b e r
Level information regarding data related to O r g a n i z a t i o n ( I T TO) - I n d i a’s
MFPs such as:- Contribution
– Quick assessment of condition of 12-14 The International Tropical Timber
important MFPs Organisation (ITTO) was established during
– Making available planting material 1983 and is governed by the International
– Training on sustainable productivity Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA). The ITTO is
a commodity organisation bringing together
– Management plans and working plans
the producer and consumer member countries
of MFPs to be drawn up in a transparent
to discuss and exchange information and
manner in consultation with Gram
develop policies of all aspects of the World
Tropical Timber Economy. The Headquarter
The Ministry of Environment & Forests is of ITTO is at Yokohama, Japan. There are
consulting various States for their suggestions 60 member countries, out of which 33 are
for quick assessment of conditions of 12-14 Producer member countries and 27 Consumer
important MFPs, making available planting member countries. India belongs to the group
material, training of sustainable productivity of the producing member countries. The ITTO’s
Annual Report 2012-2013
membership represents 90% of world trade in and Odisha States; Forest Survey of India;
tropical timber and 80% of the world’s tropical and Indian Institute of Forest Management
forests. (IIFM) undertook a review of the status of FLR
in Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Uttrakhand
The ITTA, 1994 has been replaced by a
as pilot States for study, apart from the desk
successor agreement, i.e. the ITTA 2006. India
review of FLR initiatives at country level.
as a signatory to ITTA 1994 has ratified and
deposited the instrument of ratification with – Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)
the UN Secretary General in New York on 25th Cell
July, 2008. Sustainable Management of Forests is
The governing body of the ITTO is the not a new concept in India. India remains
International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC), committed to the goals of Sustainable Forest
Management as a signatory to the “Objective
which is composed of all the organization
members. The Council is supported by four 2000” of the ITTO.
Committees namely:- The Ministry has sanctioned the three
projects on Criteria & Indicators for Sustainable
u Committee on Economic Information and
Forest Management to Indian Institute of Forest
Market Intelligence
Management, Bhopal. During the current year,
u Committee on Reforestation and Forest IIFM has submitted its report on above three
Management projects to the Ministry and the same is under
u Committee on Forest Industry examination. The FRI, Dehradun has submitted
u Committee on Finance and a draft report on revised National Working
Administration Plan Code and same was circulated to all the
stakeholders for their comments/views in the
The 48th session of the International
Tropical Timber Council (ITTC), the governing
body of ITTO was held at Guatemala during 5th – Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest and
- 10th November, 2012. Plantation Development Corporation
– UK - India Forest Landscape Restoration
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Forest and
Plantation Development Corporation Limited
During the year, the Ministry has approved (ANIFPDCL) is a Government of India Public
the Phase I of UK – India Forest Landscape Sector Undertaking, created in 1977 with
Restoration Project which is executed by Indian the broad objectives of development and
Council of Forestry Research & Education, managing forestry plantations on the Islands.
Dehradun. The ICFRE, Dehradun has received The Corporation has three main activities
` 1.35 crores from DFID for the above project. namely (i) Forestry Project, (ii) Red Oil Palm
During the 1st phase of the project, the UK (ROP) and (iii) Katchal Rubber Project (KRP) in
Forestry Commission and their Forest Research operation. Though once a ‘Mini Ratna’, it has
Agency (FRA) alongwith Indian counterpart now turned into a loss making undertaking
agencies i.e. ICFRE, FRI, TERI, State Forest mainly due to the fact that its main activity
Department of Uttrakhand, Madhya Pradesh i.e. logging, has been curtailed by the Hon’ble
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Supreme Court’s Order banning the felling of staff would be due for natural attrition during
trees. Presently, the obligatory expenses of the the five years period. Accordingly, a draft
Corporation like the payment of salaries, wages Cabinet Note was prepared for phased closure
etc. are possible due to the sanction of interest of ANIFPDCL alongwith pay / wage revision.
bearing loans every year from the Govt. of India.
In the meanwhile, Andaman & Nicobar
During the year 2012-13, an amount of `5.50
Administration has proposed to take over
crores have been sanctioned and released to
the ANIFPDCL and revive it by diversifying
ANIFPDCL as an interest bearing loan for its
its activities by venturing into eco-tourism
statutory requirements.
provided its present liabilities are settled.
In view of the above circumstances, a The SU Division is in the process of preparing
decision was taken for phased closure of draft Cabinet Note & Committee on Non-Plan
ANIFPDCL in a period of five years from 2011- Expenditure (CNE) for the same.
2016, keeping in view that the majority of 1485
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
10. East Godavari
11. Krishna
Tamil Nadu 12. Pichavaram
13. Muthupet
14. Ramnad
15. Pulicat
16. Kazhuveli
Andaman & Nicobar 17. North Andamans
18. Nicobar
Kerala 19. Vembanad
20. Kannur (Northern Kerala)
Karnataka 21. Coondapur
22. Dakshin Kannada/Honnavar
23. Karwar
24. Manglore Forest Division
Goa 25. Goa
Maharashtra 26. Achra-Ratnagiri
27. Devgarh-Vijay Durg
28. Veldur
29. Kundalika-Revdanda
30. Mumbra-Diva
31. Vikroli
32. Shreevardhan
33. Vaitarna
34. Vasai-Manori
35. Malvan
Gujarat 36. Gulf of Kutchh
37. Gulf of Khambhat
38. Dumas-Ubhrat
Ministry of Environment & Forests
1 Andhra 495 405 399 378 383 383 397 333 329 354 353 352 -1
2 Goa 0 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 16 16 17 22 5
3 Gujarat 427 412 397 419 689 901 1031 911 916 991 1,046 1058 12
4 Karnataka 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 0
5 Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 5 6 1
6 Maharashtra 140 114 113 155 155 124 108 118 158 186 186 186 0
7 Odisha 199 192 195 195 195 211 215 219 203 217 221 222 1
8 Tamil Nadu 23 47 47 21 21 21 21 23 35 36 39 39 0
9 West Bengal 2,076 2,109 2,119 2,119 2,119 2,123 2,125 2,081 2,120 2,136 2,152 2155 3
10 A&N Islands 686 973 971 966 966 966 966 789 658 635 615 617 2
financial year 2011-12, a sum of ` 8.86 crore was two-year cycle at 1:250,000 scale. Assessment
released to various Coastal States/UTs under the from 2001 onwards has been carried out at
Centrally Sponsored Scheme for ‘Conservation 1:50,000 scale. The very dense mangrove
and Management of Mangroves’. comprises 1403 km2 (30.10% of the mangrove
cover), moderately dense mangrove is 1658.12
According to the Forest Survey of India
km2 (35.57%), while open mangroves cover an
(FSI) Report titled ‘India State of Forest Report
area of 1600.44 km2 (34.33%).
(2011)’, the mangrove cover in the Country is 4,
662.56 km2 which is 0.14% of the Country’s total Coral Reefs
geographical area. State/UT-wise mangrove The Indian reef area is estimated to be 2,375
cover as assessed by FSI in different assessments km2. The four major coral reefs areas identified
through the years is given in Table-6. for intensive conservation and management in
As would be noted from the above table, India are: i) Gulf of Mannar, ii) Gulf of Kachchh,
there has been a net increase of 23.56 km2 iii) Lakshadweep and iv) Andaman and Nicobar
of mangrove cover in the Country in the year Islands. The emphasis is more on preventive
2011, as compared to the 2009 assessment. aspects through monitoring and surveillance
This can be attributed to increased plantations as the restoration work is both costly and time
and regeneration of natural mangroves. consuming. The Ministry provides financial
assistance to the State Forest Departments
In the first assessment, the estimated for all the four identified coral reef areas
extent of the mangrove cover was 4,046 for activities like monitoring, surveillance,
km2 which was carried out at 1:1 million education & awareness. Besides, the Ministry
scale. Subsequently, from 1989 to 1999, the also supports R&D activities with emphasis
mangrove covers were assessed regularly on a on targeted research on coral biodiversity, its
Annual Report 2012-2013
A. National level
– Mangroves for the Future (MFF) is a
– The National Committee on Mangroves &
partnership-based initiative promoting
Coral Reefs monitors the implementation
investment in coastal ecosystems for
of the approved Management Action Plans
sustainable development. MFF provides a
of the Coastal States/UTs.
collaborative platform to help countries,
– To supplement base-line information sectors and agencies in the MFF region to
on priority areas for coastal and marine tackle the growing challenges to coastal
biodiversity, research projects are sustainability.
sanctioned to Universities and research
– MFF in India primarily focuses on
institutions. A meeting of the Expert
improving the scientific knowledge base
Group-B on ‘Conservation & Sustainable
for enhanced management of coastal
Utilization of Natural Resources: Mangroves
and Coral Reefs’ was
held from February
9-10, 2012. The
Group considered
48 proposals, out
of which fourteen
research proposals
have been
recommended for
financial assistance
and these are being
sanctioned by the
B. State Level
– State Level Steering
Committees have
been constituted
Fig-12. Corals (Acropora hemprichi) – needs protection
Ministry of Environment & Forests
and marine ecosystems. National and for good practices and relevance to climate
regional symposia supported by MFF change. As a way forward, participants also
have greatly contributed by establishing endorsed a ‘Call to Action’ statement based
baseline database for coastal and marine on the recommendations from the meeting.
ecosystems (specifically mangroves and The Call to Action was projected by the MFF
coral reefs). Information sharing with civil during the Eleventh Conference of Parties to
societies is also helping to raise awareness the Convention on Biological Diversity held
about India’s valuable coastal resources. in October, 2012 at Hyderabad. Following
– Mangroves for the Future (MFF), India the colloquium and with support from M. S.
is in its second phase (2012-2013). It is Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF),
working through its small grant, medium a field trip was organized to the Pichavaram
grant projects and regional initiatives, to mangrove forest (September 1-2, 2012). The
bridge knowledge gaps on vulnerable printed proceedings of this regional symposium
coastal and marine ecosystems, threatened were formally released at the Regional Steering
species for better informed conservation Committee Meeting (RSC) held in Karachi,
actions and policy interventions. MFF Pakistan from November 18-21, 2012.
(India) programme is implemented by MFF India at the Eleventh Conference of
International Union for Conservation of Parties to the Convention on Biological
Nature (IUCN) India Office. MFF India Diversity (CoP-11 to CBD), October, 2012,
is additionally working with coastal Hyderabad
communities to increase resilience through – MFF India similarly co-hosted a convention
livelihood interventions and ecosystem on Biological Diversity (CBD) side event on
restoration. ‘Sustainable Management of Coastal and
Regional Colloquium Marine Biodiversity’, with M.S. Swaminathan
Research Foundation (MSSRF) and United
The Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Government of India, hosted the Colloquium
on October 11, 2012. The objective of the
titled ‘Sharing Lessons in Mangrove Restoration’
event was to deliberate on (i) the issues
from August 30-31, 2012 at Mamallapuram,
and challenges faced in marine systems
Chennai. The Colloquium had participants
and (ii) to provide guidelines based on
from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the experiences gained through the work
Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. conducted in conservation, sustainable use
International mangrove scientist Dr. Norman and management of coastal and marine
Duke (James Cook University, Australia) bio-resources.
and Alfredo Quarto, Executive Director of
– MFF India and MFF Sri Lanka, with
Mangrove Action Project (MAP, USA) were also
support from the MFF Secretariat, co-
present at the event along with representatives
organized a side event during Conference
from IUCN, GIZ and government agencies of Parties (CoP)-11 to CBD on ‘A Joint
from across the MFF region. The Colloquium Strategy to Conserve Seagrass Beds in the
discussed the economic and environmental Gulf of Mannar’, on October 16, 2012 at
values of mangroves; lessons learned from the Hyderabad International convention
mangrove rehabilitation projects; guidelines Centre (HICC), Hyderabad.
Annual Report 2012-2013
will follow discussion on marine fishiries and
types and landscapes are represented in this
biodiversity. In addition, India has also received
network, which is devoted to conserving
an additional allocation of USD $ 100,000 for
biological diversity, promoting research and
small grants projects for the year 2013.
monitoring as well as seeking to provide
Knowledge Products models of sustainable development in the
service of human kind with special reference
The MFF India documentary ‘Mangroves,
to the local communities which mostly consist
Guardians of the Coast’ was selected for
of traditional societies.
screening at the International Film Festival,
India (IFFI) in November, 2012 at Goa. The These Reserves are rich in biological
Government of India is also sharing the movie and cultural diversity and encompass unique
globally, through its embassies, as a prestigious features of exceptionally pristine nature.
and archival material for its Incredible India The goal is to facilitate conservation of these
campaign. representative landscapes and their immense
biological diversity and cultural heritage, foster
The MFF India led scientific publication
economic and human development which
‘Coral Reefs in India: Status, Threats and
is culturally and ecologically sustainable and
Conservation Measures’ was released by
to provide support for research, monitoring,
the Minister for Environment and Forests,
education and information exchange. The
Government of India at CoP-11 to CBD.
scheme is a pioneering effort at pursuing
The MFF India lessons learnt document the increasingly difficult yet urgent task
titled, ‘Coastal Sustainability: Learnings from of conserving ecological diversity under
MFF India project’s,’ was also released at the mounting pressures.
CoP-11 to CBD. The book captures all the
projects implemented and lessons learnt, Activities undertaken
capacity building initiatives undertaken and The programme was initiated in 1986
communication and knowledge products and till date, 18 sites have been designated
developed by MFF India between 2007 and as Biosphere Reserves (BRs) in different
2011. parts of the country. The Ministry provides
financial assistance to the concerned State/
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
* Sites with bold letters have been included in the World Network of BRs of UNESCO.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
of the Parties serving as Meeting of the – The High Level Segment heard statements
Parties (CoP/MoP-6) to the CBD’s Cartagena from around 80 Ministers and high-
Protocol on Biosafety in Hyderabad from level representatives in the plenary
1-19 October, 2012. The event provided session on 17th and 18th October 2012.
India with an opportunity to consolidate, Parallely, four panel discussions were
scale-up and showcase our initiatives and held on: implementation of the Strategic
strengths on biodiversity. Plan; biodiversity for livelihoods and
– CoP-11 was the largest ever such conference poverty reduction; marine and coastal
organized in India. Approximately 6,000 biodiversity; and implementation of the
delegates representing 171 countries, Nagoya Protocol on ABS. The outcome
UN agencies, intergovernmental, non- of the plenary statements and four panel
governmental, indigenous and local discussions was brought out in the form
community organizations, academia and of Chairs summary by the President of
the private sector participated in CoP-11. CoP-11 on the closing day on 19th October
Minister /Vice Minister level participation 2012.
at CoP-11 was around 80. The elements – The Prime Minister at CoP-11 also launched
of successful CoP were flawless logistics, the ‘Hyderabad Pledge’, wherein he
strategic thinking in the development of announced that the Government of India
Agenda’s content, participation of a large has decided to earmark a sum of US $ 50
number of stakeholders and persuasive yet million during India’s Presidency of CoP
effective negotiations. The meetings were to strengthen institutional mechanism,
presided over by Ms. Jayanthi Natarajan, enhance the technical and human
Minister for Environment and Forests, India capabilities for biodiversity conservation
as the President of CoP-11. The High Level in India, and to promote similar capacity
Segment was inaugurated by the Prime building in other developing countries.
Minister of India on 16th October 2012.
– One of the most important
outcomes of CoP-11
is the commitment of
the Parties to double
the total biodiversity-
related international
financial resource flows
to developing countries
by 2015 and at least
maintaining this level until
2020. India successfully
steered the negotiations
at CoP-11 to arrive at this
and other decisions of
Fig-14. Chocolate Pansy (Junonia iphita)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
With this pledge, India has thus become Intergovernmental Committee on Nagoya
the first Champion under the Hyderabad Protocol (ICNP-2) in New Delhi from
Call for Biodiversity Champions launched 2-6 July 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan in New
on CBD’s website. Delhi. Over 500 participants representing
– The Prime Minister also unveiled a Governments, intergovernmental and
commemorative Pylon in Hyderabad to non- governmental organizations,
mark CoP-11. It has been decided to local authorities, indigenous and local
establish a Biodiversity Museum and a communities, research community and
Garden on this site. The Prime Minister the private sector participated in this
planted the first tree on behalf of India. meeting.
Representatives of the participating – While India had signed the Nagoya Protocol
countries at CoP-11 also planted trees. on 11th May 2011, action was initiated
Hyderabad is the first host city of CBD during the year for ratifying the Protocol by
CoP to establish commemorative Pylon, undertaking interministerial consultations
garden and museum. on a draft Cabinet note prepared for this
– A number of other parallel meetings, purpose. After approval of the proposal
nearly 300 side events, and exhibition by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 4th
were held during CoP-11. The parallel October, 2012, India ratified the Protocol on
meetings included: the fair on experiences 9th October, 2012, which was announced
and best practices in communication, by the Prime Minister in his speech during
education and public awareness (CEPA), inauguration of the High Level Segment
the Rio Conventions Pavilion, Youth of CoP-11 on 16th October, 2012.
Forum, Cities Biodiversity Summit, Biological Diversity Act, 2002
Parliamentarians event, business and
– At the national level, National Biodiversity
biodiversity meeting.
Authority (NBA) has been established by
– The brand ambassador of CoP-11 was Government of India in October, 2003
the Science Express Biodiversity Special at Chennai (Tamil Nadu) under Section
(SEBS), an innovative mobile exhibition (8) of the Biological Diversity Act. The
mounted on a specially design 16 coach State Biodiversity Boards (SBB) are to be
AC train travelling across India from 5th established by the State Governments
June to 22nd December 2012. This is a and Biodiversity Management Committees
collaborative initiative between Ministry (BMCs) to be constituted by the local
of Environment and Forests, Department bodies.
of Science and Technology and the Indian
– The NBA is a body corporate established
Railways. The SEBS has already received
in accordance with the provisions of Sec.8
over 23 lakh visitors breaking all previous
of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, at
records and has been playing a key role
Chennai w.e.f. 1st October 2003. It is an
in creating awareness about biodiversity
autonomous, statutory and regulatory
in the country.
organization which is intended to
– As incoming Presidency of CoP-11, India implement the provisions of Biological
also hosted the second meeting of Diversity Act, 2002.
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Twenty-six States have so far set up the these, NBA has so far entered in to 108
State Biodiversity Boards (SBBs). The matter agreements based on mutually agreed
is being pursued with Bihar and Jammu terms with the applicants for access to
& Kashmir which are yet to set up SBBs. bioresources and/ or associated traditional
– Sixteen states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, knowledge.
Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Rajasthan, – Some of the important actions taken to
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, implement various provisions of the Act
Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, include the following:
Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh – In pursuance of Section 38 of the Act
and West Bengal have notified the state relating to notification of threatened
specific rules in accordance with Section species, the Ministry has notified species
63(1) of the Act. which are on the verge of extinction for
– 33,415 BMCs have been constituted by three States, namely, Bihar, Tamil Nadu,
the local bodies in 20 States viz., Andhra Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar and Manipur,
Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, during the year, taking the number of
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal States to 16.
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, – The UNEP – GEF & MoEF, Government
Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, of India project on “Strengthening
Nagaland, Punjab, Tamilnadu, Tripura, the Implementation of the Biological
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Diversity Act & Rules with focus on its
Bengal. Access and Benefit Sharing provisions” is
– During the year, two meetings of the being implemented at the total cost of
Authority were held on 23.05.2012 and US$ 9,839,000 in five states viz., Andhra
18.09.2012, and important decisions Pradesh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim
were taken on
d i f fe r e n t m a t t e r s .
Sixty applications
were received and are
at various stages of
processing during the
– NBA has received
759 applications so
far. The applications
received from public/
private sectors and
foreign nationals are
for approval of access
to bio resources and/
or associated traditional
knowledge. Out of
Fig-15. Beautiful butterfly of Pieridae family
Ministry of Environment & Forests
and West Bengal. The duration of the – Implemented various provisions of B.D.
project is 3 years (April 2011-March 2014). Act through NBA.
State level launch of the project were – Prepared countr y ’s position and
held in Andhra Pradesh (Nov 2011), West participated in negotiation meetings of
Bengal (Dec 2011), Gujarat (Feb 2012), CBD and its Nagyoya Protocol on ABS.
Himachal Pradesh (July 2012) and Sikkim
– Fifth National Report preparation is being
(Dec 2012).
– Work was continued under the UNDP
– Ratified Nagoya Protocol after obtaining
project on Strengthening the institutional
Cabinet Approval.
structures to implement the Act in Madhya
Pradesh and Jharkhand. – Projects implemented through NBA
– Work was also continued for developing a – UNDP project on Strengthening the
full scale project on established of a Centre institutional structures to implement
for Biodiversity Policy and Law (CEBPOL) the Act in Madhya Pradesh and
at NBA, Chennai, with technical support Jharkhand.
from Norway. Ministry has conveyed no – UNEP/GEF project on Strengthening
objection regarding the appointment of the implementation of Biological
a service provider for this project. Diversity Act is being implemented
– NBA has provided financial assistance to by MoEF through NBA. Pre and post
the tune of ` 42,33,000.00 to the SBBs release monitoring mechanisms are in
to celebrate the International Day for place.
Biological Diversity on 22 May 2012 in a – GEF funds through a direct access
befitting manner project entitled “Strengthening the
– Funds have been accessed from GEF enabling environment for biodiversity
through a direct access project entitled conservation and management in
“Strengthening the enabling environment India” to provide assistance in meeting
for biodiversity conser vation and the national reporting requirements to
management in India” to provide assistance CBD by India which includes, revision
in meeting the national reporting of National Biodiversity Strategy and
requirements to CBD by India which Action Plan (NBSAP) and preparation
includes, revision of National Biodiversity of fifth National Report for Biodiversity.
Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and A preliminary meeting of this project
preparation of fifth National Report for was held on 18th December, 2012 to
Biodiversity. Implementation of the project discuss the action plan.
has been started Budject allocation and progress of
Some of the other important activities expenditure during 2012-13; XII Plan
undertaken were following:
Annual Plan (2012-13) Approved Outlay
– Hosted a number of inter-sessional
`100.04 Crore (RE) and ` 71.98 Crore (BE).
meetings on protected areas, NBSAPs,
poverty eradication and biodiversity and
biosafety during CoP-11.
Annual Report 2012-2013
prior to environment release are
conducted in a safe and scientific
Fig-16. Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
manner through appropriate
implementation of Rule 1989 and
Implementing agencies, along with details biosafety guidelines.
of responsibilities
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol
The Biological Diversity Act 2002 came
into force in 2003. The Act extents to the The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
whole of India. The objectives of the Act are (CPB) was negotiated under the aegis of the
conservation, sustainable utilization and fair Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and
and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of adopted on 29th January 2000. India is a party
the use of biological resources and associated to the Protocol. The Protocol has come into
knowledge. The Act is being implemented in force on 11th September 2003. As of date 164
a three tiered institutional structures (NBA at countries are Parties to the Protocol.
National level, State Biodiversity Board at State
The main objective of the Protocol is to
level and Biodiversity Management Committee
ensure safe transfer, handling and use of living
at local level)
modified organisms resulting from modern
B i o d i ve r s i t y S c h e m e / G e n e t i c biotechnology that may have adverse effect
Engineering Approval Committee on the conservation and sustainable use of
(GEAC) biological diversity, taking into account risk to
human health.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests Objective of the Scheme
(MoEF), under the Environment (Protection) The scheme helps in strengthening the
Act, 1986 has notified the “Rules for the biosafety management systems and awareness
Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage in India through implementation of:
of Hazardous Microorganisms/Genetically
– Rules, 1989
Engineered Organisms or Cells, 1989” (Rules,
1989). The rules also cover application of – Provisions of Cartagena Protocol on
hazardous microorganisms which may not Biosafety (CPB)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
has been prepared and is awaiting GEAC organizations, academia and industry attended
approval. CoP-MoP 6. The CoP-MoP 6 meeting adopted
– Ex-ante socio-economic study on Bt brinjal 16 decisions on: compliance; the Nagoya-Kuala
was conducted through NCAP. Report Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability
submitted to GEAC. and Redress (the Supplementary Protocol);
subsidiary bodies; cooperation with other
– Extensive capacity building activities for
organizations, conventions and initiatives;
biosafety assessment and awareness and
the Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH); capacity
efficient management of field trials of GM
building; the roster of experts; monitoring and
crops are being regularly undertaken.
reporting; assessment and review; notification
– Revamping of GEAC website was requirements; handling, transport, packaging
undertaken to enhance transparency. and identification (HTPI) of living modified
– Review of Rules 1989 to harmonize with organisms (LMOs) (Article 18); unintentional
the obligations under Cartagena Protocol transboundary movements of LMOs (Article
on Biosafety has been initiated 17); financial mechanism and resources; socio-
– Exhaustive counter affidavits have been economic considerations; risk assessment and
prepared for several court cases. risk management; and the budget. As of date
– To enhance biosafety awareness, electronic COP-MOP has adopted 113 decisions.
‘Biosafety Newsletter’ has been introduced The Indian delegation and experts have
Four issues have been circulated across actively participated in the meetings of COP-
4000 stakeholders. The online version is MOP as well as preparatory meetings and
available on the GEAC website (http://moef. online discussion forums organized by the CBD csurv/geac/information. during the inter-sessional period prior to COP-
html). MOP meetings.
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol As a follow-up to the COP-MOP decisions,
Six meetings of the Conference of Parties several initiatives including capacity building
serving as Members of the Parties to the and awareness programs to facilitate
Cartagena Protocol (COP-MOP) on Biosafety compliance have been undertaken. The
have been held so far. The Sixth meeting of recently held preparatory Regional Meetings/
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Workshops prior to COP-MOP-6 include the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) held
following: at Nagoya, Japan in October 2010 adopted
the Nagoya Kuala Lumpur Supplementary
– Workshop on Capacity-Building for
Protocol on Liability and Redress to the CPB
Research and Information Exchange on
after six years of intense negotiations. India
Socio-Economic Impacts of Living Modified
has made significant positive contributions
Organisms under Cartagena Protocol on
in finalisation of the Nagoya Kuala Lumpur
Biosafety, 14-16 November 2011.
Supplementary Protocol, which is being
– Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on the considered as a milestone achievement in
Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary multilateral environmental negotiations.
Protocol on Liability and Redress to the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 17-18 India has signed the Supplementary
November 2011. Protocol on October 11, 2011. As of date 51
countries are signatories to the Supplementary
– Asia Sub-Regional Training of Trainers’
Protocol and 10 countries have ratified the
Workshop on the Identification and
Supplementary Protocol. The Protocol will enter
Documentation of Living Modified
into force on the ninetieth day after the date of
Organisms, 21-25 November 2011.
deposit of the 40th instrument of ratification,
– South-Asia Conference on Current acceptance, approval or accession.
Approaches to the Environmental Risk
Assessment (ERA) of Genetically Engineered Capacity building
Crops was organised jointly with South Asia As a Party to the CPB, MoEF has accessed
biosafety Program, DBT and MoEF, 16-18 funds from United Nations Environment
May 2011 at New Delhi. The conference Program (UNEP) / Global Environment Facility
was attended by about 180 participants (GEF) for the “Phase-II Capacity Building
from various stakeholder groups such Project on Biosafety” to strengthen the
as members of regulatory bodies; biosafety management system in India with
policymakers; scientists from industry, special emphasis on risk assessment and
research institutions and universities; management, handling, transport, packaging
students and other organizations. and identification of LMOs, socio economic
In compliance with the reporting considerations and public awareness with an
requirements, India has submitted its first and aim to ensure adequate protection of human
second National Reports on implementation health and biodiversity from potential harm
of CPB. The national reports were finalized arising from all LMO-related activities. The FSP
following a consultative approach. document received GEF approval on 8.8.2011
pursuant to which project initiation activities
Several consultative meetings of experts
were taken up.
and stakeholders have been convened prior to
each COP-MOP meeting to finalize the country To enhance awareness among various
position and negotiating briefs. stakeholders; three training workshops on use
of Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) as a tool for
Nagoya Kula Lumpur Supplementary
providing information on LMOs was organized
Protocol on Liability and Redress
with GEF –UNEP assistance.
The fifth meeting of COP MOP to the
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Only one meeting of the GEAC was
– SFC for the Phase-II Capacity Building
convened as the GEAC is in the progress
Project on Biosafety” to strengthen the
of being re-constituted.
biosafety management system in India
– Review of biosafety regulation in India is in through GEF–UNEP assistance has been
progress in light of the recommendations approved. The inception workshop and 1st
received from the Technical Expert meeting of the Steering Committee was
Committee (TEC) constituted by the convened wherein the Project Design and
Supreme Court, Standing Parliament Annual Work Plan was approved. Selection
Committee on Agriculture and the Scientific of consultant to set up the PCMU is in
Advisory Council on Biotechnology on progress.
Agriculture of the Prime Minister.
– The study to probe the legal implication of
– Streamlining of the biosafety management ratification of the Supplementary Protocol
system in India through review of existing and to identify legislative amendments
policies, development of biosafety required in the domestic law has been
guidelines, and development of biology completed. The process of seeking
guidelines etc has been initiated. These Cabinet approval for ratification has been
include: initiated.
– Strengthen the monitoring mechanism – An international workshop on ABS, TK
of confined field trials of regulated GE and Liability and Redress in the context
plants. of CPB for capacity building of Africa
– Preparation of ERA guidelines for region is scheduled in February, 2013 at
environmental risk assessment of Bengaluru.
genetically engineered crops.
Budject allocation and progress of
– Guidance document for information/ expenditure during 2012-13
data generation and documentation
Annual Plan (2012-13) Approved Outlay:
for safety assessment of GE Plants
`100.04 Crore (RE) and `71.98 Crore (BE).
during biosafety research level trials
-I (BRL-I) and biosafety research level Implementing agencies
trials -II (BRL-II). Rules 1989 is implemented by MoEF,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
organisms. Moreover, the existing taxonomic So far around 91,000 species of animals
base is eroding rapidly due to non-availability of and 45,500 species of plants have been
professionals and lack of trained man-power to identified and described but a large number
replace the retiring specialists. In other words, of animals and plants are yet to be explored,
a wide gap exists between the magnitude of identified and described.
taxonomic expertise needed and the available
To find out the ways and means by which
limited taxonomic knowledge base. Further,
the existing gaps in taxonomic knowledge
many microbes, plants and animals are yet to
could be filled, the Ministry of Environment
be discovered and identified. To manage the
and Forests (MoEF) – a nodal agency within
biological resources and to meet the challenges
the Government of India for environmental
of 21st century, the issue of ‘taxonomic
protection and conservation of biodiversity
impediments’ needs to be addressed urgently.
– organized a two-day national workshop on
For devising effective conservation and “Capacity Building in Taxonomy in India on 15th
management strategies, one needs to know: & 16th February 1996 at Jaipur. Sixty two leading
(i) what kind of species are found, (ii) where taxonomists of the country participated in the
they occur, (iii) what are their characteristics or workshop, and after lengthy deliberations, made
attributes, and (iv) how they are related to one a number of action oriented recommendations
another. These questions can be answered only for capacity building in taxonomy. One of the
by specialists. Besides the basic inputs needed prioritized recommendations was to initiate
for understanding biodiversity, the taxonomic an All India Coordinated Project on Capacity
studies also result in weaving the data obtained Building in Taxonomy, besides taking steps
on the species into a system of classification for strengthening education and training.
which is used by the scientists and others. This recommendation was endorsed by the
then Task Force constituted by the MoEF. The
Taxonomy is also central to and an integral
Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet
part of the conservation and sustainable
(SAC-C) also endorsed the recommendation.
utilization of biological diversity. It is this aspect
Accordingly, an All India Coordinated Project on
that led the Convention on Biological Diversity
Taxonomy Capacity Building was launched in
(CBD) to emphasize the role of taxonomy in
1999, much before Global Taxonomic Initiative
its implementation at the national, regional
(GTI) came into existence.
and global level. As a signatory to the CBD,
India stands committed to capacity building The AICOPTAX has a sole mission –
in taxonomy and to undertake exploration and “Enhancement of country’s capabilities for
preparation of an inventory of living organisms. inventorying, monitoring, conserving and
India started building capacity in Taxonomy utilizing biodiversity as well as for establishing
much before the Global Taxonomic Initiative leadership in the field of taxonomy at regional
(GTI) came into existence, through overall and global levels”. AICOPTAX, an active
strengthening of Botanical and Zoological programme channelized at the national
surveys as well as launching a dedicated All level to address the problems of inadequate
India Coordinated Project on Capacity Building taxonomic knowledge due to limited number
in Taxonomy (AICOPTAX). of taxonomists available in the country, is fully
funded by the MoEF. It has the following main
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Number of students enrolled for Ph.D : 105
New Discoveries
Taxa new to science : 570
Taxa new to India : 449
Species collected after a gap of 50 years or more : 189
Number of rare taxa recorded from new locations : 1059
Publications: Book : 7
Research Papers : 333
Book chapters : 61
Popular articles : 14
Papers accepted for publication : 118
Training/awareness Workshops organized : 12
Under AICIOPTAX Scheme, several new embodying 570 species new to science), released
records of wild flora and fauna have been made. as a showcase document by Government of
Several new species have also been discovered. India during the 10th Conference of Parties to
These are being documented and verified with the Convention on Biological Diversity held in
voucher specimens for authenticity before October, 2010 at Nagoya, Japan.
publication during the XI Plan Period. Discovery
The following five new thematic areas
of species new to science will be the major
were recommended by the then Steering
impact of the AICOPTAX Scheme.
Committee for implementation during
The Ministry, with the technical support 2012-13:
from BSI & ZSI, has brought out Programme
– Crustacea
Brief on Taxonomy Capacity Building: Indian
Initiative (based on outcome of research work – Coleoptera
done under 76 projects between 1999-2007 – Hymenoptera
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
for local communities –Apatanis and
organized in all four states. Fourteen Non
Monpa’s to earn their livelihood in a more
Timber Forest Produce and agro-forestry based
efficient way.
micro-enterprises established during previous
year are also being supported and maintained Odisha
during current financial year. – Participation and involvement of the local
communities and members of Village Sub-
State-wise status (where applicable)
Committee (Gram Samiti) or Van Surakhsya
The details of state-wise physical progress Samiti (VSS) living within and around
made during the period are given below: three forest division sites has propelled
Arunachal Pradesh the process of community partnership in
executing and monitoring implementation
– A community based institutional structure of project activities. Through capacity
was initiated and later formalized into 22 development of people’s skills and making
Biodiversity Management Committees available local resources needed to make
(BMCs) in 7 villages in Tawang site and changes in lifestyle and livelihood options
15 villages in Apatani site, and are now necessitated local communities to be
recognized by the State Biodiversity Board. empowered for conserving vulnerable
These BMCs have been able to set up sites with its native plants species such
social norms for prohibiting hunting, illegal as Cane (Calamus spp). Based on In-situ
extraction and felling of forest resources and Ex-situ conservation operations
from community conserved areas and including silviculture, fire-line operation
scared groves. and community led patrolling against
– More than 5000 ha area have been brought illegal felling of teak trees was undertaken
under Community Conserve Area (CCA), in an area of 100 ha in Khurda, 100 ha in
which are natural habitats of important Berhampur and 250 ha in Sambhalpur
plants and animals species and have forest division
special cultural and traditional significance – Twenty three Self Help Group (SHGs)
in the lifestyle of local tribal communities- formed in 3 forest divisions to improve
Apatanis and Monpas upon their skills and capacities in order
Ministry of Environment & Forests
to take up alternate livelihood activities days through street plays, slogan writing
such as agriculture and horticulture with etc. and also on organic certification
ally cropping methods, other income involving tribal school children, members
earning activities- backyard poultry, of Self Help Groups and cooperative
pisiculture, tailoring, making incense federation & NGO’s Government Officials
sticks and candles, puffed rice, running and local communities in three sites.
grocery shop and to collectively manage – Ethno-botanical resource survey and
community assets-farming implements, 5 documentation of flora species with
Ponds, 1 Check dam, 1 irrigation channel herbal health value has been carried out
constructed in each of the three project systematical covering 326 sample plots.
sites has ensured local communities to The survey data has been analyzed and
identify their own livelihood options. uploaded in the software for wider use.
And by being oriented towards cross
– Ex-situ conservation done within forest
learning experiences facilitated by the
surroundings in Chhattisgarh to re-grow
project local communities have adopted
about 1,14,800 seedlings and saplings of
to co-operative form of community based
threatened yet important medicinal plants-
institutions like the self help groups,
Giloe (Tinospora cordifolia), Aswagandha
water’s association and farmers clubs for
(Withanea somnifera), Sarpagandha
managing and protecting the forests and
(Rauvolfia serpentina), Satawar (Asparagus
having maximum stewardship over local
racemosus). Activities related to forming
natural resources.
seed and grain bank has been started in
Chhattisgarh all 3 sites
– About 71 plant variety of saplings, shrubs, – Soil & Moisture conservation works i.e.
herbs, climbers and wild grasses identified boulder check dams, brushwood check
as threatened species yet important for dams, contour trenches have been
its medicinal and minor forest produce constructed as per the requirement of the
value after surveying about 19241.284 three project areas.
hectares of forest area demarcated
for special attention
and conservation
of biodiversit y by
the Chhattisgarh
State Minor Forest
Produce Cooperative
Federation Limited and
forest department in
– Awareness programmes
conduc ted though
celebration of various
environment related
Fig-17. Resource survey at Jagdalpur site, Chhattisgarh
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Three Herbal Health care centres (Van local communities about the rational
Ausdhalaya) were strengthened and for conservation action and livelihood
functioning well in all three sites with benefits.
active participation of local vaidhyas. After – A total of 114 families were supported
the scientific validation of ethnobotanical with seed money for livelihood support
survey report, four formulations were activities including vegetables & Lac
selected for further research with Central cultivation, cattle rearing, grocery etc,. In
Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science, addition, out of these 56 families have
New Delhi for the development of new repaid their seed money.
herbal products.
– Water conservation was initiated by
– Nine Self Help Group based micro- constructing lift irrigation at Bokaro site
enterprises involving mainly Non Timber and Palamau to benefit 44 acres and 40
Forest Produce (NTFP) and forestry related acres of land respectively for cultivating
activities were supported and are running food crops and fodder through BARI model
well in all three sites. of multitier cropping system. Revival and
– Trainings were imparted to Traditional construction and excavation of 7 ponds for
Healers (Local Vaidhyas) with the help of irrigation, 41 water harvesting structure
AYUSH; and training for non-destructive (WHS) at project sites construction of 3
harvesting of 49 Non Woody Forest check dams has benefited 248 farmers
Produce has been organized for traditional to cultivate paddy with the system of rice
collectors from 3 forest division. intensification technique initiated at Trikut,
– Guidelines on “non–destructive harvesting Bokaro, Palamau and Khunti.
practices of important Non Woody Forest – Through the project charcoals made from
Produce for Chhattisgarh” was developed dried Lantana weeds was initiated among
by the project to provide a planning the primitive tribe-Paraia in Palamau area
approach for conservation and sustainable of Jharkhand. Trainings demonstrated to
use of Non Timber Forest Produce (NTPF) them how dried weeds of Lantana Camara
resources within conserved and protected – an invasive weed- can be processed into
areas. charcoals and be used as a alternate fuel
Jharkhand option of charcoal from wood and other
plants. Paraia tribe of Matnag hamlet of
– Revival and maintenance of about 12 ha. Gari village was able to sell the charcoals
of sacred grooves and Assisted Natural of Lantana for Rs 10 to 15 a kilogram at
Regeneration (ANR) in 21 ha of community the local village market.
forest, 12 ha of village forest at Khunti
– At the project site-Khunti, 410 Palash trees
site with about 1323 native tree species
were identified within the demarcated
of Sal and Bhelwa and about 35016 tress
village forest and inoculated with a variety
species of Gambhar, Teak, Karanj, Kusum,
of PHUNKI lac during project year 2011.
Semal and plantation of Fuel wood &
Having inoculated brood lac on those
Fodder was completed in 144 ha at Trikut,
Palash trees, the group was able to harvest
8 acre in Palamau site, 28 acre in Bokaro
in 2012 about 37 1/2 kgs of PHUNKI lac
site, has generated awareness among
Ministry of Environment & Forests
variety and earned about Rs 7500/ in first support to the Project. The National Steering
round in 2012. At the village market each Committee (NSC) lay’s down the guidelines
family sold the scrap lac (non mother for the project implementation and reviews
insects) at a value of Rs 350 to 600 per the progress periodically. The Empowered
kilogram and brood lac (mother insect) Project Steering Committee (EPSC) approves
sold for Rs 1000 to 1500 per kilogram. The the Annual work plan and expenditure as
earned money was helpful to the group per approved budget and provides feedback
to start a lac management fund that is for review of progress by National Steering
used by the group. In addition in 2012 Committee (NSC). The state level coordinating
about 1000 identified Palash trees were agencies responsible for implementing project
inoculated with PHUNKI lac. In additional activities at identified 13 project sites involving
about 20,000 non-traditional host specie beneficiaries of selected 122 forests fringed
called - Flemenzia Semilata, a shrubs was villages are: G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
inoculated with brood lac. This new found Environment & Development, N-E Unit,
host shrub has given a good yield of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh
lac within 8 months. This year 2012 Self State Minor Forest Produce (T&D) Cooperative
Help Groups of Khunti project site have Federation,Ltd Raipur, Chhattisgarh , Institute
started to manage seed banks and about of Forest Productivity, Ranchi, Jharkhand and
70 families were given about 1.25 to 1.5 Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneshwar,
quintal of brood lac to be inoculated on Odisha.
25 to 40 trees on an average.
Assistance to Botanic Gardens
Budget allocation and progress of
expenditure during 2012-2013: The scheme was initiated in 1992 to
augment facilities for ex-situ conservation of
The allocation of Rs 100 Lakhs was made threatened endemic plants. The objectives
during financial year 2012-2013 out of which of the Scheme include ex-situ conservation,
`69.66 lakhs was released to the three identified multiplication and reintroduction of threatened
implementing agencies. endemic plants, seed banks, arboreta and mist
Implementing organization propagation facilities, education, awareness
etc. Under the scheme, 353 projects have
Ministry of Environment and Forests is
been supported till December, 2012 for
the implementing agency of the project. At
improvement of botanic gardens and Centers
National level, a National Steering Committee
of ex-situ conservation which included 13
(NSC) under the chairmanship of Additional
Lead gardens (Table-9). An allocation of
Secretary (Conservation) and an Empowered
` 2.20 Crores have been made during the
Project Steering Committee (EPSC) under the
year and the entire allocation is likely to be
Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Conservation)
spent. As per recommendation of Standing
was constituted for overall coordination and
Finance Committee meeting held on 21.11.12
implementation of the project. A National
the Botanical Survey of India would be the
Project Director (NPD) has been designated
implementing agency for the scheme.
and a Project Management Unit (PMU) has
been established at MOEF for administrative
Annual Report 2012-2013
Tel: 0674- 2557925 (M: 09439831495)
4. Dr. Susheel Verma, Reader, Centre for Biodiversity Studies Western 29.05.09 57.50
School of Biosciences and Biotechnology Baba Ghulam Shah Himalaya
Badshah University, Rajouri-185 131 J&K
(M: 09419797202) E-mail:
5. Dr. L.M. S. Palni, Director Central Himalaya 25.03.08 34.68
GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development
Institute Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development,
Kosi Katrmal, Almora,
Tel: 05962-241015 (M: 09412092188)
6. Dr. Suresh Kumar,Sr. Scientist Arid Zone 17.10.08 99.02
Centre for Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
(M: 9414130030) E-mail
7. Dr. A.K. Goel, Deputy Director & Head Botanic Garden Gangetic Plains 03.06.09 41.94
National Botanical Research Institute
Ranapratap Marg, P.B. No. 436, Lucknow-226001 (M:
8. Dr. A.G. Pandurangan South western 14.03.08 76.14
Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Ghats
Palode Trivandrum -695 562 (M: 094434 11296)
9. Dr. S.J. Britto Western Ghats 22.09.08 66.45
Rapinat Herbarium and Centre for molecular Systematics and
the Anglade Institute if Natural History,
St. Joseph College Thiruchellapalli-620 002 (M: 09443411296)
10. Dr. M.D. Raganna, Professor(Curator) Western Ghats 03.07.09 52.44
Botanic Garden University of Agriculture Science, GKVK,
Bengaluru -560 065 (M: 09448506061, 08028461833)
11. Sh. Rameshwar Das, Director Chotanagpur 20.05.11 44.00
Institute of Forest Productivity, Plateau
Ranchi, NH-23, P.O. Lal Gutwa, Ranchi -835303
Tel: 0651-3296974, (M: 09431902837)
12 Malabar Botanical Garden, Kozikhode, Kerala Western Ghat July, 2012 35.00
13 Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar pradesh Northern Region August, 2012 39.00
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Similarly till 31/01/2013 in the year 2012-13,
Advisory Committee. The proposals involving
155 proposals have been either rejected or
areas more than 40 ha. are to be submitted
closed/returned/ withdrawn.
by the State Governments to the Ministry,
and they are examined by the Forest Advisory General approval of Diversion of Forest Land
Committee (FAC), constituted under the Forest for small public utility proposals
(Conservation) Act, 1980. The FAC meets To boost the development of
once a month. The FAC was reconstituted on underdeveloped area including tribal areas,
03.08.2012 and the present composition is as Ministry accorded general approval under
below: Section-2 of the Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980
(i) Director General of Forests & Chairman for underground laying of electric cable and
Special Secretary, Ministry of wires to individual household, drinking water
Environment & Forests supply/ water pipelines, telephone lines which
(ii) Additional Director General of Member involve felling of trees not exceeding 50 numbers
Forests, Ministry of Environment per project and are outside the National Parks
& Forests and Sanctuaries and are laid along the road. The
(iii) Additional Commissioner (Soil Member approval is valid till further orders.
Conservation), Ministry of
Agriculture As a special measures to boost
(iv) Dr. Mohd. Firoz Ahmad Member
development of basic infrastructure in Left
Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts in the
(v) Professor N P Todaria, HNB Member
country, the general approval for diversion of
Garhwal University
the forest land for the specified public utility
(vi) Non-Offical Member, Vacant Member
development projects has been further relaxed
(vii) Inspector General of Forests Member- upto 2 hectares (ha) in each case, for a period
(Forest Conservation), Ministry Secretary of five years i.e. till 31st December, 2015. In
of Environment & Forests
addition, in the 60 worst affected districts where
In the cases where area is more than 100 Integrated Action Plan is being implemented,
ha., a site inspection by the officers of Regional the general approval for diversion of upto 5
Office is mandatory before the proposal is ha of forest land for specified developmental
examined by the FAC. Keeping in view the activities has been given.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-10. Number of cases received and cleared for diversion of forest land
The State Governments have been of forest land required for linear projects
given power to issue specific approvals and Forest Division/state-wise as against
conditions governing such approvals have requirement of consolidated proposal
been specified. earlier.
Annual Report 2012-2013
and the Ministry of Home Affairs for Court of India and the User Agency is required
implementation of the Integrated Action to pay 5 times/ 10 times of the Net Present
Plan (IAP) has been extended to additional Value of the forest land diverted in such cases.
22 districts identified for implementation
The funds received as compensatory
of the IAP.
levies in lieu of diversion of forest land, are
– The MoEF has requested all State/UT held in the name of the respective State
Governments to obtain, within a period CAMPAs [Compensatory Afforestation Fund
of two years, approval under the FC Act Management and Planning Authorities] and
for diversion of entire forest land located are managed by the Ad-hoc Compensatory
within the mining leases. EC cases of Afforestation Fund Management and Planning
existing mining operations, where approval Authority. The funds are being kept outside
under the FC Act for the full forest area the Consolidated Fund of India and the Public
in the mining lease area is not available Account of India in accordance with the
would be considered for the non-forest specific orders of the Apex Court. Releases to
area plus the forest area within the mining the State CAMPAs are being made on the basis
lease for which FC is available. The project of the Annual Plans of Operation received from
proponent will need to seek and obtain the States with the approval of the State level
approval under the FC Act for diversion Steering Committee headed by the respective
of entire forest land located within the Chief Secretaries and within the annual limit
mining lease within a period of two years of `1,000 crores fixed by the Apex Court. The
from 01.02.2013. amounts released to the State CAMPAs in the
Mechanism for Compensatory Afforestation years 2011-12 and 2012-13 (till 12.02.2013)
are indicated in the Table-11. 5% of the funds
To mitigate impacts of diversion of forest
allocated to the States are also sanctioned for
land on the ecology, environment, biodiversity
use by the National CAMPA Advisory Council,
and overall forest cover in the country,
for monitoring of the Projects being funded
the Central Government while according
out of the CAMPA.
approvals under the Forest (Conservation)
Act, 1980 for diversion of forest land stipulates In relation to monitoring of expenditure
appropriate conditions. In addition to the incurred from out of the funds sanctioned to
requirement that the User Agency provides the State CAMPAs the following steps are on
land in compensation, at prescribed scales, it the anvil:
is also made incumbent on them to provide
– “e-Green Watch” an Integrated CAMPA
compensatory levies which are in the nature
Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation
of funds for Compensatory Afforestation/
System is being established in Pilot phase
Additional Compensatory Afforestation/ Penal
in 5 States, namely , Andhra Pradesh,
Compensatory Afforestation/ Safety Zone
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim and
treatment / Catchment Area treatment/ Net
Tripura. This work is being spear headed
Present Value of forest land diverted. Forest
by the Ad-hoc CAMPA with the support
area which are notified as part of national
of National Informatics Centre (NIC)
parks/ sanctuaries are allowed to be diverted
and Forest Survey of India. The fully
only with the express approval of the Supreme
operational e-green watch will facilitate
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-11. Amounts released to the State CAMPAs in the years 2011-12 and 2012-13 (till 12.02.2013)
Sl. No. State/UT 2011-12 2012-13
Date Amount (in `) Date Amount (in `)
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 18.06.2012 5,779,000
2 Andhra Pradesh 23.08.2011 11,85,700,000 06.10.2012 1,19,60,39,000
3 Arunachal Pradesh 08.09.2011 4,11,900,000 02.01.2013 11,76,13,000
4 Assam 13.02.2013 15,05,92,100
5 Bihar 25.11.2011 8,04,00,000 02.01.2013 8,46,50,000
6 Chandigarh
7 Chhattisgarh 08.09.2011 99,54,39,000 21.08.2012 1,14,38,00,000
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 28.10.2011 15,36,000
9 Daman & Diu
10 Delhi
11 Goa
12 Gujarat 08.09.2011 26,30,00,000 09.11.2012 32,41,17,000
13 Haryana 11.06.2012 16,45,00,000
14 Himachal Pradesh 23.08.2011 57,12,62,400 02.01.2013 39,30,00,000
15 Jammu & Kashmir 29.11.2012 23,78,35,000
16 Jharkhand 24.11.2011 62,49,89,300 02.01.2013 47,98,00,000
17 Karnataka 30.08.2011 41,57,00,000 06.10.2012 43,72,00,000
18 Kerala
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 09.01.2012 5,35,209,000
21 Maharashtra 16.11.2011 8,26,300,000 06.10.2012 78,21,23,000
22 Manipur 11.06.2012 1,91,34,000
23 Meghalaya
24 Mizoram
25 Nagaland
26 Odisha 23.08.2011 1,66,85,10,050 30.11.2012 2,05,82,44,000
27 Puducherry
28 Punjab 16.09.2011 22,07,83,872 27.08.2012 19,31,18,000
29 Rajasthan 11.11.2011 31,89,13,000
30 Sikkim 02.09.2011 9,04,00,000 27.11.2012 8,75,23,000
31 Tamil Nadu 12.06.2012 1,38,30,000 12.02.2013 54,08,950
32 Tripura 12.02.2013 2,27,70,300
33 Uttar Pradesh
34 Uttarakhand 26.06.2012 65,31,60,000 02.01.2013 31,73,05,000
35 West Bengal 09.03.2012 4,84,36,000
Total 9,11,48,81,622.00
Note: The allocations to the State CAMPAs in Arunachal, Jharkhand, Tamil nadu and Uttarakhand have been made @ 50% of their
respective entitlements for the year 2012-13 pending the receipt of GIS coordinates of work sites treated under CAMPA funds since the
year 2009-10, as requested in D.O. Letter No.13-5/2012-FC dated the 11th September, 2012 from DGF&SS to the PCCFs of all States/UTs. The
allocation to Himachal Pradesh has been made @ 75% GIS coordinates have been received in port.
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Audit of utilisation of CAMPA funds is being and modifications are being regularly placed
undertaken through the Accountants and updated on Ministry’s website. The status
General.under the directions of the C&AG of all proposals received in the Ministry is also
of India. available in the public domain.
The Projects mentioned at (1) and (2)
The Ministry is also starting a web-
above have been undertaken using CAMPA
based system of Online Monitoring of Forest
funds allocated to the National CAMPA Advisory
Clearances. The Online Monitoring of Forest
clearances is a work flow based application
Diversion of Forest land for non-forestry being developed for monitoring the proposals
uses is in the nature of exception submitted by User Agencies for seeking forest
The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 clearances for diverting forest land for non-
is an example of the national political will forestry purposes. This software application
to preserve its precious forest, wildlife and will be used by all State Forest Departments,
biodiversity wealth. The Act has resulted in Regional Offices and headquarter at Ministry
drastic reduction in rate of diversion of forest of Environment & Forests to feed and update
land for non-forest purposes from 1.65 lakh the data pertaining to their level. This software
hectares per annum during the 25 years period application will contain a database of all forest
from 1951-52 to 1975-76 prior to enactment of land diversion proposals submitted to the
the Act to approximately 36,300 hectares per Ministry.
annum after the act came into existence, that Forest Establishment (FE)
too with provisions for appropriate mitigation
measures. The Forest Establishment Division is
handling the establishment matters in respect
Strict compliance of the Scheduled Tribes of the following organizations;-
and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers
(Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 – The Indian Council of Forestry Research
and Education (ICFRE) an autonomous
The guidelines issued under the Forest
organization under the Ministry of
(Conservation) Act, 1980 envisage strict
Environment & Forests, and its Institutes/
compliance of the Scheduled Tribes and Other
Centers namely:-
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Chandigarh with its Headquarter Unit in the than 100 ha. A statement showing the number
Ministry at New Delhi. Names of the Heads of the of cases received and number of cases cleared
Regional Offices with their address, telephone by the Regional Offices under the Forest
and fax numbers are given in the Annexure - (Conservation) Act, 1980 during the year 2011-
IIA. Regional Offices monitor and evaluate the 12 and 2012-13 (upto 31 December 2012) is
ongoing forestry projects and schemes with given in Table-12.
specific emphasis on conservation of forests,
Other Activities undertaken
and oversee the implementation of conditions
and safeguards laid down by the Ministry while Some of the important activities
granting clearance to development projects undertaken/held during 2012-13 (upto 31
under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (FCA) December, 2012) are as follows:
and Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA). – A meeting of officers and scientists of the
Progress of Activities undertaken Regional Offices was held on 5th November
2012, under the chairmanship of Secretary,
The Heads of the Regional Offices are
Ministry of Environment and Forests where
empowered to grant approval for diversion
the functioning of the Regional Offices,
of forest land for non-forestry purposes up to
both Forestry as well as Environmental
the extent of 5 hectare (ha.) (except mining
functions, were reviewed.
and regularization of encroachments) and
to process cases between 5 ha. and 40 ha. in – An interactive meeting on Forest
consultation with the State Advisory Committee (Conservation) Act, 1980 was organised
and to undertake physical inspection of sites on 29th June 2012 by the Regional Office
in cases of diversion of forest lands to non- at Bhubaneswar under the Chairmanship
forestry purposes involving an area of more of the Additional Director General of
Table-12. Statement showing the number of cases received and number of cases cleared
by the Regional Offices under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 during the year
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Forests (FC) in the Ministry, to discuss Criteria and guidelines for categorization
various issues related to FC clearance and non-compliance in projects”.
compliances. The meeting was attended by – Regional Office, Bhubaneshwar also
State Nodal Officers of Odisha, West Bengal, organised an interactive meet on
Bihar, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Environment Issues in Chromite Mining &
Islands and representatives of project Ferro-alloys Plants Sector on 11.09.2012.
authorities from the Eastern Region. The
– An Inventorization of bird species of the
issues discussed included requirement
Eastern Regional Office, Bhubaneswar has
of Differential Global Positioning System
been made a total of 25 bird species have
(DGPS) survey, expediting FC clearance
been recorded so far.
proposals, mutation of non-forest land
CA as protected forest by the State – A small garden dedicated to indigenous
Governments, etc. fragrant plants has been developed in the
office complex of Eastern Regional Office
– The Regional Office, Bengaluru carried out
with 105 fragrant flowering plant species
inspection of Iron Ore mines in Goa with
in ½ acre area. An initiative has been taken
reference to Mining from Dumps and on
by the Regional Office, Bhubaneswar to
the reported violations of Krishnapattinam
recognise this rare garden for entry into the
Port in Andhra Pradesh.
Limca Book of Records. A reply from M/s
– The Additional Principal Chief Conservator Limca Book of Records has been received
of Forests (Central), Regional Office, stating that they would like to consider
Bengaluru has assisted the Committee the fragrant garden in an office-cum-
constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court residential complex in 2013 edition.
of India in their field visits to teh mining
– Vermi-composting facility has been
areas of Goa State.
set up in the campus of the Regional
– Regional Office, Bhubaneshwar Office, Bhubaneswar for utilising total
coordinated the visit of Expert Committee biodegradable domestic wastes. The
constituted by the Ministry for review of manure generated from teh vermin-
environmental clearance matter of POSCO composting is used in the campus
Steel Pvt. Ltd. gardens.
– Regional Office, Bhubaneshwar through Financial Achievement
its officer (acted as member Secretary)
represented a Committee coordinated A statement showing financial targets and
by the Ministry, completed review and achievements for the year 2011-12 is given in
submitted report on 22.4.2012 to the Table below:
Ministry in respect of “Development of
(` in crore)
Annual Report 2012-2013
International Cooperation on United Nations
– Bilateral co-operation between India-US,
Forum on Forests (UNFF), Asia Pacific Forestry
India-China on forestry matter.
Commission (APFC), and Committee on
Forestry of FAO. USAID|India Forest Plus Project
The Forest Policy Division is nodal division
Subjects under Forest Policy & Forest
International Cooperation for USAID|India Project “PartnershiP for Land
Use science (forest-PLUs) Project 2011-2015”. The
– National Forest Policy, 1988 including program intends to focus on reducing emissions
State Forest Policy matters, Policy issues from deforestation and forest degradation and
on NTFPs/MFPs, Policies and legislation of enhanced sequestration through afforestation,
other Central Ministries related to forests conservation and sustainable management of
and Scheduled tribes. forests. The Forest-Plus program contributes
– Indian Forest Act, 1927, State Forest Acts/ to the overall Assistance Objective of the
other Central Acts. Harmonization of IFA, Clean Energy and Environment Office i.e.
1927 with FRA,2006 and PESA, 1996 ‘accelerating transition to a high performing,
– Facilitating implementation of FRA, 2006 low emissions, and climate resilient economy’,
(Nodal Ministry –MoTA). by taking REDD+ actions to scale and enhancing
– Rationalization of felling and transit climate resilient, GHG mitigation planning and
regulation for trees grown on private programs. This will be achieved by working on
land. two components 1) Sustainable Landscapes
and 2) Low Carbon Development Strategies.
– Forests & Climate Change, REDD+,
The Forest-PLUS program will address sectoral
Biodiversity, Desertification in Forestry
barriers, build human and institutional
capacity, develop and deploy improved
– Coordinating implementation of Non- scientific methods for carbon inventory and
Legally Binding instruments on Forests. reference baselines, provide support to the
– Division is Focal Point for UNFF, Committee Government of India to develop a low carbon
on Forestry (COFO) of Food and Agriculture development strategy for India, and actively
Organization (FAO) and Asia Pacific Forestry engage stakeholders and create an enabling
Commission(APFC) environment for REDD+ implementation in
Ministry of Environment & Forests
India. The Forest-PLUS program will work regarding felling and transit regulations for
with the Ministry of Environment & Forests at tree species grown on non-forest/ private
the federal level to support implementation lands has been constituted in Forest Policy
of national policies and programs and will Division under the Chairmanship of of Shri
contribute to MoEF’s efforts to establish and A.K. Bansal, the then Addl. Director General
implement programs through collaboration of Forests (FC) with DIG, Forest Policy as
with the new REDD+ Cell. The program will also Member Secretary on 20th July, 2011. The
look for active engagement with communities Committee has submitted its report which
and local governments. The Components of is available on the Ministry’s website.
the Project are given below: – The Ministry has been proactively
– Component 1: Sustainable Landscapes involved in facilitating the Minisrty of
Tribal Affairs being Nodal Ministry for
– Tasks- 1: Improvement of management
the implementation of the Scheduled
p ra c t i ce s fo r e co s ys te m a n d
Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
– Task-2: Development of improved Act, 2006 commonly known as Forest
methods to establish carbon inventories Rights act 2006. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
and reference baselines. (MoTA) issued a guideline on 12.07.2012
– Task- 3: Analysis of social and economic regarding implementation of Forest Rights
incentives for REDD+ policy and Act, 2006 and amendments to the Forest
practice. Rights Rules, 2008, which have been
– Sub-component: II: Deployment - Scientific notified in Gazette of India on 19.7.2006.
and Technical Results Piloted at Scale. In this regard, Ministry of Environment &
– Task 1: Establish Government Forests has issued a letter on 15.01.2013
and Stakeholder Dialogue and to the Principal Chief Conservator of
Communication Processes Forests (PCCFs) of All State/UTs Forest
Departments for taking appropriate action
– Task 2: E n ga ge Sta ke hold er s
on Guidelines recently issued by MoTA
Constructively in REDD+
on 12.7.2012 and FRA Amendment Rules,
2012 notified on 19.7.2012.
– Task 3: Human and Institutional Capacity
– Forest Policy Division has coordinated and
development and strengthening of
proposed the comments on various matters
enabling environment
especially on the “the Land Acquisition
Activities undertaken and Rehabilation and Resettlement Bill,
– Rationalization of felling and transit 2011.
regulation for trees grown on Private/ – The Indian Forest(Amendment) Bill,
Non-Forest land: Keeping in view the 2012, a Bill further to amend the Indian
principal objectives of the National Forest Forest Act, 1927 relating to Section 68
Policy 1988 which envisages that one regarding enhancing powers of forest
-third of the total land area of the country officers to compound forest offences was
should be under forest or tree cover, a introduced in Rajya Sabha in 2012 which
Committee to study the regulatory regime was referred to the Department-related
Annual Report 2012-2013
These two side events were as under: programmes were identified on Forest
(a) Side event No 2532 on ‘REDD+ Stock Inventory and Carbon, Forestry
Architecture and its relevance to Research, REDD+ and LULUCF and Green
Developing Countries’ on 11.10.2012 Economy, NWFP, Bamboo Research,
jointly with The Energy Research Capacity buiding and Wildlife Conservation
Institute (TERI). and Protection. Both parties agrees for
Focal Points from both countries to carry
(b) Side Event No 2686 on ‘Exhibition on
forward the bilateral cooperation on
Linkages Between Various Indian
forestry and wildlife.
Festivals and Biodiversity’ on
12.10.2012. – Forest Policy Division has provided inputs
on forestry matters to IC Division on Rio+20
– REDD+ Workshops: Organized two
Zero draft of the Outcome Document
National and one Regional Workshops
and DIG (Forest Policy) from Forestry
on REDD+ preparedness for capacity
wing participated with Indian Delegation
building and awareness raising of state
led by Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) for
forest departments and other stakeholders.
Environment & Forests in the Rio+20
5 more Regional Workshops are to be
United Nations Conference on Sustainable
organized in Nagaland, Karnataka, Uttar
Development held in Brazil.
Pradesh, Gujarat.
– Indian delegation headed by DGF&SS
– Forest Policy Division has oraganised
attended the 21st Session of Committee
the celebration of World Forestry Day
on Forestry (COFO) of FAO held at Rome,
2011 at India International Centre (IIC),
Italy from 24-28 September, 2012. DIG,
New Delhi on 21st March, 2012 with the
Forest Policy participated in Organisation
theme “Role of Forests in achieving the
led initiatives from September 19-21, 2012
Millennium Development Goals” and
at FAO, Rome.
with the objective to create awareness
among public about the importance of – National Workshop on Non Legally Binding
forests in human well being as well as Instrument on all types of Forests (Forest
their critical role as life sustaining system. Instrument) was organized by Forest Policy
The programme was attended by Policy Division of the Ministry with IGNFA from
12-14th December, 2012 at New Delhi.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
the year 2009-10 after obtaining the Cabinet important to increase the effectiveness of the
approval. field functionaries of the Forest Department.
The Annual Work Plans submitted by Introduction of advanced technology is
the State Forest Departments is scrutinized helping in bridging the backlog in preparation
by a Screening Committee consisting of the of working plans. Forest fire control has become
following members: progressively effective by way of creation
and maintenance of firelines for prevention
Additional Director General of Forests (FC) Chairman
of forest fires, early detection, reporting and
Deputy Inspector General of Forests (NAEB) Member
quick mobilization of force for forest fire
Deputy Inspector General of Forests (RT) Member control. Modern technology has also helped in
Deputy Inspector General of Forests (WL) Member improving planning for forest fire control and
Deputy Inspector General of Forests (FPD) Member management. This scheme has also provided
Director (Finance) Member incentives for involvement of local people
through Joint Forest Management Committees
Representative of Civil Construction Unit Member
(JFMCs) in forest protection. Presently, there are
Outcome 2,74,134 JFMCs managing 6,71,427,57 million
hactares of forest area involving 3,8,62,811
The scheme has strengthened the State/
million people.
