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Fairview, Quezon City

A Research on:


Submitted by:
Carinugan, Gunrose Holy Gabriele R.
Cubelo, Gwen Lyka A.
Duplon, Erika L.
Getuiza, John Iverson
Ramirez, Patricia Mae R.
Sangines, Nyza Neil S.
Valerio, Mark Kenneth D.
Section: STEM 201

Submitted to:

Ms. Karen Joyce S. Ison


2nd Semester A.Y 2016-2017




Everyone feels depressed at times, the misfortunes and many

more that causes natural sadness. It is normal to feel depressed at

sometimes, however for many people this feeling of sadness continues,

for months, years or, if left untreated, even a lifetime. For such people,

depression is a serious illness. Depression is a massive issue, and will

continue to be so for a long time. To reduce the prevalence of

depression, among other things, it requires more education about the

issues and also, the stigma around depression must be wiped away.

That is a severe reason as why a large percentage do not speak up

about what they are going through and suffering. People who suffered

in depression mostly in teens are eccedentesiast where they hide their

feelings by smiling, so that no one will notice what kind of pain they

hide behind those smiles and no one will worry about what they are

suffering about. They usually pretend to look happy even though they
are dying inside. Depression is a silent killer, no one would be aware of

it until they see the obvious scars in the person's body

According to the statistics more than 100 million people

worldwide are afflicting with the depression case. It is estimated to

affect about 25 percent of women and 10 percent of men during their

lives, and 5 percent of people during adolescence. Since the numbers

for young people are lower than those for adults, teen depression is

often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Its symptoms often differ, too, so

many depressed teens are dismissed as simply being “difficult” or

“delinquent.” Yet it is a serious problem, particularly when one

considers the high rate of depression-related suicide among teenagers.

Because its symptoms are varied and often subtle, depression at any

age can be hard to identify. Many people— particularly teens, who are

undergoing so many changes that affect mood and behaviour—are

unaware that they are depressed. Even when they seek treatment, it is

often for the physical symptoms, such as sleeplessness or fatigue,

rather than the underlying cause.

The researchers made this study to be an eye opener to the

parents, and also to the teenagers who do not have enough knowledge

about depression and the effects of it in teens and start to be aware of


As time passes by, more teenagers are being affected by

depression. It often starts with a simple stress until it becomes

paranoia. Teenagers do not have enough awareness and they cannot

determine if they are diagnosed or not because some symptoms are

mistakenly identified as part of adolescence. In this study the

researchers will gather and show the possible symptoms if one is

depress or not.

In order to attain this, the researchers will need to determine the

following problems:

General Problem:

Why is depression called as teenagers’ silent enemy? What are

the effects of depression to the teenagers who are suffering from


Specific Problems:

1. What are the reasons causing teenagers to fall into the deep

hole of depression?
2. How does depression affect the teenagers’ performance in


3. What are the symptoms the respondents are having/feeling?


The significance of this study is to examine the awareness of

teenagers towards the case of Depression. Teenagers specifically

students all around the globe are affected with depression every day, it is

extremely important for people to know what they can do to eliminate the

said issue. The study will primarily focus on how teenager’s activities in

their daily life are being hindered by depression.

The following people are the one who might benefit this study:


The researchers decided to make this research for the benefit of

the students, for them to enhance their knowledge about depression.

Teenagers (16-19 years of age)

The researchers decided to make this research for the teenagers

for them to be aware, and to know if they might be suffering from this

mental health issue.


Parents will know more about the said issue, this is also an

advantage for them to notice it earlier if their children might be suffering

from depression.

Future Researchers

The researchers decided to make this study for future researchers

touse as a guide for their literature review.

STI Academic Community

The researchers conducted this study for the STI Academic

Community to know about the issue of the teenagers/senior high school

students who might be affected with depression.


The researchers assume that the following are the factors why

teenagers are being depressed:

 Academic stress is one of the factors why teenagers/students are

getting depressed. Failure in class, stressed over exams, projects

and also the high expectations of the parents in the grades of the


 Family problems are also a factor of some teenagers being

depressed. In a family conflict, there are some actions which a

person must not see or experience like communication problems,

some abuse and neglect. These actions causes sadness, stress

which may lead to depression.

 Low Self-Esteem. Having a low self-esteem can cause a person to

make it more difficult to take steps to increase confidence. If lots of

things are affecting the person’s self-esteem for long time, this

leads to depression.
 Relationship problems are also a factor which triggers conflict,

confusion and some emotional upset between each other.

