Procurement of Hexagonal Drill Rod 22 M.M. Dia X 1800 M.M. Length As Per NIT Specification.
Procurement of Hexagonal Drill Rod 22 M.M. Dia X 1800 M.M. Length As Per NIT Specification.
Procurement of Hexagonal Drill Rod 22 M.M. Dia X 1800 M.M. Length As Per NIT Specification.
South Eastern
1 Coalfields Limited
P.O. Bishrampur, Dist. Surajpur-497226 (Chattisgarh)
Phone No. 07775-265172 Fax No. 07775-264214
Tenders are invited on-line on the website from the eligible bidders having Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA),
Govt. of India for supply of the following items:
2. Details of Tender:
Sl. Particulars Date Time
India Limited- e Tenders portal
c. Tender e-Publication date 10/07/2019 18:50Hrs
d. Document download start date 10/07/2019 18:55Hrs
e. Bid Submission start date 11/07/2019 10:00Hrs
f. Seeking Clarification on-line Start date 11/07/2019 10:00Hrs
g. Seeking Clarification on-line End date 14/07/2019 16:00Hrs
h. Bid submission end date 18/07/2019 11:00Hrs
i. Document download end date 18/07/2019 11:00Hrs
k. Bid opening on-line 19/07//2019 11.30 Hrs
1. In order to submit the bid, the bidders have to get themselves registered online on the e- procurement portal of CIL with valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC ) issued from any agency authorized by
Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA) and which can be traced upto the chain of trust to the Root Certificate of CCA.
The online Registration of the Bidders on the portal will be free of cost and one time activity only. The registration should
be in the name of the bidder, whereas DSC holder may be either bidder himself or his duly authorized person.
2.The bidders will have to accept unconditionally the online user portal agreement which contains the acceptance of all the
terms and conditions of NIT including Commercial and General Terms & Conditions and other conditions, if any, along
with on-line undertaking in support of the authenticity of the declarations regarding the facts ,figures, information and
documents furnished by the Bidder on-line in order to become an eligible bidder. No conditional bid shall be allowed
1. The bidders who are not eligible for EMD exemption and fail to submit the required EMD (through ON LINE mode) as
per procedure, will not be considered.
In case bidders are eligible for exemption of EMD as per EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT Clause No. 4, bidders have to
upload EMD exemption documents Online.
2. It is essential for the bidder to respond to all terms and conditions indicated in the tender available for on-line bidding.
Offers which do not comply all the NIT terms & conditions , may not be considered for price bid opening.
3. Please note that there is no provision to take out the list of parties downloading the tender document from the above
referred web site . As such , tenderers are requested to see the website once again before due date of tender opening to
ensure that they have not missed any corrigendum uploaded against the said tender after downloading the tender
document. The responsibility of downloading the related corrigendum , if any , will be that of the participating bidders.
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5. No separate intimation in respect of corrigendum to this NIT( if any ) will be sent to tenderers who have down
loaded the documents from website. Bidders have to regularly (i.e once in a day) Check websites ie., or or for corrigendum relating to
concerned tender , if any
6 . The offer should be submitted (uploaded ) strictly as per the terms and conditions and procedures laid down in the
website of / tender document failing which the offer is liable for rejection.
7. Bidders should download the complete NIT including the Annexures and read carefully before filling the details and
uploading the documents.
8. The bidder may seek clarification on-line within specified period. His identity will not be disclosed by the system. The
department will clarify as far as possible the relevant queries of bidders. The clarifications given by the department
will be visible to all the bidders intending to participate in that tender. The clarifications may be asked from the next
day of e-publication of NIT as per given date and time.
No queries will be entertained after stipulated date. Bidders may also note that queries which are not received online
through e-tender portal will not be entertained. Queries/clarifications submitted through offline mode/e-mail will not be
3. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS : The requirements for submission of the Bids On-line are indicated in the Annexure-D.
for the information of the bidders
3.A All entries in the bid should be entered in on-line submission form without any ambiguity.
3.B Tender can not be accessed on-line after the DUE DATE and TIME of submission stipulated above.
3.C Any supply order issued against this tender enquiry shall be governed by the terms and conditions in supply order, subject
NIT and CIL Purchase manual & its subsequent amendments which are also available at CIL website.
3.D Where terms and conditions have been offered by the supplier other than that specified in NIT, the purchase shall not be
governed by such terms unless specific acceptance has been given in writing in the order by the purchaser. No deviations
to the terms & conditions are allowed.
3.E SECL reserves the right to cancel the tender enquiry or extend the due date of submission / opening of off-line documents /
on-line bid without assigning any reason thereof.
3.F SECL reserves the right to vary the quantity of any or all the tendered items. However, increase/ decrease in the tender
quantity will be restricted to a maximum of 20%.
a) The amount of EMD has to be paid at least 2 days before the due date and time for submission of online offer,
failing which the freezing of online bid may not be successful.
b) The requisite EMD amount need to be submitted online ONLY through e-procurement portal by “Net Banking”/
or through NEFT by generating challan from e-procurement portal.
c) In case of online payment through Net Banking the bidder should have active bank account with internet banking
facility. CIL e-Tendering portal,, facilitates online transaction for all major banks. In
case of ‘NEFT’ EMD may be deposited through the challan generated by the system to the designated Bank A/c.
d) The Bank account used by the bidder for submission of EMD should remain available till the complete processing
of the tender for refund of the EMD.
e) Freezing of Bid can be done only after completion of EMD submission process.
For the unsuccessful renderer, the Earnest money shall be refunded immediately after finalization of tender. The
EMD shall be forfeited if the renderer withdraws their offer before finalization of the tender or fails to submit the
order acceptance within 15 days from the date of order.
For successful bidders, the EMD shall be refunded after receipt of acceptance of the order along with the Security
Deposit from the bidder.
In case of exemption of EMD, the scanned copy of documents in support of exemption will have to be uploaded by
the bidder during bid submission.
EXEMPTION FROM EMD: Submission of EMD shall be exempted in case of the following firms :
1. Any Central / State Government Organization / PSU shall be exempted towards submission of EMD.
2. Firms registered with DGS&D / Ancillary units of SECL for the tendered items shall also be exempted from submission
of EMD against submission of valid registration certificate for the tendered item(s). Copies of DGS&D / Ancillary
Registration submitted by the bidders should be duly attested by Notary Public.
3. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village Industries
Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate
of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME)
for the tendered item(s) are eligible for exemption of EMD, on submission of notarized copy of document in support of their
MSE status for the tendered item(s) to make them eligible for benefits listed under Public Procurement Policy for Micro &
Small Enterprises(MSEs) Order, 2012 issued by Govt. of India Policy. However these firms are not eligible for exemption
of Security Deposit
Note : Wherever relevant Registration certificate indicate certain validity period, Bidders have to ensure that such
validity period covers the date of tender opening . Also if a manufacturer quotes for a brand other than its own make,
they are not eligible for exemption of EMD.
# Note: As per Office memorandum Number: F.No.22(1)2012-MA, dated24/10/2016 issued by Additional
Industrial Advisor, Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Govt. of India), the Policy is
meant for procurement of only goods produced & services rendered by MSEs. Traders/Suppliers/dealers
are excluded from the purview of public procurement policy. Hence traders/Suppliers/dealers are not
eligible for EMD exemption on the basis of having MSE registration/UdyogAadhar Memorandum.
4. Following category of bidders are also exempted from submission of EMD in case of tenders for supply of spares only.
(1) Overseas OEMs/OPMs/their Indian authorized dealer / distributor / sole selling agents (applicable for Spares)
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Tenders not submitted along with requisite EMD and are not eligible for exemption will be considered as unresponsive and
will not be considered further.
5. Contents of e tender document : Following documents are displayed on Coal India Limited- e Tenders portal
A) NIT Document: This will contain Notice Inviting Tender containing details of tender including instructions for
submission of offers , terms of tender etc
B) Work Item Documents: This portion contains formats / templates like technical parameter sheet, technical details
sheet, Commercial sheet,LOB with Other Certificates, BOQ or price bid etc.