UT forest departments by way of creating
infrastructure such as field offices, forest Performance of the Scheme in the 11th Five
stations, residential facilities for frontline staff; Year Plan
construction of roads and patrolling paths Performance of the Scheme during the
etc. The Scheme has also helped the State 11 Five Year Plan period is represented in the
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-14. Physical and Financial Achievement under IFMS in XIth Plan Period
S. Target Achievement
Items of Work Units
No. Physical Physical
1 Creation and Maintenance of Firelines kms. 5673 611648 3799 513061
Annual Report 2012-2013
Plan Outlay of the Scheme in the XIIth Five – To create a strong system of Forest
Year Plan Fire Control and Management through
The proposed allocation under the the National Fire vulnerability map
Scheme for the XIIth Five Year Plan period is and subsequent mitigation measures,
Rs 1200 Cr. An increase in plan size was sought modernization of preventive measures
due to the following reasons. for fire protection, use of modern
communication facilities for forestry
The average expenditure in the last
personnel and use of modern technology
five years is `6184 lakhs under the scheme.
in identifying and accessing status of
Under the guidelines of the scheme, proposals
protection for valuable and vulnerable
for Annual Work Programme (AWP) submitted
forest areas.
by the respective State Governments is
discussed in the Screening Committee which – To take action for Control of forest invasive
makes recommendation for allocation of funds species.
for the year. On review of the past records, it – For demarcation of boundary and fixing
is found that State Governments have been of boundary pillars which is very essential
submitting AWP’s for an amount or ` 8 to 14 and needed to be completed immediately
crores where as the average allotment for in time bound manner.
States has been 2-3 times less. Requests for However, the performance of the Scheme
allotment according to the plans submitted by also depends upon the capacity of the States
the states have been received by the division and UTs to execute the scheme and be able to
on many occasions during the meeting with spend the funds within time limit.
representative of State Forest Departments,
their argument being that the AWPs are Performance of the Scheme in 2012-13
prepared after identification of gaps for The Annual Plan allocation for the year
forest protection and specially in the area of 2012-13 was Rs 68.25 Cr which was reduced to
Infrastructure development for frontline staff,
communication and Information Technology
(IT) and forest fire control.
As the demand for funds for forest
protection far outstrips the allocation to the
States in the previous years, the division has
proposed enhancement of the annual plan
size for the scheme to fulfill the following
– To address the gaps in forest protection
as identified by the State Governments.
– Given a fillip to the efforts in creating
infrastructure facilities for frontline staff in
the time bound manner so that presence
of staff in forest area is enhanced leading
to better vigil of forests. Fig-19. Riverstream in Himachal Pradesh
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
` 53.25 Cr at the RE stage. Statewise allocation and as well as evaluation of the plan after fire
of the budget, as per RE, is given in Table-15. season. This exercise in ongoing and expected
that the forest department is able to provide
Forest Fire Vulnerability Mapping
adequate resources for forest fire control.
The Ministry through Forest Survey of
India, Dehradun has initiated the exercise of Comparison of achievements/ progress 2012-
13 vis a vis that in 2011-12
preparation of Forest Fire Vulnerability Map for
the forest area of the country. This map is being The statement summarizes the
shared with the Stateswith the objectives of performance of IFMS in 2012-13 vis-à-vis in
helping them in better management, improved 2011-12 is given in Table-16. The budgetary
preparedness and timely intervention by State allocation of the scheme was reduced to `53.25
Forest Department in controlling forest fire and Crore in the RE during the year 2012-13.
reducing damage arising out of it.
Implementing agencies along with detail of
The Near Real Time Forest Fire Information responsibilities
system is also being executed by FSI wherein Implementation of the Scheme is being
fire spots within the forest areas in the done as per the Memorandum of Understanding
country is being shared with respective State (MoU) signed between the Centre and
Forest Departments by email/ sms in real State. State Forest Department headed by
time. This information sharing has improved Principal Chief Conservator of Forests is the
fire management as well as trueness of fire implementing agency for the Scheme. The main
information in the country. responsibilities of the implementing agencies
Crisis Management Plan is to submit Annual Work Plan proposal for
sanction to the Screening Committee under the
The Forest Protection Division is Scheme, supervise and implement the scheme
also the nodal Division for preparation as per the operational guidelines, conduct
and implementation of Forest Fire Crisis monitoring and evaluation and submit reports
Management Plans which are being prepared as required under the Scheme guidelines from
by the State Forest Departments. The aim of the time to time. The State Government is also
Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is to improve required to furnish Utilization Certificate and
co-ordination between various wings in the progress report at the end of the financial
Government for quick and effective response year.
to any emergency created due to forest fire.
The plan includes mechanism for co-ordination Under the Central Sector component of
among various agencies, preparedness plan the Scheme, the Forest Protection Division of
Ministry of Environment & Forests
the Ministry of Environment & Forests would Park in the capital is also a part of the Wildlife
implement the works of monitoring, evaluation Wing of the Ministry of Environment & Forests.
and other such works which are spread over
To combat wildlife related crimes, a
more than one State/Union Territory.
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau under the
The Implementing agency are also Director, Wildlife Preservation has been
expected to plan and implement the Scheme constituted with 5 Regional Offices viz, Delhi,
keeping in view that the activities proposed Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Jabalpur and 3
to be executed under the scheme is able to Sub-regional offices at Amritsar, Guwahati and
improve the status of protections of the target Ramanathapuram.
forest area.
Wildlife Division of the Ministry provides
Funds for the Scheme are directly technical and financial support to the State/ UT
transferred to the State Government for Governments for wildlife conservation under
implementation. the Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Integrated
Development of Wildlife Habitats and also
Monitoring and Evaluation
through Central Sector Scheme - Strengthening
The Division has initiated the third of Wildlife Division and Consultancies for
party evaluation of the Scheme through an Special Tasks, and through Grants in Aid to the
independent agency for the works undertaken Central Zoo Authority and Wildlife Institute of
in the XIth Five Year Plan period where it is India, Dehradun. The objectives and details of
proposed to cover all the states and verify the Schemes are as given below:
twenty percent of the sample of works
undertaken. CSS-Integrated Development of Wildlife
Wildlife Conservation
At present India has a network of 668
Introduction Protected Areas (102 National Parks, 515
The Wildlife Wing has two Divisions, Wildlife Sanctuaries, 47 Conservation Reserves
namely, Project Elephant Division and Wildlife and 4 Community Reserves). State-wise list of
Division, each headed by an officer in the Protected Area is given in Table-17.
rank of Inspector General of Forests. A Deputy The Government of India provides
Inspector General of Forest (Wildlife) and an financial and technical assistance to the State/
Assistant Inspector General and Joint Director UT Governments for activities aimed at wildlife
(Wildlife) provide administrative and technical conservation through the Centrally Sponsored
support to the Wildlife Wing. In addition, there Scheme viz. ‘Integrated Development of
are three autonomous bodies, Wildlife Institute Wildlife Habitats’. The scheme has following
of India (WII) for wildlife research & training, three components:
Central Zoo Authority (CZA) for conservation
– Support to Protected Areas (National Parks,
and zoo management and National Tiger
Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves
Conservation Authority (NTCA). The NTCA has
and Community Reserves)
been constituted by converting the Project
Tiger Directorate into an autonomous body – Protection of Wildlife Outside Protected
for tiger conservation. The National Zoological Areas
Annual Report 2012-2013
Jammu & Kashmir 4 3925.00 15 10243.11 34 829.75 53 14997.86
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– Recovery programmes for saving critically the country. Initially 16 species have been
endangered species and habitats. identified under this component. These are
Support to Protected Areas (PAs) Snow Leopard, Bustard (including Floricans),
Dolphin, Hangul, Nilgiri Tahr, Marine Turtles,
– Eligible PAs: National Parks, Wildlife Dugongs, Edible Nest Swiftlet, Asian Wild
Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves and Buffalo, Nicobar Megapode, Manipur Brow-
Community Reserves, other than those antlered Deer, Vultures, Malabar Civet, Indian
availing central assistance under the CSS- Rhinoceros, Asiatic Lion, Swamp Deer and
Project Tiger, which are duly notified under Jerdon’s Courser.
the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and are
under the control of the Chief Wildlife The Director, Wildlife Preservation,
Wardens. Government of India, in consultation with
the Wildlife Institute of India or the relevant
– Pattern of funding: 100% central
scientific institute and with the approval of the
assistance is provided for non-recurring
Standing Committee of the NBWL can initiate
items and 50% assistance for recurring
other recovery programmes or wind up an
ongoing programme.
Areas falling in mountain regions, coastal
zones, deserts, or those areas which support – Pattern of funding: 100% assistance
certain selected endangered species, are is provided for both non-recurring and
eligible for 100% central assistance for both recurring items. Each recovery programme
recurring and non-recurring items. has to be based on a comprehensive and
scientific ‘Recovery Plan’. The Chief Wildlife
Protection of Wildlife Outside Protected Wardens of the concerned States (if the
Areas species range is in more than one State),
There is substantial wildlife and natural shall jointly prepare the Recovery Plan with
resources lying outside the Protected Areas the help of a national scientific institute/
network of India. This component seeks to organization of repute.
support the conservation of wildlife in these Ac t i v i t i e s u n d e r C S S - ‘ I nt e g rat e d
areas. Development of Wildlife Habitats’
– Eligible areas: High value biodiversity Activities covered under the Centrally
areas outside PAs. Areas contiguous to Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated Development
PAs/corridors are given priority. The Chief of Wildlife Habitats’ are as follows:
Wildlife Wardens prepare a Biodiversity
Conservation Plan for such selected Management Planning and capacity
– Pattern of funding: Same as in the case – Strengthening wildlife research, education
of PAs. and nature awareness
– Staff development and capacity building
Recover y programme for critically
endangered species and habitats: – Monitoring and evaluation
This component is for affecting the – Management Planning
recovery of critically endangered species in
Annual Report 2012-2013
activities: Plan period. Year-wise detail of funds released
during 11th Plan period under this scheme is
– Addressing man-animal conflict
shown in Table-18.
Fig-20. Weaver ants (Oecophylla) capturing pollinators on Goolar Fig (Ficus racemosa)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-18. Details of Funds Released under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Integrated
Development of Wildlife Habitats” during XIth Five Year Plan
(` In Lakhs)
Sl. Name of the State/UTs 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
1. A& N Islands 82.86 73.48 85.91 87.872 127.06
2. Andhra Pradesh 168.0553 92.378 102.02 64.341 71.50
3. Arunachal Pradesh 125.05 193.31 193.14 213.197 168.11
4. Assam 81.775 161.095 114.79 186.63 234.17
5. Bihar 4.00 37.558 42.29 19.889 00
7. Chhattisgarh 379.197 323.235 851.15 281.966 241.783
8. Chandigarh 0.00 00 00 12.29 19.98
9. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11.78 15.62 14.88 00 00
10. Goa 31.59 41.94 71.03 32.879 21.458
11. Gujarat 332.084 318.52 426.10 1106.749 1126.589
12. Haryana 70.03 86.02 17.22 15.114 28.70
13. Himachal Pradesh 233.319 241.983 265.92 253.80 242.1104
14. Jammu & Kashmir 221.54 470.87 375.397 537.336 445.085
15. Jharkhand 98.128 99.753 80.267 63.64 64.2615
16. Karnataka 630.643 625.1501 566.71 412.252 335.851
17. Kerala 493.574 864.96 432.48 366.786 941.79
18. Madhya Pradesh 800.915 613.34 541.98 635.366 506.164
19. Maharashtra 331.32564 390.22 273.679 343.32 322.391
20. Manipur 105.8948 100.095 118.31 88.316 86.65
21. Meghalaya 64.88 58.007 59.75 58.03 43.80
22. Mizoram 169.46 289.09 186.85 707.763 153.445
23. Nagaland 19.11 28.415 34.115 33.595 30.333
24. Odisha 357.081 576.88 390.95 315.331 331.2651
25. Punjab 0.00 40.29 36.26 25.12 00
26. Rajasthan 347.24 414.58 496.746 348.068 291.387
27. Sikkim 159.22 187.73 240.93 183.78 131.793
28. Tamil Nadu 274.64 727.91 518.67 334.449 256.027
29. Tripura 36.00 0.00 13.00 2.84 00
30. Uttar Pradesh 332.362 307.173 274.45 296.179 204.371
31. Uttarakhand 76.671 216.09 145.08 134.90 201.144
32. West Bengal 356.215 345.78 381.318 276.385 246.425
33 Delhi 0.00 0.00 0.00 00 00
34 Daman & Diu 4.721 6.12 6.05 00 00
TOTAL 6399.36074 7947.5921 7357.442 7438.183 6873.643
Annual Report 2012-2013
During 11th Plan period, evaluation of 58 Table-19. Details of Funds Released under
PAs was carried out by a panel of experts using the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Integrated
international protocols. The Management Development of Wildlife Habitats” During
Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) score of the 58 2012-13 (Upto 31.1.2013)
PAs is as follows: Very Good (9 PAs); Good (22 (` in Lakhs)
PAs); Satisfactory (19 PAs) and Poor (8 PAs). Sl. Name of the State/Uts 2012-13
No. (Upto
During 12th Five Year Plan, total outlay
approved for the Scheme is ` 800.00 crores of 1. Andaman & Nicobar Island 109.50
which ` 73.50 crores has been allocated during 2. Andhra Pradesh 180.335
2012-13. State-wise detail of funds released 3. Arunachal Pradesh 162.3755
during 2012-13 under this scheme is given in
4. Assam 146.00
5 Bihar 64.685
Out of 16 species identified for the species
6 Chhattisgarh 362.38
recovery programme, financial assistance has
been provided for nine species. The amount 7 Goa 148.12
provided to the State/Union Territory in respect 8. Gujarat 517.926
of these species is as below: 9. Haryana 37.60
– Project Snow Leopard - (J&K – `169.20 10. Himachal Pradesh. 318.9668
lakh, Uttarakhand – `86.40 lakh, Himachal 11. Jammu & Kashmir 515.957
Pradesh- `164.696 lakh and ` 3.20 lakhs
12. Jharkahand 81.6195
to Arunachal Pradesh)
– Project Hangul - (J&K – ` 268.56 lakh) 13 Karnataka 408.2648
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– ` 540.00 lakhs has been released to by the regional offices of Wildlife Preservation,
Chattisgarh for relocation of 135 families an Annual Report is published as per the
from villages in Barnawapara Sanctuary requirement of CITES. Consequent upon
during 2009-10. creation of Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, these
– ` 550.00 lakh has been released to Kerala regional and sub-regional offices have been
for relocation of 55 families from Wayanad merged in the Bureau.
Sanctuary during 2011-12. The scheme “Strengthening of Wildlife
– `488.00 lakh has been released to Mizoram Division and Consultancies” (Control of Wildlife
for relocation of 61 families from Dumpui Crime) support the expenses of the Wildlife
‘S’ village in Thorangtlang Sanctuary 2010- Crime Control Bureau and its regional offices
11. located in Delhi, Jabalpur, Mumbai, Kolkata
– ` 30.00 lakh has been released to Kerala and Chennai to ensure adequate manpower
for relocation of 3 families from Malabar and development of infrastructure for better
Wildlife Sanctuary during 2011-12. enforcement of Wild Life (Protection) Act, etc.
Assistance is also extended to the three sub
CS - Strengthening of Wildlife Division and
regional offices at Guwahati, Amritsar and
Consultancies for Special Tasks
Cochin which were established subsequently
This Central Sector Scheme was launched to further strengthen the organization.
in 1986 to strengthen the Wildlife Division
in the Ministry and the Regional Offices of Besides, research proposals from
Wildlife Preservation for fulfilling the statutory independent research agencies and institutions
obligations under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, on applied aspects of Wildlife Conservation
1972 and the inter-Governmental commitments in India are also provided support under this
under the Convention on International Trade scheme. During 2012-13, two new research
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora projects and five ongoing projects were
(CITES). supported under the scheme.
International trade in wild flora and fauna An amount of ` 6.30 crores has been
including the species covered under CITES, is allocated under this Scheme for the year 2012-
regulated by the provisions of the EXIM Policy. 13 of which ` 3.96 crores has been utilized till
Relevant parts of EXIM Policy are based on the 31.12.2012.
legal provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Important initiatives taken by the Wildlife
Act, 1972 and provisions of CITES. The Division of the Ministry
Director (Wildlife Preservation) is designated
Declaration of Eco-sensitive Zones
as the CITES Management Authority and the
Regional Deputy Directors (WCCB) are the As per the decision of the National Board
Assistant Management Authorities for CITES for Wild Life taken in its 2nd Meeting held on
implementation. The function of these offices 17th March 2005, the State Governments were
is to monitor and regulate international requested to forward site specific proposals
trade in wildlife and wildlife articles at the for declaration of Eco-sensitive zones around
designated ports of exit and entry i.e Mumbai, Protected Areas. The Ministry of Environment
Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Cochin, Amritsar and and Forests framed guidelines for facilitating
Guwahati. In addition to the periodic reviews the State/Union Territory Governments for
Annual Report 2012-2013
declaration of eco-sensitive zones around providing, regulating, and dealing in any other
National Parks and Sanctuaries, and issued manner with, the EMR based services, has been
the same vide O.M. No. 1-9/2007 WL-I dated 9 prepared. Main objective of the listed actions is
February 2011. Subsequently, draft notifications to avoid and mitigate the impacts of EMR. The
with respect to eco-sensitive zones around Ministry of Environment and Forests accordingly
National Parks and Sanctuaries in the States of requests the concerned Departments, State
Haryana (9 no), Jharkhand (1 no.), Karnataka (1 Governments, user agencies, and the public at
No.) and Gujarat (4 no.) have been issued. The large to take following actions:
final notification of eco-sensitive zone around
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Sultanpur National Park, Haryana and around
Dalma Sanctuary, Jharkhand have already – The Electro Magnetic Radiations from
been issued. the communication towers may have
varying negative impacts on wildlife
Advisory on Mobile Towers especially birds and bees. Accordingly,
The Ministry of Environment and Forests the information on the impacts related
had constituted an Expert Committee to to different forms of wildlife as well
look into the ‘Impact of mobile towers on as humans, should be provided to the
birds and bees’ under the chairmanship of concerned agencies for regulating the
Dr Asad Rahmani, Director, Bombay Natural norms for notification of standards for safe
History Society (BNHS) on 30th August August limits of EMR taking into consideration the
2010. The Expert Committee had submitted impacts on living beings.
its report to the Ministry. The review of the II. State/Local Bodies
available scientific information by the Expert
– Regular auditing and monitoring
Committee in the report indicates that the
of EMR should be conducted in
Electro-Magnetic Radiations (EMR) interferes
urban localities/ educational/hospital/
with biological systems. On the basis of the
report and subsequent deliberations with
premises and especially around the
stakeholders, an advisory has been issued
Protected Areas (PAs) and ecologically
by the Ministry on 9th August 2012. The main
sensitive areas w.r.t. notified norms of
objective of the list of activities indicated in the
Department of Telecommunications.
advisory is to avoid, and mitigate the impacts
Problematic towers from EMR point of
of EMR. The report of the expert committee has
view should be got suitably relocated/
been submitted to the Ministry of Environment
and Forests.
– Bold signs and messages on the
The review of the available scientific dangers of cell phone towers and
information by the Expert Committee in the associated radiations are displayed
report indicates that the Electro-Magnetic in and around the structures of the
Radiations (EMR) interfere with the biological towers. In addition to these signs, use of
systems. On the basis of the report of the Expert visual daytime markers in areas of high
Committee and subsequent deliberations diurnal raptor or waterfowl movements,
with the stakeholders, a list of actions to be should also be promoted.
undertaken by various agencies involved in
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– Before according permission for wise GIS mapping of all cell phone
construction of towers, ecological towers should be maintained which
impact assessment and review of would, inter alia, help in monitoring
installation sites will be essential in the population of birds and bees in
wildlife and/or ecologically important and around the mobile towers and
areas. The Forest Department should also in and/or around wildlife protected
be consulted before installation of cell areas.
phone towers in and around PAs and – There is an urgent need to refine
zoos. the Indian standard on safe limits of
III. State Environment and Forest exposure to EMR, keeping in view
Departments the available literature on impacts
– Regular awareness drive with high level on various life forms. Till such time
of visibility through all forms of media, the Indian standards are reformed,
and in regional languages should be a precautionary approach shall be
undertaken by the State Governments preferred to minimize the exposure
and concerned Departments to make levels and adopt stricter norms
people aware about various norms and possible, without compromising
standards with regard to cell phone on optimum performance of the
towers and dangers of EMR from the networks.
same. Such notices should also be V. All concerned agencies
placed in all wildlife protected areas
– Security lighting for on-ground facilities
and zoos by the Forest Department.
should be minimized, and as far as
IV. Department of Telecommunications possible, point downwards or be down-
– To prevent overlapping of high shielded to avoid bird hits.
radiation fields, new towers should – Any study conducted on impact of
not be permitted within a radius of
EMF radiation on wildlife needs to be
one kilometre of the existing towers.
shared with Forest Department and
Sharing of passive infrastructure if
Department of Telecommunications
made mandatory for Telecom Service
to facilitate appropriate policy
Providers can minimize need of having
additional towers. If new towers must
be built, these should be constructed Declaration of Critical Wild life Habitats
with utmost care and precautions The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
so as not to obstruct flight path of Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
birds, and also not to increase the Act, 2006 was enacted in 2006. The Act has
combined radiations from all towers been enacted to recognize and vest the forest
in the area. rights and occupation in forest land in forest
– The location and frequencies of cell dwelling Scheduled Tribes and other traditional
phone towers and other towers forest dwellers who have been residing in
emitting EMR, should be made such forests for generation but whose rights
available in public domain. This can be could not be recorded, and to provide for a
at city/ district/ village level. Location- framework for recording the forest rights so
Annual Report 2012-2013
of the provisions of the Scheduled Tribes and Convention on International Trade in
Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. The draft (CITES)
‘Implementation Protocol’ was hosted on the In order to regulate international trade in
official website of the Ministry of Environment endangered species of Wild Life, the Convention
and Forests inviting comments from the on International Trade in Endangered Species
public. After incorporating the comments so of wild fauna and flora (CITES) was signed in
received appropriately, the draft protocol was March 1973.
forwarded to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for
their comments/vetting. The Ministry of Tribal The Government of India signed the
Affairs have recently offered their comments on Convention in July 1976, which was ratified
the draft protocol, which are being examined. in October 1976.The Director, Wild Life
The draft protocol would also be placed before Preservation has been designated as the
the Standing Committee of NBWL for its CITES Management Authority for India. The
consideration, before finalizing and circulating enforcement of the provisions of CITES is
to the State/Union Territories. carried out by the Regional Deputy Directors,
Wild Life Crime Control Bureau, who have
International Cooperation also been designated as the Assistant CITES
India is a party to five major international Management Authority for India. Apart from
conventions related to Wild Life conservation, the Regional Deputy Directors, the Customs
viz., Convention on International Trade in Authorities, State Forest Departments are also
Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora involved in the enforcement of the Convention.
(CITES), International Union for Conservation An amendment to the Wild Life (Protection)
of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), Act 1972 has been proposed for integrating
International Whaling Commission (IWC), the provisions of CITES in the national law for
United Nations Educational, Scientific effective implementation of the Convention.
and Cultural Organization-World Heritage The Ministry of Environment and Forests has
Committee (UNESCO-WHC) and the Convention also constituted a CITES Cell on 10th September
on Migratory Species (CMS). 2010 to assist the Government of India in
CITES implementation. India has taken several
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
India (BSI) and the Zoological Survey of India by UNESCO in India, viz., Nanda Devi National
(ZSI) have been made the nodal agencies for Park, Kaziranga National Park, Manas National
undertaking the assessments on flora and Park, Keoladeo National Park, Sundarbans
fauna respectively, in coordination with other National Park and serial cluster of 39 sites from
concerned organizations, and IUCN, etc. Western Ghats spread over 4 States. Apart from
these, the Valley of Flowers National Park has
– IUCN Council Meeting in India
also been included in the list of World Heritage
The IUCN Council is the principal Sites as an extension of Nanda Devi National
governing body of IUCN in between sessions Park. Seven new natural heritage sites, viz.,
of the World Conservation Congress which Bhitarkanika Conservation area, Desert
is the General Assembly of IUCN members. It National Park, Great Himalayan National Park,
mirrors the functions of an Executive Board of Kangchendzonga National Park, Namdhapha
a Corporation in terms of having management National Park, Neora Valley National Park,
and administrative responsibilities. The Council and Wild Ass Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch
is responsible for the overseeing and general have been included in the tentative list of
control of all the affairs of IUCN, subject to the World Heritage Site nominations from India.
authority of the World Conservation Congress. The information dossier for Great Himalayan
In a major initiative towards international National Park is under active consideration of
conservation, India hosted the Council meeting WHC, which is likely to be evaluated by their
of IUCN, at New Delhi from 14-17 November technical advisors for consideration in the 37th
2011. The IUCN Council meeting, which usually Session of WHC at Phnom Penh, Cambodia in
takes place twice a year in Gland, Switzerland, 2013. It is also proposed to seek accreditation
was held in India as a prelude to the 11th of the Wild Life Institute of India as a Category
Conference of Parties of the Convention on II Centre on conservation and management of
Biodiversity, which was held in Hyderabad in Natural Heritage Sites under the auspices of
October 2012. UNESCO.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Committee meetings held at Paris, France and Convention on the Conservation of Migratory
St Petersburg, Russia respectively. In the 35th Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
session, Manas National Park was removed The Convention on Conservation of
from the ‘List of Heritage Sites in Danger’ owing Migratory Species (CMS) or Bonn Convention
to the good management and conservation aims to conserve migratory species throughout
initiatives practised by both the Government their range. The Convention came into force
of India as well as the State Government. in 1979. India is a signatory to the convention
The serial nomination of 39 natural sites of since 1983.
Western Ghats was inscribed in the 36th Session. During COP 10, India has also been
This is the first nomination of a series of natural nominated as a member of the Standing
sites in recognition of the biodiversity values of Committee of the Convention with the support
a landscape. from various countries in the Asia. During the
Considering the importance of World COP, the Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Natural Sites in India, an externally aided WWF-India, Wetlands International and BNHS
project has been undertaken titled “World (Bombay Natural History Society) jointly
Heritage Bio-diversity Programme for India: organized a side event on Black-necked Crane
Building Partnerships to Support UNESCO’s urging the range States for regional cooperation
World Heritage Programme’. This project is an for conservation of this unique species found
outcome of a planning grant received from in the Himalayan high altitude wetlands.
the UNESCO and United Nation Foundation Conference of Parties is held generally once in
(UNF) and was developed under the guidance three years. Thus COP 11 is expected to be held
of a Project Steering Committee chaired by the in 2014.
Addl. Director General of Forests (WL), MoEF. International Whaling Commission
The total period of the project is 10 years with
two phases, viz, Phase-I of four years and Phase- The International Whaling Commission
II of six years. The project is being undertaken (IWC) was set up under the International
in 4 World Heritage Sites of India, viz, Kaziranga Commission for the Regulation of Whaling
National Park, Manas National Park, Nanda Devi which was signed in Washington on 2nd
National Park, and Keoladeo National Park. The December 1946. The purpose of the Convention
total financial outlay for the first phase of the is to provide for conservation of whale stocks.
project is to the tune of US $ 1.83 million. The main duty of the International Whaling
Commission is to keep under review and revise
The main focus of the Project is as necessary the measures laid down in the
on strengthening capacity for effective schedule to the Convention which governs
management; site level management policies the conduct of whaling throughout the world.
and governance; enhance the role of local These measures, among other things, provide
communities in conservation of biodiversity; complete protection of certain species,
enhancing habitat connectivity; restoration of designate specified areas as whale sanctuaries,
lost attributes; research and monitoring, and limit the number of whales which may be
identification of potential World Heritage Bio- taken, prescribe open and closed seasons
diversity sites. and designate areas for whaling; prohibit the
Annual Report 2012-2013
capture of suckling calves and female whales CS- Wildlife Institute of India
accompanied by calves. Wildlife Institute of India (WII) was
India has been a member of the established in 1986 as an autonomous
International Whaling Commission since 1981 institute of the Ministry of Environment &
and has played a pro-active and prominent role Forests, Government of India. The Institute has
in bringing about a moratorium on commercial emerged as a premier training and research
whaling and supporting the Commission in institution in the field of wildlife and protected
its efforts towards whale conservation. All area management in South and South East Asia.
the Cetacean species (whales, dolphins, etc.) Its mandate is to generate quality information
have been included in Schedule I of the Wild and knowledge products in wildlife science and
Life (Protection) Act, 1972 thereby giving mainstream it in capacity building programmes
them the highest degree of protection. Apart for various target groups and provide advisory
from this, India has always been supporting support to Central and State Government.
the conservation of whales through the Details about Wildlife Research and Wildlife
establishment of the South Pacific Sanctuary. Education may kindly see in Chapter-7 & 8
The 64 Annual Meeting of the International
Fig-22. Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata) – listed in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Ministry of Environment & Forests
to CoP, in November 17-18, 2011, in Bergen, or through regional and border units set
Norway. Wildlife Institute of India has been up by the Bureau;
assisting the Ministry of Environment and – Implementation of obligations under the
Forests, Government of India in implementing various international Conventions and
the UNEP/CMS Dugong MoU in India. As part protocols that are in force at present or
of Dugong MoU, Wildlife Institute of India which may be ratified or acceded to by
organised the First South Asia Sub-Regional India in future;
Workshop and now conducting ‘All India
– Assistance to concerned authorities
Dugong Survey’ to finalize the ‘National Action
in foreign countries and concerned
Plan of Dugong Conservation in India’.
international organizations to facilitate
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) co-ordination and universal action for
wildlife crime control;
– Develop infrastructure and capacity
The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB)
building for scientific and professional
was constituted as a statutory body under
investigation into wildlife crimes and assist
the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, by the
State Governments to ensure success in
Government of India on 6th June, 2007, to
prosecutions related to wildlife crimes;
combat wildlife crime in the country. The Bureau
has been envisaged as a multi-disciplinary – Advice the Government of India on
body with officials from Police, Forest Deptts issues relating to wildlife crimes having
and Customs. It became operational in 2008. national and international ramifications,
The Bureau has its headquarters at Delhi, five and suggest changes required in relevant
regional offices at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, policy and laws from time to time.
Chennai and Jabalpur and three sub-regional The officers of the Bureau exercise such
offices at Guwahati, Amritsar and Cochin. powers as may be delegated to it under sub-
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB), has section (1) of section 5; sub-sections (1) and (8)
been tasked with the following functions of section 50 and section 55 of the Act.
under Section 38 (Z), of the Wild Life Protection
Besides, the Bureau also assists the
Act, 1972:
Customs in enforcement of the Convention
– Collect and collate intelligence related to on International Trade in Endangered Species
organized wildlife crime activities and to (CITES), by way of identification and opinion on
disseminate the same to State and other wildlife & wildlife parts/ products; and issuance
enforcement agencies for immediate of EXIM certificates under CITES.
action so as to apprehend the criminals
Performance/Achievements/ Progress made
and to establish a centralized wildlife crime
during 2012-13
data bank;
The progress of achievement during
– Co-ordination of actions by various officers,
2012-13 (till 31.12.2012) against the key
State Governments and other authorities
measurable parameters identified by Prime
in connection with the enforcement of
Minister’s Office is given in Table-20.
the provisions of this Act, either directly
Annual Report 2012-2013
Table-20. Quarterly Progress Report for the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
for the Quarter ending 31.12.2012.
S. Item Achievement Achievement During the Quarter Progressive
No. upto the Total
quarter during the
year 2012-13
I No. of Pre/Post Shipment
inspections carried out
d) sealed samples 2801 0 0 4181
II No. of Detections of
Violations at the exit
points both incoming and
CITES 37 12 1 3 8 24 61
Exim Policy 38 1 0 3 2 6 44
120 15 9 7 20 51 171
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, acquisition and relocation.
Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha,
– S o i l a n d wate r co n s e r vat i o n
Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh
and West Bengal.
– Eliciting public cooperation and mitigation
Important Initiatives taken during the of human elephant conflict
– Ex-gratia payment for loss/injury of
– EFC report submitted to Planning life, property, crop etc.
Commission. – Eco-development and community
– Organisation of International Elephant oriented activities.
Congress and Ministerial Meet – Setting up of anti depredation squads
– Management of Captive Elephants with crackers, k oils etc to scare away
– Elephant Rescue Centre/Rehabilitation elephants.
Centre – Creation of elephant proof trenches,
– Launch of “Haathi Mere Saathi” solar power fencing.
campaign – Procurement of tranquilizing guns,
– Monitoring and Evaluation medicines and other infrastructure for
capture and translocation of problem
EFC for grants in Aid to State
elephants including capture and
– Protection of Elephants translocation of problem population
– Establishment of Anti-poaching camps, of elephants; translocation and/or
deployment of squads etc. elimination of rogue elephants.
– Procurement of rifle/guns/ – Improvement of support services including
ammunitions monitoring, research and training
– Strengthening of infrastructure like – Monitoring of elephant population
wireless communication, construction – Implementation of Monitoring of Illegal
of culverts bridges etc. Killing of Elephants (MIKE) programme
– Rewards to informers and intelligence including purchase of equipments like
gathering. computers etc.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
policy. The Congress will include conclaves on Themes for technical sessions during
science, culture and management culminating E 50:50:
in a ministerial summit to adopt a vision – Elephant Science
charter with common minimum global vision
– Elephant Management and
on conservation, management and welfare of
elephants across all range countries.
– Elephant: Culture and Ethics
The need
Management of Captive Elephant
Elephants, the largest terrestrial mammals
India has nearly 3600 captive elephants.
that share our planet with us are a global
The Task Force recognizing the role of captive
flagship for biodiversity conservation. Three elephants in our culture and traditions, has
species of elephants are found distributed suggested following measures:-
across 50 countries today. Regardless of geo-
political boundaries, elephants across the world – Strict enforcement of the existing legal
face common threats of poaching, habitat loss provisions.
and conflicts with people. – One time amnesty to all elephant owners
to declare the same for grant of ownership
In 2010, the Government of India had
certificate to be called guardianship
constituted the Elephant Task Force (ETF)
certificate in future.
to formulate a strategy for the long-term
conservation of elephants in India. – Setting up of Captive Elephant Welfare
Committees (CEWCs) at state level for
Recognising that the three species of regular monitoring of the conditions of
elephants are interlinked by common threats, captive elephants.
the ETF recommended, among others, that – Training and certification of Mahouts.
the Indian government take global lead to
– Creation of life time care centers for
bring about a unified approach to elephant
conservation and welfare.Thus the International
Elephant Congress was envisioned. – Creation of wildlife veterinary wing within
State Forest Department.
As a prelude to the Congress, the
Elephant Rescue Centre/ Rehabilitation
Government of India organised the E-8
Ministerial Meet in May 2011 that brought
together a ministerial delegation of eight Management of Captive Elephants is one
elephant range countries, viz. Botswana, Congo of the main target in PE Division during 12th
Brazzaville, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Five Year Plan. Even major initiatives are to be
Tanzania and Thailand at New Delhi, India. The taken for Establishment and maintenance/
meet deliberated on various issues affecting strengthening of the existing Elephant
elephant conservation in the world that led to Rehabilitation Centers. At present, Odisha,
the “New Delhi E-8 Recommendation on Global Haryana, Kerala and Tamil Nadu are having
Elephant Conservation” and recommended Elephant Rehabilitation Centers which are
the agenda for the ‘International Elephant being funded by MoEF under PE Scheme.
Congress and Ministerial Meet (E-50:50)’.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
and assigning responsibility in this regard
Budget allocation for the Scheme during the to a zoo;
year and progress of Expenditure
– To coordinate the acquisition, exchange
An amount of ` 22.58 crores was allocated and loaning of animals for breeding
and the expenditure incurred upto 20th January, purpose;
2013 is ` 16.52 lakh.
– To ensure maintenance of studbooks of
Central Zoo Authority endangered species of wild animals bred
in captivity;
The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) was
established in 1992 under the provisions of – To identify priorities and themes with
the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 to oversee regard to display of captive animals in
the functioning of zoos in the country with zoos;
the view to enhance their role in conservation. – To coordinate training of zoo personnel
Central Zoo Authority is a twelve- Member in India and outside India;
body. Minister of State (IC), Environment & – To coordinate research in captive breeding
Forests, Government of India is the ex-officio and educational programmes for the
Chairman of the Central Zoo Authority and purposes of zoos;
Member Secretary, Central Zoo Authority is the
– To provide technical and other assistance
Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
to zoos for their proper management and
For carrying out functions of the Central development on scientific lines;
Zoo Authority, two Committees namely – To perform such other functions as may
‘Administrative Committee’ under the be necessary to carry out the purposes of
Chairmanship of Director General of Forests this Act with regard to zoos.
& Special Secy. and ‘Technical Committee’
Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009
under the Chairmanship of Additional Director
General of Forests (Wildlife), an ‘Expert Group The Central Zoo Authority has revised the
on Zoo Designing’ and ‘Expert Group on evaluation format of the zoos in order to ensure
Conservation Breeding’ have been constituted performance of the zoos vis-à-vis Recognition
with Member Secretary as ‘convenor’ for of Zoo Rules, 2009. Two more amendment are
advising the authority on improvement of the also proposed in Recognition of Zoo Rules,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
7. Karnataka People for Animals Rescue Centre, Bengaluru Rescue Centre 25.04.2012
8. Andhra Pradesh Tirumala Hills Deer Park, Tirumala Mini Zoo 18.08.2012
10. Jharkhand Jawaharlal Nehru Biological Park, Bokaro Small Zoo 02.01.2012
11. Karnataka Tungabhadra Mini Zoo, Tungabhadra, Bellary Mini Zoo 16.08.2012
12. Karnataka Indira Priyadarshini Prani Sangrahalaya, Anagodu, Mini Zoo 26.04.2012
14. Maharashtra Maharaja Shahaji Chhatrapati Zoo, Kolhapur Mini Zoo 04.09.2012
15. Uttar Pradesh Sarnath Deer Park, Varanasi Mini Zoo 10.10.2012
16. Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Zoological Park, Kanpur Medium Zoo 16.06.2012
17. West Bengal Nature Park, Taratola, Kolkata Mini Zoo 25.06.2012
18. West Bengal Garchumukh Deer Park, Garchumukh Mini Zoo 27.06.2012
19. West Bengal Surulia Mini Zoo, Purulia Mini Zoo 05.11.2012
20. West Bengal Ramnabagan Mini Zoo, Burdwan Mini Zoo 09.11.2012
21. West Bengal Pugmarks-PFA Santiniketan Rescue Centre, Distt. Rescue Centre 07.11.2012
23. Dadra & Nagar Haveli Lion Safari, Vasona Mini Zoo 29.12.2012
26. West Bengal Kunjnagar Eco Park, Kunjanagar Mini Zoo 12.10.2012
27. West Bengal Kumari Kangsabati Deer Park, Bankura Mini Zoo 06.11.2012
28. West Bengal Adina Deer Park, Malda Mini Zoo 26.10.2012
30. West Bengal Rasikbeel Mini Zoo, Rasikbeel Mini Zoo 11.10.2012
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
same. awarded grant for training and workshops at
Finance different places in India. The grant of `14.00
lakhs to Veterinary College, Guwahati for
During the financial year 2012-13, total
National Workshop at Guwahati; `4.50 lakhs
` 1850.00 lakhs has been allotted to CZA as
to Kanpur Zoological Park, Kanpur for Zoo
grant-in-aid from Ministry of Environment
keepers training at Kanpur Zoo, Kanpur; `4.50
and Forests. Out of this ` 1031.46 lakhs has so
lakhs to Assam State Zoo, Guwahati for Zoo
far been released to various Zoos and other
Keepers training at Guwahati; `26.90 lakhs to
Organizations from the sanctioned grant-in-
Darjeeling Zoo, for 5 day training with DWLCT,
UK; `6.97 lakhs to LaCONS, Centre for Cellular
Conservation Breeding Programme and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad
for one day conference at Hyderabad; `5.65
For coordinated planned Conservation
lakhs to Director, WTI, Noida for International
Breeding Programme 26 numbers of species
bear conference organized in New Delhi in
has been prioritized out of of 73 identified
collaboration with MoEF, & WII, `28.99 lakhs
endangered wild animal species in Indian zoos.
to Director, WII for Workshop on Vulture
During the financial year 2012-13, the Central
Conservation Asia in collaboration with IUCN
Zoo Authority has released ` 42.10 lakhs to
held at New Delhi from 3rd – 5th May 2012.
Old Zoo, Kohima, Nagaland for Conservation
Breeding Programme of Blyth’s tragopan; ` 5.91 Improvement of zoos
lakhs to Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological The Central Zoo Authority convened
Park for conservation breeding programme of meeting of the Technical Committee during
Red Panda, Darjeeling; ` 57.80 lakhs Vulture the current financial year on 5th July (62nd
Conservation Center, Pinjore, Assam State Zoo Meeting) and 5th December (63rd Meeting) to
for Golden langur. discuss the proposal on improvement in zoos,
Target is to have atleast 100 properly bred conservation breeding programme, research
and genetically, physically and behaviorally and trainings, and approval of master plan
healthy individuals of each targeted species apart from the other policy level issues.
in captivity in India for proper display and as The Expert Group on Conservation
insurance for future exigencies. Breeding had its three sittings to discuss the
Ministry of Environment & Forests
CZA also had Meeting on 8th January for The Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Project
various issues of CZA. Tiger” was launched in April, 1973 with the
objective “to ensure maintenance of a viable
Rescue Centre population of Tigers in India for scientific,
The Central Zoo Authority has provided economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological
an amount of ` 335.69 lakhs for maintenance values, and to preserve for all times, areas of
including feed and medicines etc. to biological importance as a national heritage
rescue centres created at Chennai, Mysore, for the benefit, education and enjoyment of
Visakhapatnam, Tirupati, Bhopal, and Jaipur for the people”.
the lions, tigers, leopards, bears and monkeys
Milestone Achievements
rescued from the circuses and housed off-
exhibit at these rescue centres. – A detailed report on the country level status
of tigers, co-predators and prey in India
International Cooperation was released on 28th July, 2011. This was
– CZA has been nominated as member of the second round of country level snapshot
council of ISIS/ZIMS assessment which indicates a countrywide
increase of 20% in tiger numbers in 2010
– CZA has been nominated as a Protector
with an estimated number of 1706 (1520-
member of CBSG
1909). The 2006 estimation was 1411
– India will be hosting 2014 World Zoo (1165-1657) tigers.
Conference (WAZA) in New Delhi – 9th –
At present, India has the maximum
13th November 2014, preceded by the CBSG
number of tigers and its source areas amongst
annual meeting from 6th – 9th November
the 13 tiger range countries in the world, owing
Annual Report 2012-2013
39 tiger reserves. Out of 39
tiger reserves, 15 were rated Fig-24. Tiger (Penthra tigris tigris) - our national animal
as ‘very good’, 12 as ‘good’, 8
as ‘satisfactory’ and 4 as ‘poor’.
– The Revised Cost Estimates for Project – Re-introduction of Cheetah
Tiger was approved on 11.08.2011 for an – Launching of Phase-IV tiger reserve level,
upward revision of the cost estimates for continuous monitoring of tigers using
the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme camera traps and building up data on
of Project Tiger during the XIth Plan photo captures of individual tigers.
period from 650 crore to `1216.86 crore – Launching the creation of a national
of central assistance to support States in repository of camera trap photo IDs of
village relocation from core areas of tiger individual tigers.
reserves. Several new components were
– Notification of the Kawal Tiger Reserve in
added to the Project, viz.
Andhra Pradesh
– Change in the funding pattern in
– Giving in-principal approval to five new
respect5 of North Eastern States
tiger reserve, viz. Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh),
Ratapani (Madhya Pradesh), Sunabeda
– Raising compensation for man-animal (Odisha), Mukundara Hills (including
conflict to `2 lakhs Darrah, Jawahar Sagar and Chambal
– Acquisition of private land for Wildlife Sanctuaries) (Rajasthan) and
making the core/critical tiger habitat Sathyamangalam (Tamil Nadu).
– In-principal approval for use of CAMPA
– Establishment of Tiger Safari, funds towards village relocation from core
interpretation/awareness centres areas.
under the existing component of
– Completion of e-surveillance project in
‘co-existence agenda in buffer/fringe
areas’, and management of such centres
through the respective Panchayati Raj – Launching ‘M-STrIPES’ monitoring
Institutions protocol.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– The Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF) – A ‘SOP’ to deal with straying tigers issued
has been raised and deployed in three in January, 2013.
tiger reserves, viz. Bandipur (Karnataka), – Under active management, permission
Tadoba-Andhari (Maharashtra) and Pench accorded for translocation of two tigresses
(Maharashtra) (committed to support the from Ranthambhore to Sariska (Rajasthan),
other tiger States as well in this regard). besides one straying sub-adult male
– Comprehensive guidelines under section tiger from Panna to Satpura (Madhya
380 1(c) of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, Pradesh).
1972 issued for Project Tiger and Tourism – A bilateral arrangement has been
in Tiger Reserves on 15th October, 2012. recently formalized with Bangladesh
– A ‘SOP’ to deal with tiger deaths issued on tiger conservation. Our delegation
in December, 2012. are interacting with Nepal and China
within the framework of existing
bilateral arrangements. A sub-group
on tiger/leopard conservation has
been constituted for cooperation with
the Russian Federation, which has met
– Field level workshop for capacity
building of field officers to deal with
straying tigers being organized at Tadoba
and Dudhwa Tiger Reserves (2013).
– NTCA teams sent for field
Fig-25. Sucessful breading programmes at NZP, New Delhi appraisal of tiger deaths, Project Tiger
implementation etc.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Table-25. Fund release to States during the Budget allocation of the Scheme during
current financial year 2012-13 under the the year and progress of expenditure. Details
CSS of Project Tiger (as on 11.02.2013) are given in Table-24.
S. Name of the State Amount Animal Welfare
No. ( in lakh)
The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)
1 Andhra Pradesh 404.89
2 Arunachal Pradesh 420.08 The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)
Scheme relates to provision of assistance for
3 Assam 373.89
the following type of activities:
4 Bihar 311.06
5 Chhattisgarh 425.52 Financial assistance to Animal Welfare
Organisations for maintaining the stray
6 Jharkhand 82.68
animals in distress and for their treatment.
7 Karnataka 930.53
(Financial assistance based on the number
8 Kerala 514.83 of animals kept for their fodder, water, minor
9 Madhya Pradesh 5438.30 treatment etc}. Human Education Programmes
10 Maharashtra 657.43 for the welfare of animals implemented by
11 Mizoram 241.31 the AWBI as well as support to Animal Welfare
12 Odisha 142.95 Organizations (AWOs) for this purpose. Capital
expenditure at the Board’s Headquarters i.e.
13 Rajasthan 3608.38
expenditure on non-recurring items such as
14 Tamil Nadu 384.53
purchase of Assets/equipments. Expenditure
15 Uttarakhand 89.43 on a variety of other animal welfare activities
16 Uttar Pradesh 248.10 such as Rescue of Cattle from illegal smuggling
17 West Bengal 404.91 and transportation, rehabilitation of rescued
Total 14678.82 circus animals, Lab Animals, inspections, Legal
expenses in connection with court cases
pertaining to animal welfare, Mobile Clinics.
– Process underway for providing enabling
provisions in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, Scheme for Provision of Shelter Houses for
1972, to strengthen our implementation animals
of the CITES and towards enhancement of There are a large number of animals in
penalties for contravention of provisions our country without proper shelter especially
of the Act. in Goshalas/Pinjrapoles. A number of them are
– The successful reintroduction of wild tigers not cared for and are left in the streets, either
in Sariska is a unique exercise and is the wounded or suffering from various diseases.
first of its kind in the world. A reintroduced Though there are shelter houses operating at
tigress has recently littered and two cubs various places, their number is not adequate
have also been camera trapped. The tiger and the facilities provided are insufficient. This
reintroduction initiative at Panna (MP) has scheme endeavours to fill this gap and provide
also been very successful and reintroduced requisite services for the care and protection
tigers are breeding. of uncared for animals by making provision
for establishment and maintenance of shelter
Ministry of Environment & Forests
houses to various NGOs, AWOs, Goshalas etc. – to act as an outreach to help the poor
Under this Scheme, the AWOs are assisted to people whose animals are involved in
the extent of 90% of the project cost of the accidents or affected with disease and
construction of a shelter house with a ceiling are immobile;
of ` 25 lakhs including 10% contribution to be – to act as mobile clinic to hold camps where
made by the AWOs. The amount is released in animals in a village can be vaccinated and
two equal installments. treated;
Scheme for Animal Birth Control and – to pick up unwanted or hostile animals
Immunization of stray dogs from human habitations;
Keeping in view the overpopulation of – to implement the ABC/ AR programme by
stray dogs throughout the -country and also collecting dogs and then releasing them
the increase of human / animal deaths due to after sterilization and immunization;
Rabies, this scheme is being implemented by Under this scheme the NGOs/ AWOs/
the Animal Welfare Board of India to facilitate Gaushalas are assisted to the extent of 90%
sterilization and immunization of stray dogs project cost for purchase of a suitable vehicle
through the NGOs including SPCAs throughout and equipment, modifications and fittings
the country. The Local Governments/Municipal thereon. The maximum amount of grant-in-
bodies are also showing increased keenness aid is limited to ` 3.50 lakhs for purchase of
to become stakeholders in the programme. the vehicle and ` 1.00 lakhs for equipment,
Presently several Municipalities (such as Delhi, modification and fittings thereon.
Greater Hyderabad) has entered MOU with
AWBI to tackle the population with the objective Scheme for Relief to Animals during Natural
Calamities and Unforeseen Circumstances
to make the country “Rabies free”. There is an
urgent need to expand this scheme to cover Various natural calamities in the form
more Metros & rural areas to address the issue of floods, cyclones, droughts and, Tsunami
effectively. Under the scheme, the norms for and earthquakes do occur in India. In
financial assistance are at ` 370/- per dog for such circumstances there is an immediate
pre & post operative care including medicines requirement for the provision of relief to
& ARV and ` 75/- per dog for catching and affected animals by providing fodder, adequate
relocation of dog (Total ` 445/- per dog). shelter, medical attention otherwise the animals
would perish. It is proposed to extend financial
Scheme for provision of Ambulance Services assistance to AWOs, State Governments/UTs,
to Animals in Distress
local bodies working in the affected areas for
Under this Scheme, Ambulance/Rescue providing relief to the animals affected during
Vehicles are provided to the NGOs/AWOs natural calamities and for relief of animals
/ Gaushalas working in the field of animal rescued from illegal transportation, slaughter,
welfare. The ambulance services are to be used circuses etc.
for the following purposes:
Animal Welfare Division handles following
– to ensure that immediate treatment / two schemes:-
first aid is given to sick, injured stray /
– Committee for Purpose of Control &
abandoned animals;
Supervision of Experiments on Animals
Annual Report 2012-2013
Lucknow, Chennai, Hyderabad, Patna, Kolkata
The Act provides for the duties and powers
and National Symposium at Mizoram.
of the CPCSEA, and also penalties, in event of
contravention of orders made, or conditions National Institute of Animal Welfare
imposed by the Committee. The mandate of the (NIAW)
Committee is to ensure that while conducting The National Institute of Animal Welfare
various types of experiments, in connection (NIAW) has been set up as a subordinate office
with medical research or education, animals are of the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
not subjected to avoidable pain or suffering. The objective of NIAW is to impart training and
The CPCSEA functions within the ambit of the education in Animal Welfare on a diversified
PCA Act, and Rules frame under it e.g. Rules basis comprising, among other things, animal
for Breeding of and Experiments on Animals management, their behaviour and ethics. The
(Control and Supervision), 1998 as amended. aim is to create an enabling environment for
Ministry of Environment & Forests
fulfillment of the statutory requirements as laid From the total target of 26 training
down in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals programme, 7 training programme have been
Act, 1960. completed as on date. There is a proposal for
Internship Training Programme (Pant Nagar,
NIAW has been conceptualized as an
Mathura, Bikaner, etc) In-Service Training
apex body in the field of animal welfare and
Programme for Zoo personnels, Animal
its broad mandate covers the need to improve
Handlers and Capacity Building are also
animal welfare through education, research
proposed to be undertaken.
and public outreach. The Institute has been
operational since January, 2006 and the process The details of budget allocation of 2012-
of appointment of faculty is underway. The 13 and progress of expenditure is summarized
Institute is expected to evolve as a premier body in Table-27.
with international stature, with participation of
faculty / trainees from other countries.
Table-27. Budget allocation and progress of expenditure during 2012-13; XII plan Outlay
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Assessment Authorities [SEIAA/State Expert to the EC conditions. The monitoring cell in the
Appraisal Committees (SEACs) under sub- Ministry, besides providing policy guidelines
section[3] of section 3 of the Environment to these regional offices, also examines the
[Protection] Act, 1986 for appraisal of Category monitoring reports submitted by Regional
‘B’ projects and activities notified in the EIA Offices. In cases of major non-compliance
Notification 2006. further follow up action is taken for effecting
compliance including issue of show cause
Post Project Monitoring of Environment
notice followed by directions on case to case
Clearance Conditions
The objectives of Post Project Clearance
Monitoring are (i) to ensure that actions have Ministry had constituted a committee in
been taken to incorporate the environmental December, 2009 under the chairmanship of
safeguards during the project cycle in Additional Secretary to examine the monitoring
accordance with the conditions stipulated in process adopted to check compliance with
the Environmental Clearance letter; and (ii) the stipulated conditions and environmental
to take appropriate corrective measures to safeguards prescribed while granting
check adverse impact on environment during environmental clearance under EIA and Coastal
operation of the respective projects. The Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notifications and to
Category ‘B’ projects which have been accorded suggest effective monitoring mechanism. The
environmental clearance by the SEIAAs/SEACs committee has submitted its report which has
are also monitored for compliance of the been accepted by the Government.
conditions. The Committee constituted under the
Monitoring of projects with respect to chairmanship of Former Member Secretary,
conditions stipulated in the environmental Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with
clearance issued under EIA Notification 2006 representatives from the Regional Offices
and Coastal Regulation Zone 2011 is carried out of MoEF and CPCB to develop criteria and
through the six Regional Offices. The monitoring formulate guidelines for categorization of
report is scrutinized in the Ministry and on non-compliances into the category of serious
that basis appropriate action is contemplated and not so serious submitted its report in
under the Environment (Protection) Act, September, 2011. The report has been put
1986 for violation of environmental clearance in public domain on the website of Ministry
conditions. A procedure has been laid down for to obtain comments/suggestions before its
issuing show cause notice, closure of industry finalization.
etc. in September 2009 which is placed on the Accreditation of the EIA consultants with
website of the Ministry. Quality Council of India (QCI)/National
Accreditation Board of Education and
Till December, 2012, eight hundred fifty
Training (NABET)
one projects have been monitored by the
regional offices of the Ministry. Based on the The Environmental Appraisal of
observations made during field visit, necessary Development projects is undertaken as per
follow up action has been taken with the project the provisions of the Environmental Impact
proponents to ensure an effective compliance Assessment Notification, 2006 based on the
EIA/EMP Reports prepared by the project
Ministry of Environment & Forests
proponents with the assistance of their Petrochemical plants, Ship Breaking Yards
consultants. Good quality EIA Reports are a etc. The Manuals have been uploaded on the
prerequisite for appropriate decision making. website of the Ministry to not only give wider
Therefore, all the Consultants/public Sector dissemination to all stakeholders but also to
Undertakings (PSUs) / Universities and Research enhance transparency on the EC process.
Institutes working in the area of Environmental
Coastal Regulation Zone and Society of
Impact Assessment were required to get
Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM)
themselves registered under the scheme of
Accreditation and Registration of the National Ministry has issued the Coastal Regulation
Accreditation Board of Education and Training Zone Notification, 2011 in supersession
(NABET) and the Quality Council of India of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification,
(QCI) by 30th June, 2011. No EIA/Environment 1991 after a series of consultations with the
Management Plan (EMP) Reports prepared various stakeholders including the fishermen
by such consultants who are not registered community.
with NABET/QCI are being considered by the The objective of the new Notification is
Ministry after 30th June, 2011. to ensure livelihood security to fishing and
EIA Manuals other local communities living in coastal areas,
to conserve/protect coastal stretches and to
Expert Appraisal Committees (EAC) at the promote development based on scientific
Centre and State/UT Environmental Impact principles.
Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs) and State
Level Expert Appraisal Committees (SEACs) in The notification covers the categorization
the various States, have been assigned the task of CRZ areas, permissible and prohibited
of screening, scoping and appraisal of projects activities, regulation of permissible activities
of various sectors for grant of environmental in CRZ areas, procedure for clearance,
clearance (EC). In order to help in standardizing preparation of Coastal Zone Management
the quality of appraisal Sector specific Manuals Plans, demarcation of hazard line along the
have been prepared by the Ministry with the coastline including shoreline change, mapping
help of Administrative Staff College of India and areas requiring special consideration etc.
(ASCI), Hyderabad and the IL&FS Ecosmart Ltd., The salient provisions of the 2011
for the thirty seven sectors/activities listed in Notification are:
the EIA Notification 2006. They include Model
TORs, technological options, processes for – Water area up to 12 nautical miles and the
a cleaner production, waste minimization, tidal influenced water bodies have been
monitoring of environmental quality, related included under the Coastal Regulation
regulations, and procedure of obtaining EC Zone areas in order to:
etc. and are serving as Guidance manual to the – control the discharge of untreated sewage,
sector specific EACs. effluents and the disposal of solid wastes
as such activities endanger the fish and
The sectors covered include Mining,
their ecosystem;
Airports, Ports & Harbours, Nuclear Power
etc. Thermal Power, Distilleries, Oil & Gas – conserve and protect habitats in the marine
transportation pipeline, Oil Refineries, area such as corals and coral reefs and
Annual Report 2012-2013
demarcation of the hazard line has been
climate change and the occurrence of
assigned to Survey of India for mapping the
disasters which has serious impacts on the
entire coastline of the country based on tides,
livelihood and property of the fisher-folk
waves, sea level rise and shoreline changes.
In order to build a capacity in the country in
– No restrictions are imposed on any the area of coastal management a National
fishing activities and allied activities of Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management
the traditional fishing communities in this has been set up within Anna University,
area. Chennai. The Centre would address the issues
– To invite comments on the draft Coastal related to research & development, coastal
Zone Management Plan from stakeholders. management and coastal communities. In view
This will ensure that for the first time, of the historical importance of Salt Satyagraha
local communities including fishermen undertaken at Dandi and surrounding villages
communities will have a say in the and at Vedaranyam by Mahatma Gandhi and
preparation of the CZMPs. Shri Rajaji respectively, implementation of
– The notification allows infrastructural Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project
facilities for the local fishing communities at these places has been undertaken as a major
to be constructed in the CRZ-III area. initiative by SICOM.
– Port and harbour projects are not Under this project, the State level
permissible in high eroding stretches components are being implemented at Gulf
except for defence projects. of Kachchh in Gujarat (`298 crores), Paradip-
Further, in view of the livelihood security Dhamra and Gopalpur-Chilka stretch in Odisha
of coastal communities the Ministry of (`202crores) and Digha-Shankarpur and
Environment and Forests has initiated an Sagar islands in West Bengal (`300 crores).
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project The State components address the issues
with the World Bank assistance at an outlay of relating to coastal management including
about ` 1153 crores. Under this project, various improving livelihood of the local communities,
components including mangrove afforestation, disaster mitigation and promoting sustainable
coral restoration, shoreline protection, hazard alternative livelihoods.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Pollution Control Board regarding the projects for environmental clearance which
implementation of action plans as per involve forest land:
O.M dated 31st March, 2012. – At the stage of consideration of
Categorization of projects / activities proposals for TOR in respect of the
into category ‘B1’ & ‘B2’ under EIA projects involving forest land, the
Notification, 2006 project proponents would submit a
An Expert Committee has been constituted credible proof in support of the fact
on 30.1.13 to categorize Category ‘B’ that they have already submitted
projects / activities into category ‘B1’ & ‘B2’ their application to the concerned
under EIA Notification, 2006 and review Competent Authority for diversion
classification of projects / activities into ‘A’ of the forestland involved in the
& ‘B’ and General Conditions as contained project.
in this Notification – At the stage of consideration of
– Consideration of expansion of thermal proposals for EC in respect of
power projects projects involving forest land, the
project proponent would inform the
It has been decided that the proposal
respective EACs about the status of
for expansion of projects to which
their application for forestry clearance
environmental clearance has been
along with necessary supporting
granted can be considered only once
documents from the concerned Forest
the implementation for the earlier phase
Authorities. It will clearly be informed
has commenced. In case environmental
to the EAC whether the application
clearance for the earlier proposal is yet to
is at the State Level or at the Central
be accorded, the project proponent shall
level. The EAC will take congnizance
apply afresh and submit a comprehensive
of the involvement of forestland and
proposal for the entire project by clubbing
its status in terms of forestry clearance
all the phases so that the environmental
and make recommendations on the
issues could be addressed holistically.
project on its merits. After the EAC
– Mining projects from the districts of has recommended the project for
Bellary, Tumkur and Chitradurga in environmental clearance, it would be
Karnataka processed for obtaining decision of
Pursuant to the orders of Hon’ble Supreme the Competent Authority for grant of
Court, it has been decided that MoEF/ environmental clearance. In the cases
SEIAA will not consider any mining where the Competent Authority has
proposal from these three districts till the approved the grant of Environmental
Hon’ble Supreme Court lifts the ban on clearance, the proponent will be
consideration of projects in these areas. informed of the same and a time limit
– Consideration of projects for grant of of 12 months, which may be extended
EC which involve Forestland in exceptional circumstances to 18
It was decided that the following procedure months, a decision on which will be
will be adopted for consideration of taken by the competent authority, will
be given to the proponent to submit
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
EIA Notification, 2006 relating to building, plant with capacity of three MTPA and
roads and Special Economic Zone (SEZ) above and petroleum refining industries
projects and guidelines for high-rise need to:-
buildings. – Adopt well laid down corporate
Simplification of Clearance Procedure for Environment Policy
National Manufacturing and Investment – Ensure, as a part of this policy,
Zone (NIMZ)/SEZs unit adherence with the EC and Forestry
OM dated 01.11.2012 has been issued clearance wherever applicable, granted
relating to simplification of clearance to the company
procedure for SEZs in line with the – Ensure that inter-alia the company
framework prescribed for NIMZs under functions in conformity with the
the National Manufacturing Policy. The policy
individual units within the NIMZs would
– Ensure that deviations, if any, from
be exempted from public hearing once
this Policy and cases of violations of
a public hearing has been conducted for
environmental and forestry clearance
the entire NIMZ, provided these NIMZs are
conditions that have been found by
notified as Industrial estate by the State
this Ministry or other public authorities
Governments Concerned.
should be duly reported to its Board
Consideration of proposals regarding of Directors and desirably reflected
Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts, thereafter on its website and in its
Maharashtra annual report.
It has been decided to extend the – Identify and designate responsible
moratorium for consideration of projects person(s) at all levels of their hierarchy
received by the Ministry or by the for ensuring adherence to this policy
Maharashtra State Environmental and compliance with Environmental
Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) Laws and regulations.
in Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri Districts,
These measures to promote environmental
Maharashtra upto 31st March, 2013.
consciousness and secure compliance will
– Corporate Environment Policy surely protect the project’s stakeholders
To bring into focus environmental just like financial systems and audit
commitment in the corporate sector, so mechanisms protect the shareholders of
that all the project proponents integrate a company.
environmental concerns into their day-to- – Consideration of proposals for TORs/
day functioning especially the compliance Environment Clearance/ CRZ Clearance
with the conditions of clearances. involving violation of the Environment
It is felt appropriate that all the Central (Protection) Act, 19861 Environment
PSUs and major projects of coal based Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification,
thermal power plants with capacity of 500 2006 / Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)
MW and above, integrated Steel plants Notification, 2011
with capacity of one Million Tonne per The cases for granting Environment
Annum (MTPA) and above and cement Clearance / CRZ Clearance for such
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Fig-26. Oriental Skylark (Alauda gulgula) – found in open grassland and near waterbodies
projects are at present being dealt with 1 EAC, the Ministry I EAC will proceed to
in terms of OM of even number dated verify the veracity of the complaint through
16.11.2010. Now, it has been decided the concerned Regional Office of MoEF
in that in supersession of this OM, the / State Government / CZMA. Of course,
procedure henceforth stated in this OM such a verification will not be required
will be followed while dealing with such in case the project proponent does not
cases. The violations could come to the contest the allegation of violation. Once
notice of the Ministry at various stages the Ministry EAC is satisfied that it is a
of processing of the proposals, i.e.: violation case, before proceeding any
– Processing the case in the Ministry further in the matter, the following will
before referring the same to the need to be ensured in the matter:
Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for (i) The matter relating to the violation
TOR / Environment Clearance / CRZ will need to be put up by the Project
Clearance; Proponent to the Board of Directors
– During the deliberations in the EAC of its Company or to the Managing
meeting and recorded as such in the Committee / CEO of the Society, Trust,
minutes of the meeting; and; partnership / individually owned
concern for consideration of its
– Processing the case in the Ministry
environment related policy / plan of
after the receipt of recommendations
action as also a written commitment
of the EAC but before granting
in the form of a formal resolution to
TOR / Environment ClearancelCRZ
be submitted to MoEF to ensure that
violations will not be repeated. For
As soon as any case of violation comes / this purpose, a time limit of 60 days
is brought to the notice of the Ministry will be given to the project proponent.
Annual Report 2012-2013
In the meantime, the project will be The aforesaid procedure, will apply
delisted. In the eventuality of not mutatis mutandis to the cases handled at
having any response from the project the State level by the State Environment
proponent within the prescribed limit Impact Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs)/
of 60 days, it will be presumed that it State Level Expert Appraisal Committees
is no longer interested in pursuing the (SEACs).
project further and the project file will – Firm coal linkage
be closed, whereafter the procedure
As per the policy decision taken project
will have to be initiated de novo by
proponents are required to indicate
such project proponents.
firm coal linkage along with detailed
(ii) The State Government concerned information regarding the quality of coal
will need to initiate credible action to assess the environmental impacts of a
on the violation by invoking powers Thermal Power Projects and other projects
under Section 19 of the Environment which are largely dependent on coal as a
(Protection) Act, 1986 for taking raw material. The linkage/FSA must provide
necessary legal action under Section 15 the details of the coal quality parameters,
of the Act for the period for which the specifically (i) calorific value; (ii) sulphur
violation has taken place and evidence content and (iii) ash content and such
provided to MoEF of the credible action other parameters as may be prescribed
taken. by MoEF from time to time. The quality of
(iii) The details of the project proponent coal to be used in the project should be
and a copy of the commitment, etc., taken into consideration while preparing
mentioned at (i) above will be put on the environment impact assessment (EIA)
the website of MoEF for information report and carrying out the environmental
of all stakeholders. appraisal.
