Cvitanovic, Predrag - Chaotic Field Theory
Cvitanovic, Predrag - Chaotic Field Theory
Cvitanovic, Predrag - Chaotic Field Theory
Spatio-temporally chaotic dynamics of a classical eld can be described by means of an in-
nite hierarchy of its unstable spatio-temporally periodic solutions. The periodic orbit theory
yields the global averages characterizing the chaotic dynamics, as well as the starting semi-
classical approximation to the quantum theory. New methods for computing corrections to the
semiclassical approximation are developed; in particular, a nonlinear eld transformation yields
the perturbative corrections in a form more compact than the Feynman diagram expansions.
c 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0. Introduction
Formulated in 1946 –1949 and tested through 1970s, quantum electrodynamics takes
free electrons and photons as its point of departure, with nonlinear eects taken in
account perturbatively in terms of Feynman diagrams, as corrections of order (=)n =
(0:002322819 : : :)n . QED is a wildly successful theory, with Kinoshita’s [1] calculation
of the electron magnetic moment
X n
2 (g − 2) = {· · · + + · · ·}
0378-4371/00/$ - see front matter
c 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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62 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
failed us utterly, perhaps because the expansion parameter is of order 1. I say perhaps,
because more likely the error in this case is thinking in terms of quarks and gluons in
the rst place. Strongly nonlinear eld theories require radically dierent approaches,
and in 1970s, with a deeper appreciation of the connections between eld theory and
statistical mechanics, their re-examination led to path integral formulations such as the
lattice QCD [3]. In lattice theories quantum
uctuations explore the full gauge group
manifold, and classical dynamics of Yang–Mills elds plays no role.
We propose to re-examine here the path integral formulation and the role that the
classical solutions play in quantization of strongly nonlinear elds. In the path integral
formulation of a eld theory the dominant contributions come from saddlepoints, the
classical solutions of equations of motion. Usually, one imagines one dominant saddle
point, the “vacuum”:
The Feynman diagrams of QED and QCD are nothing more than a scheme to com-
pute the correction terms to this starting semiclassical, Gaussian saddlepoint approxima-
tion. But there might be other saddles. That eld theories might have a rich repertoire
of classical solutions became apparent with the discovery of instantons [4], analytic
solutions of the classical SU (2) Yang–Mills equations of motion, and the realization
that the associated instanton vacua receive contributions from countable ∞’s of sad-
dles. What is not clear is whether these are the important classical saddles. Could it
be that the strongly nonlinear theories are dominated by altogether dierent classical
The search for the classical solutions of nonlinear eld theories such as the Yang–
Mills and gravity has so far been neither very successful nor very systematic. In modern
eld theories the main emphasis has been on symmetries as guiding principles in writing
down the actions. But writing down a dierential equation is only the start of the story;
even for systems as simple as 3 coupled ordinary dierential equations one in general
has no clue what the nature of the long-time solutions might be.
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 63
These are hard problems, and in explorations of modern eld theories the dynamics
tends to be is neglected, and understandably so, because the wealth of the classical
solutions of nonlinear systems can be truly bewildering. If the classical behavior of
these theories is anything like that of the eld theories that describe the classical world
– the hydrodynamics, the magneto-hydrodynamics, the Ginzburg–Landau system – there
should be too many solutions, with very few of the important ones analytical in form;
the strongly nonlinear classical eld theories are turbulent, after all. Furthermore, there
is not a dimmest hope that such solutions are either beautiful or analytic, and there is
not much enthusiasm for grinding out numerical solutions as long as one lacks ideas
as what to do with them.
By late 1970s it was generally understood that even the simplest nonlinear systems
exhibit chaos. Chaos is the norm also for generic Hamiltonian
ows, and for path
integrals that implies that instead of a few, or countably few saddles, classical solutions
populate fractal sets of saddles.
For the path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics such solutions were discov-
ered and accounted for by Gutzwiller [5] in late 1960s. In this framework the spectrum
of the theory is computed from a set of its unstable classical periodic solutions. The
new aspect is that the individual saddles for classically chaotic systems are nothing
like the harmonic oscillator degrees of freedom, the quarks and gluons of QCD – they
are all unstable and highly nontrivial, accessible only by numerical techniques.