 Traumatic events such as death of their loved ones, and also some

traumatic accidents that may cause them for being drowned in

sadness and anxiety.


The respondents of the study were the STEM 205 senior high

school students of STI College Fairview. The study will examine teenagers

only; all of them were between 16-19 years of age.

The survey will be conducted at the month of February at STI

College Fairview. The study will tackle about teenage depression. What

the researchers can do about it and what causes and also the effect of it.

Also, in this study the researchers will show that depression can lead to

many things. Data which will be utilized in this study will be gathered

through a modified questionnaire.

This study is limited to the time of the researchers to gather

information. Data gathering was also limited with the different schedules of

the said respondents. The study will not cover the other mental disorders

such as Personality disorders and Bipolar disorders.



Local Study

The most disastrous consequence of depression is suicide. The

number of the suicides because of depression increased, but the woman

and man have different methods, like men are more likely to use guns and

hang themselves while women are more likely to use less lethal methods

like overdosing sleeping peels and other non-lethal methods (Wintemute,

Teret, Kraus, &Wright, 1899). Among the reasons most frequently cited by

those who attempted suicide are depression, loneliness, ill health, marital

problems, and financial or job difficulties(Petronis et Al., 1990; Shnedman,


A study of the lives and academic records of teenagers who committed

suicide found that they were moodier, drove themselves harder and were

depressed more frequently than their non-suicidal classmates. It maybe

that teenagers who contemplate suicide never learned how to deal with

personal problems and emotions before going to adult. One study for
example found that suicidal thoughts were not faced with more stressful

situations than other teenagers but have fewer resources for dealing with

problems and intense emotions (Carson & Johnson, 1985)

Depression is widely perceived in this part of the world as

innocuous and as part and parcel of normal adolescent development.

Students with the mental disorder are not only suffering in silence, but are

also placing their academic and future life goals in peril. Depression can

be averted if students with depressive symptoms, comprising not only

physical but also non-physical conditions (e.g., cognition-emotion and

motivation (Khawaja NG, Duncanson K, 2008).Moreover, research

indicates that highly symptomatic students do not reside with their parents

in one household (Eisenberg D, Gollust SE, Golberstein E, Hefner JL

,2007)and are smoking (Yazici H, 2008)and drinking alcohol (Zawawi JA,

Hamaideh SH, 2009), and belong to the low-income bracket (Chen L,

Wang L, Qiu XH, Yang XX, Qiao ZX et al., 2013). Furthermore, students

with more severe levels of depressive symptoms have lower levels of

closeness with their parents or with friends (Bushnik T, 2005).

Adolescents associated with parental domestical violence between

their parents are more likely to suffer from depressive symptoms.Nearly

half of all young people reported witnessing parental domestic violence.

One in ten of the male adolescents and one in five of the female

adolescents reported wishing they were dead occasionally or most of the

time in the four weeks preceding the survey. (Hindin, PhD & Gultiano,

Phd). . According to Hindin, they found that young women reported the

most depressive symptoms when they recalled that a parent needed

medical attention as a result of domestic violence. Young men reported

the most symptoms when they recalled mutual violence between their


According to Hindin, “Mental health and domestic violence are

increasing public health concerns. Interventions that prevent domestic

violence may also help prevent the severity of depressive symptoms in

Foreign Study

Depression arises for different reasons. It can be biological or

psychological processes. Schizophrenia often with interacts with

environmental events and genetic predisposition is development of illness.

Depression mostly occurs in people with no genetic vulnerability.

Genetics heredity plays main role in some case of depression.

According to Winokur et al., (1969), 80 to 90 percent of individual has a

family history with bipolar disorder and depression.

According to Hummen et al., (1991) depressed children report a

greater incidence of negative life event such as family deaths and divorce.

Children depressed because their mother depressed also. In one study,

depressed mildly dysphonic (unhappy) and non-depressed were allowed

to choose whether they wanted to interact with someone they wanted to

believe view them positive manners.

According to Abramson et al., (1978) cognitive theories looks for

the roots of depression in dysfunctional patterns of thinking. Learned

helplessness theory ties depression to expectancies of helplessness.

According also to helplessness theorists, the way people feel

depends on the way they explain events or outcome to themselves

particularly aversive events.

Major depression, which at a given time afflicts about 3.5 % of

population, involves acute but time-limited, episode of depressive

symptoms. The risk of a person’s developing any form of major

depression at some point in life is about 6% in the United States (Regier et

al., 19880). So, if a person experience feelings of hopelessness, fatigue,

worthlessness, and suicidality that person maybe suffering from major


For both young and old, the symptoms of depression may be

expressed in a disguised fashion, with children perhaps expressing their

distress by misbehaving in school or complaining about physical problems

(Carlson & Cantwell, 1980).

