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Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika English Translation and Commentary V.Raghavendra Rao

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Dasabhukti Phala Chandrika

English Translation and Commentary

V.Raghavendra Rao
M.A (Indian Culture); M.A (Jyotish)

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Lord Vinayaka who is Ganadhipati and relieves from the obstacles when
one just thinks of him before starting any task,
xmsLSaRPLRiª«sVV¬sª±sV ©«s»y* »R½µôð][LSLiaRPª±sV ¬sLkiORPQ ¿RÁe
xmsOSQQùª«sVVù²R¶VµR¶aSª«sWLæRiª±sV xmspLRi*aSryòQû©«sVryLRi»R½Mee
After bowing my head to the Sage Parasara Muni the predictions are
explained based on the Dasamarga and on the ancient sastras and also
after careful examination of Parasara Hora.
Calculation of Dasa periods for the Plants starting from Surya
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ZNP[»][aRPè xqsxmsòª«sL<SßÓá ˳ÏÁXgRiVLji*LiaRP¼½ ¿RÁúNRPª«sW»`½
For Surya Dasa 6 (six) years, for Chandra Dasa 10 (ten) years, for Kuja
Dasa 7 (seven) years, for Rahu Dasa 18 (eighteen) years, for Guru Dasa 16
(sixteen years) for Sani Dasa 19 (nineteen) years, for Budha Dasa 17
(seventeen) years, for Ketu Dasa 7 (seven) years for Sukra Dasa 20
(twenty) years are fixed for different planetary dasas totalling to 120 years
called as Vimsottari Dasa system.

Commentary of Translator*:
Dasa length of each planet was given in years in the above table
for example, Sun dasa is for 6 years. However, Generally we take "a year"
for computation of Dasa periods is 360 days ie., Savana Year .whereas
the normal solar year, i.e. 365.2425 days? As Science is advancing day
by day calculation of Dasa Lengths are being computed based on Solar
Years (ie., the Computarized Horoscopes and Softwares of Modern days).
The modern Astrologers are using solar years for computation of Dasa
length to pinpoint the predictions. However, this author prefers savana
years. However Savana years will be used with nakshatra dasas This is not
meant to be a recommendation.
(*This Portion is taken from the Book entitled: Vedic Astrology - An Integral
Approach - by Shri P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, Jagannadha Centre, Bostan)

