Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks Against Lightning - Experimental Developments and Risk Analysis
Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks Against Lightning - Experimental Developments and Risk Analysis
Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks Against Lightning - Experimental Developments and Risk Analysis
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4 authors, including:
Miltom Shigihara
University of São Paulo
All content following this page was uploaded by Helio E. Sueta on 10 September 2015.
Keywords—Fuel tanks, hot spot, lightning protection, risk II. BASIC CONSIDERATIONS
A. Types of protection for fuel tanks
I. INTRODUCTION Regarding the fuel tank protection against lightning we
must study the effects of lightning in three different
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
protection measures (SPM) must be taken, mainly on A.3 External Non-Isolated Protection System
equipotential bonding, grounding system and surge protection
devices (SPD) properly and coordinately installed. In the Non-Isolated system (Fig. 3), the protection is
In order to avoid problems related to direct-strike lightning, provided by lightning rods electrically bonded to the tank
the main types of protection are described below. roof, in order to avoid the strike to hit directly to the tank, but
A.1 Self-protected and self-grounded tanks the current will still flow through the metallic body of the tank
Tanks having a metallic body structure (roof and shell), and to the ground. Existing and permanent metal parts of the tank
plates with minimum thickness to support lightning currents can eventually be used as part of the protection system, such
safely (without causing any punctures or hot spots) are as metal guardrails properly welded to the tank and with
considered self-protected and grounded. Also, the diameter of appropriate dimensions. The air-termination rod should be set
the tank bottom in contact with the soil must have sufficient on the tank roof in a way that it may have a large surface
area to ensure a good grounding, varying according to the soil contact with the plate, ensuring that the lightning current will
type (Fig. 1). This concept of self-grounded is allowed in not cause any damage, corrosion or hot spots in that interface,
some technical standards, including the latest version of when the current flows through it. The design of the rod
ABNT NBR 5419/2005 [1], but this concept will cease in a structure taking into account its size and position should be
future revision of this standard (ABNT NBR 5419-3) that will made using the Rolling Sphere Method.
based on international standard IEC 62305-3/2010 [2]. Then,
the earth-termination system will be required in this case.
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
A.1 Simulations from the model. Some preliminary applications were made to adjust the
Due to the impossibility of obtaining the real phenomenon measurement system. Regarding temperature, two different
(lightning) data in a controlled laboratory, it is necessary to systems were used: the first one with thermocouples and the
perform simulations in order to obtain results to compare with second with thermal imaging.
observations from the field. In this process it was found that the time for the occurrence
In this case it is imperative to taking into account the value of this event is too short, remaining below the time response
of the temperature rise in an internal point of the plate and of the set type K thermocouple / multimeter YEW TY530,
based on the assumptions previously deducted, it is possible whose time constant is about 300 ms. The stability condition
to establish the initial conditions. according to the response time of thermocouple would be
Therefore, we could draw up a spreadsheet to assist on the about 900 ms.
results evaluation. Thermal images (Fig. 9) showed higher values compared to
The test should be done with direct-current pulses to the system with thermocouples. Table I shows the results of
simulate the component of the lightning known as continuing tests on the plate of 2.75 mm thick with the maximum
current. temperature values obtained by thermography.
Due to the relative low voltage applied in the laboratory TABLE I
between the electrode tip (central rod) and the plate (negative TESTS ON THE PLATE WITH THICKNESS: 2,75 mm
electrode), a copper wire was installed in order to start the U [V] I [A] Q [C] P [W] t [ms] Tmáx [ºC]
electric arc (Fig. 8). Arc
98 716 111 69839 155 254
94 731 210 68767 288 465
92 742 335 68416 452 >670(*)
(*) Note: It exceeded the scale of the instrument.
igniter-wire The following tables II and III show the results for plates of
4.8 mm and 6.35 mm.
U [V] I [A] Q [C] P [W] t [ms] Tmáx [ºC]
Arc voltage
81 731 114 59254 155 156
85 764 218 65248 286 251
Fig. 8. Copper wire used to start the electric arc.
