Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika English Translation and Commentary V.Raghavendra Rao
Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika English Translation and Commentary V.Raghavendra Rao
Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika English Translation and Commentary V.Raghavendra Rao
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Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika
ª«s®©ôs[ −sZaP[*aRP*LRiª±sV ®µ¶[ª«sª±sV gRißá©y´R¶ª±sV gRiÇØ©«s©«sª±sVe
µ³yù®©s[©«s ¸R¶Vxqsù úxms»R½Wù¥¦¦¦−sÌÁ¸R¶Vª±sV ¸R¶W¬sòµR¶WLRi»R½Mee
Lord Vinayaka who is Ganadhipati and relieves from the obstacles when
one just thinks of him before starting any task,
xmsLSaRPLRiª«sVV¬sª±sV ©«s»y* »R½µôð][LSLiaRPª±sV ¬sLkiORPQ ¿RÁe
xmsOSQQùª«sVVù²R¶VµR¶aSª«sWLæRiª±sV xmspLRi*aSryòQû©«sVryLRi»R½Mee
After bowing my head to the Sage Parasara Muni the predictions are
explained based on the Dasamarga and on the ancient sastras and also
after careful examination of Parasara Hora.
Calculation of Dasa periods for the Plants starting from Surya
xtsQÈÁW=L][ù µR¶aRPª«sVaRPèLiúµR¶xqs=xmsòxqsLiÆØù µ³R¶LSxqsV»R½Me
LSx¤¦¦¦§LRiuíyµR¶aRP# \ZaPQQ誫s gRiVLRiVu<¡²R¶aRPª«s»R½=LRiMe
GN][©«s−sLiaRP¼½ r¢LjiLRi÷éµ³R¶xqs=xmsòµR¶aRPxqsò´ye
ZNP[»][aRPè xqsxmsòª«sL<SßÓá ˳ÏÁXgRiVLji*LiaRP¼½ ¿RÁúNRPª«sW»`½
For Surya Dasa 6 (six) years, for Chandra Dasa 10 (ten) years, for Kuja
Dasa 7 (seven) years, for Rahu Dasa 18 (eighteen) years, for Guru Dasa 16
(sixteen years) for Sani Dasa 19 (nineteen) years, for Budha Dasa 17
(seventeen) years, for Ketu Dasa 7 (seven) years for Sukra Dasa 20
(twenty) years are fixed for different planetary dasas totalling to 120 years
called as Vimsottari Dasa system.
Commentary of Translator*:
Dasa length of each planet was given in years in the above table
for example, Sun dasa is for 6 years. However, Generally we take "a year"
for computation of Dasa periods is 360 days ie., Savana Year .whereas
the normal solar year, i.e. 365.2425 days? As Science is advancing day
by day calculation of Dasa Lengths are being computed based on Solar
Years (ie., the Computarized Horoscopes and Softwares of Modern days).
The modern Astrologers are using solar years for computation of Dasa
length to pinpoint the predictions. However, this author prefers savana
years. However Savana years will be used with nakshatra dasas This is not
meant to be a recommendation.
(*This Portion is taken from the Book entitled: Vedic Astrology - An Integral
Approach - by Shri P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Jagannadha Centre, Bostan)