Finding out Dasa

As said above the Dasa System Starts from Surya so we have to start
writing from the Star Krittika first then continue upto nine nakshatras in a
column. as detailed below:
xqs*µR¶aSª±sV ú¼½gRiVßÔáNRPX»R½ù »R½µôR¶aSxqsVx¤¦¦¦»R½Lixmso©«sMe
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LRi−sµy¹¸¶[V xqs*˳ÏÁVN_ò ¿RÁ µ³R¶©«sµ³y©yùµj¶ ÍØ˳ÏÁNRPX»`½ee 7
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ªyx¤¦¦¦©yLRiLi˳ÏÁ xmsaS*µj¶ úgSª«sV ˳ÏÁWª«sWùµj¶ ÍØ˳ÏÁNRPX»`½ee 8
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¸R¶V»R½õNSLSùLóRizqsµôðj¶ry=Qùµôðj¶*ªyx¤¦¦¦ª±sV LSÇÁµR¶LRi+©«sª±sVe
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xqsWLRiùú{ms¼½NRPLRiª±sV aS¬sòª±sV NRPVLSùµyL][gRiùª«sWµj¶ZaP[»`½ee
Surya Dasa Surya Bhukti span is 3 months 18 days. Surya is placed in own
sign, Exaltation or placed in Kendras, Konas, Labhasthana will gain
monitory, agricultural proceeds, General health will be okay, will be under
soft corner of the Government Officials, gains from Vehicles, cattle,
village, and Land. What the native wants to do will be fruitful, will meet
and spend with friends. If Ravi is placed in 6, 8, 12 and weak, the native
have to face ill health, mental worries, time taking and late processing in
the proposals or hurdles, leaving the country, fear from enemies,
headache, more expenditure, relatives feels bad. Surya is combined with
Lagnadhipati, monitory gains in the beginning of the surya bhukti, will
meet the Officials, relatives, vehicle comforts, material relating to forest,
will visit forest or forest surrounded village, will see Guru(not planet -
Traditional Teacher), Sanyasi, will read philosophical works, friendship with
great people, haves good meal, will power. If Surya is placed in Scond or
in Seventh may have to face Apamruthyu pida (means danger to life) to
pacify this effect the native have to perform santi in a prescribed method
(prescribed method means according to mantra and tantra) viz.,
Mruthyunjaya japam, Suryanamaskaram, the native will gain health.
xqsWLRiùryù©«sòLæRi¾»½[ ¿RÁ®©ôs[û ÌÁgSõ¾»½[ä©ô«sûú¼½N][ßálgi[
gRiVLRiVßØ xqsª«sVVù¾»½[ µR¶X}tísQ ˳ةôð«sªy©yª±sV xqsª«sWgRiª«sVª±sVee 13
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(Surya Dasa = 6 years Chandra Dasa = 10 years, Multiply Dasa period with
Bhukti period = 6 x 10 = 60 first digit indicates months second digit is zero
hence no days.)
Span of Surya Dasa Chandra Bhukti is 6 months, If Chandra is placed in
Kendra, Trikona Sthanas, combined or aspected by Guru, meets relatives,
marriage, aspecious functions, monitory gains through business,
improvement in cultivation land, development / improvement of Cattle
and vehicles. If Chandra is placed in own sign or in exaltation family
development, monitory gains, putralabha, auspicious functions, meeting
Government officials, proposals will be fruitful, more comforts are
indicated. If Chandra is in Waning, combined with malefic planets, ill
health to wife and children, enmity, hurdles, losses from cattle, agricultural
fields, quarrel with women are indicated. If Chandra is placed in 6, 8, 12
and placed in debilitation indication of Jalaganda (danger from water),
mental worries, relatives, ill health, indication of transfers, incharge of
bad/unwanted places, serving to unwanted officers, problems with
cousins, life threat, consuming the spoiled food, fear from thieves,
enemies, and fire, urinary diseases, or lucoderma, Danger to Mothers life,
performing mothers ceremony, may hear the death news of mothers side
relatives, mental worries, wounds, fear. Chanda is placed in 1, 4, 5, 7, 10,
9, 11 to the Dasanadha combined or aspected by the benefics the
native will be experience Bhoga and Bhagya and feels happy, peaceful
and happy family affairs with wife and sons, will plan for performing
Yagna, Yaga, Marriage, feast, gains from sales of cloth, fancy items etc.,
vehicle comforts, co-operation from family members and friends, joining
into a Job or profession, purchase of cultivation land, Happiness, reaching
back to native place, If Chandra is placed in 8,6,12 in debilitation to the
