Keywords: Clinching as a mechanical joining technique allows a fast and reliable joining of metal sheets in large-scale
Mechanical joining production. An efficient design and dimensioning of clinched joints requires a holistic understanding of the
Clinching material, the joining process and the resulting properties of the joint. In this paper, the process chain for
clinching metal sheets is described and experimental techniques are proposed to analyze the process-
Characterization methods
Process-structure-property relationships
microstructure-property relationships from the sheet metal to the joined structure. At the example of clinch
ing aluminum EN AW 6014, characterization methods are applied and discussed for the following characteristics:
the mechanical properties of the sheet materials, the tribological behavior in the joining system, the joining
process and the resulting material structure, the load-bearing behavior of the joint, the damage and degradation
as well as the service life and crack growth behavior. The compilation of the characterization methods gives an
overview on the advantages and weaknesses of the methods and the multiple interactions of material, process
and properties during clinching. In addition, the results of the analyses on EN AW 6014 can be applied for
parameterization and validation of simulations.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Kupfer).
Received 11 February 2022; Received in revised form 25 March 2022; Accepted 25 March 2022
Available online 10 May 2022
2666-3309/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
Fig. 4. Test-setup of the tensile test (a), specimen extraction depending on the
Fig. 1. Tool design and sequence for clinching with closed die rolling direction (b)
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
stress conditions.
The tensile test (Fig. 4) according to the standard ISO 6892-1 (ISO
6892-1:2019-11) is one of the most applied methods for characterizing
sheet metal materials. It provides a frictionless and uniaxial stress con
dition at plastic strains ε between 0.1 and 0.8, depending on the material
strength (Bruschi, S., et al., 2014). However, the uniaxial stress condi
tion is only present up to uniform strain. The test is carried out using
cylindrical specimen or flat specimen for sheet materials according to
(DIN 50125:2016-12). In the case of sheet metal, specimen are often
extracted from the sheet at 0◦ , 45◦ and 90◦ to the rolling direction in
Fig. 6. Layer compression test initial (a) and formed state (b)
order to investigate the rolling-induced anisotropic material behavior.
Main advantages are the comparatively simple sample preparation and
test procedure. In addition to the conventional tensile test, the strain method is characterized by a higher achievable plastic strain ε up to 0.7
hardening behavior can be investigated at higher strain rates of the (Bruschi, S., et al., 2014) compared to tensile test, which allows an
materials. For this purpose, further specimen geometries are defined, improvement of the extrapolation results for the flow curve determi
which are shown in (SEP 1230:2007-02). nation. Disadvantages of the test setup are the elaborate sample
From the measured force-displacement data the stress-strain diagram extraction and the friction between the upsetting tool and the material.
of the material is generated and the classic material properties yield To reduce the friction, solid lubricants such as PTFE film can be used,
strength, tensile strength, elongation and permanent elongation at break ensuring the specimens cylindrical shape during the whole test.
are derived. For a highly precise strain measurement, grey scale corre Fig. 7 shows examplary flow curves of an EN AW 6014 obtained with
lation which is recorded by a CCD camera (e.g. ARAMIS from GOM the three test setups described above. The curves were determined with
GmbH) is used. It enables the simultaneous measurement of the Pois a test number of n = 3.
son’s ratio ν. The stress-strain data is then used to calculate the flow
curve with the relevant values yield stress and equivalent plastic strain ε Tribological behavior
in combination with the true cross section of the sample.
In the bulge test, shown in Fig. 5, a circular specimen is clamped In the numerical simulation of clinching processes, the predictive
between a die and a bottom tool. By applying a pressure using a fluid, accuracy depends on the friction model and the implemented friction
the blank is formed in the die. Since the clamping of the specimen coefficients (Schmid, E., 2004). The frictional behavior affects the ma
prevents material reflowing, the material is elongated by simultaneous terial flow and thus the geometrical formation of the clinched joint,
thinning and a biaxial tensile stress results compared to the uniaxial especially the interlock, influencing both the clinching process forces as
stress condition in the tensile test described above. Again, the defor well as the load-bearing capacity of a clinched joint (Coppieters, S.,
mation is preferably measured by grey scale correlation. The test is 2012) (Szabolcs, J. and Tisza, M., 2020). The frictional behavior be
conducted up to the crack of the sample, which occurs in the middle of tween the joining partners is usually assumed with reference to litera
the circular blank. ture values or determined by inverse parameter identification. However,
The advantage of the bulge test is the ability to investigate the ma this contradicts the predictive character of the numerical simulation. In
terial behavior at higher plastic strains ε up to 0.8 (Bruschi, S., et al., order to guarantee a high predictive quality of the joining process
2014). Furthermore, the test setup can be assumed as friction-free due to simulation, a precise friction model based on corresponding experi
the hydraulic active medium. A particular challenge during testing is mental data, needs to be implemented.
controlling the strain rate, as shown in (Suttner, S. and Merklein, M., In the field of forming technology, the friction behavior can be
2016), to achieve a constant value and avoid significant effects on the determined by large variety of tests (Groche, P., et al., 2018) (Recklin,
biaxial stress-strain curve of materials. V., et al., 2018). They often are divided into direct and indirect methods.