85 773 305 65903 394 424
In the first series of tests, the positive electrode was used as TABLE III
the central rod and the negative on the plate. TESTS ON THE PLATE WITH THICKNESS: 6,35 mm
Fixing the current value and varying the time of exposure U [V] I [A] Q [C] P [W] t [ms] Tmáx [ºC]
to arc, it is possible to estimate the influence of time on the Arc voltage
phenomenon. We define the current I as 600 A (300 C in 85 729 100 61719 137 111
0.5s). 86 759 235 65040 310 201
The charges Q are defined as 100, 200 and 300 C (values 77 778 430 59779 553 316
tabulated in IEC). In these applications the value of maximum temperature
The device used for thermal imaging was set to shoot the was consistent with the expected which is proportional to
applications and thus to obtain the maximum instantaneous applied charge.
observed. The value of the considered arc voltage was particularly
important and varied depending on thickness of the plate. The
importance of this parameter is meaningful, since it
determines the energy that was transferred or dissipated in the
process. Therefore it is deducted that not all thermal energy of
the arc was used in the concerned phenomenon to determine
the risk of excessive temperature rise. From the empirical data
it was possible to obtain an approximate expression for arc
voltage which was used as input data in a spreadsheet
With these values it was possible to improve the model in
order to create a spreadsheet that enables more data to review.
In this case, extrapolation was critical because it is necessary
to determine a critical charge profile according to the auto
ignition temperature of the materials involved. A summary of
Fig.9. Thermal image of application by the backside of the plate
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
measured values compared to calculated values is showed in and detailed application of electrical and thermodynamics
Table IV below. theory.
TABLE IV In order to apply the data analysis to practical experience
COMPARISON BETWEEN MEASURED AND CALCULATED VALUES showed that the best results could be performed with different
Plate Current Conduction Charge Maximum Calculated Difference materials and methods. Sheet material samples with greater
thickness [A] Time [ms] [C] Temp.[°C] Maximum [°C] variation in thickness could be tested, otherwise only a few
[mm] Temp. defined thicknesses were tested according the ones used in the
[°C] tanks. For example, in order to obtain a temperature gradient
2,75 716,19 155 111 254 257 -3 it would be ideally to test plates increasing their thickness of 1
2,75 730,91 287,5 210 465 493 -28 in 1 mm. Regarding the methods it should be made a larger
2,75 741,57 452,1 335 >670 782 ???? number of samples per plate to obtain a statistical evaluation
4,8 731,53 155,2 114 156 155 1 of dispersion measures.
4,8 763,64 285,8 218 251 276 -25
It became clear that it is required to obtain functional
relationships between plate thickness and critical
4,8 773,43 393,8 305 424 373 51
temperature, which was in the last instance performed
6,35 728,81 136,6 100 111 114 -3
through a simple mathematical model that was applied in a
6,35 758,83 309,8 235 201 243 -42
6,35 777,8 553,2 430 316 424 -108
For the purpose to make it practical for the application, the
In the Table IV, concerning the column “difference”, in results of this experiment need additional statistical
particular the negative values indicate that the spreadsheet has evaluation that correlates the critical charge value to the
calculated higher values than the observed ones in
probability of it be exceeded. This limit can be found
experiments, which is positive to safety. In most evaluations
researching on atmospheric discharges parameters [3].
this case prevails.
The final goal was to obtain the value of maximum charge Based on the results obtained in the tests, the developed
that a plate with certain thickness can absorb so that its spreadsheets and simplified simulations, it was possible to
temperature reaches the critical value depending on stored customize the risk analysis worksheet for the specific case of
fuel. fuel storage tanks.
Table V below shows these values for plate thickness from
1 mm to 10 mm for three types of fuels: gasoline, diesel and III. DEVELOPMENT OF A RISK ANALYSIS PROGRAM APPLIED
ethanol. TO A FUEL TANKS
TABLE V A specific risk analysis was carried out for fuel tanks and a
MAXIMUM CHARGE DEPENDING ON THE THICKNESS OF PLATE spreadsheet based on IEC 62305-2 / 2010 [4]
AND FUEL recommendations was developed to adapt the analysis to the
PRODUCT GASOLINE DIESEL ETHANOL fuel tanks with several modifications.
Auto ignition
The spreadsheet developed was so-called "Tupã (version
temperature [°C]
246 210 363 for tanks)". To facilitate the use of the spreadsheet, many
specific parameters for tanks were fixed, however they are not
THICKNESS [mm] Charge [C] Charge [C] Charge [C]
shown in the spreadsheet, i.e., their values are used, but only
1 6 5 9 the parameters that can vary from the tank to the tank are in it.