Once action as per para i, ii & iii above The calorific value of coal would determine
has been taken, the concerned case will the quantity of coal requirement per unit
be dealt with and processed as per the of power generation, ash content would
prescribed procedure for dealing with determine the land requirement for the
cases for grant of TORs / Environment ash pond as also the water consumption
Clearance I CRZ Clearance and appropriate for its disposal in slurry mode and
recommendation made by the EAC/ sulphur content would impact on the SOx
decision taken by the Ministry as per the emissions which, in turn, would affect the
merit of the case. air quality.
It may be clarified that the consideration It is clarified that the coal linkage could
of proposals for giving TORs I Environment either be in the form of a linkage through
clearance / CRZ clearance for violation a specific mine or a basket of mines or
cases will not be a matter of right for through dedicated coal block, in the form
the project proponent. In cases of serious of linkage accorded by Standing Linkage
violations, the Ministry reserves the right Committee of the Ministry of Coal or a
to outrightly reject such proposals and fuel supply agreement. Further, it would
not consider the same at all. be necessary to indicate the location of
Ministry of Environment & Forests
mine as this would determine the necessity Mining projects of Jharia Coalfields and
of using beneficiated washed coal. Raniganj Coalfields based on cluster approach
In the eventuality of change in coal which includes existing mines, closed mines,
parameters with respect to the parameters abandoned mines and proposed mines in the
based on which EIA was prepared, it two coalfields. The Integrated EIA-EMP for the
would be necessary that the project cluster of mines should indicate the present
is referred back to MoEF to revisit the status of mines, environmental quality and
environment clearance granted earlier so the extent of pollution load from each mine.
as to assess the adequacy of the conditions The combined pollution load from the cluster
already stipulated and to incorporate any of mines that would be reduced by taking
additional condition as may be necessary suitable mitigation measures by the individual
in the interest of environment protection mines through an Integrated Environmental
including provision of FGD for control of Management Plan should be indicated
SOx emissions. along with the expected improvement in the
environmental quality. The Environmental
In view of the above a policy decision
Management Plan for each cluster would
was taken vide the Ministry Circular dated
dovetail the plan for addressing subsidence
November 01, 2010, wherein, a firm coal
and fire control and resettlement of habitation
linkage is essential for consideration of
from unstable sites and fire affected areas in the
power projects seeking environmental
Jharia Coalfields under the Jharia Action Plan
clearance. It was also clarified by the
and subsidence and rehabilitation of habitation
said circular that after the status of
from unstable areas in the Raniganj Coalfields
environmental and forestry clearances
under the Raniganj Action Plan. A number of
of the linked coal block/coal mine is
projects have been considered based on above
approach during the year 2012-13.
The said decision was reviewed and a slight
amendment was made wherein, it has now OM dated 19.12.2012 has been issued
been decided that environmental clearance giving guidelines to EAC with regard to
for thermal power project for linked coal exempting public hearing for capacity
block/coal mine will be processed based expansion proposals of existing coal mining
on the status furnished by the project projects, which have obtained environment
proponent on the status of EC/FC of the clearance and which are for one time capacity
linked coal block / coal mine and in line expansion of up to 25% in the existing mining
with the parallel processing being adopted operation, within the existing mine lease area.
for granting environmental clearance of Mining of soil/earth from borrow areas
projects where forestry clearance is also
required i.e having convergence at the last OM dated 18.12.2012 has been issued
step. However, EC would be issued only relating to rationalization of procedure for EC
after Stage-I forestry clearance for linked for highway projects involving borrow areas for
mine has been issued. soil and earth. This is with a view to obviating
the need for obtaining a separate environment
Coal Mining Sector clearance for mining of soil/earth from borrow
Ministry continues to consider coal areas which form part of a highway project.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Mass Balance (CMB-8) Receptor model and
12 pollutants as per NAAQS has been
ISC dispersion model have been used in
developed during the year.
the study.
– In furtherance of these Standards, the CPCB
– The results of the Study, so obtained were
is in the process of drawing a road-map
evaluated by the Technical Committee.
for the creation of required infrastructure,
International Peer Review of the study
operation and maintenance of network
has been organized in Spain, Germany
and handling of data.
(through GTZ) and within the country,
– The monitored ambient air quality data since such source apportionment studies
during the year while comparing with have been carried out for the first time in
revised (NAAQS-2009) indicates that the India and the outcome of this Study would
annual average levels of Sulphur Dioxide be used for future policy decisions such
(SO2) are within the prescribed air quality as Auto Fuel Policy.
norms across the country and that of
Based on the experiences gained and
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) are within norms
outcomes of the study, following are suggested
in most of the cities. However, the levels
as future course of action:
of fine particulate matter (PM10) exceed the
prescribed norms in many cities including – At national level, thematic Ministries
Delhi. PM10 and NO2 are the emerging air have been requested to set up six
pollutants. working groups to deal with the sectoral
Source Apportionment Studies recommendations of the study which
would be housed in the respective
– Due to multiplicity and complexity of thematic Ministries:
air polluting sources, apportionment of
– Group for working on road quality
contribution to ambient air pollution from
improvement and minimizing
these sources is important for planning
resuspension of road dust,
cost effective pollution control strategies.
development of progressive vehicle
In view of this, to evaluate contribution of
exhaust norms, etc. : thematic
particulate matter from various sources
Ministry- Ministry of Road Transport
to air quality, Source Apportionment
& Highways.
Studies (SAS) have been completed for six
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
in the National Environmental Policy, 2006. source specific emission standards have
These standards, may, of course, vary (in been notified for Petrochemicals Plants
general, become more stringent) as a (09.11.2012). During the year, Standards in
country develops, and has greater access respect of following category of industries
to technologies and financial resources / equipments have been evolved and are
for environmental management. Within being finalized for notification:
the country different States, UTs and local – Effluent & Emission Standards for Dye
bodies may adopt stricter standards, based & Dye Intermediate.
on local considerations.
– Emission Standards for Cement
– In order to abate pollution from various Plants;
sources, Ministry notifies general as
– Emission Standards for Generators
well as industry specific emission and
(Diesel); and
effluent standards for various categories
of industries under the Environment – Emission Standards for Generators
(Protection) Rules, 1986 as per procedure (Petrol)
specified in the Environmental (Protection) Noise Pollution
Act, 1986. Based on development of new – Noise levels have been a matter of concern
pollution control technologies and their due to various activities, religious functions,
feasibility, these standards are revisited festivals, marriages, processions and
from time to time and new/ revised ones related celebrations. The main sources of
are notified. noise pollution include industrial activities,
– The Ministry has constituted an Expert use of public address system, construction
Committee (EC) to evolve Environmental activities, use of generator sets, pressure
Standards and Consequent upon the horns, fire crackers etc. Keeping in view the
adoption of the National Environment increasing trend in noise levels, Ministry
Policy-2006 (para 5.3 : Environmental has issued various regulations from time
Standards, Management Systems, to time to control noise pollution in
Certification and Indicators), the said ambient air, at source and at manufacturing
Committee has been reconstituted. A stage. To control community noise, Noise
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, Region Grants for creation of Capital
2000 were notified in February, 2000 and Assets
amended from time to time. The recent – The Scheme provides 100 % grant to SPCBs/
amendments to the Noise Rules, 2000 have PCCs, Governmental organizations.
been published in the official Gazette on
– Under this scheme, grants are being
11th January, 2010. A bilingual booklet
provided to the State Pollution Control
has been brought out on Noise Pollution
Boards/UT Pollution Control Committees,
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 (as
Environment Departments, Central/State
amended to date) by incorporating all
Research Institutes, and other government
amendments for creating mass awareness.
agencies/organizations with the aim of
The CPCB has been advised for revisiting
strengthening their technical capabilities
the national ambient noise standards.
to achieve the objectives of the Policy
– A road map has been drawn by CPCB Statement. Assistance is also provided to
for national ambient noise monitoring North Eastern Pollution Control Boards &
network. Pollution Control Committees as salary
– First phase of National Ambient support for the technical staff. In addition,
Noise Monitoring Network has been support is also extended for undertaking
commissioned in accordance with NEP- projects for Abatement of Pollution.
2006 during the year, starting from seven – The scheme has been approved by
cities, namely, Delhi, Lucknow, Bengaluru, the Standing Finance Committee in
Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai the Ministry. The salient features are as
to monitor ambient noise on 24 X 7 basis. follows:
Monitoring data is available on the website
– Grant for lab up-gradation/purchase of
of respective State Pollution Control Board
equipment would be provided to the
and CPCB.
weaker SPCBs/PCCs only as identified
Assistance for Abatement of Pollution in SFC memo.
– The scheme of Assistance for Abatement – Salary support will be restricted to
of Pollution was conceptualized in 1992 scientific and technical staff of the
during the 7th Five-Year Plan with the SPCBs of North-Eastern Region and
objective inter alia to strengthen the all PCCs.
CPCB and SPCBs for enforcing statutory – Grant for construction of office-
provisions for pollution abatement. The cum –laboratory building would be
scheme is now a part of a centrally restricted to SPCBs of North Eastern
sponsored umbrella scheme of ‘Pollution Region and the weaker PCCs as
Abatement’. The scheme of assistance for identified in SFC memo.
pollution abatement comprise of sub-
– Capacity Building of SPCBs/PCCs
components are Grants-in-aid-General;
including other environmental
Grants for creation of Capital Assets;
organisations by imparting training and
Environment Health Cell (EHC) & Trade and
education through State Department
Environment (PL); North Eastern Region
of Environment and Autonomous
Grants-in-aid-General and North Eastern
Annual Report 2012-2013
for import of crude and crude products,
consultation in the area of pollution
processing and production, and the storage
abatement will be expedited through
and transportation; assessing the future trends
State Department of Environment and
in emissions and air quality requirements from
Autonomous Institutions/Statutory
view point of public health; adopting such
Bodies under the Central and State
vehicular emission standards that will be able
to make a decisive impact on air quality etc. The
– Seminars/Workshops/Conference in the Policy provides for a road map for reduction in
area of pollution abatement through vehicular emission norms for new vehicles as
State Department of Environment and well as for reduction of pollution from in-use
Autonomous Institutions/Statutory vehicles. It also sets standards for quality of
Bodies under the Central and State fuel and other kits. The report of the Source
Government. Apportionment Studies that has been recently
– No support will be extended to the published and carried by MoEF/ CPCB along
NGOs under this scheme. with MoPNG has also recommend supply of
– During this year (2012-13), an allocation uniform fuel quality all over the country.
of ` 7.00 crore in the BE was made for Recently, the Government of India,
providing financial assistance to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
on-going/new projects. Against this (MoPNG) has constituted an Expert Committee
allocation, expenditure is ` 1.42 crore. for preparing a draft Auto Fuel Vision & Policy
The assistance has been extended to six 2025.
State Pollution Control Boards/ Pollution
Control Committees during 2012-13. Recognition of Environmental Laboratories
under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
– The approved XII Five Year Plan allocation
for this scheme is `60. – The successful implementation of
environmental protection programmes
Auto Fuel Policy
essentially requires identifying and
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural quantifying the pollution sources and
Gas(MoP&NG), Government of India has pollutants, conducting baseline survey,
enunciated an Auto Fuel Policy (2002) which laying down standards and build-up
Ministry of Environment & Forests
monitoring systems. To meet these laboratories under E(P) Act, 1986 have been
requirements, an environmental laboratory revised by the Ministry with emphasis laid
requires to be provided with all the on quality assurance and quality control
necessary instruments and equipments aspects. The revised guidelines have
as also expertise and capability of its staff been placed on the website of Ministry
for monitoring all groups of parameters ( for wider circulation.
including water, air, noise, hazardous waste, The revised guidelines (June 2008) are
soil, sludge etc. a definite improvement in the content
– For effec tive implementation of and the procedures for recognition of the
environmental protection programmes environmental laboratories.
there is an inescapable need for an – These revised guidelines, have been
efficient and reliable institutional made to bring in synergy in requirements
arrangement and facilities for survey, between Environmental Acts, viz. the Water
identification, quantification and systems (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
for monitoring. In this context, the role 1974, the Air (Prevention and Control of
of an environmental laboratory assumes Pollution) Act, 1981 and the Environment
paramount importance and significance, (Protection) Act, 1986. Under the provisions
especially, for the assessment of the status of Section 12 and 13 of the E (P) A, 1986,
of environment and its components and the private laboratories are considered by
can facilitate effectively in prevention the Ministry for recognition.
and control of pollution. The Ministry – The revised guidelines have been
has been implementing a programme for operationalised. The Expert Committee
recognition of environmental laboratories on Laboratories is meeting once in every
with the aim of increasing facilities for month to discuss all the cases of Govt.
analysis of environmental samples. and Private Sector Labs.
Revision and implementation of Guidelines – As per the revised guidelines, periodic
for Evaluation and Recognition of surveillance of recognized environmental
Environmental Laboratories under E(P) A, laboratories under E(P) Act, 1986 was also
desired to be undertaken to assess the
– The extant guidelines (1994-95) for proper functioning, systematic operation
establishment and recognition of and reliability of data generated at the
the laboratories have been revised laboratory.
and procedures streamlined. The – Procurement of ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS
revision had become necessary as the 18001:2007 have been made mandatory
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for all laboratories to be considered for
has been strengthened over the years recognition under E(P) Act, 1986
with the enactments of various rules
– During the year, 17 private sector Labs
and notifications there under. Further,
were visited for considering recognition
Environmental standards have been
under E(P)A, 1986. Twelve Labs were
formulated for various parameters in
recommended for recognition under E(P)
different industrial sectors. The guidelines
Act, 1986 during the year. Surveillance
for recognition of environmental
Annual Report 2012-2013
visits of twelve more recognized Labs – The Central subsidy has been enhanced
were undertaken. from 25% to 50% of the project
– Orientation Workshops on revised cost.
guidelines for recognition of environmental – All the three levels of treatment,
laboratories under E(P) Act, 1986, were primary, secondary and tertiary are to
organized. The first such Orientation be covered for assistance. Progressive
Workshop was organized at CPCB-HQ and technologies like Zero Liquid Discharge
the second at CPCB-ZO, Bengaluru. will also be considered for assistance,
Scheme of Common Effluent Treatment subject to a ceiling.
Plants (CETPs) – The management of the CETP is to be
– The concept of the Common Effluent entrusted to a Special Purpose Vehicle
Treatment Plants (CETPs) arose in order registered under an appropriate
to make a co-operative movement for statute.
pollution control. The main objective of – Performance guarantee at full design
the CETPs is to reduce the treatment cost load is to be ensured upfront.
to be borne by an individual member unit – During this year (2012-13), an allocation
to a minimum while protecting the water of ` 6.00 crore in the BE was made for
environment to a maximum. Wastewater providing financial assistance to the on-
treatment and water conservation are going/new CETP projects against which
the prime objectives of the CETP. The expenditure, so far, is ` 422 lakhs. Financial
concept of CETPs was envisaged to treat assistance was provided for the ongoing
the effluent emanating from the clusters projects of CETPs at Tarapur, Maharashtra
of compatible small - scale industries. and new project at Palsana (upgradation),
It was also envisaged that burden of Gujarat.
various Government authorities working – The approved outlay for XII Five Year Plan
for controlling pollution and monitoring for this scheme is ` 100 crore.
of water pollution could be reduced
once the CETPs are implemented and Taj Protection Mission
commissioned. – In pursuance of the Hon’ble Supreme
– A Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) has Court’s Order, projects for environmental
been undertaken by the Government for protection of World Heritage Site of Taj
enabling small scale industries (SSI) to set Mahal were initiated and funded by
up new and upgrade the existing Common the Ministry. The Planning Commission
Effluent Treatment Plants to cover all the approved ` 600 crore on a 50:50 cost
States in the country. This CSS of CETPs sharing basis with the State Government
has since been revised by the Ministry. to implement various schemes in the
The revised scheme has been approved Taj Trapezium Zone for environmental
by the Expenditure Finance Committee protection of the Taj Mahal. In the first
(EFC) and the Ministry of Finance. phase during the IX Five Year Plan,
10 projects were approved by the
The salient features of the revised scheme
Government and implemented by the
are as follows:
State Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– The Ministry has sponsored a post- organizations and the regulatory bodies
evaluation study for completed projects should work in tandem, to this end, it will
through the National Environmental be desirable to build up a consortium of
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), concerned organizations and establish
Nagpur for ascertaining the improvement partnership for pollution control. With this
in environmental status of the area. The in view, a series of industry wise inter-
final report on the “Environmental Post action meetings were organized to evolve
Evaluation of the projects under the Taj a road map culminating to Charter on
Trapezium Zone (TTZ)” submitted by NEERI, Corporate Responsibility for Environmental
Nagpur has been accepted by the Ministry. Protection (CREP) in 2002-03.
The present environmental condition vis-à- – CREP is a commitment for protection
vis Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of environment for partnership and
for the area as suggested in the report has participatory action of the stakeholders
been found useful for initiation of future i.e. industry, their associations and
activities in TTZ. regulatory agencies. Also, it is a road
– At present, only a token of ` one lakh is map for progressive improvement in
available under the scheme. environmental management systems.
– Subsequent to the acceptance by the The Charter has set targets concerning
Ministry of the Post Evaluation Report of conservation of water, energy, recovery
the TTZ projects and in order to revive the of chemicals, reduction in pollution,
scheme of TTZ, the U.P. Govt. has been elimination of toxic pollutants, process &
intimated to formulate fresh proposals management of residues that are required
related to the strengthening of solid to be disposed off in an environmentally
waste management, water management, sound manner. The Charter enlists the
electricity supply and distribution, road action points for pollution control in
connectivity, greening and other activities following 17 categories of highly polluting
which have a bearing on the environment industries : Aluminium, Cement, Chlor-
in the TTZ area, in line with the EMP Alkali, Copper Smelter, Distilleries, Dyes
suggested by NEERI, Nagpur. & Dye Intermediates, Fertilizer, Integrated
Iron & Steel, Oil Refineries, Pesticides,
– After fresh proposals are submitted by
Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Pulp &
the Govt. of U.P, provision for more funds
Paper, Tannery,Thermal Power Plants and
during the XII Five Year Plan would be
Zinc Smelter.
taken up with the Planning Commission.
Till date no comprehensive proposal has – For effective implementation of the
been received from the Government of Charter, eight taskforces comprising
U. P. experts and members from institutions
and industry associations were constituted.
Charter on Corporate Responsibility for
Three of them in respect of Thermal Power,
Environmental Protection (CREP)
Steel Sector and Petroleum Oil Refinery
– Adoption of pollution control technologies have been reconstituted. These task forces
could be successfully achieved through a are meeting regularly to monitor and to
coordinated approach in which industrial provide guidance to the industries for
Annual Report 2012-2013
clusters is given at Table-29.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Table-30. List of Critically Polluted Industrial clusters where moratorium has been listed.
State No of CPA Industrial clusters / areas Moratorium lifted on
Andhra Pradesh 1 Patancheru-Bollaram 26.10.2010
Gujarat 3 Vapi 26.10.2010
Bhavnagar 15.02.2011
Junagarh 31.03.2011
Haryana 2 Faridabad 31.03.2011
Panipat 31.03.2011
Karnataka 2 Mangalore 23.05.2011
Bhadravati 23.05.2011
Kerala 1 Cochin 23.05.2011
Madhya Pradesh 1 Indore 31.03.2011
Maharashtra 4 Dombivalli 15.02.2011
Aurangabad 15.02.2011
Navi Mumbai 15.02.2011
Tarapur 26.10.2010
Odisha 3 Angul Talchar 31.03.2011
Ib valley 05.07.2011
Jharsuguda 05.07.2011
Punjab 2 Ludhiana 15.02.2011
Mandi Gobind Garh 26.10.2010
Tamil Nadu 2 Cuddalore 15.02.2011
Coimbatore 26.10.2010
Uttar Pradesh 5 Ghaziabad 31.03.2011
Singrauli 05.07.2011
Noida 31.03.2011
Agra 15.02.2011
Varanasi-Mirzapur 15.02.2011
The CPCB has done second round of and Control) Authority (EPCA) for National
environmental assessment of CPAs on the Capital Region was constituted under sub-
basis of monitoring carried out by Third Party section (3) of Section 3 of the Environment
during Feb,.- March, 2011, this showed a mix Protection Act, 1986 on 29th January, 1998
picture of CEPIs score. This highlight issues of vide S.O. No. 93(E) dated January 29, 1998
management of CPAs for proactive approach. under the Chairmanship of Shri. Bhure Lal.
The tenure of the EPCA was extended from
Environmental Authorities
time to time, and at present extended
Environment Pollution (Prevention Control) upto 28th January, 2014.
Authority for the National Capital Region – The issues considered by the Authority
– The Environment Pollution (Prevention include environment related matters
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
– National ambient air quality monitoring
– Monitoring of Dioxin – Furan in
and publishing annual air quality reports;
Stationary Source Emissions
– Carrying out and sponsoring research
The monitoring of Dioxin – Furan in
activities relevant to environment
stationary source emission at Incinerators
of Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities
– Publishing material relevant to environment (TSDFs), Incinerators of organic chemical
protection; manufacturing units and Bio-medical waste
Achievements during the year incinerators have been undertaken on
request of Hazardous Waste Management
Measurement of Hazardous Organic
Compounds Dioxin (PCDDs) and Furan Division, State Pollution Control Boards,
(PCDFs) in Environmental Samples Pollution Control Committees etc.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Pollution Control Board in ground and surface with the mean of 0.631 µg/kg. The Total PCBs
water locations at Most Critically Polluted analyzed in river water have been found Below
Areas of country viz. Ankleshwar, Vapi (Gujarat), Detection Limit most of time except once (0.005
Ghaziabad (U.P.), Chandrapur (Maharashtra) µg/l) at Rajghat monitoring location, while in
and Korba (M. P.). The water samples collected river sediments also, the Total PCBs have been
have been analyzed for 43 VOCs by Purge & found very low and were well within the Total
Trap concentration followed by GC-MS analysis PCBs Guidelines value of 227 µg/kg of United
using USEPA Method 524.2. The analytical data States. The contamination of PCB congeners in
is under compilation. sediments samples may be due to confluence
of untreated or partially treated domestic /
Assessment of Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls
industrial wastewater through several drains in
(PCBS) in Water and Bottom Sediments of
the river.
River Yamuna in Delhi
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National
chlorinated organic compounds with one to ten Level - Sponsored Project by Ministry of
chlorine atoms attached to biphenyl molecule. Agriculture, New Delhi
Individual chlorinated biphenyl molecules are Department of Agriculture and
called congeners, which are identified by the Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture,
number and position of the chlorine atoms New Delhi and nodal department i.e.
around the biphenyl molecule. PCBs were Project Coordinating Cell, All India Network
mainly used as insulating liquid in electric Project (AINP) on Pesticide Residues, Indian
equipments prior to ban on their manufacture Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi
during seventies. However, several other uses has been continuously sponsoring a project
of PCBs such as sealants, carbonless printing “Monitoring of Pesticide Residue at National
and plasticizers may be the possible sources of Level” to Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi
their release into the environment. since October, 2006.The objective of the study
is to evaluate pesticides levels in ground water,
The assessment of PCBs levels in water and
surface water and soil samples in National
bottom sediments of river Yamuna in Delhi have
Capital Territory Delhi. About 112 locations
been undertaken on quarterly basis by National
of surface water and 100 locations for the Soil
Reference Trace Organics Laboratory of Central
Samples have been selected and Monitored
Pollution Control Board during the year 2012-
in National Capital Region i.e. Uttar Pradesh
2013. River water samples and bottom sediment
(Ghaziabad, Guatam Budh Nagar & Bagpat),
samples were collected from five locations
Haryana (Sonepat, Faridabad & Ballabhgarh)
from Delhi Stretch of River Yamuna i.e. Palla,
and Delhi (Alipur Block, Kanjhawala Block,
Wazirabad, Rajghat, Nizamuddin and Okhla. 28
Najafgarh & Nizamuddin Bridge). During the
individual congeners of PCBs, selected based
year, the Monitoring of Pesticide Residue has
on their toxicological significance, prevalence
been undertaken on monthly basis in about 70
in biological tissue, were analyzed with GC-ECD.
surface water samples. The following groups
Concentrations of Total PCBs (28 congeners)
of Pesticides being monitored on monthly
in Yamuna River bottom sediment samples in
Delhi varied from 0.051 µg/kg to 3.060 µg/kg
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
citizen populations with special reference To maintain the quality assurance, Central
to breast cancer tissue and prostate cancer Pollution Control Board HQs and five Zonal
patients. Office (Lucknow, Vadodara, Bengaluru, Kolkata
During the three years project duration, and Bhopal) Laboratories have participated in
blood samples from different age group such Interlaboratory PT programme conducted by
as infants children, teenagers, adult, and senior M/s Environmental Resource Associates (ERA),
citizens were collected, processed extracted USA (A Waters company) during October /
and cleaned up at University College of Medical November, 2012 with coverage of various
Sciences & GTB Hospital laboratories and the Physico-chemical, Microbiological, Chemical,
concentrated samples were analyzed with Trace organics parameters, and Air parameters.
Perkin Elmer GC-ECD at National Reference In addition, the National Reference Trace
Trace Organics Laboratory of Central Pollution Organics Laboratory has also participated in
Control Board. The blood samples analysis International PT Programme for Dioxin & Furan
results indicated presence of Organo-chlorine conducted by Centre D’Expertise En Analyse
pesticides, Total BHC, Endosulfan and Total Environmental Du Quebec, Canada and
DDT in the adults of age group 40-60 years achieved good performance. The performance
and senior citizens of age more than 60 years. of the laboratories have been good, except few
There has been increasing pattern in pesticide parameters for which corrective action being
levels in various age groups from infants to undertaken.
senior citizens. The pesticide Heptachlor was Environmental Laboratories Development
recorded in only one blood sample of adult in
the 20-40 age group. The blood samples drawn Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi has
from infants, children and teenagers were been delegated the powers by Government
comparatively free from pesticides residue. of India vide Gazette Notification No. SO 145
The report of the study has been finalized in (E) dated February 21, 1991 for recognition
collaboration with UCMS & GTB Hospital and of environmental laboratories of Govt. / Semi
submitted to CPCB. Govt. organization Public Sector Undertaking
and Educational Institutions under section 12(1)
Inter-laboratory Proficiency Testing (PT) (b) & 13 to carry out the functions entrusted
participation for analysis of physico-chemical to the Environmental laboratories under the
and trace organics parameters including Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
Dioxin & Furan
Ministry of Environment & Forests has
Quality assurance is the definite
constituted the Expert Committee at Central
programme for laboratory operation that
Pollution Control Board for the purpose. The
specifies the measures required to produce
Central Pollution Control Board has organized
reliable data of known precision and accuracy.
six (6) meetings of Expert Committee during
Quality system which includes quality assurance
the year 2012-2013 (upto January, 2013) for
policies and all quality control processes to
assessment, review and recommendation of
ensure the quality of analytical data produced
cases of private / government laboratories for
by the laboratory and to demonstrate the
competence of the laboratory.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Private Sector Laboratories – M/s Eko Pro Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad,
Central Pollution Control Board has U. P. (19th September, 2012)
participated in joint inspections of private – M/s Shriram Institute for Industrial
laboratories alongwith Ministry of Environment Research, University Road, Delhi (27th
& Forests (MoEF) and respective State Pollution September, 2012).
Control Boards for consideration of recognition – M/s Shiva Test House, Gardanibagh, Patna,
of private environmental laboratories under Bihar (4th October, 2012)
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 during – M/s San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd., Paldi Cross
the year 2012 – 2013: Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (11th October,
– M/s Envirocare Labs Pvt. Ltd., Enviro House, 2012).
Thane, Maharashtra (10th April, 2012) – M/s Universal Enviro Associates,
– M/s Netal (India) Ltd., TTC Industrial Area, Musheerabad, Hyderabad, A. P. (31 st
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (11th April, October, 2012)
2012) – M/s Par yavaran Labs, Madhapur,
– M/s Team Test House, Sitapura Industrial Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (1st November,
Area, Jaipur, Rajasthan (24th May, 2012). 2012)
– M/s Avon Food Lab, Lawrence Road – M/s JSL Stainless Ltd, Danagadi, Distt.
Industrial Area, New Delhi (1 st June, Jaipur, Odisha (10th January, 2013)
2012). – M/s Visiontek Consultancy Services Pvt.
– M/s Mineral Engineering Services, Bellary, Ltd., Bhubaneswar, Odisha (11th January,
Karnataka (14th June, 2012) 2013)
– M/s Nilawar Laboratories, Waddhamana, Environmental Research Activities:
Nagpur, Maharashtra (20th June, 2012)
Analytical Quality Control (AQC/Water) for
– M/s Earthcare Labs Pvt. Ltd., Prashant Central and State Pollution Control Boards,
Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra (21st June, Pollution Control Committees and for
2012) laboratories recognised under Environment
– M/s Enviro International, Eco Tech-III, Protection Act
Greater Noida, U. P. (19th July, 2012). The most important mandatory task
– M/s EMTRC Consultants Pvt. Ltd., UPSIDC, of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is
Ghaziabad, U. P. (26th July, 2012). to maintain vast water quality monitoring
network with a aim to evaluate the status
– M/s Skylab Analytical Laboratory, Kalyan
of water quality of different sources. In this
(West), Maharashtra (5 th September,
programme the CPCB is monitoring 1019
water quality monitoring stations under GEMS,
– M/s Aavanira Biotech, Bhosari, Pune, MINARS, GAP and YAP Programmes comprising
Maharashtra (6th September, 2012) rivers, lakes, wells, and ground waters spread
– M/s Insta Pollutech Laboratories, over 27 States and 6 Union Territories through
Dhayanigaon, Pune, Maharashtra (7 th various State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB).
September, 2012) Comparability of data within the collaborative
programme become the key challenge to the
Annual Report 2012-2013
water testing laboratories. The quality of data Table-32. List of parameters covered under
must be of the desired quality to formulate AQC/Water Programme (27th & 28th exercise)
the policy by the decision maker based on the by CPCB, Delhi, during 2012-13
data generated in the monitoring programmes.
S. No. Parameter
Therefore, to obtain relevant and reliable data,
the analytical process has to proceed under a 1. Conductivity
well established quality assurance with external 2. Total Dissolved Solids
proficiency test as an inherent component. To 3. Fixed Dissolved Solids
ensure the reliability of the data, a programme
4. Total Hardness
called “Analytical Quality Control (AQC)” was
initiated with 20 laboratories in 1991. In 2012- 5. Calcium
13, number of laboratories participated in this 6. Magnesium
exercise have reached to 220 number (under, 7. Sodium
E.P. Act recognized) laboratories. As on 11th
8. Potassium
February 2013, 28th rounds of exercises were
9. Chloride
conducted and performance reports were
communicated to the participating laboratories. 10. Fluoride
There are 21 physico-chemical parameters 11. Sulphate
covered under this scheme. The performance of 12. Nitrate-N
the laboratories in the 28th Exercise for physico-
13. Ammonical-N
chemical parameters ranged between 70 to
80%. 14. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
15. Phosphate-P
Two synthetic samples labeled as A & B of
each 1 litre volume prepared in laboratory by 16. Chemical Oxygen Demand
adopting standard procedures and precautions 17. Biochemical Oxygen Demand
are distributed to all participating laboratories 18. Boron
by Courier service to avoid any transport delay.
19. Chromium
Samples were also analyzed in CPCB laboratory
for arriving at “Reference value” for comparison 20. Total Suspended Solid
and to estimate the acceptable limits of the 21. pH
reported values.
– Periodic calibration of instruments
Recommendations for AQC Scheme
– Using high quality chemicals and providing
The overall findings of the performance adequate quantity of glassware
of AQC exercises reveal the fact that Internal
– Providing good quality distilled water
AQC system in all the laboratory is to be
strengthened. The analytical capability of these – I m p rov i n g t h e l a b o r a to r y wo r k
laboratories could be improved by adopting atmosphere
the following major steps. – Providing analytical training to laboratory
– Strengthening of the Internal AQC
System – Conducting Regional Workshop at various
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Monitoring Network: Present network parts of our country. It is observed that nearly
comprises of 2500 stations in 28 States and 6 60% of the observations are having BOD less
Union Territories. Water Quality monitoring has than 3 mg/l (Criteria limit), 22% between 3-6
been carried out at 2500 locations (2012-13) mg/l & 18% above 6 mg/l. Similarly Total & Faecal
covering 445 Rivers (1275 locations), 154 Lakes coliform which indicate presence of pathogens
(190 locations), 78 Ponds (79 locations), 41 in water are also a major concern. About 46%
Creeks/Sea Water (41 locations), 45 Drains (45 observations are having Total Coliforms and
locations), 25 Canals (41 locations), 12 Tanks 68% observations are having Faecal Coliform
(12 locations), 10 Water Treatment Plants- Raw less than 500 MPN /100 ml (Criteria limit).
Water (10 locations) and 807 Wells. Monitoring
Perspective Planning: Strengthening of
is carried out with a frequency on monthly,
monitoring network to cover 5000 locations
half yearly and yearly basis. One thousand six
during 12th Plan and perspective plan to achieve
hundred eighty seven (1687) locations are
10000 locations is envisaged.
monitored on monthly basis, 807 locations
on half yearly basis and 6 locations on yearly Way Ahead: The limitations of grab sampling
basis. has to overcome by automation in monitoring
to observe diurnal variation and to assess
Parameters observed: Water samples are
episodal pollution.
analysed for 9 core, 19 general parameters,9
trace metals and set of pesticides. National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
Achievement of Monitoring Programme:
Water quality data is used for identification In order to prevent, control and abate air
of polluted water bodies, formulation of River pollution, the Air (Prevention and Control of
Action Plan and identification of pollution Pollution) Act was enacted in 1981. According
sources in 187 cities for interception, diversion to Section 2(b) of Air (Prevention and control
and treatment of municipal wastewater and of pollution) Act, 1981 ‘Air pollution’ has been
stricter surveillance of industrial sources. Water defined as ‘the presence in the atmosphere
quality data is also used for Query Response i.e. of any air pollutant.’ As per Section 2(a) of Air
to reply Parliament Questions, VIP reference, (Prevention and control of pollution) Act,
Public Queries, Public Interest Litigation filed 1981 ‘Air Pollutant’ has been defined as ‘any
in Supreme Court and Various High Courts and solid, liquid or gaseous substance [(including
to fulfil the requirement of Non-Governmental noise)] present in the atmosphere in such
Organisation, Students, and Researchers. concentration as may be or tend to be injurious
to human beings or other living creatures or
Water Quality Assessment: Monitoring results plants or property or environment’. Therefore
obtained based on present network indicate ambient air quality standard is developed as
that organic pollution continues to be the a policy guideline that regulates the effect of
predominant source of pollution of aquatic human activity upon the environment so that
resources. The organic pollution measured in pollutant emission into the air can be regulated.
terms of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) & Standards may specify a desired state or limit
Coliform bacterial count gives the indication of alterations.
extent of water quality degradation in different
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Fig-28. Growth of operating ambient air quality monitoring stations under NAMP in India (till 1st January 2013)
Annual Report 2012-2013
i) No. of state/UT covered 22 states, 4UT
Total Number of criteria/regular parameters monitored for ambient air 03 - SO2, NO2 & PM10 (Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen
quality Dioxide & Particulate Matter e≥ 10 micron size)
Other notified parameters monitored in selected cities/locations PAH (BaP), CO, O3, NH3, PM2.5, C6H6 , Pb, Ni, As
Percentage & Number of cities exceeds the permissible limit w.r.t. PM10 62% - PM10 – 131 cities
and NO2 (2010) 12% - NO2 – 19 cities
Status of Air Quality in Major/Metropolitan Cities 53 metro cities data upto 2011
- Total Number of Major/Metropolitan cities as per new census of India Out of 53 cities, 49 cities having operational ambient
2011 air quality monitoring stations
Percentage & Number of major cities exceeds the permissible limit w.r.t. 16% - NO2 – 08 cities, out of 49 cities 86 % - PM10 – 42
PM10 and NO2 , 2011 cities, out of 49 cities
ii) No. of cities in 2012 (Tentative list declared) on the basis of 2008- 95 (23 States)
2010 AAQ data (latest, as per revised standard)
ii). Additional parameters monitored at selected locations PAH, H2S, Toxic trace metals, NH3 – Hyderabad, Delhi,
Mumbai, Nagpur, Chennai, Kolkata
Ministry of Environment & Forests
i) 2011-2012 New proposed stations for 3 Parameters (SO2, NO2, PM10) 35 stations (Achieved)
ii) 2012-2013 New proposed stations for 12 Parameters (SO2, NO2, PM10, 20 stations
PM2.5, Ni, As, Pb, NH3, B(a)P)
iii) 2013-2014 New proposed stations for12 Parameters (SO2, NO2, PM10,
PM2.5, Ni, As, Pb, NH3, B(a)P) 20 stations
Annual Report 2012-2013
from March 2012. Further as per Ministry – The Research Octane Number (RON) for
of Petroleum & Natural Gas, 50 cities will premium gasoline available in 20 cities
be made BS-IV compliant by 2015 has been boosted to 95 with lead content
– Mass Emission Standards (Bharat Stage III) being reduced to 0.005 g/l and benzene
have been implemented for all categories content of maximum 1%. The content of
of new four wheelers all over the country, sulphur in gasoline is reduced to 0.005%
from 1st October 2010. (50 mg/kg) from existing 0.015% (150 mg/
kg) in BS-IV compliant 20 cities. However,
– Mass Emission Standards (Bharat Stage
all over the country, content of sulphur in
III) have been implemented for two and
gasoline is 0.015% (150 mg/kg).
three wheelers all over the country, from1st
October, 2010. – Gasoline commensurate with the applicable
emission norms (give below) were made
– Mass Emission Standards (Bharat (Trem)
available in the mega cities and entire
Stage III) have been implemented for
every diesel driven agricultural tractors,
from the 1st April, 2010 for the category 20 cities Entire
< 37KW and from 1st April, 2011 for the (BS-IV Compliant) Country
category >37 KW. Octane Number 91* 91*
– Bharat Stage III (CEV) emission norms Lead 0.005g/l 0.005g/l
have been implemented for construction Sulphur 50ppm 150 ppm
equipment vehicles since April 1, 2011. Bezene 1% 1%
These emission norms are based on the
engine power the construction equipment
– For diesel the Cetane Number has been
i.e Non-road vehicles.
enhanced to 51 with Sulphur content
– Bharat Stage-III mass emission norms have reduced further to 0.005 % (50 mg/kg) in
been notified for gasoline driven power BS-IV compliant 20 cities by. The amount
trillers manufactured on and from July 1, of sulphur in diesel has been reduced to
2013. 0.035% (350 mg/kg) all over the country
– Alternate Mass emission standards – Diesel commensurate with the applicable
(BS-III) for 2 W gasoline with engine emission norms (give below) were made
capacity exceeding 50 CC or a maximum available in the mega cities and entire
design speed exceeding 50 km/hr country
based on Worldwide Harmonised
20 cities Entire
Motorcycle Emission Certification ( WMTC)
(BS-IV Country
implemented from May 9, 2011
Fuel Quality Specifications Cetane Number 51* 51*
– Auto-Fuels commensurate to B.S III Sulphur 50 ppm 350ppm
(whole country) and B.S IV (for 20 cities) Poly Aromatic 11% mass 11% mass
specifications has been made available in Hydrocarbons
the respective cities as per the road map Distillation 95% vol. 360°C 360°C
of Auto Fuel Policy Recovery at °C, max
* - for regular quality
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
taken by the Railways for controlling
are also exploring to start metros and
pollution of air, water and noise in station
other mass transport systems.
premises /sidings/sheds. Six ZO’s of CPCB
– Interstate trucks which are not destined were asked to carry out study in the Railway
to Delhi are not allowed to ply within the Zones coming under their jurisdiction. The
city limits. final report of this study has been sent to
– Delhi Monorail system has been proposed Indian Railways
and will be implemented shortly in a – Assessment of Aldehydes, Ketones and
phased manner Methane emissions in Vehicle exhaust,
Projects/Studies undertaken by CPCB using different fuels (Petrol, Diesel, LPG,
CNG, Ethanol in Petrol, Biodiesel and
Studies/Projects related to Vehicular
Pollution Control & Air Quality Management
undertaken by Central Pollution Control Board This study was awarded to International
are as follows: Centre for Automotive Technology
(iCAT), Manesar with the objective to
– Assessment of vehicular pollution characterize Aldehydes, Ketones and
problems and development of air Methane emissions in vehicle exhaust
quality management plan in religious of 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 4-wheeled
& tourist places passenger vehicles, 4-wheeled Light
A study on “Assessment of vehicular duty commercial vehicles and 4-wheeled
pollution problems and development of Heavy duty commercial vehicle engines
air quality management plan in religious operating on different fuels i.e. Petrol,
(Haridwar) & tourist (Mussorie) places” was Diesel, LPG, CNG, Ethanol (5%) in Petrol
taken up in collaboration with Pollution (BS III) and Biodiesel (10%) in Diesel (BS
Control Research Insitute (PCRI), Bharat III) & Hythane. Phase-I of project has been
Heavy Electrical Ltd. (BHEL), Haridwar. The completed while phase-II of the project
study has been completed and has also i.e. assessment of carbonyl and methane
covered Kumbh Mela held in Haridwar emissions from OEM CNG vehicles has also
during Jan-April 2010. The study report been completed and its report is under
is under publication. finalization. The report of the both the
Ministry of Environment & Forests
phases will be published after completion during the year 2011. The study involves
of phase-II of the study. Development of emission inventory of
– Development of Comprehensive vehicular sources in six mega cities namely
Industry Document (COINDS) for Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Patna,
Automobile Manufacturing Industries Lucknow & Sholapur during first phase,
Estimation of total vehicular emission
This study has been awarded to TERI.
loads (both tail pipe as well as evaporative
The objectives of this study includes
emissions) in the selected cities/towns
Inventorisation of Automobile
and estimation of contribution of different
manufacturing industries, process details
categories (2 wheelers, 3-wheelers &
of automobile manufacturing industry
4 wheelers like cars, LCV, HCV, etc.) of
covering all categories of vehicles,
vehicles towards total vehicular emission
identification of different sources of
load and identification of vehicle category
pollution for the automobile manufacturing
contributing most towards total emission
industry, Characterization of liquid effluent,
load from vehicles.More cities are likely to
gaseous emissions and hazardous wastes
be covered in the next phase.
storage and disposal methods, resource
recycling and waste minimization practice, – Development of guidelines for the
identification of technologies appropriate Environmentally sound Recycling /
for the control of water pollution, air disposal of ELVs ( End of Life Vehicles)
pollution and fugitive emissions under This is an In-house study aimed at
Indian conditions and development developing guidelines for environmentally
of environmental standards for the sound of ELV’s through Inventorization
automobile industry. and Categorization of different End of Life
– Inventorization of Railway sidings and vehicles, details on various materials used
Guidelines for their Environmental in manufacturing of vehicles, LCA (Life
Management. Cycle Assessment) of different components
of vehicles, estimation of generation
The study on Inventorization of Railway
of waste in terms of tons/annum from
sidings and development of guidelines
yearly and development of guidelines for
for their environmental management has
recycling/disposal of used vehicles
been taken up by CPCB subsequent to a
large number of public complaints related – Auditing of Pollution Under Control
to railway sidings. This study has been (PUC) Centers in various cities/ towns
awarded to RITES Limited, Gurgaon. The Auditing of PUC centers in the cities
Objectives of the study involves Inventory of Kolkata, Chennai, Jaipur, Hyderabad
of all major railway siding (Railway yards, etc has been taken up during last year
ports, mines etc.), and development of with the objective of knowing whether
guidelines for Environmental Management adequate testing facilities with respect
of Railway sidings. to new norms have been procured by all
– Status of the pollution generated from the PUC centers and also to cross check
road transport sector in 6 cities procedure and protocols followed while
vehicle testing. Further this shall also help
This study has been awarded to TERI
Annual Report 2012-2013
us identify any scope for false passes, if – Review of Auto Fuel Policy,
present in the new system. The scope – R&D Exper t Committee of IOCL,
of the study also include checking if the Faridabad,
testing instruments have been certified by
– Central Road Research Institute (CRRI)
approving agencies and further to know
and Indian Road Congress Expert
the status of compliance of the vehicles
with PUC norms.
– Working Group constituted by Department
– Action plan for Controlling Air Pollution
of Heavy Industries under Source
in Polluted cities
Apportionment Studies,
At present CPCB is reviewing action plans
– National Natural Resource Management
of only seven cities out of the sixteen cities
System (NNRMS) Standing Committee on
identified by the Hon’ble Supreme Court
Urban Management.
of India (Out of 16 cities, 7 cities namely
Agra, Varanasi, Jharia, Patna, Jodhpur, – Working Group to deal with old vehicles –
Faridabad & Pune are looked after by CPCB, Retrofitment of pollution control devices,
while other 7 namely Lucknow, Kanpur, Scrap policy, Inspection & Maintenance
Sholapur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, issues.
Ahemdabad are looked after by EPCA and Real Time Ambient Noise Levels in 7 Metro
remaining 2 i.e. Kolkata and Mumbai are Cities during Deepawali 2011 and 2012
reviewed by the respective High Court of Real Time Continuous Ambient Noise
these cities). Monitoring was conducted at 35 locations in
Review & Implementation of action plans seven cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,
received from various non attainment cities Lucknow, Bengaluru and Hyderabad) on
identified by the Honb’le Supreme Court the occasion of Deepawali 13.11.2012 and
of India as well as CPCB itself. 26.10.2011 and data is presented in Table-35.
Committees in which CPCB is a member In comparison to sound level during
related to vehicular pollution control Deepawali-2011, it has been observed that
– Standing committee on emission legislation sound level in 04 cities (Bengaluru, Delhi,
(SCOE) constituted by MoRTH. Kolkata and Hyderabad) shows decreasing
– Task Force for “Introducing auditing of trend whereas no change in sound level is
PUC centers“constituted by MoRTH. observed in Mumbai. However, sound level at
Lucknow and Chennai shows slight variation in
– Petroleum products sectioned committee
comparison to Deepawali-2011.
constituted by BIS.
– Working group on adulteration of Common Effluent Treatment Plants
petroleum products constituted by Bureau The concept of Common Effluent
of Indian Standards (BIS). Treatment Plant (CETP) was developed as
– Environmental Pollution Control Authority a way to achieve end-of-pipe treatment of
for NCR. combined wastewater at lower unit cost
– The expert committee on Auto fuel Policy than could be achieved by individual Small
constituted by MoPNG. Scale Industry (SSI) units. MoEF introduced
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-35. Real Time Ambient Noise Levels in Metro Cities during Deepawali 2011 and 2012
S. No. City Stations 2011Leq 2012Leq
(24 hrs) (24hrs)
1. Bengaluru Nisarga Bhawan 60 51
2. Parisar Bhwan 64 62
3. BTM 65 63
4. Marathalli 57 55
5. Pinya 59 57
6. Chennai Triplicane 69 63
7. T. Nagar 69 70
8. Guindy 75 74
9. Perambur 75 86
10. Eye Hospital 65 60
11. Delhi NSIT 64 56
12. CPCB 61 58
13. DCE 53 50
14. Dilshad Garden 57 49
15. ITO (Pragati Maidan) 74 74
16. Hyderabad Abits 71 70
17. Jeedimetla 61 61
18. Jubliee Hills - 54
19. Punjagutta 75 76
20. Zoo - 52
21. Kolkata Head Quarter (WBPCB) 60 59
22. New Market (Muncipal Corporation) 64 64
23. Patauli 57 54
24. SSKM Hospital 59 59
25. Golpark 64 64
26. Lucknow Indira Nagar 54 51
27. PGI Hospital - 54
28. Gomti Nagar - 60
29. Hajrat Ganj 68 69
30. Talkatora Industrial Area 59 61
31. Mumbai Acworth Hospital (ASHP) 64 64
32. Bandra 69 69
33. Thane (TMCO) 62 59
34. Vashi Hospital 66 65
35. MPCB, HQ 64 66
Note:-All values are measured in Leq [dB(A)]
Annual Report 2012-2013
Karnataka 7 7 - 4.6 7 0.6
Maharashtra 252 22 3 16.3 186.9 15.7
MP 1 1 - 0.7 0.9 0.1
Punjab 5 5 - 3.3 6.9 0.6
Rajasthan 11 10 1 7.2 117.2 9.8
Tamil Nadu 44 42 2 28.8 148 12.4
UP 7 4 3 4.7 56.3 4.7
West Bengal 1 1 - 0.7 20 1.7
Total 153 143 10 1191
Two CETPs contribute to a final CETP (FETP), 2One CETP contributes to another CETP
a financial support scheme (CETP Scheme) effluent from mixed type of industries with high
since 1991 to promote establishment of CETPs or very high pollution potential and majority of
through financial assistance in the form of 50% CETPs in Delhi, Haryana, and Karnataka cater to
subsidy on capital (25% central subsidy plus mixed type of industries with low or moderate
matching 25% state subsidy). This subsidy has pollution potential.
been increased from 50% to 75% (50% central
CPCB has analyzed the standards
subsidy plus matching 25% state subsidy) since
compliance performance of CETPs on the basis
2012. Largely due to the support provided by
of four year data in respect of:
the Central Government, 153 CETPs having
combined capacity of about 1190 MLD covering General parameters (BOD, COD, TSS, NH3-N
about 15000 polluting industries have been and O&G)
established in the country. – Out of 134 CETPs for which general
CETPs installed in Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, parameters results were available and
Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal analyzed, 20 CETPs have implemented
generally cater to wastewater of specific Zero Liquid Discharge systems, 43 CETPs
sectors – pharmaceutical, tanneries, Textile are complying standards and 10 CETPs are
or electroplating sectors, whereas majority nearly complying standards. Thus, 73 CETPs
of CETPs in Gujarat and Maharashtra cater to out of 134 i.e. 55% are able to comply or
nearly comply with the standards.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– 61 CETPs i.e. 45% are not complying with change the status of non-complying CETPs
the standards, with COD exceeding the and ensuring regular compliance.
standards by a factor <2 in 20 cases and – Regular monitoring and follow up action
by a factor >2 in 41 cases. to stop bypass of untreated industrial
TDS parameter effluents.
– Out of 122 CETPs for which TDS results Implementation of Corporate Responsibility
were available and analyzed, 20 CETPs for Environment Protection (CREP):
having very high TDS in influent have Iron & Steel Sector
implemented Zero Liquid Discharge
systems, 9 CETPs having very high or high Revision and Harmonization of
Environmental Standards for Integrated
TDS in influent discharge their effluent
Iron & Steel Plants
into sea and 19 CETPs are complying TDS
standards. Thus 48 CETPs out of 122 i.e. The standards pertaining to various process
39% are able to comply TDS standard. units of Integrated Iron & Steel Plants were
notified separately at different serial numbers
– 74 CETPs i.e. 61% are still not able to comply
under Environment Protection Rules. In order
TDS standards, of which final effluents of
to bring more clarity and easy referencing,
16 CETP, i.e. 13% of 122, contain high TDS
the standards were harmonized and brought
(exceeding standards by a factor <2) and
together. Besides, environmental standards for
of 58 CETPs i.e. 48% of 122, contain very
Blast Furnace and Steel Melting Shop were also
high TDS (exceeding standards by a factor
developed. The revised harmonized standards
were notified vide G.S.R. 277 (E) dated March
Actions for Improving Performance 31, 2012.
CPCB has been regularly interacting with
National Task force for Iron & Steel sector
SPCBs in order to improve compliance of the
prescribed standards by CETPs. SPCBs are National Task Force (NTF) for Integrated
required to fully address the issues related Iron & Steel Industries was constituted in the
to performance of CETPs and strengthen the year 2003 for monitoring implementation of
system of monitoring and follow up action to action points identified under CREP. NTF had
address the important issues: been meeting regularly. During 2012 – 2013,
the meeting of NTF was held on December 14,
– Prescribing and enforcing standards for 2012. Various issues related to compliance to
effluent discharged from industries to environmental norms and actions required for
match the inlet quality parameters of the improving the environmental performance of
CETP. the sector were discussed and finalized.
– Investigating TDS related problems,
prescribing location specific regulations Environmental Quality Monitoring in
Critically Polluted Areas:
for control of TDS, preferably at source,
and compelling the industries/CETPs for Co-processing of wastes in cement kiln
its solution. Keeping in view the problems associated
– Regular monitoring of CETPs performance with the disposal of waste, CPCB initiated the
and taking effective follow up action to concept of “Co-processing of waste in cement
Annual Report 2012-2013
CPCB received various applications under granted for utilization of hazardous waste
Rule 11 of the Hazardous Wastes (Management like Ethylene glycol residue, Carbon slurry,
and Handling & Transboundary Movement) High Boiler residue, ETP Sludge, Resin waste,
Rules, 2008 from cement plants for granting spent chromic acid, spent acid containing
permission for co-processing of different kind molybdenum compound, spent anode butt,
of wastes in cement kiln. Various trial runs were Sulphur Sludge, Spent catalyst-containing
conducted during 2012-2013 and based on precious metals and waste pickling acid. So far,
satisfactory performance of trial runs, cement 20 proposals for such utilization of hazardous
manufacturing units have been granted waste have been permitted.
permission for co-processing of following Details of Treatment, Storage & Disposal
categories of wastes. Facilities (TSDFs) and their availability in
– Organic plating sludge & dyeing sludge different States is given in Table-37.
(Metal zippers Manufacturing Industry) NCEF Project on Remediation of Hazardous
– Grinding waste, oil soaked cloth & ETP Waste Contaminated Dump Sites
sludge (M/s Gillete India Ltd., Bhiwadi) The Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) of the
– Benzofuran (Kumar Organic Product Ltd) Ministry of Finance has approved the MoEF
– Chemical ETP sludge (M/s Syngenta India proposal for remediation of 12 hazardous
Limited, Goa) waste contaminated areas (containing multiple
sites) at an initial project outlay of ` 805 crores.
– Waste mix liquid (M/s Bharuch Enviro
The funding under NCEF is limited to 40% of
Infrastructure Ltd., Ankleshwar, Gujarat)
the total project cost. The remaining 60% to
– Spent carbon be borne by the State Governments through
– Solid waste mix (Shivalik Solid Waste polluter pays/PPP/States share etc. CPCB has
Management Ltd., Nalagarh) been identified as project executing agency
– PTA waste mix (M/s MCC PTA India Six SPCBs have agreed in-principle for
Corporation Pvt. Ltd., West Bengal) 60% funding from their states covering 10
– CETP sludge of Jodhpur Pradushan contaminated areas out of the 12 initially
Niwaran Trust proposed. This includes 18 sites in spread
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Table-38. List of sites taken for study under the NCEF Project
7. Uttar Pradesh Rakhimandi, Kanpur 1 Chromium
8. Uttar Pradesh Rania, Kanpur Dehat 1 Chromium
9. Uttar Pradesh Lucknow 1 HCH (hexa chloro cyclo hexane)
10. West Bengal Nibra Village, Howrah 1 Chromium
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Total no. of treatment equipments Toxic Link -an NGO etc. under the Chairmanship
installed at CBWTFs: of Dr.T.K.Joshi, Director, Deptt. of Occupational
Environment & Health, Maulana Azad Medical
No. of incinerators 177
College, New Delhi for the purpose of evaluation
No. of autoclaves 161
of state-of the art technologies for treatment
No. of microwaves 10
of bio-medical waste and to suggest suitable
No. of Hydroclave 5
standards for any such technologies.
No. of Shredders 170
Quantity of bio-medical waste 355 The following technologies have been
generated in Tons/day permitted provisionally by CPCB;
Quantity of bio-medical waste treated 302.0
– The ‘Plasma Pyrolysis Technology’ proposed
in Tons /day
by the Facilitation Centre for Institute
No. of HCFs violated BMW Rules 6653
of Plasma Technology (FCIPT), Gujarat
No. of Show-cause notices/Directions 5829
have been granted provisional approval
issued to defaulter HCFs
for treatment of bio-medical waste
Note: * - CBWTFs under installation
categories (1), (2), (5) & (6) stipulated
There has been increase in number under Bio-medical Waste (BMW) Rules as
of common Bio-medical waste treatment per recommendations of the members of
facilities over the years and at present there Expert Committee on Bio-medical Waste
are 205 CBWTFs (188 under operation + 17 Management
under construction) so as to facilitate proper – Sharp Blaster (Needle Blaster) System for
treatment and disposal of bio-medical waste treatment of bio-medical waste category
in the Country. no. 04 (i.e sharp waste sharps)
Directions under Section 5 of the – ‘PIWS 3000 (Static/Mobile)’ based on
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and shredding & chemical disinfection
Verification of compliance of Directions proposed by M/s Trade International,
issued under Section 5 of the Environment New Delhi.
(Protection) Act, 1986
Organization/sponsoring of programme on
Central Pollution Control Board is Bio-medical Waste Management
regularly monitoring CBWTFs /HCFs to improve
Central Pollution Control Board initiated
compliance of CPCB’s Direction under Section
a programme called ‘Paryavaran Darshan’ in
5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 are
collaboration with ‘Doordarshan’ to create
being issued to defaulter HCFs/CBWTFs.
awareness and to disseminate the information
Evaluation of new State of Art treatment on various issues pertaining to environmental
technologies for safe disposal of bio-medical management including the steps to be taken
waste for ensuring compliance to the provisions
CPCB has re-constituted an Expert of the Bio-medical Waste (Management and
Committee on bio-medical waste management Handling) Rules, 1998 and amendments
with the members from organizations such as thereof. The ‘documentary film’ prepared
MoEF, National Productivity Council (NPC), DHS, covering the aspect of segregation, packaging,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) & transportation, storage, treatment and disposal
Annual Report 2012-2013
etc. and the said documentary have been enlistments of importers as on January, 2013 is
telecasted on Doordarshan Channel under given in Table-39.
‘Paryavaran Darshan’ programme on March 26,
In order to bring transparency in public
2011 & August 13, 2011.
domain and also to increase the efficiency in
Interaction Meet with CBWTFs the process of grant of registration, CPCB has
initiated a project for development of web based
Central Pollution Control Board, organized
Battery (Importers) Registration Management
interaction meets with operators of Common
System (BRMS) wherein the applicants desirous
Bio-medicalWasteTreatment Facilities (CBWTFs)
of seeking registration can apply online, view
and officials of State Pollution Control Boards(
the status of their application, give the under
SPCBs) / Pollution Control Committee (PCCs) to
taking prior to import and also submit half
discuss State specific issues and for ensuring
yearly returns on the same platform. This
effective implementation of Bio-medical Waste
application would help SPCBs and customs
(Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 as well
authorities in tracking the status of compliance
as CPCB’s guidelines for CBWTFs.
of each registered importer.
Guidelines for Environmentally Sound
It is expected that the system will be
Management of Mercury Waste Generated
in Health Care Facilities operation by 1st week of March, 2013.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
the Peer & Core Expert Committee of CPCB and
for particulate matter were notified in April also approved in Board meeting.
1987 which was amended in February 2006.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-42. Emission Standards for VSK based Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province,
cement Industries China to be held on June 4-7, 2013
and will be published in Procedia
PM Existing Standards:
Environmental Sciences by Elsevier.
400 mg/Nm3
– Follow up for next meeting with MoEF
Proposed Standards (w.e.f 1.8.2013) for further guidance & request for
150 mg/Nm3 Project extension.
NOx 500 mg/Nm3 (at 10% O2) – Coordination Cell of CPCB prepared
SO2 200 mg/Nm3 (at 10% O2) a proposal to MoEF to organize a
National Conference on Persistant Organic
Development and Promotion of Clean Pollutants.
Technology – Areas of Collaboration with Government
– Project on ‘Development of National of Finland were identified in the field of
Database on Cleaner Technologies (CT) for Odour Measurements, Fugitive Emissions,
financial appraisal of CT based projects and Spontaneous Stack Monitoring. The
and application of fiscal measures for projects were launched in Nov, 2011.
promotion of CT in India’ was sponsored – First National Workshop was conducted
by MoEF in September, 2009 in Delhi in 8-9th Feb, 2012 to introduce
– Reconstitution of the CTAC in the 5th the project goals to the SPCBs /
meeting of CTAC held at MoEF. The PCCs
project review presented the new – Two Regional Workshops were
‘CLUSTER’ approach for the identified conducted on Odour Measurements
four sectors viz., Used/Waste Oil and Source emission measurements at
Reprocessors, Textiles, Tanneries and Vadodara (7-8 Feb 2012) and Chennai
Dyes & Dye Intermediates with a (22-24 Aug 2012).
request for way forward.
– Development of Implementation strategy
– Field visits to the four identified sectors for Hg management in Fluorescent Lamp
viz., Used/Waste Oil Reprocessors, Sector
Textiles, Tanneries and Dyes & Dye
– Two Regional Workshops were
Intermediates in Uttar Pradesh &
conducted on‘Sustainable Management
Punjab & Haryana.
of Mercury in Fluorescent Lamps in India’
– Four Sectoral Reports were prepared at Chennai (Oct 11-12, 2012) and Delhi
on Clean Technology Options (Dec 13-14, 2012).
in Used/Waste Oil Reprocessors,
– Biomimetic Sequestration of CO2 into
Textiles, Tanneries and Dyes & Dye
Calcium Carbonate using immobilized
Enzyme and Whole Cell Bioreactor –
– A Technical Paper on ‘Spent Oil Information collected on the status of the
Recycling and its Recycling Potential similar activities initiated by SPCBs/PCCs.
in India – Inventory and Issues’ was
– Contributed to the working Group on
accepted at International Symposium
Single Window Clearance Mechanism for
on Environmental Science and
Annual Report 2012-2013
Market Friendly Emissions Trading Scheme Two Hundred Thirteen only) inclusive of all
(ETS) for Particulate Matter in Stationary taxes in the year 2011 with the objective to
Sources improve the Air Quality in India. The Baseline
The Pilot Project for Emission Trading Survey is the complement of design phase and
Scheme for Particulate Matter has been initiated also a part of the activities envisaged in a larger
by Ministry of Environment and Forests (Govt. goal of design, implementation and evaluation
of India) initially in three States i.e. Gujarat, of Continuous Emission Monitoring and Pilot
Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Central Pollution Emission Trading Scheme for Particulate Matter
Control Board, State Pollution Control Boards from stationary sources in India. This project
(SPCBs) of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu is funded by MoEF under Water Cess fund to
are the main stakeholders of this project. CPCB in the year 2012 with a total cost of `3.97
Crores (` Three Crores Ninety Seven Lakh only).
The project is envisaged to progress in
The Baseline Survey would represent the first
three phases with Phase I involving designing
major data step towards completion of the
of ETS project and preparation of various
project and anticipated to lead directly to a
documentation and protocols including
number of outputs including:
field trials of real time continuous emissions
monitoring system, Phase II involving Baseline – A first of its kind assessment of abatement
Survey of industries including development of cost curves for industry.
CARE centre infrastructure in SPCBs as well as – A market simulation model estimating
CPCB and Phase III is the implementation of impacts of trading programmes.
pilot emission trading regime and associated – A model estimating costs to industry from
evaluation (Table-43). tightening existing standards.
The Design Phase is funded under IDF grant – A database of installed air pollution control
(World Bank) and MoEF awarded this project equipment, operating condition and
at a total cost of ` 1,23,66,213/- (Rupees One particulate levels from selected industries
Crore Twenty Three Lakh Sixty Six Thousand for pilot study,
Table-43. Key objecties of Pilot Project for Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
Project Phase Name Key Objectives
I Design Phase Dialogue and concurrenceInitial Concept Note and Evaluation
DesignDraft Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems and Data
Acquisition and Handling GuidelinesSelection of pilot project areas and
industry based on available data and objective selection criteriaField
Trials of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
II Baseline Baseline survey of industriesAnalysis of data to estimate abatement
Survey costs, project benefits, health impacts, status of industry etc CARE Center
infrastructure in SPCBs CEMS installation and evaluation(CARE Center
used to receive continuous emissions data from regulated industries)
III Implementa- Training and capacity building, SPCBsRegulatory notification enabling
tion Phase trading on pilot basisConcurrent evaluation and documentation
Ministry of Environment & Forests
For the implementation phase, a Draft Manufacturer Association (PMA), Uttar Pradesh
Project Report (DPR) has been prepared and culminating in June 2012 with a detail
by DPR Drafting Committee (comprising implementation programme of about eight
of representatives of participating SPCBs, months duration for implementation of the
CPCB, MoEF & JPAL) and submitted to Charter in five identified clusters of Pulp &
MoEF for approval and fund provision. The Paper industries located in the catchments of
implementation phase comprises training Ramganga and Kali rivers.
and capacity building, regulatory notification
The implementation programme was
for enabling pilot ETS and its evaluation and
also discussed on 29th June, 2012 in CPCB
with the Mission Director (NMCG), Ministry of
Implementation of the ‘Charter for Water Environment & Forests (MoEF), Joint Secretary
Recycling and Pollution Prevention in Pulp (CP Division), MoEF, Director, CPPRI, Member
and Paper Industries in Ganga River Basin’– Secretaries of UEPPCB and UPPCB and Pulp
regarding & Paper Mills Associations representing the
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) identified clusters.
has evolved a ‘Charter for water recycling and The detailed implementation programme
pollution prevention in pulp & paper industry in prescribes stringent fresh water consumption
Ganga River basin’. The Charter takes a holistic norms for various categories of Pulp & Paper
approach for pollution prevention in Pulp & industries, with improved effluent quality.
Paper industries by emphasising on process The expected effluent quality after addition of
technology up-gradation and adoption of best tertiary treatment could be BOD < 10 mg/l and
practices, besides quantum improvement in SS < 5 mg/l, equivalent to the process water
effluent treatment including tertiary treatment quality, which will ultimately lead to recycling
to reduce fresh water requirement, improve and reuse of treated effluent, thus reducing
effluent quality and optimise water recycling. the fresh water requirement and subsequent
There is no compromise with regard to the effluent generation.
industry meeting the prescribed effluent
standards. Compliance with the prescribed The ‘Charter for Water Recycling and
standards is mandatory. Pollution Prevention in Pulp and Paper Industries
in Ganga River Basin’ is under implementation
Extensive consultations were held by 84 Pulp & Paper industries located in five
beginning in April 2012 with various stake identified clusters namely Kashipur and Roorkee
holders viz. Central Pulp & Paper Research in Uttarakhand and Muzaffarnagar, Meerut
Institute (CPPRI), Saharanpur, Department of and Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh since August
Paper Technology, IIT, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 2012. The duration of the implementation
Environment Protection and Pollution programme is up to March 31, 2013.