Bidders will have to down load these documents and furnish required information on these files and upload the same files
during bid submission.
(b) Commercial Bid/Sheet : This document is also in Excel format which will be downloaded by the bidder and he will
furnish all the required information on this files . Thereafter , the bidder will upload the same file during bid submission.
(c) LOB & OTHER CERTIFICATES:- This document is also in Excel format which will be downloaded by the bidder
and he will furnish all the required information on this files and the cells in blue at the end be filled . Thereafter , the
bidder will upload the same file during bid submission
(i) Letter of Bid and other certificates required as per NIT & Technical cum commercial parameter sheet.
(ii) Details of EMD payment /EMD exemption certificate duly self-attested & notarized, if applicable.
(iii) Integrity Pact duly signed and stamped indicating the name and designation / capacity of the signatory (If
(iv) Proof of Manufacturer (DIC/NSIC/DGS&D/SSI /ISO: 9001 certificate, Any other document issued by Govt.
Agency for tendered items) duly self-attested and notarized (if applicable).
(v) Document substantiating the manufacturing status of principal is to be submitted duly attested & notarized
(applicable for authorized dealer)
(vi) Copy of GST Registration certificate duly self-attested, if applicable.
(vii) Copy of exemption certificate towards GST duly self-attested, If applicable
(viii) Copy of Composition Scheme opted under GST if any.
(ix) Copy of complete set of NSIC registration certificate, duly self-attested and Notarized if applicable.
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(x) Copy of complete set of DGS&D registration certificate clearly indicating the list of registered items and
underlining the tendered items, covered under registration, duly self-attested and Notarized if applicable.
(xi) Copies of supply orders and proof of supply like copy of dispatch challan, Invoice copy etc for tendered items
for the brand/make quoted duly self-attested, as listed in the past supply details of techno-commercial bid
submitted on-line.
(xii) Tender specific Authorization letter by Foreign / Indian principal in case Indian agent/distributor /dealer is
participating in this tender, if applicable.
(xiii) Copy of agency agreement and commission payable in case of Indian agent involvement in the tender, if
(xiv) As per provision of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, The vendors shall confirm
their Registration Number along with the name of their Registering Authority and attach a duly self certified
complete copy of the valid registration certificate ,If applicable .
(xv) Certificate for Indigenous content (if applicable).
(xvii) Other documents required as per NIT / to be submitted by the bidder, if any.
(xviii) All the documents confirming to the Eligibility Criteria of NIT.
Note :
1. Bidders are requested to upload all the attachments /documents in a single PDF Format .
2. Tenderers must ensure copies of NSIC-registration, DGS&D-registration, DGMS approval, BIS certification &
other Statutory documents required to be uploaded with offer should be duly self attested and notarized by
PUBLIC NOTARY. In case of failure to upload the documents complete in all respect self attested and duly
notarized by ‘PUBLIC NOTARY’ the offer will be considered as non responsive.
i) Price should not be disclosed in any manner in Part-I/Cover-I. Offer of such bidder shall not be considered for
opening On-line bids and their offer shall be rejected.
ii) Modification of the submitted bid shall be allowed online only before the deadline of submission of tender and the
bidder may modify and resubmit the bid online as many times as he may wish. Bidder may withdraw their bids
online within the end date of bid submission.
Extension of tender submission date: In case of number of bids received are less than three,
initially by two days and thereafter by five days will be done automatically by the system. However,
no separate paper publication of such auto extension shall be issued. However, in case even after
granting two extensions, less than 03(three) bids are received, tender can be considered for
opening. In case no offers are received, tender will be cancelled with competent approval.
On scheduled date & time of tender opening and upon opening of the tender by the bid opening
team, System automatically evaluates particulars as contained in GTE, TPS and other commercial
Upon opening of the bid, GTE, TPS, BOQ and all other documents uploaded by the eligible
bidder/s get opened and comparative statement of prices is generated by the system.
Supportive documents of L-1 bidder only, shall be downloaded for evaluation by SECL.
After evaluation of the uploaded documents, shortfall documents, if required, shall be sought from
the L-1 bidder. Supportive documents shall be downloaded for evaluation by SECL. After
evaluation of the uploaded documents, shortfall documents, if required, shall be sought from the
L-1 bidder. For this purpose, maximum 2 chances, the 1 st shortfall of 7X24 hours duration and the
2nd shortfall if required of 5X24 hours duration shall be given.
If the techno-commercial acceptability offer of L-1 bidder (for the respective items ) is established
upon verification of uploaded documents and short-fall documents if any the case shall be
considered by the tender committee.
If the L-1 bidder happens to be defaulter upon verification, the documents of the next lowest
bidder shall be down-loaded for evaluation and short-fall documents shall be obtained, if required.
This process continues sequentially till techno-commercially acceptable L-1 bidder is established
for that item .
Penalty for Defaulting Bidders:- Following penalties should be imposed on defaulting bidders:
Sl. Situation Penal Provisions
(i) L-1 bidder is a defaulter 50% of EMD amount or Rs. 1.00 lakh whichever is
for part of items for lower, is forfeited. In case the defaulter is an EMD
which he is L-1 exempted bidder, he will be asked to deposit the
equivalent amount within 07 days of notice
otherwise he will be disqualified in the subsequent
tender for the item he participates.
(ii) L-1 bidder is a defaulter
100% of EMD amount or Rs. 1.00 lakh
for all items for which he
whichever, is lower, is forfeited. In case the
is L-1 defaulter is an EMD exempted bidder, he will be
asked to deposit the equivalent amount within 07
days of notice otherwise he will be disqualifies in
the subsequent tender for the items he
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iii) L-1 bidder happens to be 100% of EMD amount of 2 nd tender, is forfeited. In
a defaulter in 2 tender case the defaulter is an EMD exempted bidders, he
issued by the same will be asked to deposit the equivalent amount
procurement entity within 7 days of notice otherwise he will be
within a span of 1 one disqualified in any of the tenders he participates for
year a period of 1 year.
Note :
The zone of applicability of penal provisions shall be subsidiary specific.
The penal provisions will be squarely applicable to all those firms whose documents are examined
on account of treating them as L-1 successively. For OEMs, the debarring actions may not be
made for their spares in order to ensure no disruption in supply of such spares.
The submission of forged document, if any, by the bidder/s, shall be dealt as per extant
guidelines of the Purchase manual.
The Bidders may view the bid opening online remotely on their personalized dash board.
i) The bid will be opened on the pre-scheduled date and time of tender opening. The Bidders may view the
bid opening online remotely on their personalized dash board .
8. Shortfall Documents / Confirmatory Documents: After evaluation shortfall documents/ Confirmatory Documents, if
required, shall be sought. These documents shall not be relating to submission of EMD. Request for documents and the
response shall be in writing. No modification of the bid and any form of communication with SECL or submission of
any additional documents, not specifically asked for by SECL, will be allowed and even submitted they will not be
considered by the purchaser.
For this purpose, maximum 02 chances, the first shortfall of 7x24 hours duration and the 2 ND shortfall if required
of 5X24 hours duration shall be given. The above documents will be specified on-line under the link ‘Confirmatory
Documents, by evaluator, indicating the start date. The above documents will be specified on-line under the link
‘Confirmatory Documents, by evaluator, indicating the start date and end date. The bidders will get this information on
their personalized dashboard under “Upload Confirmatory Documents /Information” link. Additionally, information
shall also be sent by system generated email and SMS, but it will be the bidders responsibility to check the updated
status/ information on their personalized dashboard at least once daily after opening of bid. No separate communication
will be required in this regard. Non receipt of email and SMS will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of
documents within prescribed time. The bidders will upload/reupload the requested documents within the specified period.
SECL reserves the right to verify any of the documents uploaded by the bidder at any stage.
9. COMMERCIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Bidders are requested to read carefully following terms and conditions.
It is essential for the bidder to un-conditionally accept all the terms and conditions indicated below:
AND OTHER TECHNICAL TERMS AND CONDITION: Enclosed at Annexure “A-1, A-2 and A-3
Necessary documents for fulfillment of eligibility Criteria etc. shall be submitted on-line duly
authenticated & notarized by the bidder.