So, if one is to develop a semiclassical eld theory of systems that are classically
chaotic or “turbulent”, the problem one faces is twofold
(1) Determine, classify, and order by relative importance the classical solutions of
nonlinear eld theories.
(2) Develop methods for calculating perturbative corrections to the corresponding
classical saddles.
Our purpose here is to give an overview over the status of this program – for details
the reader is referred to the literature cited.
The rst task, a systematic exploration of solutions of eld theory has so far been
implemented only for one of the very simplest eld theories, the one-dimensional
64 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
For any nite spatial resolution, the system follows approximately for a nite time
a pattern belonging to a nite alphabet of admissible patterns, and the long-term dy-
namics can be thought of as a walk through the space of such patterns, just as chaotic
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 65
Restrict the consideration to the subspace of odd solutions u(x; t)=−u(−x; t) for which
ak are real. Substitution of Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) yields the innite ladder of evolution
equations for the Fourier coecients ak :
ȧk = (k 2 − k 4 )ak − k am ak−m : (3)
u(x; t) = 0 is a xed point of Eq. (1), with the k 2 ¡ 1 long wavelength modes
of this xed point linearly unstable, and the short wavelength modes stable. For
¿ 1; u(x; t) = 0 is the globally attractive stable xed point; starting with = 1 the
solutions go through a rich sequence of bifurcations, and myriad unstable periodic
solutions whose number grows exponentially with time.
The essential limitation on the numerical studies undertaken so far have been com-
putational constraints: in truncation of high modes in expansion (3), suciently many
have to be retained to ensure the dynamics is accurately represented. Christiansen
et al. [8] have examined the dynamics for values of the damping parameter close to
the onset of chaos, while Zoldi and Greenside [9] have explored somewhat more tur-
bulent values of . With improvement of numerical codes considerably more turbulent
regimes should become accessible.
One pleasant surprise is that even though one is dealing with (innite dimensional)
PDEs, for these strong dissipation values of parameters the spatio-temporal chaos is
suciently weak that the
ow can be visualised as an approximately one-dimensional
Poincare return map s → f(s) from the unstable manifold of the shortest periodic
point onto its neighborhood (see Fig. 1(a)). This representation makes it possible to
systematically determine all nearby periodic solutions up to a given maximal period.
So far some 1000 prime cycles have been determined numerically for various values
of viscosity. The rapid contraction in the nonleading eigendirections is illustrated in
Fig. 1(b) by the plot of the rst 16 eigenvalues of the 1-cycle. As the length of
66 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
Fig. 1. (a) The return map sn+1 = f(sn ) constructed from periodic solutions of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky
equations (1), = 0:029910, with s the distance measured along the unstable manifold of the xed point 1.
Periodic points 0 and 01 are also indicated. (b) Lyapunov exponents k versus k for the periodic orbit 1
compared with the stability eigenvalues of the u(x; t) = 0 stationary solution k 2 − k 4 . k for k¿8 lie below
the numerical accuracy of integration and are not meaningful. From Ref. [8].
Fig. 2. (a) Spatio-temporally periodic solution u0 (x; t) of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky system, viscosity
parameter = 0:029910. (b) The dierence between the two shortest period spatio-temporally periodic solu-
tions u0 (x; tT0 ) and u1 (x; tT1 ). From Ref. [8].
the orbit increases, the magnitude of contracting eigenvalues falls o very quickly. In
Fig. 2, we plot u0 (x; t) corresponding to the 0-cycle. The dierence between this solu-
tion and the other shortest period solution is of the order of 50% of a typical variation
in the amplitude of u(x; t), so the chaotic dynamics is already exploring a sizable swath
in the space of possible patterns even so close to the onset of spatio-temporal chaos.
Other solutions, plotted in the conguration space, exhibit the same overall gross struc-
ture. Together they form the repertoire of the recurrent spatio-temporal patterns that is
being explored by the turbulent dynamics.
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 67
Now, we turn to the central issue; qualitatively, these solutions demonstrate that the
recurrent patterns program can be implemented, but how is this information to be used
quantitatively? This is what the periodic orbit theory is about; it oers the machinery
that assembles the topological and the quantitative information about individual solu-
tions into accurate predictions about measurable global averages, such as the Lyapunov
exponents and correlation functions.