Control Board (UEPPCB), Uttar Pradesh
Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), and Industry Main highlights
Associations, namely Indian Agro & Recycled – Water consumption is expected to be
Paper Mills Association (IARPMA), Paper Unit reduced by 40%.
Chapter of Kumaun Garhwal Chamber of
– Agro based Pulp & Paper industries will
Commerce and Industry (KGCCI) and Paper
stop chemical pulping till commissioning
Annual Report 2012-2013
– Third party monitoring & assessment based).
through CPPRI & local Paper Mills
– Up-gradation & augmentation of ETP
Associations besides surprise monitoring
system upto tertiary level (against the
mandatory secondary treatment level).
– Up gradation of 85 Pulp & Paper Units
Some of the achievements of the
located in the five identified clusters within
implementation programme till December 31,
the short period of about eight months.
2012 are as under:
Expected Output
– Individual ETP adequacy reports have
– Reduced fresh water consumption for been prepared for all the 84 participating
various categories of Pulp & paper Pulp & Paper industries and these reports
industries: have been assessed by CPPRI through an
– From 100 cum/MT to 60 Cum/MT expert committee.
in case of agro based writing &
Water Conservation
printing category (against the effluent
discharge standards of 150 cum/MT), – Almost all the mills have installed flow
meters on their bore wells for monitoring
– From 75 cum/MT to 40 Cum/MT in case
of water consumption.
of agro based kraft category (against
the effluent discharge standards of – All 84 participating mills have started
150 cum/MT), proper maintenance of log books for fresh
water consumption, effluent generation
– From 50 cum/MT to 20 Cum/MT
and effluent discharge quality.
in case of RCF based writing &
printing category ( against the effluent – Almost all the mills have installed showers
discharge standards of 50 cum/MT), of specified diameter to reduce water
consumption on paper machine
– From 35 cum/MT to 10 Cum/MT in case
of RCF based kraft category (against – Most of the mills have almost achieved
the effluent discharge standards of 50 fresh water consumption targets as
cum/MT). indicated in the Charter.
– The mills which have completed the
ETP upgradation have also achieved the
Ministry of Environment & Forests
stipulated discharge norms with respect to upgradation in some of the clusters is due
waste water discharge as well as quality. to delay in supply of blowers / diffused
– Two industries in Kashipur and one aerators by the supplier.
industry in Moradabad have reported to Tertiary Treatment
have achieved zero discharge.
– While some have already adopted
Process Up-gradation tertiary treatment system ( Pressure Sand
– Two agro based mills in Kashipur have Filter, Dual Media Filter , Micron Filter,
adopted oxygen delignification system, Clarifloculator etc), others are in process
one of which has even introduced partial of erection / commissioning .
replacement of chlorine with chlorine – The mills have installed or are in process
dioxide. to install screw press, belt press etc for
– While in Kashipur four agro based mills efficient black liquor extraction / pulp
already chemical recovery Plant (CRP), washing.
the erection of CRP is under progress in Monitoring
one mill in Kashipur. In Muzaffarnagar,
– Several rounds of monitoring for
one agro based mill is having CRP, four
compliance verification have been
common CRPs are under construction.
carried out by CPPRI and local industry
– All the mills have installed fiber recovery associations. CPCB has also carried
system like dissolved air floatation, sedicell, out monitoring of about 50% of the
etc to recover fiber as well increase reuse participating industries till December 31,
of back water. 2012.
ETP Up-gradation Guidelines for Slaughter Houses
– The upgradation work related to ETP has As per the decision taken in the meeting
been accomplished by the most of the of the Committee held on 26.04.2012 at MoEF,
mills in Kashipur and Meerut, while it is New Delhi under the Chairmanship of the
under progress / nearing completion in Secretary, Environment & Forests, CPCB issued
mills located in Muzaffarnagar. directions under section 18(1)(b) of the Water
– Pulp & Paper industries located in Act, 1974 to 23 State Pollution Control Boards
Moradabad and Roorkee have started their /Pollution Control Committees on 12.07.2012.
activities under the Charter late and are As per the said directions, the State Boards/
under the initial phase. Committees have been asked to ensure
– Diffused aeration system has been installed following actions:-
and commissioned in most of the mills in – The State Boards/Committees shall ensure
Kashipur and Merut and the MLSS level that all slaughter houses operate with valid
are between 1500- 3000 mg/l consent;
– Almost all the mills have created facility – The State Boards/Committees shall take
for analysis of waste water , completed appropriate action so that the slaughter
colour coding of pipe lines and created houses provide effluent treatment facility
EM Cell. to meet norms;
– The major reason for delay in ETP
Annual Report 2012-2013
– The State Boards/Committee shall take The state-wise status based on replies
action against defaulting slaughter houses; received from SPCBs/PCCs is given in Table-44.
Eight states namely, Karnataka,
– The State Board/Committee shall submit Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha,
six-monthly status reports to CPCB U.P., Uttrakhand and UT of Puducherry
indicating no. of slaughter houses in informed that the State Committee has been
operation, no. of slaughter houses with constituted. Replies have also been received
effluent treatment facility, number of from other 11 SPCBs/PCCs of Andhra Pradesh,
slaughter houses with valid consent Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat, Kerala,
and actions taken against the defaulting Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh,
slaughter houses. Hayrana and Chhattisgarh. Tripura State
The Hon’ble Court while hearing the Pollution Control Board informed that there
matter on 23.08.2012 directed CPCB to write to is no slaughter house. Reminders have been
all the state governments informing about the issued to remaining 20 SPCBs/PCCs to forward
guidelines for slaughter houses as well as to status.
initiate action against all slaughter houses which
Parliament Matter
are not meeting the norms and implement the
abattoir rules through State Pollution Control CPCB has taken up the matter with the U.P.
Board (SPCB). In compliance of the Hon’ble Pollution Control Board for implementation of
Court’s said order, CPCB issued letter dated the recommendation made by the Committee
05.09.2012 to all the State Boards/Committees on Petitions (15th Lok Sabha) in their 10th report.
to take action against the slaughter houses not The slaughter house (Kamela) at Hapur Road run
meeting with the norms and abattoir rules and by Meerut Nagar Nigam has been dismantled
also circulated copies of its two publications on May 2, 2012. There is no slaughter house
namely, “Comprehensive Industry Document now at the site.
on Slaughter Houses, Meat and Sea Food
Environmental Information Management
Processing” and “Solid Waste Management in System
Slaughter House”. Further, CPCB filled affidavit
dated 17.09.2012 Real Time Pollution Monitoring
Network at Central Pollution Control Board:
The Hon’ble Court on 10.10.2012 directed A system for collecting online data on real
that CPCB, Animal Welfare Board and the MoEF time basis and publishing from 35 (Thirty five)
to work out a board framework so that the continuous ambient air quality monitoring
Committees can effectively implement the stations operated by various agencies like
provisions of the Act regarding transportation CPCB, SPCB and industries is in operation.
of live stocks, slaughter and disposal of waste During the current year, the concept of
etc. In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme networking of different instruments in use for
Court’s order dated 10.10.2012, the broad continuous air/water/noise quality monitoring
framework under the Environment (Protection) through-out the country by different agencies
Act, 1986 and the Rules framed thereunder, was introduced. CPCB is receiving data from
was prepared. more than 170 stations in different formats and
efforts are being made to bring all the data on
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-44. State-wise status based on information received from State Pollution Control
Boards/Pollution Control Committees regarding Slaughter Houses
S. State/ UT Constitution Other information
No. of Committee
1 Andhra Pradesh - 93 slaughter houses in State. Of these, 73 slaughter house
are in operation
2 Arunachal Pradesh
3 Assam
4 Bihar
5 Chhattisgarh 6 Slaughter Houses in State
6 Goa - One slaughter house in State
7 Gujarat - 19 Slaughter Houses in State
8 Haryana 41 Slaughters Houses in StateSlaughter House not in
operation = 10
9 Himachal Pradesh - 13 slaughter houses in State
10 Jammu & Kashmir
11 Jharkhand
12 Karnataka Constituted -
13 Kerala The State Board informed that Status is under preparation
14 Madhya Pradesh 28 Slaughters Houses in State
15 Maharashtra Constituted -First meeting was held on 07.12.12- It was decided to
compiling information from various departments.
16 Manipur Constituted -
17 Meghalaya Constituted -
18 Mizoram
19 Nagaland
20 Odisha Constituted -
21 Punjab 54 slaughter houses in State
22 Rajasthan
23 Sikkim
24 Tamil Nadu
25 Tripura - No slaughter house in State
26 Uttar Pradesh Constituted -
27 Uttarakhand Constituted State Board issued necessary instructions to Regional offices.
28 West Bengal
29 A & N Islands
30 Chandigarh - One slaughter house.
31 Daman Diu Dadra
Nagar Haveli
32 Delhi - One slaughter house.
33 Lakshadweep
34 Puducherry Constituted -
Annual Report 2012-2013
a single platform for easy understanding and for at least 2/3rd of its energy requirement
analysis. is generating large volume of fly ash. The
Ministry of Environment and Forests has issued
The concept was materialized with the
notification and its amendments under the
installation of central software operated by
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for fly ash
the major suppliers of instruments through
utilization. These are as follows:
installation of their own hardware & software.
Through these systems data collection is – Fly Ash utilization Notification S.O. 763(E)
possible without human intervention and of 14th September 1999.
data analysis is made possible on real time – Amended notification S.O. 979 (E) of
basis. These portals are web based and 27th August 2003.
uninterruptedly operational in separate specific
– Amended notification S.O. 2804 (E) of
domains through which online data can be
3rd November 2009.
analysed. The physical data submission will be
discontinued in future and time gaps in data The objectives of these notifications
submission have been reduced significantly. are to protect environment, conserve the
top soil and prevent dumping of fly ash
Strengthening of Network and Updation from Thermal Power Stations on land and to
of CPCB Website: Efforts are made for promote utilization of ash in the manufacture
uninterrupted LAN and Internet connectivity of building materials and construction activity.
to CPCB officials of various divisions and A Monitoring Committee has been constituted
strengthening the Computer Network at by the Ministry with members from Ministry
Parivesh Bhawan. Total computers on LAN with of Coal, Ministry of Powers, Central Pollution
Internet connectivity are about 400. Control Board, Central Electricity Authority,
CPCB’s website is updated regularly and Department of Science and Technology and
the users’ response/access to this website has Building Material Technology Promotion
been very good. During the calendar year 2012, Council to monitor implementation of the
number of hits was more than 2.75 crore, out of provisions of the notification.
which 94% hits were successful. On an average, The utilisation of fly ash has been increased
more than 8,05,588 visits were made to the site over the years because of various initiatives
and average duration of visit was more than 6 taken by Government for promoting gainful
minutes. One third of the visits were made by utilisation of fly ash in various construction
the international users. activities. The fly ash utilisation during the year
Fly Ash Utilization 2011-12 is reported to be 85.05 million tonnes
whereas it was reported to be 6.64 million
Introduction tonnes in the year 1996-97.
Fly ash is the finely divided mineral
Environmental Health
residue resulting from the combustion of
ground powdered coal in electric generating The Ministry had initiated environmental
plant. Fly ash consists of inorganic matter epidemiological studies in different areas of
present in the coal that has been fused during indoor and outdoor pollution so as to identify
coal combustion. The fast increasing demand and develop programmes to create data
of power coupled with its dependence on coal base and suggest environmental mitigation
Ministry of Environment & Forests
measures. Continued research in health effects Progress made during the year
of ambient air pollution is necessary to evaluate Under the scheme on Development &
changing trends and to suggest corrective Promotion of Clean Technology and Waste
measures. Minimisation Strategies the progress made are
Development and Promotion of Clean as follows:
Technology – Four cleaner technologies has been
Introduction developed by the Ministry in collaboration
with the research institutions of the country
Clean Technologies, as distinct from “end-
during the current financial year.
of-pipe” abatement technologies minimize
the generation of waste streams in the – Eight meetings of the Progress Review
production processes and utilize waste from Committee were organized on the site to
other consumption goods and production monitor the progress of the projects.
processes, rather than treating the waste after – The two schemes on “Development
generation. In general, clean technologies & Promotion of Clean Technology
are less intensive in use of raw materials and and Industrial Pollution Abatement
energy, than conventional technologies, which through Preventive Strategies (Waste
rely on pollution abatement after generation. Minimisation)” has been decided to merge
They may also offer significant cost advantages into one scheme called Development &
to the producer. A grant-in-aid Scheme Promotion of Clean Technology and Waste
on Development and Promotion of Clean Minimisation Strategies.
Technologies was initiated in 1994 with the – EFC & Guidelines of the merged scheme
following objectives:- “Development & Promotion of Clean
– Development & Promotion of Cleaner Technology and Waste Minimisation
Technologies. Strategies” has been approved.
– Development of Tools and Techniques for – The Scheme was widely publicized through
Pollution Prevention. national New Papers as well as website
of the Ministry to obtain good project
– Formulation of Sustainable Development
proposals on transparent manner.
– The Committee constituted by the Ministry
Activities undertaken and completed
has scrutinized the new proposals and sent
Since the inception of the scheme in 1994, for evaluation/examination to the experts.
important activities undertaken include; Meeting of Apex committee is likely to be
– Demonstration projects convened soon.
Annual Report 2012-2013
University, New Delhi.
– Biological Liquefaction of Waste Fleshings
– Development of Fly Ash Based Geo- and Treatment with Tannery Effluent
polymer Concrete Pre-cast Elements by for Biogas Generation in Single Reactor
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar by Central Leather Research Institute,
(Tamil Nadu) Chennai
– Life Cycle Assessment of Wood and – Evaluation of Refuse Derived Fuel from
Bamboo Composite Products by IPIRTI, Waste Plastics as Engine Fuel Substitute by
Bengaluru Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar.
– Creation of database and evolving – Production of bioelectricity from sludge
mechanism for capacity building in and domestic wastewater using microbial
the financial section and application of fuel cell University of Calcutta, Kolkata.
fiscal instruments for clean technology
– Waste M inimisation through co -
composting of on and off-farm wastes
– Promotion of cleaner and Environmentally for sustainable crop productivity and soil
Friendlier Technology in the Highly health by Annamalai University, Annamalai
Polluting Small – Scale Glass Industry Nagar.
Cluster at Firozabad by Winrock
– Waste Minimisation in Moradabad
International India, Gurgaon, Haryana.
Brassware Cluster by The Energy Resource
– Modification & Designing of Fly ash Institute, New Delhi.
composites in Building Materials for energy
– Life Cycle Assessment Life Cycle
Conservation & shielding Application by
Assessment Studies in Thermal Power
National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
Plants, Steel, Pulp and Paper, Cement and
– Eco Friendly Road Technology – RBI Grade Construction Studies has been completed
81 Natural Soil Stabilizer by M/s Alchemist while wood and Bamboo Composite
Touchnology Limited, New Delhi. Products are likely to be completed by
– Wa s t e M i n i m i s a t i o n s t u d i e s i n end of 2013.
Electroplating Industries in Balanagar – Organisation of Workshop: One National
Industrial area, Hyderabad – Proposal level workshop was organised by the
by Environment Protection Training and
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Ministry to disseminate the outcome of and Plastic Waste. The Scheme has following
the project on Environmental Impacts of objectives:
Slaughter House Wastes by Value Addition
– Creation of Hazardous Substances
as Pet Foods at Aligarh Muslim University,
Management Structures in the States.
Aligarh. Three awareness workshops were
organised by the National Productivity – Chemical Safety – Management of
Council, New Delhi at Bengaluru, Indore Chemical Accidents.
(MP) and Khurja (UP) on Waste Minimisation – Proper handling and disposal of Solid
Strategies. Wastes.
Details of the Completed Projects: Four Progress/Achievements made during the
cleaner technologies have been developed by year
the research institutions of the country during National Inventory of Hazardous Wastes
the current financial year. These are:
As per the information of Central Pollution
– Minimization of Environmental Impacts of Control Board (CPCB), there are about 41,523
Slaughter House Wastes by Value Addition industries in the country generating about 7.90
as Pet Foods by Aligarh Muslim University, million tonnes of hazardous waste every year, of
Aligarh. which landfillable waste is 3.32 million tonnes
– Pilot demonstration of Clean Technology (42.02%), incinerable waste is 0.60 million
for landfill gas (LFG) recovery at Okhla tonnes (7.60%) and recyclable hazardous waste
site, by TERI, New Delhi. is 3.98 million tonnes (50.38%).
– Development of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer The Ministry has initiated a project on
Concrete Precast Elements to Annamalai Geographical Information System (GIS) based
University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil National Hazardous Waste Information System.
Nadu. It is a web based system, which has been
– Life Cycle Assessment for construction developed to provide status of hazardous
Industry – concrete by National Council for waste management in the country. The
Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM), database available on the web is required to be
Haryana. regularly updated by all State Pollution Control
Hazardous Substances Management Boards to ensure updated status at all times. As
(HSM) on date, the system has statewise information
for about 25,000 hazardous waste generating
Introduction industries.
The activities under the Scheme “Creation
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities
of Management Structure for Hazardous
(TSDFs) for Hazardous Wastes
Substances Management” relate to planning
and overseeing implementation of policies At present, Common TSDFs have been
and programmes on management of chemical developed for the disposal of landfillable
accidents and solid wastes so as to promote Hazardous Waste at 30 different places in 16
safe handling of hazardous chemicals and States namely, Andhra Pradesh (2), Daman,
solid wastes viz-a-viz Hazardous Waste, Bio- Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli (1), Gujarat (8),
Medical Waste, E-waste, Municipal Solid Waste Haryana (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka
Annual Report 2012-2013
(1), Kerala (1), Madhya Pradesh (1), Maharashtra segregation, dismantling and recycling.
(4) Odisha (1), Punjab (1), Rajasthan (2), Tamil
The concept of Extended Producer
Nadu (1), Uttar Pradesh (3), Uttrakhand (1) and
Responsibility (EPR) has been enshrined
West Bengal (1). Total waste disposal capacity
in these Rules. Accordingly, producers are
(landfillable waste) of these facilities is 34.21
required to set up collection systems and meet
million tonnes. Out of these, 16 facilities in
the cost involved in the environmentally sound
nine states have incinerators. In addition, six
management of e-waste generated from the
exclusive common incinerators have been
‘end of life’ of their own products. Besides,
installed. These TSDFs can cater to the need of
threshold limits, which are accepted globally,
96% of landfillable Hazardous Waste. Six TSDFs
have been prescribed for six hazardous
are under construction. During the 11th Five
substances used in manufacture of electrical
Year Plan Period, financial assistance has been
and electronics components. Producers are
provided for setting up of eight TSDFs across
expected to achieve reduction in use of the
the Country.
hazardous substances (RoHS) to the prescribed
E-Waste Management limit within a period of two years from the date of
commencement of these rules. These rules are
According to CPCB, the e-waste inventory
the main instrument to ensure environmentally
in India for the year 2012 has been estimated to
sound management of e-waste.
exceed 8.0 lakh tonnes. About sixty five cities
in India generate more than 60% of the total Chemical safety
e-waste and ten states generate 70% of the
The Manufacture, Storage and Import of
total e-waste generated in India. Maharashtra
Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules, 1989 and
ranks first followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra
the Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning,
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi,
Preparedness and Response) (CAEPPR) Rules,
Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and
1996 are the main instruments for ensuring
Punjab in the list of top ten e-waste generating
chemical safety in the Country. These rules
states in India. Among top ten cities generating
delineate the criteria for identification of Major
e-waste, Mumbai ranks first followed by Delhi,
Accident Hazard (MAH) unit. As per the rules,
Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmadabad,
Central Crisis Group, State Crisis Groups, District
Hyderabad, Pune, Surat and Nagpur.
Crisis Groups and Local Crisis Groups at Central,
The Ministry has notified E-waste State, District and Local level are required to be
(Management and Handling) Rules, 2011. set up for the management of accidents due to
These rules have come into force from 1st May, handling of hazardous chemicals listed in the
2012. These rules apply to e-waste generated rules. The district having MAH units is required
from IT and telecommunication equipment to have its off-site emergency plan so as to
and consumer electrical and electronics mitigate the impact of chemical accidents. As
namely Television Sets (including LCD & per the information received from the States,
LED), Refrigerators, Washing Machines and there are 1,905 MAH units in the Country,
Air-conditioners. These rules empower the located in 304 districts.
concerned state agencies to control, supervise
A sub-scheme titled “Industrial Pocket
and regulate relevant activities connected
wise Hazard Analysis” has been in operation
with e-waste management such as collection,
since the Eighth Five Year Plan. During the last
Ministry of Environment & Forests
financial year, the Ministry provided financial Stockholm Convention. Under the project,
assistance for preparation of off-site emergency the Ministry initiated the activities relating to
plans, hazardous analysis and rapid safety audit establishment of facilities for treatment and
reports for 41 districts having MAH units. Out of final disposal of PCBs and PCB contaminated
these, the off-site emergency plans including waste. The Steel Authority of India (SAIL) has
hazard analysis and rapid safety reports have agreed to install the proposed facility in the
been prepared during the year 2012-13. These premises of Bhilai Steel Plant. The Central
plans are under review. Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bengaluru has
agreed to host a mobile PCGB treatment facility
The financial assistance was provided
under the project.
to various consultants conducting training
programmes on Management of Chemical The text of the Rotterdam Convention
Accidents. Three training programs on was adopted at the Diplomatic Conference
‘Prevention and Management of Chemical held in Rotterdam on 10th September 1998
Accidents’ under the scheme of ‘Prevention and entered into force on 24th February 2004.
and Management Structure for Hazardous India exceeded to the convention on 24th May
Substances’ has been conducted for 2012- 2005 and it became operative on 23rd August
2013. 2005. The objectives of the Convention are, to
promote shared responsibility and cooperative
India has a significant presence in the
efforts among Parties in the international trade
production of basic organic and inorganic
of certain hazardous chemicals in order to
chemicals, pesticides, paints, dyestuffs and
protect human health and the environment
intermediates, petrochemicals, fine and
from potential harm; and to contribute to the
specialty chemicals, cosmetic and toiletry
environmentally sound use of those hazardous
product segments. The chemical industries
chemicals, by facilitating information exchange
in the Country have entered into an era of
about their characteristics, by providing for
growth and change. A need was felt to review
a national decision-making process on their
the existing regulatory framework on chemical
import and export and by disseminating these
safety and, therefore, the Ministry initiated a
decisions to Parties.
review of the existing regulatory framework
through consultation with stakeholders. A The fifth Conference of Parties (COP)
technical committee was constituted to review to the Rotterdam Convention in June 2011
& harmonize the MSIHC rules and CAEPPR rules applauded India for its spirit of consensus and
and first meeting of the committee was held in support of listing of Chrysotile Asbestos. India
February, 2013. as a follow up of the request of the Chair of
the contact Group chaired an informal group
The Ministry has developed the National
to continue discussion with a view to possibly
Implementation Plan (NIP) under the Stockholm
identifying ways to achieve consensus on
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
listing. The dissident group did not agree to any
(POPs). As per the NIP, the Ministry is required
consensus reiterating that Chrysotile Asbestos
to dispose off 7,700 tonnes of Poly Carbonated
may be discussed in next meeting COP with
Bi-phenly (PCB) and PCB contaminated waste
more technical and scientific information.
by 2028. For the purpose, the Ministry is
Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals
implementing the Post NIP project under the
Annual Report 2012-2013
(DCPC), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers under the Environment (Protection) Act,
through National Institute of Occupational 1986 in supersession of the Recycled Plastics
Health, Ahmadabad, has conducted a study on Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999 and 2003.
Health/Environment Hazards resulting from In the new rules, the minimum thickness for
Use of Chrysotile variety of Asbestos. Ministry manufacturing plastic carry bags has been
of Environment & Forests has evaluated the increased from 20 micron to 40 micron. Use
said Report and communicated the inputs to of plastic material in any form for packing
DCPC. gutkha, pan masala and tobacco in all forms
has been banned. No carry bags shall be made
United Nations Environment Programme
available free of cost to consumers by retailers.
(UNEP) organised 5th Intergovernmental
The municipal authorities are required to
Negotiating Committee (INC-5) meeting for a
determine the minimum price for plastic carry
Global Legally Binding Instrument on Mercury
bags in order to encourage their re-use so as to
between 13 -18th January, 2013 at Geneva.
minimize plastic waste generation. Municipal
India participated in the aforesaid negotiations
Authority has been made responsible for
through an Inter-Ministerial team. The
setting up, operationalisation and coordination
principle of CBDR (Common But Differentiated
of the waste management system and for
Responsibility) was categorically reaffirmed as
ensuring safe collection, storage, segregation,
the foundation of International Cooperation
transportation, processing and disposal of
on Environment and Development. Existing
plastic waste.
primary mining of Mercury from existing mines
will continue for another 15 years. We stand To create awareness on the various
benefitted from this provision because of our provisions of these rules, the Ministry provided
import dependency for Mercury. financial assistance to State Pollution Control
Boards (SPCBs) namely Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim
The issue of emissions and releases of
and Madhya Pradesh for conducting training
Mercury was of particular concern to India,
programs on plastic waste management.
given our dependence on coal based power
Further Training of Trainer (ToT) was also
generation. Our effective interventions and
organized for various stakeholders.
coalition building helped in protecting our
interest in this area. The specific threshold levels Bio-Medical Waste Management
for various identified sources were deleted from
As per the information received from
the draft text. For emissions from new sources,
SPCBs and PCCs of Union Territories, there are
there is a period of 5 years after which parties
188 Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment and
have to apply Best Available Techniques (BAT).
Disposal Facilities (CBMWTDFs) in operation
There are similar provisions for releases of
and 17 CBMWTDFs under installation. Besides,
Mercury in effluent in the proposed instrument.
there are 688 incinerators, 2,710 autoclaves,
The proposed listing out of sources of releases
179 microwaves, 13 hydroclaves and 4,250
in the instrument was deleted.
shredders as captive treatment equipments
Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) being operated by the individual health
Rules, 2011 care facilities. To create awareness among
the persons, who are involved in handling
New Plastic Waste (Management and
of biomedical waste, the Ministry provided
Handling) Rules, 2011 have been notified
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Draft Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Control Board, State Government or Union
Handling) Rules, 2011 Territory Government or Administration,
The Ministry notified the draft Bio-Medical State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution
Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011 Control Committees and Local Bodies
on 24th August, 2011 inviting comments/ such as Gram Panchayat, Municipalities
suggestions from the public. The Comments/ or Corporations.
suggestions received in the Ministry were Draft Hazardous Substances (Classification,
compiled and analyzed in consultation with Packaging and Labeling) Rules, 2011
the stakeholders such as Ministry of Health and The Ministry of Environment and Forests
Family Welfare, SPCBs/ PCCs, representatives notified the draft Hazardous Substances
of health care establishments, operators of (Classification, Packaging and Labeling)
biomedical waste treatment and storage Rules, 2011 to regulate and ensure proper
facilities, civil societies, etc. The rules are being classification, packaging and labeling of
finalized and will be notified in supersession hazardous substances. The draft Rules were
of the Bio-Medical Waste (Management & published for public comments. The salient
Handling) Rules, 1998 and the amendments features of the draft Rules are given below:
made thereon. The major changes proposed in
the draft rules are:- – These rules shall apply to hazardous
substances, hazardous chemicals and
– Simplification of colour coding for dangerous goods as specified in the list
segregation of waste at the source of of chemicals.
generation of bio-medical waste.
– The responsibilities of occupier and
– Mandatory obtaining of authorization consigner have been prescribed. They
by all the Health Care Facilities (HCFs) are required to assign hazard classes,
irrespective of generation of bio-medical use proper shipping name, suitable
waste as well as number of patients treated packaging, requisite label, marking and
per month. use of updated safety Data Sheet for
– Constitution of district level committees transportation. The Rules mandate training
for monitoring implementation of various of persons engaged in handling, storage
provisions of these rules. and transport of dangerous goods.
– Precautionary principles including safety of – Various classes of hazardous substances
the workers handling bio-medical waste. have been specified viz. explosives, gases,
– Various authorities have been identified flammable liquids and flammable solids,
with their roles and responsibilities. The oxidizing substances, toxic and infectious
proposed draft Rules have stipulated duties substances, radioactive materials,
for concerned Ministries/Departments corrosive substances and miscellaneous
viz. Central and State Ministries of substances.
Environment and Forests, Central and – The assignment of United Nations number
State Ministries of Health and Family and proper shipping names have been
Welfare, Central and State Departments prescribed as per its hazard classification
of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, and composition. Packaging provisions
Ministry of Defence, Central Pollution have been assigned for handling of
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(` in crore)
Year BE RE Expenditure
(as on 31.12.2012)
2012-13 39.85 27.35 19.99
XII Plan 186.00 Not applicable Not applicable
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
effluents flow into Ganga and the investments help of IIT Roorkee. As per new guidelines
required to create the necessary treatment whole river basin will be considered for
and sewerage infrastructure will be shared river conservation schemes. Preparation
suitably between the Centre and the State of City Sanitation Plan is required. On
Governments. that basis schemes will be selected for
abatement of pollution. Prefeasibility report
An Action Plan was approved by the
will also be prepared before preparing
NGRBA in its first meeting, to achieve the
DPR. Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
aforesaid Mission objective. Implementation
plan for first 5 years will be inbuilt in
of this Action Plan was reviewed in the 2nd
the DPR whereas for next 10 years O&M
Meeting of the NGRBA on 01.11.2010.
plan based on recovery will be included.
The following steps have been taken Stake holder consultation at project
by the Ministry of Environment & Forests to formulation stage, holistic approach and
implement the Action Plan: provision of integrated sewer network
– Preparation of Basin Management Plan: up to the house property line, in place
A comprehensive River Basin Management of drain interception and diversion to
Plan for Ganga is being prepared. This ensure 100% sewage collection, signing
work has been entrusted to a consortium of tripartite Memorandum of Agreements
of seven Indian Institute of Technology (MoA) among Government of India, State
(IITs) (Kanpur, Delhi, Madras, Bombay, Government and Urban Level Bodies to
Kharagpur, Guwahati and Roorkee). In bind them for release of funds timely
this regard, a Memorandum of Agreement completion of projects ensure house
(MoA) has been signed on 06.07.2010 by connection and O&M of assets, appraisal
the MoEF & the IITs. of projects proposals by independent
intuitions/experts to enhance quality of
The Plan is being prepared with the
DPR and cost optimization are some of
objective of taking comprehensive
the new additions in the guidelines.
measures for restoration of the
wholesomeness of the Ganga system and – Initial portfolio of projects: In order
improvement of its ecological health. The to bridge the critical deficit in sewage
Plan will be the basis for specific projects infrastructure and treatment capacity,
to be undertaken, policy interventions and other related activities for river
required and non-project investments conservation in towns along the river
under NGRBA. The consortium has Ganga the first phase of projects worth
submitted first set of five reports . They `2696 crores has been approved for
are preparing second set of 17 reports development of sewer networks, sewage
under the Ganga River Basin Management treatment plants and sewage pumping
Plan. stations, electric crematoria, community
toilets, development of river fronts,
– Revision of Guidelines for preparation
etc. These projects are currently under
of DPRs: The guidelines prepared in the
implementation by the states.
year 2002 for Detailed Project Report (DPR)
preparation have been revised with the – Funding of NGRBA projects: The existing
NRCP funding pattern i.e. 70:30 between
Ministry of Environment & Forests
the Centre and States is being followed u National Mission for Clean Ganga:
for NGRBA projects. Planning Commission National Mission for Clean Ganga
has agreed to the proposal that the O&M (NMCG), a registered society has been
costs of the assets created under NGRBA setup at the central level to plan and
will be shared by the Central and State implement the NGRBA programme in
Governments on 70:30 basis for three years. coordination with the State Agencies
It was decided in the second meeting of concerned. The NMCG is headed by a
NGRBA that O&M costs of assets created Mission Director.
under NGRBA will be shared between u Dedicated implementation
Centre and the States for five years, with institutions in States: States have
a review at the end of two/three years. been requested to set up dedicated
During this time, the States are expected entities for timely implementation and
to build the technical and financial capacity proper O&M of NGRBA projects.
of ULBs to ensure O&M on a sustained
u Memorandum of Agreements
(MoA): Tripartite MoAs are being
– Measures for improving signed with the State Governments/
implementation: The following are Urban Local Bodies in respect of
among the measures taken to improve sanctioned projects. The MoAs provide
implementation of projects under for commitments by the Centre and
NGRBA; States for funding of the projects,
u Standing Committee and Empowered regular monitoring and review of
Steering Committee: A Standing implementation, coordination by the
Committee of NGRBA has been State Governments with the ULBs
constituted with Union Finance and other agencies to ensure synergy
Minister as chairman to function on with programs like Jawaharlal Nehru
behalf of the Authority, take necessary National Urban Renewal Mission
decisions and periodically review and (JNNURM)/ Urban Infrastructure
assess implementation of Authority’s Development Scheme for Small and
work programme and prescribe Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) etc. 29 MoAs
measures to achieve its objectives. An have been signed so far.
Empowered Steering Committee (ESC) u Independent appraisal of Detailed
has been constituted for appraisal and Project Reports: Reputed professional
sanction of project proposals on a Fast institutions have been appointed for
Track Mode. appraisal of DPRs for works to be taken
u State River Conservation Authorities: up for sanction under NGRBA.
To facilitate better coordination and u Third Party Inspection: Third Party
implementation of the conservation Inspection (TPI) for projects has
activities at the State level, Empowered been introduced, covering all four
State River Conservation Authorities stages in the life cycle of a project,
(SRCAs) have been notified under namely Pre-construction, Construction,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for Commissioning & trial run and,
all the five Ganga States.
Annual Report 2012-2013
of about 500 kms from Kannauj to
State Government has posed a proposal of
construction of 55 mld STP in this catchment
National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) – to the Ministry of Urban Development under
(Other Schemes) JNNURM recently. About 86 mld sewage is
The schemes of GAP-II and other rivers being generated in the catchment area of Tena
of the country have now been merged under creek, for which 115 mld sewage treatment
one Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National capacity is available and one STP of 84 mld
River Conservation Plan based on 70:30 capacity is being constructed under JNNURM.
funding pattern and presently National River This will take care of the pollution load in the
Conservation Directorate (NRCD) is undertaking Tena creek catchment area.
all river water pollution abatement works under
In the catchment area of Mindhola,
this head.
total sewage generation is about 400 MLD. A
At present, the National River Conservation treatment capacity of 427.50 has been created
Plan (NRCP) includes works in 190 towns along so far. At present, not all of the sewage is
polluted stretches of 41 rivers spread over reaching the STPs due to some uncovered area
20 states (Annexure-V). This includes works by the sewerage system in the catchment area.
undertaken under GAP-II. The total cost of the Thus, about 250 MLD sewage is reaching the
sanctioned projects is about ` 8416.38 crore. An STPs, and balance 150 MLD is falling in the river
amount of ` 4032 crore has been released by the Mindhola.
Government of India so far. 881 schemes have
For conservation of river Mindhola at
been completed as against 1152 sanctioned
Surat, the State Govt. has submitted the
schemes. 5090 mld has been sanctioned so
project proposal costing ` 387.58 crore making
far on the basis of sanctioned DPRs within
provisions for sewerage networks, sewage
the approved cost of the respective projects
pumping stations in three drainage districts
and a capacity to treat 4704 mld of sewage
along with creation of sewage treatment
has been created till the end of December,
capacity of 53 mld for the conservation of river
2012 including 869 mld already created under
Mindhola along Surat within a period of 30
the completed project of Ganga Action Plan
Phase-I Prevention and control of industrial
Ministry of Environment & Forests
The project has been sanctioned at an of India and State Governments in the ratio
estimated cost of ` 262.13 crore on 24.8.2012. of 85:15 i.e. ` 530 crore Central share and `
Funds of ` 41.70 crore have been released to 94 crore States’ share. Pollution abatement
Surat Municipal Corporation, implementing schemes for creation of 189 mld sewage
agency for implementation of the project so treatment capacity have been sanctioned so
far. Funds of ` 80 crore are likely to be released far under the Plan at a cost of ` 679.88 crore,
in the financial year 2013-14. out of which an amount of ` 426.32 crore has
been released towards Central share. Under
National River Conservation Plan (Externally
this plan, a sewage treatment capacity of 189
Aided Projects)
mld out of the envisaged capacity of 189 has
Yamuna Action Plan (YAP)–(Phase-I) been created.
Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) Phase I was YAP-II project also includes preparation
launched by the Ministry to take up the of DPRs for projects in the 3 States which are
pollution abatement works in Yamuna river in proposed to be undertaken under YAP III with
the States of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi & Haryana in JICA assistance.
April 1993 with a loan assistance from Japan
Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). This The cost of works to be executed in the
project has been completed at a total cost three States under YAP-II comprises of:
of `682 crores and 269 out of the total 269 Delhi ` 387.17 crore
schemes have been completed in February UP ` 124.13 crore
2003. Under this plan, a sewage treatment
Haryana ` 62.50 crore
capacity of 753.25 mld out of the envisaged
capacity of 753.25 has been created, with the Miscellaneous (WQM,
state-wise break up of 322 mld (in Haryana), Capacity building,
401.25 mld (in U.P.) and 30 mld. (in Delhi). Consultancy etc.) ` 50.20 crore
Yamuna Action Plan (Phase-III)
Yamuna Action Plan (Phase-II)
Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) Phase - III
Government of India, Ministry of
project shall be implemented in Delhi with
Environment & Forests have received financial
the assistance from Japan International
assistance of Yen 13.33 billion from the
Cooperation Agency (JICA) at an estimated
Japan International Cooperation Agency for
cost of ` 1656 crore. The project cost will be
implementation of Yamuna Action Plan (YAP)
shared between the Government of India (GoI)
Phase II, which is part of the National River
and the Government of NCT of Delhi on 85:15
Conservation Plan (NRCP).
basis. The share of GoI will be ` 1407.6 crore
The loan agreement between Government and that of Government of NCT of Delhi will
of Japan and Government of India was signed be ` 248.4 crore. JICA has agreed to provide
on 31st March 2003. The project has been a loan assistance of ¥ 32571 Million to GoI for
approved by CCEA at an estimated cost of ` the proposed project, which will constitute the
624 crore for abatement of pollution of river central share of the project equivalent to 85%
Yamuna in Delhi, UP (8 towns) and Haryana (6 of the total project cost as per pattern adopted
towns) under YAP-II. The cost of works under for the earlier JICA assisted YAP-II project.
YAP-II is to be shared between Government
Annual Report 2012-2013
Under YAP-III, it is proposed to rehabilitate has been approved for funding by JBIC for
the damaged trunk sewers to maximize the 11.184 billion Yen.
utilization of available treatment capacity,
The project consists of the following
rehabilitate and modernize the STPs in three
catchment areas of Delhi namely Okhla, Kondli
and Rithala and to equip them with tertiary – Sewerage component (comprising of trunk
level treatment facilities to achieve treated sewers, pumping stations and related
effluent quality of 10 mg/l for Biochemical rising mains, rehabilitation of old trunk
Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended sewers and five ghats pumping stations,
Solids (TSS) so as to improve the water quality renovation of existing STPs, construction
of river Yamuna. The proposed works are (a) of 140 mld new STP at Sathwa and land
Rehabilitation/modernization of STPs, totaling acquisition)
814 MLD capacity at Okhla, Kondli and Rithala – Non-sewerage component (comprising
in Delhi. (b) Setting up of Tertiary Treatment of community toilet complexes in slum
Facilities at the above STPs (c) Construction areas, construction of dhobi ghats and
of a new state of art STP in place of old STP of improvement of bathing ghats)
136 MLD capacity at Okhla. (d) Rehabilitation – Public awareness and participation
of sewer lines/Rising mains in the two programme
catchments of Delhi viz Kondli and Rithala. (d)
– Institutional Development programme for
Public Outreach Activities. These works will be
the local body (Varanasi Nagar Nigam and
integral to the Sewerage Master Plan being
Varanasi Jal Sansthan) to enable proper
prepared by Delhi Jal Board (DJB).
O&M of the assets created.
The project will be implemented by DJB UP Jal Nigam is the project implementing
under the supervision of the Department of agency (PIA) for the sewerage component
Urban Development, Government of NCT while the non-sewerage component would be
of Delhi. The Ministry of Environment and implemented by Varanasi Nagar Nigam.
Forests will monitor the progress of work.
The implementation of the project will be Pollution abatement schemes for creation
over a period of 7 years. Project Management of 140 mld sewage treatment capacity have
Consultant will be appointed by DJB to assist been sanctioned so far under the Plan at a cost
in project implementation. The O&M of the of `496.90 crore.
assets created under the project will be the
World Bank Assisted project for pollution
responsibility of the State Government/DJB. abatement of river Ganga under NGRBA
The project will be completed in 7 years.
A project with World Bank assistance
National Ganga River Basin Authority for abatement of pollution of river Ganga’ at
(NGRBA) an estimated cost of `7000 crore has been
JICA assisted Ganga Action Plan (GAP) approved for implementation. The Bank will
Project at Varanasi support the Government of India by providing
technical assistance and financing of US $
Based on the project proposal/feasibility
1 billion (approx. `4600 crore). The share of
study prepared under the JICA assisted
Government of India will be `5100 crore and
development study, the GAP project at Varanasi
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-46. Water quality data for River Ganga (Summer Average i.e. March-June)
that of the State Governments of Uttarakhand, To achieve the objective of Mission Clean
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Ganga as resolved by NGRBA and to ensure
Bengal will be `1900 crore. States have set up that by the year 2020, no untreated municipal
dedicated State Project Management Group or industrial effluent will be allowed to be
(SPMG) under the State nodal Departments discharged into the river Ganga, an investment
for planning, coordination, monitoring of `26000 crore has been estimated as per
implementation and reporting of the projects approved NGRBA Annual Plan 2012-13 (State
taken up under the Programme. Perspective for 8 years).
Annual Report 2012-2013
water supply, and power projects. Besides this,
Board (CPCB) and to send proposals for
inadequate operation and maintenance (O&M)
pollution abatement works.
by the States, under-utilisation of the Sewage
Water Quality Management Plan for River Treatment Plants (STPs) in some instances, delay
Ganga in acquisition of land, contractual issues, court
The water quality of river Ganga is cases, erratic power supply and inadequate
being monitored since 1986 from Rishikesh capacities of local bodies/agencies and lack of
in Uttaranchal to Uluberia in West Bengal involvement of civil society were some of the
by institutions such as Pollution Control constraints faced in the implementation of
Research Institute (Hardwar), CPCB Zonal the Ganga Action Plan. The pollution load on
Office Lucknow, Indian Institute of Technology, rivers has increased over the years due to rapid
Kanpur, Patna University and Bidhan Chandra urbanistion and industrialization. Domestic
Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Kalyani. As a result sewage is the major source of pollution of
of the projects completed under Ganga rivers besides industrial and other non-point
Action Plan, the water quality of river Ganga sources of pollution.
has shown a general improvement despite The water quality monitoring has also
tremendous population growth along the river been undertaken for rivers namely, Yamuna,
banks as compared to pre-GAP period. Water Western Yamuna Canal, Gomti, Hindon, Satluj
quality monitoring carried out by reputed (Punjab), Cauvery (Tamil Nadu), Tunga, Bhadra,
institutions such as, IIT, Kanpur, Bharat Heavy Tungbhadra in Karnataka and Waterways of
Electricals Ltd. (BHEL), Patna University, etc. Chennai. The number of monitoring stations
indicates that, water quality of the river Ganga presently are 158 in 10 rivers which include 27
conforms to the prescribed standards in terms stations set up in the upper reaches of Ganga
of key indicators, namely, Bio-chemical Oxygen and 32 stations of Chennai Waterways.
Demand (BOD) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at
most of the locations, except in the stretch National Lake Conservation Plan
between Kannauj and Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. Objectives
The level of bacterial contamination in terms of
The objective of the Scheme is to restore
fecal coliform however, exceeds the maximum
and conserve the polluted lakes in urban and
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
State Governments and experts feedback. The measures in the identified wetlands;
revised NLCP guidelines are accessible on the – to monitor implementation of the
Ministry’s website. Programme; and
Budget Allocation – to prepare an inventory of Indian
Budget Allocation for 2012-13 under wetlands
National River Conservation Plan and National Central Wetlands Regulatory Authority
Lake Conservation Plan is given in Table-47. (CWRA)
Table-47. Budget Allocation for 2012-13 under National River Conservation Plan and
National Lake Conservation Plan
(` in Crore)
Sl. Name of the Plan Budget Revised Expenditure by GOI
No Estimate Estimate (November 2012)
1 National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) 7.05 7.05 4.30
2 National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) 187.25 168.25 157.14
3 National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) 512.50 193.50 4.53
3 National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) 52.50 52.50 52.30
Total 759.30 421.30 218.27
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
finalized in the meeting held on 03.09.2012 Convention COP11 meeting held at
and will be distributed after its approval Bucharest, Romania from 6th to 13th July,
by the competent authority 2012 and intervened in almost all 22
International issues and Ramsar resolutions passed during the convention.
Convention India’s views on monitoring of Ramsar
sites, strategic plan 2009-2015, suggestions
– 26 sites have already been designated as
for partnerships and synergies with
Ramsar sites in India till date. (Annexure-VI
multilateral environmental agreements,
A). Six more wetlands are under process
their views on socio cultural issues,
of being designated as Ramsar sites.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
and around forest areas. The village is reckoned
focus under the programme, and so
as a unit of planning and implementation
far, thirty five jhum projects have been
and all activities under the programme are
sanctioned in North-Eastern (NE) States
conceptualized at the village level. The three-
and in Odisha.
tier approach, apart from building capacities
at the grassroots level, significantly empowers – As on 31.12.2012, `89.36 crore was released
the local people to participate in the decision to State Forest Development Agencies
making process. Under Entry Point Activities, (SFDAs) during the year 2012-13 for
community assets are created with a ‘care and implementation of National Afforestation
share’ concept. The objectives of the scheme Programme (NAP).
are as follows: Year-wise and State-wise progress of
National Afforestation Programme in the Tenth
– Protection and conservation of natural
and Eleventh Five Year Plan and during the
resources through active involvement of
current year is given in Table-48 and Table-49
the people.
– Checking land degradation, deforestation
and loss of biodiversity New initiatives under the Scheme
– Ecological restoration and environmental A number of initiatives have been taken by
conservation and eco-development the Ministry to expedite the implementation of
– Evolving village level people’s organization the scheme as well as to improve the qualitative
which can manage the natural resources aspects of implementation. These include:
in and around villages in a sustainable – Stepping-up monitoring and evaluation
manner of the FDA projects by activation of
– Fulfillment of the broader objectives of State-level Coordination Committees for
productivity, equity, and sustainability for NAP, increased field visit by officers, and
the general good of the people expeditious commissioning by the States
– Improve quality of life and self-sustenance of first independent concurrent evaluation
aspect of people living in and around of FDA projects
forest areas – Increased number of training programmes
for the frontline staff and JFM committee
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Year No.of New FDA No. of New JFMCs Project Area Release
projects approved involved approved (ha.)* (Rs. in crores)
2000-02 47 1843 71068 47.53
2002-03 237 8197 404799 151.26
2003-04 231 7902 282536 207.98
2004-05 105 3404 106743 233.00
2005-06 94 2362 54432 248.12
2006-07 15 494 0 292.75
2007-08 53 3979 493061 392.95
2008-09 13 6598 173435 345.62
2009-10 5 7756 103556 318.17
2010-11 26 SFDA Projects — 57126 309.99
2011-12 26 SFDA Projects — 141448 303.00
2012-13 23 SFDA Projects — — 89.36
(As on 31.12.2012)
* Area approved for advance soil work/preparatory plantations during the year for all ongoing FDA projects.
Annual Report 2012-2013
7 Himachal Pradesh 18.10 8.67 4212
8 Jammu & Kashmir 22.61 10.88 4857
9 Jharkhand 50.05 23.84 4815
10 Karnataka 40.81 25.85 9523
11 Kerala 32.00 15.21 3613
12 Madhya Pradesh 86.46 58.04 23219
13 Maharashtra 89.55 53.80 9854
14 Odisha 40.24 21.59 7410
15 Punjab 3.93 1.22 625
16 Rajasthan 22.44 13.05 3700
17 Tamil Nadu 16.77 11.99 2984
18 Uttar Pradesh 68.27 54.37 15775
19 Uttarakhand 26.75 11.09 10225
20 West Bengal 15.36 12.28 5175
Total (Other States) 792.81 534.05 146130
21 Arunachal Pradesh 10.32 7.18 3125
22 Assam 25.84 15.50 0
23 Manipur 28.32 25.71 7849
24 Meghalaya 22.94 15.04 8730
25 Mizoram 32.03 28.87 4970
26 Nagaland 30.72 26.26 10000
27 Sikkim 24.87 23.17 5279
28 Tripura 33.77 26.58 12491
Total (NE States) 208.82 168.30 52444
G. Total 1001.63 702.35 198574
*Approved advance work is updated till 31.04.2012
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Finance Corporation Ltd. Dhanraj of Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar
Mahal, Ist Floor, CSM Marg, Bombay- Haveli
3. Regional Centre for NAEBNorth Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, 77.00 75.00
Eastern Hill University,Shillong – Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
793 014 Nagaland and Tripura
4. Regional Centre for NAEBUniversity Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, 77.31 70.00
of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Kerala, Tamil Nadu and UTs of
Campus, Bengaluru-560065 Puducherry and Lakshadweep
5. Regional Centre for NAEBIndian Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh 71.81 64.00
Institute of Forest Management, and Orrissa
Nehru Nagar, Post Box no. 357,
6. Regional Centre for NAEBDr. Y. S. Himachal Pradesh, Jammu 55.88 70.00
Parmar University of Horticulture & Kashmir, Punjab and UT of
and Forestry, Nauni, Solan-173230 Chandigarh
7. Regional Centre for NAEBJadavpur Bihar, Jharkand, Sikkim, West 68.56 74.00
University, Kolkata-700032 Bengal and UT of Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Government Institutions. It has been observed paucity of QPM production facilities in the
that for raising tree plantations on lands outside rural areas and low awareness about gains of
forest cover, economic return is the major using QPM. Recognizing these constraints, the
driving force. These could be encouraged if then Grants-in-Aid Scheme was restructured
returns to the growers were made attractive. by incorporating additional components of
The wanting economic returns are largely QPM production facilities and creation of mass
attributed to the low volume and poor quality awareness about QPM. This was renamed as
yield of tree products. The main reason for this “Grants in aid for Greening India” Scheme and
is that the tree growers do not have easy access three aspects expressly stated:-
to quality planting material (QPM) due to both
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-51. Progress under the previous ‘Grants-in-Aid to Voluntary Agencies’ and present Grants-
in-Aid for Greening India Scheme
a) Raising mass awareness about QPM and Voluntary Agencies were implementing
tree planting majority of Tree Planting projects.
b) Enhancing the capacity for QPM Eco-Development Forces (EDF) Scheme
Eco-Development Forces Scheme was
c) Tree planting with people’s participation
established in 1980s as a scheme being
“Grants in Aid for Greening India” Scheme implemented through Ministry of Defence
has been discontinued w.e.f. 2008-09. The for ecological restoration of terrains, rendered
ongoing projects, however, will continue to be difficult either due to severe degradation or
supported till completion. The Budget Estimate remote location or difficult law and order
for ongoing projects under the Scheme for situation. The scheme of Eco-Development
2012-13 is `0.50 crore. Forces is based on twin objectives of ecological
The scheme is being implemented by regeneration in difficult areas, and promotion
Government Departments, Urban Local of meaningful employment to ex-servicemen.
Bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Public Under this scheme, the establishment and
Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, operational expenditure on the Eco Task Force
Registered Societies, Non-Profit Organizations, (ETF) Battalions raised by Ministry of Defence
Cooperatives, Charitable Trusts, Voluntary is reimbursed by Ministry of Environment and
Agencies, Registered Schools, Colleges, Forests while the inputs like sapling, fencing,
Universities and State Forest Departments. etc. and also the professional and managerial
Annual Report 2012-2013
134 Inf. Bn(TA) Eco Gamani (Assam) 9.10 5.00 55.00 854
135 Inf. Bn(TA) Eco Chirang Res. Forest (Assam) 9.29 8.55 92.00 929
TOTAL 32.60 26.00 3448.00
@ 100 ha. area covered under CAMPA Project
guidance is provided by the State Forest and also other soil and moisture conservation
Departments. In ETF battalions, the Ministry of works.
Defence deploys its ex-servicemen, preferably
Implementing Organization
from within the area of operation, whereas
the nuclear core of the force is constituted of Directorate General of Territorial Army,
regular servicemen. Some of the ETF Battalions Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.
have undertaken successful eco-restoration
Green India Mission
of highly degraded sites, for example the
limestone mining areas in the Mussoorie Hills. The National Mission for Green India is
The progress of ETF Battalions during the year one of the eight missions under the National
2011-12 is given in Table-52. Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).
The Mission for acknowledges the influences
Six ETF battalions are being supported that the forestry sector has on environmental
under the EDF Scheme in the States of amelioration though climate mitigation,
Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir food security, water security, biodiversity
and Assam. Revised Estimate for the scheme conservation and livelihood security of forest
during 2012-13 is ` 20.60 crores out of which dependant communities. The Mission is
`12.60 crores has been reimbursed to Ministry launched to enhance ecosystem services such
of Defence till 31.12.2012. as carbon sequestration and storage (in forests
All ETF Battalions have undertaken and other ecosystems), hydrological services
works like raising nursery and plantation and and biodiversity; as well as other provisioning
protection measures to protect the plantation services such as fuel, fodder, small timber and
area. They have also constructed stone dams non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
Ministry of Environment & Forests
b) Improved ecosystem services including The Mission will invest in the development
biodiversity, hydrological services and of a cadre of community-based change agents
carbon sequestration as a result of from amongst educated community youth.
treatment of 10m ha. These community foresters will facilitate
c) Increased forest-based livelihood income planning, implementation and monitoring of
of about 3 million households living in the Mission activities at the local level. This will
and around the forests. provide skilled employment opportunity to
about one lakh educated community youths.
d) Enhanced annual CO2 sequestration by 50
to 60 million tonnes in the years 2020. Cross Cutting Interventions
Key Core features of the Mission Several cross activities have been
The Mission addresses the qualitative incorporated in the Green India Mission. To
improvement of the forests along with effectively address the livelihood enhancement,
increased to forest cover and focuses on a provision of ` 15-20 lac for each village has
ecosystem services with the emphasis on been envisaged. The wildlife corridors will be
biodiversity, water, improved biomass and indentified and the mission aims at working
carbon sequestration as a co-benefit. It with an array of state holder to maintain the
addresses ecosystem approach and habitat cover and also seeks rapid agency response in
diversity like grasslands, wetlands, pastures, case of crop raiding. The mission also strives to
forests in urban and periurban areas and other support the community conserved area and
critical ecosystems. An important feature of also envisages indentifying and protecting
this Mission is the thrust on landscape based areas/catchments of hydrological importance.
approach in which the interventions at a scale Monitoring Mechanism
of 5000 to 6000 hectares is done at a time which
The Mission will focus beyond input
is prioritized based on criteria including climate
level/activity to outcome level over time
vulnerability. The forest and non-forest areas
by a combination of impact assessment
are simultaneously treated and the drivers of
at the field-unit level and application of
degradation are effectively addressed.
modern technology like Remote Sensing
The local communities will play a key role and GIS. Monitoring under the Mission will
in project governance and implementation help in timely information of planning and
with a bottom up participatory approach. feedback to multiple agencies/stakeholders.
The Mission will bring primacy to Gram Sabha In addition to on-ground self-monitoring by
as an overarching institution to oversee multiple agencies and communities, audit by
Mission implementation at the village level. Government bodies the Mission would support
The committees set up by the Gram Sabha, use of Geomatics (remote sensing with GPS
including revamped JFMCs, CFM groups, mapping of boundaries) for monitoring at the
Annual Report 2012-2013
out put/outcome level. In addition, a few pilot Table-53. Statement of funds released for
areas will be intensively monitored to assess preparatory activities during 2011-12
the impact and efficacy of different old and under Green India Mission
new practices, in tandem by the implementing
S. State Funds
agency, the Forest Department, and a support No. released
organization. The Mission will similarly require (Rs. in Lakhs)
that the Gram Sabha carries out a social audit
1 Maharashtra 405.77
of all expenses incurred by the committees
2 Jharkhand 147.00
constituted by the Gram Sabha and these
reports would be shared in the public domain. 3 Kerala 194.60
4 Tamail Nadu 72.15
The Mission Cost
5 Gujarat 133.80
Total Mission cost is ` 46000 crores spread
over 10 years, coinciding with the Twelfth and 6 Rajasthan 275.25
Thirteenth five year Plan periods, with the 7 Himachal Pradesh 126.50
year 2011-12 being the preparatory year for 8 Jammu & Kashmir 64.00
the Green India Mission. Green India Mission
9 Odisha 107.50
will partly funded through convergence with
10 Punjab 125.50
schemes/Funds like MG NREGS, National
Afforestation Program (NAP), Integrated Forest 11 Haryana 357.00
Management Scheme; XIII Finance commission 12 Chhattisgarh 972.00
award and schemes of other Ministries in 13 Assam 130.00
the identified landscapes under the Mission.
14 Andhra Pradesh 89.53
Additional funding will be met through
National clean energy Fund, budget support 15 Manipur 40.50
through Ministry of Environment & Forests 16 Nagaland 141.50
and gaps, if any, would be met from external 17 Tripura 350.50
18 Karnataka 267.45
Timeframe 19 Madhya Pradesh 823.50
The actual implementation period of the 20 Uttar Pradesh 119.50
Mission will spread over 10 years, coinciding 21 Uttarakhand 51.00
with the 12th and 13th five year plan periods.
Total 4994.55
The preparatory phase of the Mission will be
devoted to carrying out institutional reforms,
setting up of the Mission organisation, Approach to meet the objectives
identification of sub-landscapes/areas for As stated earlier decentralized Forest
the Mission interventions, identification of Governance and Polycentric approach has
partners, and awareness and capacity building been envisaged with the Supremacy of Gram
etc., Sabha and its Committees and the revamped
Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMC)
to be the committees of Gram Sabha. The State
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Forest Development Agency (SFDA) and Forest An allocation of `50 crore was set aside
Development Agency (FDA) will be revamped from the National Clean Energy Fund for
to facilitate implementation by Gram Sabha, the preparatory year 2011-12 which has
strengthened capacity of forest department to been released to 21 states for 71 landscapes
assume new roles. Other stakeholders like the involving 708 Villages. The state wise release
NGOs and Schools/Colleges will be involved details are given in the Annexure. The
in the implementation of the mission. Private interventions in the preparatory year include
sector partnership is short especially in agro micro planning, entry point activities, nursery
forestry, institutional lands, abandoned mines. development, landscape identification
Convergence with existing programs and other awareness and outreach, etc., The funding for
Missions and research in field of carbon capture the major interventions would be based on the
potential by forest types, adaption options etc. perspective plans of these landscapes.
will also facilitate effective implementation of
the mission.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
are to be supported in the identified thrust Programme (EcRP) and Research Programme in
areas in the following two modes:- Socio-Economic issues of Environment (RPSE).
These Committees would recommend projects
Invited Proposals: Proposals will be
for consideration of the Apex Committee.
invited under this category by the Ministry
through a transparent procedure of an The following new initiatives have been
open advertisement. Selection, among the proposed to be launched in XIIth plan under
proposals received in response, will be made the R&D Scheme:
competitively on the basis of their technical – Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme in
soundness including research credentials of the Environment and Ecology,
proposed research team and their envisaged
– Chair in the name of an eminent scientist in
frontier areas of environment and ecology
Commissioned Proposals: Depending upon and
specific needs of the Ministry or to focus – Launching of online tracking and
research efforts on important areas of ecology monitoring system for new research
& environment, the Ministry may directly projects and database of research
commission research studies to one or a projects
network of empanelled universities, research
Programme-wise Progress and Activities
institutions, NGOs, Government ventures,
public and private sector institution identified Environmental Research Programme
on the basis of their recognized capabilities (EnvRP)
in the concerned area through a transparent The EnvRP specifically deals with the
process. “Brown Issues”, i.e. problems related to pollution,
The Ministry could also directly climate change, hazardous waste management,
commission, through a transparent process, agro-chemicals, waste minimization and reuse,
All India Coordinated Research Programmes carrying capacity studies, development of
through multi-disciplinary and inter- ecofriendly and cleaner technologies providing
disciplinary approach involving a group of scientific inputs to address policy problems
institutions on a specific subject of topical relating to environmental pollution control
interest to the Ministry as identified by and management, ecological restoration and
brainstorming meeting(s) with experts on the bioremediation, environmental health and
subject. toxicology etc.
During the year an Apex Committee on The 1st meeting of the Committee was held
Research in Environment has been constituted during 17-18 December, 2012, where progress
to inter-alia provide over all direction to the of 15 ongoing projects was reviewed and mid-
research endeavours of the Ministry in the course corrections were suggested on case to
broad area of ecology and the environment. The case basis. The Committee also appraised 28
Ministry has constituted Programme Advisory new projects received under the Environment
Committees for three identified research Research Programme (EnvRP), out of this 3
programmes viz. Environmental Research were recommended to the Apex Committee for
Programme (EnvRP), Ecosystems Research funding, 2 Principal Investigator’s (PIs) called
for presentation for their respective proposal
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
be a joint venture between the Ministry and Abu and Sultanpur under the Environment
Government of Andhra Pradesh. The Detailed (Protection) Act, 1986. The Zonal Master
Project Report (DPR) for the establishment of Plan / Area Development Plan for all notified
NEPTRI, as joint venture, has been approved / to be notified environmentally sensitive
by the Ministry. The processing of SFC memo areas would be prepared by the concerned
for the upgradation of Environment Protection State Governments as per the provisions of
Training and Research Institute (EPTRI) to the respective notifications involving local
NEPTRI as joint venture between the Ministry communities / experts and shall be approved
and Government of Andhra Pradesh is by the Ministry for regulating development
underway. activities and protection and conservation of
Entities of Incomparable Values. Monitoring
High Level Working Group to study the
Committees with representatives of
preservation of the ecology, environmental
Government, Experts and local representatives
integrity and holistic development of the
Western Ghats in view of their rich and as per the notifications would be constituted to
unique biodiversity ensure compliance of approved Zonal Master
Plans / Area Development Plan.
The Ministry has constituted a High Level
Working Group under the Chairmanship of Dr. K Programmes / achievements made during
Kasturirangan, Member, Planning Commission the year
to inter alia examine the Western Ghats The following final notifications were
Ecology Expert Panel Report in a holistic and published during the year:
multidisciplinary fashion keeping in view the
comments received from the concerned State – Area around Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary,
Governments/Central Ministries/Stakeholders Gujarat, S.O. 1260(E) Dated 31st May
and other related important aspects such as 2012.
preservation of precious biodiversity, needs and – Area around Narayan Sarovar Wildlife
aspirations of the local and indigenous people, Sanctuary, Gujarat, S.O. 1257 (E) Dated
sustainable development and environmental 31st May 2012.
integrity of the region, climate change and – Area around Purna Wildlife Sanctuary,
constitutional implications of centre-state Gujarat, S.O. 1259(E) Dated 31st May
relations and to recommend further course of 2012.
action to the Government.
– Area around Vansda National Park, Gujarat,
Ecologically Sensitive Areas S.O. 1258 (E) Dated 31st May 2012.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
the final notifications on Eco Sensitive Zones to appraise the research projects submitted
be issued under the Environment (Protection) in identified thrust areas.
Act, 1986 and Environment (Protection) Rule, – As per New Guidelines for Support to
1986 for a period of five years. The Committee Environment Research-2012 the Ministry
will also examine the zonal master plans of the has invited research proposals in identified
Eco Sensitive Zones submitted by the State thrust areas through open advertisement,
Governments/UTs as per the provisions of the the last date of receipt of application was
Eco Sensitive Zone Notifications. 31.12.2012. The Ministry has received
Financial Progress for Year 2012-13 (till 31st about 800 projects, which are under
December, 2012) consideration.
The total allocation for R&D Scheme – 5 meetings of the Programme Advisory
during 2012-13 is ` 6.50 crores (RE). The entire Committees have been held in which
amount would be utilized for ongoing and new about 45 new projects were considered
projects based on the recommendations of and three meetings are scheduled to be
the Thematic Expert Groups. Funds have also held during February 2013.
been utilized for final settlements of accounts – Under R&D Scheme 20 new research
for completed projects during current financial projects have been initiated and 19
year 2012-13. research projects have been completed
in different programmes of RE-Division
Achievements during the 2012-13 (till 31st and their outcomes of some of them have
December 2012)
been published & disseminated among
– New Guidelines for Support to Environment scientific community as well as displayed
Research-2012 giving the procedure, in the Ministry’s web-site.
format, thrust areas and terms & conditions – About 50 applications have been received
of the grant, etc. have been published and under the National Environmental Sciences
displayed on Ministry’s web-site for public Fellowship Programme in response to
information. the advertisement and these are being
– Standing Finance Committee (SFC) Memo processed.
for continuation and Modification of the – The ‘Mahatma Gandhi Chair for Ecology
ongoing Research and Development (R&D) and Environment’ which was set up earlier
Scheme from 11th Five Year Plan (FYP) to at the Centre for Biodiversity Studies, Baba
12th Five Year Plan has been approved. Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri,
– During the year an Apex Committee J&K continued during 2012-13.
on research in environment has been – Revised guidelines for Pitambar Pant
constituted to inter-alia provide over all National Environment Fellowship Award
direction to the research endeavours of and Dr. B.P. Pal National Environment
the Ministry in the broad area of ecology Fellowship Award giving the procedure,
and the environment. format and terms & conditions have
– During the year, Three Programme Advisory been prepared and under press for
Committees have been constituted for publication.
different programmes of the RE-Division to
Annual Report 2012-2013
– New initiatives viz. Post-doctoral Fellowship NNRMS under the Chairmanship of Secretary
Programme (PDFP) to encourage and (E&F) with Members from concerned line
nurture young scientist to continue working Ministries / Departments. It has so far met
in the areas related to environment and 26 times. About 114 projects addressing key
ecology and Establishment of a New Chair environmental and ecological issues covering
in the name of Distinguished Scientist in eco-system inventorying and monitoring,
the area of Environment and Ecology has desertification, environmental impact
been initiated under the R&D Scheme. assessment, coastal land use and landform,
National Natural Resource Management snow and glaciers, wetland inventory and
System (NNRMS) assessment etc. have been sponsored. Of these,
84 projects have been completed. Some of the
The scheme National Natural Resources
mega projects undertaken and completed
Management System (NNRMS) of the Ministry
under this programme include the following:
is part of an umbrella scheme of the Planning
Commission – Planning Committee – National – Forest Type Mapping on 1:50,000 scale
Natural Resources Management System (PC- of Entire Country Coordinated by Forest
NNRMS) and is in operation since, 1985. The Surveyof India (FSI).
main objective of PC-NNRMS is utilization of – Mapping of Wildlife Sanctuaries and
remote sensing technology for inventorization, National Parks on 1:25,000 scale
assessment and monitoring of country’s Coordinated by Wildlife Institute of India
natural resources. A Standing Committee on (WII).