Dasanadha, the results are: untimely meals, miserable problems viz.,
sudden quarrel, cut through knife, hearing death news, wandering on
other villages, enmity with friends, troubles through debts, fear of
punishment from Government Officials, does bad deeds causing danger
to life and name and fame, friendship with bad people and doing service
to them. If Chandra happened to be sign lord to 8,11,12,6,2 houses from
lagna, and if placed in 2nd or in 7th will do Maraka (threat to life),
Remedy for this is according to Mantrabased dana of White Cow, Buffalo,
also arrange for Durga Japa the Dosha will be nullified.
Results of Surya Dasa Kuja Bhukti - 4 months 6 days
xqsWLRiùryù©«sòLæRi¾»½[ ˳ݮªs[V r¡*¿RÁèxqs*QZOP[Q ú»R½ÍØ˳ÏÁ# lgi[e
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©«sW»R½©«sgRiXx¤¦¦¦¬sLSøßت±sV ˳ÏÁWxtsQßØLiÊÁLRiÍØ˳ÏÁNRPX»`½ee 26
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aS¬sòª±sV NRPVLRi*¬sò −sµ³j¶ª«s µy¸R¶VVLSL][gRiùzqsµôðR¶¹¸¶[Vee
In Surya Dasa Kuja Bhukti:- If Kuja is placed either in own signs, exaltation,
11th sign from lagna, or placed in either Kendras , trikonas, Moola
trikonas, the native will meet his relatives, gains through land, gains
through cultivation, development in wealth, proposals of building a new
house, gains through sales of cloths, fancy items. If Angaraka is
combined with Lagnadhipati and placed in malefic signs, the native will
be respected by the Government Officials and performance of
auspicious functions. If Angaraka is combined with 9th or 11th lord,
monitory gains, eradication of enemies, co-operation from brothers,
visiting marriage of relatives, monitory gains through land and cultivation,
gains name and fame consequent on construction of tanks and
plantation of forests. If Angaraka is placed in 6,8,12 to Dasanadha,
combined with malefic planets or aspected by them, fear of enemies,
mental worries, loss of money due to payment of penalty to the
Government, put into jail, loss of relatives, quarrels with brothers, pressure
to clear off debts, diseases, fear from thieves, threat from fire, wounds,
knife. If Angaraka is placed in 2nd or 7th to Lagna and weak aspected by
malefic planets also having Marakadhipatya will cause Apamruthyu
dosha. Remedy - arranging to perform Subrahmanya Japa, Dana of
golden idol of ox according to prescribe methods with proper mantras
the native will become healthy, the proposals will be fruitful, mental
peace, proposed work will be completed with the Co-operation of
Officials of Government.
LRi®ªs[LRiLi»R½LæRi¾»½[ ÒÁ®ªs[ r¡*¿Á[èªy xmsLRi®ªsW¿RÁèlgi[e
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ª«sV¥¦¦¦LSÇÁúxmsry®µ¶[©«s BxtísQNSLSùLóRiÍØ˳ÏÁNRPX»`½e
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}qs©yµ³j¶NRPùª±sV ª«sV¥¦¦¦\®µ³¶LRiùª±sV ª«sLRiªyx¤¦¦¦©«sÍØ˳ÏÁNRPX»`½ee 44
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LSÇÁN][xmsª±sV róy©«s©yaRPª±sV ÊÁLiµ³R¶V−sVú»R½ −sL][µ³R¶NRPX»`½ 47
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−s®µ¶[aRPgRiª«sV©«sª±sV \¿Áª«s zms»R½X©yaRPª±sV ª«sV¥¦¦¦Ë³ÏÁ¸R¶Vª±sVee 48
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xqs*LñRiµy©«sª±sV úxmsNRPVLki*»R½ LRiVúµR¶ÇØxmsù ¿RÁ NSLRi¹¸¶[V»`½e
gRiªyª±sV NRPzmsÌÁ ª«sLñSÅÁù µy®©s[©yL][gRiù ª«sWµj¶ZaP[»`½ee 50
If Guru is placed in exaltation monitory gains, gains through grains,
Putralabha (blessed with a son) more comforts are indicated. If Guru is
having Marakadhipatya and combined with benefic planets the
proposed task will be completed through the King, monitory gains,
honored by King and Brahamanas, most liking dresses will be presented
by someone. Guru is placed in 9 or in 10 to the 9th lord or 10th lord and
having strength, the native will have Rajyalabha (getting a good job),
gains through the sales of lands, cattle, livestock, or Gruhalabha, may be
appointed as Commander-in-chief, more courageous, will get a most
modern vehicle with all luxurious comforts, Raja Yoga, monitory gains
through business, loved by friends, relatives, people , in the house there
may be a good news relating to performing marriage, hearing good