The layer compression test using circular sheet metal disks is an While direct methods determine the contact stress and the friction shear
adaptation of the compression test according to standard DIN 50106 stress by means of a measurement equipment, the indirect methods
(Merklein, M. and Kuppert, A., 2009) and is characterized by a biaxial conclude friction conditions from a total specimen deformation or a
stress condition. Instead from bulk material, the test specimens consist measured force. The indirect methods can be applied instrumented and
of a stack of sheet metal discs as shown in Fig. 6, since the initial raw un-instrumented (Buchner, B., 2008). Instrumented methods like
material is a sheet metal (Graf, M., et al., 2019). pin-on-disk test, compression-spin tests or strip drawing test allow to
Similar to the conventional compression test, force and three- record the occurring frictional effects during testing with regard to their
dimensional deformation of the sample are recorded until a height cause. However, due to local accumulation of material these methods
reduction of 50 %. By using two cameras for grey scale correlation, reach their limit for contact pressures above the yield point of the
oriented at an angle of 90◦ to each other, the true contact area and investigated materials. In addition, the test setups are more suitable for
effective plastic strain can be calculated due to the volume constancy. bulk metal forming processes and not for the friction characterization
For accurate testing a proper cylindrical alignment of the discs and between sheet materials.
constant orientation of the rolling direction must be ensured. The test
Fig. 5. Schematic of the bulge test setup Fig. 7. Flow curves of EN AW 6014 with 1.5 mm sheet thickness
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
that the simulated surface lines of the clinched sheet fit very well to the
interface in the micrograph (dashed).
To enhance understanding of the development of the clinch point
geometry, step setting tests are established, showing the gradual for
mation of a clinch joint as a function of the punch penetration depth
(Fig. 11).
At the beginning of the clinching process, the punch penetrates the
components to be joined and the die-side joining partner reaches the
anvil surface of the die (Fig. 11 a). As the punch penetrates further, the
forming of the die-sided component into the annular channel begins
(Fig. 11 b, c). In Fig. 11 d, as a result of the radial material flow between
the punch and the die, the formation of the form fit by undercutting
begins. As a result of further penetration of the components, the un
dercut increases (Fig. 11 e). This process continues until the target
bottom thickness is set (Fig. 11 f). After the return stroke and the
demolding of the tools, the final force-fit between the joined components
is created due to the spring-back effect.
In-situ methods
In ex-situ micrograph analyses, the observed material state is always
inaccurate due to resetting of elastic deformations and crack closure
effects caused by unloading. Also these analyses provide information
only with a time delay. In-situ analyses could avoid these disadvantages.
However, due to the compact joining setup with metallic tools, the
clinching process cannot be observed directly e.g. by optical measure
Fig. 10. Experimental and numerical investigation of the clinching process: a) ment. Hence, other non-destructive testing (NDT) methods are required
force-displacement measurement during clinching with sections 1-3; b) geo
to provide a better understanding of the process-quality interaction
metric characteristics
during clinching.
One promising approach is the combination of transient dynamic
partners and the tools, as well as between the joining partners them analysis (TDA) with the computed tomography (CT). In a TDA, ultra
selves, exerts a more dominant influence on the process force than in sonic waves are introduced into a joining partner. After the waves have
sections 1 and 2. Furthermore, a local tearing of the aluminum oxide passed the joint, the transmitted energy is measured at the other joining
layer occurs due to the increase in surface area. As a result, the friction partner. Changes in the characteristic damping properties of the joints
pairs at the interface between the joining partners are influenced non can indicate irregularities in the joining process. Wang et al. (Wang F.,
homogeneously depending on the punch penetration depth, which et al., 2017) measure energy dissipation to estimate residual tightening
cannot yet be simulated and has to be investigated further. After torque of bolted joints. Bournine et al. (Bournine, H., et al., 2009)
reaching the maximum force (cf. Fig. 11 f), the return stroke of the investigate maximising the damping of bolted joints while preserving
punch tool starts. the load carrying capacity. Köhler et al. (Köhler, D., et al., 2021a) use
However, the force-displacement data provides only indirect infor TDA to investigate clinch points with different bottom thicknesses. An
mation about the material flow and the clinch point quality. For a deeper FEM model is coupled with the steady state dynamics module in the
understanding of the joining process, the geometry of the resulting program LS-DYNA to solve the inverse problem. Since the transmitted
clinch point is taken into account. Measuring the bottom thickness and energy is characteristic for an intact clinch point at any time during the
outer diameter of the joint after clinching delivers basic information, but clinching process, measured energy deviations indicate an altered pro
cannot indicate inner geometrical properties like undercut and neck cess at high temporal resolution.