Bio-resources and Environment (SC-B) has – Coastal Studies (Land use, Mangroves,
been constituted by the Planning Commission Coral Reefs, etc.) for entire Indian Coast
under the Chairmanship of Secretary (E&F) (1:25,000 scale)
with the following objectives:
– Snow & Glaciers mapping of entire
– Optimal utilization of country’s natural Himalayas (1:250,000/50,000 scale)
resources by having a proper and Coordinated by Space Application Centre
systematic inventor y of resource (SAC), Indian Space Research Organisation
availability. (ISRO)
– Reducing regional imbalances by – National Wetland I nventor y and
effective planning and in tune with the Assessment (1:50,000 scale) Coordinated
environmental efforts. by SAC (ISRO)
– Maintaining the ecological balance with National Wetland Information System
a view to evolve and implement the and National Coastal Zone Information System
environmental guidelines. in GIS Platform have been developed and is
To fulfill the above objectives, the PC- being extensively used in wetland notification
NNRMS has constituted different Standing implementation and Coastal Regulation Zone
Committees for various themes in concerned (CRZ) implementation.
Ministries. The Standing Committee on Bio- In order to streamline the projects
resources and Environment (SC-B) is one of NNRMS SC-B has reconstituted Technical &
the Standing Committees constituted by PC- Financial Sub-Committee to scrutinize/review
Ministry of Environment & Forests
all the proposals submitted for funding under has been reconstituted to appraise the
NNRMS SC-B from the technical and financial research projects submitted under NNRMS
angle. Only those proposals recommended by programmes.
the Sub-Committee are taken up by NNRMS, – As per New Guidelines for Support
SC-B for financial assistance. The Committee to Environment Research-2012, the
also oversees and monitors the progress of Ministry has invited research proposals
sanctioned projects. under NNRMS Scheme through open
The potential user agencies for utilizing advertisement on MoEF web-site, the
the outcome / information generated in the last date of receipt of application was
projects sanctioned by the Ministry under 31.12.2012. The Ministry has received
NNRMS programme are the Central Government about 50 projects, which are under
Departments / Agencies and the Ministry of consideration.
Environment and Forests itself including the – During the year 2012-13 under NNRMS
various organizations under its administrative programme, 04 new research projects
control like FSI, Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), have been initiated, 06 research projects
Botanical Survey of India (BSI) etc. have been completed and their outcomes
of some of them have been published &
Financial Progress for Year 2012-13 (As on
disseminated among scientific community
31st December, 2012)
as well as displayed on the Ministry’s web-
During the financial year 2012-13, the site.
financial outlay under NNRMS Scheme is
– A first-ever publication “Forest-Type Atlases
` 6.15 Crores (Revised Estimate) and the entire
of India” has been brought out by the
amount would be utilized for ongoing and
Forest Survey of India under the NNRMS
new projects based on the recommendations
Programme of the Ministry. This is based
of the Technical & Financial Sub-Committee of
on the Champion & Seth classification
NNRMS SC-B and final approval of the Standing
(1968), which is the standardized forest
Committee on Bio-resources and Environment
type classification system used in India.
of NNRMS (SC-B). Servicing and funding is
The Forest Type Atlases contains maps
being provided to 29 ongoing projects.
that would provide a scientific and robust
Achievements during the 2012-13 (up to basis for valuation of forest and thus would
31st December 2012) be a practical application while enforcing
– Standing Finance Committee (SFC) Memo provisions of Forest conservation Act 1980,
for continuation of the ongoing National particularly in determining NPV of forest.
Natural Resources Management System Forest type maps would also be useful in
(NNRMS) Scheme from 11th Five Year the studies of impact of climate change
Plan (FYP) to 12th Five Year Plan has been on forest and biodiversity.
approved by the Ministry. – A book on “Coastal Zones of India” has
– During the year the Technical & Financial been brought out by the Space Application
Sub-Committee of National Natural Centre, Space Application Centre (ISRO),
Resources Management System (NNRMS) Ahmadabad under the MoEF sponsored
on Bio-resources and Environment SC-B project under the NNRMS Programme of
Annual Report 2012-2013
the Ministry. This book is an outcome of the The Institute designs and implements R&D
national project on “Coastal Zone Studies” activities on priority environmental problems;
undertaken by the ISRO at the behest of develops and demonstrates best practices and
Ministry of Environment & Forests. The delivers technology packages for improved
project addressed the various aspect livelihood options for the people of IHR. The
of the Indian Coastal Zone, including identified thematic categories for Institute
preparation of baseline information on R&D activities include: (1) Watershed Processes
CRZ inventory of coastal land use including and Management (WPM), (2) Biodiversity
ecologically sensitive areas for the entire Conservation and Management (BCM), (3)
Indian coast as 1:25,000 scale. These maps Environmental Assessment and Management
have been extensively used by the state (EAM), (4) Socio-economic Development
environment department and the MoEF (SED), (5) Biotechnological Applications (BTA),
in providing environmental clearances and (6) Knowledge Products and Capacity
and in implementing CRZ notification. Building (KCB). Research, demonstration and
The book provides information covering dissemination are underlying elements of all
the following: (i) Inventory of the coastal project activities geared towards development
land use along with demarcation of HTL/ of environment-friendly technology packages.
LTC and Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs). In addition GBPIHED also provides guidelines
(ii) Mapping and monitoring of coral reefs with policy implications.
and mangroves (iii) impact of sea level rise
on the Indian Coastal Environment and (iv)
development of Coastal Zone Information The Institute has three broad objectives:
System (CZIS). – To undertake in-depth research and
G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan development studies on environmental
Environment and Development, Kosi- problems of the Indian Himalayan
Katarmal, Almora Region;
Introduction – To identify and strengthen the local
G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan knowledge of the environment and
Environment and Development (GBPIHED) was contribute towards strengthening
established in August 1988 by the Ministry of researches of regional relevance; and
Environment and Forests, Government of India, – To evolve and demonstrate suitable
as an autonomous Institute, with a mandate technology packages and delivery systems
of achieving sustainable development and for sustainable development of the region
environmental conservation in the Indian in harmony with local perceptions.
Himalayan Region (IHR). The Institute Progress/Achievements made during the
attempts to execute its mandate through year
its Headquarters located at Kosi-Katarmal,
– Integrated Decision Support System
Almora (Uttarakhand), and four regional Units
(DSS) has been developed for generating
located at Mohal - Kullu (Himachal Pradesh),
water supply scenario for different years
Srinagar-Garhwal (Uttarakhand), Pangthang
till 2030 for Upper Kosi watershed as
(Sikkim) and Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh).
a pilot model. A pilot scale model of
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Fig-32. Projected supply and demand scenario of Kosi watershed
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
from permanent GPS stations has been than the cereal based traditional farming
continued and V-SAT connectivity for data practice prevalent in the region.
transfer from permanent GPS stations – Forest ecosystem services in the central
is under progress. The preparation for Himalayan mountains using Oak and
campaign mode study has started and Pine forests for their relative contribution
field survey has also been conducted for revealed that Oak forests are rich in tree
finding the status of campaign stations. layer diversity (Shannon Wiener index)
Group 2: Socio Economic Development (1.6 vs. 0.23) as compared to Pine forests.
(SED) & Environmental Assessment and Density of tree layer in Oak forests was
Management (EAM) high (1160 ind. /ha) as compared to the
The group includes two themes: (i) Socio Pine forests (1090 ind/ha). The total basal
Economic Development (SED) which focuses area of tree layer of Oak forests (60.75
on activities, such as livelihood enhancement, m2/ha) was also found to be more than
sustainable tourism, entrepreneurship and the Pine forests (54.11 m2/ha). Tree layer
self employment, indigenous knowledge, and biomass (595 vs. 223 t/ha) and carbon
socio-economic and cultural implications, (298 vs. 111 t/ha) stored in Oak forests
migration, etc; and (ii) Environmental was recorded to be higher as compared
Assessment and Management (EAM) to Pine forests. Carbon sequestration rate
targeting on activities such as hill specific was recorded to be slightly higher in Pine
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), forests as compared to Oak forests (7.46
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), vs. 6.79 t/ha/yr).The total monetary value
valuation of ecosystem services, climate change of carbon stock (@ ` 4160/tC) in standing
impacts, disaster mitigation and management, above ground biomass was computed
and environmental management of urban `12,39,680/ha for Oak forests and
areas, etc. The highlights of the R&D work `4,61,760/ha for Pine forests. Monetary
include the following: value of carbon sequestration was thus
recorded to be higher for the Oak forests
– In-depth assessment of farming systems as compared to Pine forests (` 31,034 vs.
and their economic potential in the 28,246 /ha/yr).
western Himalayan region was undertaken
– Under the impact of urbanization on solid
to identify issues and options for rural
waste management and air pollution,
income diversification (on-farm and off-
ambient air quality (AAQ) was measured
farm). Five promising farming practices, i.e.,
in different towns of Himachal Pradesh.
floriculture, mixed multi-layer vegetable
Within ambient air, particulate pollutants
cultivation, dairy farming, horticulture
like TSP (particles <100 µ), PM10 (particles
and integrated farming practices of the
<10 µ) and gaseous pollutants like SO2,
region were studied. Input:output ratio
NO2 and NH3 were monitored on diurnal
of these improved and somewhat “recent”
basis starting from midnight (0 hr) up to
farming practices were estimated to be:
morning 8 hr, than from 8 to 16 hr in a
floriculture (1:5), horticulture (1:65) and
day and finally16 hr to again midnight
mixed multilayer vegetable cultivation
(24 hr IST). Many times the concentration
(1:7), which were found to be greater
of particulate pollutants was found to be
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-54. Air pollution levels at Hamirpur, Kangra and Chamba towns in Himachal Pradesh
above their permissible limits (i.e., TSP 200; 2011 (Fig. _). Linear mapping of Tourist
PM10 100 µg/m3) at the three studied sites. Inflow (Y) for the subscripted period
However, the gaseous pollutants were against time (X) - Y2004-11 = 1212017
found to be well below their permissible (X-2003) + 4546102; R-sq=0.958, tcoff
limits (i.e., SO2 80; NO2 80; NH3 400 µg/m3). = 11.74, p=.00002, suggests an average
The variation amongst these parameters growth of 1212017 tourists per year. This
between different towns and seasons was also suggests the influence of tourism on
also recorded (Table-54). income generation of the local people.
– The tourist inflow statistics for the Himachal – In order to understand the aerosol
Pradesh state were compiled and analyzed climatology over nor thwestern
for a broader understanding of its nature Indian Himalayan region, conducted
and trend-patterns. The inflow profile for investigations have revealed maximum
the period 2004 -11 suggests nearly 2.5 aerosol optical density (AOD) for the year
times increase in tourist inflow from 6.55 2011 and minimum for the year 2007, and
million in 2004 to almost 15.09 million in thus showed 36.36% increase at 500 nm
Fig-35. Profile of annual inflow of tourists to Himachal Pradesh (2004-11).
Annual Report 2012-2013
(Fig-36c). The monthly mean Black Carbon
Fig-36. Aerosols at Mohal: (a) AOD, (b) FN and AN AOD,
Aerosol (BCA) concentrations at Mohal was (c) monthly mean values of alpha (α), beta (β), and
maximum (4592 ngm-3) in January, 2011 (d) monthly mean BCA concentration
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
(NDBR), Uttarakhand; Nargu Wildlife
Genera (no.)
Families (no.)
Sanctuary (NWLS), Himachal Pradesh;
Species (no)
Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve
(KBR), Sikkim; and the proposed Tawang-
West Kameng Biosphere Reserve, Arunachal
transect in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve
(West Sikkim) been optimized, and the potential of
their utilization in industrial sector was
highlighted. Among the two different
Applications (BTA); the aim is to ensure long conditions (shade and hot air oven at
term conservation of sensitive Himalayan 45°C), higher phytochemicals and more
biodiversity elements and improvement in the antioxidant activity in plant parts (leaves
rural economy of the Indian Himalayan Region. and rhizomes) dried in the hot air oven
Highlights of the R&D work carried out under at 45°C were found (Table-55).
this group are as follows:
– Attempt was made to develop database of
– Under the response assessment project, vascular plants of Western Himalaya in the
data sets on various aspects of biodiversity electronic form, a total of 640 specimens
especially those suggesting/indicating belonging to 456 species, 193 genera and
changes were strengthened with respect 40 families were digitalized and suitably
to Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserves edited. These specimens have been
Ministry of Environment & Forests
a b
Fig-40. Propagation of Z. armatum and A. subulatum. (a) Seedlings obtained following acid treatment to Z. armatum seeds,
(b) saplings of the same in pots under green house conditions, (c) multiple shoot formation in Z. armatum following culture on
MS medium supplemented with growth regulators, and various stages during in vitro propagation of A. subulatum (d-f ).
Annual Report 2012-2013
were carried out. In case of Zanthoxylum vs. P. pelatum (American May apple)]
armatum large number of plants were appears to be paraphyletic (Fig-41). Of
obtained following seed treatments with the 60 RAPD markers, 4 were able to
different concentrations of sulphuric acid clearly differentiate the species. These
after 140 days (Fig-40 a&b). Nodal explants markers were eluted and cloned in Eco RI
taken from branches of Z. armatum site. Podophyllum hexandrum germplasm
trees were multiplied in MS medium collected from Kullu, showed high amount
supplemented with auxins and cytokinins; of podophyllotoxin (1.5%) as compared to
following shoot proliferation and further P. sikkimensis (0.336%).
multiplication, different treatments were B. Application of R & D Outputs in
provided to induce root formation in Demonstration and Dissemination:
these shoots (Fig-40c). Multiple shoots
Capacity building through Rural Technology
of A. subulatum were cultured on the MS
Center (RTC)
medium supplemented with different
concentrations of cytokinins. Shoots were – The participatory action research and
multiplied, rooted, hardened and planted training centers (RTCs) at Triyuginarayan
in soil; over 1000 plants are now ready for and Kosi have received wide popularity and
field transfer (Fig-40d-f ). played a catalytic role in capacity building
of the user groups on the utility of various
– In order to characterize different species
rural technologies, either introduced
of Podophyllum, 20 AFLP markers used in
(and locally modified) or developed
the study showed 88.01% polymorphism
by the Institute. A total of 30 on-site
amongst the species and the paired
training, capacity building and awareness
relationship of intercontinental species
programmes were conducted for various
in the Podophyllum group [P. hexandrum,
stakeholders at HQs and Triyuginarayan.
and P. sikkimensis (Indian May apple)
More than half (53%) training/awareness
programmes were for farmers/officials
selected by Govt. organizations, 21% for
NGOs, 15% for students, and 11% were in
relation to institute programmes. A total
of 933 persons (285 female, 648 male
farmers) from 11 districts and 161 villages
under this initiative in the reporting period
– The capacity building programme at
Triyuginarayan has made significant
contribution in the field of off-season
vegetable cultivation and bioprospecting
of wild bioresources. More than 170
Fig-41. Principle component analysis (PCA) amongst 35
genotypes of three species of Podophyllum. PP1-10 progressive farmers of 15 villages have
(P. peltatum), PHM1-10 (P. hexandrum-Munsyari genotypes, started off-seasonal vegetable cultivation
Uttarakhand), PHK1-8 (P. hexandrum-Kullu genotypes,
Himachal Pradesh), PS1-7 (P. sikkimensis). using low cost polyhouses. The economic
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Progress of R&D Activities
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Competence Services
• Village Environment Action Laboratory Analysis
Plan (VEAP)
• Plant, soil, water and air quality
• Meteorological data analysis
• Natural Resource Assessment
& Management • Biochemical investigations on medicinal/edible plants
• Microbiological and biotechnological experimentation
Capacity Building
• Water Resource Conservation
• Natural resource management
• Nature protection and conservation education
• Biodiversity Characterization
and Monitoring • RS/GIS training
• Training on low-cost rural technologies
• Documentation of IKS • Disaster management
• Doctoral/Masters and Graduate level dissertations
• Environmental Physiology Consultancies
and Plant Adaptation
• Water resource management – catchment area protection
• Hydropower - EIA/EMP
• Biotechnological and
Microbiological Applications • Project formulation on bioresources
• Watershed management strategies
Annual Report 2012-2013
farmers and user groups. component of the capacity building scheme.
Training of other stakeholders like Panchayat
– Throughout the year, the R&D findings
Members, elected representatives, teachers,
of the Institute were disseminated
social activist, NGOs, and Media personnel is
through publication of research papers in
also arranged by various institutions under the
scientific journals and magazines, popular
capacity building schemes. The RT- Division is
articles and books and through Institute
also implementing externally aided project on
publications: Pt. G.B. Pant Memorial
“Capacity Development for Forest Management
Lectures by eminent thinkers and scholars,
& Training of Personnel (IDP.199)”.
Hima-Paryavaran (Biannual-Newsletter),
ENVIS Bulletin, ENVIS Newsletter, Himalayan Following two umbrella schemes are
Biosphere Reserve Bulletin (Biannual) by being implemented by RT division through
Lead centre, and Annual Report. various institutions/ organisations.
– Based on the competence gained over the Grants in aid to Forestry & Wildlife
years on different aspects of mountain- Institutions
specific environment and development
This scheme is a merged scheme of four
issues, the Institute is equipped to extend
ongoing central sector“Grants-in-Aid Schemes”
services in diverse sectors; some of the
of Ministry of Environment and Forests. The
areas have been given in Table-_.
individual schemes of 10th Five Year Plan which
Forestry Research have been merged include:
Introduction – Grants-in-aid to Indian Council of Forestry
Research & Training Division (RT) is a Research & Education (ICFRE), Dehradun.
nodal division for two major central sector plan – Grants-in-aid to Indian Institute of Forest
schemes namely “Grants-in-Aid to Forestry Management (IIFM), Bhopal
& Wildlife Sector” and “Capacity Building in
– Grants-in-aid to Indian Plywood Industries
Forestry Sector”. This division looks after the
Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI),
administrative, financial and other matters
of four research & training institutions viz.
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Indian Council of Forestry Research & – Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI),
Education (ICFRE), Dehradun Jorhat
Indian Council of Forestry Research and – Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI),
Education (ICFRE), an apex body in the national Jodhpur
forestry research system, has been undertaking – Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI),
the holistic development of forestry research Shimla
through need based planning, promoting,
– Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP),
conducting and coordinating research,
education and extension with the emerging
issues in the sector, including global concerns Advanced Research Centres under the
such as climate change, conservation of Council are:
biological diversity, combating desertification – Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-
and sustainable management and development Rehabilitation (CSFER), Allahabad
of resources. – Centre for Forestry Research and Human
Topical research by the Council enhances Resource Development (CFRHRD),
the ability of forest managers and researchers Chhindwara
to successfully handle challenges related to – Forest Research Centre (FRC), Hyderabad
natural resources management. The council – Advanced Research Centre for Bamboo
also imparts forestry education through and Rattans (ARCBR), Aizawl
Forest Research Institute (FRI), a Deemed
Indian Institute of Forest Management
University, supports forestry education in
(IIFM), Bhopal
Agricultural Universities and organize training
programmes for the personnel of the State Established in 1982 as an Autonomous
Forest Departments and other stakeholders in Institution under the Ministry of
the field of forestry and allied sectors. Environment & Forests, Govt. Of India, the
IIFM was conceptualised in response to
Evaluation of the Scheme: Indian Council of recommendations of National Commission
Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) has on Agriculture (1972). Further in 1974, Govt.
eight Regional Research Institutes and four of India accepted the recommendations of
Research Centers located in different bio- Food and Agriculture Organization of the
geographical regions of the country to cater to United Nations and Swedish International
the forestry research needs of the nation. Development Agency. Besides, emphasis on
Research Institutes under the Council are: renewable national resource system under
Business Management was also suggested
– Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun
by Ford Foundation. All this necessitated the
– Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree creation of Autonomous Institute to provide
Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore a formal identity in the field of Management
– Institute of Wood Science and Technology Education in Forest & Allied Sectors.
(IWST), Bengaluru
Recognizing the need, Government of
– Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI), India entered into agreement with Indian
Jabalpur Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, to
Annual Report 2012-2013
on 15th January 1982. The current/second
perspective plan (2006-2016) of IIFM is under – To serve different stakeholders of forestry,
implementation and gives tremendous environment, and Development sectors
thrust on increased research, expansion of and the society, in general, through
educational programmes, increased national development and dissemination of
and international linkages along with knowledge, human resource development
supporting infrastructure and resource base through its education and training
for effective implementation. activities, and providing assistance in
formulation and advocacy of relevant
Since it’s establishment, in 1982 as an
policies and strategies,
autonomous institution of the Ministry of
Environment & Forests, the Institute has – To be a national institution with
developed as an educational, research, international perspective and outreach,
training and consultancy organisation at and
national as well as international level. The IIFM – To build culture of excellence, achievement,
aims to provide leadership in professional cooperation and service within a framework
forestry management aimed at environmental of strong ethical patterns of behavior
conservation and sustainable development of informed by universal values.
Ecosystems. This institute is also trying to be Indian Plywood Industries Research &
among the leading international institutions Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bengaluru
in the area of forest and related environment
IPIRTI was established for undertaking
development management and be respected,
research and development of technologies for
both nationally as well as internationally, for
plywood and panel products made from wood
it’s outstanding contributions in the field of
and other lignocellulosic materials including
education, training, research, consultancy, and
plantation timber, bamboo and other natural
thought leadership.
fibres. The technologies developed have been
The Institute, as a sectoral management made available to the forest based industries
institute, imparts education in forest (mostly plywood manufacturing units) and
management, which is a judicious combination other stakeholders. Institute is also responsible
of management, social, and forestry sciences. for providing training to meet human resource
Ministry of Environment & Forests
development needs for plywood and other good governance, managing of non-timber
allied industries. IPIRTI is also a recognized forest products for addressing livelihood
Institute from Bureau of Indian Standards concerns of local communities, effective
(BIS) for undertaking testing and formulating leadership and conflict resolution, impact of
standards related to wood based panel global warming and climate change on forests
products. and biodiversity, geographical information
system – a decision tool for forestry planning
Capacity Building in Forestry Sector
and management, captive management of
It is a Central Sector Scheme formulated wild animals, eco-tourism assessment and
by merger of different existing, Central Sector development, economics of conservation areas,
Forestry Training Schemes into a single Scheme enhancing the effectiveness for implementation
with additional components. The Planning of government policies and programmes,
Commission approved the merger proposal wildlife management – issues, concerns
in principle at an outlay of `110.00 crores and practices, eco-tourism – strategies for
for the Eleventh Five Year Plan and Cabinate success, learning lessons from externally aided
Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) projects, conservation and development of
approved the scheme along with additional medicinal plants, natural resources accounting,
Externally Aided Projects (EAP) component bamboo resource development for livelihood
of `225.00 Crore from Japanese International generation for tribal and rural communities,
Cooperation Agency. role of forestry in conservation, development
and management of water resources, role
Training of IFS Officers
of agro-forestry in increasing tree cover etc.
This scheme is for capacity building of Besides this, IFS officers are also sponsored to
Indian Forest Service (IFS) officers through pursue long-term training courses in the areas
sponsoring of short-term refresher courses of interest offered by premier institutions of
of one/two week(s) duration in the premier the country.
institutions in the country for keeping them
up to date on latest technologies, new ideas In addition to sponsoring short-term
and change of the attitude for managing the refresher courses for the IFS officers, it is
natural resources of the country. The institutes proposed to continue sponsoring 1-3 day
organize specialized tailor-made courses training workshops and seminars for the
on various topics/themes as decided by the IFS officers on emerging topics of regional,
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). national and international importance
The courses cover a wide range of topics like professionalizing the forestry service,
relating to management and administration of water conservation, training curricula and
forests, wildlife and environment and general effectiveness review, forest invasive species,
administration in the government. The topics bio-prospecting, interventions required for
include human resource development, financial scientific management of Non-Timber Forest
management including micro-financing, Produces (NTFPs) and livelihood concerns of
environmental impact assessment & auditing, local communities, changing needs of forestry
joint forest management, intellectual property administration and management etc. The
rights issues in forestry, policy and legal issues, training workshops/seminars will be sponsored
in the premier institutions/organization in the
Annual Report 2012-2013
country depending upon their expertise in a State Forest Service and Ranger’s College
particular field/discipline. The Directorate of Forest Education, a
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy subordinate office directly under the Ministry
(IGNFA), Dehradun of Environment and Forests has been involved
in capacity building of forestry personnel of
IGNFA was constituted in the year 1987 by
the states and union territories in the country
renaming the erstwhile Indian Forest College
other than IFS since 1991. The forestry training
vide Ministry of Environment and Forest order
institutes under the direct administrative
No. 1-6/87-RT dated 25.05.87. This Academy is
control of the Directorate of Forest Education
engaged in imparting induction training to IFS
(Probationers) and in service training of one
week/two week/three weeks to the in-service – Central Academy for State Forest Service,
officers. Academy has also started professional Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
skills upgradation training for the officers – CentralAcademy for StateForest Service,
promoted to Indian Forest Services from Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
State Forest Service (SFS) and officers of other
– CentralAcademy for StateForest Service,
services including judiciary. Brief objective/
Burnihat (Assam)
activities of the Academy are as under:
– Eastern ForestRangersCollege, Kurseong
– Conducting initial training of IFS (West Bengal)
probationers extended over a period of
The mandate of the Directorate of Forests
three years (changed to two years from
Education is :
– Organizing Professional skill upgradation – To ensure ‘Standard and quality’ of training
training programme for officers of SFS being imparted to the forestry personnel
promoted into IFS. of all levels other than Indian Forest
Service personnel.
– Conducting compulsory course for in
service IFS officers at middle/senior – To help develop ‘Capacity and Infrastructure’
level. of desired standard for training of various
levels of personnel in forestry sector other
– Organizing thematic seminar/workshop
than IFS.
on relevant sectoral issues.
– To assist develop appropriate and relevant
– Conducting Advanced Forest Management
training modules/ content/evaluation
Courses for in service officers with 10, 17
formats for forestry training at various
and 21 years of service in IFS.
levels of personnel.
– Organizing Senior Foresters Workshop
– To sensitize the stakeholders about
for senior IFS Officers of 50 years (retired
forestry and forest conservation through
foresters) and 30 years of service.
conducting custom made training
– Conduc ting M id Career Training modules.
Programme for IFS officers of 7-9(Phse-III),
– To assist Government of India and State
16-18(Phase-IV) and 26-28 years (Phase-V)
Governments to develop training
of service.
policy for efficient human resource
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
training schools/institutes of the country and
– Jharkhand
(ii) enhanced output of the training schools/
– Kerala institutes, quantitatively by the number of
– Madhya Pradesh trainees trained and qualitatively, by the quality
– Maharashtra of training inputs. The estimated physical
– Uttarakhand targets for (i) & (ii) are given in Table-_.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
The RT- Division is implementing externally – National Training Guidelines for frontline
aided project on “Capacity Development For staff are under revision.
Forest Management & Training of Personnel The plan for the next six month include
(IDP.199)”. During last one year– following activities-
– Capacity freezing for trainees of frontline – Completing 2 DPRs and their approval
staff done for 11 states and 20 existing and expeditiously and Visit to Nagaland for
2 new State Forestry Training Institutes. guiding the DPR preparation
Nagaland has been included as 12th state
– Inclusion of Himachal Pradesh and Goa
in the project and capacity has been
after due formalities
– Persuading remaining States to engage
– Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) of 18
their State Consultants
existing SFTIs have been sanctioned and
80% of the sanctioned amount transferred – Conducting ToT in 11 States and Sikkim
to SFDAs of concerned states.DPRs of 2 and Conducting new MT Development
new SFTIs (one for Bihar and one for WB) Program for new states and left out
are under consideration in the Ministry. PMTs
– 50 Potential Master Trainers (PMT ) – Monitoring of project activities in states.
from 11 participating states (Arunachal
Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh,
Indian Council of Forestry Research and
Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Education (ICFRE), Dehradun
Maharashtra, Mizoram, Uttarakhand and Introduction
West Bengal) and Sikkim (included only
Indian Council of Forestry Research
for soft component) are identified from
and Education (ICFRE), an apex body in the
the originally nominated more than 100
national forestry research system, has been
officers from state cadres
undertaking the holistic development of
– Out of 50 PMTs, 41 PMTs from 11 States forestry research through need based planning,
and Sikkim are given intensive training promoting, conducting and coordinating
on Training Methodologies who will in
research, education and extension covering
turn conduct Training of Trainers (ToTs)
all aspects of forestry. The Council deals
for faculties of SFTIs of their respective
with the solution based forestry research in
tune with the emerging issues in the sector,
– Each PMT prepared Lesson Plans for 2 including global concerns such as climate
Lecture Hours on forestry subjects of change, conservation of biological diversity,
syllabus for frontline staff combating desertification and sustainable
– National level consultants are in position management and development of resources.
and State Level Consultants are in place in Topical research by the Council enhances
Kerala, Maharashtra and MP already and public confidence in the ability of forest
under process in rest of the states. managers and researchers to successfully
– Renovation /new construction are in handle challenges related to natural resource
progress at Kerala, Maharastra, Andhra management.
Pradesh, Assam, MP etc.
Annual Report 2012-2013
and propagate the same through mass
media, audio-visual aids and extension all the ICFRE institutes will work together
machinery to achieve common goals by pooling
resources, have been envisaged and
– To provide consultancy services in the
field of forestry research, education and
allied sciences – The Council restructured the erstwhile
Project Formulation Division into the
– To undertake other jobs considered
Panchayat and Human Dimensions
necessary to attain these objectives
Division, headed by an officer of ADG
Progress/achievements made during rank, for broadening its activities by
2012-13 having an interface with Panchayat Raj
New initiatives institutions in the country with a special
focus on developing a baseline of forest
– ICFRE revisited its thrust areas to make
and non-forest land use practices. Work in
research people-centric, primarily focusing
this direction is going on in 275 districts
on the livelihoods of the rural tribal
of the country.
population, along with a focus on food
and water security. Six thrust areas and – A new innovative scheme, “Direct
35 themes were identified. The new thrust to Consumer”, for quick transfer of
areas are the following: technologies to consumers/stakeholders
on completion of research projects has
– Thrust Area 1: Managing Forests and
been launched by the ICFRE so that the
Forests Products for Livelihood Support
end users can get immediate benefits from
and Economic Growth
the research findings. Seventeen projects
– Thrust Area 2: Biodiversity Conservation from various institutes of the ICFRE have
and Ecological Security been identified for extension under the
– Thrust Area 3: Forests and Climate Direct to Consumer scheme.
Change – The composition of Forest Types of India
– Thrust Area 4: Forest Genetic Resource in the field have changed a lot since
Management and Tree Improvement last revision in 1969. Their revision was
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
the funds provided by the Ministry of – During the World Forest Week Event
Environment and Forest, Government of on Strengthening forestry in land use
India. The report covers six important sub decisions, Dr. V. K. Bahuguna, Director
sectors associated with forestry namely General, ICFRE, Dehradun INDIA, chaired a
Forest Management and Community session on “Strengthening forestry in land
Participation; Conservation of Forests, use decisions” at the COFO 2012 Meet at
Wildlife and Biodiversity; Development Rome on 25 September 2012.
of Forest Resources: Schemes and – Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, DG, ICFRE has been
Achievements; Application of Science and elected unanimously Vice Chairman
Technology in Management; Production of Asia Pacific Association of Forestry
and Utilization of Forest Resource and Research Institutions (APFRI) during the
Human Resource and Capacity Building. Sixth General Assembly of APFRI held on
Both the books were released by Smt. 31-08-2012 at Guangzhou, China.
Jayanthi Natarajan, Hon’ble Minister of – The Forest Research Centre, Hyderabad
Environment and Forests, Government of has been upgraded to Institute level and
India during COP-11, Hyderabad on 17th renamed as Institute of Forest Bio-diversity.
October 2012. The Institute will focus on the biodiversity
Fig-43. Dr. V.K. Bahuguna, DG, ICFRE chaired the session at COFO 2012 Meet, Rome
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
workshop was sponsored by the Ministry it was observed that most of the isolates
of Environment and Forests, Government were able to degrade the textile dye
of India, New Delhi. effluents and maximum degradation was
observed by Bacillus sp. under in vitro.
Forest Research Institute (FRI),
Dehradun – Leaf blight disease on Gmelina arborea
caused by species of Alternaria, Cuvularia
and Colletotrichum were recorded for the
– Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun first time in SFD Research Nurseries at
obtained thirteen isolates of Alternaria Villupuram and Dindugal, Tamil Nadu.
species from diseased eucalyptus samples, – 55 PGPR isolates were isolated from 12
amplified and sequenced for ITS region of contaminated soil samples and it was pure
nrDNA. cultured and maintained in nutrient agar
– Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun slants for further studies under in vitro.
observed that three clones of Dalbergia – Three full length CDS sequences from E.
sissoo are showing resistance against tereticornis were submitted to NCBI.
Fusarium solani wilt disease.
– IFGTB, Coimbatore currently making efforts
Extension to develop organic biobooster from plant
– FRI, Dehradun organized a regional based products. The use of biobooster
workshop on “Revision of National Working which are highly safe and act as induced
Plan Code” from 28th and 29th May 2012 plant defenses. It is observed that Coir
at Kolkata. Senior Working Plan. Officers pith with Farmyard manure and effluent
from North East states attended the compost influence the better growth
workshop. Casuarina junghuhniana seedlings raised
in different treatments viz. Coir pith with
– Under ‘Direct to Consumer’ programme
Farm Yard manure, Effluent compost,
of ICFRE, technology developed by FRI,
Vermiculite, green manure in nursery. The
Dehradun for ‘Reshaping of exudates gums’
results were confirmed after 30 days of
was transferred to M/s Anand Gond Udyog,
Nagpur on a license fee of ` 1.4 Lakhs.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI), initiated and sub culturing of some useful
Jabalpur rhizospheric bacteria and fungi is under
– Organized two training programme on progress.
collection value addition and marketing – During the field survey at Mokokchung,
of Non-timber forest products is organized Nagaland 62 species of mushroom were
from 17th to 21st & 24th to 28th September collected. Out of these following 16
2012 for the members of Rajiv Gandhi species were identified Hebeloma pusillum,
Mission for watershed management. Delicatula integrella, Diplomitoporus
– Organized one day workshop on flavescens, Geoglossum cookeianum,
‘Strengthening Network for Outreach Hemimycena lacteal, Marasmiellus
of Research Findings’ on 30th November candidus, Marasmiellus vaillantii, Ramaria
2012 to extend the research findings of acrisiccescens, Coprinus silvaticus, Scutellinia
TFRI, Jabalpur and other ICFRE Institutes. scutellata, Cyathus striatus, Xylaria longipes,
Research findings of various technologies Lentinus bertieri, Coprinus disseminates,
were disseminated to forest department, Armillaria tabescens and Galerina
NGOs, SHGs and others. Technologies autumnalis.
include, Sustainable harvesting of Arjuna – A species of pathogenic bacteria Bacillus sp.
Bark, Integrated Pest Management of white was detected from the naturally infected
grubs in forest nurseries, Biological control cadavers of Pyrausta coclesalis Wlk. a major
of insect pest of teak in plantations, Teak- defoliator of Bambusa tulda and B.balcooa.
turmeric silvi-medicinal system, Draught Laboratory evaluation of the pathogenic
type drum dryer techniques of drying bacteria revealed that 2.6 x 108 CFU/ml
seeds of important Non Wood Forest was found to be effective on the host as
species, Tree species suitable for different well on other important bamboo leaf roller
stress sites (viz. water logged, Bhata land Crocidophora sp. The record of this native
and Mine overburden sites etc.) in central pathogenic bacteria on the host P.coclesalis
India, VAM and Azospirilum production was found to be a new record.
techniques for teak stump production, Micro-
propagation of R. serpentine, Development
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
interface with Panchayat Raj institutions orchards etc. Till now 78000 plants have
in the country, a new Division, ‘Panchayat been distributed under the project.
and Human Dimensions Division’ has been – Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree
created. Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore organized an
Activities including publication of literature, awareness meeting on “Sexual harassment
training and exposition, setting up model of Women at workplace (Prevention,
nursery etc. have been undertaken in Prohibition and Redressal) Bill, 2012” by
Van Vigyan Kendras. Besides, the regular the Internal Complaints Committee, IFGTB
activities, Initiatives have been taken on 1st October 2012. The meeting was
towards the networking of VVKs with KVKs organized to spread awareness on the
of ICAR. Bill which was recently passed by the Lok
Sabha on 3rd September 2012.
Budget allocation and Progress of
expenditure during 2012-13 – IFGTB, Coimbatore and KVK, Villupuram
organized the interactive meet of Tree
Budget Budget Progress of Growers and distribution of casuarina
Component allocation Expenditure seedlings developed by IFGTB for the
by MoEF upto Thane Cyclone affected farmers organized
for 2012-13
under Networking of VVK and KVK at
(Rs. in crore)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Villupuram located at
Plan 134.50 (RE) 72.0
Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu on 10th December
Non-Plan 25.97 19.48
Empowerment of women/ weaker sections – Socio-economic survey work was carried
matters out in 61 villages of Pali district & ecological
– A comprehensive Agroforestry Project survey conducted in forest fringe areas of 21
titled, “Samudai Adharit Samanvit Van villages. It was observed that forest fringe
Prabandhan Evam Sanrakshan Yojana in area in Pali is dominated by Meena, Bhil and
Bihar State” commonly known as Bihar Gharasia tribes. Euphorbia caducifolia and
Project being implemented by ICFRE in Prosopis cineraria were found as dominant
collaboration with Environment and forest types in forest areas of Manpur
Ministry of Environment & Forests
and Ghanaroo villages. In the outskirt of farmers attended the training and on
Ghanti and Dhurasni village dense forest “Bamboo propagation, cultivation and
of Prosopis juliflora was observed. Mixed management for sustainable livelihood”
forest of P. Juliflora, Cassia tora, Capparis from 24th to 28th September 12 wherein 31
Deciduas, Anogeissus pendula, Calotropis progressive farmers attended the training.
procera, Argemone Mexicana were found The training programme was sponsored
in Wandar, Magartalab,Lolawas and by State Institute of Rural Development
Bariyala villages. However, in some of the (SIRD), Ranchi, Jharkhand.
villages like Berkalan, Mandigarh density – IFP, Ranchi organized a 5 days training
of vegetations were very sparse to almost program “Livelihood Generation through
nil. Non Timber Forest Product and Medicinal
– FRI, Dehradun organized a 5 days’ Plants” from 12th to 18th October 2012
specialized training on “Bamboo, Ringal wherein 27 progressive farmers attended
and Grass based Jewellery making” for 26 the training. The training programme
farmers/ Artisans of Uttarakhand at FRI, was sponsored by State Institute of Rural
Dehradun from 18th to 22nd June 2012. Development (SIRD), Ranchi, Jharkhand.
– Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi – Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun
organised training programme on “Lac organized a National Seminar on “Livelihood
cultivation through scientific method in Opportunities in Fringe Forests: Research and
kusum trees” to the farmers at Gutuhatu Management Prospective” on 10th August
of Khunti district on 26th June 2012 to 2012. The seminar was inaugurated by
the farmers at Kurdapurti, 3rd July 2012 his Excellency Shri Shekhar Dutt, Hon’ble
wherein 36 farmers participated. Governor of Chhattisgarh.
– Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), – Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI),
Ranchi organized three days training on Jorhat conducted awareness generation
“Scientific Methods of Lac Cultivation” on programme on “Livelihood development
17th to 19th August 2012. Different aspects and creation of carbon pool through
of Lac cultivation including Pruning, bamboo plantation in degraded jhum land”
Host Management, Quality of Brood lac, in Jilangso village (Kohora) Karbi Anglong
Inoculation, Pest control, Harvesting, Lac on 18th October, 2012. Fifty two farmers
Cultivation on Flemengia Semialata were from Jilangso village, Rongtara village and
covered in the training. The institute in Phumen Ingti Village actively participated
1st phase distributed 2000 Flemengia in the programme.
Semialata plants on 30th August 2012 – Socio-economic and vegetation studies
to the farmers at Jeevari village for lac in forest fringe villages of Kota district
cultivation with inter cropping under showed the dominance of P. juliflora, S.
‘Direct to Consumer Project’. urens, Z. numularis, A. leucophloa, Aistida, C.
– IFP, Ranchi organized a 5-day training deciduas, S. oleiodes, T. purpuria etc. among
programme on “Scientific lac cultivation vegetation whereas, among different tribes
for sustainable livelihood” from 18th to 22nd these villages are dominated by Meena,
September 2012 wherein 23 progressive Gujjar and Bheels. Their main source of
Annual Report 2012-2013
medicinal plants are Nyctanthus
arbortrestus (Harsingar),
Cybopogon citrates (Lemon grass), Fig-46. Mountains Leh-landscape
Asparagus racemosus (Satawari),
Crinumasi aticum (Sudarsan), Adhatoda Mr. Zhang Shougong, CAF president, on
beddomei (Adusa) and three creepers are 31st August, 2011 in Beijing. The MoU
Tinospora cordiflora (Neem giloi), Argyreia signed between the two institutions
nervosa (Tambeshwar Ghav Bel) and will facilitate cooperation between two
Tylophora asthmatica (Dama Bel). countries on identified areas of research. Dr.
Agreements with countries/ international VK Bahuguna and Mr. Shougong discussed
organisations emerging areas of mutual interest like
climate change, forest ecosystems, forest
ICFRE has initiated International
hydrology germ-plasm conservation,
Cooperation with a number of organizations
sustainable forest management and tree
including International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal;
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), – Proposals for Cooperation with ICIMOD
Japan; UK Forestry Commission, Britain; Chinese and FRIM, Malaysia are under process.
Academy of Forestry, China; Commonwealth Indian Institute of Forest Management
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (IIFM), Bhopal
(CSIRO), Australia; LM Fletcher Research The Institute, as a sectoral management
Institute etc. institute, imparts education in forest
– The Memorandum of Understanding management, which is a judicious mixture of
has now been signed between the forestry, social, and management science. The
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Institute constantly endeavours to keep in
Education and the Chinese Academy of touch with the problems of people, especially
Forestry to foster cooperation between the forest dwellers and undertakes need-
the two nations in identified fields of based research. The Institute tries to serve as
research. The MoU was signed by Dr. VK a reservoir of knowledge in the area of forest
Bahuguna Director General, ICFRE and management and ensures proper integration
Ministry of Environment & Forests
of external and indigenous knowledge suitable Policy Formulation, Analysis and Advocacy
to Indian context. – To function as a national ‘think tank’
The specific objectives of the Institute on forestry and environment aimed at
are: developing appropriate policies and
Education and Training
– To play an advocacy role in the sectors
– To meet the demand for the trained human of concern to promote adoption of
resource with managerial and analytical appropriate policies and implementation
skills in the areas of forestry, environment strategies and safeguard the genuine
and development management through i n t e re s t s o f t h e d i s a d v a n t a g e d
regular educational courses. stakeholders whenever necessary without
– To update the knowledge and managerial compromising national interests.
skills of the serving professionals in the Research
above areas through short-term training
Programs. – Research constitutes one of the core
activities of the Institute and during the
Research and Consultancy year IIFM completed 12 research projects,
– To generate information on field realities out of which one was sponsored by IIFM
and derive meaningful interpretation and 11 were externally sponsored projects.
through systematic research. Currently, there are 20 ongoing research
– To offer consultancy services to the client projects at the Institute, out of which 15
organizations based on the available projects are externally sponsored.
expertise. Centres of Excellence
Dissemination International Centre for Community Forestry
– To disseminate the research-based (ICCF)
information/knowledge and meet The International Centre for Community
the information needs of the forestry, Forestry (ICCF), functioning as a “Centre of
environment and allied sectors through Excellence” was established at the Institute’s
training, seminars and publications. Campus on January 14, 2000 to cater to the
growing need and interest in Community
Databases and Information Systems
Forestry initiatives. The centre emphasizes
– To generate and maintain relevant upon strengthening the country’s community
databases that are essential for policy forestry policy, rural livelihoods support system
formulation, project planning and strategy and development of small scale enterprises to
development in forestry, environment and support millions of people who depend and
allied sectors care for forests and its management. Following
– To develop an Information Management activities were undertaken by the Centre during
System, which is compatible with and the current year.
easily accessible for all users, i.e. from local
– A batch of 25 trainees of Regional Centre
(community) to global level.
of Organic Farming, Jabalpur (National
Centre of Organic Farming, Ghaziabad,
Annual Report 2012-2013
international level on case-to-case basis. The center is expected to generate the
pool of knowledge and understanding on the
Center for Ecological Services Management emerging field of Stainable Forest Management
& Forest Certification for the benefit of forestry
The Centre for Ecological Services sector in the country.
Management (CESM) has been set up as an
interdisciplinary centre to address crucial Center for Livelihood Management
policy issues associated with the complex Centre for Livelihood Management’s
relationship between ecological, social, mission is “Sustainable Livelihood
economic, legal and institutional aspects of Enhancement of Communities including
ecosystem management. Several initiatives Poor, Marginalised and Women”. The centre
have been taken by organisations on the issues acts as a Resource Centre for Stakeholders in
of environment and development in south and the area of training, research, documentation,
south East Asia, but the number of professional consultancy, network and advocacy activities.
organisation working on the related issues It provides a forum for influencing the
on valuation and developing markets and programmes and policies related to livelihood.
incentive based mechanism ecosystem services It also strives for dissemination of technology
is very small. CESM specifically addressed this and approaches which can sustain livelihood.
crucial gap and would undertake research, The stakeholders would include government
consultancy, teaching, training activities as well officials implementing various development
as prepare data base on the values of ecosystem projects for livelihood enhancement, personnel
services, develop and standardise techniques from Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
of valuation of ecosystem service and impact and Civil Society organisations, representatives
studies of degradation. It also networks with of Panchyati Raj Institutions and Communities.
national and international organisations in the A proposal of Action Plan for M.P. State Rural
Natural Resource Management (NRM) Sector Livelihood Forum worth ` 3.48 crore has been
for promoting professional exchange. submitted in December 2012.
Center for Sustainable Forest Management Regional Center for National Afforestation
& Forest Certification (SFM & FC) and Eco-development Board (RCNAEB)
Forest Certification has emerged as an The Regional Centre for National
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Title of the Consulting assignment Name of Team Leader Name of the sponsoring
& Team members organisation
Facilitation for Rubber Wood Dr. Manmohan Yadav Tripura Forest Development
Certification Dr. R.B. Lal and Plantations Corporation
Prof. A.K. Patil LTD
Landscape survey and developing micro Dr. D. Debnath Odisha Forest Department,
plan for enhancement of forest quality Dr. M.D. Omprakash & Bhubaneswar
and improvement of ecosystem services External consultant
in the identified districts of Odisha (Jadhavpur University)
Revision of rates of NPV applicable for Dr. Madhu Verma and IGF & CE- Adhoc-CAMPA,
different classes/category of Forests External Expert MOEF, New Delhi
Completed Assignments
Technical Agency for Development of Dr. Manmohan Yadav Government of India, MSME,
Clusters-Lac cluster Hoshangabad and Dr. Amitabh Pandey KVIC (Directorate of SFURTI),
Bamboo cluster Balaghat in Madhya Mumbai
Ministry of Environment & Forests
participated and presented research papers in plantation timbers and bamboo while meeting
national and international conferences. the vital needs of the developing society.
Annual Report 2012-2013
and hence attempt was made to use corrugated sheet (BMCS) and bamboo
ethanolamine in place of chromium to mat ridge cap (BMRC) was carried out
fix the copper and boron in the wood.A in a commercial unit. The study reveals
new environ friendly formulation by that the total energy requirement for
using copper-ethanolamine-boron (CEB) the production of plywood, bamboo mat
has been developed. The percentage of corrugated sheet (BMCS) and bamboo mat
chemical incorporation in glue line has ridge cap (BMRC) is very less compared to
been optimized. From the toxicological other conventional materials being used.
studies it was found that CEB 2.5 percent The emission of green house gases and
performed excellent against the various effluent were measured in the production
wood destroying organisms. Factory trial unit and has been found that the emission
was done at M/s. Green ply India Limited, of gases is well within the tolerance
Kolkata. limits prescribed by the pollution control
– Study on the suitability of the board. The effluents collected during the
manufacture of Medium Density Fibre production have indicated negligible level
board from rice straw of solids and the toxic chemicals.
The main aim of this study was to Completed Research Projects
assess the suitability of rice straw for the – Development of technique for production
manufacture of medium density fiber of face veneer from reconstituted plantation
board with conventional resins. This study timber.
will help in efficient utilization of rice straw
– Study on fire performance of door and
as an alternate resource for the industrial
shutter assemblies and formulation
manufacture of particleboards and
of standards in line with international
fiberboards.From the results of the study it
was found that either 100% rice straw fibers
bonded with MDI or 50% replacement of – Evaluation of earthquake resistant feature
rice straw fibers with wood fibers blended of bamboo housing system using shock
with synthetic formaldehyde based resin table.
systems can be adopted by the industries
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
project in Sariska, carried out by the Institute. in such priority conservation efforts on
During January 2013, Wildlife Institute of India transboundary landscape management and
re-introduced 2 sub-adult tigresses to Sariska conservation. During the reporting period,
from Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve as part of several Workshops/ Consultative Meetings/
supplementation to the existing population of Training were conducted by ICIMOD at Nepal
7 tigers in Sariska. and India and participating scientists from
the Institute participated in such activities
Initiatives on Trans-boundary Landscape
viz. Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation
Initiative Implementation Phase – Regional
The Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region Inception Workshop during 01-05 May, 2012
forms one of the most fragile mountain chains in Kathmandu, Nepal; Expert Consultation on
of the world. The region is endowed with Transboundary Biodiversity Management in
diverse ecosystems that provide numerous
Kangchendjunga Landscape at Gangtok, Sikkim
goods and services to the millions of people during August 16-18, 2012; and Field Training
within and outside its geographical boundaries. Course on GLORIA Experiment under Kailash
However, population growth and increasing Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative
anthropogenic pressures on these resources organized during August 22-September 6,
are increasingly besieging the irreplaceable 2012 in Upper Humla, Nepal.
biodiversity of the region. The International
Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Convention on Migratory Species
(ICIMOD), an intergovernmental, regional Wildlife Institute of India provided
knowledge centre based at Kathmandu, required technical inputs in the 17th meeting
Nepal has initiated efforts in developing of the Scientific Council of Convention on
transboundary landscape management Migratory Species, which took place prior to
approach to conservation
by involving concerned
country’s. Seven
transboundary landscapes
have been identified
in the HKH region and
four of them – (i) Kailash
Sacred Landscape,
(ii) Kangchenjunga
Landscape, (iii)
B ra h m a p u t ra - S a l we e n
Landscape, and (iv)
Cheerapunjee- Chittagong
Hill Tract Landscape
are relevant to India.
The Wildlife Institute
of India is one of the
partner institutions
Fig-47. Greyleg Goose (Anser anser) – beautiful migratory bird
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Conference of the Parties (CoP), in November of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 in line
17-18, 2011, in Bergen, Norway. Wildlife with CITES Appendices in collaboration with
Institute of India has been assisting the Ministry the Zoological Survey of India.
of Environment and Forests, Government
Landscape Approach to Conservation
of India in implementing the United Nation
Environment Programme (UNEP)/CMS Dugong The World Bank and Global Environment
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Facility (GEF) supported ‘Biodiversity
India. As part of Dugong MoU, Wildlife Institute Conservation and Rural Livelihood
of India organised the First South Asia Sub- Improvement Project (BCRLIP) is being
Regional Workshop and now conducting ‘All implemented in two conservation priority
India Dugong Survey’ to finalize the ‘National landscapes. The Wildlife Institute of India
Action Plan of Dugong Conservation in India’. has been assigned a major task on National
Capacity Building on Landscape Approach to
Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation. During the reporting period,
Conservation and Management of Marine
as a knowledge management centre on
Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian
development and practice of landscape
Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA)
approach to conservation,WII began supporting
IOSEA Sub-regional Focal Points were the Askot and LRK landscapes in preparing
appointed at the Sixth Meeting of Signatory micro-plans for the local communities,
States (Bangkok, January 2012). India is the sub- incorporating conservation and livelihood
regional Focal Point for Northern Indian Ocean, improvement programmes. Spearhead teams
which includes Bangladesh, India, Maldives, in both the sites were trained. For scientific
Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Coincidently, these backstopping at Askot, work on ecological
countries are also part of the South-Asia Sub- mapping and identification of biological
region of CMS Dugong-MoU, in which India indicators was started. The Field Learning
is again the focal point. WII assisted MoEF in Centres at Gir, Periyar and Kalakkad were
implementing various actions recommended visited and documentation of good practices
by IOSEA which include the identification of began. An approach paper was prepared and
priority sites for sea turtles conservation in presented in CoP 11, highlighting principles
India. and approach to landscape management in
Convention on International Trade in India.
Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna
Support provided by for inscription of
& Flora
Western Ghats as a Serial Natural World
CITES Cell of the Wildlife Institute of India Heritage Site
has been assisting the Ministry of Environment The Wildlife Institute of India provided
and Forests, Government of India on various technical support in the nomination and final
issues related to CITES. In this reporting period, inscription of Western Ghats a Serial Natural
WII assisted the Institute of Forests Genetics World Heritage Site. In the 36th Session of
and Tree Breeding to organise CITES Awareness the World Heritage Committee held in Saint
Training Workshop for various enforcement Petersburg, Russian Federation during June 24-
agencies in the country. Further, WII also July 6, 2012, the Western Ghats was inscribed
reviewed the existing lists of various Schedules as the sixth Natural World Heritage property
Annual Report 2012-2013
of this Natural World Heritage Site is that it is existing and planned hydroelectric projects
the first Serial Nomination made from India located on rivers Alaknanda and Bhagirathi up
and it has seven sub-clusters representing the to Devaprayag; (iii) delineate river stretches
bioclimatic, bio-geographic and biological critical for conservation of rare, endangered
diversity in the Western Ghats. There are 39 and threatened (RET) aquatic species; and
elements that were identified within the seven (iv) to assess the key habitat variables for RET
sub-clusters covering a total area of 7953.15 sq. species, including minimum flows and volume
km. that is being managed by the State Forest of water for ecological sustainability of the two
Departments of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka rivers.
and Maharashtra.
The final report entitled ‘Assessment of
Macro level EIA study of Bellary district in Cumulative Impacts of Hydroelectric Projects
Karnataka on Aquatic and Terrestrial Biodiversity in
In response to the directives of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Basins, Uttarakhand.
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to carry out Wildlife Institute of India’, was submitted to the
a macro level EIA study of Bellary district in Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of
Karnataka, WII partnered with Forest Survey of India.
India (FSI), Indian Council of Forestry Research Wildlife Forensic Cell
Education (ICFRE), The National Environmental
Since its inception, the Wildlife Forensic
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) and
Cell (WFC) at the Institute aims to develop and
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) for
disseminate the techniques relevant to wildlife
the study ‘Macro Level Environmental Impact
forensics so as to cater the needs of various
Assessment Study Report of Chitradurga and
law enforcement agencies. Activities of the
Tumkur Districts, Karnataka’.
WFC during the year mainly pertain to: (i) Case
Assessment of Cumulative Impacts of analysis of wildlife offences, (ii) development of
Hydroelectric Projects on Aquatic and protocols, and (iii) sensitization of enforcement
Terrestrial Biodiversity in Alaknanda and agencies through appropriate hands on
Bhagirathi Basins, Uttarakhand training.
The MoEF requested the Wildlife Institute
Altogether, 254 wildlife offence cases
of India (WII) to conduct the study on the
were referred during the reporting period to
Ministry of Environment & Forests
WFC by the State forest departments, Police & is a protected species and listed in the Indian
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Court(s), Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The wild pig is
Department of Customs and Central Excise, etc. often hunted illegally and sold in market as
One hundred and four (104) wildlife offence meat warranting punishment under law. Nine
cases were analyzed using morphometric forensically informative nucleotide sequence
and DNA based techniques and subsequently (FINS) variations were observed between
reports were submitted to the concerned Indian wild and domestic pigs. The overall
law enforcement agencies. The WFC received genetic variation exhibited by this study will
around 60 court summons for appearance as be helpful in forensic identification of the
expert scientific witness under wildlife offence biological samples of wild and domestic pigs.
cases in various courts within the country. Based Study also helped in differentiating the Indian
on the previous wildlife offence investigation wild pig from other wild pig races. Furthermore,
reports submitted, convictions have been hands on training relevant to wildlife forensics
reported from Khatima, Uttarakhand and was provided to various visiting classes of the
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. During the reporting Indian Forest Service/ State Forest Service
period, the WFC successfully developed a officers, and also of the officials from the Indian
protocol for forensic differentiation of the Revenue Service so as to identify various parts,
biological samples of Indian wild pig (Sus products and derivatives those are usually
scrofa cristatus) and domestic pig (Sus scrofa encountered in various wildlife offence cases.
domestica). The Indian wild pig (S. s. cristatus)
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Environmental Education, Awareness and protect the environment. This scheme was
and Training launched in 1983-84 with the following basic
The emergence of environmental issues – To promote environmental awareness
at the top of the global agenda in the context among all sections of the society;
of climate change concerns underline the – To spread environment education,
need for collective endeavour for protection especially in the non-formal system among
of environment. This warrants informed and different sections of the society;
voluntary participation of all sections of the – To facilitate development of education/
people in the movement for conservation training materials and aids in the formal
and participation of environment. Awareness education sector;
of people about emerging environmental – To promote environment education
issues and the interconnections between the through existing educational/ scientific/
life styles and environment is an essential research institutions;
prerequisite for such participation.
– To ensure training and manpower
Population increase, rapid urbanisation development for environment education,
and industrialisation, increasing needs of awareness and training;
energy etc., have impacted the availability of – To encourage non- governmental
natural resources besides denting the quality organizations, mass media and other
of environment. The environmental damage concerned organizations for promoting
already inflicted cannot be reversed unless awareness about environmental issues
there is collective thinking, will and effort. These among the people at all levels;
call for public awareness and participation for
– To use different media including films,
bringing about an attitudinal change and finally
audio, visual and print, theatre, drama,
restricting further damage to the environment.
advertisements, hoarding, posters,
Effective implementation of environmental
seminars, workshops, competitions,
management and conservation programmes
meetings etc. for spreading messages
depends on education, awareness raising
concerning environment and awareness;
and training in the relevant areas. Without
an adequate awareness of the impending
challenges and their implications, few people – To mobilize people’s participation
would be motivated to participate actively in for preservation and conservation of
programmes on environmental conservation. environment.
Environment education and awareness thus Activities undertaken during the year
assumes critical importance.
The major programmes undertaken to
The ‘Environmental Education, Awareness achieve the overall objectives of the scheme
and Training’ is a flagship scheme of the are as follows:
Ministry for enhancing the understanding
National Green Corps (NGC) Programme
of people at all levels about the relationship
between human beings and the environment It is a well established and recognised fact
and to develop capabilities/skills to improve that the children can be catalysts in promoting
Annual Report 2012-2013
a mass movement about the ensemble of the This requires a network of nodal agencies and
environmental issues. Being future citizens, grass-root level organisations.
inculcation of environment friendly attitudes
The NEAC was launched in mid 1986
and behavioural patterns amongst them can
with the objective of creating environmental
make a significant difference to the long term
awareness at the national level. In this campaign,
efforts for protection of environment. Children
nominal financial assistance is provided to
are triggers for a chain reaction, making a
NGOs, schools, colleges, universities, research
difference at the local and community level
institutes, women and youth organisations,
which in due course lead to awareness at
army units, government departments etc. from
village, city, State, country and global level.
all over the country for conducting awareness
MoEF has hence, embarked upon a major and action oriented activities. The awareness
initiative for creating environmental awareness activities could be seminars, workshops,
among children by formulating National Green training programmes, camps, padyatras, rallies,
Corps (NGC) in 2001-02. The phenomenal public meetings, exhibitions, essay/debate/
response that NGC has received has made painting/poster competitions, folk dances
the network of more than 1,00,000 Eco clubs and songs, street theatre, puppet shows,
across the country in 12 years, making it one preparation and distribution of environmental
of the largest conservation networks. The education resource materials etc. Action
unique partnership between the MoEF, the components could be plantation of trees,
states Government agencies alongwith the management of household waste, cleaning
dedicated Non Governmental Organisations of water bodies, taking up water harvesting
(NGOs), working in the field of Environmental structures, use of energy saving devices etc.
Education has contributed to the success of Diverse target groups encompassing students,
the programme. During financial year 2012- youths, teachers, tribals, farmers, other rural
13 (as on 21.01.2013), 75,797 Eco-clubs were population, professionals and the general
supported by the Ministry across the country. public are covered under NEAC. The programme
is implemented through designated Regional
Also in order to strengthen monitoring
Resource Agencies (RRAs) appointed for specific
mechanism of NGC programme, MoEF is in
States/Regions of the country. This programme
process to establish Management Information
was continued during this year with the main
system (MIS) which will open up vistas in
theme as ‘Biodiversity & Conservation”. The
sharing and accessing the information on NGC
following sub-themes were considered for
among all stakeholders. The MIS reporting and
financial assistance:
monitoring would be interactive and creative
in ensuring NGC mobility and services. – Critical, endangered and endemic species
National Environment Awareness Campaign
(NEAC) – Conservation of critical and fragile habitats
& corridors
The need for a mass movement for
protection of environment needs no emphasis. – Forest conservation
The concerns of the people for environment – Wetlands conservation
need to be harnessed into voluntary action. – Conservation of Mangroves & Coral
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
the dedication, diligence and
Fig-48. Flagging -off SEBS by Hon’ble Minister of Environment & Forest (I/C) dynamism of the knowledge
Smt. Jayanti Natarajan & Smt. Sheila Dixit, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi partners who contributed
on World Environment Day, 2012
immensely to bring forth the
the content and purpose of the exhibition to essence of ‘biodiversity’ and conservation
curious visitors. practices as well as issues of ‘climate change’
in our country. Vikram A Sarabhai Community
SEBS was launched on World Environment
Science Centre (VASCSC) and Centre for
Day (5 June 2012) from Delhi Safdarjung by
Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad
Smt. Sheila Dixit, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi
along with the lead knowledge partner
and Smt. Jayanti Natarajan, Hon’ble Minister of
including Bombay Natural History Society,
State (I/C), (MoEF). During its first phase which
Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute
ended on 22 December 2012 at Ahmedabad,
of Science, G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
it made halts of 3-4 days duration each at
51 locations and over 23 lakh
people visited SEBS, this was way
above the envisaged target of 15
lakhs visitors. It includes 6 lakh
students and 32000 teachers
from 7000 schools. The train was
also stationed at Secunderabad
during 9-19 October 2012 to
showcase it to delegates to
Wherever the train traveled,
activities were planned before-
hand to engage visitors across
different age groups to reinforce
the message of SEBS and specific
Outreach Programme were Fig-49. School Students visiting the SEBS
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Environment and Development, Indian Council by the response received, a decision was
of Forestry Research and Education, National taken to make it an annual event.
Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, – This year, the event is providing platform
National Museum of Natural History, Wildlife for exhibition of forests based handicraft,
Institute of India and Wildlife Trust of India, and and Bio diverse and Organic Food & Herbal
several others contributed to give extremely remedies under different categories of
useful information in this unique exhibition on value added forest products.
– Through Green Haat the MoEF intends
Print, electronic and digital media gave to build and capitalize upon the rich
special attention to this programme with over traditional knowledge to the local
500 stories/ news items in all leading national communities to augment their forest
& regional newspapers including vernacular based livelihood and generate awareness
besides most TV Channels and major related about the economic significance of forests
websites. Thus through this innovative venture, among all sections of the society.
MoEF was able to reach out to even those who Green Haat 2012 was organised at Dilli
could not physically visit the train but were Haat opposite INA Market, New Delhi for fifteen
made aware of its content by the extensive days with effect from 1st March 2012 to 15th
coverage in media. March 2012. About 1.25 lakh people visited
Green Haat-2012 Green Haat 2012. The Forest based products
put up in the fifty stalls in Green Haat 2012 can
Green Haat 2012 is an initiative of broadly be classified in following mentioned
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) three categories:
Government of India to showcase different
products made by various NGO’s, Artisans and – Forests based handicrafts (bamboo, cane,
various State Forest Development Corporation/ grass and others)
Federations Forest based products constitute – Herbal Medicine/Health/Cosmetics etc.
a significant segment of the decentralized/ – Food item (forest/agro biodiverse food.
unorganized Sector of our economy.
Its objective is to raise awareness on the
The Library is the documented repository
rich forest and bio diverse heritage of the
of the Ministry for dissemination of information
country among the growing urban population
in the field of environment and its associated
often living far off from the forests. The imitative
areas. It has a collection of over 25,000
is to showcase various value added forest
books and Technical reports etc. Besides, the
based products developed by Rural Artisans,
library also receives more than 38 national/
Community Self Help Groups, NGOs, and
international journals covering diverse areas
State Federations and thus provide support
of environment. Being the scientific Ministry,
to biodiversity conservation and sustainable
Library is one of the richest documentary bases
for scientific journals in the field of environment
– The first Green Haat was organised on the and its associated areas.
eve of World Environment Day 2011 where
The library performs an important role
India played as a Global Host. Encouraged
in the planning, promotion, implementation
Annual Report 2012-2013
assistance for conducting other awareness
This programme provides a platform programme.
to scientists/environmentalists/ University
Performance/ Achievements/ Progress made
professionals/ technocrats, etc, to share their
in year 2012-13
knowledge on various subjects related to
environment. The Ministry provides financial – 75,797 Eco-clubs under NGC programme
assistance to the Universities/other institutions/ were supported with the financial
assistance of ` 20.4 Crore during 2012-13
NGOs to organise events (seminars /Symposia/
(as on 21st January, 2013).