2 50 40 80 With this spreadsheet, we can estimate how each tank is in
3 120 100 180 a particular plant to the risks and which are the main
4 170 140 250 protective measures to be taken to ensure that these risks are
within tolerable standard values as described. In addition, we
5 200 170 300
can compare the risks of different tanks and sort them in order
6 230 200 350 of priority for maintenance and refurbishment.
7 260 220 380 In this study we verified the relationship of the parameters
8 280 240 430 indicated in the risk management standard (IEC 62305-2 /
9 310 260 470 2010) [4] and we detail some of the changes made in
10 330 280 510 customization. We also present a customized spreadsheet that
Due to the work of evaluating the results based on their got quite simplified since only specific to parameters for
application, it was observed that the final goal for laboratory tanks with the possibility of variations were presented to
facilitate understanding and handling of the spreadsheet.
tests is to provide a consistent model to describe a critical
The standard IEC62305-2 [4] provides a method for risk
charge profile of lightning discharge, depending on the plate
assessment that includes areas with risk of explosion. Being a
thickness used in fuel storage tank. Such a model need to be generic and comprehensive method and considering that in
better draw up, however to immediate purpose we have to use these areas the risk of economic loss, personal and
a lot of simplification. environmental value is higher, it would be wise to establish
Moreover, even this simplified model pointed variables some method to guide the risk analysis.
and their relations underlining the importance of further Such method should consider the particularities of these
development aiming sedimentary concepts through stricter risk areas as well as the calculation premises recommended
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
cause sparkover. For new tanks, set this continuity in design by the stored product in the tank and/or environmental
and realize the implementation. requirements. The alternatives to provide an adequate
connection between floating roof and tank wall regarding the
• Earth-termination system consists of a grounding grid and conduction of impulse currents associated with lightning will
the number of interconnections between the tanks and the only be permitted if this is successfully demonstrated in tests
mesh according to the standards is defined as the dimensions and the procedures are used to ensure the reliability of the
of it. connection.
• Section D.5.5.2 of ABNT NBR 5419-3 of future Brazilian • It is necessary to make a risk analysis for lightning
standard describes important points about the protection of protection in design phase, after tank installation, during the
fuel storage tanks. In this section, the future standard most critical maintenance and whenever there is any change
indicates that for some structures used to storage liquids in the original tank design project.
which may produce flammable vapor or used to storage gas
are considered self-protected and do not require additional A.2 Specific recommendations for existing and running
protection as long as they are metal contained completely tanks
within, continuous container with a wall thickness greater
than 5 mm steel or 7 mm aluminum, without the spaces that • Never carry out supply operations or emptying of fuel
permit arcing. The standard also indicates that tanks in direct during periods of storms.
contact with soil and pipe lines do not require air-termination
systems. Electrical components and instrumentation used in • Never perform maintenance and / or measuring in the tank
such equipment must be certified for this type of application. or close operations during storm periods.
Measures for lightning protection should be taken as the type
of construction. • Check the thicknesses of tanks and compare the values
found with the design values and normalized ones.
Individual metallic tanks or containers must be bonded to the
grounding electrode according to their horizontal dimensions • Check the status of interconnections between tanks and
(diameter or length) as described in Section 5 of the standard: earth-termination system, compare the amount of
interconnections with standard values and verify electrical
a) up to 20 m: at least two interconnections, arranged continuity between all conductors that make up this system.
equidistantly on perimeter;
• For tank protection purpose against lightning, it is
b) over 20 m: two interconnections plus an additional considered that all possible outputs for pressure of explosive
interconnection at every 10 m perimeter, arranged gases, are equipped with special valves so that any external
equidistantly. spark may never penetrate to interior of the tank.
For tanks grouped in yards, as refineries and storage, • It is necessary to include in the tanks Maintenance Plan,
grounding one point in each tank is sufficient, regardless of specific findings based on the LPS including checking the
greater horizontal dimension. When arranged in courtyards, continuity of the earth-termination grid, coverage of
the tanks must be interconnected. As shown in Tables 7 and 8 air-termination system, thickness of the plates (especially
of future NBR 5419-3, in addition the connection, the pipes roof tanks), electrical continuity between air-termination
that are electrically connected may also be considered system and earth-termination system, functionality of Surge
interconnection according to section 5.3.5 of the standard. In Protection Devices installed, functionality of pressure relief
the case of floating roof tanks, roof should be connected to the systems, among others.
main housing of the tank effectively. The design of junctions
and seals, and their relative locations need to be carefully A.3 Specific recommendations for new tanks still to be
considered so that any possible risk of ignition of explosive applied in the design phase and deployment
mixture by a spark is reduced to the lowest possible level.