thickness. Therefore, micrographs are prepared and analyzed. For the In CT, the object is X-ray scanned from different angels and the
considered clinching with rotationally symmetric die and the 2D simu projections are reconstructed to form a 3D image of the object. This
lation model, micrographs of the cross section are suitable. During method is used, for example, for damage analyses on drilled holes
specimen preparation, a grinding up to P1200 (FEPA standard) and (Pejryd, L., et al., 2014) or joints with semi-tubular self-piercing
etching is appropriate for this validation step. In Fig. 10 b, it can be seen,
Fig. 11. Step setting test of a clinched joint Series II (cf. Tab. 1)
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
Fig. 12. Testing setup of the in-situ CT clinching process and exemplary result
of clinching EN AW 6014 sheets in in-situ CT Fig. 14. Grain structure of the joining partners
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
Table 2
Chemical composition of the wrought aluminum alloy EN AW 6014 determined
by means of an optical emission spectrometer
Elements Mean (weight-%) Standard deviation
Al 98.210 0.00
Mg 0.693 0.0004
Si 0.520 0.00003
Fe 0.220 0.00003
Cu 0.135 0.0015
V 0.053 0.00
Others 0.169
Fig. 16. Determination of geometric parameters of a clinch joint by CT analysis
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
Loading behavior
In-situ methods
Similar to the joining process, more detailed information about the
joint behavior during pull-out or shear loading can be derived by in-situ
NDT. Again, a combination of CT and TDA enables a high spatial reso
lution with an acceptable overall testing effort. However, to gain a
sufficient resolution in CT testing, the distance between the rotating X-
ray tube and the object needs to be small. This geometrical restriction
requires an adaption of the cantilevering cross tension specimen. To
investigate the pull-out loading behavior using combined in-situ CT and Fig. 19. Different failure modes in clinched joints in EN AW 6014 T6 a) button
separation; b) neck fracture; c) mixed failure
TDA, a cup specimen in combination with a related testing device is
currently under development in TRR285.
The tensile shear behavior can be investigated via in-situ CT using a taken from 3D-data of the specimen, which are reconstructed from 1440
common single-overlapped shear test specimen based on ISO 12996 X-ray projections via 360◦ rotation at each load step. They excellently
(ISO 12996:2013-10). In Fig. 20 the deformations of an EN AW 6014 show the successive unbuttoning of the joint and allow unprecedented
clinched joint are displayed at different load steps. The cross sections are
Fig. 17. TEM-Image of Mg2Si precipitates with a length of 130 nm (B/B’) and a Fig. 20. Shear load test in in-situ CT at displacement steps a) 0.15 mm, b) 0.37
thickness of 40 nm (A/A’) mm and c) 0.59 mm. (Köhler, D., et al., 2021b)
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
R. Kupfer et al. Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022) 100108
under mode I loading. Since the here applied sheet metal is only 2 mm
thick, a miniaturized CoT (Mini-CoT) specimen is required to prevent
the specimen from buckling. This scaled standard CoT specimen for
example was utilized e.g. by Riemer et al. (Riemer, A., et al., 2014). The
geometry of the specimen is shown in Fig. 24.
After first numerical investigations on the geometry factor function
and the calibration function to determine the stress intensity factor and
the crack length during the experiments, the Mini-CoT specimen can be
used for experimental tests (Richard, H. A. and Sander, M., 2016). Here,
the determination of the crack growth rate curve is divided into the two
test types: “up” and “down” test. In the up test, the cyclic fracture
toughness ΔKIC is determined by loading the specimen with a constant
force amplitude until fracture. When this value is reached, unstable
crack growth begins. In the down test, the threshold ΔKI,th is determined
by reducing the cyclic stress intensity ΔK with increasing crack length
Fig. 22. F-N diagram of clinch joints inclusive scatter band (PA = 10 %-90 %) after crack initiation until the crack stops growing (American Society of
for R=0.1 and specimen geometry (Ewenz, L., et al., 2021) Testing and Materials, 2008). By combining the two test types (up and
down) the entire crack growth rate curve is obtained, which is shown in
Fig. 25 as an example for the base material EN AW 6014 at an R-ratio of
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