Women are more likely to experience major depression than men

due to the effect of gender role socialization, which encourage women to

become more focused on their emotions while men are seen as socializes
to express their depression in more action-oriented ways (Nolen-

Hoeksema, 1987).

Depression is the leading cause of suicide. Thousands of

people succeed in taking their lives and some who have just attempted

suicide. Depression wasn't fully recognized as a clinical illness until the

1960’s, 1920's, people thought that depression is a “women's sickness”. In

the late 1950’s Treatments for depression were prescribed. The

treatments that were available were medicine and pills, because of

depression was becoming a rising, physicians found that they could treat

depression through therapy sessions, and depending on its case.

Depression is a treatable illness like cancer and heart disease.

Nevertheless, many false ideas about depression and other mental illness

persist. (Peacock, J, 2000)

Depression is not a “psychiatric illness”. Depression is a coping

mechanism, a withdrawal within oneself when reaching out to others

become too painful, too risky. Depression is an unhappy place to be, but

for the person who suffers with it, depression is the lesser of two evils.



This chapter contains the research design, methods and

procedures that are being used in this research. This chapter presents the

methods of research that is used, subjects of the study, description of

research instrument and the data gathering procedure.


For this study, the researchers used qualitative research. One of

the primary advantages of qualitative research is that it is more open to

the adjusting and refining of research ideas as an inquiry which leads to

the ability of forming reasonable, valid, generalized conclusions. It is not

too hard to gather data regarding to the problem included in this study.

Therefore, the researchers collected data in such a simple way. The

purpose of qualitative research is to provide insights that supports the

problem and it helps to develop hypotheses or ideas. Also, the

researchers do not attempt to manipulate the research setting, as in an

experimental study, but rather seeks to understand naturally occurring

phenomena in their naturally occurring states.

This method is used because it allows other sources to be

considered such as their personal accounts that will enable the

researchers to give wider view and perception about the effects of

depression to the STEM 205 Senior high school students of STI College-


The study focused on the perceptions of STEM205 students of STI

College Fairview. The population of this study consisted of senior high

school students enrolled in second semester of the academic year 2016-

2017. The researcher chose STEM 205 students of STI College-Fairview

because of their upcoming deadlines present in the area that can be

related to the study and also as it fits the time frame and resources of the

researcher. The respondents will be asked by the researcher for consent

and approval to answer the questionnaire until the desired number of

respondents which is 30 persons who will answered the surveyis

reached. The location of the respondents are also ideal for the

researchers because it is easy to get there and not very time consuming.

The number of respondents is limited so that the researchers can easily to

tabulate the respondent's answers.The researchers used the descriptive

survey which seemed to be the trend these days.


For this study, the survey questionnaire instrument was used to

achieve the main objective of the study. A self-administered survey

questionnaire was distributed to the students of STEM205. The

questionnaire given to the senior high school student aimed to assess the

student’s condition regarding the effects of depression among

teenagers. In addition, this also aims to evaluate the student’s depression

school performance. In general, the performance of the STEM205 senior

high school students was evaluated for this study. The survey was

structured in such a way that respondents will be able to answer it easily.

The type of questionnaire that the researchers used for this instrument is

the multiple choice type wherein in this type of survey, the respondents

were given three (3) response choices. These options served as the

quantification of the participant’s perspective on each question item. With

the questionnaires it will be less hassle for the respondents to answer it

because it is just a simple A B C and the respondents can easily come up

with the desired interpretations of the data, which are a lot more

convenient for the researchers.


The researchers first gathered some information about depression,

and do some group discussions before starting the paper. After the

gathering of information and discussions as a whole group, the

researchers prepared their materials and tools such as scribbles and

notes that will help them to start the research paper. Few steps are made

and the making of the questionnaires are being started by the month of

January. By the start of February the researchers asked their instructor to

check the questionnaires that they have already made, the researchers

decided to use the survey questionnaires, in order to gather data by the

end of the month the researchers distributed the survey questionnaires

relatively to the students of STEM 205 regarding the effects of depression

among teenagers. The researchers developed questions that seemed to

get at the central idea, asked the intended respondents to fill out the

survey questionnaires honestly to come out with the proper feedback.