stories, happiness of family and children, indication of a travel towards
west and south west directions, wins over enemies, the proposals will be
completed successfully with the help of the King.
If Guru is placed in Subhamsas, or placed in Subhasthanas, or not
having Kendradhipatya Dosha, or placed with full strength in Kendra or
Kona will give wealth, peace, Dana, Dharma, serving to people, Bhakti
towards Guru and Devata, will achieve Mantra, Tantra, Medicine, will
perform punya karya, well being expected from paternal side. Monitory
gains in Business, Profession, Good name and fame are indicated. If Guru
is placed in 6,8,12 or in debilitation or associated with malefic planets, or
placed in Lagna and malefic signs, or associated with sani, Rahu and
Angaraka, or in 'vikala avastha*' (vikala avastha means: ) danger to
life partner and sons, diseases, mental worries, fear from punishment
imposed by the King, enmity with friends and relatives, expenditures due
to bad deeds, loss of cattle and livestock, wondering in foreign lands, loss
of paternal relatives, hearing death news, quarrels with life partner,
unnecessary travel, living in others houses, hurdles in all activities. If Guru
happens to be adhipathi for 2nd or 7th or not related to both of the said
houses, aspected by Maraka planets, diseases, monitory losses, death of
relatives are indicated. Remedy - Rudra Japam, Blakish- brown cow to
be donated along with Golden idol of Lord Lakshminarayana, and
performance of santhi according to prescribed Mantras the native will
have health, longevity and the proposals will be fruitful.
xqsWLSùryù©«sòLæRi¾»½[ ª«sV®©ôs[ ÌÁgSõ¾»½[ä©ô«sûú¼½N][ßálgi[e
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aRPWúµR¶úxms˳ÏÁVª«saS»f=ÅÁùª±sV ¸R¶V»R½õNSLRiùLóRizqsµôðj¶µR¶ª±sVee 53
xtsQuíyxtísQª«sVª«sù¹¸¶[V¬ds¿Á[ FyxmsúgRix¤¦¦¦xqsª«sV¬s*¾»½[e
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xmsbP誫sWª±sV µj¶aRPª«sWúbP»R½ù úxms¸R¶Wß᪱sV NSLRiù©yaRP©«sª±sVee 56
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µj¶*¼d½¸R¶VµR¶Wù©«s©y®´¶[»R½V @xmsª«sVX»R½Vù˳ÏÁ¸R¶Vª±sV ˳ÏÁ# ®ªs[»`½ee 57
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If Saturn is placed in 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 indication of eradication of enemies,
more comforts, less yielding of cultivated lands, less monitory gains,
performance of Marriage, visiting friends and relatives. If Saturn is placed
in Malefic sign, diseases, curse of King, pressure for repayment of debts,
untimely meals, fear from enemy, difficulties, defamation, unnecessary
wandering, threat from fire, wounds. If Saturn is placed in own sign,
friendly sign, or placed in exaltation and having aspect of benefic
planets, and not weak, the native will perform marriage, monitory gains
through friends etc., friendship with Kingly court people, whatever
proposed will be fruitful from the Kings Court. Have Holy dip in Rivers,
worships God/Goddess, Monitory gains, comforts, through the King,
indication of travel to the west and south western directions. Gains
through loans, development in business, development in Cattle/Milking
business. If Saturn is placed in 6,8,12, or in debilitation and associated
with malefic planets will suffer from Vata and Sula diseases, troubles
through thieves, fire and wounds, arrests, hurdles, death of friends and
relatives, sudden quarrels, problems with Cousins in this Bhukti period,
according to Gochara if Saturn is moving in malefic signs to Chandra,
danger to paternal and maternal relatives, wondering then and there,
hurdles in the proposed work consequent on the travel towards west and
south western directions, transfers to unwanted places, threat from
enemies, moving through forest and villages surrounded by forest,
Manabhanga feels shameful, Saturn happened to be adhipati to 2nd
and 7th houses, there will be a life threat. Remedy - Performing
Mrithyunjaya Japa, donation of Black cow, buffalo, swarna chaga idol
(Golden Goat idol) according to Yamilokta (means according to
mantra and tantra) performing Yaga, Homa, all the hurdles will be

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