Workshops/Conferences) and to publish the
proceedings. The scheme facilitates the transfer – The financial assistance of ` 12.09 crore
of technical know-how to different people was sanctioned under NEAC& number
of participating organisations in NEAC
including local population.
reached upto 13,676.
Universities/professional bodies/technical – Science Express: Biodiversity Special - a
institutions and other R&D organisations collaborative initiative of MoEF and
are very responsive to the programme as is Department of Science & Technology
evidenced by the increase in the number of was launched to generate environmental
proposals being received by the Ministry. Thrust awareness among 2.5 lakh people. We
areas as identified under the programme are crossed the target and achieved the
under constant review and being expanded to number of 2.5 million visitors.
include more new areas. Proposal to enhance State-wise status
the monetary ceilings for events at District,
– Number of eco-clubs established in States
State, National and International levels is
/ UTs is given in Table-61.
under consideration to expand the outreach
– A detail of financial assistance released
of the programme both geographically and
under the NGC programme is given in
demographically. During the financial year
2012-13, thirty six organisations were approved
– Amount sanc tioned under NEAC
for financial assistance for conducting Seminars/
programme and participating
Symposia /Workshop/Conferences etc.
organisations is given in Table-63 & 64.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Table-61. Number of eco-clubs established in States/ UTs (*as on 21st Jan 2013)
S. No. State/UT No. of Eco-clubs
2012-13* 2011-12 2010-11
1. Andhra Pradesh 5750 5750 5750
2. Arunachal Pradesh (NE)
3. Assam (NE) 5407 5207 5207
4. Bihar 8871 8971
5. Chandigarh (UT)
6. Chhattisgarh 4000 3932
7. Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT)
8. Daman & Diu (UT)
9. Delhi (NCT) 1796 1796 1796
10. Goa
11. Gujarat 6500 6750
12. Haryana 5250
13. Himachal Pradesh 3000
14. Jammu & Kashmir
15. Jharkhand 2842 2842
16. Karnataka 8500
17. Kerala 3500 3500 3500
18. Lakshadweep (UT)
19. Maharashtra 8819 8905 8905
20. Manipur (NE) 1750
21. Meghalaya (NE)
22. Mizoram (NE) 1235 1235
23. Madhya Pradesh 12500 12500 12500
24. Nagaland (NE) 2275 2280 2275
25. Odisha 7500 7500 7500
26. Puducherry (UT)
27. Punjab 5500 5000 5000
28. Rajasthan 8250 8250 8000
29. Sikkim (NE)
30. Tamil Nadu 8000 8000 7500
31. Tripura (NE) 750 600
32. Uttar Pradesh
33. Uttaranchal
34. West Bengal 3912
Total 75797 100298 100763
Annual Report 2012-2013
Table-62. Financial assistance released under the NGC programme (as on 21st Jan 2013)
(in `)
S. No. STATE/UT 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11
1 Andhra Pradesh 15697500 15697500 15697500
2 Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT)
3 Arunachal Pradesh (NE)
4 Assam (NE) 14877125 14102125 14377125
5 Bihar 24283875 24546375
6 Chhattisgarh 10911500 10741500
7 Chandigarh (UT)
8 Dadra & Nagar (UT)
9 Daman & Diu (UT)
10 Delhi (NCT) 5025750 4950750 4791182
11 Goa
12 Gujarat 15651250 18372375
13 Haryana 14300000
14 Himachal Pradesh 8107976
15 Jammu & Kashmir
16 Jharkhand 3507481 4100985
17 Karnataka 12562262
18 Kerala 9555000 9555000 9450000
19 Lakshadweep (UT)
20 Madhya Pradesh 34125000 34125000 34125000
21 Maharashtra 23460122 23714781 23718362
22 Manipur (NE) 4780000
23 Meghalaya (NE)
24 Mizoram (NE) 3451875 3451875
25 Nagaland (NE) 7036250 6273125 12097125
26 Odisha 20372260 20193734 20474511
27 Puducherry (UT)
28 Punjab 14950000 13650000 13650000
29 Rajasthan 22306369 22522154 21840000
30 Tamil Nadu 21651248 21744654 20475000
31 Tripura (NE) 2055000 1680000
32 Sikkim (NE)
33 Uttarakhand
34 Uttar Pradesh
35 West Bengal 10767750
Total 204707874 268694280 266534495
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
9 Delhi 120 133
10 Goa 11
11 Gujarat 638 563 486
12 Haryana 393 1041 846
13 Himachal Pradesh 315 291 141
14 Jammu & Kashmir 894 1174 827
15 Jharkhand 513 445
16 Karnataka 216 464 425
17 Kerala ** 255 255 300
18 Lakshadweep
19 Madhya Pradesh 1059 707 805
20 Maharashtra * 862 861 599
21 Manipur 350 306 303
22 Meghalaya 3 10
23 Mizoram 508 432 299
24 Nagaland 138 170 155
25 Odisha 974 1014 765
26 Puducherry 45 59 67
27 Punjab & Chandigarh 479 220 261
28 Rajasthan 231 229 305
29 Sikkim 118 111 45
30 Tamil Nadu 665 610 738
31 Tripura 316 269 243
32 Uttar Pradesh 1147 1397 1230
33 Uttarakhand 93 56 57
34 West Bengal 1177 937 583
Total 13676 14297 12055
(* It includes Dadar Nagar Haveli ; **Kerala includes Lakshadweep)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
2010Ͳ11 2011Ͳ12
2 2012
*As on 21st Jan 2013
Fig-50. Number of ecoclubs supported under Fig-51. Year wise support and number of participating
NGC programme organisations under NEAC
45.28 43.9
Nature Camps. It also arranges many local and
National level competitions leading to Young
Environmentalist of the Year Award (YEYA).
In order to expand the geographical
2010Ͳ11 2011Ͳ12 2012Ͳ13 coverage of its activities, the NMNH has
RevisedEstimate established a few Regional Museums of Natural
History (RMNH) in South India (Mysore) in 1995,
Fig-52. Budget allocation and progress of expenditure
Central India (Bhopal) in 1997 and Eastern India
(Bhubaneswar) in 2004. RMNH are also being
The XII plan outlay for the EEAT scheme is established for Western India (Sawai Madhopur)
Rs 428.20 cr. and for the CoE is Rs 110.00 cr. and North-Eastern India (Gangtok).
Annual Report 2012-2013
museum curatorship.
Conservation Day, Earth Day, Environment
– To develop the NMNH as an institution of Day, World Heritage Day, International Bio-
international standard.
diversity day, Wildlife Week, were observed
The NMNH has been undertaking various and different programmes for school
Environmental educational programmes children and challenged children were also
through the educational activities. These also organised. The Museum organises different
include various programmes and competitions educational activities and competitions like
on the following occassions. Quiz, Declamation, On-the-spot Painting,
– World Environment Day Poster Making, Slogan Writing, Essay
Writing, Model Making, Bird Watching and
– Summer Programme-Green Teens and
Tree-spotting for the participating students
Green Cubs
on these occasions.
– Earth Day – Publications: NMNH and its Regional
– International day for Preservation of Ozone Centres published a number of publications
Layer in English, Hindi, Kannada and Oriya on
the topics related to animals, plants,
– Wildlife week
biodiversity and other environment related
– Teacher orientation workshop issues. A special desk calendar has been
– Programme for disabled children printed on the prize winning entries
of poster making competition on the
– World Wetland Day “Biodiversity of Western Ghats” organised
In addition, the NMNH has excelled by NMNH and RMNH. The NMNH and its
in Communication, Education and Public Regional Museums also published posters
Awareness (CEPA) about Biodiversity. It has and booklets including the ‘Tryst with
also developed thrust areas on Museum Nature’ A Green Magazine on Explore
Accessibility (Social inclusion) and Traditional Nature & Environment on Museums
Knowledge about Biodiversity (Intangible Programme, 2012.
Natural Heritage)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
organised by NMNH with children to organised during 14th–15th Sept., 2012
make “Seed Balls” from 29th November to in order to train the biology teachers
6th December, 2012. The objective of the in Mysore for making Biology Kits.
workshop was to explain the technique Expenditure for the programme was Rs
of making “Seed Balls” and its use. The 30,000/-.
focus was on the Indian history of plants – RMNH Bhopal: Workhshop on Biological
especially food crops and influences Preservation Technique and Taxidermy was
and value in today’s urban context, that organized during 28th–29th September, 2012
seed have life and how it grows and as a part of regular training programme
become food on our plate. An interactive for inservice Museum Professional/
installation with thousands of seed packed Biology Teachers/ Laboratory Assistant
mud balls is prepared by the children. The of various Museum/Schools/Colleges.
mud balls consist of food crops, herbs, Expediture incurred for the programme
vegetables and flowering seeds. The seed was `30,000/-.
balls are installed in the form of exhibit in
Collaborative Programmes
the first floor gallery of the museum from
where the visitors can take away the seed – NMNH New Delhi: NMNH, in collaboration
balls and throw them on any cultivable with Hindustan Times, organized annual
soil in their locality or in the flower pots Inter-school essay writing competition. The
at their home and see the natural growth winners of the competition were taken to
of the plant from a seed. The workshop Arawali Biodiversity Park, Delhi for Nature
was open for the children from classes Study Tour. Expenditure for the programme
IV – VI .Expenditure for the programme was Rs 30,000/-.
was Rs 30,000/-. NMNH was one of the venues of the
– RMNH Bhubaneswar: The Museum popular TV event “Save Our Tigers”
organized a two days Teacher Training campaign by NDTV– Aircell on Sunday,
Workshop durng 4th–5th October, 2012 15th July, 2012. It was aimed at spreading
in collaboration with Regional Institute awareness about the state of tigers and
of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar to the threat to their survival. The event was
develop Learning Kits in Biology for classes collaboration among NMNH, Sanctuary
Ministry of Environment & Forests
India magazine and NDTV and was covered evolution of snakes, snakes of India, types
live during the telethon. The activities of poisons, poisonous & non-poisonous
included Drawing competition, Collage snakes and their habits & habitats by the
making, Mask making and Clay modeling. Snake expert. The snake charmers shared
Many Units of the Museum (Education, their knowledge about the herbs that they
Art, Modelling etc) along with Scientists use for treating snake bite victims and also
were involved. A large number of school played tune on their Been. Expenditure
children from Delhi and National Capital for the programme was `30,000/-.
Region (NCR) and their teachers, parents/ – RMNH Bhubaneswar: Environmental
guardians participated in this event. The Awareness Programmes-2012 were held
event started at 10:00 am and continued at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV),
till 6:00 pm. Special films based on nature, Khordha on 18th July 2012, at JNV, Cuttack
environment and wildlife especially on on 20th July 2012, at JNV Konark, Puri
Tigers were screened in the Museum District on 18th August 2012, at JNV,
auditorium. School children were involved Salbani, Mayurbhanj District on 19th August
in making a large collage of Tiger in the 2012, at JNV, Panikoili, Jajpur District on
Museum. Shri Nitin Gadkari, the President 14th September-2012, at JNV, Rahama,
BJP and Dr. R. K. Pachauri, the DG of TERI Jagatsinghpur District on 18th September-
visited the Museum during the programme 2012, JNV, Sarang, Dhenkanal District on
and their opinion about saving the tigers 11th October 2012, at JNV, Bagudi, Balasore
were telecast by NDTV. Expenditure for District on 13th October 2012, JNV, Baro,
programme was borne by NDTV-Aircell Kendrapara District on 8th Dec. 2012 and at
and Sanctuary India Magazine JNV Belpada and Bolangir District on 16th
Outreach Programmes December 2012. The programme included
a written quiz on environment followed
– NMNH New Delhi: A special out-reach
by film show on nature, environment &
programme was conducted for the children
wildlife, presentation on poisonous and
from Sapera community (Snake charmers)
non-poisonous snakes and interaction
of Delhi during 5th-7th July, 2012 to make
with the participants. Expenditure for the
them aware of their environment and
programme was ` 2.00 lakhs.
help them use the Museum resources to
enhance their knowledge about nature and Earth Day
wildlife through various activities and visits. – On the occasion of Earth Day a National
The programme included exposure to the Level “Poster Making Competition”
Museum resources, creative programmes was conducted in NMNH New Delhi and
in the Museum, interactive sessions in the its regional centres at Mysore, Bhopal,
Sapera colony, visit to Aravalli Biodiversity Bhubaneswar and Sawai Madhopur on
Park, Vasant Vihar etc. In addition to the 22nd April 2012 for the students of IX
Education, Art and Modelling units, a few & X Classes to select the candidate for
outside epxerts and NGO “Khushi” were the Young Environmentalist of the Year
involved in organising the programme. Award-2012. The theme of the contest
There was an interesting session on was “Green Economy: Does it include
Annual Report 2012-2013
you?” Expenditure for the programme Director General of Police (Jail), Bhopal
was ` 1.10 lakhs. was the Chief Guest. The Participants of
World Environment Day poster making competition and summer
vacation programmes attended the
– NMNH, New Delhi World Environment session along with their parents. The
Day and the 34th Anniversary of the NMNH Chief Guest distributed the prizes and
Foundation Day were organised on 05 certificates to the winners of poster making
June, 2012. On this special occasion Smt competition and participants of summer
Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister, National vacation programmes. Expenditure for the
Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi conferred programme was ` 22,000/-.
“Young Environmentalist of the Year Award
– Rajiv Gandhi RMNH, Sawai Madhopur-
-2012 to Shri Tushar Sahay, a class XII
Prize distribution function was organized
student of Lilawati Vidhya Mandir Senior
on 5th June, 2012 for the winners of Poster
Secondary School, Shakti Nagar, New Delhi.
Design Contest held on 22nd April 2012.
The day also marked with flagging off of
Expenditure for the programme was
the Science Express: Biodiversity Special
` 22,000/-.
(SEBS) by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests in collaboration with Department Summer vacation programmes
of Science & Technology. The Hon’ble – NMNH New Delhi- NMNH HQ New Delhi
Minister of State (I/C) for Environment and organised Summer Vacation Programme-
Forests, Smt. Jayanti Natarajan along with 2012 from 18th to 31st May, 2012. The
Chief Minister of NCT of Delhi, Smt. Sheila programme involved orientation by
Dikshit flagged off the train from Delhi Education staff and interactive sessions
Safdarjung Railway Station. The flag off with Art and Modelling Units. The activities
function was coordinated by the NMNH. included Nature Painting, Still Life/Pencil
– RMNH Bhubaneswar- On the occasion Shading, Creating Art out of Waste, Animal/
of Valedictory function of summer Bird Mask making, Talk/Slide Presentation
programmes on 5th June, 2012, prizes on Nature in our surrounding, Nature Quiz,
and certificates were distributed to the Artificial Flower making, Clay modeling in
participants of Green Cubs and Poster Round/3D Model, Making your own Relief
making competition held on 22nd April, Model in Clay, Nature Painting Contest and
2012. Expenditure for the programme was Visit to Nehru Planetarium. Valediction and
` 22,000/-. Prize Distribution was held on 31st May
– RMNH Mysore- World Environment Day 2012. Expenditure for the programme was
was organised by a guest lecture by Dr. M. ` 25,000/-.
D. Madhusudan on “Wildlife conservation – RMNH Mysore- The RMNH Mysore
in a Crowded Country”. Expenditure for organized Summer Vacation Programme
the programme was ` 22,000/-. for Children. The programme included
– RMNH Bhopal- Regional Museum various activities like Mural painting using
of Natural History (RMNH), Bhopal M-Seal base and Acrylic paints, Science
organized World Environment Day on behind Magic, Model preparation, lecture
5 th June 2012. Shri Surinder Singh, on Flora & Fauna of Chamundi Hills, Zoo
Ministry of Environment & Forests
visit, Nature trail to Karanji Lake, field trip species in the campus. No expenditure
to Ranganathittu bird sanctuary and skit was incurred in this programme.
on Nature. Expenditure for the programme International Ozone Day
was ` 25,000/-.
– NMNH New Delhi- To commemorate this
– RMNH Bhopal- The RMNH Bhopal
day, Poem and Essay Writing Competitions
inaugurated Summer Vacation Programme
were held for the children from Classes VIII
for Children on May 18th, 2012. Students
to X of Delhi and NCR schools for sensitizing
from various schools of Bhopal attended
children about the importance of Ozone
the inaugural session along with their
Layer and to inculcate awareness about
parents. Expenditure for the programme
Climate Change and other environmental
was ` 25,000/-.
issues. The theme for Essay writing
– RMNH Bhubaneswar- The RMNH was: “Protecting our atmosphere for
Bhubaneswar organised Summer Vacation generations to come”. The Topics for Poem
Programme for Children during 22nd- writing were: Saving the Ozone layer,
31st May 2012. Children from various Effects of Climate change, Biodiversity and
parts of Bhubaneswar attended the Conserve our forests. Expenditure for the
various programmes. Expenditure for the programme was ` 60,000.
programme was ` 25,000/-.
– RMNH Bhubaneswar- Written and Oral
Van Mahotsava quiz competitions were organized by
– RMNH Mysore- The RMNH Mysore the Museum to create awareness among
organised various programmes in children about the ill-effects of ozone
connection with Van Mahotsav 2012. layer depletion, green house gases, global
The Programme was held at various warming etc. for the students of Class VIII
Schools and Colleges of Mysore during to X on the occasion of International Day
the month of July with an expenditure for Preservation of Ozone Layer on 16th
of ` 30,000/-. September, 2012. Expenditure incurred
for the programme was ` 25,000/-.
– RMNH Bhubaneswar- The Museum
organised Van Mahotsav during 1st week of Wildlife Week
July 2012 by planting saplings of different – NMNH New Delhi- In order to sensitize
the school children on the matters for
preservation and to arouse a general
awakening in favour of protection of
wildlife, schools in Delhi/NCR were invited
to NMNH where education staff interacted
with them and made them aware about
the wildlife of India through guided tour
of the museum galleries. This included a
talk on wildlife of India followed by exhibit
interpretation in the museum galleries and
film show in the museum auditorium. The
Fig-53. Winter Nature Camp at Aravalli Biodiversity Park,
special guided tour was available on prior
Annual Report 2012-2013
24th November 2012 for hearing impaired students. A week long programme for
students. Expenditure incurred for the Specially Challenged Children includes
programme was `45,000/-. nature painting competition for hearing
impaired, clay modelling for physically
Winter Programme challenged and collage painting and
– NMNH and its RMNH organised Winter animal – bird mask making for mentally
Nature Camp for Children during December challenged organised in the month of
2012 in various Regional venues (New February.
Delhi, Mysore, Bhopal, and Bhubaneswar). – RMNH Mysore- Painting Competition,
Expenditure incurred for this programme Singing Competition, M odelling
was `1,20,000/-. (`30,000/- for each Competition, and Museum Visit for 10 days,
Regional Museum). Prize Distribution Function will be organised
Budget Allocation and Expenditure during the month of February 2013.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
constituted with Dr. Saroj Ghose (Former also of other Stakeholders. The Academy
President of International Council of Museums) is a part of Forest Research Institute (FRI)
as Chairman and Experts members (non- campus in Dehradun. This institution earlier
officials) are functioned as Indian Forest College during
1938-1987. In 1987, when the Indian Council
– Prof. S.C. Batla, Head, Department of
of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
Botany, University of Delhi
was established as an autonomous institution,
– Dr. S.D. Biju, Associate Professor, the Indian Forest College was named as Indira
Department of Environmental Biology, Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) in
University of Delhi recognition of contribution of the late Prime
– Sh G. S. Rautela, Director General, National Minister to the forestry sector in the country.
Council of Science Museums, Kolkata The IGNFA functions as an institution directly
Fo re s t r y E d u c at i o n , Tra i n i n g a n d under the control of Ministry of Environment
Extension and Forests.
The present system of forestry education The following is the brief account of the
and training is tailored to produce skilled forest main activities during the financial year 2012-
managers to manage, protect and conserve 13:
the forests in consonance with National Forest
Mid-Career Training Programme
Policy, 1988, forestry action programmes etc.
The activities related to forestry education, – Started in the year 2012-13, the Academy
training and extension are performed by the this year has conducted three Phase-V
different institute of the Ministry like Indira Mid-Career Training Programmes.
Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), – 2011-13 Indian Forest Service Probationers
Dehradun; Directorate of Forest Education batch underwent Indian Military Academy
(DFE), Dehradun; Indian Council of Forestry attachment for Weapons’ Training, Horse-
Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun; riding and Swimming
Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM),
The Convocation of 2011-13 batch
Bhopal; and Indian Plywood Industries and
Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bengaluru. – The 2011-13 batch of Indian Forest Service
Officers passed out in August 2012. The
Progress of activities undertaken by Convocation Ceremony was held in August
various institutes 2012, in Convocation Hall of FRI building.
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy As done last year, this year award of ‘Hari
(IGNFA), Dehradun Singh Fellows’ was given to four shortlisted
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy Probationers for pursuing specialization
(IGNFA) is the training centre of Indian in wildlife/ and Remote Sensing and
Forest Service (IFS) Officers. The institution Geographic Information System (GIS).
undertakes training of new recruits to the Coordination Training Programmes
Indian Forest Service which is spread over – During the current year, IGNFA undertook
a period of 20 months. Besides this, the three coordination training programmes
institution also undertakes training of IFS for the three All India Service Officers. The
Officers at various years of seniority and
Annual Report 2012-2013
four days’ training programmes for Indian Country participated. The training was
Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police well received. One four day orientation
Service (IPS) and IFS Officers included course for Indian Revenue Service Officers
one day field visit to Rajaji National Park. is scheduled to be held in the month of
These training programmes were well March,2013.
received. New Batch of 2012-14 Course
2011-13 batch of IFS trainees – Eighty three Probationers of IFS joined
– Four members of this batch resigned to join the three Academies viz., Academy of
other services. The batch size is currently 67. Administration, Bhopal, Dr.Marri Chenna
The Probationers, apart from undergoing Reddy Institute, Hyderabad and National
regular training in the Academy, undertook Academy of Direct Taxes for Foundation
Hill Tour, West India Tour, Sourth India Tour Course as per the orders of Department
and Parliamentary appreciation Course. of Personnel and Training. Offers of
During the Parliamentary appreciation appointment has been issued to two more
Course, they called on Her Excellency, the candidates to join directly the Professional
President of India. They have undergone Course in this Academy. This batch would
South & West India Tours and would be undergo Indian Military Attachment for
undergoing East, Central and Working Plan Horse-riding, Weapons Training, Swimming
Exercise. and would also undergo Introductory
Induction Training Tour.
Directorate of Forest Education (DFE),
– Induction training of forest officers
inducted into the Indian Forest Service
by promotion from State Forest Service Introduction
began 7th January,2013. The Directorate of Forest Education (DFE)
Reunion of Old batches under the Ministry is responsible for imparting
professional/technical training/education in
– One reunion workshops for the forest
the Country to the State Forest Service (SFS)
officers of 1982 batch were held in the
Officers and Forest Range Officers (FROs). The
Academy during the year. In this workshop,
Directorate also supplements the efforts of
the ‘Green India Mission’ was discussed and
various States for the training and capacity
the Probationers interacted and benefitted
building of the Forest Frontline Staff (Deputy
from the experiences of senior officers.
Rangers, Foresters and Forest Guards) through
One reunion workshop for officers of
the respective Forest Training Institutes. There
50 years of Service was held during 8-9
are three Academies and One College under the
Directorate and the names and intake capacity
Training of members of Higher Judiciary and (Per batch) of these colleges is as under:
Indian Revenue Service Officers
– Central Academy for State Forest Service,
– A three day sensitization course for
Dehradun 40
members of higher judiciary was held in
the month of November,2012 in which – Central Academy for State Forest Service,
22 members from various parts of the Coimbatore 40
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– Central Academy for State Forest Service, – One batch (course 2010-12) of newly
Burnihat 40 recruited SFS officers passed out from
– Eastern Forest R angers College, CASFOS, Dehradun on 30.06.2012.
Kurseong 30 – Three fresh batches (course 2012-14)
Objectives commenced from 02.07.2012/ 09.07.2012/
28.08.2012 respectively at Central Academy
– To cater to the training needs of SFS Officers for State Forest Service (CASFOS), Burnihat
and FROs of States/ Union Territories in (Assam), Forest Rangers College, Balaghat
the country. (Madhya Pradesh) & Forestry Training
– To ensure standard and quality of training Institute, Sundernagar (Himachal Pradesh)
being imparted to SFS Officers and for Induction training in the form of
FROs. “Eighteen months certificate course” for
– To develop appropriate and relevant the newly recruited FROs of various States/
training contents and evaluation standards Union Territories.
for forestry training at various levels. – Two batches (course 2011-12) of newly
– To suggest training policy for effective recruited FROs commenced from
Human Resource Management and 01.07.2011 and 06.05.2011 respectively
Development. are undergoing training at Forest Rangers
– To supplement the efforts of State College, Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh) and
Governments in the training of Forest Uttarakhand Forestry Training Academy,
Frontline Staff (Forest Guards, Foresters Haldwani (Uttarakhand). One batch (course
and Deputy Rangers). 2011-13) commenced from 15.11.2011 is
undergoing training at CASFOS, Burnihat
Activities undertaken/ achievements during (Assam) & one batch (course 2012-13)
the year (upto 31st Dec., 2012)
commenced from 14.02.2012 at Andhra
– One fresh batch (course 2012-14) Pradesh Forest Academy, Dulapally
commenced at Central Academy for (Andhra Pradesh) respectively.
State Forest Service (CASFOS), Dehradun – One batch (course-2010-12) of newly
with effect from 07.09.2012 for Induction recruited FROs passed out from CASFOS,
training in the form of “Two year Diploma Burnihat (Assam) on 27.04.2012.
Course” for the newly recruited SFS Officers
– Sixty two Participants attended in four
of various States/Union Territories.
thematic area General Refresher Course,
– One batch (course 2011-13) commenced each of two weeks duration, for in-service
from 14.07.2011 of newly recruited SFS SFS Officers at CASFOS, Dehradun, Burnihat
Officers is undergoing training at Central and Coimbatore.
Academy for State Forest Service (CASFOS),
– Fifty one participants attended three
Dehradun and two batch (course 2011-
thematic area General Refresher Courses,
13 & course 2012-14) commenced from
each of two weeks duration for in-service
21.07.2011 & 05.01.2012 respectively
FROs at Eastern Forest Rangers College,
are undergoing training at Central
Kurseong/Central Academy for State Forest
Academy for State Forest Service (CASFOS),
Service ,Burnihat.
Annual Report 2012-2013
issues in Forestry for in-service SFS Officers (Course 2010-11) passed out from CASFOS,
at CASFOS, Dehradun/Coimbatore. Burnihat & CASFOS Coimbatore.
– Around 1900 participants participated in – Four General Refresher courses, each of
sixty nine General Refresher Courses, two weeks duration, were conducted for in-
each of two weeks duration conducted service SFS Officers at CASFOS, Dehradun
for in-service Forest Frontline Staff (Deputy ,Burnihat and Coimbatore.
Rangers, Foresters & Forest Guards)
– One General Refresher Courses, each of
through 49 Forestry Training Institutions
two weeks duration, was conducted for
of 29 States.
in-service FROs at Eastern Forest Rangers
– Around 80 participants participated in Two College, Kurseong.
Theme based Workshop of one week
– Two Computer Application courses in
duration conducted for in-service FROs
Forestry, each of two weeks duration, were
through State Forest Training Institute.
conducted for in-service SFS Officers/FROs
– Forty one Master Trainers participated in at CASFOS, Burnihat and Eastern Forest
two weeks Master Trainers Training courses Rangers College (EFRC), Kurseong.
funded by Japan International Cooperation
– Eight Workshops, each of one week
Agency (JICA) Project conducted at
duration, on Wildlife Management /
CASFOS, Dehradun.
Community Forestry and JFM/Training
– Induction training in the form of “Two of Trainers/Legal issues in Forestry
year Diploma Course” for the newly and Wildlife/Wildlife Management/
recruited SFS Officers of various States/ Human Resource Management/Wildlife
Union Territories has been undertaken. Management and Policy & Legal Issues
One batch (course 2010-12) & Two batches for in-service SFS Officers/FROs at
(course 2011-13) of newly recruited CASFOS, Dehradun/Coimbatore and EFRC,
SFS Officers are undergoing training at Kurseong.
Central Academy for State Forest Service
– One theme based course in Wildlife
(CASFOS), Dehradun and Coimbatore and
management of two weeks duration for
one course 2012-14 SFS will commence
in-service FROs was conducted at Eastern
from 5th January, 2012.
Forest Rangers College, Kurseong.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
– Seventy three General Refresher Courses, over the country are groomed to meet the
each of two weeks duration, were managerial requirements of the corporate
conducted for in-service Forest Frontline and development sectors. The structure of the
Staff (Deputy Rangers, Foresters & Forest programme has been designed to ensure that
Guards) through 49 Forestry Training the skills acquired are put in application during
Institutions of 29 states. the course itself. The programme is designed
– Two Theme based workshop of one week to produce young managers who are sensitive
duration was conducted for in-service FROs to both natural and social environment.
through State Forest Training Institute. The students who have successfully
– One “Two week Training on Combating completed the programme are awarded the‘Post
Desertification and Climate Change” Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management’
for India Africa Forum Sponsored by at the annual convocation in April every year.
Ministry of External Affairs ,Government The PGDFM is recognised by All India Council
of India, New Delhi conducted at CASFOS, for Technical Education (AICTE) and equated
Dehradun. to a corresponding Masters Degree of Indian
Budget Outlay and Expenditure University by Association of Indian Universities
12th Plan Outlay : ` 38.30 crore
The admission to this course is through CAT
Allocation for 2012-13 : ` 4.83 crore
(Common Admissions Test) being conducted
Expenditure during 2012-13 : ` 3.68 crore
by IIMs followed by Group Discussion and
(till 27.12.2012)
Personal Interview (GD & PI) at IIFM. The
Indian Institute of Forest Management candidates opting for a career in IIFM apply
(IIFM), Bhopal separately.
Brief Objectives To address changing needs of the sector,
The Institute offers three academic the PGDFM programme was made broad based
programmes, Post Graduate Programme in by introducing three major specialisation
Forestry Management (equivalent to Masters modules, viz., Conservation & Livelihood
Degree), Fellow Programme in Management (C&L), Environmental Management (EM) and
and M.Phil (Natural Resource Management). Development Management (DM).
The Institute is also recognised as a Nodal
Activities of PGDFM 2011-13
Centre for Research by Forest Research
Institute, Deemed University (FRI), Dehradun The 89 students of PGDFM 2011-13 batch
for Doctoral programme. completed their summer internship during
April 05 – June 08, 2012 in 49 organisations
Post G raduate D iploma in Forest for 10 weeks out of the 151 internship offers
Management (PGDFM) received.
The two year fully residential post graduate
Field Work – II component for PGDFM
programme leading to the award of the Post
2011-13 batch was organized during 25.11.2012
Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management
to 8.12.2012, wherein the Environmental
(PGDFM) was launched in July 1988. Students
Management Group was exposed to the
with diverse academic backgrounds from all
concepts of environment friendly energy
Annual Report 2012-2013
and Development Management Group was Private Ltd
taken to Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Access Development Services 2
Rajasthan and Uttarakhand to get firsthand
knowledge about socioeconomic analysis,
opportunities and challenges in development Neuerth India Private Limited 6
sector, women empowerment aspects, Annapurna Microfinance Private 3
watershed development, organic farming, Limited
entrepreneurship development, capacity Greenply Industries Ltd. 1
building, land productivity development and Madhya Pradesh Forest Department 4
rural infrastructure development. ICICI Foundation 3
In the batch of PGDFM 2011-13, as on 31st FINO Paytech Limited 10
December 2012, 60 students out of 89 have Sahyog Microfinance 4
been placed in 16 companies (Table-66). The Society for Elimination of Rural 10
placement process is on and rest of the students Poverty, Andhra Pradesh
are likely to get placed by January end. Odisha Rural Livelihood Project 5
Activities of PGDFM 2012-14 Sudiksha Knowledge Solutions 1
The programme of PGDFM 2012-14 Total 60
commenced from July 02, 2012 with 89 students
selected following the reservation policy as per exposure to forestry operations management,
the Government of India norms. For admission fundamentals of forestry, wildlife conservation,
of this batch, 1607 applications were received ecotourism, social aspects of Joint Forest
and 516 candidates were shortlisted for Group Management (JFM), forest settlements etc. in
Discussions/Personal Interview conducted Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
at Bengaluru during April 9-10, 2012 and at
Bhopal during April 9-12, 2012.
The admission announcement for 2013-
Field work – I component for PGDFM
15 batch was published in leading national
2012-14 batch was organized during
dailies. A total number of 1546 applications
10.12.2012 to 28.12.2012. Students were given
were received with CAT registration number.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Special Training Course for Students of was held during 26th – 28th September 2012
Kannur University at IPIRTI campus, to commemorate the Golden
One training course was conducted on Jubilee Year of the Institute. The Conference
Saw milling & Saw Doctoring, Wood working gathered nearly 150 - 200 experts from the
& Wood finishing for M. Sc. Final year students Scientific, Technical and Industrial communities
from Kannur University, Kerala. Ten students and exchanged information on the latest
attended the course. advances and future challenges in the field
of plywood and panel industries. Address by
Training Workshop for IFS Officers Chief Guest Hon’ble Secretary, Dr.T.Chatterjee,
Two training courses were conducted Secretary, MoEF, followed by Address by
for senior IFS officers from various states and Guest of Honours Dr.AbdLatifMohmod, D.G,
union territories of India. FRIM, Malaysia, Dr.MaharajMuthoo, President,
Roman Forum, Shri. SajjanBhajanka, President,
New Facilities Established At Institute
FIPPI, Mr.Ladislaus Dory, President, European
Fire check door testing facility Panel Federation (EPF) were delivered during
Keeping future requirements of building inaugural session. Speakers from India and
bye-laws in our country and to facilitate Abroad presented Scientific Research papers
testing of fire check doors, the facility has on the theme of the Conference viz. Status of
been established at IPIRTI for testing fire Panel Industry-Country Scenario, Raw Material:
performance of full size door/shutters as per Demand & Supply, Certification, Policy &
national/ international standards such as Legal Issues, HRD & Marketing, Technological
BS 476 (part 20 and 22), IS 3614 (part 2), ISO Innovation and Value Addition.
3008:2007 and BS EN 1634-1:2000 using latest Agreements with Countries/International
technologies and instrumentation comparable Organizations
with best in the world. Door samples received
– An MOU signed between IPIRTI and WKI
from outside agencies were tested as per
Germany to promote “co-operation in the
national/ international standards.
field of research and education
Formaldehyde emission/ VOC measurement – IPIRTI signed MOU with M/s. Habitate for
chamber humanity international (HFHI) Nepal, for
It is used to evaluate the organic emissions transfer of technology on bamboo mat
from wood and wood based panel materials. corrugated sheet and bamboo mat ridge
This helps in developing techniques for cap
screening of products for organic emissions. – An agreement was signed between IPIRTI,
Data useful to manufacturers and builders Sarda plywood industries ltd (SPIL) of
for assessing the product emissions can be India and faculty of forestry, bayview
developed including the control options for flowers ltd of Canada for R &D related
further improvements in products to the commercialization of biopanels
manufacturing from rice straw and
International Conference
digestate using green adhesives.
An International Conference on “Future
of Panel Industry-Challenges and Key Issues”
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Wildlife Education and Training in Madhya Pradesh from April 4-18, 2012.
The Management Plan Exercise was held at
Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
Dandeli - Anshi Tiger Reserve in Karnataka
Wildlife education and training is primarily from May 3 - June 1, 2012. All the officer
looked after by Wildlife Institute of India (WII), trainees have successfully completed the
Dehradun; an autonomous institute of the course and seven of them were awarded
Ministry for imparting training to government the Honours Diploma for securing 75%
and non-governmental personnel to carry out and above marks.
research and training activities and advice on
– XXXIV Post Graduate Diploma in
matters of conservation and management of
Advanced Wildlife Management,
wildlife resources. The details of educational
September 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. The
and training programmes conducted by the
XXXIV Course commenced on September
Institute are as follows:
1, 2012 for a duration of 10-month at this
Academic and Training Institute with a total of 20 officer trainees
of the rank of Deputy Conservator of
Courses and Training Programmes
Forests/Assistant Conservator of Forests
– XIII M.Sc. (Wildlife Science) Course, June and equivalent levels. Among them,
2011 to June 2013. The XIII M.Sc. Wildlife 17 officers under training representing
Science course commenced on June 29, different States within country and three
2011. A total of 14 students (12 Indian foreign nationals (2 from Nepal and 1
and 2 foreign students) joined the course. from Bangladesh) joined the course. These
The students were taken for High Altitude foreign nationals are sponsored by the
Tour to Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary and Global Tiger Forum, New Delhi.
Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve from April
– XXVIII Certificate Course in Wildlife
30, 2012 to May 10, 2012. They were taken
Management, November 1, 2012 to January
to Southern India (Tamil Nadu & Kerala)
31, 2013. The course commenced on
from October 16, 2012 to November
November 1, 2012 for the duration of 3
5, 2012 for Conservation Practice &
months. Ten officer trainees (2 each from
Management Tour to train them on
Madhya Pradesh, India; Malaysia, Bhutan;
different wildlife techniques and provide
1 each from Lao PDR; Nepal; Vietnam;
knowledge regarding identification of flora
and Thailand) joined the course. The
& fauna. The students also defended their
trainee officers were taken to Haridwar
dissertation proposals during the reporting
on November 11, 2012 to see Science
Express Biodiversity Special Train. They
– XXXIII Post Graduate Diploma Course were taken to Dhanaulti–Kaddukhal area
in Advanced Wildlife Management on December 23, 2012 to familiarize them
concluded, September 1, 2011 to June to the vegetation, altitudinal succession
30, 2012. The course commenced on of vegetation and management of Eco-
September 1, 2011 at the Institute with park. The officer trainees were taken for
nine officer trainees. During the reporting their Orientation-Cum-Techniques Tour
period, the Management Term Paper at Sariska Tiger Reserve and Keoladeo
Exercise was held at Kanha National Park National Park, Rajasthan from November
Annual Report 2012-2013
25, 2012 to December 7, 2012. The officer chaired the Annual Research Seminar. A
trainees were taken to various protected total of 18, presentations were made in
areas in West Bengal, such as Mahananda five technical sessions. The presentations
Sanctuary, Senchal Sanctuary, Gorumara were based on the ongoing/completed
National Park, Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary, research studies. About 225 delegates
Buxa Tiger Reserve, Darjeeling Zoo, Ramsar attended the ARS that included the
sites at Bhitarkanika and Chilika and a visit Principal Chief Conservators of Forests,
to Nandankanan Zoological Park for their Chief Wildlife Wardens and other senior
Management Tour during January 11-25, officials representing State Forest
2013. The course concluded on January 31, Departments, delegates representing
2013. All the officer trainees successfully NGOs, scientists, conservationists, wildlife
completed the course and awarded experts, faculty members, researchers,
certificates in a valedictory function held M.Sc. students and the P.G. Diploma
on 31st January, 2013. Course officer trainees of WII.
Meetings, Workshops, Seminars and Other – Two-day workshop for IFS officers
Activities on “Ecodevelopment for Biodiversity
– Training workshop on “Mainstreaming Conservation: Assessment and way
biodiversity in impact assessment” forward”, Dehradun, December 3-4,
for Indian Forest Service Officers, 2012. The course was conducted by
Dehra Dun, August 27–28, 2012. Training Wildlife Institute of India for the IFS
workshop conducted by Wildlife Institute officers sponsored by the Ministry of
of India for the IFS officers was sponsored Environment and Forests, Government
by the Ministry of Environment and of India, New Delhi. A total of 21 officers
Forests, Government of India, New participated in the course. The course was
Delhi. The objectives of the workshop planned keeping in mind the fundamental
were: (i) improving the mechanisms for principles and latest happenings in
mainstreaming biodiversity in impact ecodevelopment in the field with reference
assessment for sound decision making to the empowerment of local communities
and long term gains for conservation; (ii) and protection of Forests/Protected
improve better appreciation of the issues Areas/ Natural Ecosystems. The entire
and conflicts related to developments course was designed in the form of panel
in ecologically sensitive areas; and (iii) discussions.
review options for professionalizing – A three-day Training Programme
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on ‘Wildlife Conservation: Issues &
for positive outcomes for biodiversity. A Concerns’ for Representatives of Indian
total of 26 Indian Forest Service officers Army in the State Boards for Wildlife,
participated in the workshop. Kabini River Lodge, Karnataka. December
– XXVI Annual Research Seminar (ARS) 12-14, 2012. A total of 14 Senior Army
of WII, Dehradun, September 17-18, 2012. Officers, mostly of the rank of Brigadier,
Prof. R. Sukumar, Chairman, Training, who represent the Army in various
Research and Academic Council (TRAC), State Boards for Wildlife, participated
in the programme. Col. Michael James,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
biological diversity. The Institute was also to decision-makers and the wider public
given the responsibility to showcase the via a powerful youth declaration, creative
activities of member organizations of performances involving street theatre and
Indian National Committee of International a colourful exhibition and various side-
Union for Conservation of Nature (INC - events. The whole event was prepared and
IUCN). Four booths were arranged for INC accompanied by a strong virtual exchange
– IUCN. A large number of faculty members via an online platform and an e-coaching
from the Institute participated in the course, creative tasks as well as extensive
deliberations held during the CoP11. press work.
Go4BioDiv is an International Youth Forum Ms. Jayanti Natarajan, Hon’ble Minister
where young individuals from different of Environment & Forests, Government
parts of the globe come together to share of India released the special Go4BioDiv
their experiences, discuss about global brochure during the UNDP Award
environmental issues and engage in the UN Ceremony.
Conferences on Biodiversity (CBD-CoP). It On the occasion of the CBD CoP-11 at
aims at raising awareness about the inter- Hyderabad, the Ministry of Environment
dependencies of biological and cultural & Forests, Government of India decided
diversity as well as intergenerational to release commemorative stamps. For
responsibilities for the biodiversity this purpose, a theme ‘Endemic Species of
conservation. In October 2012, Go4BioDiv Indian Biodiversity Hotspots’ was chosen
took place for the third time – parallel and Wildlife Institute of India was assigned
to CoP 11 in Hyderabad, India. It was the responsibility to coordinate the work
hosted by the Ministry of Environment with the Department of Posts, Government
and Forests (MoEF), Government of India of India. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime
and carried out by the Wildlife Institute Minister of India released the set of 4
of India (WII) with support by various commemorative stamps and the ‘First
international partners. In accordance with Day Cover’ during the inaugural session
the C0P 10 decisions (Nagoya mandate/ of the CBD CoP-11 High Level Segment
Aichi targets), the theme of Go4BioDiv in Hyderabad on October 16, 2012.
2012 was ‘Conserving coastal and marine
Presently, biodiversity data and information
biodiversity for sustaining life and
lies dispersed and distributed amongst
livelihoods’. Therefore, Go4BioDiv brought
various individuals and institutions. This
together young people from the most
opaqueness has resulted in the duplication
outstanding marine and coastal sites our
of efforts on the one hand and is also
planet has to offer. There are 35 messengers
impairing the progress of India emerging
aged 18 to 29 and live or work in over
as a leader in the field of biodiversity
20 different marine World Heritage Sites
informatics. To address this situation, the
around the world or in one of the nine
MoEF and National Biodiversity Authority
coastal states and one Union Territory of
embarked on the process of developing a
India. They joined CoP-11 in Hyderabad
National Biodiversity Information Outlook,
from October 16 to 19 during the High-
whose prime responsibility was assigned
Level Segment to present their messages
Ministry of Environment & Forests
to the Wildlife Institute of India. The WII The NBIO is an overarching framework
team developed the National Biodiversity of collaboration with an aim to facilitate
Information Outlook (NBIO), whose goal free and open access to biodiversity
is to (1) Identify barriers in the progress data. The NBIO was launched during
of developing biodiversity informatics in the CBD-CoP-11 at Hyderabad by
the country. (2) Prioritize biodiversity data Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member, Planning
discovery and publication and (3) Develop Commission, Government of India. India
a road map for channelizing investments is the first country in the world to develop
in this emerging area so that they become a National Biodiversity Information
scientifically, ecologically, economically Outlook.
and socially relevant.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
human footprint and make the world more coaches for the SEBS. Through visuals, models,
sustainable. audio-video and interactive exhibits, it portrays
India’s unique biodiversity in national and
During 2011-2012 the programme with
eco-regional thematic modes, its relationship
more than 160 partnerships has enrolled and
with humankind, its place in our diverse and
reached 2,19,888 schools across the country
ancient cultures, its importance, status, threats,
with material in 13 languages. A felicitation
conservation needs, action being taken by
of best performing schools, districts and
government and other agencies along with
students was organized during United Nations
some success stories. The entire exhibition
Convention on Biodiversity Committee
is targeted at non-specialists and common
of Parties (UNCBD COP-11) organised at
citizens, especially school and college students,
Hyderabad in October 2012.
teachers and families. The train completed
National Green Corps (NGC) its journey on the 22nd December 2012 at
CEE implements NGC programme in 15 Ahmedabad. Over 25 lakh visitors saw the
States and two Union Territories as resource exhibition at 52 stations. Science Educators,
agency. youth and CEE staff conducted platform
activities and teacher training programmes at
With a view to strengthen the monitoring the stations. CEE conducted a visitors’ response
and reporting regular meetings with Nodal study and developed a short film on the train
Agencies for planning and strengthening the and its journey. This film was showcased at the
NGC programme were held. This helped in UNCBD COP11 as the Brand Ambassador of
planning annual activities of the NGC. Twenty this event.
state and district level training programmes
were facilitated and around 25 events for NGC The next phase of the train’s journey will
schools on various environmentally significant focus on the same theme.
days were organized. Two per cent schools Education for Sustainable Development
were visited for monitoring. Outreach events (ESD) Conference for UNCBD COP 11
at various levels were also organized.
CEE in its role of being the Nodal Agency
Biodiversity Conservation for implementing the United Nations Decade
of Education for Sustainable Development
Science Express Biodiversity Special
(SEBS) (UNDESD), organized an International
Conference titled “International Conference
Science Express is a unique, state of the on Biodiversity Conservation and Education
art exhibition train that has done 4 runs across for Sustainable Development – Learning to
the country bringing science awareness to Conserve Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing
the doorsteps of millions of children, youth World”, at Hyderabad. A key outcome of this
and the other citizens. In its current phase, conference was the signing of an Memorandun
the Biodiversity Special train was flagged of Understanding (MoU) between CEE and
off on June 5, 2012 by Delhi Chief Minister the CBD COP Secretariat to work together in
Smt. Sheila Dikshit along with the Minister developing an action plan on education for
of Environment and Forests Smt. Jayanthi biodiversity conservation.
Natarajan. CEE has specially designed eight
Ministry of Environment & Forests
National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) Hand the country and inspire citizens to participate
Print pledges in the protection of the environment.
A nationwide campaign to generate CEE played host for 4 regional committee
awareness through pledges for biodiversity meetings, each of which was organised during
conservation was takenup in partnership 17th–21st October in 4 cities viz Ahmedabad,
with National Biodiversity Board. More than Chandigarh, Delhi and Guwahati. In these
2 million pledges were collected across the meetings too, a CEE representative, in the
country. CEE presented the Handprint concept capacity of a committee member, along with
developed by it, to delegates at COP, which other committee members helped in the
has been adopted as a symbol representing final short listing of proposals to the Ministry
positive action towards sustainability. representatives for the sanctioning process.
Gangetic Dolphin Conservation ENVIS
One annual issue of the newsletter
CEE with the support from the Ministry has Education for Change (EfC), with special focus
initiated a two-year project on Ganges River on Environmental Education was brought out
Dolphin Conservation Education Programme as part of the activities of the ENVIS Centre on
in the north and north-eastern region of Environmental Education. The website “Green
India. Twenty locations in the four States – UP, Teacher’ was regularly updated. The process of
Bihar, Assam and West Bengal were identified. migration of the website www.greenteacher.
Each location has 25 clusters where teacher org to the NIC sever is on.
training programmes, “Dolphin Melas: were
conducted in all the 20 identified locations. Journal of Education for Sustainable
In addition two Dolphin camps at Bhagalpur Development
(Bihar) and one on the banks of Kulsi River The journal is a forum for academics and
(Assam) were conducted. A Teachers Manual in practitioners to share and critique innovations
four languages was developed and these were in thinking and practice in the emerging field
distributed at the training programmes. of Education for Sustainable Development
CEE initiated a People’s Biodiversity (ESD). The journal is formatted in sections of
Registration process at thirty villages in Guru news, opinion, project descriptions, research,
Ghasidas National Park, and seven villages in academic opportunities and reviews. Two
Bastar and Rajnandgaon districts of Chattisgarh issues of this journal were brought out this
in 2010. year.
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre
National Environmental Awareness
Annual Report 2012-2013
Environmental Education for Teachers and maintenance have been going on in the
Teachers selected by the state Departments existing eight sites in the states of Karnataka
of Education in the states of Andhra Pradesh, and Tamilnadu. Orientation programmes for
Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, Odisha, Maharashtra school students were organized at the sacred
and Tamilnadu were trained to teach grove sites to motivate them towards sacred
environmental concepts. Updated resource grove conservation. Strengthening of bio-
materials were distributed. fencing and casualty replacement of saplings
was carried out in the existing sites. CPREEC
Green Schools of India & Kindness Kids has established a nakshatra van on the lands
(Environmental Education Animal Welfare of the Meenakshi Temple at Madurai. This has
CPREEC’s Green Schools of India (GSI) is been extended to a grove of kadamba and
an environmental management programme mahua trees, sacred to Goddess Meenakshi.
for school students, which aims to convert
environmental awareness and education Women and the Environment
into action. This scheme involves students CPREEC trained women of selected villages
from schools in five areas of environmental in waste management, vermicomposting,
management: reducing energy and water organic farming, health and nutrition in the
consumption, waste management, greening states of Tamilnadu and Karnataka and the
the campus and animal welfare. Several Union Territory of Puducherry. Saplings and
schools have introduced the concept of GSI seeds were distributed to the participants and
and have reduced their consumption of water seed banks of local varieties were established
and energy. Composting pits for effective by the women self help groups. CPREEC also
waste management, rain water harvesting surveyed the growth rate of saplings and seeds
pits to harness nature’s bounty, and greening distributed to them in the previous year.
the campus are included in their activities.
Some schools maintain herbal gardens. Green Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Conservation
School Awards are given annually to the best Education
performing schools. The importance of the Nilgiris Biosphere
Reserve was conveyed to the teachers, teacher
Biodiversity Conservation Education
trainees, villagers, women and students in the
Workshops on biodiversity conservation districts of the Nilgiris, Coimbatore, Thiruppur
Ministry of Environment & Forests
and Erode in Tamilnadu, Wayanad in Kerala, in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka,
Mysore and Chamraja Nagar districts in Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamilnadu and
Karnataka. The annual Anti Plastic Campaign the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar
of CPREEC was organized at the Botanical Islands and Puducherry.
Garden in Ooty in the Nilgiris. Ozone day
Research and Surveys
celebrations and wildlife week celebrations
were also organized. A special cleaning up CPREEC also analysed water samples
campaign was organised in collaboration with collected from various river basins of Tamilnadu.
the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board to mark The samples were analysed for chemical and
World Environment Day. microbial parameters.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Biomedical Waste Management The research areas of CES ranges from the
The workshops were organized in social behaviour of single-celled organisms to
collaboration with the Indian Medical the largest land mammal – the Asian elephant,
Association, concerned State Pollution Control besides questions concerning climate change.
Boards, Medical Colleges and Pollution Control CES employs diverse tools from molecular
Committee. ecology to mathematical modelling of
ecosystems. CES works on five thematic areas
National Environment Awareness Campaign in project mode which are discussed one after
(NEAC) the other in the paragraphs that follow:
CPREEC organized a National Level
Community, Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Interactive workshop of Regional Resource
Agencies (RRAs) for effective implementation CES has been conducting a large scale
of NEAC – 2012-13 at New Delhi on May 30, survey of herpetofauna in the Western Ghats.
2012. There is insufficient information on the
geographic distribution of many taxa including
Another Workshop for better frogs, lizards and snakes. Data on distribution
implementation of National Environmental are crucial for systematic conservation planning
Awareness Campaign (NEAC) programme especially in assessing the efficacy of the
for the RRAs of Eastern & Southern Region current protected areas and also in identifying
was organized at Chennai on September 24, areas of conservation importance outside the
2012. During the meeting an Expert Group existing protected area network. CES is creating
for Effective Implementation of NEAC was a comprehensive distributional database for
constituted. amphibians (frogs) and reptiles (lizards and
COP 11 snakes) through primary field surveys and spatial
modeling. CES has been working extensively
CPREEC designed and developed
on understanding elephant behaviour with a
exhibition panels on Coastal and Marine
view towards better management of elephant
Biodiversity of India in collaboration with the
populations. The knowledge gained from this
National Biodiversity Authority. A booklet on
research is targeted towards understanding
the topic of the exhibition was generated and
inter-elephant interactions which will help in
distributed free to the participants of COP 11
better delineation of reproductive episodes in
at Hyderabad.
male and female elephants. The dynamics of
Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES), the long-term plot in Mudumalai continues to
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), be monitored and research on this plot will be
Bengaluru celebrating its silver jubilee next year. In this
long-term plot, the spread, distribution and
impacts of the thicket-forming invasive shrub
The Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES), Lantana camara in Mudumalai, Western Ghats
has been involved in cutting-edge research was investigated. Using a long term data set
in diverse areas of ecology and evolutionary from a large permanent plot and a landscape-
biology and also those with considerable wide study, it was inferred that rainfall, fire,
impact on the long-term survival of species and proximity to drainages and native species
ecosystems, with focus on the Western Ghats.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
influenced lantana spread and distribution. impact on the biology of these important
Bats are an important and yet neglected taxon keystone species. A new model system which
that has often been treated as vermin. However, consists of a mutualism between termites and
research has shown that bats are extremely their cultivated fungus was established and
important in controlling insect populations characterized using molecular genetics. This is
and are therefore important features of one of the most ancient systems of agriculture
agricultural landscapes. The diversity of bats in the world, and predated human agriculture
was investigated at Kudremukh National Park by millions of years. We have characterized the
in Karnataka and special attention was paid to physiochemical parameters required for the
Megaderma spasma which is a unique bat that fungus cultivation.
appears to be a specialist on katydid species.
Human and Landscape Ecology
Behaviour and Evolution CES has begun investigation of spatial
Investigations on a model wasp system patterns in semi-arid ecosystems where a
that has been the hallmark of CES’s work in number of previous studies suggest that
behaviour over the last 28 years has shown they might tip over to desert under the
that there is a reproductive queue in the model pressure of increased grazing and changing
wasp Ropalidia marginata in which there is no climatic patterns. Our preliminary analysis
overt conflict. This suggests that this process on quantifying spatial patterns (such as
is adaptive in the tropics, where threats from distribution of patch-sizes) has raised questions
conspecific usurpers from outside the colony about the methodology employed in previous
are likely to be present throughout the year. studies, and therefore, their conclusions. Work
Differences between temperate wasp species is being carried out to assess the impacts of the
and tropical wasp species are important invasive species lantana on butterfly diversity
to be understood in the advent of climate and behaviour at Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple
change. How insects interact with plants Wildlife Sanctuary in the Western Ghats in
is an important feature of understanding Karnataka. Earlier research had indicated that
the evolution of plant signals meant for the lantana contributes to the overall diversity of
essential services of pollination. In a seasonal butterfly species by providing huge amounts
cloud forest at Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary of nectar for adult butterflies, most of which
in Maharashtra, visual signals meant to attract can access the nectar owing to the morphology
pollinators were measured for the major tree, of the flowers. However, behavioural studies
shrub and liana species. This is the first study at CES suggest that lantana, while being able
within India to examine floral advertisement at to provide food resources for at least some
a community level. Figs are keystone species butterfly species, may overall reduce the
in tropical forests. CES has developed several habitat quality for butterfly species by reducing
species of figs as model stydy systems, e.g. the the diversity in vegetation and thereby in the
monoecious Ficus racemosa and the dioecious different resources needed in the life cycle of
Ficus hispida and Ficus exasperata. CES is in butterflies.
the process of understanding the causes
Climate Change
and consequences of asynchrony in within
and between-tree reproductive behaviour in CES has pioneered work on late
figs. Such investigations will have a profound Quarternary climate change by investigating
Annual Report 2012-2013
the climate profile of this period (40,000 years engaged in R&D activities and the associated
BPC) using the signatures available in peat bogs research publications, and in training personnel
in the Nilgiris. This work has been continued in mining sector. It is also involved in issues of
with much more sampling of peat bogs over academic interest pertaining to mining and
a wider distributional areas in the Nilgiris. Thus environment.
our understanding of past climate is being
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and
enhanced and will afford benchmark studies
Natural History (SACON), Coimbatore
for understanding future and present climate
change. Introduction
SACON was established in 1990 as a fully
Conservation outreach, training and
education funded Centre of Excellence under the Ministry.
Its objectives are as follows:
CES is aware that conservation outreach,
training and education is a vital part of research. – design and conduct research in Ornithology
With this view in mind, CES faculty have been covering all aspects of Biodiversity and
engaged in giving lectures and conducting Natural History;
seminars in many parts of the country, besides – develop and conduct regular courses in
writing up their results and findings in journal Ornithology and Natural History;
as well as popular articles. Over the last year, – create a data bank on Indian Ornithology
CES faculty have published 45 journal articles, and Natural History; and
4 books, 14 reports, and many popular articles.
– disseminate knowledge relating to
CES has conducted a workshop on molecular
Ornithology and Natural History for the
phylogenetics which is the only hands-on
benefit of people
comprehensive training workshop of its kind
in the country. CES is also in the process of Progress / achievement made during
producing an atlas for amphibians and reptiles 2012-13
of Western Ghats, identification of important During the year, the focus of programs
frog, lizard and snake areas (based on GIS based undertaken by SACON was on themes such
distribution models), and outreach material in as species, their ecological requirements
the form of an online atlas, and printed field and distribution; habitats and ecosystems;
guides. The world-renowned CES herbarium and environmental contaminations and
which houses the Flora of Karnataka is now assessments. The species, habitats and
fully digitized and will be opened to public ecosystems were identified on the basis of
shortly. threat perceptions and national as well as
international priorities. The decade long
Centre for Mining Environment (CME), Indian
endeavour on conservation of edible nest
School of Mines, Dhanbad
Swiftlet in the Andaman Islands, a distinct
Centre for Mining Environment (CME) was subspecies, with the purpose of inducing it
inducted as a Centre of Excellence in 1987 on a to settle and breed in customised structures,
project mode. The Centre is supported by the has been continued with notable success. The
Ministry of Human Resource Development for newly raised individuals of the species have
its staff and revenue expenditure for running started visiting these customised structures
the Centre. The Centre has been mainly
Ministry of Environment & Forests
and it is expected that they will start building help identify sites and species for restoration
nests in the coming years. This is especially and site-specific measures, thereby ensuring
important in view of the recent re-assessment the recovery of the invaluable ecosystems of
of the species, covering the whole archipelago, the islands.
showing loss of several wild colonies of the
Some development projects may have
species, mainly due to poaching and other
an impact on biodiversity. In this regard,
pressures. A study was also initiated on the
the possible impacts of approximately 100
endangered Narcondam hornbill, a species
irrigation projects on the biodiversity of 23
restricted to the small Narcondam Island.
districts of Andhra Pradesh were assessed by
India has the highest number of cat species SACON. While documenting the biodiversity
i.e. 15. However, small cats do not feature in any in these areas, the threats were identified and
major research or conservation planning in the site specific (catchment and command areas)
country. Owing to the limited understanding of management measures were offered. Though
small cats, a research project for identification Wind farms are generally perceived as being
of Fishing cat populations for conservation has eco-friendly means of generating electricity,
been taken up. A study on large mammals and there may be site-specific collateral damages.
birds of Bannerghatta National Park highlights A study, the first of its kind in India, on the
the risks from mining and other such activities impacts of Jangi wind power farm on birds
around the Park. The study also documents the and bats has been progressing well for the last
spread of Lantana and its effects on animals. one year. As part of SACON’s Environmental
Appropriate management measures are also Impact Assessment (EIA) works, an ecological
suggested. assessment of the Liquefied Natural Gas
terminal augmentation project at Puthuvypeen
In Agasthymalai hills, SACON has initiated a
(Kerala) was undertaken, which highlighted the
study on the factors that shape the distribution
collateral damages to the nearby mangroves
patterns of faunal groups. It aims to document
and the need for appropriate measures to
species richness and turnover of reptiles and
avoid such impacts.
birds, in view of the altitude and other factors
in the Agasthyamalai hills region, and to apply As part of ecotoxicology works, chiefly
distribution (ecological niche) models on aiming at unusual bird mortalities and
selected endemic species found in the area. identification of responsible factors, residue
analysis in birds from all over the country is
Ecosystem services by birds in various
being undertaken. In view of the increasing
ecosystems, especially forests, are a topic of
threats from agrichemicals, pesticide residues
high scientific interest. The research on avian
were compared between organic and chemical
frugivory and seed dispersal in the shola
farms in a village of Kerala. The study highlights
forests, documents the role of endemic birds
differences in pesticide residues and species
such as the Nilgiri Laughing thrush and Nilgiri
composition in the two systems of farming.
Wood Pigeon in dispersing endemic tree
However, further investigations are to be
species, aiding in forest regeneration. In the
conducted to corroborate the findings.
Nicobar Islands, a program on post-tsunami
coastal ecosystem recovery, generated Wetlands have remained a priority
valuable ecological information that could ecosystem for research and conservation.
Annual Report 2012-2013
During the year, an ecological documentation of Delhi has been engaged in: (i) development
of the wetlands of Srikakulam in Andhra of technologies for ecological restoration of
Pradesh was conducted. The study brings out abandoned mined out sites, overburden dumps
the conservation values of wetlands in the (OBDs) of coal mined areas and degraded
district, and highlights the potential threats forest ecosystems of Aravalli, (ii) management
and the need for conservation measures. of invasive species especially Lantana in forests
Ministry of Environment and Forests ecosystems, (iii) management of grasslands in
(MoEF) ENVIS node on wetlands of India, which protected areas, (iv) preparation of new flora of
collates and disseminates available information Delhi and (v) training of stakeholders as a part
on the wetlands of the Country, is run at of capacity building in action research in the
SACON. This node has been releasing regular areas of environment and ecology. The major
updates and newsletters on the wetlands achievements in some of the programmes
of the Country, and has been effectively during 2012-2013 are as follows:
disseminating valuable information through
publications and its website. Ecological Restoration
Ministry of Environment & Forests
new non-invasive species Lantana has also Long–term Ecological research site
been circumscribed. For the first time, two novel The ecologically restored mixed moist
invasive traits that make Lantana multiply and forest ecosystem developed on 250 acres
spread rapidly as also enable it to overcome limestone mined out areas at Purnapani,
herbivore pressure, have been observed and Odisha (Figure 4) and morrum mined out site
documented. at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary have been
The cut rootstock method developed selected as long term ecological research
under the Centre of Excellence Programme sites for monitoring changes in community
has been used extensively to remove Lantana composition and ecosystem function after
successfully from different parts of the Corbett ecological restoration.
Tiger Reserve especially in the entire Jhirna
Capacity Building
valley of Corbett Tiger Reserve which spreads
over 100s of hectares. Jhirna valley is an About 100 forest officials of Madhya
important tourist spot of Corbett Tiger Reserve Pradesh and Maharashtra have been trained in
and was covered with impenetrable thickets of the ‘Management of Invasive Weeds in Forest
Lantana before the Lantana control programme Ecosystems’ at two workshops organized
was initiated. Today, the Jhirna valley is free from at Kanha National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Lantana and harbours luxuriant grasslands, and Melghat Tiger Reserve (Maharashtra).
receives 100s of herbivores. The tiger sighting Additionally, 45 senior forest officials of
in Jhirna landscape has also significantly the Odisha Forest Department have been
increased. This has also been recorded by large trained on ‘Management of Lantana in Forest
number of tourists visiting the area. Ecosystems’ in a workshop held at Koraput in
Studies have also been initiated on
Chromolaena odorata, another invasive species, Madras School of Economics (MSE),
which has invaded subtropical to temperate Chennai
forests across India and form dense pure stands Introduction
in degraded forests and open barren lands.
The Centre of Excellence in Environmental
The invasive traits of Chromolaena are similar
Economics, Madras School of Economics (MSE),
to those of Lantana, and the cut root stock
Chennai was set up under the ‘Centres of
method can be used successfully to eradicate
Excellence’ (CoE) Plan Scheme of the Ministry on
the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding
Grassland Management (MoU) entered into between the Ministry of
Environment and Forests and Madras School of
As part of the long term study on
Economics in 2002. Its objective is to address
grasslands in protected areas, grasslands in
issues of national importance with focus on
Corbett Tiger Reserve, Melghat Tiger Reserve
economic aspects of the environment. The MOU
and Kanha National Park have been extensively
was extended during the Eleventh Five Year
studied with respect to the management
Plan, which was also decided to be continued
regimes adopted for grassland management
in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. This Centre of
in Protected Areas and the role of disturbance
Excellence is under the administrative charge
factors in determining grassland community
of the Economic Cell. The Senior Advisor in the
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry serves as a member on the Governing Union and United States of America. The
Board of MSE. study attempts to address the structural
adjustment problems facing the industry,
Under the Central Sector Scheme of
global supply chains and environmental
Centres of Excellence, Plan funds are allocated
compliance requirements in order to create
to MSE annually as per its Action Plan drawn
an enabling policy environment for the
up on the recommendations of the Steering
growth of the textile industry in India. It
Committee constituted under the MOU. The
also addresses, inter alia, issues like status
Steering Committee is headed by the Senior
of pollution abatement in textile industry
Advisor of the Ministry and includes the
in India, trade competitiveness of Indian
Additional Secretary & Financial Adviser and
textile industry, assessment of pollution
Economic Adviser among its Members, apart
abatement costs in textile industry (with
from the Coordinator at MSE of the Centre
focus on textile processing), and linkages
and other Experts. The funds are released to
between pollution abatement and textile
the Centre in project specific mode to meet
trade. The study was assigned to be carried
approved expenditures on the conducting
out in two years starting from July 2008
of research studies, executing projects,
at an estimated cost of ` 20.89 lakh.
holding Workshops, Seminars, etc. and for the
The Report, submitted in October 2012,
maintenance of its website and so on.
is presently under consideration of the
Performance/ Achievements/ Progress made Ministry.
in 2012-13, including projected activities, – The Centre has continued its work on the
with physical and financial targets and actual
18-month project ‘Economy-wide Impacts
of Pollution in India: Meta Analysis’ started
During 2012-13, the Centre has provided in October 2010. The project aims to carry
policy inputs to the Ministry on (i) ‘India 2030 out meta-analysis of various environmental
– Vision for an Environmentally Sustainable valuation studies relating to air and water
Future’, a World Bank Report; (ii) ‘National pollution in India to assess macro-level
Manufacturing Policy’; (iii) ‘Road Map for Green estimates of overall impacts of pollution.