Very brie
y (for a detailed exposition the reader is referred to Ref. [10]), the task
of any theory that aspires to be a theory of chaotic, turbulent systems is to predict
the value of an “observable” a from the spatial and time averages evaluated along
dynamical trajectories x(t)
Z t
hai = lim hAt i; t
A (x) = da(x()) :
t→∞ t 0
The key idea of the periodic orbit theory is to extract this average from the leading
eigenvalue of the evolution operator
Lt (x; y) = (y − x(t))eÿA (x)
X ∞
t Tp (t − rTp )
trL = = erÿAp (4)
p p
|det(1 − Jpr )|
which relates the spectrum of the evolution operator to a sum over prime periodic
solutions p of the dynamical system and their repeats r.
What does this formula mean? Prime cycles partition the dynamical space into neigh-
borhoods, each cycle enclosed by a tube whose volume is the product of its length
Tp and its thickness |det(1 − Jp )|−1 . The trace picks up a periodic orbit contribution
only when the time t equals a prime period or its repeat, a constraint enforced here
by (t − rTp ). Jp is the linear stability of cycle p, so for long cycles |det(1 − Jpr )| ≈
(product of expanding eigenvalues), and the contribution of long and very unstable
cycles are exponentially small compared to the short cycles which dominate trace for-
mulas. The number of contracting directions and the overall dimension of the dynamical
space is immaterial; that is why the theory can also be applied to PDEs. All this infor-
mation is purely geometric, intrinsic to the
ow, coordinate reparametrization invariant,
and the same for any average one might wish to compute. The information related to
a specic observable is carried by the weight eÿAp , the periodic orbit estimate of the
contribution of eÿA (x) from the p-cycle neighborhood.
68 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
The intuitive meaning of a trace formula is that it expresses the average heÿA i as a
discretized integral
Instead, it is the trace formulas and spectral determinants of the periodic orbit theory
that prescribe how the repertoire of admissible spatio-temporal patterns is to be sys-
tematically explored, and how these solutions are to be put together in order to predict
measurable observables.
Suppose that the above program is successfully carried out for classical solutions
of some eld theory. What are we to make of this information if we are interested
in the quantum behavior of the system? In the semiclassical quantization the classical
solutions are the starting approximation.
3. Stochastic evolution
For the same pragmatic reasons that we found it protable to shy away from fac-
ing the four-dimensional QCD head on in the above exploratory foray into a strongly
nonlinear eld theory, we shall start out by trying to understand the structure of per-
turbative corrections for systems radically simpler than a full-
edged quantum eld
theory. First, instead of perturbative corrections to the quantum problem, we shall start
by exploring the perturbative corrections to weakly stochastic
ows. Second, instead
of continuous time
ows, we shall start by a study of a discrete time process.
For discrete time dynamics a Langevin trajectory in presence of additive noise is
generated by iteration
x n+1 = f(x n ) + n ; (5)
where f(x) is a map, n a random variable, and parametrizes the noise strength. In
what follows we assume that n are uncorrelated, and that the mapping f(x) is one
dimensional and expanding, but we expect that the form of the results will remain
the same for higher dimensions, including the eld theory example of the preceding
Tracking an individual noisy trajectory does not make much sense; what makes
sense is the Fokker–Planck formulation, where one considers instead evolution of an
ensemble of trajectories. An initial density of trajectories 0 (x) evolves with time as
n+1 (y) = (L ◦ n )(y) = d x L(y; x)n (x) ; (6)
One way to get at the spectrum of L is to consider the discrete Laplace transform of
Ln , or the resolvent
X X z ∞
z n trLn = tr = (8)
1 − zL 1 − z
n=1 =0
Z ( )
1 X
= [d x] exp − 2 [xa+1 − f(xa )]2 ;
2 a
Y dx
x n = x0 ; [d x] = √ a : (9)
a=0 22
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 71
The choice of Gaussian noise is not essential, as the methods that we develop here ap-
ply equally well to other noise distributions, and more generally to the space-dependent
noise distributions P(x; ). As the neighborhood of any trajectory is nonlinearly dis-
torted by the
ow, the integrated noise is anyway never Gaussian, but colored.