11. PRICE : Price Bid shall be submitted through Enterprise Procurement System (EPS) through Internet. For the bidders
from India, price quoted should be on FOR DESTINATION basis, for delivery up to SECL Bishrampur Area. The prices
should be quoted in the specified format available on-line.
NOTE: The price for determining status of the bidders shall be automatically calculated by the system
based on the inputs values provided by respective bidder in their price bid.
Bidder must indicate all the price elements of Cost which are applicable in their case, as provided in the
relevant Price Bid Format. In case any of the Cell in Price Bid Format pertaining to any cost element is
left blank or shown as 0.00, then that Element shall be treated as Included in Basic Price/NIL and in case
such cost is applicable/payable extra over the Basic Price the same shall be borne by the seller in the
event of placement of order. SECL will not entertain any claim whatsoever for additional payment on
account of any of such price elements for which value is indicated Nil or Corresponding Cell is left
(I) Mandatory registration of bidder with statutory authorities like Income Tax, GST(if applicable), is
required, unless they are specifically exempt from registration under specific notification/circular/ section/rule
issued by statutory authorities. The bidder claiming exemption in this respect shall submit
supporting documents as well as certificate from Practicing CA/CMA/CS thatBidder is fulfilling all the
conditions prescribed
For Example:
If bidder is exempted from Registration under CGST ACT, 2017 due to his aggregate turnoveris less than 20
lakh then bidder has to submit the copy of Notification along with Certificatefrom Practicing CA/CMA/CS that
“Aggregate turnover from all business is less than 20 Lakh,hence he is exempted from Registration under GST
Act, 2017.Percentage / Specified amount of Taxes and duties should be clearly mentioned otherwise, SECL
reserves the right to reject such offers. Taxes and duties applicable on the date of Price-bid opening will be
considered for calculating landed price for comparison /status purpose against this tender
a. CGST and SGST: If bidder is having local office/warehouses in the state of supply and is having valid
GSTIN number in that state, then CGST and SGST if applicable will be payable extra as per prevailing GST
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Act and Rules only in case of Intra state supply. Refund, credit, if any, obtained of CGST and SGST shall be
passed on to SECL which shall be certified by the Auditor of the supplier at the time of supply.
b. IGST: If the location of bidder is other than the state of supply and not having any office/warehouses in the
state of supply then IGST if applicable will be payable extra as per prevailing GST Act and Rules only in case
of Interstate supply. Refund, credit, if any, obtained of IGST shall be passed on to SECL which shall be
certified by the Auditor of the supplier at the time of supply.
c. The legally applicable rate of TAX should be clearly mentioned in the commercial bid and the rate in the
price bid.
d. Delivery is to be effected on door delivery basis thus bidder will have to arrange the prescribed E-Way bill at
their end
i. Invoice issued by the supplier should contain following elements as per Section 31 of CGST ACT, 2017 and
CGST Rules, 2017 and should be strictly as per the format given in GST Portal
name, address and GSTIN of the supplier;
a serial number of Invoice(should not be hand-written)
date of its issue;
name, address and GSTIN or UIN, if registered, of the recipient;
name and address of the recipient and the address of delivery, along with the name of State and its code;
HSN code of goods or Accounting Code of services;
Description and quantity of goods or services; _ total value of supply of goods or services or both;
taxable value of supply of goods or services or both taking into account discount or abatement, if any;
rate of tax as well as amount of tax; (central tax, State tax, integrated tax, Union
territory tax or cess)
place of supply along with the name of State, in case of a supply in the course of inter-State trade or
address of delivery where the same is different from the place of supply;
whether the tax is payable on reverse charge basis; and
signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorized representative.
ii. Vendors / service providers should show CGST, SGST or IGST element separately in their offer and invoice
should be raised as per CGST Rule, 2017.
iii. Bidder has to submit a declaration on invoice or as a separate Annexure that CGST,SGST or IGST as
mentioned in Invoice has been deposited / will be deposited within due date and Prescribed return has been /
will be uploaded on GST Portal as per the provision of GST Act and rules thereon.
iv. GST Registration Number of SECL in case of supply to Bishrampur Area of SECL which falls in
Chatttisgarh is 22AADCS2066E9ZL.
Kindly note that the above mentioned IDs are provisional ID and when GST authority issues final registration
certificate, the same shall be indicates. In case Supply Contract is concluded on you, your bills (cenvatable)
should bear this number to enable SECL to claim INPUT TAX CREDIT.
v. Amount of Statutory levies like CGST, SGST or IGST will be released when the same will appear in GSTR-
2A of SECL in the common portal of GST.
The Price-bid will be in item-wise unit Rate BOQ format and the bidder may quote for any or all the tendered
items. The Price bid of the tenderers will have no condition. The Price Bid which is incomplete and not
submitted as per instruction given above will be rejected. In case of Taxes and Duties like CGST, SGST/UT-
GST or IGST the applicable rate of these duties in terms of %age is to be entered in the relevant
fields.Bidder(s) shall have to quote the applicable rate of CGST, SGST or IGST exclusive of Basic Rate.
The rate of CGST, SGSTor IGST entered by the bidder in BOQ sheet should be legally applicable rate of GST
at the time of submission of bid. If bidder is eligible for Exemption of GST or lower than the normal rate is
applicable (where Bidder has opted Composition Scheme),then bidder has to upload the authenticated
document towards such exemption online & furnish the authentic documents along with certificate of
practicing CA/CMA/CS clearly mentioned that Bidder is eligible to opt the scheme and fulfilled all the
condition as mentioned in notification in this regard. However, if the estimated value of tender is more than 75
Lakh, the bidder registered under composition scheme is not eligible to bid..
In case the tendered item is eligible for Input Tax credit then the L-1 status shall be decided by deducting the
Input tax Credit (CGST, SGST or IGST as the case may be) Amount from the Total Rate by the system.
However, if Bidder has opted composition scheme under Section 10 of GST Act, 2017, they cannot levy GST,
hence the CGST/SGST/IGST will not deducted while determining the L-1 status.In case of Bidder is exempted
from Registration under GST ACT and submitted the required documents as mentioned above, SECL is liable
to deposit the CGST, SGST as per the Provision of CGST Act, then the same will be included in cost while
computing the landed price. However if the tendered items is eligible for Input Tax credit, the same will be
deducted while computing the L-1 status.In case of Successful bidder(s),if at the time of supply it is found that
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pdfFactory Pro available to SECL on
trial version this account is less than ‘Input Tax Credit Amount per Unit’ declared in
BOQ/Price Bid, the differential amount between the two shall be deducted from the bill of
Supplier while making payment to them.
Statutory Variation: If there is any statutory change in GST/SGST within contractual
delivery period, the same shall be admissible and will be paid at actual based on
documentary evidence. However, no upward revision in the same beyond original delivery
period shall be admissible.
In case of successful bidder(s), if at the time of supply, it is found that Input Tax Credit Invoice (Credit
available to SECL on this account) is less than the “Input Tax Credit Amount ‟ declared in the Price Bid, the
differential amount between the two shall be deducted from the Supplier’s bills while making payment to
them. It will be the responsibility of the supplier to provide all documents to SECL required to claim Input
Tax Credit as per the GST Rules.
Prices: Prices shall be on FOR Destination Basis. P&F/Freight/ Insurance/other charges if any shall be
quoted in price/bid.
