Nokia Airgile Cloud-Native Core: Generate New Economic Value On Any Access Including 5G

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Nokia AirGile cloud-native core: Next

generate new economic value on any access including 5G

Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back The future of core networks Next

Yesterday's networks focused on delivering voice and

broadband services to people. Yet the rise of the Internet
of Things (IoT) and the deployment of 5G requires your
networks to support a much wider range of services under
far more stringent performance criteria.

The one-size-fits-all architecture of networks must change.

The Nokia 5G Future X architecture covers all areas of network
transformation design, including the core network. This means
evolving to a cloud-native core that can be flexibly deployed
across a distributed cloud infrastructure, thereby simplifying
end-to-end scalability, providing service agility, shortening
time to market and providing cost efficiency gains.

Here, we look at the technologies and components of

cloud-native core networks and explore the benefits for
operators and their customers.

3 Why core networks must evolve
4 Why a cloud-native core is fundamental
5 Built for the cloud
6 All data is streamlined and shared
7 Network slicing begins in the core
8 Major benefits with micro-services and DevOps
9 Placing core functions where they need to be
10 Enabling technologies that support the cloud-native core
11 Cloud-native core networks are needed now for 4G and 5G!
2 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Why core networks Next

must evolve
The immediate future brings unprecedented transformation in the Ultra-reliable connectivity and ultra-low latency will be essential
communications industry as the Internet of Things (IoT) connects for industry 4.0. Real-time responses will be vital for the instant
tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of devices and 5G is eye-to-hand feedback needed to remotely control robots. Extreme
deployed commercially. No longer will it be enough for networks to bandwidth will be the lifeblood of new infotainment and virtual
just deliver sufficient bandwidth to satisfy data-hungry users. reality applications. Massive connectivity will be critical to support
Instead, networks will need a complete re-design of their architecture billions of connected sensors and machines.
to support an array of diverse services and applications.

Enhanced mobile broadband: Extreme capacity

Enhanced mobile
and network performance will support growing
subscriber demand for better mobile broadband

Massive machine communication: The IoT needs

reliable communication between billions of sensors
and machines and the core network

Critical machine communication: Ultra-reliable,
Low-latency communication will be critical
requirements for applications that must
not fail, such as Industry 4.0
Critical machine Massive machine
communication communication

3 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Why a cloud-native core is fundamental Next

The core network was the first telecom domain to be transformed by the cloud. Core networks will continue to lead the evolution as
they become cloud-native.

1. Support a wide variety of business models:

A flexible core will support converged services using multiple fixed and wireless access technologies, meeting the needs of new
industry and enterprise customers

2. Profit from new high-performance services:

A highly agile core network will efficiently deliver new services providing extreme latency, connectivity, mobility and service availability

3. Efficiently deal with unpredictable demand:

Operators will gain the means to adapt instantly to traffic fluctuations and cost-effectively shape and scale network resources to
match diverse service requirements

4. Manage growing network complexity:

As new services and technologies arise in the 5G era, the cloud-native core will provide flexibility and automation to manage
increasingly complex networks

5. Bring innovation rapidly to market:

Leveraging open architecture and fostering collaboration enables growth in many sectors including residential, enterprise, smart
cities, industrial, government and the public sector

6. Safeguard critical applications:

A cloud-native core network will enable extreme network security to prevent attacks by implementing continuously improving
automated, error-free security infrastructure

7. Be energy efficient:
By automatically optimizing resources, a cloud-native core will be more energy efficient than traditional core networks

4 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Built for Next

the cloud
Instead of porting conventional core network software onto
cloud infrastructure, the cloud-native core network is built
from the ground up for the cloud. The Nokia cloud-native Modular State
and open efficient
applications are also available as micro-services, where tasks
architecture VNFs
are broken down into modular stateless services that can run
independently. Network functions can be moved to the edge
of the network to meet the low latency demands of critical MANO DevOps
machine type communication.

The modular structure and 5G's service based architecture

(SBA) make it easier to introduce future network functions
and allow any function to be implemented and scaled rapidly Security Analytics
whenever required.

Distributed Network
cloud slicing

Open API

Building blocks of cloud-native networks.

5 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back All data is streamlined Next

and shared
The cloud-native core network implements a layered architecture The network also becomes more robust because in case of a VNF
in which not only are the user and control planes separated, but failure or software upgrade, it is easy to switch in a replacement
virtualized network functions (VNFs) become state-efficient and VNF that has instant access to the same data to provide continuity
data-less. A common data layer stores subscriber and session of service. This simplified arrangement not only enables easy and
information, creating a very flexible network in which any VNF has massive scaling, but it also reduces signaling traffic substantially.
access to all data whenever required and from any location.