If the classical dynamics is hyperbolic, periodic solutions of given nite period n
are isolated. Furthermore, if the noise broadening is suciently weak they remain
distinct, and the dominant contributions come from neighborhoods of periodic points,
the tubes sketched in the trace formula (4). In the saddlepoint approximation the trace
(9) is given by the sum over neighborhoods of periodic points
X X ∞
tr Ln → tr Ln |sc = eWc = np n; np r eWpr : (10)
xc ∈ Fixfn p r=1
As traces are cyclic, eWc is the same for all periodic points in a given cycle, independent
of the choice of the starting point xc , and the periodic point sum can be rewritten in
terms of prime cycles p and their repeats. In the deterministic, → 0 limit this is the
discrete time version of the classical trace formula (4). Eects such as noise-induced
tunnelling are not included in the weak-noise approximation.
We now turn to the evaluation of Wpr , the weight of the rth repeat of prime cycle p.
The contribution of the cycle point xa neighborhood is best expressed in an intrinsic
coordinate system, by centering the coordinate system on the cycle points,
xa → xa + a : (11)
From now on xa will refer to the position of the ath periodic point, a to the deviation
of the noisy trajectory from the deterministic one, fa (a ) to the map (5) centered on
the ath cycle point, and fa(m) to its mth derivative evaluated at the ath cycle point:
Rewriting the trace in vector notation, with x and f(x) n-dimensional column vectors
with components xa and f(xa ), respectively, expanding f in Taylor series around each
of the periodic points in the orbit of xc , separating out the quadratic part and integrating
we obtain
−1 0 2 2 2 T 1
eWc = [d] e−( −V ()) =2 = [d] e−(1=2 ) T +(···)
c c
Z P 00 k 2 2
= |det | [d’] e (1=k)tr(V ()) e−’ =2 : (13)
The [n × n] matrix arises from the quadratic part of the exponent, while all higher
powers of a are collected in V ():
XX m+1
−1 0
ab b = −fa a + a+1 ; V () = fa(m) : (14)
(m + 1)!
72 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
|det | = ; c = fa0 (15)
|c − 1|
is the one-dimensional version of the classical stability weight |det(1 − J)|−1 in (4),
with c the stability of the n-cycle going through the periodic point xc .
Standard methods [16] now yield the perturbation expansion in terms of the con-
nected “vacuum bubbles”
Wc = −ln |c − 1| + Wc; 2k 2k ; (16)
Wc; 4 = · · · :
In the usual eld-theoretic calculations the Wc; 0 term corresponds to an overall volume
term that cancels out in the expectation values. In contrast, as explained in Section 2,
here the eWc; 0 = |c − 1|−1 term is the classical volume of cycle c. Not only does this
weight not cancel out in the expectation value formulas, it plays the key role both in
classical and semiclassical trace formulas.
In the diagrams sketched above a propagator line connects xa at time a with xb at
later time b by a deterministic trajectory. At time b noise induces a kick whose strength
depends on the local curvature of the
ow. A penalty of a factor is paid, m − 1
deterministic trajectories originate in the neighborhood of xb from vertex V (m) (xb ),
and the process repeats itself, each vertex carrying a penalty of , and higher deriva-
tives of the fb . Summing over all noise kick sequences encoded by a given diagram
and using the periodicity of the trace integral (9) Dettmann [13] obtains expressions
such as
! a−1
r 2r
p −1 rp X 00
fa 2 fa000 Y 0
02 − fd2 : (17)
2 2p − 1 (rp − 1)3 fa fa0
ab d = b+1
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 73
Feynman diagram 2 correction to rth repeat of prime cycle p. More algebra leads to
similar contributions from the remaining diagrams. But the overall result is surprising;
the dependence on the repeat number r factorizes, with each diagram yielding the same
prefactor depending only on rp . This remarkable fact will be explained in Section 6.