In case if a bidder does not specify the basis of prices quoted , in the Price Format given or quotes on ex-works
or FOR Dispatching station basis, the prices shall be loaded in the following manner:
a) In case of Ex-works offer and if the firm does not specify the packing and forwarding charges, 2% of the
Ex-works price will be loaded to arrive at the FOR dispatching station price. Insurance charge for loading
purpose shall be considered as per the existing transit insurance contract concluded by SECL/CIL.
b) In case of FOR dispatching station offer, where the bidder does not indicate the exact amount of freight, the
following percentage will be added to arrive at the FOR destination price, as element of estimated freight up to
Above 2001 Km. 5%
1501 to 2000 Km 4%
1001 to 1500 Km. 3%
501 to 1000 Km. 2%
500 Km. And below 1%
14. VALIDITY OF OFFER : The offers made must remain open for acceptance for 180 days from the date of opening of
tender ( On –line bid)
15. Firm Prices: The prices quoted must be FIRM on FOR Destination basis.
16. PAYMENT TERMS : : The Bidders from India shall confirm their acceptance of the following Payment Terms:
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“100% within 21 days from the date of receipt and acceptance of the material at site or within 21 days from the date of
receipt of suppliers’ bills, whichever is later.
SECL is making payment of Indigenous supplier’s bills through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Such Bidders are
therefore, advised to indicate their Bank Account number and other Bank Details in their Invoice.
In the event of placement of supply order, suppliers should comply all the GST provisions for availing ITC by SECL.
In case of failure of the supplier to comply GST provisions for availing ITC (by SECL) , the supplier has to pay the amount
to SECL and also SECL will have the right to recover the amount from any payment due to the supplier
17. DELIVERY SCHEDULE: Safe arrival of materials up to destination shall be the responsibility of the supplier.
The bidders are required to quote delivery period as per NIT clause No -1 i.e. 30 days On FOR Destination basis.
The delivery
period will be reckoned from the 10th day of issue of supply order or from the date of uploading of order copy on the
website which ever is earlier.
Normally extension of delivery period will not be granted. However, in case extension of delivery period becomes essential,
the supplier will send their request for extension of delivery period to the purchaser before expiry of delivery period. In the
event of failure to supply the ordered material within the stipulated delivery schedule, the successful tenderers must obtain
extension of delivery period, with or without liquidated damage, before dispatch/supply of the ordered goods. Supplies
made without obtaining extension of delivery period shall be liable for non acceptance at the stores.
Note: For Materials other than Equipment (If specific delivery schedule is mentioned in the NIT) : The bidder should be in
a position to supply at least 25% of the total quantity for which the tender has been issued, within the specified delivery
18. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CLAUSE : The bidders will confirm their acceptance of the following :
In the event of failure to deliver/dispatch the equipment/stores within the stipulated date/period in accordance with the terms
and conditions and the specifications mentioned in the supply order and in the event of breach of any of the terms and
conditions mentioned in the supply order, South Eastern Coalfields Ltd., shall be right:
a) To recover from the successful bidder as agreed liquidated damages, a sum not less than 0.5% (Half Percent) of the price
of any stores which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply as aforesaid for each week or part of a week
during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears limited to 10% (TEN Percent). Where felt necessary the limit
of 10% can be increased to 15% at the discretion of Head of the Material Management Division.
b) To purchase elsewhere after notice to the successful tenderer on the account and at the risk of the defaulting supplier, the
equipment/stores not supplied or others of similar description without canceling the supply order in respect of the
consignment not yet due for supply or--
c) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof, and if so desired to purchase the stores at the risk and expenses of the
defaulting supplier and also/or --
d) To extend the period of delivery with or without liquidated damages as may be considered fit and proper. The
liquidated damages if imposed, shall not be more than the agreed liquidated damages referred to in CLAUSE 18 (a)
above except in case of force majeure condition
e) To forfeit the security deposit fully or in part.
f) Whenever under this contract any sum of money is recoverable from and payable by the supplier, South Eastern
Coalfields Ltd., shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or in whole by deducting any sum or
which at any time thereafter may become due to the successful tenderer in this or any other contract, should this sum be
not sufficient to recover the full amount recoverable, the successful tenderer shall pay. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd, the
balance amount on demand the remaining balance. The supplier shall not be entitled to any gain on any such purchase.
19. FORCE MAJEURE CLAUSE: If the execution of the Contract / Supply Order is delayed beyond the period
stipulated in the Contract / Supply Order as a result of outbreak of hostilities, declaration of embargo or blockade, or fire,
flood, acts of nature or any other contingency beyond the supplier’s control due to act of God, then SECL may allow such
additional time by extending the delivery period as it considered to be justified by the circumstances of the case and its
decision shall be final. If and when additional time is granted by SECL for execution of the Contract / Supply Order, the
Contract / Supply Order shall be read and understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as extended.
a) The successful bidder will advise, in the event of his having to resort to this clause, by a registered letter duly certified
by the local chamber of commerce or statutory authorities, the beginning and end of the causes of the delay, within
fifteen days of the occurrence and cession of such force majeure conditions. In the event of delay lasting out of force
majeure, SECL will reserve the right to cancel the contract, and provisions governing termination of contract as stated in
the bid documents will apply.
b) For delay arising out of Force majeure, the bidder will not claim the extension in completion date for a period exceeding
the period of delay attributable to the causes of force majeure and neither SECL nor the bidder shall be liable to pay
extra cost provided it is mutually established that the force majeure conditions did actually exist.
c) If any of the force majeure conditions exist in the place of operation of bidder even in the time of submission of bid, he
will categorically specify them in his bid, and state whether they have been taken in to consideration in their quotation.
20. PRICE FALL CLAUSE – If successful tenderer, at any time during the tenure of the SECL contract, supplies materials
of identical description in India, to any customer including CIL (or its subsidiary Cos.) at a price lower than the price
stipulated in the SECL contract, the successful tenderer shall forthwith notify to SECL such reduction in sale price of
materials and SECL shall amend its contract price to the lower price. In the event of non-intimation by the seller to this
effect, suitable penal action may be considered against them.
The lower price shall apply when the period of execution of supply is concurrent and will be applicable for the supplies
made during the concurrent period of two contracts.
CERTIFICATE ALONGWITH EACH SUPPLY:-“ During the tenure of the SECL contract we have not supplied
materials of identical description in India, to any customer including CIL (or its subsidiary Cos.) at a price
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lower than the price stipulated in the SECL contract.”
21. COMPOSITE GUARANTEE / WARRANTY - The supply shall be covered by the maker’s standard guarantee as
The supplier shall warrant that the items supplied under the contract / supply order
1. Is new, unused and of current design not likely to be discontinued or become obsolete till the life of the offered
2. Is in accordance with the contract specifications.
3. Shall have no defects arising out of design, materials or workmanship.
The supplier shall give a warranty of satisfactory performance of the complete equipments / stores for a period of
12 months from the date of fitment or 18 months from the date of dispatch, whichever is earlier.
The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that they develop under the conditions provided for by the contract and
under proper use , arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship and shall remedy such defects at his own cost when
called upon to do so . If it becomes necessary for the supplier to replace or renew any defective portion of the goods, such
replacement or renewal should be made by supplier without any extra cost to SECL.
In the event of any defects in materials / design and workmanship during the aforesaid period is found due to faulty design
or poor workmanship, the defective items will be replaced by the supplier at site free of cost within 30 days of settlement of
warranty claims. The bidder will be required to stock items to take care of warranty failures.
The guarantee/composite warranty shall be submitted along with the bill. The warranty shall cover for the total stores so
that the necessity of having to approach different manufacturers of various components/assemblies does not arise and all
services under warranty clause shall be the responsibility of the ultimate supplier of the composite stores. You will also
replace the defective items, if any, during the warranty period free of cost. The responsibility to collect the defective /
rejected material will lie with the supplier and the cost for such collection will have to be borne by the supplier.
The bidder will be required to stock items to take care of warranty failures. Items should be available within 2 weeks of the
breakdown being intimated to them. The guarantee / composite warranty shall be submitted along with the bill.
22. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The successful tenderers will be required to deposit as security money 10% of the value of the
contract (including Taxes, duties, and other charges to the FOR Destination prices ) without having any ceiling in the form
of Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee within 15 days from the date of order in favour of SOUTH EASTERN COALFIELDS
LTD, Bishrampur Area payable at Bishrampur. If the successful tenderer fails to deposit the security deposit within
15(fifteen) days from the date of order, the same shall be recorded as unsatisfactory performance for future dealings apart
from taking any other penal action as may be deemed fit by SOUTH EASTERN COALFIELDS LTD. For successful
tenderers, the Security Money shall be refunded within 30 days of satisfactory execution of contract. For unsatisfactory
execution of contract and / or failure of execution of contract, the security money shall be forfeited. The Bank Guarantee
should be submitted on Rs.250/- non-judicial stamp paper as per the enclosed format at enclosed Annexure.