API exposure


Data exposure Open Export API

Common data repository

States & data Subscriber Session Policy Other

Data sharing Multivendor API

Control plane
User plane HSS AAA EPC TAS CSCF 3rd Party

A common information repository enables VNFs to become state efficient and data-less.

6 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Network slicing begins Next

in the core Network slices

Networking slicing is one of the fundamental building blocks
of 5G core networks. It enables operators to rapidly create
custom services by segregating traffic and delivering specific Cloud-
sets of KPIs for each of them. native core

Operators can use network slicing to create and run separate IoT
logical networks on underlying cloud infrastructure. These
Private network
independent network instances enable service-specific
Service Level Agreement (SLA) needs for connectivity, Other
mobility, capacity, security, redundancy and QoS/QoE.

The virtual networks can securely exist simultaneously and

without interfering with each other. For example, one network
instance offering ultra-low latency for an industrial production
environment can be deployed separate and secure from
another virtual network for high-definition virtual reality that
needs extremely high throughput.

With network slicing, the concept of the Network-as-a-Service

will finally become a reality.

Smartphones / Health IoT Mission critical

Tablets case devices
Network slicing to meet the performance requirements of
different industries.

7 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Major benefits with Next

micro-services and DevOps

Programmability is the powerhouse of flexibility. And an open
network platform maximizes this flexibility. That’s because
Pla De
open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow flexible n se
and fast creation and modification of services to meet the de a p


needs of multiple industry segments.

Dev Ops
Using well-established IT techniques, network functions
can be broken down into micro-services. These can then
be combined to simplify the design, development and
implementation of new capabilities into the live network using
automated delivery. Services can be introduced quickly by

t e
applying DevOps, which creates a new culture through the il d



Te e

continuous integration of development and operations. ito O p
This gives operators new powers to deliver the right Quality
of Experience (QoE) with a much faster time-to-market for
innovative services. DevOps model will lead to greater innovation.

8 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Placing core functions Next

where they need to be

By taking advantage of a layered architecture, the cloud- Hosting core network functions in distributed data centers close
native core is able to put control and processing power in the to the edge of the network will, for example, reduce latency to
most effective locations to support specific services. A mix of support Industry 4.0 or augmented reality. Similarly, the user
centralized and distributed cloud deployment is the most cost- plane can be made available closer to the point of service delivery
effective way to meet all the varying needs of different services to improve reliability and response time.
and applications.

Demand Distributed Data Centers Centralized Data Center

Access Access controllers

Placing core network functions closer to users improves latency to support critical applications.

9 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Enabling technologies that Next

support the cloud-native core

Let’s finish our tour of what makes the cloud-native core
network tick by looking at four key technologies that enable
the core to configure, orchestrate, secure and deliver network

Analytics sets up the building blocks of a specific service and

ensures its reliable operation. It selects the required functions
and configures them in the correct sequence to ensure none
are used unnecessarily, ensuring the most efficient use of the
network’s resources and optimizing service performance.

Programmable transport deploys Software Defined Networks

(SDN) in the mobile backhaul, aggregation and backbone
network to enable the use of traffic optimization, bandwidth
allocation to reduce latency.

Automated Management and Orchestration (MANO)

provides lifecycle management and coordination of network
slices, SLA monitoring, provisioning of services, automated
deployment of VNFs and scaling of cloud resources.

Embedded security: With 5G supporting many more

applications, the requirements for security and data
protection will become increasingly stringent. Trust will be a
vital attribute for customers running their critical services on
5G networks. All-encompassing and automated management
of security and administrative policies will give operators full
control over all the security aspects of their networks.

10 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary

Back Cloud-native core networks Next

are needed now for 4G and 5G!

The demands of the Internet of Things and the era of 5G
are driving commercial deployments of a more flexible,
more open and more efficient core network. Already, some
operators have deployed the first cloud-native core networks
for 4G and in preparation for 5G. Yet the core network and
particularly its operation and automation must evolve further
to be able to serve the dynamic, stringent demands posed
by the new markets and new players that are becoming
prominent as 5G networks are deployed.

Nokia has the key solutions that are needed to deploy core
networks that are cloud-native taking networks to the next
level to create increased productivity, service agility and

Discover more at

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Back mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.

Nokia Oyj
Karaportti 3
FI-02610 Espoo
Tel. +358 (0) 10 44 88 000

Product code SR1611001923

© Nokia 2019

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