Harish Kumar, Dr. S. V. Satish

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Studies on Producing Hybrid Material Sheets

(Combination of Polyethylene and Polypropylene
Sheets) via Friction Stir Welding Process:
Evaluating Microstructure, Tensile and Flexural
Properties for Potential Engineering Applications-A
Harish Kumar1, Dr. S. V. Satish2
Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, PESIT Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract: Friction stir welding is a solid state welding process, where metal is not melted and uses a non- consumable cylindrical
shouldered tool with profiled pin rotated and gradually plunged into the weld joint that are to be welded together. Friction stir welding is
suitable for producing joints, especially in light weight materials, which are particularly interesting due to the weight saving potential.
Thermoplastics have extensive applications in the present industry because they offer excellent physical and corrosion properties, high
degree freedom of processing and design. The main aim of this study was to investigate the weldability of synthetic organic polymers
(high density polyethylene and polypropylene) sheets via friction stir welding and effect of process parameters on microstructure and
mechanical properties of welded sheets. Detail tool study will be carried out to make the process cost effective. The parameters under
study were pin rotational speed and transverse speed of tool. Tensile and bend test were done in order to evaluate mechanical behavior
of material. Also in the present investigation there is no addition of extra coating of material on tool but instead the surface is deformed
under huge compressive load using friction stir welding equipment. All the welding operations were done at the room temperature.

Keywords: Friction Stir welding, polyethylene, polypropylene, welding tool

1. Introduction welded materials. Synthetic polymers are human made

polymers. They can be classified into four main categories:
Friction stir welding (FSW) was invented at The Welding thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and synthetic fibers.
Institute (TWI) of UK in 1991 as a solid- state joining In recent years Synthetic organic polymers (High density
technique, and was initially applied to aluminum alloys. Polyethylene & polypropylene) is extensively utilized in
Figure 1 shows a typical schematic diagram of FSW. A various applications such as high frequency radar cables,
rotating tool including shoulder and pin, was slowly inserted pipes, 3-D printer filaments, food storage containers, fuel
into the work piece until the shoulder contacted with the tanks for vehicles, etc owing to its unique advantage of Low
work piece. Second, the rotating tool stayed few seconds cost, Impact resistant, Moisture resistance, good chemical
before moving forward along the weld line .Third, the tool resistance and ease of processing. Food grades are also
moved along the weld line and softened materials were available for use in food industry. They can be readily
moved with the rotational and translation of the tool from processed by all thermoplastic methods. However intense
the front to the back of the pin. Finally, the solid state weld use of High density polyethylene plastic in building a very
joint was produced in the stir region. The heating came from competitive highly complex product over the conventional
friction between the welding tool (shoulder and pin) and the metals and alloys is due to the weight reduction it brings
work piece as well as severe plastic deformation of the about in the component.

Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018450 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018450 3
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 1: FSW principle of operation

2. Literature Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler, Memduh

Kurtulmus et al. [9] Studied the effect of important welding
Amir et al. [1] have investigated the role of processing parameters and tool properties that are effective on static
parameters in joining HDPE via heat assisted friction stir strength in friction stir spot welds of polymer sheets were
welding followed by studies of microstructure and studied.
mechanical properties of welded plates.
Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler, Alim Kastan et
Erica et al. [2] modified the FSW process by adding a al.[10] Studied the effect of tool geometry and welding
heating step of the pin and samples to join. The joint quality parameters on the macrostructure, fracture mode and weld
was analyzed by means of tensile tests and thermal analysis. strength of the friction-stir spot welds of polypropylene
Z. Kiss et al. [3] studied the super molecular structure of
welded seams prepared by Friction Stir Welding of Parth Sas, Sushama Kadam, Yamini Chavhan, Minal Parate,
polypropylene sheet by optical and electron microscopy. Omkar Kotulkar, Vijayakumar S. Jatti et al.[11] Studied the
welding parameters for different polymeric materials and are
T. Czigany et al. [4] studied the joining of thermoplastic then analyzed.
matrix composite sheets by Friction stir welding containing
some kind of reinforcement. Also it shows the results of Yahya Bozkurt et al. [12] studied the optimization of friction
mechanical studies and seam micrographs obtained on stir welding process parameters to achieve maximum tensile
chopped glass fiber reinforced polypropylene welded seams. strength in polyethylene sheets.

M.K. Bilici et al [5] the effect of tool geometry and Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler et al.[13] Studied
properties on friction stir spot welding properties of the effect of welding parameters on friction stir spot welding
polypropylene sheets. From the experiments the effect of of high density polyethylene sheets.
tool geometry on friction stir spot weld formation and weld
strength were determined. Table 1: Characteristics of HDPE material
Density Tensile Flexural Melting Surface
Jicheng Gao , cheng Liu, Yifu Shen et al[6] the current state (g/cm3) strength (MPa) strength (GPa) point oC hardness
of FSW in plastic industry including tool improvement, 0.93-0.97 32 1.25 120-130 SD 68
welding methods, process parameters optimization, metal
and polymer joining as well as composites fabrication, has Table 2: Characteristics of polypropylene material
Density Tensile Flexural Melting Surface
been addressed.
(g/cm3) strength (MPa) strength (GPa) point oC hardness
0.90-092 26 2 130-171 RR 85
Dr.Ebtisam F. Abdel-Gwad, Dr.Abu-Bakr M.Omar, Eng.
Ahmed H.Radwan et al [7] Studied the combination effect of
Benefits of friction stir welding
travel and rotational speeds of welding tool is
1) Metallurgical benefits: less distortion, high stability,
investigated.Tensile, impact and fatigue tests are applied on
fine microstructure
the HDPE welded joints in order to evaluate their
2) Environmental benefits: Shielding gas not required
3) Energy benefits: less energy required
Arvin et al. [8] studied the weld strength of acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS) sheet joined by Friction stir 3. Conclusion
The friction stir welding is very recent trends in the
manufacturing technology of metal joining processes
Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018450 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018450 4
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
especially for aluminum alloys .In this review, the current strength in polyethylene sheets. Materials and Design
state of FSW of polymer material in improving tool, welding 35(2012) 440-445.
methods, optimizing process parameters had been addressed [13] Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler, the effect of
also the principle of FSW and vital factors that influence the welding parameters on friction stir spot welding of high
quality of weld. density polyethylene sheets. Materials and Design
33(2012) 545-550.
Although the FSW of polymer had been studied for nearly
20 years, it did not show substantive progress. However
FSW had a great potential to produce a very high strength
joint and a defect-free joint.

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[6] Jicheng Gao , cheng Liu, Yifu Shen ,Application and
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[8] Arvin Bagheri, Taher Azdast, Ali Doniavi, An
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[9] Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler, Memduh
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[10] Mustafa Kemal Bilici, Ahmet Irfan Yukler, Alim
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[11] Parth Sas, Sushama Kadam, Yamini Chavhan, Minal
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Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2018450 DOI: 10.21275/ART2018450 5

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