Nokia Airgile Cloud-Native Core: Generate New Economic Value On Any Access Including 5G
Nokia Airgile Cloud-Native Core: Generate New Economic Value On Any Access Including 5G
Nokia Airgile Cloud-Native Core: Generate New Economic Value On Any Access Including 5G
3 Why core networks must evolve
4 Why a cloud-native core is fundamental
5 Built for the cloud
6 All data is streamlined and shared
7 Network slicing begins in the core
8 Major benefits with micro-services and DevOps
9 Placing core functions where they need to be
10 Enabling technologies that support the cloud-native core
11 Cloud-native core networks are needed now for 4G and 5G!
2 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
must evolve
The immediate future brings unprecedented transformation in the Ultra-reliable connectivity and ultra-low latency will be essential
communications industry as the Internet of Things (IoT) connects for industry 4.0. Real-time responses will be vital for the instant
tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of devices and 5G is eye-to-hand feedback needed to remotely control robots. Extreme
deployed commercially. No longer will it be enough for networks to bandwidth will be the lifeblood of new infotainment and virtual
just deliver sufficient bandwidth to satisfy data-hungry users. reality applications. Massive connectivity will be critical to support
Instead, networks will need a complete re-design of their architecture billions of connected sensors and machines.
to support an array of diverse services and applications.
Critical machine communication: Ultra-reliable,
Low-latency communication will be critical
requirements for applications that must
not fail, such as Industry 4.0
Critical machine Massive machine
communication communication
3 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
The core network was the first telecom domain to be transformed by the cloud. Core networks will continue to lead the evolution as
they become cloud-native.
7. Be energy efficient:
By automatically optimizing resources, a cloud-native core will be more energy efficient than traditional core networks
4 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
the cloud
Instead of porting conventional core network software onto
cloud infrastructure, the cloud-native core network is built
from the ground up for the cloud. The Nokia cloud-native Modular State
and open efficient
applications are also available as micro-services, where tasks
architecture VNFs
are broken down into modular stateless services that can run
independently. Network functions can be moved to the edge
of the network to meet the low latency demands of critical MANO DevOps
machine type communication.
Distributed Network
cloud slicing
Open API
5 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
and shared
The cloud-native core network implements a layered architecture The network also becomes more robust because in case of a VNF
in which not only are the user and control planes separated, but failure or software upgrade, it is easy to switch in a replacement
virtualized network functions (VNFs) become state-efficient and VNF that has instant access to the same data to provide continuity
data-less. A common data layer stores subscriber and session of service. This simplified arrangement not only enables easy and
information, creating a very flexible network in which any VNF has massive scaling, but it also reduces signaling traffic substantially.
access to all data whenever required and from any location.
API exposure
Control plane
User plane HSS AAA EPC TAS CSCF 3rd Party
A common information repository enables VNFs to become state efficient and data-less.
6 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
Operators can use network slicing to create and run separate IoT
logical networks on underlying cloud infrastructure. These
Private network
independent network instances enable service-specific
Service Level Agreement (SLA) needs for connectivity, Other
mobility, capacity, security, redundancy and QoS/QoE.
7 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
needs of multiple industry segments.
Dev Ops
Using well-established IT techniques, network functions
can be broken down into micro-services. These can then
be combined to simplify the design, development and
implementation of new capabilities into the live network using
automated delivery. Services can be introduced quickly by
t e
applying DevOps, which creates a new culture through the il d
Te e
continuous integration of development and operations. ito O p
This gives operators new powers to deliver the right Quality
of Experience (QoE) with a much faster time-to-market for
innovative services. DevOps model will lead to greater innovation.
8 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
Access Access controllers
Placing core network functions closer to users improves latency to support critical applications.
9 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
10 © Nokia 2019
Contents Core networks Cloud-native Cloud Data sharing Network slicing Micro-services Decentralization Technologies Summary
Nokia has the key solutions that are needed to deploy core
networks that are cloud-native taking networks to the next
level to create increased productivity, service agility and
11 © Nokia 2019
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