The result of the Feynman-diagrammatic calculations is the stochastic trace formula
zL XX np tp; k z np 2 (2) 4
tr = ; tp; k = k
e( =2)wp; k +O( ) ; (18)
1 − zL sc p
1 − tp; k |p |p
k =0
where tp; k is the kth local eigenvalue evaluated on the p cycle. The deterministic,
= 0 part of this formula is the stochastic equivalent of the Gutzwiller semiclassical
trace formula [5]. The 2 correction wp; k is the stochastic analogue of Gaspard’s ˝
correction [12]. At the moment the explicit formula is suciently unenlightening that
we postpone writing it down to Section 6.
While the diagrams are standard, the chaotic eld theory calculations are considerably
more demanding than is usually the case in eld theory. Here there is no translational
invariance along the chain, so the vertex strength depends on the position, and the free
propagator is not diagonalized by a Fourier transform. Furthermore, here one is neither
“quantizing” around a trivial vacuum, nor a countable innity of analytically explicit
soliton saddles, but around an innity of nontrivial unstable hyperbolic saddles.
Two aspects of the above perturbative results are a priori far from obvious: (a)
that the structure of the periodic orbit theory should survive introduction of noise, and
(b) a more subtle and surprising result, repeats of prime cycles can be re-summed and
theory reduced to the dynamical zeta functions and spectral determinants of the same
form as for deterministic systems.
Pushing the Feynman–diagrammatic approach to higher orders is laborious, and has
not been attempted for this class of problems. As we shall now see, it is not smart to
keep pushing it, either, as one can compute many more orders of perturbatiion theory
by means of a matrix representation for L.
An expanding map f(x) takes an initial smooth distribution (x) dened on a subin-
terval, stretches it out and overlays it over a larger interval. Repetition of this process
smoothes the initial distribution (x), so it is natural to concentrate on smooth dis-
tributions n (x), and represent them by their Taylor series. By expanding both n (x)
and n+1 (y) in Eq. (6) in Taylor series Rugh [11] derived a matrix representation of
74 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
d x L(y; x) = Lm0 m ; m; m0 = 0; 1; 2; : : :
m! 0
m0 !
which maps the x component of the density of trajectories n (x) in Eq. (6) to the
ym component of the density n+1 (y) one time step later. The matrix elements follow
0 0
by dierentiating both sides with @m =@ym and evaluating the integral
0 Z
@m xm
Lm0 m = d xL(y; x) : (19)
@ym0 m!
In Eq. (7), we have written the evolution operator L in terms of the Dirac delta
function in order to emphasize that in the weak-noise limit the stochastic trajectories
are concentrated along the classical trajectory y = f(x). Hence, it is natural to expand
the kernel in a Taylor series [17] in
X∞ Z
(−)n (n)
L(y; x) = (y − f(x)) + (y − f(x)) n P() d ; (20)
(n) n n
where (y) = (@ =@y )(y). This yields a representation of the evolution operator
centered along the classical trajectory, dominated by the deterministic Perron–Frobenius
operator (y − f(x)), with corrections givenR by derivatives of delta functions weighted
by moments of the noise distribution Pn = P() d. We again center the coordinate
system on the cycle points as in Eq. (11), and also introduce a notation for the operator
(7) centered on the xa → xa+1 segment of the classical trajectory
La (a+1 ; a ) = L(xa+1 + a+1 ; xa + a ) :
The weak-noise expansion (20) for the ath segment operator is given by
X (−)n
La (a+1 ; a ) = (a+1 − fa (a )) + Pn (n) (a+1 − fa (a )) : (21)
As the evolution operator has a simple -function form, the local matrix representation
of La centered on the xa → xa+1 segment of the deterministic trajectory can be
evaluated recursively in terms of derivatives of the map f:
X (−)n
(La )m0 m = Pn (Ba )m0 +n; m ; n = max(m − m0 ; 0)
0 m
(Ba ) m0 m = d(m ) (a+1 − fa ())
m0 m
1 d 1
= 0 : (22)
|fa | d fa0 () m!
The matrix elements vanish for m ¡ m, so B is a lower triangular matrix. The diago-
nal and the successive o-diagonal matrix elements are easily evaluated iteratively by
P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80 75
computer algebra
1 (m + 2)!fa00
(Ba )mm = ; (Ba )m+1; m = − ;::: :
|fa0 |(fa0 )m 2m!|fa0 |(fa0 )m+2
For chaotic systems the map is expanding, |fa0 | ¿ 1. Hence, the diagonal terms drop
o exponentially, as 1=|fa0 |m+1 , the terms below the diagonal fall o even faster, and
truncating La to a nite matrix introduces only exponentially small errors.