When a mobile ladder is installed, equipotential bonding • Checking if the plate’s thicknesses of the design are
cables, flexible (#35 mm²), must be connected at the hinges of specified according to the standard thicknesses reported
the stairs, between the ladder and the top of the tank and (greater than 5 mm for steel).
between the ladder and the floating roof. When a mobile
ladder is not installed in the floating roof tank, one or more • For the design of earth-termination system, before
equipotential bonding flexible conductors (#35 mm²) must be performing the soil stratification onsite of tanks deployment
connected to the main structure of the tank and the floating to check the resistivity and calculate required mesh for
roof considering the dimensions of the tank. Equipotential earth-termination system. All interconnections to the tank and
bonding conductors must follow the ceiling or be installed in details must be indicated in the design.
such a way they do not form loops resulting from its
movement. In floating roof tanks, there must be multiple • Provide all sensors and measuring systems with the
connections at intervals of 1.5 m between the periphery of the appropriate Surge Protection Measures (SPM) suitable for
floating roof and the tank wall. The material selection is given explosive areas.
2015 Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Nagoya, Japan
V. CONCLUSIONS estimation does not exclude the need for careful analysis of
This study has addressed various aspects related to the design and execution based on standards. The spreadsheet
protection of flammable liquid storage tanks against the is not intended to define the protection system to be used, but
damaging effects of lightning. Because of this, the findings guides you through the data reasonably approximate for a risk
presented here refer to the fuel tanks of protection in general, assessment showing systems with better or worse protection.
based not only on the data presented here as well as in studies
of standards and technical work on the subject. Finally, although the phenomenon of lightning is quite
complex and comprehensive, and a 100% reliable protection
From analysis and studies carried out, we found that the is not possible, this study addresses the various types of
main focus of the study should be the direct strokes to the tank injuries and accidents related to lightning in the fuel tanks,
and the effect of hot spot on the inside surface of the plate. In indicating some key measures of protection. It is always
the study it was also observed that the thicknesses normally important to emphasize that the recommendations of
used in tanks exceed the thicknesses that could be perforated standards and specifications should always be followed to
by lightning. Other possible types of damage such as, for protect people and facilities in Power Plants and Terminals,
example, flashover insulating parts or sensors in tank and the and also to protect of the environment.
damage caused from the passages of lightning by explosive
vapors contaminated areas were also addressed and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
considered in risk analysis and protection measures listed are
traditional and standardized, such as surge protection The authors would like to thank the High Current
measures and recommendation use of special valves that Laboratory of IEE-USP staff, especially Ivan Bueno Raposo
prevent the penetration of any flames into the tank. for the development of the testing device and carrying out the
As for the case of the impact of hot spots inside the plates, tests on plates. Also thanks to Raizen Combustíveis S.A. to
having regard to the little literature available on the subject fund part of this study and provide important technical data,
and the diversity of fuel types, it is necessary further study. especially the engineers Paulo Sérgio Lopes Soares de
Therefore, tests performed in laboratory where been directed Almeida and José Giliard Ansiero.
to this subject and, from these results, studies and specific
worksheets were developed in order to verify the impact of
critical temperatures in relation to total transferred charges
from long stroke arcs. Assays were performed for various [1] ABNT- ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS –
ABNT NBR 5419, Proteção de estruturas contra descargas
sheet metal thicknesses used in tanks and calculations of atmosféricas, 2005, in portuguese.
critical charges for each fuel type studied. [2] IEC – INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION –
IEC 62305 -3, Second edition, Protection against lightning – Part 3:
This particular study allowed us to create the spreadsheet Physical damage to structures and life hazard, 2010.
"Risk Analysis" to fuel tanks, one of this study product that COMMITTEE - “Parameters of Lightning Strokes”. IEEE Transactions
has become more prominent throughout the project. This on Power Delivery, vol. 20, pp 346-358, Jan. 2005.
worksheet assists in organizing priorities for protection of [4] IEC – INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION –
existing tanks and design considering the damaging effects of IEC 62305 -2, Second edition, Protection against lightning – Part 2:
Risk Management, 2010.
lightning. On this point it should be noted that the risk
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