NOTE: In case of forfeiture of EMD/SD, GST shall be applicable as per prevailing rate and shall be recovered
from the supplier/bidder.
For orders with Performance Bank Guarantee Clause, the Security Deposit shall be converted into Performance Bank
Guarantee (PBG), wherever PBG is required. At the time of conversion of security money into PBG , it shall be ensured
that the amount of PBG shall not be less than 10 % of Landed value of order. In case the PBG amount is higher than the SD
amount, then the successful bidder will have to submit PBG for the additional amount also.
For procurement value less than INR 100,000.00 (INDIAN RUPEES One Lakh), the Security Deposit shall not be required
22.A SUBMISSION OF BANK GUARANTEE(To be followed by all bidders):
I) The Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing Bank on behalf of contractor/supplier in favour of “South Eastern
Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form as well as issued under “Structured Financial Messaging System” (SFMS). As
such the Guarantor (BG issuing bank) shall send information about issuance of this Guarantee through SFMS gateway
either to the SBI, SME Branch, Bilaspur (IFSC – SBIN0004177) or to the ICICI Bank, Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur (IFSC –
ICIC0000282) as the case may be.
The details of Beneficiary, i.e. South Eastern Coalfields Limited for issue of BG under SFMS platform are furnished
a) State Bank of India as advising Bank of SECL:
1 Name of the i Name South Eastern Coalfields Limted
Beneficiary ii Area SECL, HQ Bilaspur
and his iii Name of Bank State Bank of India
details iv Bank Account No. 30285470636
v Department Material Management
2 BENEFICIA i Name of Bank State Bank of India
RY Bank, ii Bank Branch Name SME SBI Branch, Bilaspur
Branch and iii Branch Code 4177
Address iv Beneficiary Bank Branch IFSC SBIN0004177
v Beneficiary Bank Address SBI, Galaxy Height, Vyapar, Vihar,
Bilaspur-495001, CG
However, in exceptional cases, where the Bank Guarantee is handed over to the customer for any genuine reasons, the
issuing branch should immediately send by Registered post(A.D.) an unstamped duplicate copy of the guarantee
directly to the beneficiary with a covering letter requesting them to compare with the original received from supplier
and confirm that it is in order. The A.D. Card should be kept with the loan papers of the relevant guarantee.
The Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank shall be operative at its branch situated at Bilaspur (Chhatisgarh
State) or if the issuing bank does not have any branch at Bilaspur then Bank Guarantee shall be operative at any of its
Kolkata Branch.
23. EXEMPTION FROM SECURITY DEPOSIT: Submission of Security Deposit shall be exempted in case of the
following firms :
1. Any Central / State Government Organization / PSU shall be exempted towards submission of Security Deposit.
2. Overseas OEM/OPM/their Indian authorized dealers (applicable for Spares).
3. Firms registered with DGS&D for tendered items shall also be exempted from submission of Security Deposit against
submission of valid registration certificate. Copy of DGS&D Registration submitted by the bidders should be self attested
and duly attested by Notary Public.
a) No exemption from Security Deposit shall be allowed to MSEs; NSIC registered firms and Ancillary units to SECL for
tendered items as per Gazette Notification dt.23.03.2012 notified by the Govt of India Ministry of Micro Small & Medium
Enterprises, New Delhi.
b) No exemption from Security Deposit shall be allowed in case of Trial/Source Development tender
24. FITMENT GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE (For the Spares and Sub-assemblies only):
A Fitment Guarantee Certificate should be submitted to the effect that the offered items shall fit and function in the
equipment, on which they are intended to be used without any modification or alteration.
26 PAST SUPPLY DETAILS: The bidders shall essentially submit authenticated copies (signed and stamped by
the bidder as well as attested by public notary) of orders received by them from as per eligibility criteria along
with other documents to be submitted. Failure to submit the documents shall render a tender liable for rejection.
The copies to be submitted must be legible and readable.
The tender items wise details of Scan copy of orders ( self attested and public notarized) are also to be uploaded
in the format given in the on-line bid document.
27. SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATES ETC.: The self attested copies of documents like valid
DGS&D/NSIC Registration certificate and any other documents issued by independent statutory bodies of
Govt. of India etc. shall be necessary attested by the Notary Public and duly stamped
MSM ENTERPRISES: As per provision of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
2006, The vendors should confirm their Registration Number along with the name of their Registering
Authority. They should also attach a duly self certified copy (certified by the Chief Executive of the Enterprise)
of the valid registration certificate with each invoice against each dispatch of all purchase orders
III) Present Policy on purchase preference and other benefits to Micro and
Small Enterprises/Ancillaries
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centers or Khadi and Village
Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries
Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro
Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) are eligible for availing benefits under Public Procurement Policy
of (MSEs) order 2012, on submission of notarized copy of document in support of their MSE status to make
them eligible for benefits listed under Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Order,2012 issued by Govt. of India Policy.
NOTE: Wherever relevant Registration certificate indicate certain validity period,
Bidders have to ensure that such validity period covers the date of tender opening.
A) If the offer is from a MICRO or SMALL enterprise, the tenderers have to also indicate whether the
MICRO or SMALL enterprise is owned by a SCHEDULED CASTE (SC) or SCHEDULED TRIBE (ST) along
with a notarized copy of caste certificate issued in favour of the owner by the state authority to comply the
i. In case of proprietary MSE, proprietor(s) shall be SC/ST.
ii. In case of partnership MSE, the SC/ST partners shall be holding at least 51% shares in the unit.
iii. In case of Private Limited Companies, at least 51% share shall be held by SC/ST promoters.
B) Transaction Cost
(i) For MSEs: Micro and Small Enterprises shall be facilitated by:-
(a) Exemption from Tender-Fee
(b) Exemption from submission of Earnest Money Deposit.
(c) No Exemption for Security Deposit
(ii) For Ancillaries:
(a) Exemption from Tender-Fee
(b) Exemption from submission of Earnest Money Deposit.
(c) No Exemption for Security Deposit
C) Purchase Preference:
(i) For MSEs
In tender the participating MSEs quoting price within band of L1+15% shall also be allowed to supply a
portion of requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from someone
other than an MSE. Such MSEs shall be allowed to supply up to 20% of total tendered value. In case of more
than one such MSE, the supply will be shared proportionately (to tendered quantity).
(ii) For Ancillaries
In tender the participating Ancillaries quoting price within band of L1+15% shall also be allowed to supply a
portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from
someone other than an Ancillary. Such Ancillaries shall be allowed to supply up to 20% of total tendered value
over and above the 20% quantity reserved for MSEs. In case of more than one such Ancillary, the supply will
be shared proportionately (to tendered quantity).
D) Special Provisions for MSEs owned by SC or ST:
Out of 20% target of annual requirement from MSEs, a sub-target of 4% is earmarked for procurement from the
MSEs owned by Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) entrepreneurs. However, in event of failure of
such MSEs to participate in tender process or meet tender requirements and L1 price, 4% subtarget for
procurement earmarked for MSEs owned by SC/ ST entrepreneurs will be met from other MSEs.
E) Exclusive Procurement from MSEs:
A list of 358 items have been circulated with MSME Act. Procurement of these items may be reserved for
exclusive purchase from MSEs only.
F) Distribution of Orders for Micro & Small Enterprises ( MSEs) and Ancillaries:
In case any MSE/ Ancillary unit is not lowest, they shall be considered eligible for placement of order only
when they comply the following:
i) Offer of MSE/ Ancillary is techno-commercially acceptable.
ii) The quoted price of MSE/ Ancillary should be within L1 + 15%
iii) In case MSE/ Ancillary firm is not L1 they will have to match the accepted L1 landed price.
iv) Order will be limited to their offered/ quoted capacity.
v) In case MSE/ Ancillary units are not matching L1 landed price or having capacity constraint, such quantity
shall be considered for placement of order on the available lowest bidder.
vi) In case the L1 bidder has a capacity constraint, then orders may be placed on L2, L3, L4 or till the full
tendered quantity is covered, subject to their acceptance of L1 rate and their respective capacities.
