The Impact of Keke Napep As Poverty Alleviation Strategy
The Impact of Keke Napep As Poverty Alleviation Strategy
The Impact of Keke Napep As Poverty Alleviation Strategy
The study concerns how the KEKE NAPEP programme of Federal Government Poverty
Eradication Programmes has fared in alleviating poverty among youths in Ojokoro Local
Government Area of Lagos State.
2. To examine how far it has truly alleviate poverty among the youth.
3. To examine the operational difficulties encountered by the operators and the possible
ways of alleviating to those problems.
5. To equally examine the ownership structure, mode of purchase and how much
they make daily.
A total of one hundred and three (103) questionnaires was desired and administered to
operators in Ojokoroarea council of Lagos State and the result analysed.
Such idea informs the stand of those economists who believe that poverty
Ravallion and Bidani (1994) refer to poverty as a lack of command over basic
basic rise to insufficient food, clothing and shelter. Aluko N.L. (1975), Sen
Poverty has also been defined as the inability to attain a minimum standard
who canno help himself or cater for his family, who has no money, farm or
business. Adolescent males and females are poor if they have no parent, no
one who is undernourished and aging fast, one without self confidence, looks
dirty and lives in filthy environment, one who cannot cater for his family,
train his children in the school and unable to pay medical bill (The World
Bank, 1992)
The major category of people vulnerable to poverty are women and children,
majority of whom live in the rural areas, or migrate from rural areas with
cannot fit into many of theurban jobs. Aina and Odebiyi (1997) attributed
Nigeria generally lack basic social infrastructures to meet the needs of the
teaming population.
become glaring in Nigeria most especially among the rural dwellers leading
torural-urban migration. It is in record that Babangida wasted more than 100
included the one initiated by his wife, Better Life progammes for the poor,
Elumilade, (2006).
Poverty in Nigeria cuts across different strata of the society in all the thirty
six states and Abuja the FCT of the country. However, the position of Lagos
state as the former capital of Nigeria as well as the commercial nerve centre
However, the excessive influx of people from all parts of the country into
Lagos over the lasty affected the economy distribution of wealth, resources
who cannot afford to get good shelter for themselves. Some of these slums
include: the Maroko, Ajegunle and Mushin to mention but a few. Condition
of living in these settlements are so bad that those people cannot afford the
basic need such as good food, good shelter, good clothing etc. People in
popularly known as ‘Agbero' or "Omoota" i.e. Motor Park touts. These people
are so ruthless in their conducts that they constitute major threat to the
peace and safety as well as the security of lives and property in the state.
Poverty has many root causes, while it is primarily related to very low income
maladies and security challenges. There is no doubt that there are some
factors within the poor that are responsible for this morally unconscionable
3. Are there any factors militating against the success of keke NAPEP in
poverty alleviation?
5. What are the contributory effects of road network, traffic and transport
The issue of poverty among the Nigeria population is a very important one.
It significant reduction is a task that the past and present government have
One of such programmes is KEKE NAPEP which was introduced more than
The broad objective of the study is to examine the impact of KEKE NAPEP as
(iv) To identify the various costs incurred by the operators in the study
2.1 Introduction
The need to distribute the world’s resources more equitably has been the
distribution of the world’s wealth has created the condition of poverty, which
poverty alleviation strategies implemented, poverty will remain with the sick,
poor and those in the poorest regions who would not take advantage of
A poor man in a least developed country - and his problem runs into millions
is illiterate both in letter and skill. He does not get his meals regularly, but
when he does, he is haunted with the fear of where his next meal will come
his body. He lives mostly in villages – remote and inaccessible to the rest of
destitute. Usually he dies an infant, but if he does survive, dearth and want
haunt him to his end. Flood, famine, drought, and other natural disasters
dweller, he rarely has a roof over his head. When the price goes up, the
quality and quantity of his food goes down, because his income can no longer
buy him the food he needs. His wife, if she is pregnant, can only have a
worse fate.