National Accounting System’; and (iv) ‘Union A Review Workshop on the draft Report is
Budget 2012-13’. scheduled with experts and stakeholders
in the last quarter of 2012-13.
Research Projec ts in 2012-13 (till
31.12.2012) – Among the other on-going capacity-
building projects, a training workshop
– It has prepared the draft report of the
was conducted by the World Bank on its
project ‘Trade and Environment: India
recent report to the Ministry on ‘Diagnostic
Export of Textile and Textile Products and
Assessment of Select Environmental
Environmental Requirements’. Based on
Challenges Facing India’. The Centre would
experience gained through the study on
be holding a two-day Conference on
leather exports, this study focuses on India’s
Environmental Economics in collaboration
textile exports in the context of growing
with the Lancaster University Management
environmental regulations from several
School in the last quarter of 2012-13.
importing countries including European
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
recently constituted Fourteenth Finance the Centre has created a National Bio-cultural
Commission. Herbarium of medicinal plants and an Ethno-
The Steering Committee has also desired medicinal Garden, both of which have rich
that the Centre should start working on collections of Medicinal plants. Besides, the
“Sustainable Development Indicators” and first Centre engages in:
develop a detailed approach highlighting the – pharmacognostic studies on the
choice of indicators and the data sources. This controversial plant raw drug groups in
would be submitted to the Steering Committee trade;
for consideration in a subsequent meeting.
– building capacities of different stakeholder
The approach paper is intended to cover all
groups about various issues related to
the relevant literature and identify indicators
medicinal plants, through its capacity
that are in line with those suggested by Rio+20
building courses, workshops and
Summit and UN Convention on Sustainable
– preparing a GIS based Atlas of distribution
The Steering Committee has also agreed maps of medicinal plants to help forest
in-principle to the proposal on ‘Mineral managers in planning conservation action;
Extraction and Valuation of Biodiversity Loss’, and and
suggested that it may be revised to reflect other
– well-referenced educational CD-ROMS on
potential approaches for assessing physical
medicinal plants used in Siddha, Unani and
loss of biodiversity, clarity on indicator(s) that
Homoeopathic systems of medicine.
capture biodiversity in the study region, etc.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Having successfully completed the above raw drugs samples procured from different
focal activities during the 10th and 11th five year markets and field sites from across the country
plans, the center expanded its focus for the 12th were added to Raw drug repository.
plan period so as to address the emerging needs
Ethno-Medicinal Garden: During the year,
of the sector. An Expert Committee, constituted
the collections at the Ethno medicinal garden
by MoEF, reviewed the performance of the
were enriched by the addition of 52 species,
Centre for the 11th Plan period and recorded
while the garden’s user-friendliness was further
its appreciation of the excellent work done by
diversified by adding 2 more themes, viz., a)
the Centre. It also recommended additional
Resin and Gum yielding plants, b) Memory
research activities to be taken up by the Centre
enhancer and anti-aging plants.
during the 12th plan period. Accordingly two
more initiatives were added to the action plan Pharmacognosy Studies: During the year,
for the year 2012-13 namely: comparative phyto-chemical studies on
collected accessions of Ativisha-Musta were
– Threat assessment of medicinal plants,
completed. DNA marking studies for Ativisha-
Musta was initiated. Bioactivity of all four
– Ground truthing of status of medicinal Vidanga candidates was tested.
plant populations.
Distribution Mapping: During the year, Geo-
These have been included as the sixth
distribution maps for 250 species and Eco-
focal area. The six focal areas of the Centre,
distribution maps for 25 species were prepared.
which are carried out in project mode, are
Revised and upgraded version of Digital Atlas
discussed below:
incorporating the Geo-distribution data of
Bio-Cultural Herbarium: Development of more than 2200 medicinal plant species and
a unique Bio-cultural Herbarium of Indian Eco-distribution data of more than 220 species
Medicinal plants was one of the key activities. of conservation concern was completed. Map
Towards this end, the botanical team of the depicting backward linkages with regions of
Centre engaged in floristic surveys in different occurrence for Cycas species developed.
locations of Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan,
Outreach Training & Educational material on
Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Arunachal
Plants of Indian System of Medicines (ISM):
Pradesh and Andaman-Nicobar Islands, which
During 1-5th October 2012, an international
resulted in the collection of more than1200
training workshop was conducted on
plant specimens corresponding to more than
“Conservation and Sustainable use of Medicinal
150 medicinal plant species.
Plants” for 25 trainees from 7 countries
In order to make the Herbarium collection participating in CoP-11. Two capacity building
education friendly, they were grouped around courses on “Identification and Management of
specific themes. Further, more than 2000 Medicinal Plant Resources”for the front line staff
images of plants including their medicinal of Maharashtra were conducted. Additionally
parts and habitat, and scanned images of one refresher workshop for the senior forest
about 1800 Herbarium sheets were added to officers from Maharashtra was also conducted.
the image library in an attempt to make it into In order to develop a Training of Trainer (ToT)
a Virtual one. During the year, more than 280 module on “Threat Assessment of medicinal
Annual Report 2012-2013
plants and CAMP methodology” a need Tropical Botanic Garden and Research
assessment exercises was carried out to assess Institute (TBGRI), Thiruvananthapuram
the working knowledge, skills and attitudes of Tropical Botanic Garden and Research
partner agencies from Uttarakhand, Arunachal Institute (TBGRI) was established by
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. A prototype of Government of Kerala as an autonomous R&D
the CD-ROM on “Dhanvantri Nighantu” was organization in 1979 to facilitate conservation
developed. and research on tropical plant resources in
Conservation and Sustainable management general and of the country and the Kerala
of medicinal plants: Necessary preparations state in particular. The Institute was brought
were initiated for conducting a CAMP exercise under the society established by the State
in Nagaland. Preparatory activities began for Government namely “Kerala State Council
taking up Ground truthing of select species of for Science, Technology and Environment”
high conservation concern. (KSCSTE) in 2003 and the institute maintains
a 300 acre conservatory garden for the wild
As the Technical Support Group (TSG) of
tropical plant genetic resources of the country,
GoI-GEF-UNDP project entitled“Mainstreaming
besides a well integrated multidisciplinary
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal
R&D system dealing with conservation,
Plants Diversity in Three Indian States”, the
management and sustainable utilization of
Centre contributed in the 11th meeting of
tropical plant resources.The Institute was
Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
recognized as a National Centre of Excellence
Biological Diversity held in Hyderabad, during
in ex-situ conservation of tropical plants in 1997
October 2012. In addition to the International
and a number of significant achievements have
training workshop organized at Bengaluru,
been made by the Institute.
an exhibition on multiple themes relating to
medicinal plant conservation as well as several Centre for Animals and Environment,
side events were organized at Hyderabad. CARTMAN, Bengaluru
The exhibition covered the themes: medicinal
plants conservation, sustainable harvest,
bioinformatics and database, trade in medicinal The Project on Centre of Excellence for
plants etc. and the side events were as follows: Animals & Environment (CAE) awarded by the
Ministry to CARTMAN, Bengaluru in 2000 and
– Biodiversity and Community Health.
discontinued after two years for administrative
– Arunachal-A Hidden Land: On biodiversity reasons was resumed during 2009.
and its conservation as well as local healers
of Arunachal Pradesh. The main objective of the Project is to
study the mutual dependence and inter-
– Community palli: A discussion platform on
relationship between the Animals (LIVESTOCK)
use of certification schemes for processing
of natural products and adoption of and Environment (Plant Life) and initiate steps
cultivation of medicinal plants as livelihood to preserve environment and to improve the
option. health and welfare of animals by making them
more productive. Another activity envisaged is
– Jaddu Baddu: Highlighting the rich
to eliminate pollution of environment caused
medicinal plant related cultural heritage
by City based Abattoirs by providing alternate
of Chhattisgarh state.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
locations where animals are born and reared. building with kitchen, amphitheatre for
This would also result in development of rural the open air theatre, etc.
areas by retaining the Value added in the – Three more kennels were constructed in
process in villages and nearby towns. the Veterinary Clinic for the use of injured
Activities undertaken during the year animals.
– Work manual incorporating the fabrication
– Tree Planting: In connection with greening
drawings of the six models of improved
Banglore, CARTMAN in association with
CARTMAN Carts were sent to the Joint
Karnataka City Armed Police (CAP)
Director of State Government offices for
arranged a tree planting programme on
undertaking fabrication of cartsif they
9th June,2012. Shri B.N.S. Reddy, IPS DIGP
have plans to introduce CARTMAN carts
& Joint Police Commissioner of Police, in their jurisdiction.
CAR presided over the function and
– CARTMAN arranged a Bio- Diversity
inaugurated the function by planting
Exhibition on 5th November 2012 at the
a sapling. Around 1000 saplingswere
BBMP-CARTMAN Park. The exhibition
was inaugurated by Dr. Vaman Acharya,
– Forests For Sustainable Livelihood: Chairman, Karnataka State Pollution
CARTMAN arranged a Workshop on “ Control Board. The recently renovated park
Forests for sustainable livelihood” in their has a wide variety of Flora Bio Diversity.
BBMP- ECO Park on 1st September 2012 – A Photo exhibition of various regions
where students of Jyothi Niwas College of the Planet with their specific flora
and Jain University participated. Students and fauna ranging from Arctic region to
planted saplings in the park and also Tropical Rain forest , Desert, Marine Life,
attended a lecture-cum-Audio show. etc. was also arranged. Students from
– Additional Facilities Provided in the various schools and local residents visited
BBMP-CARTMAN Eco Park: Bruhat the exhibition.
Banglore Mahanagar Palike (BBMP) – A audio visual show on flora and fawna
provided additional facilities in the ECO was organised on 17th and 18th dec.2012.
Park such as paved walk path around the to The show was visited by students from
the Gazebo, newly constructed angadwadi Karnataka.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
and Forests, presented the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar
Jardhargaon, Uttarakhand respectively. on the occasion of World Environment Day in New Delhi
The awards were conferred in a formal
ceremony held on 5th June, 2012 on the – The number of shortlisted nominations
occasion of World Environment Day. is to be not more than 10% of the total
number of nominations received.
Shortlisting of nominations received
– Shortlisting is to be completed by the
for IGPP-2010 were completed by the three
Expert Members within 30 days of despatch
Experts selected by PMO. The ground truth
of brief of nominations to them.
verification of these nominations has also
been completed. The shortlisted nominations – Ground-truth verification of the short
along with the verification reports will be listed nominations will be done by the
placed before the Prize Committee shortly for Regional Offices concerned of the Ministry
selection of awardees of IGPP for 2010. within 45 days of despatch of shortlisted
nominations to them.
As desired by the Prize Committee, another
– While submitting the briefs of nominations
revision of ‘Regulations governing IGPP’ was
to the Expert Members for short listing
done during 2012-13. The revisions include:
the most deserving nominations, the
– The total period for inviting nominations Ministry will give information regarding
was reduced to 45 days from the date the previous awardees and categorized
of publication of the advertisement. (State-wise, zone-wise, gender-wise etc.)
Henceforth, the last date for receipt of data on awards received, so that the
nominations shall be 29th August every non-represented States/ zones/ areas get
year. proper representation. The experts will
– Selection of Expert Members of the Prize be requested to give proper emphasis
Committee shall be done biennially by on these aspects, besides other criteria
the Ministry. The tenure of the Expert of selection, while short listing the
Members will be 2 years. All the Prizes nominations.
that will be proposed during the tenure – Prize will be given at a formal ceremony to
of the Expert Members will be considered be arranged by the Ministry of Environment
by them irrespective of the year. and Forests on any occasion related to
Ministry of Environment & Forests
environment each year, preferably on 5th demonstrating extra efforts beyond call
June. of routine duty.
The nominations received for IGPP-2011 ii) Officials (other than Forest Officers)
have been processed and briefs prepared. working in Government Departments
Advertisements for inviting the nominations including Forest. Department and private
for IGPP-2012 were issued on 15th July, 2012. individuals will come under category 2.
The nominations for IGPP-2012 under both iii) Six regions for the purpose of IPVM awards
the individual and organization category have to JFMC will be North (Delhi, Haryana,
been received. Selection of experts for IGPP- Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,
2011 and 2012 is in process. Punjab, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh and
Indira Priyadarshini Vriksha Mitra (IPVM) UT of Chandigarh), East (Bihar, Jharkhand,
Awards Odisha and West Bengal) West (Goa
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, UT of
Dadara & Nagar Haveli, UT of Daman &
The Indira PriyadarshiniVriksha Mitra (IPVM) Diu and UT of Lakshdweep) South (Andhra
Awards were instituted in 1986 to recognize Pradesh, Karanataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu,
the pioneering and innovative contribution UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, UT of
made by individuals and institutions in the Puducherry) Central (Madhya Pradesh and
field of afforestation/wasteland development Chhattisgarh) and North East (Arunachal
every year. Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura)
From the year 2011 the IPVM Awards have
been increased from existing four categories – Only one award is given in each
(since 2006) to following seven categories:- category.
– Cash prize of ` 2.5 lakhs along with
1. Individual - Forest Officers
Medallion and Citation is given for each
2. Individual - Other than Forest Officers
3. I n s t i t u t i o n s / O rg a n i s a t i o n s u n d e r
– Nominations of Government servants/
Govt. Institutions/Organizations are
4. Joint Forest Management Committees forwarded through the Head of the
(six awards region-wise) Department/Organization concerned and
5. Non-profit making Voluntary Organisations those from JFMCs may be forwarded by
(NGOs) the PCCF concerned.
6. Corporate Sector (Private/Public Sector Present Status
The IPVM Awards for the year 2010
7. Eco-Clubs at School Level (covered under were conferred on 19th November, 2010.
National Green Corps Programme of the Sh. A.T. Mishra, DFO Dhalbhum Forest
Ministry of Environment and Forests) Division, Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) was given
Note: i). Awards under category Individuals, award under category “Individual including
both Forest Officers and others, should Government Servant”. Forestry extension wing
be in recognition of personal contribution Tamilnadu Forest Department, Chennai under
Annual Report 2012-2013
The IPVM Awards for States and Union B.P. Pal National Environment Fellowship
Territories were instituted in the year 2008 for Award for Bio-diversity was instituted during
enhancing the percentage of Forest and Tree 1993 and is awarded annually with a view to
Cover in States/UTs. The Awards are divided further develop, deepen and strengthen the
into three categories and only one award is expertise on Bio-diversity available in the
given in each category (Table-67). country.
The IPVM Awards for States/UTs for 2008 The fellowship is in recognition
were conferred upon on 19th November, 2010. of significant important research and
development contributions and is also intended
Pitamber Pant National Environment
to encourage talented individuals to devote
Fellowship Award
themselves whole-time to R&D pursuits in the
Pitamber Pant National Environment field of Bio-diversity. Duration of the fellowship
Fellowship Award instituted in 1978 is awarded is two years. So far, 10 Fellowship Awards have
every year to encourage and recognize been awarded to various scientists throughout
excellence in any branch of research related the country. Fellowship Awards for the year
to the environmental sciences. The fellowship 2007 and 2008 have been announced while
is awarded every year and is in recognition of for the year 2009 and 2010 nominations have
significant important research/development been obtained and are under process.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
National Environmental Sciences Fellows balance and for evolutionary processes. It has
Programme direct bearing on food security, agriculture,
The National Environmental Sciences medicine, industry etc. The advances in
Fellows Programme launched in 2009-10, aims biotechnology and development of products
to be a flagship programme for young scientists based on the use of biological resources are
who are desirous of working in the forefront increasingly becoming motivating factor for
of environmental sciences research. The greater use of biological resources.
Management Committee of the Programme Taxonomy is the science of
has been reconstituted under the chairmanship identification, classification and naming of
of Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member (Science), living organisms. Taxonomic work involves
Planning Commission. Three scientists have study of morphological characteristics and
been selected as National Environmental phylogenetic relationship of organisms which
Sciences Fellows. These fellows are working is essential for applied biological sciences,
in the areas of Climate Change Mitigation- such as medicine, agriculture, forestry and
Adaptation and Ecosystem Services in the fisheries. Development of biotechnologies
context of Green India Mission and REDD+, and their industrial applications depend
quantitative framework for conservation heavily on taxonomy. Current requirements of
landscape planning of dry grasslands and taxonomic work and available expertise and
community wide seed dispersal patterns in studies indicate urgent need for encouraging
Human-modified Landscapes and prediction excellence and for motivating experts to work
of forest cover changes. in hitherto neglected groups of organisms e.g.
Mahatma Gandhi Chair for Ecology and microbes, lower groups of plants, animals etc.
Environment The challenge is quite serious, as while the
existing expertise is ageing and retiring, not
The Mahatma Gandhi Chair for Ecology
many young scholars are opting for studies in
and Environment has been set up at the
Centre for Biodiversity Studies, Baba Ghulam
Shah Badshah University, Rajouri, Jammu In order to encourage work of excellence
and Kashmir. An eminent scholar in the area in taxonomy and also to encourage young
of biodiversity has been selected and has students and scholars to work in this field of
joined as Mahatma Gandhi Chair at Center science, this award, named after the late Prof. E.
for Biodiversity Studies, Baba Ghulam Shah K. Janaki Ammal was instituted in the year 1999.
Badshah University. The Fellow has initiated Late Prof. Janaki Ammal did taxonomic work of
studies on plant diversity of Rajouri, Poonch outstanding merit and excellence, particularly
and adjoining areas of Pir Panjal Himalayas. in the area of cytotaxonomy and has been a
source of inspiration to many young scientists.
E.K. Janaki Ammal National Award on
Taxonomy Initially there was one Award on Taxonomy
covering all the three fields viz Botany, Zoology
Biological diversity refers to the variability
and study of Micro-organisms. It has now been
in the living organisms and the ecosystems of
decided to enlarge the scope of the Award and
which they form part. Preservation of biological
increase the number of Awards to two, one each
diversity is vital for maintaining ecological
for excellence in Plant and Animal Taxonomy.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Selection Committee, under the Chairmanship angle of adoption of the clean technology. The
of Secretary (E&F), constituted for this purpose. Awards comprise a Cash Award of ` Two lakh in
The award for 2009 was given to Dr. D.K. Singh addition to a silver Trophy and a Citation.
(Plant Taxonomy) and Dr. Wasim Ahmad The National Award for Prevention of
(Animal Taxonomy). Pollution for the year 2010-2011 was awarded
National Awards for Prevention of for their commendable efforts towards
Pollution and Rajiv Gandhi Environment conservation of energy and water, reduction
Award for Clean Technology in waste generation and commitment
towards maintaining a safe, clean and healthy
The National Awards for Prevention of
environment. Nominations were invited for the
Pollution and the Rajiv Gandhi Environment
year 2011-2012. Twenty five nominations have
Award for Clean Technology are given each
been received and evaluation of the same are
year, in the following identified categories of
being undertaken for consideration of Award
highly polluting industries, which have made
Selection Committee.
a significant and measurable contribution
towards development or use of clean Awards in the Wildlife Division
technologies, products or practices that Wildlife Division in the Ministry provides
prevent pollution and find innovative solution the Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award,
to environmental problems:- the Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
Large Scale industries: Award and fellowships, namely, the Salim Ali
Fellowship and Kailash Shankhla Fellowship
1) Sugar 2) Fertilizer 3) Cement 4)
for outstanding work in the field of wildlife
Fermentation and Distillery 5) Aluminium 6)
Petro-chemicals 7) Thermal Power 8) Caustic
Soda 9) Oil Refinery 10) Sulphuric Acid 11) Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation
Tanneries 12) Copper Smelting 13) Zinc Award
Smelting 14) Iron and Steel 15) Pulp and Paper The Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation
16) Dye and Dye Intermediates 17) Pesticides Award is given annually for significant
18) Pharmaceuticals. contribution in the field of wildlife conservation
which has made, or has the potential to
Ministry of Environment & Forests
make, a major impact on the protection and Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award
conservation of wildlife in the country. Two for the years 2011 and 2012.
awards of ` One lakh are given to education
Salim Ali Fellowship and Kailash Sankhla
and research institutions, organisations, forest
Fellowship Awards
and wildlife officers/research scholars or
scientists/wildlife conservationists. During the In order to commemorate the memory
year, process for grant of the award for the year of the two great wildlife conservationists of
the country, Shri Kailash Sankhla and Dr. Salim
2010 has been undertaken, and the finalisation
Ali, the Ministry of Environment and Forests
of the awards is under consideration.
awards these two fellowships alternatively each
Nominations are invited for the Rajiv Gandhi
year. The objective is to inspire and promote
Wildlife Conservation Award for the years 2011
the country’s wildlife managers and scientists
and 2012.
to take up research or experimental projects
Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection aimed at conserving the rich wildlife heritage of
Award India. The fellowship is awarded for a period of
two years with a stipend of ` 4,000 per month.
The Amrita Devi BishnoiWildlife Protection
In addition, an amount of ` 18,000 per annum
Award is given for significant contribution
is given for meeting contingency expenses.
in the field of wildlife protection, which is
Dr. Salim Ali National Wildlife Fellowship
recognised as having shown exemplary
for the year 2011 is awarded to Ms. Monica,
courage or having done exemplary work for Senior Research Fellow, Wildlife Institute of
the protection of wildlife. Two cash awards India, Chandrabani, Dehradun (Uttarakhand).
of ` One lakh is presented to individuals and Invitations were invited for Shri Kailash Sankhla
institutions involved in wildlife protection. National Widlife Fellowship Award for the year
During the year, process for grant of the 2012. So far, total 3 nominations have been
award for the year 2010 has been undertaken, received and the same would be appraised by
and the finalisation of the awards is under the Awardees Selection Committee under the
consideration. Nominations are invited for the Chairmanship of the Secretary (E&F).
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
and dissemination of the Annual Reports collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination
of the Ministry. to all concerned, including policy planners,
– Coordinating the development, publishing decision-makers, researchers, scientists and
and dissemination of the annual National the public.
‘Report to the People on Environment and The long-term objectives of the Scheme
Forests’ since 2009-10. are as follows:
– Coordinating the development, publishing
– To build up a repository and dissemination
and dissemination of periodic State-of-
Center in Environmental Science and
Environment (SoE) Reports of Nation/
States/ UTs/ Cities/ Towns/ various
environmental ‘Hot-Spots’. – To gear up state-of-art technologies
of information acquisition, processing,
– Coordination and liaison with various
storage, retrieval and dissemination of
National information systems.
environmental nature.
– All financial matters relating to the
– To support and promote research,
Schemes and Programmes handled by
development and innovation in
the Division.
environmental information technology.
– Collec tion and dissemination of
Its short-term objectives are as follows:
information to various Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) through the NGO – To provide national environmental
Cell, and liaison with different Ministries/ information service relevant to present
Departments and other Government needs and capable of meeting the future
agencies on various issues including needs of the users, originators, processors
creating a database relating to NGOs and disseminators of information.
working in the field of environment and – To build up storage, retrieval and
its associated areas. dissemination capabilities, with the
Environmental Information System ultimate objective of disseminating
(ENVIS) information speedily to the users.
Introduction – To promote national and international
cooperation and liaison for exchange of
Environmental Information System
environment related information.
(ENVIS), by providing scientific, technical
and semi-technical information on various – To promote, support and assist education
environmental issues since its inception in 1982- and personnel training programmes
83 (Sixth Plan), has served the interests of policy designed to enhance environmental
formulation and environment management at information processing and utilizing
all levels of Government as well as decision- capabilities.
making aimed at environmental protection and – To promote and exchange of environment
its improvement for sustaining good quality of related information amongst developing
life of all living beings. The purpose has been to countries.
ensure integration of national efforts in web- Functionally, it is a decentralised system
enabled environmental information collection, of ENVIS Centres mandated to develop
Ministry of Environment & Forests
a distributed network of subject-specific the ENVIS network partners. The list of ENVIS
databases. With the association of the network partners is given at Annexure-IX.
various State Governments/Union Territories
Progress/ Achievements made in 2012-13
Administrations in promoting the ENVIS
network to cover a wide range of subjects, In 2012-13, the ENVIS network, established
28ENVIS Centres are operating from State/ under ENVIS Scheme comprising of 67 ENVIS
UT Departments/ Pollution Control Boards Centres variously covering subject-specific
on State/ UT-wide status of environment and areas and status of environment and related
related issues. issues, continued its mandated annual
information-related activities, database
ENVIS network at present consists of
development, publication of requisite
a chain of 67 ENVIS Centres out of which
information packages through newsletters,
39 are on subject-specific and 28 on State/
abstracting services, etc. It also continued
UT related issues. These Centers are hosted
its query-response services during the year.
by notable organizations/institutions/State/
This has entailed, inter alia, updating and
UT Government Departments/ Universities
maintaining an information database that
throughout the country. The Focal Point of
includes both descriptive information as well
ENVIS is located in the Ministry and assists the
as numerical data. Descriptive information in
EI Division in coordinating the activities of all
the form of publications, reports, reprints and
Annual Report 2012-2013
abstracts on related subjects was stored for media reports and other important issues of
dissemination. Numerical data on the subject the Ministry was regularly uploaded on the
concerned was collected, compiled, processed Website with the objective of disseminating
and analyzed for the purpose of dissemination such information to all concerned. The Website
through the Centres. Documentation in itself, which recorded a huge number of hits
the form of publications and reports were per month reflecting its high usage by national
brought out. All the information thus compiled and international users, was upgraded in 2012-
was made available on the websites of the 13 and transferred to an open-source Content
respective ENVIS Centres. Management System (CMS), keeping in view the
guidelines for development and management
ENVIS Focal Point maintained and
of government websites to render it more
continuously updated the Website of the
transparent, user friendly, database-driven and
Ministry (URL:
dynamic with modern features such as browser
and disseminated information through the
independence and compatibility with mobile
Website to all concerned throughout 2012-
13. The Website (Fig-56) was also linked
with the various Divisions of the Ministry in A Portal of ENVIS connecting all the ENVIS
order to have up-to-date information on the network partners (URL http://www.envis.nic.
subjects concerned. Besides, information on in) is updated regularly (Fig-57). The Portal acts
new updates of the Ministry, responses to as a catalyst for inter-Centre interaction and
Ministry of Environment & Forests
for information on several broad categories of The meeting of the 10-member re-
thematic and State-specific subjects assigned constituted Scientific Advisory Committee
to the Centers. The Websites of all ENVIS (SAC), under the Chairmanship of the Secretary,
Centresare also directly accessible from the Ministry of Environment & Forests, was held
homepage of the Portal enabling sourcing of on 5thNovember 2012. SAC, which consists of
information on major events, activities and fiveofficial and five non-official Members, is
current updates of the entire network. mandated to review the functioning of ENVIS
Scheme, to suggest new areas in upcoming
In 2012-13, the ENVIS Portal was
fields of environmental sciences, and identify
redesigned to make it more user-friendly.
appropriate institutions for setting up Centres,
Online monitoring and evaluation on a regular
The recommendations of the fourth National
basis via the ENVIS Portal for ENVIS Centresis is
Evaluation Workshop, held on 29-30th August
under implementation.
2012 at Bhopal were ratified by the SAC,
In 2012-13, security auditing of 36 ENVIS and taken into account while taking its own
Centres’ websites, taken up en bloc in Phase-I, decisions on the desirable improvements of
has been completed. These Websites have the ENVIS Scheme as a whole while carrying
been transferred to a common CMS platform outs a review thereof. In accordance with the
in collaboration with NIC for conformance with decisions of SAC, the Note for the Standing
the Guidelines issued by Indian Computer Finance Committee (SFC) has been revised,
Emergency Response Team (CERT-In). The and considered by the IFD. The process for final
Websites are to be bilingual i.e., English and approval of the competent authority on the
Hindi or a regional language, have features like modifications to the Scheme and, in particular,
archival process, dedicated sections for events/ the revised guidelines for the operations of the
announcements, SoE Reports and Photo Centres and revised parameters for evaluating
Gallery,etc, besides having secure control panel the functioning and performance of ENVIS
for each ENVIS Centre to submit their monthly Centres is well under way and would be
reports, publications, etc. Process of inclusion concluded within the financial year.
of remaining Centres’ Websites in Phase-II is
Query-Answer service is one of the major
responsibilities of the ENVIS Network. The
The fourth National Evaluation Workshop ENVIS Focal Point and all its partners responded
was organised on 29-30thAugust, 2012 at to a large number of queries during the year
Bhopal. The Centres were evaluated by two and provided substantive information as far as
Independent Expert Committees constituted possible. The ENVIS network responded to more
by the Ministry, one for Centres hosted by State than 1,50,000 queries during the EleventhPlan
Governments/ UT Administrations and the other period on various subject areas on environment
for Thematic Centres. The participating ENVIS and its allied disciplines. In 2012-13 (as on
Centers actively interacted with the experts 31.01.2013), 29,865 queries were addressed by
and peer Centers on various technical issues 51 Centres and the ENVIS Focal Point. Further,
pertaining to their day-to-day functioning. The wherever, information is not readily available,
Committees made certain recommendations the network also provided ‘Referral Service’ to
for the improvement of the functioning of the the concerned users. The major subject areas on
ENVIS Centres and ENVIS Scheme as a whole. which the queries were responded pertained
Annual Report 2012-2013
evaluation of each Centre by the respective bodies and precincts of India) and
National Evaluation Committee, the expanded the scope of its activities to
recommendations of the physical visit by an include a component on ‘sacred seeds’ in
officer of the Ministry, and online evaluation April 2012. The web page format of sacred
of the ENVIS Centre, the Division extended animal was changed and information
financial support to 46 Centres (by 31.01.2013) added for around 13 sacred animals and 35
as compared to 47 in the year 2011-12. sacred groves. Trees of the Rig Veda were
Three proposals from reputed institutes/ compiled under sacred plants. Its website
organisations for hosting new ENVIS Centres ( recorded about
were also considered as per the guidelines in 1,32,000 hits this year so far and in addition
this regard. to numerous personal interactions, around
Activities with regard to SoE Reports were 12 queries were answered by email and
also taken up and Reports for Karnataka and telephone. (Volume XI:
Lakshadweep are likely to be published in 2012- April 2012 to March 2013) was compiled as
13. Reports for Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu & a single issue. CPREEC continued to collect
Kashmir and Tripura are under preparation. and update its databases on ecological
traditions of various States of India.
Activities of some ENVIS Centres during the
– ENVIS Centre at Depar tment of
year 2012-13 (as on 31.01.2013)
Environment, State Government of Tamil
– ENVIS Centre at the Bombay Natural Nadu (TNENVIS), Chennai: With a thrust
History Society (BNHS), Mumbai: Itis area on ‘State of Environment and related
a thematic Centre on ‘Avian Ecology issues’ in Tamil Nadu, the ENVIS Centre
and Inland Wetlands’. In 2012-13, apart prepared a database on fungal diversity
from participating in the Eleventh of Tamil Nadu and State of Environment
Conference of Parties of the Convention Report for Chennai Metropolitan Area
of Biological Diversity (CoP-11) hosted by during 2012-13. Three subject-specific
India (Hyderabad; 8-19th October 2012), newsletters were also published on Green
the Centre published and distributed a Economy, Greening in Tamil Nadu and
special issue of BUCEROS Newsletteron Wildlife of Tamil Nadu. The ISBEID database
the achievement of Aichi Biodiversity was updated under all modules. The Centre
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
established and also digitised with KOHA the website also offers detailed information
Open Source software. On ISBEID, data on different forest species, forest cover,
was collected and updated in 12 out of etc. in the country.
17 modulesfor an average of 5 years. – ENVIS Centre at Institute for Ocean
– ENVIS Centre at Environment Protection Management (IOM), Chennai: IOM ENVIS
Training and Research Institute (EPTRI), specialises in the theme of ‘Coastal Zone
Hyderabad: The Centre on the thematic Management and Coastal Shelter Belts’.
area of ‘Ecology of Eastern Ghats’has During 2012-13, it developed State-wise
restructured and upgraded its website coastal erosion maps indicating high,
( Data on mineral medium and low erosion categories, which
wealth and mining activities, biodiversity, were cleared by Coastal States/ UTs of
protected areas, Seshachalam biosphere Gujarat, Kerala, Odisha, Puducherry and
reserve, experts and abstract database, Tamil Nadu, updated the database on
news clippings, photo gallery, emerging mapping and information on all hotspots
issues, conventions treaties, legislation, of Coastal Shelter Belts and ecologically
policy matters and library were updated sensitive areas in India; updated statistics
on the website. EPTRI ENVIS published on fishery resources for all Coastal States/
four quarterly newsletters (ISSN: 0974- UTs; and created a database on Coastal
2336) on the themesof ‘Medicinally Shelter Belts. The Centre also provided
Important Climbing Plants from Eastern detailed description of the Andaman &
Ghats’,‘Mineral Wealth of Eastern Ghats Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands and
Region’, and ‘Faunal Rediscovery and created a GIS database of island and
New Records in Seshachalam Biosphere land use of selected inhabited islands.
Reserve’. The databases and related information is
– ENVIS Centre at Forest Research Institute available on Centre’s website (http://www.
(FRI), Dehradun:Drawing from its thematic
area of ‘Forestry’, the ENVIS Centre – ENVIS Centre at Indian School of Mines
published an issue of ENVIS Forestry (ISM) Dhanbad: This ENVIS Centre deals
Bulletin on ‘Poplars in India’ which was with environmental issues pertaining to
released during the 24thSession of the mining. During FY 2012-13, the website
International Poplar Commission held at ( was switched to
FRI (29thOctober – 2ndNovember, 2012) new design. The Centre has collected,
and five issues of Environment and Forests compiled and disseminated relevant
News Digest. Its website (http://frienvis. documents/information in the field of restructured and redesigned. mine environment worldwide through
The Centre compiled bibliographical newsletters and website. The Centre
databases on ‘Indian Forestry Abstracts’, was visited by a number of luminaries.
‘Participatory Forestry Management’, Query response services to national and
‘Prosopisjuliflora, Poplars’ and ‘Environment international institutions and individuals
and Forests’ which are accessible online. were also provided during the year. Three
These databases have been updated with newsletters have been published by the
the addition of new references. Besides, Centre and the website is continuously
Ministry of Environment & Forests
updated with news, major activities and Following a Workshop held for this purpose
upcoming events. (Hyderabad; 7-8 June, 2010), the number of
– ENVIS Centre at Environment & Ecology modules were reduced to 17 (covering air and
Wing, Forests & Environment Department, water pollution, forestry, land resources, flora,
State Government of Manipur, Imphal: fauna, etc.). ISBEID is now being extended to all
The thrust of information maintained and States/UTs ENVIS Centres.
updated by this Centre is on ‘Status of There are two components of ISBEID
Environment and Related Issues’. Among application, namely, Management Information
State ENVIS Centres, this Centre has System (MIS) and Geographic Information
systematised its information collection System (GIS) that have been developed by NIC
and updating on each of the parameters in collaboration with ENVIS Focal Point. The MIS
included in the 17 modules of ISBEID component is primarily intended to provide (a)
by identifying gaps in data availability provide one-stop information source to users,
and was accordingly among the first to (b) query data from its repositories with advance
begin making data entries in the specific search and filters, (c) prepare charts and graphs
modules on environment and ecology to visualise data, and (d) provide statistical
(, besides carrying tables in PDF and XLS formats to the users for
out its major activities of publishing of their custom use. The GIS modules is intended
newsletters, reports, etc. to (a) provide internet-based GIS application,
India State-Level Basic Environmental interactive maps capable of handling operations
Information Database (ISBEID) like zoom in/out, pan, print, measure etc.,
In order to develop databases on and (b) enable querying ISBEID interactively
environment and its related parameters and on dynamic maps with layers such as rivers,
to make it online for to-and-fro information railways lines, roads, location of National Parks,
flow, a web-enabled application, namely, India Reserves etc. A two-day user workshop was
State-Level Basic Environmental Information organised (New Delhi, 12-13 May, 2011) with
Database (ISBEID) was developed by the Division all State/UT ENVIS Centers, experts and officials
in collaboration with NIC. ISBEID is especially from the Ministry, in order to familiarise them
intended to help the ENVIS Centres hosted with the use of MIS and GIS modules of ISBEID
by State Government/ UT Administrations to software. Another User Workshop on ISBEID
collect, compile and disseminate information and ENVIS Network websites was organised
on a centralised server and to fill their gaps on 18-19th February 2013 at New Delhi. The
in environmental data dissemination. Initially, Workshop deliberated on inter-linking and
a pilot project was taken up for two States, unifying various environmental databases of
namely, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh with the ENVIS network. A new user-interface for
6 modules of the proposed 23 modules. the ISBEID application has also been taken
Later, it was extended to 7 more States with up keeping in view modern technologies,
6 additional modules. Based on its results, which will enable dynamic access to maps on
it was decided to review the 23 modules in the homepage and interactive querying and
consultation with extant 28 States’/ UTs’ ENVIS generation of customised summary reports
Centres and to extend ISBEID to all States/UTs. using its databases.
Annual Report 2012-2013
` 5 lakh each under the “Organization Category”
the previous awardees and categorised
and three prizes of ` 5 lakh, ` 3 lakh and ` 2 lakh
(State-wise, zone-wise, gender-wise etc.)
respectively under the “Individual Category”.
data on awards received, so that the
Along with the cash prize, each awardee is given
non-represented States/ zones/ areas get
a Silver Lotus Trophy, Scroll and Citation. The
proper representation. The Experts will
award is given annually and an advertisement
inviting nominations for IGPP is released every be requested to give proper emphasis
year on 15th July in national dailies with regional on these aspects, besides other criteria
coverage. of selection, while short listing the
As per the decision of the Prize Committee,
– Prize will be given at a formal ceremony
another revision of ‘Regulations governing
to be arranged by the Ministry of
IGPP’ was done during 2012-13. The revisions
Environment & Forests on any occasion
broadly include the following:
related to environment each year,
– The total period for inviting nominations preferably on 5th June.
was reduced to 45 days from the date
Annual Report of the Ministry
of publication of the advertisement.
Henceforth, the last date for receipt of The Annual Report of the Ministry for the
nominations shall be 29th August every year 2011-12 was published and got distributed
year. to various Central and State Government
– Selection of Expert Members of the Prize Departments, professional institutions,
Committee shall be done biennially by universities, research organizations, embassies/
the Ministry. The tenure of the Expert High Commissions of various countries in
Members will be 2 years. All the Prizes India, etc. The electronic versions of current
that will be proposed during the tenure and previous Annual Reports are also made
of the Expert Members will be considered available on the website of the Ministry.
by them irrespective of the year.
The details of the IGPP and the present
– The number of shortlisted nominations status are given in Chapter-10 dealing with
is to be not more than 10% of the total Fellowhips and Awards.
number of nominations received.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
recommendations of the National Statistical Scheme is ` 70.00 crore. Against this, the
Commission, including Compendium of Annual Plan outlay for its first year, 2012-13
Environmental Statistics and Statistical was ` 7.86 crore, which was reduced to ` 7.36
Abstracts. crore at RE stage. Actual expenditure incurred,
In 2012-13, inputs were provided to various as on 31.01.2013, under the Scheme was ` 5.33
Committees of the Government, including crore, showing a utilization ratio of 72.41%.
those on ‘Development of Database on Climate In terms of physical performance, as
Change’ and ‘Issues in the Estimation of GDP compared to extension of support to 47 ENVIS
of Forestry Sector’ constituted by Ministry of Centres in 2011-12, in the current year 2012-
Statistics & Programme Implementation. It also 13 so far 46 Centres have been supported (as
provided information for periodic publications on 31.01.2013). This has also entailed visit by
produced as per the recommendations of the officers to these Centres for verification of the
National Statistical Commission, including performance of the Centre concerned against
Compendium of Environmental Statistics and the mandated annual activities.
Statistical Abstracts and other publications
of Central Statistical Office (CSO). Statistical Important Committees/ Commissions
Advisor served as amember of the Organising The Environmental Prize Committee
Committee constituted by the CSO for the for the Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar
International Seminar on Green GDP to be held (IGPP) constituted under the chairpersonship
during 5-6 April, 2013. of Hon’ble Vice President of India has the
following composition:
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO)
Cell 1. Vice-President of India Chairperson
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Website Restructuring Projects was organized There are also visits by groups such as
jointly by M/o Environment and Forests (MoEF) trainee officers and probationers of Indian
and National Informatics Centre (NIC) at Forest Service, Rangers Colleges, etc.
New Delhi on 19th February, 2013 in order to During conferences in Delhi, groups of
demonstrate the Integrated Generic Database NGOs also visit together in large numbers,
Design Methodology for CMS Portals to the which otherwise come singly throughout
36 ENVIS Centres, whose websites are being the year. During the summer, autumn and
restructured by NIC. winter holidays, school/college students
and their parents also visit in fair numbers
Information and Facilitation Counter (IFC)
to seek resource material (particularly
The Information and Facilitation Counter pictorial material) for assignments and
at Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi is being run project work.
by CEE, a Centre of Excellence of this Ministry, – Distributing MoEF’s resource material
since December 2005. This has been done (Annual Reports, Funding Schemes,
in a unique model of partnership, and MoEF Fellowships Guidelines, Research
became the first Ministry in the Government G u i d e l i n e s, B ro c h u re s, J o u r n a l s,
to have such a wide-based public facilitation Newsletters, etc). Annual Reports of up
service, in contrast to most other IFCs that only to 3 previous years (both Hindi & English)
hand out copies of annual reports. Over the are being stocked and distributed.
last seven years, the IFC has performed a wide
– A display and reference area for publications
range of functions as briefly enumerated here:
of MoEF and its ENVIS Centres.
– Providing broad-based information to – Providing the first level of visitor facilitation
visitors (both general public and officials) and application guidelines for various
on the Ministry, its divisions; contacts Clearances and No Objection Certificates
of officers; directional guidance; MoEF’s issued by this Ministry. These include
structure & organization, schemes, NOC for imports of hazardous substances,
programmes, etc. This is being done both environment impact assessment clearances
through staff manning the Helpdesk as of different projects, forest clearances,
well as a Touchscreen facility. In actual genetic engineering clearances, etc.
practice, IFC staff renders assistance to
– Providing information about the status of
visitors not only regarding MoEF but
various applications (for environmental
also about the locations of various other
clearances, project proposals for funding,
Ministries and Departments in the CGO
grant applications under different
Complex, since the MoEF IFC happens to
schemes), and helping to retrieve this
be the first facility visible to most people
information from the concerned Divisions
entering the central courtyard of CGO. Not
of MoEF. IFC staff also helps link up the
only common people, but also MPs, MLAs
visiting applicants to the concerned officers
and other dignitaries, senior officials, UN
in various Divisions, so that clearance-
officials and diplomats come here and seek
related technical queries can be settled
guidance with regards to the Ministry’s
programmes, schemes, etc.
– Providing information to the public with
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Policy and Law Delhi and Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal and Chennai
as zonal benches have been notified. Delhi
and Chennai Bench of the Tribunal have been
The Policy and Law Division is partly operationalised. In addition to the Chairperson,
implementing the Schemes “Assistance for 3 judicial and 9 Expert Members are working in
Abatement of Pollution, Environment Policy the Tribunal.
and Law” and Establishment of Environment
Commission and Tribunal” and providing
National Environment Assessment and
legislative and institutional support to other
Monitoring Authority (NEAMA)
thematic divisions whenever needed for any The Ministry proposes to establish
amendment to existing legislation/notification a National Environment Assessment
or implementation of the Environment and Monitoring Authority (NEAMA) with
(Protection) Act, 1986, National Environment domain expertise, technological finesse and
Policy 2006, National Green Tribunal Act, field outreach in order to strengthen and
2010, Ecomark Scheme and proposal relating professionalize the regimes of environment
to establishment of National Environment impact assessment and coastal zone
Assessment and Monitoring Authority management under Environment (Protection)
(NEAMA). Act, 1986. Constitution of NEAMA shall be a
part of larger regulatory reforms exercise to
National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
improve environmental regulation.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) Act,
2010 has been brought into force on 18th
National Environment Policy (NEP),
October, 2010. The NGT has been established
for the effective and expenditious disposal of The National Environment Policy, launched
cases relating to environmental protection in 2006 seeks to extend the coverage, and fill
and conservation of forests and other natural in gaps that still exist, in the light of present
resources including enforcement of any legal knowledge and accumulated experience. The
right relating to environment and giving relief task of review of the National Environment
and compensation for damages to persons and Policy has been initiated.
property and for matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto. It is a specialized body
Trade and Environment
equipped with the necessary expertise to Trade and Environment Cell
handle environmental disputes involving
multi-disciplinary issues. The Tribunal shall not
be bound by the procedure laid down under Trade and Environment Division has the
the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be following areas of responsibility:
guided by principles of natural justice. – Provision of technical inputs to the
The Tribunal’s dedicated jurisdiction in preparatory process in the area of Trade
environmental matters shall provide speedy and Environment.
environmental justice and help reduce the – Formulation of Ministry’s position on
burden of litigation in the higher courts. Five trade-related matters referred to it by
places of sitting with Principal Bench at New other Ministries, including views on issues
Annual Report 2012-2013
The Trade and Environment Division to address domestic policy, regulatory and
regularly furnished comments and materials resource issues constraining growth of the
from environment, ecology, forestry and services sector; and tackling specific barriers
wildlife points of view to the Department of to market access in key markets being faced
Commerce for drawing up India’s position by India’s service suppliers. Economic Adviser
and contributing to the on-going multilateral served as a Member of a number of Inter-
negotiations under the Doha Development Ministerial Sub-Groups in the field of Trade in
Agenda (DDA) of the Agreement on the Services as well as Non-Tariff Measures in the
Establishment of the World Trade Organisation WTO as well as for Regional Trade Agreements
(WTO), in particular, the negotiations under constituted by the Department of Commerce
trade in goods and services and domestic this year.
regulations. This included, for instance, During the year, various regional trade
assessment of the proposed European Union’s agreements under negotiation by India were
Regulation on Ship Recycling, especially its examined and Ministry’s contributions were
potential for impact on domestic ship breaking provided, including on the (i) India-South
industry. In addition, issues emerging from the Africa Custom Union (CU) Preferential Trade
lack of availability of data in services which Agreement (PTA); (ii) India-Chile PTA; (iii)
hinders policy-making in the area as well as India-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA);
adversely affects bilateral and multilateral trade (iv) India-New Zealand FTA; and (v) India-
negotiations in services were also taken up in Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership
the context of environmental services. Certain Agreement (CEPA).
classification issues relating to environmental
services in the context of WTO’s questionnaire The Division also contributed to the
on Services are presently under scrutiny. on-going negotiations on various bilateral
investment treaties and bilateral investment
Secretary (E&F) is a Member of the Inter- protection agreements, including issues
Ministerial Committee on Services Issues such as transfer of environmentally sound
constituted by the Department of Commerce, technology to meet India’s environmental
which held three meetings on topical matters, requirements, which such bilateral investments
including coordination between different need to encourage, and various environmental
Ministry of Environment & Forests
measures that may be necessary to protect in the context of the Environment Policy for
human, animal or plant life or health and/or Asia and Pacific Economies. This also included
conservation of natural resources under the suggestions and comments for Submission of
Model Texts of India-US Bilateral Investment India Country Report to the 10th Session of the
Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPA) in United Nations Environment Fund to be held
the context of the Indo-US Strategic Dialogue. in Istanbul in 2013.
The Division also worked on various The Division also contributed relevant
diverse matters, which ranged from materials to other Divisions of the Ministry,
commenting on the issues regarding the notably the negotiations on Climate Change
Foreign Trade Policy of the Government and and assumption of the Presidency of the
the ‘Bilateral Development and Assistance: A Conference of Parties-11 of the Convention on
Handbook on Systems and Processes’ to the Biological Diversity.
intellectual property rights and public health
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
– To facilitate planning and implementation
of programmes and projects to address cell/?f=report2012.
desertification, land degradation and – World Day to Combat Desertification
drought (DLDD) in the dryland areas, on June 17 2012 was observed and a
specially through sustainable land & workshop was organized at Indian Council
ecosystem management (SLEM). of Forestry Research and Education,
Activities undertaken so far Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The UNCCD theme
for this year, the workshop theme was
Policy Initiatives “Healthy soil sustains your life; LET’S GO
– The second Inter sessional LAND-DEGRADATION NEUTRAL.”
COP Bureau Meeting, held in Bonn, Regulatory Acts/Rules governing the
Germany during 5-6 November 2012 was programme and promulagation of new
attended by UNCCD National Focal Point, Acts
Joint Secretary Sh B.M.S Rathore as Vice – The United Nations Convention to Combat
President of CoP-Bureau. Desertification (UNCCD) is one of the
Programme Initiatives three Rio Conventions that focuses on
– Proposal on “Enhancing capacity for desertification, land degradation and
alignment of National Action Programme drought (DLDD). ‘Desertification’ as defined
to 10 year Strategy of UNCCD and for in the UNCCD refers to land degradation
National Reporting to UNCCD Secretariat” in the drylands (arid, semi arid and dry
for funding to the tune of USD 148,500 sub humid regions) resulting from various
from Global Environment Facility (GEF) factors and does not connote spread or
secretariat under cycle 5 has been expansion of deserts.
approved. – UNCCD with 194 Parties recognises
– India made contribution of Euro 41,463 land degradation as an important factor
for the core budget of UNCCD convention affecting some of the most vulnerable
biennium 2012-13 people and ecosystems in the world. The
convention aims at adaption and can, on
implementation, significantly contribute to
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
– India formulated and submitted in 2001
of 21st century, rainfall in India may increase by
a National Action Programme (NAP) to
15-40% with high regional variability. Warming
combat desertification, in accordance
may be more pronounced over land areas
with the Convention (UNCCD). A broad
with northern India experiencing maximum
roadmap to combating desertification,
increase. The warming could be relatively
NAP recognizes the multi-sectoral nature of
greater in winter and post-monsoon seasons.
the task, in view of the fact that many of the
The annual mean temperature could increase
drivers of desertification have cross cutting
by 3°C to 6°C over the century.
dimensions. As for instance, poverty of
the masses has long been known to be India’s emissions are estimated to be
a key driver of desertification and land of the order of 1331.6 million tonnes of the
degradation, which needs to addressed. carbon dioxide equivalent Green House
– To address the issues of DLDD and build Gas (GHG) emissions in 2007. The emissions
synergy with other RIO conventions indicate an annual growth of 4.2% from the
(UNFCCC & CBD), the Sustainable Land levels in 1994. However, India’s CO2 emissions
and Ecosystem Management Country are only about 4% of total global CO2 emissions
Partnership Program (SLEM CPP) was and much less if the historical concentrations
developed. The SLEM Programme is a joint are taken into account. Still, India has been
initiative between the Government of India conscious of the global challenge of climate
and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), change and its likely adverse impact on various
under the latter’s Country Partnership sectors and ecosystems. During the year, the
Programme (CPP). The objective of SLEM Ministry conducted studies to make Integrated
Programmatic Approach is to “promote Vulnerability Assessment across sectors so
sustainable land management and as to ascertain the nature and framework of
use of biodiversity as well as maintain adaptation needs.
the capacity of ecosystems to deliver
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
goods and services”. Under this SLEM (IPCC)
Programmatic Approach, seven projects
IPCC is a specialized body jointly
have been formulated, and are under
established by the United Nations
various stages of implementation.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Environment Programme (UNEP) and World regional and national development priorities,
Meteorological Organization mandated to objectives and circumstances. The elements of
prepare scientific assessments on various information provided in the communication
aspects of climate change. IPCC is currently include a national inventory of anthropogenic
engaged in the preparation of Fifth Assessment emissions by sources and removals by
Report on Climate Change through three sinks of all greenhouse gases, a general
Working Groups. India is engaged with the description of steps taken to implement
IPCC in analyzing and critically examining the the Convention including an assessment
work being done under 3 Working Groups of of impacts and vulnerability, and any other
the IPCC in phased manner. Working Group I on relevant information. The communication is
the Climate Change will present the physical meant to provide the context and the national
science basis and is expected to release its circumstances inter alia India’s geography,
full report and Summary for Policymakers in imperative of development needs, climate
September 2013. Working Group II on climate and economy; based on which India would be
change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability addressing and responding to the challenges
is expected to release its full report and of climate change.
Summary for Policymakers in March 2014.
India has submitted Second National
Working Group III on assessment for mitigation
Communication to the UNFCCC in 2012. The
of climate change will release its report and
first National communication (NATCOM) was
Summary for Policymakers in April 2014. The
submitted in 2004. The second NATCOM
Synthesis Report comprising of key findings
provides information of the emissions of Green
emerging from the three Working Groups of
House Gas (GHG) for the years 2000 and 2007;
5th Assessment Report and will be published
information of impacts and vulnerability of
by IPCC in October 2014.
key sectors such as Water, Agriculture, Natural
The IPCC has also published two special Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Infrastructure etc.
reports namely, “Special Report on Managing NATCOM II was released by the Minister for
the risk of extreme events and disasters to Environment and Forests on May 10, 2012 at a
advance climate change adaptation (SREX)”and National Workshop held in New Delhi.
“Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources
India’s domestic strategy for addressing
and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN)”.
climate change is reflected in many of its social
Summary for Policy makers is available in the
and economic development programmes.
IPCC official website (
The National Action Plan on Climate Change
Climate change and India’s actions (NAPCC) coordinated by the Ministry of
Environment & Forests is being implemented
In pursuance of the obligations cast on
through the Nodal Ministries in specific sectors/
parties to the United Nations Framework
areas. Eight national missions in the area of
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
solar energy, enhanced energy efficiency,
India has undertaken to communicate
sustainable agriculture, sustainable habitat,
information about the implementation of
water, Himalayan eco-system, increasing
the Convention, taking into account the
the forest cover and strategic knowledge for
common but differentiated responsibilities
climate change form the core of National
and respective capabilities and their specific
Annual Report 2012-2013
The government has a domestic mitigation and studies in the area of climate change,
goal of reducing emissions intensity of Gross and supporting domestic actions to address
Domestic Product (GDP) by 20-25% by 2020 climate change through specific programmes
in comparison with 2005 level. The energy and actions at the national and state level.
intensity of India’s output has shown a declining The scheme comprises of eight activities, of
trend owing to improvements in energy which, three relate to scientific studies on
efficiency, autonomous technological changes climate change, two to institution and capacity
and economical use of energy. This domestic building and three others to domestic and
goal and the objectives of the National Action international actions.
Plan on Climate Change are proposed to be
The Ministry has already launched
achieved through a sustainable development
preparatory activities for India’s Third National
strategy under the twelfth five year plan
Communication (TNC) and Biennial Update
(12th FYP). Several thrust areas have been
Report (BUR), containing updates of earlier
identified in the 12th FYP for this purpose and
reported national GHG inventories, including a
a coordinated initiative to identify Nationally
national inventory report and information on
Appropriate Mitigation Actions and implement
mitigation actions, needs and support received.
them towards this end will be taken during the
The BURs are new reporting obligation under
Plan period.
the transparency arrangement of sharing
At the initiative of the Ministry, Planning information on implementation of the
Commission has recognized climate change Convention.
as a major area of environmental intervention.
Various other science initiatives are
‘Climate Change Action Programme (CCAP)’
planned by the Ministry as part of the Climate
- a new thematic/umbrella Scheme has been
Change Action Programme (CCAP). These
approved by the Planning Commission for
include National Carbonaceous Aerosols
implementation during the 12th Five year
Programme (NCAP), Long Term Ecological
Plan. The scheme aims at advancing scientific
Observatories (LTEO), and Coordinated Studies
research information and assessment of the
on Climate Change for North East region
phenomenon of climate change, building an
(CSCCNE). The NCAP is a major activity involving
institutional and analytical capacity for research
multi-institutional and multi-agency study
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
project for climate change and sustainable voluntary Copenhagen pledges for mitigation
development in Himachal Pradesh. A project subject to transparency arrangements till 2020
with World Bank for ‘Partnership for Market and enhance their ambition, as necessary, for
Readiness’ is under active consideration. The stabilising the climate in accordance with the
Global Environment Facility (GEF) has also principles and provisions of the Convention.
approved a number of activities in relation to
Under the existing international regime,
climate change during the fifth cycle of funding
carbon markets have been established to
(2013-17). Some of the important activities
facilitate reduction of carbon/GHG emissions
that will be carried out with GEF support are in
at the global level through sale and purchase
the area of energy efficiency, renewal energy,
of carbon credits. The Indian Government and
national communication and the state action
industries have been very proactive in the
plans. Asian Development Bank is involved
international carbon market. India has a good
in the Bhutan initiative on climate change for
potential for CDM Projects. Today, India’s CDM
the four Himalayan countries, namely, India,
potential represents a significant component
Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal.
of the global CDM market. At the end of 2012,
International regime for climate change 961 out of total 5,195 projects registered
by the CDM Executive Board are from India,
Under the existing international regime
which is the second highest by any country
for addressing climate change, several rounds
in the world. The National CDM Authority
of intense negotiations have taken place to
(NCDMA) in the Ministry has accorded Host
advance implementation of the commitments
Country Approval to 2786 projects facilitating
of the parties and to enhance their actions
possible investment of more than ` 549,429
and ambition. In 2012, the Bali track of
crores. These projects are in the sectors of
negotiations came to an end and the new
energy efficiency, fuel switching, industrial
process of negotiations launched under the
processes, municipal solid waste, renewable
Durban Platform got underway. The Durban
energy and forestry which spread across the
Platform is aimed at securing consensus on the
country (covering all states in India). If all these
future arrangements applicable to all during
projects get registered by the CDM Executive
the post 2020 period. As part of this process,
Board, they have the potential to generate 720
the countries are expected to implement their
million Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) by
Ministry of Environment & Forests
the year 2012. At a conservative price of US $ 5 terminal year of the fist commitment period
per CER, it corresponds to an overall inflow of of the Kyoto Protocol (2008-12). The Doha
approximately US $ 3.6 billion in the country by Conference took several decisions as part of
the year 2012 if all the projects get registered. a package, together known as ‘Doha Climate
As on date CERs issued to Indian projects is 155 Gateway’, which has not only helped launch the
million. second commitment period under the Kyoto
Protocol but also advanced implementation of
However, the carbon markets have
the United Nations Framework Convention on
become weak in the wake of low ambition
Climate Change (UNFCCC).
for emissions reductions expressed by
developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol. Key Doha Outcomes were:
The unilateral measures taken by some key
– The biggest achievement of Doha
parties to restrict the benefits of CDM to large
Conference is the adoption of amendments
developing countries like India and China
to the Kyoto Protocol making the second
has further reduced the confidence in the
commitment period (CP2) of emissions
ability of the international markets to help the
reduction by the Annex I countries parties
cause of climate change. The decision of the
to the Kyoto Protocol effective immediately
European Union to impose a unilateral levy on
beginning January 1, 2013. Although the
civil aviation emissions of aircrafts from other
emission reduction obligations undertaken
countries has led to international protests
by the Annex I parties are not as ambitious
and demands have been made to resolve
as required by science, it has been agreed
the matter in the International Civil Aviation
to implement the targets over an 8 years
Organisation in accordance with the principles
period (2013-2020), thus providing relative
of the UNFCCC. There are other areas where
degree of certainty to the carbon markets.
higher ambition is needed such as the climate
EU, the major KP Party will reduce its
change finance and flow of technologies. The
emissions by 20% by 2020 compared
Green Climate Fund set up at Cancun is yet to
to 1990. It has been agreed that the KP
see any major flow of funds from the developed
parties will revisit their targets in 2014
countries. While the Technology Mechanism
with a view to increasing their ambition.
envisaged under the Cancun Agreements
This decision, along-with provisional
has become functional, there is no significant
application of the amendments on an
progress on development and transfer of
‘opt-in’ basis has ensured that there will
technologies for large scale transformation
be no gap between the first commitment
in developing countries. In the coming years,
period under the KP ending on December
effective fulfillment of their commitments
31, 2012 and the second one commencing
by developed countries will be an important
on January 1, 2013. Decisions to restrict
signal for confidence in the evolving process
the carry-over of surplus assigned amount
to gain momentum.
units from the first commitment period
Doha Conference 2012 and access of Annex I Parties who do
not quantified emission reduction and
The recent UN Climate Change Conference
limitation commitments under the second
held in Doha from November 26 to December
commitment period to the flexibility
8, 2012 was significant as it was held in the
Annual Report 2012-2013
mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol will with the task of recommending suitable
have a salutary effect on the environmental arrangements for accountability of and
integrity. reporting on its functions by the Green
– As a part of a comprehensive decision on Climate Fund to the Conference of
agreed outcome pursuant to Bali Action Parties.
Plan, Doha reasserted the principles of – In a significant and positive advancement
Equity and Common But Differentiated in the work of the Durban Platform (DP)
Responsibilities, which have remained set up last year for devising the post-
subdued since Copenhagen. The 2020 arrangements, it has been agreed
Conference has explicitly recognized that that the work of the Durban Platform
the action of parties will be based on equity will be based on the principles of the
and CBDR including the need for equitable Convention. A Plan of Work has been
access to sustainable development. The agreed for 2013. The ADP will call for
decisions have also avoided quantitative parties’ submissions to be presented by
target for global emissions reduction or March 2013 on ‘vision’ of the post-2020
global peaking that could place a cap on arrangements as well as ‘ambition’ for
emissions of developing countries and raising the global efforts aimed at reducing
restrict their development space. emissions in the pre-2020 period. The
– The issues of Technology-related ADP will organize a series of workshops
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and as part of its work next year with a view
the Unilateral Measures are firmly back to finalize a text for 2015 Agreement by
on the table. These outstanding or the end of 2014. As announced by the UN
unresolved issues under the Bali Action Secretary General, the decision recognizes
Plan (BAP) are now part of the planned or the possibility of holding a meeting of
continuing work of various bodies of the Heads of Governments and States in 2014
Convention. Based on the decisions, the to finalize the Agreement.
Technology Executive Committee (TEC) will At the Doha Conference, India took lead in
initiate exploration of the issues relating bringing the three issues of Equity, Technology-
to enabling environments and barriers, related IPRs and the Unilateral Measures firmly
including IPRs in its future work-plan. TEC back on the table. India also ensured that
has already identified IPRs as one of the agriculture, being a sensitive sector of our
key messages on which further work is economy, was prevented from being included
necessary in this area. Similarly, a decision in the mitigation work programme proposed
has been taken to facilitate discussion on to be launched at the global level.
the issue of Unilateral Measures under
Amongst the key concerns which the
the existing Forum on implementation of
Conference could not address are those relating
Response measures.
to financing commitments of developed
– The Work Programme on Long term countries and cooperative sectoral actions.
Finance launched last year at Durban There was no decision on scale or sources of
has been extended for another year. financing in the near term (2013-2015), mid-
The Standing Committee (on Finance) term (2015-2020) or long term (post 2020).
of the Convention has been entrusted The decision merely urges the developed
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Fig-60. Smt. Jayanti Natarajan, Minister of State (I/C) for Environment and Forests with the Environment Ministers
of Basic Countries at the Press Conference after the conclusion of their meeting at New Delhi
country Parties to announce climate finance climate change. India organised the Xth BASIC
pledges when their financial circumstances Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change in New
permit and to further increase their efforts to Delhi during 13-14 February, 2012 to facilitate
provide resources of at least to the average exchange of views on outcomes of the Durban
annual level of the fast-start finance period Conference and evolution of common BASIC
for 2013-2015. The issue of ‘Loss & Damage’ position on key issues in climate change. Besides
caused by climate change that was pressed the BASIC countries comprising of Brazil, South
by the small island countries was almost Africa, India and China, representatives of
brushed aside until the last moment, when Swaziland, Singapore and Qatar were also
the pressure from developing countries forced invited to the meeting. During the year three
a decision to establish at the next Conference more meetings of the BASIC group were held
of Parties, institutional arrangements, such as in different locations in South Africa, Brazil and
an international mechanism to address loss China. India also participated in the meetings of
and damage associated with the impacts of the Major Economies Forum and the organized
climate change in developing countries that by the United States of America (USA) and the
are particularly vulnerable to the adverse Petersberg Dialogue initiated by Germany.
effects of climate change.
At the sub-regional level, India partnered
The year 2012 was also marked by with Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh for
several parallel international initiatives on cooperation to address adverse effects of
Annual Report 2012-2013
50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, Country Program was updated in 2006.
called the Stratosphere. – The Ministry has set up the Ozone Cell
– The stratospheric Ozone Layer absorbs all as a National Ozone Unit to render
the harmful UV-B radiations emanating necessary services for effective and timely
from the Sun. It protects plant and animal implementation of the Protocol and its ODS
life from UV-B radiation. The UV-B radiation phase-out program in India. The Ministry
has the potential to cause skin cancer, eye has also established an Empowered
cataract, suppress body’s immune system, Steering Committee (ESC) Chaired by the
decrease crop yield etc., which led to the Secretary (E&F) which is supported by two
adoption of the Vienna Convention for the Standing Committees viz. Technology and
Protection of the Ozone Layer in 1985 and Finance Standing Committee (TFSC) and
the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Standing Committee on Monitoring. The ESC
Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987. India is is overall responsible for implementation
a Party to the Vienna Convention for the of the Montreal Protocol provisions, review
Protection of the Ozone Layer and the of various policies and implementation
Montreal Protocol on Substances that options, project approval and monitoring.