Taking the above into consideration, system of distribution for different situation shall be as under:
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Sl Situation Distribution
1. MSE is L-1 and there is no other • 100% (55 % for being L-1, 25 %
MSE or Ancillary unit eligible for for being MSE and 20% in the
placement of order absence of ancillary).
2. Ancillary is L-1 and there is another • 90% to L-1 Ancillary unit. (55%
Ancillary unit eligible for L-1 + 25% for MSE and 10%
for order. No other Ancillary unit or for being Ancillary).
MSE is eligible for order • 10 % to other eligible Ancillary
3 L-1 is Ancillary and there are more 3 units
than two Ancillary units eligible for • 86.66 % to L-1 Ancillary. (55%
order. No MSE has quoted or eligible for L- 1 + 25% for MSE and 6.66
for order. % for being Ancillary)
• 06.66 % to 2ndeligible Ancillary
• 06.66 % to 3rd eligible Ancillary
4 units
• 85% to L-1 Ancillary(55% for L-
1 +25% for MSE and 5 % for
being Ancillary)
• 5% to 2ndeligible Ancillary
• 5% to 3rd eligible Ancillary
• 5% to 4th eligible Ancillary
4 L-1 is Non-MSE. One Ancillary unit is • L-1 – 80% (55% for L-1 +25%
eligible for order. No MSE is eligible for MSE)
for order. • Ancillary – 20 %
5 L-1 is Non MSE, more than one • L-1 – 80% to L-1 (55% for L-1
Ancillary units are eligible for +25% for MSE)
order. No MSE is eligible for order. • Equal Distribution of balance
quantity among ancillary units
6 L-1 is Non MSE and there is no • 75% to L-1(55% for L-1 + 20%
Ancillary unit, but MSEs are eligible for Ancillary )
participant. • 25% to eligible MSE ( in case of
one MSE)
• 25% to MSME (in case of more
than one eligible MSE, the 20%
quantity shall be equally
7 L-1 is Non MSE and One MSE & one Ancillary
both MSE and • 55% to L-1
Ancillary are eligible • 25% to MSE (in case of more
than one eligible MSE, this
quantity shall be equally
• 20% to Ancillary (in case of
more than one eligible ancillary,
this quantity shall be equally
8 Where L-1 is MSE and Ancillary unit • L-1 80% (55% for L-1 +25% for
is eligible and no other eligible MSE. MSE)
• 20% to Ancillary – In case of
more than one Ancillary, this
quantity shall be equally
9 Where L-1 is MSE and there are • 55% to L-1
other MSEs & Ancillaries available • 25% (To be equally distributed
among all eligible MSEs
including L-1)
• 20% (To be equally distributed
among all eligible Ancillaries).
10 Where L1 is Non MSE and another • 75% to L-1 non MSE (55% for
MSE owned by SC/ST L-1 + 20% for Ancillary)
entrepreneur is eligible. • 10% to MSE (Non SC/ST)
• 15 % to MSE owned by SC/ST
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11 Where L-1 is Non MSE/ Non Ancillary • 55% to L-1
and there is one Ancillary which is • 45 % to Ancillary unit ( 20% for
also MSE. being only eligible Ancillary and
25% for being only eligible MSE)
12 If L-1 is a Non-MSE and there are Depending upon the number of MSEs
MSEs owned by SC & ST along with quoting price within the price band a
MSE owned by women entrepreneur. Minimum of 5% shall be ensured for SC
or ST owned MSEs and minimum 3% for
MSE owned by women.
a) If L-1 is a Non MSE, and two
MSEs (01 Gen & 01 SC or ST owned by
women) quoting price within price band
of L1+15%,
• 75% to L-1 non MSE (55% for L-1 +
20% for Ancillary)
• 11% to MSE (Gen)
• 14% to MSE owned by Women.
b) 01 General, 01 SC/ST Owned, 01
Women owned.
• 75% of L1 non MSE (55% for L-1 +
20% for Ancillary)
• 5.66% to MSE (Gen.)
• 10.66% to MSE owned by SC/ST.
• 8.66% to MSE owned by women.
When the participating MSEs increase
the % distribution amongst MSEs will
decrease, but a minimum of 5% for
SC/ST owned MSES and 03% for women
owned MSEs and 03% for women
owned MSEs shall be ensured.
i)All the above orders will be at L-1 quoted / negotiated (landed) price.
ii) Similar distribution shall be followed in other cases.
i) As per Office Order No. F-5/4/2018-PPD Dt. 28/02/18 of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance,
Govt. of India it is mandatory to register Udyog Aadhar Memorandum (UAM) by MSE vendors on Central
Public Procurement Portal (CPPP). In line with above all MSEs claiming benefits for being MSE are required
to mandatorily submit their confirmation that their UAM has been registered on CPP Portal. MSEs failing to
register on CPP Portal will not be extended any benefits as per Public Procurement Policy for Micro & Small
Enterprises (MSEs) Act, 2012.
ii) The MSME bidders should enroll their name in the Coal India e-Procurement Portal as “Preferential Bidder”
either by modifying their profile or while making “Online Bidder enrollment”. The document in support of
MSEs should also be uploaded against the specific tender to avail benefits of Public Procurement Policy Order,
29. RELAXATION FOR STARTUPS: Startups are defined by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of
India vide Gazette Notification No. 236 Dt. 11/04/18 as:
i. Upto a period of 7 (Seven) years from the date of incorporation/registration, if it is incorporated as a private
limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as partnership firm (registered under
section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a Limited Liability Partnership (under the Limited Liability
Partnership Act, 2008) in India. In the case of startups in the biotechnology sector, the period shall be upto 10
(Ten) years from the date of its incorporation/registration.
ii. Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since incorporation/registration has not exceeded ₹25
(Twenty Five)Crores
iii. Entity is working towards innovation, development or improvement of products or processes or services, or
if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation or wealth creation.
An entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing business shall not be considered a “Startup
30. PREFERENCE TO “MAKE IN INDIA”:As per guidelines of Department ofIndustrial Policy and
Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. ofIndia communicated vide OM No. P-
45021/2/2017-B.E.-II Dt. 15/06/17: LocalSuppliers meeting the local content limits are eligible for
following preferences:
i. In case of divisible contracts and L-1 bidder not being local supplier following shall be the order
a. 50% to L-1 bidder.
b. 50% to the next lowest local supplier falling within L-1+20% price range subject to acceptance of L-1
prices and capacity limitations. In case such lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L-1 price or
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accepts less than the offered quantity, the next higher local supplier falling within L-1+20% price range
will be invited to match the L-1 price for remaining quantity and so on and so forth.
In case some quantity is still left uncovered on local suppliers then such balance quantity will also be
ordered on L-1 bidder.
ii. In case of non divisible contracts and L-1 bidder not being local supplier following shall be the order
a. Next lowest local supplier will be invited to match the L-1 price subject to local supplier quoted price
falling within L-1+20% and the contract shall be awarded to such local supplier subject to matching L-1
b. In case of lowest eligible local supplier fails to match the L-1 price the local supplier with the next
higher bid within L-1+20% range will be invited to match the L-1 price.
Local Supplier means a supplier whose products offered for procurement meets the minimum local
content of 50%. Local content means the amount of value added in India which shall be the total value of
the item procured (excluding net domestic indirect taxes) minus the value of imported
content in the item (including all customs duties) as a portion of the total value. For tenders with
estimated value upto ₹10.00 (Ten) Crores bidders claiming preference under “Make in India” shall
submit self certificate that the item offered meets the minimum local content (as defined above) and
shall give details of the locations at which the local value addition is done.