After the researchers collected the data, they now have the ability to make

a conclusion that will automatically serve as answers which supports the

study about depression. The answers of the respondents are now the
basis of how the researchers evaluate their feedback regarding

depression.Because of the data that had been gathered, researchers can

now present, analyse, and interpretthe data’s that have been gathered

that can now be seen at the next chapters ahead.



This chapter shows the Presentation, analysis and the

interpretation of the data gathered by the researchers after conducting a

survey about the upshot of depression among teenagers.

Table 1 Demographics regarding respondent’s age

Figure 1 demographics Age

regarding respondent's A 16 9
B 17 19
A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D.19
7% 0% C 18 2

D 19 0

63% TOTAL 30

Figure 1 shows that majority of the respondents are 17 years of age

which has 63% of the sample population, next is 16 years of age that has

30% and lastly 18 years of age that has 7%.

Table 2 Demographics regarding respondent’s gender

Male 19

Female 11

Figure 2 demographics regarding

respondent's gender
Male Female




Figure 2 shows that there are more Males (having 63%) than

Females (having 37%) in the population of the respondents who answered

the survey.
Table 3 Question No. 1 How often do you feel like a burden to

someone/everyone around you?

Question No.1
A. Always 3
B. Sometimes 22
C. Not at all 5

Figure 3 Question No.1


17% 10%


Figure 3 shows that 73% of the respondents answered letter B in

question number 1, therefore the respondents sometimes feel that they

are a burden to the people around them.

Table 4 Question No. 2 Are you in the mood to do academic works,

activities, and everything you used to like doing?

Question No. 2
A. Always 11
B. Sometimes 17
C. Not at all 2

Figure 4 Question No. 2





Figure 4 shows that 57% of the respondents answered letter B in

question number 2, therefore the respondents are sometimes not in the

mood to do their academic works, activities, and etc.

Table 5 Question No. 3 Are you having trouble getting inspiration for


Question No. 3
A. Always 2
B. Sometimes 17
C. Not at all 11

Figure 5 Question No. 3





Figure 5 shows that 57% of the respondents answered letter B in

question number 3, therefore the respondents are sometimes having

trouble getting inspiration for studying.

Table 6 Question No. 4 How often do you feel sad for no reason that

nothing could cheer you up?

Question No. 4
A. Always 9
B. Sometimes 18
C. Not at all 3

Figure 6 Question No. 4




Figure 6 shows that 60% of the respondents answered letter

B in question number 4, therefore the respondents sometimes have this

feeling of sadness for no reason and hopelessness that nothing could

cheer them up.

Table 7 Question No. 5 Why is it common for teenagers to have


Question No. 5
A. They are stressed from
school works 9
B. They have family problems 0
C. Both A and B 21


Figure 7 Question No. 5



70% 0%

Figure 7 Shows that 70% of the respondents answered letter

C in the question number 5, therefore the respondents considered

both A and B are the reasons why teenagers tend to have




Depression is a wide range psychological disorder that any

people could encounter, at any age, gender, status anyone can be

a victim. Even a simple stress can trigger a people to be

depressed. 2-3 months of feeling sadness for no reason, mourn,

and feeling useless these are the symptoms of being depressed.

Large numbers of students especially college students are tend to

be depressed, school works and activities, pressure, and also the

environment that they are in can lead to depression. Even though

how much people will avoid depression, no one can escape this

dangerous trap. Only few people can understand the things

depression can do, only few people are aware about this certain

The main purpose of this study is to determine the general problem

among teenager’s specifically students of STEM205 of STI College

Fairview. To accomplish the goal the researchers provide questionnaires

and distribute to students. The respondents are responsible to answer

wisely the survey, it become necessary to reach and understand how

depression affects students’ performance.

According to the data that the researchers gathered through the

survey questionnaires that has been given to the respondents, Most of the

teenagers who suffered from depression sometimes tend to lose their

interest in doing their activities in school, which affects their performances

in their daily school works and activities. Also, the respondents considered

that because of being stressed in school and having family problem are

the main cause why many teenagers are being depressed. By answering

the survey that are given to the respondents, the researchers prove that

many students of STEM 205 are not aware that they might be depressed

because they only know it as a severe sadness. Thus, depression is

called as a silent enemy because it smoothly invades your being, without

a person noticing it.


In conclusion the researchers pointed out a big problem that exists

within our society. Depression is not a secret, and it will not go away. It is

important that the cries of our friends do not go unheard. Let us not forget

those who suffer from it every day. If you see someone who you think

might be depressed, reach out a friendly hand. If you suspect the problem

is more serious, use the information you have gained from this research.