Deplete the Ozone Layer and it’s all the
The Vienna Convention for the protection of
amendments. the Ozone Layer and its Montreal Protocol on
– India was mainly producing and substances that deplete the Ozone Layer
using nine of the 96 Ozone Depleting – The Vienna Convention for the Protection
Substances (ODSs) controlled under of the Ozone Layer and its Montreal
the Montreal Protocol. These are Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) viz. CFC-11, Ozone Layer are the specific and dedicated
CFC-12, CFC-113; Carbon Tetrachloride International Treaties for the protection
(CTC), Hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC- of the Earth’s Ozone Layer. Montreal
22), Halon-1211, Halon-1301, Methyl Protocol has been recognized as the most
Chloroform and Methyl Bromide. successful International Environmental
– The Government of India has entrusted the Treaty in history. It has received Universal
work relating to Ozone Layer protection Ratification from all the 197 Parties of the
Ministry of Environment & Forests
World. In the 25 years of its operation, of methyl bromide has been allowed in
extraordinary international cooperation developing countries including India upto
under this agreement has led to phase- 1.1.2015 as per the Montreal Protocol
out of production and consumption of schedule. Since, Hydrochloroflurocarbons
several major ODSs such as Chloro fluoro (HCFCs) are used as interim substitute
Carbons (CFCs), Carbon Tetrachloride to replace CFCs, their production and
(CTC) and halons globally by 1st January, consumption are allowed upto 1.1.2030.
2010. This amounts to phase-out of 98% – The ODS rules are being further amended
of the Ozone Depletion weighted level of to align with the control measures of
the global production and consumption accelerated phase-out of next category
of all the chemicals controlled by the of ODSs, the HCFCs.
Montreal Protocol. It has not only protected
Fiscal Measures
the stratospheric ozone but it has also
immensely benefitted the climate system. – Customs and Excise duty exemption
As per experts estimates, the Montreal have been extended for Multilateral Fund
Protocol has reduced Green House Gas (MLF) assisted ODS phase-out projects
(GHG) emissions by 11 gigatonnes Carbon or expansion of capacity with non-ODS
Dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year through technology during the financial year 2012-
its ODS phase-out activities. 13.
Regulatory Measures Activities undertaken so far
– The Ozone Depleting Substances – India has taken a series of fiscal and
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 under regulatory measures to facilitate ODS
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 has phase-out in the country. Among fiscal
been notified in the Gazette of India on measures taken, the Government has
19.7.2000. These Rules set the deadlines accorded customs and excise duty
for phasing out of various ODSs, besides exemptions on goods required for ODS
regulating production, consumption, phase-out projects and new investment
trade, import and export of ODSs and and expansion of established industries
the products containing ODSs. The ODS with non-ODS technologies.
Rules were amended in 2001, 2003, 2004, – The UN General Assembly on 23rd January,
2005 and 2007 to facilitate implementation 1995 adopted a resolution 49/114
of ODS phase-out by the enterprises in which proclaims 16th September as the
various sectors. International Day for the Preservation
– These Rules prohibit the production of the Ozone Layer, to commemorate
and consumption of CFCs, CTC and the signing of the Montreal Protocol on
Halons beyond 1.1.2010 except use of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
pharmaceutical grade CFCs under Essential which was signed on 16th September,
Use Nominations (EUN) in manufacturing 1987.
of Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) for Asthma – Awareness activities at the national and
and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary state levels were organized to sensitize
Disease (COPD) patients. Further, the use the stakeholders to phase-out the ODS
Annual Report 2012-2013
in various sectors. The International Day – Project Management Unit (PMU) was set
for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is up in 2002 to implement the CFC and CTC
being organized every year in the country National Phase-out Plans.
on 16th September, at national and state – The phase-out of HCFCs was accelerated
levels since 1995. by 10 years with certain reduction schedule
– “Montreal Protocol: India’s Success Story”, vide decision XIX/6 of the 19th MOP in
posters, stickers are brought out every year 2007.
on the occasion of International Day for – A Roadmap for phasing-out of HCFCs
the Preservation of the Ozone Layer giving was developed describing the long term
latest information on ODS phase-out in vision and action plan including the policy
the country and technologies adopted. instruments for phasing out of production
– A bi-monthly newsletter viz. ‘VATIS and consumption of HCFCs in India.
UPDATE-Ozone Layer Protection’ is being – An Action Plan for implementation of the
published giving latest information on the Roadmap for phasing out of HCFCs in
science of Ozone and technical options India has been developed indicating the
evolved and used in various sectors all responsibilities of agencies/organizations
over the globe. and timeline for its smooth and effective
– Participation in the Meetings of the implementation.
Executive Committee (Ex-Com), Open – An India-US Task Force was established to
Ended Working Group (OEWG), South enhance the understanding of stakeholders
Asia Network meeting and joint meeting on issues related to Hydrofluorocarbons
of Regional Ozone Networks, Multilateral (HFCs) under the Co-Chairmanship of Mr.
Environmental Agreement Regional J.M Mauskar, the then Special Secretary,
Enforcement Network Meeting (MEA-REN), MoEF and Mr. Daniel A. Reifsnyder, Deputy
Meeting of the Parties (MOP) and other Assistant Secretary, USA. The Members
Montreal Protocol related meetings. of the Task Force were drawn from
– Data on production, consumption, export, Government, industry associations and
import of ODSs is submitted to the Ozone scientific and technical institutions from
Secretariat by end of September every India as well as USA.
year. – The First Task Force report was prepared
– Organization of TFSC meetings for by India and US and it was circulated
recommending ODSs phase-out projects among the Members of the Task Force.
for submission to the Multilateral Fund Subsequently, a Meeting of the Task Force
(MLF) Secretariat and recommending was convened in New Delhi in June, 2011
projects for fiscal incentives. In the year where Members of the Task Force from
2012, three meetings of TFSC were held USA and India and other stakeholders
and 21 duty exemption certificate were participated in the Meeting.
issued. – The Task Force report was updated based
– No Objection certificates for 111 enterprises on the inputs received from the Members
were issued to DGFT for import and export and industry associations. A number of
of ODSs and ODS based equipments. Meetings of the two Government officials
Ministry of Environment & Forests
were convened to seek clarifications – The HPMP Stage-I has been approved by
on various sections of the report. The the Ex-Com of the MLF in its 66th Meeting
finalization of the Task Force report is in held in April, 2012 for the period 2012-
progress. 2015 to reduce 341.77 Ozone Depleting
– The following workshops were conducted Potential (ODP) tonnes of HCFC from the
during this year : starting point of 1691.25 ODP tonnes with
a total funding of US $23,011,537 including
– Two workshops on Sustainability of
implementing agency support cost.
CFC Phase-out in India were organized
by the Ozone Cell, MoEF in association Achievements made
with United Nations Environment – India has met the following compliance
Program (UNEP) on 4th April, 2012 targets either on or ahead of the control
at Chennai and 10th April, 2012 at schedule of the Montreal Protocol:-
– Phase-out of production and consumption
– Organized Stakeholders Consultative of virgin halons as early as 2002 being
Meeting on Proposed Amendment high ODP ODS, eight years prior to the
to Ozone Depleting Substances Montreal Protocol schedule.
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
– Prohibition of use of CFCs and halons in
on 12th October, 2012.
manufacturing of new equipments as early
– Organized Interagency Meeting as 1.1.2003. This not only facilitated early
for finalization of modalities of phase-out of ODSs in the country, but
implementation of HPMP Stage-I on also reduced the inventory of ODS based
14.9.2012. equipments which resulted in reduction
– In addition to these, Workshops, of use of CFCs for servicing.
Seminars and consultative meetings – Phase-out of production and consumption
with the stakeholders were also of CFCs with effect from 1.8.2008, 17
organized on a regular basis for months prior to the Montreal Protocol
interaction with industry, Government schedule except use of Pharmaceutical
departments and organizations etc. grade CFCs in manufacturing of MDIs.
– The HCFC Phase-out Management Plan – Complete phase-out of production and
(HPMP), to comply with 2013 and 2015 consumption of CTC and halons with
targets, has been prepared in close effect from 1.1. 2010.
cooperation with the UNDP, the lead
– Successful implementation of the National
implementing agency, UNEP and GIZ
Strategy for transition to non-CFC MDIs
in consultation with the stakeholders,
and plan for phase-out of CFCs in the
industry, industry associations, line
manufacture of pharmaceutical MDIs in
M inistr ies and other concer ned
Government Departments, large HCFC
consuming organizations including – India in consultation with the MDI
Defence, Indian Railways, Department of manufacturers withdrew the EUN for
Science and Technology etc. 2011 and also committed not to seek any
EUN for pharmaceutical grade CFCs in
Annual Report 2012-2013
future. This was one of the commendable – On this occasion, the publication “Montreal
achievements in the MDI sector. Protocol: India’s Success Story” was released
– HPMP Stage-I was approved at the 66th and distributed to the participants. In
Ex-Com of the MLF held in April, 2012 addition, poster, painting, model making,
with a total funding of US $23,011,537 slogan writing, quiz, skit competitions were
to meet 2013 and 2015 HCFC phase-out organized among school children. Prizes
targets. for the best 3 in each competition were
– The Ex-Com of the MLF so far has approved
a total of 302 projects involving MLF – The 24th MOP to the Montreal Protocol on
funding of US $278,722,203 to the Indian Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
industry for phase-out of production and was held at the Geneva, Switzerland from
consumption of 58,980 ODP tonnes of the 12th to 16th November, 2012. India played a
ODSs in India. key role during the deliberations of various
issues, including proposed amendments
– Training, workshops were organized for
to the Montreal Protocol to bring phase-
service technicians on good servicing
down of HFCs under the ambit of the
practices and retrofitting of CFC based
Montreal Protocol, clean production of
refrigeration appliances to non-CFCs. More
HCFC-22 through by-product emission
than 10,000 technicians have been trained
control, differences between data reported
under the National CFC Consumption
on imports and data reported on exports,
Phase-out Plan (NCCoPP).
feedstock uses of ODS, proposal on funding
– The year 2012 marks 25th Anniversary of production facilities for HCFCs etc..
of the Montreal Protocol on Substances
– The Ozone Secretariat appreciated India’s
that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The
contributions to the accomplishments of
Ozone Cell, MoEF celebrated the 18th
the 24th MOP. The Executive Secretary of
International Day for the Preservation
the Ozone Secretariat on behalf of the
of the Ozone Layer on 13th September,
Parties of the Montreal Protocol conveyed
2012. The theme for the 18th International
the appreciation for the hard work and
Day for the Preservation of the Ozone
skillful Chairmanship as the Co-Chair
Layer for year 2012 was: “Protecting
of the contact group on differences
our atmosphere for generations to
between imports and exports, nurtured
come” emphasizing the extraordinary
the productive discussions leading to the
collaboration and environmental benefits
significant decisions being adopted.
achieved by the world’s Governments
through the operation of the Montreal – India has been elected as a Member of the
Protocol. On this occasion an Exhibition Ex-Com of the MLF for the implementation
of non-ODS technologies developed and of the Montreal Protocol for the year
marketed by various industries in the 2013.
country was organized. Around 600 school Awards & Appreciations received so far
children, policy makers, technocrats and – The Montreal Protocol, Ozone Secretariat
Government officials participated in the awarded a certificate of recognition to Dr.
function. A. Duraisamy, Director, Ozone Cell, MoEF
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
(i) The Global Environment Outlook and be diluted in a bid to define a new
emerging issues: setting effective global framework of actions. Further, the
environmental goals; framework of actions needed to be
(ii) The green economy; and anchored in the principles of equity and
common but differentiated responsibilities,
(iii) The Institutional Framework for Sustainable
the principle of right to development, the
Development including the concluding
principle of the sovereign right of States
discussion on “Rio+20 and beyond:
over their natural resources and principle
responding to the challenges”
of Multilateralism.
– The Indian Delegation to the 12th Special
– The proceedings of the 12th Special
Session of the GC / GMEF was led by
Session of GC/GMEF may be seen at UNEP
Additional Secretary from the Ministry
website at
and included Joint Secretary in charge of
xii/docs/Proceedings/ K1280542%20-%20
IC Division, Director (Chemicals/Hazardous
waste Division), Director (Sustainable
Development Division) alongwith the – The 27th Session of the GC / GMEF
representatives of Ministry of External of the UNEP will be held in Nairobi,
Affairs and High Commission of India, Kenya from 18-22 February, 2013 on
Nairobi. the theme “Rio+20: From Outcome to
Implementation”. India will participate in
– The Indian Delegation had contended
this session.
that the foremost priority at this stage, as
we approached Rio+20, was to evaluate – Government of India provides contribution
all that had happened, and much that to the UNEP Environment Fund annually
had not happened, in the last 20 years, at the rate of US $ 100,000. Contributions
and what remained to be done (for upto the calendar year 2012 have been
environment protection). While doing paid to the UNEP Secretariat.
so, we needed to recognize that poverty UNEP’s International Resource Panel and
eradication continued to be the most Steering Committee
important challenge before the world and – In 2007, the UNEP constituted the
our overriding priority. Equity, poverty International Resource Panel (IRP) which is
eradication and balance between the three a scientific panel of 25 experts from leading
pillars of sustainable development were institutions around the world involved
required to remain at the very heart of with all aspects of resource use and
our efforts for environment protection and management. The IRP supports science-
management. It was also important that based policy making on use of natural
the unsustainable patterns of consumption resources and green economy strategies
and lifestyle of the developed world be by providing scientific assessments and
rationalized to release ecological space expert advice.
for equitable and sustainable growth of
– The panel is co-chaired by Prof. Ernst
the world.
Ulrich von Weizsacker, former Chairman
– It was stressed by India that the Rio of the Bundestag Environment Committee
Principles should, under no circumstances, (Germany) and Dr. Ashok Khosla, Founder
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
– This Ministry was operationalizing the Member States could be accelerated. The
GoI-UNDP-GEF project: Scaling up of SAARC has eight countries as its members,
Small Grant Programme (SGP) through viz., Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
the Centre for Environment Education, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri
Ahmedabad. This project was initiated Lanka.
in 2007 for a period of 2 years and – With a view to provide directives and
subsequently extended upto December, mandate for regional co-operation
2012 with the total external aid of USD under the SAARC, the SAARC Secretariat
700,000. Under this project, 14 small grant organizes meeting of the Heads of State
programmes were taken up for replication
or Government once a year or more
and were successfully completed by
often as and when considered necessary
December, 2012. These projects aimed
by the Member States known as SAARC
at permanent livelihood up gradation by
supporting income generation activities
for community people especially tribal South Asia Cooperative Environment
population. The replication of these projects Programme (SACEP)
created food security and livelihood – The South Asia Cooperative Environment
generation, conservation of forest eco- Programme (SACEP) was set up in 1982
system, reduction in biotic pressure on with headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
the forests due to livelihood opportunities, It aims to promote regional Co-operation
augmentation and reclamation of water in South Asia in the field of environment,
resources, adaptation of improved land use both natural and human, in the context of
practices, conservation of agro-biodiversity, sustainable development and on issues of
sustainable agricultural practices among economic and social development which
tribal women, and awareness about also impinge on the environment and
environment pollution. With these projects, vice versa. It supports conservation and
7450 households in nearly 54 villages of management of natural resources of the
Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, region by working closely with all national,
Karnataka, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand were regional, and international institutions,
benefited. governmental and nongovernmental, as
– SGP grant applications can be submitted well as experts and groups engaged in such
year round. co-operation and conservation efforts.
South Asian Association for Regional – India is a member of the SACEP and the
Cooperation (SAARC) Secretary, Ministry of Environment and
– The South Asian Association for Regional Forests is the SACEP Focal Point for India.
Cooperation (SAARC), which is an The SACEP holds its Governing Council
intergovernmental body, was established (GC) meetings, which concentrate on
in 1985 with the aim to provide a platform current regional issues as well as global
for the peoples of South Asia to work concerns.
together in a spirit of friendship, trust – This Ministry provides Government of
and understanding so that the process India’s annual contribution to the SACEP
of economic and social development in @US$ 31,850 per annum.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Fig-61. ASEAN - India environment ministers meeting 7th September 2012 new delhi
Annual Report 2012-2013
September 6, 2012.
– Both sides discussed
various aspects of
biodiversity governance Fig-62. 3rd Meeting of Indo-French Joint Working Group on
Environment at New Delhi on 01.02.2013
in the context of the
Eleventh Conference of Parties (CoP-11) appropriate ASEAN Environment Ministers’
to the Convention on Biological Diversity Meetings.
(CBD) which was subsequently hosted by Bilateral Cooperation
India in Hyderabad from October 1 to
October 19, 2012. Ministry of Environment and Forests has
entered into bilateral cooperation agreements
– The Meeting unanimously adopted
with a number of countries such as the USA, UK,
the ‘New Delhi ASEAN-India Ministerial
Canada, China, Geramany, Denmark, Sweden,
Statement on Biodiversity’ whereby both
Norway, Finland, Bangladesh, Egypt, etc. Most
sides agreed to enhance awareness
of these agreements are operated though
among all stakeholders, strive towards
the Joint Working Groups. These agreements
mainstreaming biodiversity concerns
provide a mechanism for international
into development processes, enhancing
interactions and consultation in the field of
priority in terms of resource allocation and
mobilization for biodiversity conservation,
and to create networks for sharing best The main activities undertaken during the
practices in conservation and resource year
enhancement in marine and its related Organisation of Conference of Parties to the
ecosystems. Convention on Biological Diversity
– Both sides also agreed to work together for – The 11th meeting of the CoP–XI to the
conservation and management of flagship CBD and 6th meeting of the Conference of
species and enhancing conservation Parties serving as Meeting of Parties (CoP/
management and sustainable utilization MoP – 6) of Cartagena Protocol on Bio-safety
of Coastal and Marine Biodiversity. Both was hosted for the first time in India, at
sides also agreed to meet and exchange Hyderabad from October 1-19, 2012.
views on issues of common interest at
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
and monitoring of Forestry Projects being by AFD. The total outlay of all these projects is
implemented in the States with assistance `7474 Crores. JICA projects are implemented
from external donors. These projects are in the States of West Bengal, Rajasthan, Tamil
implemented in the States with assistance Nadu, Sikkim, U.P, Gujarat, Tripura, Himachal
from external funding agencies viz. Japan Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka and Haryana.
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), French Development Agency (AFD) project
French Development Agency (AFD), World has started in Assam. Details of projects under
Bank (WB), etc. implementation, their components, project
The projects help for promoting cost, project period and project objectives etc.
afforestation, biodiversity conservation, are given in the Table-69.
rehabilitation of degraded forest areas, water
Projects under consideration for external
and soil conservation measures, farm forestry, assistance
agro forestry, community development and
institutional capacity development with the The following forestry projects have been
aim to increase forest and tree cover as well included for consideration under the Rolling
as to augment availability of fuel wood and Plan for external funding during 2012-13.
fodder, improve livelihood opportunities and – Integrated Forest Resources Management
quality of life of the villagers adjoining forests, Project in Jammu & Kashmir
strengthening Joint Forest Management (JFM)
– Nagaland Afforestation and Eco-
institutions to ensure people’s participation,
development project
besides encouraging tree growing on private
land as well as greening of the urban areas Projects under appraisal/ clearance stage
in accordance to the objectives envisaged in for external assistance
various projects under implementation. These The following projects are proposed
projects also help in livelihood activities through to be forwarded to external agencies for
convergence with other line departments and consideration in 2012-13:
other govt. schemes with a view to augment
the income of the people, help in better living – Simultaneous Treatment of Fringe
conditions and employment generation as well Forest and Adjoining Non- forestlands
as addressing the sustainability in perpetuity for Conservation of Water, Bio-diversity,
once the funding ceases to flow due to Sustainability of JFM and Poverty Alleviation
completion of the project. (Central Sector Project), National Rainfed
Area Authority (NRAA).
At present, there are 14 EAPs under
– Non Timber Forests Produce – Livelihood
implementation. Out of these, thirteen are State
Sector Forestry Projects being implemented in Possibilities in Uttarakhand.
States and one is a Central Sector project titled – “PALAS- Project for Advancement of
“Capacity Development for Forest Management Livelihood and Forestry for ecological
and Training of Personnel” being implemented security” in the State of Jharkhand.
in 11 States. 12 State Sector Projects and the – Andhra Pradesh Forest Productivity
Central Sector Project are being funded by JICA Enhancement Project.
and one State Sector Project is being funded
Table-69. Details of of Ongoing Externally Aided Projects
S. Name of the Implementing Cost Funding Project Objectives Components Project
No. Project Agency/ State ( ` in Agency Period
1. West Bengal West Bengal 406 JICA To improve forest ecosystem and (I) Afforestation 2011-12
Forestry and conserve biodiversity by undertaking (II) Biodiversity Conservation to
Biodiversity afforestation, regeneration and wildlife 2019-20
(III) Community Development
Conservation management activities through
Project Joint Forest Management approach, (IV) Institutional Capacity
including institutional capacity Development
development, thereby contributing
to environmental conservation
and harmonized socio-economic
development of West Bengal
2. Rajasthan Rajasthan 1152 JICA To enhance forest area and livelihood (i) Afforestation 2011-12
Forestry and opportunities of the forest dependent to
(ii) Agro Forestry
Biodiversity people and to conserve biodiversity 2018-19
(iii) Water conservation
Project by undertaking afforestation and
(Phase-II) biodiversity conservation measures
through JFM approach, thereby (iv) Biodiversity Conservation
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Management dependent on forests by promoting (iii) Joint Forests Management
Project sustainable biodiversity conservation,
(iv) Supporting Activities
afforestation and income generation
Annual Report 2012-2013
6. Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 575 JICA To restore degraded forests, to (i) Plantations, regeneration of 2008-09
Participatory augment forest resources and to forests, etc. to
Forest improve livelihood and empower 2015-16
(ii) Institutional Strengthening
Management the local people who are dependent
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(vii) Wildlife Conservation and
(viii) Monitoring and
Annual Report 2012-2013
(ix) Phase-out works
(x) Consulting Services
(including price and physical
S. Name of the Implementing Cost Funding Project Objectives Components Project
No. Project Agency/ State ( ` in Agency Period
9. Swan River Himachal 162 JICA To regenerate the forests, protect (i) Afforestation 2006-07
Integrated Pradesh the agricultural land, and enhance (ii) Civil Work for Soil & River to
Watershed agricultural and forestry production Management 2013-14
Management in the catchment area of the Swan
(iii) Soil Protection & Land
Project River, Himachal Pradesh State, by
carrying out the integrated watershed
management activities including (iv) Livelihood Improvement
afforestation, civil works for soil and (v) Institutional Development
river management, soil protection
and land reclamation, and livelihood
improvement activities, thereby
improving living conditions of people
including the poor in the catchment
10. Odisha Odisha 660 JICA To restore degraded forests and (i) Protection and 2006-07
Forestry Sector improve the income level of villagers Conservation of Biodiversity to
Development by promoting sustainable forest of forests 2012-13
Project management including JFM plantation
(ii) Improving productivity of
and Community/tribal development,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
natural forests.
thereby improving environment and
alleviating poverty. (iii) Providing livelihood
options for the people
(Support to VSS)
(iv) Eco-development and
ecotourism activities
(v) Catering to commercial
and industrial demands.
(vi) Capacity building of the
Forest Department.
S. Name of the Implementing Cost Funding Project Objectives Components Project
No. Project Agency/ State ( ` in Agency Period
11. Karnataka Karnataka 745 JICA To restore forest to bring about (i) Afforestation 2005-06
Sustainable ecological restoration and also to to
(ii) Income Generation
Forests facilitate livelihood improvement of 2012-13
Activities for Poverty
Management the inhabitants of the project villages
& Bio-diversity by afforestation through Joint Forest
Conservation Planning and Management (JFPM) in (iii) Biodiversity Conservation
Project. the State of Karnataka, which further
(iv) Provision of Basic
contributes to reducing poverty and
Infrastructure Support for
preserving biodiversity conservation
Field work.
of the area.
(v) Supporting Activities
for Forest Management
(Research and Training,
Consultancy, and
Enhancement of Geographic
Information System (GIS) and
Management Information
System (MIS)
Annual Report 2012-2013
12 Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu 567 JICA To restore forests to bring about (i) Integrated Watershed 2005-06
Afforestation ecological restoration and also to Development to
project phase-II facilitate livelihood improvement of (ii) Integrated Tribal 2012-13
the inhabitants of the project villages Development
by afforestation through Joint Forest
(iii) Forestry Extension
Management in the State of Tamil
Nadu, which further contributes to (iv) Urban Forestry
reducing poverty in the area. (v) Capacity Building Research
(vi) Human Resources
(vii) Establishment of Modern
S. Name of the Implementing Cost Funding Project Objectives Components Project
No. Project Agency/ State ( ` in Agency Period
(viii) Improving the
infrastructural facilities
(ix) Administration
(x) Monitoring and Evaluation
13. Integrated Haryana 286 JICA A. To rehabilitate forest lands in an (i) Soil and Water 2004-05
Natural ecologically sustainable manner. Conservation to
Resources (ii) Plantation model and 2010-11
B. To improve the quality of life of the nursery development
and Poverty
villagers and adjoining forests (iii) Poverty reduction and
institution building
Project in
Haryana (iv) Technical assistance
(v) Supporting activities
(vi) Administration Staff.
14. Assam Project Assam 390 AFD (I) restoring forest ecosystem, (i) Institutional Strengthening 2012-13
on Forest and in collaboration with the forest to
(ii) Multi-level Strategic
Bio-diversity dependent communities. 2016-17
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(II) enhancing the forest dependent
(iii) Sustainable forest
communities’ livelihood, and
(III) ensuring conservation and
(iv) Adding value and opening
sustainable use of biodiversity. In
markets/ opportunities for
order to achieve this, the project is
forests and biodiversity goods
organized around four main technical
and services.
components and one component for
project management.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Personnel Administration
Staff Position
The details regarding various categories of posts in the Ministry of Environment and Forests is
given in Table-70.
Table-70. Number of employees in various groups and with reservation positions
Group of Sanctioned Number in Scheduled Scheduled OBCs Physically
Post Strength Position Caste Tribes
A 191 175 19 7 8 2
B 285 214 25 5 10 4
C 392 262 87 14 14 0
Total 868 651 131 26 32 6
The Ministry has outsourced some clerical/ Indian Forest Service (IFS) Cadre
office support jobs to tide over the shortage of Management
the staff during the year.
Following the re-organization of the
– The Indian Forest Service (IFS) Cadre
scientific Departments/Ministries during 1986
Management Division is enjoined upon
and the consequent upon de-linking of the
to handle the business of the Ministry as
Group ‘A’ scientific posts form the purview of
the Cadre Controlling Authority for the
the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Indian Forest Service (one of the three All
and introduction of Flexible Complementing
India Service).
Scheme (FCS), P.III Section was specifically
conceived and created in the Ministry to – The total authorized cadre strength of the
function as a separate, distinct, centralized Indian Forest Service as on 1st January,
and confidential unit for the purpose for 2013 is 3109 (three thousand one hundred
recruitment (through Direct Recruitment/ nine) which includes 2167 Direct Recruits
Deputation) as well as promotion under FCS and 942 Promotion posts. The Total Senior
(Flexible Complementing Scheme) in the Group Duty Posts (SDP) in the Indian Forest
‘A’ Scientific posts of the Ministry (proper), Service are 1906 and remaining under
its Regional Offices and all the Attached/ various reserves. Besides serving the 31
Subordinate Offices having such posts. Forest Departments in the States and
Union Territories managing the country’s
natural resources, a good number of the
Two Research Officers (Grade-I) were IFS officers are in various Ministries and
promoted to the post of Scientist ‘B’ in the institutions both in the State and at the
Ministry (Proper). Central Deputation. Main Activities of the
Extension of services of Scientists beyond IFS Cadre Management are:
superannuation – Determination of vacancies and framing of
Two Scientists of this Ministry were granted rules for Direct Recruitment and allocation
extension of services beyond superannuation. of cadres to IFS probationers.
Annual Report 2012-2013
the basis of IFS Examination, 2010 were
Council of Forestry Research & Education, included into the Service in different State
Dehradun; Indian Institute of Forest Cadre.
Management, Bhopal and Wildlife Institute
– Seventy eight IFS Probationers of 2011
of India, Dehradun
Examination undergoing Mandatory
– Facilitation of Selection/Appointment of training at IGNFA, Dehradun.
IFS officers against the Central Staffing
– Thirty four State Forest Service officers were
Scheme of Department of Personnel &
included into the Indian Forest Service
Training (DoPT).
under IFS (Appointment by Promotion)
– Finalization of various service matters Regulations, during the year 2011.
like inter-cadre transfers, inter-cadre – About 36 IFS officers joined at various
deputations, cadre clearance for levels under the Central Staffing Scheme
placements/trainings and post retirement of the Ministry and about 20 IFS officers
benefits to the officers. joined under the Central Staffing Scheme
– Management of AGMUT cadre including of the Department of Personnel & Training.
promotions, transfers, postings and other - Meeting of the Cadre Review Committee
service matters. were held to review the strength and
composition of four cadres, namely
Progress/Achievements during the year
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh
– The IFS Cadre Management Division of the and Karnataka.
Ministry deals with the broad items of work – Around 80 Court Cases pending in
relating to the Indian Forest Service. various Courts across the Country were
– Direct Recruitment to the Indian Forest liquidated.
Service. – Around 450 Court Cases relating to the
– Allocation of IFS Probationers to various issues of Indian Forest Service are pending
State cadres. in various Tribunals/Courts all over the
– Up-to-date Civil List of IFS officers is Country.
available on the website of this Ministry – For the first time, online system for filling
at besides, vacancy circulars, up of the deputational posts under CSS
training programme circulars, Rules was introduced.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
The Vigilance Division is responsible for About 2330 Annual Property Returns for
examination and processing of disciplinary the year 2011 (as on 01.01.2012) were received
cases, appeals, reviews and memorials of from Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers of the Ministry as
Indian Forest Service Officers of all States/ well as autonomous/subordinate/statutory
Union Territories, investigation of complaints, organisations under it. Whereas the APRs of
obtaining and maintenance of Annual Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and Central
Immovable Property Returns (APRs) placing Secretariat Service (CSS) officers were sent to
the APRs in public domain i.e. on the website DOPT, the APRs of IFS officers were placed in
of the Ministry. public domain on the website of the Ministry.
This Ministry in consultation with NIC has
Cases filed in Supreme Court, High Courts, developed software in order to enable IFS
different Benches of Central Administrative officers to file their APR on-line.
Tribunal and other Courts relating to the
disciplinary matters are also dealt with by Detailed action plan for mitigation of
Vigilance Division. The prosecution cases potential areas of corruption relating to forest
launched against IFS Officers by various States/ clearance and environmental clearances has
Union Territories and also other Officers/Staff been prepared in consultation with concerned
of the Ministry are also dealt with in Vigilance Divisions and it has been uploaded on the
Division. Ministry’s website.
Annual Report 2012-2013
No. of Questions
work unstintingly for eradication of corruption 150 127 135
Parliament 50 21
8 18
Introduction Budget Monsoon Winter
Starred Unstarred Total
The Parliament Division in the Ministry is
responsible for co-ordination of all parliament Fig-64. Number of questions replied by the Ministry in all
sessions of Lok Sabha during 2012-2013
matters related to the Ministry. During the year
2012-13, a total number of 965 Parliament Budget Monsoon Winter Grand
Questions pertaining to various aspects of Total
environment were answered by the Ministry Starred 17 15 18 50
(583 questions in the Lok Sabha, out of which 166 82 84 332
47 were starred and 536 were un-starred. Total 183 97 102 382
A total of 382 questions were asked in the
200 183
Rajya Sabha, out of which 50 were starred 180 166
and Meteorology, Energy Studies & Health and Fig-65. Number of questions replied by the Ministry in all
sessions of Rajya Sabha during 2012-13
Sanitation etc.
Every Question/Answer is classified under
The ENVIS Centre at WWF-India, under various sub heads of environment as per the
ENVIS scheme of the Ministry compiles the subject list available with the ENVIS Centre,
above mentioned Parliament Questions as WWF-India. This year subject-wise classified
replied by MoEF and other Ministries pertaining questions in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
to various environmental issues. Graphical sums up at 1075 and 615 respectively. After
representation of the Parliament Questions classification, the total no. of questions in both
replied by the Ministry during 2012-13 both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha rises in comparison
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in various Sessions to the unclassified data, because of the fact
are given in Fig-64 and Fig-65. that a single question can be attributed to
more than one subject sub-head. Statistical
Budget Monsoon Winter Grand
representation depicting the subject-wise
coverage of total no. of questions asked in
Starred 21 8 18 47
both the houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and
221 127 188 536 Rajya Sabha) during the year 2012-13 is given
Total 242 135 206 583 in Table-71 and Table-72.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
The centre is currently working on the and (b) provide an objective and fair basis to
compendium of Environment in the Indian evaluate department’s overall performance at
Parliament: An Analysis 2012 in collaboration the end of the year.
with Parliament Section, MoEF. The preparation
The RFD seeks to address three basic
of the Trends & Analysis of the above-mentioned
questions: (a) What are department’s main
Parliamentary questions replied by the Ministry
objectives for the year (b) What actions are
of Environment & Forests and other Ministries
proposed to achieve these objectives (c) How
related to Environment is available with the
would someone know at the end of the year
ENVIS Centre at WWF-India. Online accessibility
the degree of progress made in implementing
is also there with the Centre’s website: http://
these actions i.e., what are the relevant success
indicators and their targets.
During the year 2012-13, the Consultative
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Functions
Committee of Members of Parliament attached
of the Ministry as per RFD
to the Ministry held one meeting related to
Tigers and Tiger Conservation. The meetings of Vision:
the Department related Parliamentary Standing Conservation of environment and natural
Committee of Science and Technology, resources for the present and future generations
Environment and Forests of the Members in a manner consistent with the aspirations of
of the Parliament were held four times and the country for growth and development.
deliberated over the demand for grants of
2012-13 and other issues. Three meetings were Mission:
also held with the Committee on Government To plan, promote, coordinate and oversee
Assurances on pending Assurances of the the implementation of environmental and
Ministry. forestry programmes in order to protect the
environment and maintain a balance between
Results-Framework Document (RFD),
2011-12 conservation and development activities
Introduction Objectives:
The Prime Minister approved the outline – Increase the forest and tree cover to 33%
of a “Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of the geographical area of the country
System (PMES) for Government Departments” (Afforestation and regeneration of degraded
vide PMO I.D. No.1331721/PMO/2009-Pol dated Forests)
11.09.2009. Under PMES, each department – Conservation of the existing forests, wildlife
is required to prepare a Results-Framework and water resources and survey of various
Document (RFD). areas for identification of new species
(Protection of Forests, Conservation
A RFD provides a summary of the most
of rivers, Biodiversity Conservation,
important results that a department/Ministry
Conservation of Wetlands, Wildlife
expects to achieve during the financial year.
Conservation, Conservation of resources in
This document has two main purposes: (a)
the eco-sensitive zone, Capacity building,
move the focus of the department from
training and research in classical and
process-orientation to results-orientation,
molecular taxonomy)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
as per RTI-MIS software. Official Passports and getting note verbal
and arranging visas from Embassies.
– Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs)
and Appellate Authority (AAs) have been – To arrange passes for Independence Day/
designated for effective implementation of Republic Day for Under Secretary (US) and
RTI Act, 2005. The notification designating above officers of this Ministry,
CPIOs/AAs is revised periodically as and – To arrange Domestic/ International
when there is change in allocation of work ticketing of Minister/ Secretary (E&F)/ Spl.
among CPIOs/AAs. All the subordinate Secretary/DGF and various officers of the
offices/Institutions/Autonomous bodies Ministry and payment of Bills thereof.
have been requested to periodicallyrevise
– Handling of work relating to Receptions
the Notification for CPIOs/AAs.
at Rashtrapati Bhawan for VIPs upto Addl.
– A training programme for training of Secretary levels.
CPIOs in RTI MIS System was organized
– Examining /Passing of canteen bills on
in September 2012, in collaboration with
hospitality of US & above officers, India
DoP&T and NIC.
Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC),
– Directions from the Central Information Ashoka at IGI Airport, Parliament House
Commission (CIC) and DoPT, relevant to
(N.Rly Catering), Tea Board/Coffee Board
this Ministry are being circulated to the
and VIP Guests of Hon’ble Minister/Minister
CPIO/AAs for better understanding and
of State/ Secretary.
implementation of RTI Act.
– Protocol division provided 806 Air tickets
– Periodical reports being sent regularly
for domestic & International Sectors and
to DoPT and Central Information
arranged visas & visa notes for around 150
of different countries during the period.
Protocol Section
General Administration
The Protocol Section deals with following
The General Administration (GA)
Division of the Ministry is entrusted with the
– Providing comprehensive protocol responsibility of procurement of stationery,
arrangement for the Minister/Minister stores, equipments and providing logistics and
Ministry of Environment & Forests
support services to the officials of the Ministry The particulars of the Public Grievance
including transport, communication, general Officer of this Ministry are as under:
upkeep etc. One of the major initiatives/
Shri Anil Sant
activities of the Division during the year 2012-
Joint Secretary (PG)
2013 is the construction of Ministry’s own office
R.No. 417(4th Floor),
building at Aliganj, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi
Paryavaran Bhawan,
through CPWD which is nearing completion.
C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road,
The GA Division is working in tandem with
New Delhi-110003
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) and
various other agencies involved in the project The PG Cell receives grievance in two
to complete the building by the middle of 2013. modes namely through cpgrams portal of
The building is being constructed to conform Department of Administrative Reform and
to the stringent green building parameters of Public Grievances (DARPG) and directly by post.
Five Star GRIHA Rating of Ministry of New and The grievances received online through portal
Renewable Energy and LEED Platinum Rating are directly sent online to the various sections/
of Indian Green Building Council. The building divisions for disposal and the grievances
also incorporates various innovative systems received through post are sent to ‘the various
like : sections/ divisions of this Ministry for redressal
through OAK.
– Geothermal heat exchange for water
cooling towers The staff of various Divisions/Sections
– Chilled beam system for HVAC who are dealing with Public Grievances,
have been trained by holding one-day video
– High efficiency terrace mounted solar
conferencing at Paryavaran Bhavan with the
panels to meet its total energy demand
assistance of DARPG officials to dispose off
– Automated car parking to optimise space the complaints online through Centralized
utilisation Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring
– Low energy EM technology for bio Mechanism (CPGRAMS). To run the Centralized
digestion of organic waste Public Grievances portal the IDs have been
– Regenerative lifts provided to the concerned Sections/Divisions
in the Ministry for quick disposal of grievances/
– Solar passive design to minimise indoor
monitoring and issuing reminders on-line. On
heat ingress and maximise natural light
many a times the concerned dealing hands
Public Grievance Cell of the divisions/sections concerned of this
A Public Grievance Cell has been Ministry have been deputed for training from
functioning in the Ministry to attend to the time to time organized by DARPG to get to
complaints of public regarding forestry, know the operationalisation of cpgrams.
environmental matters etc. Shri Anil Sant, Joint
The general public can meet the Public
Secretary (PG) has been nominated as Public
Grievance Officer every Wednesday from 10.00
Grievance Officer of the Ministry. Further,
AM to 1.00 PM. The main function of the Cell is
Under Secretary P.III has been given charge of
to ensure timely redressal of public grievances
Assistant Public Grievance Officer.
by taking up the matter with the concerned
Annual Report 2012-2013
authorities such as District Magistrates, Languages Rules, the Annual Programme and
Municipal Corporations, Pollution Control orders issued from time to time.
Boards, State Governments, etc. Most of the
All documents coming under the purview
complaints related to:
of Sec. 3(3) of the O.L. Act were issued in Hindi
– Unauthorised industries located in and English bilingual form. The letters received
residential areas discharging harmful gases in Hindi and representations/appeals signed in
and hazardous effluents in the immediate Hindi were replied to in Hindi ensuring 100%
neighborhood: compliance of Rule 5 and Rule 7 (2) of the O.L.
– Environmental degradation due to Rules.
mismanagement of civic amenities like Hindi Salahkar Samiti
location of waste dump, water logging
etc. Actions were taken on the decisions
taken in the meeting of Hindi Salahkar Samiti
– Poor maintenance of open areas and parks;
organised under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble
Minister of State (Independent Charge).
– Commercial establishments operating
illegally in the residential buildings causing Progress of Activities undertaken
nuisanceto people living in the immediate O fficial L anguage I mplementation
vicinity. Committee
– Non-settlement of payment of salary dues Under the Chairmanship of Joint
and retirement dues, benefits like pension Secretary (OL), the meetings of Official
etc. to staff. Language Implementation Committee were
– During the year, eighty four grievances organised in every quarter, wherein position
were received from the general public of implementation of Official Language Policy
and staff. in the Divisions/Sections of the Ministry was
As on date, there are a total of 2103
public grievances out of which 1084 have Hindi Workshop
been disposed off and 1014 grievances remain
Hindi Workshop was organised for the
pending. The disposal rate is 52%. Efforts are
Officers and Staff in every quarter to enable
being made by the PG cell to raise the disposal
them to carry out their day to day transaction
rate to about 70-75% in the year 2013-14
in Hindi.
by issuing the concerned divisions/sections
periodical reminders. Incentive Schemes
Implementation of Official Language Incentive schemes were implemented in
Policy the Ministry to encourage and motivate the
employees to increase the use of Hindi.
Sustained efforts were made to ensure Inspections
proper compliance of the Official Language High Powered Committee of Parliament
Policy of the Union enshrined in the Constitution on Official Language inspected our Attached/
of India, the Official Languages Act, the Official Subordinate Offices namely Forests Research
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
(Name of the Object Head) B.E. Re-appropriation Expenditure Expenditure Total Percentage
2012-13 2012-13 upto during the expenditure of Column
previous month from up to No. 3
month 01/11/2012 30/11/2012
Total (A) Major Head “4406” 550.00 550.00 143.46 4.37 147.83 26.88
Total (B) Major Head “5425” 4913.00 4913.00 2396.03 64.38 2460.41 50.08
Total (A+B) Capital Plan 5463.00 5463.00 2539.49 68.75 2608.24 47.74
(C). (NON PLAN) CIVIL 441.60 441.60 313.96 37.50 351.45 79.59
building works relating to various units of & Development, Indian Institute of Forest
the Ministry of Environment & Forests viz. Management, Indian Plywood Industries
Botanical Survey of India, Zoological Survey Research and Training Institute, Institute
of India, National Museum of Natural History, of Wood Science and Technology, Central
State Forest Service Colleges, Indira Gandhi Zoo Authority are also executed by CCU.
National Forest Academy, Forest Survey of The CCU has three field divisions with sub-
India, National Zoological Park, New Delhi and divisions at Delhi, Dehradun, Almora, Sawai
Regional Offices of Ministry located in different Madhopur, Bangolore, Bhopal, Coimbatore
part of the Country. and Hyderabad for execution of various works.
Works in eastern, north- eastern and western
Besides above, construction of offices,
regions of the country have been entrusted
staff quarters and herbariums, etc. in respect
to CPWD. Thus over 70 % of the work of the
of autonomous institutes viz. Indian Council
Ministry and its autonomous bodies is being
of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE).,
handled by CCU.
G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment
Ministry of Environment & Forests
In order to avoid use of wood in the Similarly, solar energy is being used in
buildings constructed by CCU a number of selected areas. Solar water heating system for
alternatives have been adopted. For doors, heating water has also been introduced by
windows and cupboards mostly steel sections, CCU in the hostel buildings. To affect savings in
pressed steel frames, aluminium sections are energy, Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) are
being used depending on importance of the being used in place of conventional fluorescent
buildings. lights in houses and guest houses. Important
buildings are also being designed on solar
passive architecture.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Resources and Eco-Systems
• National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-
• Conservation of Wetlands, Mangroves, Coral
Systems (incl. NLCP and Wetlands)
• Conservation of Mangroves, Coral
• Biosphere Reserves
• Biosphere Reserves
• Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood
Improvement Project (BCRLIP)
• Environmental Management in Heritage & Tourist
Centres incl. Taj Protection
3. Environmental Management in heritage & Clubbed with Scheme No. 2
Tourist Centres, incl. Taj Protection
4. National Afforestation Programme 3. Afforestation & Forest Management
• Project Elephant
7. Project Elephant
8. Project Tiger 5. Project Tiger
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Ministry of Environment & Forests had Annual Plan 2009-10 had an approved outlay
an approved outlay of ` 10,000 crore for the of ` 1,880.00 crore, reduced at RE stage to `
Eleventh Five Year Plan, 2007-12. Within the 1,650.00 crore under economy instructions,
Five Year Plan, the approved outlays and against which the actual utilization amounted
expenditure incurred in each of the five Annual to ` 1,630.69 crore. Annual Plan 2010-11 had
Plans have been given sector-wise in Table-75. an approved outlay of ` 2,200.00 crore, against
As may be seen, Annual Plan 2007-08 had an which the actual utilization amounted to `
approved outlay of ` 1,351.00 crore against 2,181.58 crore. In the last year of the Eleventh
which the actual utilization amounted to ` Plan, the Annual Plan 2011-12 had an approved
1,349.73 crore. In 2008-09, it was allocated an outlay of ` 2,300.00 crore, against which the
outlay of ` 1,500.00 crore, against which the actual expenditure was ` 1825.44 crore.
actual utilization amounted to ` 1,483.02 crore.
Annual Report 2012-2013
actual expenditure of ` 847 crore in the Eleventh Community Foresters for every Joint
Plan. At current prices, the enhancement in this Forest Management (JFM) village by
Ministry’s Twelfth Plan outlay over the Eleventh 2016.
Plan outlay, however, works out to 109%. – Establish forestry seed bank in forest
Twelfth Plan has identified 13 circles and Model Nursery in every
Monitorable Socio-Economic targets for this district with information on public
Ministry, which have been taken up for regular portal by 2014.
monitoring of progress made by the Ministry. – Wildlife, Ecotourism and Animal
These targets are as follows: Welfare
– Environment and Climate Change – Twenty per cent of veterinary
– Assess and remediate 12 identified professionals in the country will be
contaminated sites (hazardous trained in treating wildlife.
chemicals and wastes) with potential – Integrated Ecotourism District Plans
for ground water contamination by covering 10 per cent of all potential
2017. Protected Areas (PAs) by 2017.
– Clean 80 per cent of critically polluted – Promoting participation of private
stretches in rivers by 2017 and 100 per sector, civil societies, NGOs and
cent by 2020. philanthropists in animal welfare.
– States to meet National Ambient Air – Ecosystem and Biodiversity
Quality Standards (NAAQS) in urban – Restore 0.1 mha. of wetlands/ inland
areas by 2017. lakes/ water bodies by 2017.
– To reduce emission intensity of Gross – M a p p i n g a n d p re p arat i o n o f
Domestic Product (GDP) in line with the biodiversity management plans for
target of 20 to 25 per cent reduction deserts (both cold and arid), coastal
over 2005 levels by 2020. areas, important coral zones, wetlands,
– Forests and Livelihood mangroves and so on to be completed
– Greening 5 million ha under GIM by 2017.
including 1.5 m.ha. of degraded lands, Besides, 14 Goals have also been identified
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
XII Plan Approved Outlay 3,802.00 4,273.00 4,818.80 4,780.00 200.20 17,874.00
Outlay (BE) 580.42 771.80 606.09 446.49 25.20 2,430.00
Outlay (RE) 466.76 434.30 618.25 255.49 25.20 1,800.00
Expenditure 307.18 354.21 506.60 139.11 24.35 1,331.45
Outlay (BE) 614.37 619.80 719.14 451.49 25.20 2,430.00
reduced at RE stage to ` 1,800.00 crore. The Plans, notably the Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan
Annual Plan outlay of the Ministry for 2013-14, (SCSP), the Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) and the North
the second year of this Plan, is ` 2430.00 crore. Eastern Region (NER) Plan are also taken up in
The sectoral summary of the two Annual Plans consultation with the Planning Commission
is given in Table-76. and Ministry of Finance. All other references on
environmental planning and issues referred to
Other current important activities during
by Planning Commission to this Ministry were
handled in the Plan Coordination Division.
Preparation of the Annual Plan 2013-14 and
Outcome Budget 2013-14 was also prepared The Division also took up furnishing of
in respect of all Demands/ Appropriations the Half-Yearly Progress Report on Point No.
controlled by the Ministry. This includes regular 15 [Paryavaran Sanrakshan evam Van Vridhi
monitoring of physical and financial progress (Environment Protection and Afforestation)]
of the Annual Outcome Budget for 2012-13 of Revised 20-Point Programme 2006 to M/o
against the targets set out therein. Statistics & Programme Implementation
as well as any matters referred to it by the
Matters relating to State Plans are also taken Parliamentary Standing Committee on Time
up. Issues with regard to Special Component and Cost Overruns of projects.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annexure-II A
Regional Offices of the Ministry of Environment & Forests
2. Shri J.K. Tewari, IFS Ph. No. 0674-2301213 Andaman & Nicobar
Additional Principal Chief Fax No. 0674-2302432 Islands, Bihar,
Conservator of Forest (Central), Jharkhand, Odisha and
Ministry of Environment and Forests, West Bengal
Regional Office (EZ), A/3, Chandersekharpur,
3. Shri Lakhwinder Singh, IFS Ph. No. 0755-2466525 Chhattisgarh, Dadra &
Additional Principal Chief Fax No. 0755-2463102 Nagar Haveli, Daman
Conservator of Forest (Central), & Diu, Gujarat, ,
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Madhya Pradesh and
Regional Office (WZ), Maharashtra
E-5, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhawan,
Arera Colony, Link Road-3,
Ravishankar Nagar, Bhopal-462016
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annexure-II B
Regional Centres of National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board
2. Regional Centre for NAEB Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and UTs of Daman &
Agriculture Finance Corporation Ltd. Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli
Dhanraj Mahal, Ist Floor, CSM Marg,
4. Regional Centre for NAEB Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
University of Agricultural Sciences, and UTs of Puducherry and Lakshadweep
GKVK Campus, Bengaluru-560065
6. Regional Centre for NAEB Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab and
Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of UT of Chandigarh
Horticulture and Forestry,
Nauni, Solan-173230
7. Regional Centre for NAEB Bihar, Jharkhand, Sikkim, West Bengal and UT of
Jadavpur University, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Annual Report 2012-2013
Annexure-II C
Centres of Excellence/Autonomous/Associated Agencies etc.
of Ministry of Environment & Forests
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
13. Freshwater Biology Regional Centre Tel: 040-2400 2251, 2400 2250
Zoological Survey of India Email:
Plot No 366/1, Attapur (V), Near O/o DFO
Flying Squad, Hyderguda (P.O.) Ring Road,
Hyderabad - 500 048, Andhra Pradesh.
14. Sunderbans Regional Centre Tel: 03218-255211, 256721
Zoological Survey of India,
Canning- 743 329, 24 Pargana(s)
West Bengal
15. Zoological Survey of India Tel: 0680-2243995, 2243996
Estuarine Biology Regional Centre Fax: 0680- 2243996
Hilltop, Gopalpur-on-Sea, Ganjam District, Email:
Odisha -761002
16. Zoological Survey of India Tel: 0495-2771929, 2771324
Jafer Khan Colony, Eranhipalam (P.O), Fax: 0495-2771929
Kozhikode (Calicut) -673 006 Email:
Regional Centres of BSI
1. Botanical Survey of India, Phone: (0532) 2441192
Central Regional Centre, 10 Chatham Lines, Fax No.: (0532) 2250179 2
Allahabad - 211 002, Uttar Pradesh
2. Botanical Survey of India, Fax: (0135) 2757951
Northern Regional Centre, Phone: (0135) 2753433, 2755478
192, Kaulagarh Road, E-mail:
Dehradun–248195, Uttarakhand.
3. Botanical Survey of India, Fax: (0291) 2741736
Arid Zone Regional Centre, Phone: (0291) 2740415, 2747163
Near Khema Ka Kuan, E-mail:
Pal-Basni Canal Link Road,
P.O. Nandan Van, Jodhpur- 342 008,
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
List of Projects Sanctioned during 2012-13
Environment Research Programme (EnvRP)
Sl. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator (PI) & Institute
1. Reduction of Chromium Toxicity using Dr. Debajyoti Paul, Department of Civil
Nanoparticles: Laboratory and Field Scale Study. Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur-208016, U.P.
2. Efficacy Validation of Soil Amendments and Dr. Anjana Srivastava, College of Basic Science &
Microbial Cultures in Reducing Pesticide Residues Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture
in Soil, Crops and Ground Water under Field and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
3. Biodiversity of macro fungi in Andhra Pradesh: Dr. M.A. Singara Charya, Department of
Application in paper and pulp industries for Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal-
biobleaching and biopulping. 506009 (A.P.).
4. STREAT – Sustainable Semi-Decentralized Dr. Mukesh Khare Professor of Environmental
Sewage Treatment – Wastewater Reuse, Nutrient Engineering, Civil Engineering Department,
Recovery and Biogas Production in the Delhi Block IV, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
Metropolitan Area. Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016.
5. Synthesis of Novel Nanosized Semiconductor Dr. T. Sivasankar, Department of Chemical
Photocatalyst for Sonophotocatalytic Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Degradation of Organic Pollutants from industrial Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli-620015,
wastewater. (Tamilnadu).
Sl. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator (PI) & Institute
1. All India Coordinated Research Project on Dr. S.S. Samant, Scientist-in-charge, Himachal
Sacred Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment: Unit, Theme Head, Biodiversity Conservation and
Assessment of Ecosystem Services in sacred Management, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan
grooves of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Environment and Development, Almora,
Himalaya Uttarakhand
2. All India Coordinated Research Project on Dr. S.K. Barik, Deptt. of Botany, School of Life
Sacred Grove Ecosystem Services Assessment of Sciences, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
3. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. Ankur Patwardhan, M.E.S. Abasaheb Garware
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment from College, Karve, Road, Pune-411004, Maharashtra
Northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra”
Annual Report 2012-2013
Sl. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator (PI) & Institute
4. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. T. V. Ramachandra, Energy & Wetland Research
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment of Central Group, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian
Western Ghats in Karnataka Institute of Science, Bangalore
5. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. U. Chandrashekara, Scientist in charge, Kerala
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment in the Forest Research Institute, Sub Centre, Nilambur,
Kerala part of Western Ghat Chandakunnu, Malappuram District, Kerala
6. All India Coordinated Project on Sacred Grove Dr. M. K. Janarthanam, Department of Botany,
Ecosystem Service Assessment of Goa Goa University, Goa
7. All India Coordinated Research Project on Prof. N.P. Todaria, Head, Deptt. of Forestry & N.R.,
Sacred Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment in H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal-
Uttarakhand. 246174, Uttarakhand
8. All India Coordinated Research Project on Dr. O.P. Tripathi, Department of Forestry,
Sacred Grove Ecosystem Services Assessment in North-Eastern Regional Institute of Science &
Arunachal Pradesh. Technology, Nirjuli-791109 (Itanagar), Arunachal
9. All India Coordinated Project on Sacred Grove Prof. P.S. Yadava, Professor, Centre of Advance
Ecosystem Services Assessment, Manipur, NE Study in life Science, Manipur University, Imphal
10. All India Coordinated Project on Sacred Grove Dr. Avinash Tiwari, School of Studies in Botany,
Ecosystem Service Assessment of Madhya Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P)
11. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. Niranjan Behera, Professor, School of Life
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment: Evaluation Sciences, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla-
of ecosystem services rendered by sacred forests 768 019, Odisha
of Western Odisha
12. No.22/15/2011-(SG)-REAll India Coordinated Dr.M.AmirthalingamResearch Officer, C.P.R.
Research Project on Sacred Grove Ecosystem Environmental Education Centre, 1 Eldams Road,
Service Assessment in inland plains of Tamil Chennai - 600 018, Tamil Nadu
13. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. N. Parthasarathi, Department of Ecology &
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment in Tropical Environmental Science, Pondicherry University,
Dry Evergreen Forests on the Coromandel Coast Puducherry-605 014
of India
14. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Dr. K. Haridasan, Institute of Ayurveda and
Grove Ecosystem Service Assessment: Evaluation Integrative medicine (I-AIM), FRLHT, 74/2,
of Ecosystem services provided by sacred groves Jarakabande kaval, Attur PO, Via Yelkahanka,
in selected locations in Karnataka and Kerala Bangalore-560106
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Sl. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator (PI) & Institute
15. All India Coordinated Research Project on Sacred Prof. K. Kameswara Rao, Deptt. of Environ-mental
Grove Ecosystem Services Assessment of Eastern Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapattanam-
Ghats” 530 003 Andhra Pradesh
Annual Report 2012-2013
List of Projects completed during 2012-13
Environment Research Programme (ERP)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Biosphere Reserves
Ministry of Environment & Forests
National River Conservation Plan States
Shri I.P. Gautam, Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra,
Principal Secretary, Municipal Commissioner,
U.D. & Urban Housing Department, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation,
Sachivalaya, 9th floor, Block no-14 Ahmedabad-380 001
Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat-382 010 Phone : 079- 25352828
Phone : 079-23251001
Fax : 079-25354638
Fax: 079-23251005
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Annexure-VI A
List of wetlands of International Importance from India under Ramsar Convention
MR – Montreux Record
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annexure-VI B
List of Wetlands Identified under National Wetland Conservation Programme
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Names of Nodal Agencies of NGC Programme
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
List of Regional Resource Agencies (RRAs) under NEAC
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
List of ENVIS Centres
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Annual Report 2012-2013
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Performance Evaluation Report of RFD for 2011-12
Objective Weight Action Success Unit Weight Target / Criteria Value Achievement Performance Achieve- Performance
Indicator ment
Excellent Very Fair Poor Raw Weigh-
Good Score ted Score
1 Afforestation and 16.00 (b) Employment Number 6.40 22 18 15 12 9 18 90.0 5.76
Regeneration of Mainstreaming generation (million man-
Degraded Forests livelihood issues number of days)
with afforestation man-days
programmes generated
(a) Approval (i) Approval Number 4.80 28 22 20 18 16 26 96.67 4.64
of State FDA of State FDA
proposals for proposals
regeneration of within 45 days
degraded forests of receipt.
(ii) Extent of lakh Ha 3.20 0.55 0.47 0.42 0.37 0.30 1.39528 100.0 3.2
treatment area
for which NAP
(c) Constitution of Date 0.64 30/06/2011 31/08/2011 31/10/2011 31/12/2011 29/02/2012 30/06/2011 100.0 0.64
Organisational Advisory
setup for Council/com-
Implementation mittee
of Green
India Mission
(d) Plan of action (i) Planning Date 0.64 31/12/2011 31/01/2012 29/02/2012 31/03/2012 31/12/2011 100.0 0.64
for manual and
Annual Report 2012-2013
Implementation operational
of the Green guidelines
India Mission (ii) One year Date 0.32 31/01/2012 29/02/2012 15/03/2012 30/03/2012 N/A N/A
bridging plan
for the year
2. Protection of 7.00 Strengthening of (i) Number Number 2.10 30 25 23 20 18 49 100.0 2.1
Forests forest protection of proposals
and management approved
in States/UTs within 60 days
by providing of receipt.
(ii) Utilisation % 2.10 95 85 80 75 70 98 100.0 2.1
of budget
Number Number 2.80 26 24 22 20 18 N/A N/A
Objective Weight Action Success Unit Weight Target / Criteria Value Achievement Performance Achieve- Performance
Indicator ment
Excellent Very Fair Poor Raw Weigh-
Good Score ted Score
3 Conservation of 10.00 (a) Treatment Creation mld 7.50 300 270 240 210 180 241 80.33 6.02
River and Lakes of municipal of sewage
sewage falling treatment
into the rivers capacity
(b) Pollution Number of Number 2.50 5 4 3 2 1 4 90.0 2.25
abatement lakes where
works/ rejuvenation
rejuvenation of works to be
lakes completed
4 In situ and Ex-situ 12.00 (a) In situ Number of number 8.00 400 375 360 350 340 422 100.0 8.0
Conservation of Conservation: protected
Fauna and Flora Strengthening of areas including
infrastructure in tiger reserves
protected areas and elephant
including tiger reserves
reserves and provided
elephant reserves financial
(b) In Ex-situ
To provide Number of number 4.00 36 32 30 28 26 34 95.0 3.8
financial zoos provided
assistance to zoos financial
for improved assistance
infrastructure for
conservation of
5 Ex-situ 5.00 (a) To provide Financial number 2.50 14 12 10 8 6 6 60.0 1.5
Conservation of financial assistance
Rare Endangered, assistance to 12 provided
Threatened (RET) existing botanic to existing
Ministry of Environment & Forests
8 Survey, 3.00 (a) Survey Extent of Number of 2.40 55 50 45 40 38 71 100.0 2.4
Identification and of forest coverage of field surveys
Documentation of ecosystems, region/state/ conducted
Wild Plant Diversity protected areas district/ecosyst
of the Country and fragile em/ protected
ecosystems areas
Annual Report 2012-2013
(b) Digitization Digital Images Number of 0.60 9500 9000 8500 8000 7500 5783 0.0 0.0
of herbarium and Metadata specimens
specimens digitized
9 Survey, 3.00 (a) Survey Extent of Number of 2.40 90 85 80 75 70 103 100.0 2.4
Identification and of forest coverage of field surveys
Documentation ecosystems, region/state/ conducted
of Wild Faunal protected areas district/ecosyst
Diversity of the and fragile em/protected
Country ecosystems areas
(b) Digitization Digital Images Number of 0.60 4600 4200 4000 3800 3500 9200 100.0 0.6
of national and Metadata specimens
zoological digitized
10 Better Ambient 5.00 (a) Enhancement MLD value Mld 1.00 135 121 108 94 81 100 74.29 0.74
Water Quality of common created
Objective Weight Action Success Unit Weight Target / Criteria Value Achievement Performance Achieve- Performance
Indicator ment
Excellent Very Fair Poor Raw Weigh-
Good Score ted Score
(b) Notification New Industrial Number 1.00 6 5 4 3 2 6 100.0 1.0
of standards categories to
for additional be covered
categories of
(c) Expanding Additional Number 1.00 500 450 400 350 300 400 80.0 0.8
the network of water quality
water quality monitoring
monitoring stations
stations commissioned
(d)Expending Additional number 1.00 50 40 30 20 10 64 100.0 1.0
the network air quality
of air quality monitoring
monitoring stations
stations (NAMP) commissioned
(e)Expending the Additional number 1.00 25 20 15 12 10 25 100.0 1.0
network of noise noise level
level monitoring monitoring
stations (NANMP) stations
11 To Improve 8.00 (a) Setting up of (i) Finalization Date 0.40 30/06/2011 31/07/2011 31/08/2011 30/09/2011 31/10/2012 30/06/2011 100.0 0.4
Management one treatment, of
of Hazardous storage and empanelment
Substances disposal facilities of independent
for hazardous agency for
waste & two bio¬ evaluation of
medical wastes DPRs.
treatment and
Disposal Facilities
(ii) Inviting Date 0.40 30/06/2011 31/07/2011 31/08/2011 30/09/2011 31/10/2012 30/06/2011 100.0 0.4
proposals from
Ministry of Environment & Forests
(iii) Receipt and Date 0.80 31/08/2011 30/09/2011 31/10/2011 30/11/2011 31/12/2011 31/08/2011 100.0 0.8
evaluation of
(iv) Release Date 0.40 28/02/2012 10/03/2012 15/03/2012 20/03/2012 25/03/2012 28/02/2012 100.0 0.4
of financial
(b) To have GPS for Number 2.00 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 5000 100.0 2.0
Implementation 5000 industries
of GIS based in different
inventorisation States
system for
hazardous wastes
(c) Physical Review of draft Number 2.00 10 8 6 4 2 10 100.0 2.0
Monitoring of reports
hazard analysis
and off-site
emergency plan
Objective Weight Action Success Unit Weight Target / Criteria Value Achievement Performance Achieve- Performance
Indicator ment
Excellent Very Fair Poor Raw Weigh-
Good Score ted Score
(d) Creating Organized Number 2.00 10 9 8 7 6 10 100.0 2.0
public awareness workshops/
seminars on
and wastes
12 Better 5.00 Introduction of (i)Preparation Date 2.00 15/06/2011 15/08/2011 15/10/2011 15/12/2011 15/02/2012 28/06/2011 97.87 1.96
Environmental the Environment of Draft
Governance Protection Cabinet
(Amendment) Note for
Bill in the establishment
Parliament for of
reforms including
of National
and Monitoring
(iv) Draft Date 1.00 15/08/2011 15/10/2011 15/12/2011 15/02/2012 15/03/2012 N/A N/A
(ii)Clearance of Date 1.00 31/10/2011 15/12/2011 31/01/2012 31/03/2012 N/A N/A
Annual Report 2012-2013
Identify Finalize an Date 2.0 26/03/2012 27/03/2012 28/03/2012 29/03/2012 30/03/2012 10/02/2012 100.0 2.0
potential areas action plan
of corruption to mitigate
related to potential areas
departmental of corruption.
Ministry of Environment & Forests
activities and
develop an
action plan to
mitigate them
Develop an Finalize an Date 2.0 16/04/2012 17/04/2012 18/04/2012 19/04/2012 20/04/2012 16/04/2012 100.0 2.0
action plan to action plan
implement to implement
ISO 9001 ISO 9001
certification certification
Objective Weight Action Success Unit Weight Target / Criteria Value Achievement Performance Achieve- Performance
Indicator ment
Excellent Very Fair Poor Raw Weigh-
Good Score ted Score
* Ensuring 2.00 Timely Percentage % 0.5 100 90 80 70 60 100 100.0 0.5
compliance to the submission of of ATNS
Financial ATNS on Audit submitted
Accountability Paras of C&AG within due
Framework date (4
from date of
of Report to
Parliament by
CAG during the
Timely Percentge of % 0.5 100 90 80 70 60 100 100.0 0.5
submission of ATRs submitted
ATRs to the PAC within due
Sectt. on PAC date (6
Reports. months)
from date of
of Report to
Parliament by
PAC during the
Early disposal of Percentage of % 0.5 100 90 80 70 60 100 100.0 0.5
pending ATNs outstanding
on Audit Paras ATNs disposed
of C&AG Reports off during the
presented to year.
Parliament before
Annual Report 2012-2013
* Mandatory Objective(s)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Published by Environmental Information System (ENVIS), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India,
New Delhi - 110003 and Printed at India Offset Press, A-1, Maya Puri, Phase-I, New Delhi - 110 064, Tel.: 011-011-28116494