For tenders with estimated value above ₹10.00 (ten) Crores bidders claiming preference under “Make in India”
shall provide certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the company (in case of companies) or from
practicing cost accountant or practicing charted accountant (in respect of suppliers other than companies) giving the
percentage of local content. SECL may constitute committees with internal and external experts for independent
verification of auditor’s/accountant’s certificates on random basis and in the case of complaints. False declarations
will attract banning of business of the bidder or its successor(s) for a minimum period of 3 years in line with CIL
Purchase Manual, along with such other actions as may be permissible under law. A local supplier who has been
debarred by any procuring entity for violation of above order shall not be eligible for preference under this scheme
for procurement by any other procuring entity for the duration of debarment. The debarment for such other procuring
entities shall take effect prospectively from the date on which it comes to the notice of other procurement entities.
Bidders are required to submit declaration as per format at Annexure-L that they have not been debarred by any
procuring entity for violation of above order. If a bidder has been debarred by any procuring entity. If this declaration
is not given/uploaded, the bid will be rejected as non-responsive. Rest all terms & conditions shall be as per Ministry
of Commerce and Industry communicated vide OM No. P-45021/2/2017-B.E.-II
31. AUDITORS CERTIFICATE FOR IMPORTED ITEMS : In case of imported stores other than direct import by Coal
India Limited/Subsidiaries Companies the bidder shall have to confirm in their techno-commercial bid that the following
certificate will be submitted with each supply:
A certificate from the Auditor of the bidder/supplier certifying that the custom duty has been paid as per prevailing Custom
Rates and refund, if any, shall be passed on to the buyer.
32. DEEMED EXPORT (If applicable) : If the bidder has quoted the items under the deemed exports, then it will be the
responsibility of the bidder to get all the benefits under deemed exports from Government. SECL’s responsibility shall only
be limited to the issuance, of required certificate. The offer shall be unconditional and phrases like “subject to availability of
deemed exports benefits” etc. shall not be accepted.
33. CONSIGNEE PARTICULARS:Depot Officer, Regional Stores, SECL, Bishrampur Area, P.O. Bishrampur, Dist. Surajpur
(CG) .Pin - 497226
34. SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATES ETC.: The self attested and public notarized copies of documents as
applicable like valid DGS&D/NSIC Registration certificate and any other documents issued by independent
statutory bodies of Govt. of India etc. shall be necessary self attested and attested by the Notary Public and
duly stamped.
35. SUBMISSION OF BG (if applicable): The original Bank Guarantee should be sent to the beneficiary directly by the
issuing Bank under Registered Post(A.D.).
However , in exceptional cases , where the Bank Guarantee is handed over to the customer for any genuine reasons, the
issuing branch should immediately send by Registered Post (A.D.) an unstamped duplicate copy of the guarantee directly
to the beneficiary with a covering letter requesting them to compare with the original received from supplier and confirm
that it is in order . The A.D. card should be kept with the loan papers of the relevant guarantee.
The Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank shall be operative at its branch situated at Bishrampur ( Chhattisgarh State
) or if the issuing bank does not have any branch at Bishrampur.
36. BANNED OR DELISTED SUPPLIERS: The bidders would give a declaration (In LOB) that they have not been banned
or de-listed by any government or quasi-government or PSU’s. If a bidder has been banned by any government or quasi-
government or PSU’s., this fact must be clearly stated and it may not necessarily be a cause for disqualifying him. If this
declaration is not given/uploaded , the bid will be rejected as non-responsive.
37. UNDERTAKING BY BIDDERS: The bidders will have to give an undertaking online that if the information
/declaration/scanned documents furnished in support of the same in respect of eligibility criteria is found to be wrong or
misleading at any stage , they will be liable for punitive action.
38. SUB-CONTRACT : Sub-Contract will not be allowed in part or in whole under any circumstances
39. RIGHT OF ACCEPTANCE : The purchaser does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves
the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered. SECL reserves the right to
reject or accept any tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason whatsoever.
40. RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT : Any document/information submitted by the bidder can be made public at
appropriate stage, as per Right to information Act. 2005.
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41. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS : Unless otherwise specified in the NIT, the Purchase order, if placed, shall be
subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Supply of Stores given with NIT as ANNEXURE –C. In case there is a
conflict in any particular term of the NIT with the General Terms, the terms of the NIT will prevail.
42. JURISDICTION : Any dispute arising out of this enquiry shall come under the sole jurisdiction of the Bilaspur Court
(Chhattisgarh State, INDIA).
43. ARBITRATION CLAUSE : (Applicable for Public Sector Enterprises /Govt. Deptts only) :
“In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of the contracts,
such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party for Arbitration to the Sole Arbitrator in the Department of Public
Enterprises to be nominated by Secretary to the Govt. of India in-charge of the Department of Public Enterprises. The
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator
shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute, provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may take further
reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law &
Justice, Govt. of India. Upon such reference the dispute shall be decided by the Law Secretary or the Special
Secretary/Additional Secretary, when so authorized by the Law Secretary, whose decision shall bind the parties finally and
conclusively. The Parties to the dispute shall share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the Arbitrator”.
44. ON-LINE CONFIRMATION OF BIDS WILL BE FINAL : Acceptance/confirmation of NIT terms in ON Line Bid
will only be treated as final . No other terms and conditions offered by the bidder if any other form will be considered.
45. The bidder has to comply the following provisions of Carriage by Road Act 2007,
“In case of placement of any supply order against this tender, the supplier has to ensure that the Transportation of
Goods is done through Registered Common Carriers only.”
This should be strictly followed
46 If any of the component indicated in price bid is zero means the component is not applicable or if applicable will be
born by bidder.
47 Confirmation by the bidders for acceptance of all terms and condition of the NIT.
In case any tenderer divert the tender and opts to submit its offer through their authorized entity, then
48 authorization letter in original duly notarized for specific tender should be submitted along with their offer by the
firm quoting on their behalf.
Enclosures :
Annexure – A1: Schedule of Requirement and Technical Specification & conditions A-2-Eligibility Criteria and A-3-Proveness
Annexure - B Format for authorization to DSC Holder biding online on behalf of bidders and All Certificates.
Annexure – C: Format of Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit
Annexure – D: General Terms & Conditions
Annexure -- E: Requirements for Vendors
Note: Clauses /Paragraphs which are struck off are not applicable for current Tender. Address all the on-line documents to South Eastern
Coalfields Ltd, Bishrampur Area wherever necessary and applicable
Schedule of Requirement/Detailed Technical Specifications will be as below,
Items Description of Items Unit of Indented
Sl. Measurement QTY
01 Drill Rod 22 MM, Hexagonal type for Resin Capsule Nos. 155
bolting with 6.0 MM Centre hole & water manifold.
Size of Drill Rod (Dia) :22MM Length of Drill
1.Drill Rods are for use in coal mines.
2. The rods shall be manufactured from Hexagonal section.
3.The Drill Rods shall be manufactured from high tensile special steel with
minimum 0.55% carbon with surface hardness 50-55 RC
4. The length of drill rod as measured excluding water manifold and
shank for drill chuck shall be 1800m.m.
5. Diameter of shank shall be 19 mm and length 70 m.m.
6. Diameter of Hexagonal Rods shall be 22 m.m. with central hole of 6
7. M-16 thread shall be provided at the end to accommodate 27 mm dia
drill bits with threaded end.
8. Adapter of Diamond section 39.7 m.m. dia x 22 m.m. long shall be
provided for holding the rod in drill chuck.
9. Each rod shall be marked on the shank with diameter of the rod and
manufacturers name,make /trade mark(Embossed/Punched)
10. Hexagonal drill rods as above are required for Resin Capsule Bolting
and shall be supplied with water manifold made of high grade
seamless tube and water pressure of of water outlet from drill
rod shall be 30kg/ quality bearings and oil seals
shall be provided so that there shall not be water leakage
during drilling operation.
NOTE-(1) Bidders may quote for only one brand / make of Manufacturer
which fulfill our technical specification.
(3) Delivery Period:- WITHIN 25 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF ORDER.