No one needs to be left alone to battle depression. Recognize the signs

and symptoms and you may make a difference in someone’s life.

It is important to identify what are the effects of depression, what

are the factors that influence depression. Most people do not understand

depression and they do not prevent it on time. It is important to have a

proper treatment for depression, and also, the support of family and

friends can help people who suffer from this disease to find a cure.

It’s not unusual for young people to experiencethe bluesor feeldown

in the dumpsoccasionally. Adolescence is always an unsettling time, with

the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that

accompany this stage of life.Unrealistic academic, social, or family

expectations can create a strong sense of rejection and can lead to deep

disappointment. When things go wrong at school or at home, teens often

overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that thingsnever

go their way.They feel stressed outand confused. To make matters worse,

teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends and

society. Today’s teens see more of what life has to offer both good and

bad on television, at school, in magazines and on the Internet. Teens

need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and

physical changes they are experiencing. When teens’ moods disrupt their

ability to function on a daytoday basis, it may indicate a serious emotional

or mental disorder that needs attention, adolescent depression.

Depression is a growing problem in today’s society and is often a

major contributing factor for most adolescent problems. The researchers

discovered that there is a growing realization that teenage depression can

be life changing, even life- threatening.Teenagers experience a great deal

of life changing events and in this research states that the teenage years

may be the most stressful time in people lives. Academics are the most
effective in teenage depression; putting in effort to make exceptional

grades, pass exams and having enough credits to graduate. Another

cause of teenage depression is sleep deprivation, which consist of

unhealthy sleeping habits due to studying late and fitting in a healthy

social life. Teenagers also have worries about money as far as how they

will pay for school events and keeping up with fashion trends to fit in to

society are the most popular ways of money worries. Then there are

relationship concerns with family, friends, and boyfriends or girlfriends.

You have to maintain a healthy relationship and find solutions to

relationship problems. Finally, the uncertainty of their future is a big worry

and deals with a teenager’s mental health. If these issues and worries are

not balanced it causes depression and as a great effect on teenagers

Adolescent youth experience changes in every single aspect of

their lives as they make the transition from childhood into adulthood. The

purpose of this research was to provide information needed to recognize

and to appreciate the normal developmental progression of adolescents.

Depression can be described in many ways. The conductor of this

research defines depression as a serious mental disorder in which a

person suffers long periods of sadness, loneliness, and other negative

feelings. Teenagers have always been vulnerable to depression for a

variety of reasons. Adolescents today are faced with stresses that the

researcher answered throughout the process of this research.

The researchers gathered information about what are the effects of

depression to most of the teenagers through the survey questionnaires

that has been given to the respondents. By answering the survey the

researchers proved that many students of STEM 205 students may or not

aware that they might be depressed. Depression is like a war, either you

win or die trying.


The following are the recommendations that are suggested by the

researchers in accordance to the upshot of depression among teenagers:

 People should start opening their eyes and minds when it comes to

the talk of depression, everyone should be concerned about the

mental health issue not just in the physical health.

 If a person is known as depressed, people should not criticize

him/her about their condition. It may sum up all the stress that they

are feeling inside that it can lead to suicide.

 Always keep in mind that your friends, peers, family are always

there for you, taking some rest or having a leisure time can get rid

of the stresses that you have.

 Seeing a psychiatrist is not a shame, if you ever known to yourself

that you are depressed you should do treatments.

 Neverdo such bad things like taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoke
and tantrum things. Yes, these things may help you to forget your

depression in a short period of time but you should always

remember it may cause you adverse events.


Anxiety-A medical condition in which you always feel frightened and


Affliction- A cause of persistent pain or distress.

Behavior- The manner of conducting oneself.

Depression- An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and

that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about himself or herself,

and thinks about things.

Delinquent- A usually young person who regularly performs illegal or

immoral acts

Eccedentesiast- The one who fakes a smile or represses his pain by

stifling a smile.

Fatigue-Nearly everyone is overtired or overworked from time to time.

Such instances of temporary fatigue usually have an identifiable cause

and a likely remedy.

Hinder- Impede, obstruct, block mean to interfere with the activity or

progress of.

Illness-A disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind

Mental health- Includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-


Prevalence- The quality or state of being prevalent.

Researcher- Someone who conducts research, i.e., an organized and

systematic investigation into something.

Statistic– A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis,

interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.

Stigma- A mark of shame or discredit.

Teenagers - A person aged between 16 and 19 years.

Upshot - The final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion,

action, or series of events.


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