The trace formula (8) takes now a matrix form
zL X z np Lp
tr = np tr ; (23)
1 − zL SC p
1 − z np Lp
6. Smooth conjugacies
This step injects into the eld theory a method standard in the construction of normal
forms for bifurcations [20]. The idea is to perform a smooth nonlinear coordinate
76 P. CvitanoviÃc / Physica A 288 (2000) 61– 80
transformation x = h(y), f(x) = h(g(h−1 (x))) that
attens out the vicinity of a xed
point and makes the map linear in an open neighborhood, f(x) → g(y) = J · y.
The key idea of
attening the neighborhood of a saddlepoint can be traced back
to Poincare’s celestial mechanics, and is perhaps not something that a eld theorist
would instinctively hark to as a method of computing perturbative corrections. This
local rectication of a map can be implemented only for isolated nondegenerate xed
points (otherwise higher terms are required by the normal form expansion around the
point), and only in nite neighborhoods, as the conjugating functions in general have
nite radia of convergence.
We proceed in two steps. First, substitution of the weak noise perturbative expansion
of the evolution operator (21) into the trace centered on cycle c generates products of
derivatives of -functions:
tr Ln |c = · · · + [d]{· · · (m ) (00 − fa (0 ))(m) (0 − fa−1 ()) · · ·} + · · · :
The integrals are evaluated as in Eq. (22), yielding recursive derivative formulas
such as
Z m
1 d 1
d x (y) = 0 − ; y = f(x) − x (25)
|y (x)| d x y0 (x) y=0
This yields the expansion for the conjugation function h in terms of the mapping f
f2 2f22 + ( − 1)f3
h2 = ; h3 = ;::: : (29)
( − 1) 2 ( − 1)(2 − 1)
The periodic orbit conjugating functions ha are obtained in the same way from
Eq. (27), with proviso that the cycle stability is not marginal, |p | =
6 1.
What is gained by replacing the perturbation expansion in terms of f(m) by still
messier perturbation expansion for the conjugacy function h? Once the neighborhood
of a xed point is linearized, the conjugation formula for the repeats of the map
fr (x) = h(r h−1 (x))
can be used to compute derivatives of a function composed with itself r times. The
expansion for arbitrary number of repeats depends on the conjugacy function h(x)
computed for a single repeat, and all the dependence on the repeat number is carried
by polynomials in r , a result that emerged as a surprise in the Feynman diagrammatic
approach of Section 4. The integrals such as Eq. (25) evaluated on the rth repeat of
prime cycle p
y(x) = fnp r (x) − x (30)
have a simple dependence on the conjugating function h
1 @2 1 r (1 + r ) 2
= (2h2 − h3 ) ;
3! @y2 y0 (0) (r − 1)3
2r + r + 1
− r h4 ;
(r − 1)4
accurate up to order 4 . w(3) , w(4) are also computed by Dettmann, but we desist
from citing them here; the reader is referred to Ref. [15]. What is remarkable about
these results is their simplicity when expressed in terms of the conjugation function
h, as opposed to the Feynman diagram sums, in which each diagram contributes a
sum like the one in Eq. (17), or worse. Furthermore, both the conjugation and the
matrix approaches are easily automatized, as they require only recursive evaluation of
derivatives, as opposed to the handcrafted Feynman diagrammar.
Simple minded as they might seem, discrete stochastic processes are a great lab-
oratory for testing ideas that would otherwise be hard to test. Dettmann, Palla and
SHndergaard have used a one-dimensional repeller of bounded nonlinearity and com-
plete binary symbolic dynamics to check numerically the above results, and computed
the leading eigenvalue of L by no less than ve dierent methods. As anticipated by
Rugh [11], the evolution operator eigenvalues converge super-exponentially with the
cycle length; addition of cycles of period (n + 1) to the set of all cycles up to length
n doubles the number of signicant digits in the perturbative prediction. However, as
the series is asymptotic, for realistic values of the noise strength summations beyond
all orders are needed [21].
7. Summary