Bishrampur Area, SECL
A firm will be considered a proven firm for procurement of item at SECL area, for a particular item subject to
meeting following.
A firm shall be considered a proven firm for procurement of items at SECL areas, for a particular item subject to
meeting the following condition.
(i) Firm should have received orders from CIL/HQ of any subsidiaries of CIL/areas of any subsidiary of
CIL/other Public Sector/Govt. Organization/Private Mining Industries for the 25% of tender quantity (on
commutative basis) during last 7-years from the date of tender opening for the offered product which should be
tendered item(S) of same or higher capacity / size /version having same material OR similar item of same material
serving the same purpose as that of tendered item.
In case of new item(s)/items for which procurement has started recently, the condition for “25% tender
quantity (on cumulative basis) during last 7-years can be relaxed with the approval of concerned Area Generat
Manager. However complete details in this regard should be recorded before obtaining approval for above
(ii) The offered item should be in regular use and their performance has been declared proven at CIL/other
public sector/Govt. Organization/Private mining Industries.
(iii) For declaring performance as proven for (ii)above firms should furnish notorised copy of any one of
The document(s) / certificate(s), by the bidder for ISI marking and DGMS approval for any relaxation should be
valid as on date of tender opening and a copy of such document / certificate valid as on date of supply duly
Signature /Seal of the DSC Holder Signature & Seal of the Holder
Authorized for online bidding on Authorizing the DSC Holder for
behalf of the bidder online bidding.
1. It has been agreed that hundred percent ( 100% ) payment of the value of the equipment will be made to the
Contractor in terms of the said contract on the Contractor furnishing to the purchaser a Bank Guarantee for the
sum of ----------------------------- equivalent to 10% of the value of order by the Contractor, as security for the due
and faithful performance of the terms of the said contract and against any loss or damage caused to or would be
caused to or suffered by Purchaser by reason of any breach by the said Seller of any of the terms and conditions
contained in the said contract.
2. We, ---------------------------------------Bank Ltd. do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under
this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Purchaser stating that the amount claimed is due
by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Purchaser by reason of any breach
by the said Seller or any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Contract or by reason of the Seller’s
failure to perform the said contract. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the
amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. We shall not withhold the payment on the ground that
the Seller has disputed its liability to pay or has disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration
proceeding or legal proceeding is pending between purchaser and the Seller regarding the claim. However, our
liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding --------------------------.
3. We, ----------------------------------------------------, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall come
into force from the date hereof and shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for
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the performance of the said contract and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Purchaser
under or by virtue of the said contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or purchaser certifies that the
terms and conditions of the said contract have been fully and properly carried out by the said Seller and
accordingly discharge the guarantee.
Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the -------------------------------
---( date to be given), we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.
4. We ,-----------------------------------------------------Bank Ltd., further agree with the Purchaser, that the Purchaser,
shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without effecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to
vary any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of performance by the said seller (s)
from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the
Purchaser, against the said Seller and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason or any such variation or extension being granted
to the said Seller or for any forbearance act or omission on the part of the Purchaser, or any indulgence by the
Purchaser, to the said Seller or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.
The Bank further agrees that in case this guarantee is required for a longer period and it is not extended by the
Bank beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the Purchaser the said sum of -------------------------
-------------(specify the amount) or such lesser sum as may then be due to the Purchaser and as the Purchaser may
5. We,……………………………………………….Bank Ltd., further agree to renew the Bank Guarantee from
time to time at the request of the SECL.
6. We, ---------------------------------------------------Bank Ltd., lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during
its currency except with the previous consent of the Purchaser, in writing.
7.. The Bank has under its constitution power to give this guarantee and -------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- who have signed it on behalf of the Bank have authority to do so.
8. This Bank Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
9.The Guarantee is operative at our ---------------------------------- ( name and address of the branch)
1-Definition : In the interpretation of the Contract and the general and special conditions governing it unless
the context otherwise requires :
i. “Contract” means the invitation of tender, instructions to tenderers, acceptance of tender, particulars and the
general and special conditions specified in the acceptance of tender and includes a repeat order which has been
accepted and acted upon by the supplier.
ii. The term “SUPPLIER” shall mean the person, firm or company with whom the contract is placed and shall
be deemed to include the supplier in successors (approved by the Purchaser) representatives, heirs, executors,
administrators and permitted assignee as the case may be.
iii. “CONTRACT PRICE’ shall mean the sum accepted or the sum calculated in accordance with the price and
/ or terms accepted by or on behalf of the purchaser.
iv. The Chairman – cum- Managing Director means Chairman – cum Managing Director of South Eastern
Coalfields Limited, Bilaspur.
v. The term DRAWING shall mean the drawings, the plans specified in or annexed to the schedule of
vi. The term “PURCHASE EXECUTIVE” shall mean the purchaser or purchaser named in the schedule to the
tender, his or their successors or assignees.
vii. The term INSPECTOR shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the purchaser to inspect
supplies, Stores or works under the contract or his duly authorized agent.
viii. The term PROGRESS OFFICER shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the purchaser to
visit supplier’s works to ascertain the position of deliveries of stores purchased.
ix. The term MATERIALS shall mean anything used in the manufacture or fabrication of the stores.
x. The term PARTICULARS shall mean the following:
a. Specification
b. Drawing
c. Sealed pattern denoting a pattern sealed and signed by the inspector
d. Certified or sealed sample denoting a copy of the sealed patter or sample sealed
by the purchaser for guidance of the Inspector.
e. Trade pattern denoting a standard of the ISI or other standardizing authority of
South Eastern Coalfields Limited and / or a general standard of the Industry and
obtainable in the open market.
f. Proprietary make denoting the product of an individual manufacturer
g. Any other details governing the construction, manufacturer and or supply as existing in the contract
xi. STORES means the goods specified in the supply order or schedule which the contractor has agreed to
supply under contract.
xii. The term TEST shall mean such test or tests as are prescribed by the specification or considered necessary
by the Inspector or any agency acting under direction of the Inspector.
xiii. The term SITE shall mean the place or places named in the SUPPLY ORDER or such other place or
places at which any work has to be carried out as may be approved by the purchaser.
xiv. Works denoting the persons shall include any company or association or body of individuals whether
incorporated or not.
xv. WRITING shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed statement under or over signature or seal as
the case may be.
xvi. UNIT & QUALITY means the unit and quantity specified in the schedule.
xvii. SUPPLY ORDER or PURCHASE ORDER means an order for supply of stores and includes an order for
2 The delivery of stores shall be deemed to take place on delivery of the stores in accordance with the
terms of the contract after approval of stores by the Inspector to :
b. Where the contract is terminated due to any default on the part of the supplier, the supplier shall pay
all transport charges incurred for returning any material upto such destination as may be determined by CIL
and / or its subsidiary companies whose decision shall be final.
c. If the supplier commits breach of any of the conditions in this clause specified, he shall, without
prejudice to any other liability, penal or otherwise, be liable to account to CIL and or its subsidiary companies
all money, advantages of profits accruing from or which in the usual course would have accrued to him by
reasons of such breach.
d. Where the stores manufactured or fabricated by the supplier out of the materials arranged or procured
by or on behalf of Coal India Limited and / or its subsidiary companies are rejected the supplier shall, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Government, pay to the Government on demand the cost price or
market value of all such materials whichever is greater.
12 The tenderers in case of imported items, shall clearly mention in the question that in the event of the
supply order being placed with them, they shall arrange for supply within a reasonable period of all necessary
maintenance tools and spares parts that may be required from time to time during the normal life of the
machines, on a continuous basis and at a price not in excess of the landed cost at their premises plus a stated
percentage differential (such a differential should be indicated) and proper servicing of the main unit supplied
by them as and when required. In case there is a Rate Contract with the DGS&D supply be made at the RC
13For orders placed directly on overseas suppliers, the tenderers should separately indicate whether their prices
quoted include any commission for the manfuactuer’s agents in India and the amount of remuneration for the
agent included in the quoted price. The Price shall include :