He cannot buy books for his children or pay fees for the school, let alone the
toolbox he would love to buy for them to make their ends meet. When he
falls ill, he cannot pay fees to a doctor, nor can he buy the medicine for
himself let alone getting better amenities of life on these crises. He can
neither read nor afford to buy a newspaper; a radio transistor is a luxury to
him, many of his kin never see a bicycle. Starvation and death stare him at
his face as in medieval times. Indeed, for him, times have not changed since
the Dark Ages. And as though these afflictions were not enough, it is he -
and this is the greatest irony of all-who gives birth to the largest number of
me the special obligation to speak for him, but even more, because his story
man can do for man and yet is not done… Let us resolve to work together,
of hunger, disease and ignorance and productive employment for all. Its first
goal must be to end poverty and satisfy the priority needs of all people in a
way that will not jeopardize the opportunity for the future generations to
attain the same objective. Forty years after independence, poverty remains
one of the most pressing issues in Nigerian development. It has not only
become entrenched and multi faceted over decades, but has also continued
eradicating it.
the study. In this vein the chapter examines the concept of poverty,
its nature and implication for the poor, the causes of poverty alleviation as
definition. In other words there are different perspectives from which the
a. Poverty as subsistence
b. Poverty as inequality
necessity of life. Those who lack the necessities to sustain life are described
“minimum” which should be the dividing line separating the poor from the
non poor.
each other. Poverty cannot be understood in isolating the poor and treating
and poverty is concerned with how the bottom layers fare in relation to the
consequence of poverty for the rest of the society rather than in terms of
the need of the poor. According to this concept, people must not be allowed
to become so poor that they offend or are hurtful to the society. It is not so
much the misery and plight of the poor but the discomfort and cost to the
poverty to the extent that low income creates problem for those who are not
improve the level of living of the poor without reducing disutility to the rest
meaning of inequality to refer to “case where income and wealth are simply
represented by such considerations as age, the size of his family and his
health. The distribution of income and wealth has therefore to be assessed
work, Savings and risk taking. People with same opportunities may make
person may prefer a job with low earnings, but short working hours and little
responsibility, while another may prefer to work for longer hours and earn
more. Invariably that person that works for longer hours and earns more will
save more wealth on retirement than one who prefers to consume the little
he has.
variation of income and wealth over a typical person’s life. One person may
be richer than another because he is older and had longer time to save.
Individuals may differ in the time that when they received their peak
incomes. One person may chose to go for low earning and accept training
distribution means that people who start out with same opportunities may
justice may be concerned with the actual differences that are observed in
living standards and may see the causes as relevant only when they cast
as a result of insufficient income for securing basic goods and services. The
poor have also been conceptualized as the proportion of the population that
bundles of goods and services over which one has command, taking into
cognizance the means by which such goods are acquired (for examples,
money and Coupons) and the availability of the needed goods.8 Yet, other
experts see poverty in very broad terms, such as being unable to meet “basic
needs” physical; food, health care, education, shelter etc.) and nonphysical;
can be conceptualized in four ways: These are lack of access to basic needs
depth of poverty, and establish who is and who is not poor are conceived as
including education, working skills and tools. Political and civil rights to
Birki,10. The first three are the basic needs/goods necessary for survival.
Poverty can also be the outcome of inefficient use of common resource. They
weak access to technology, credit and so on. Also, it can be due to certain
through direct and indirect taxation throughout the colonial and post –
over the input of variable resources, for example, on goods and labour
natural and man made disasters. Transient poverty is more reversible but
consumption is its symptom. This has been used for the construction of
those social indicators which highlight availability and access to health care
are poor), intensity or severity of poverty (how poor are they) and the
Setting or defining the poverty line, a tool for measuring poverty is usually
household of a particular size, place and time into poor or non –poor
Watt.16. According to the World Bank report Poverty lines can be set in
in relation to a poverty line whose real value is fixed over time. Poverty lines
some other parts the lack of infrastructural facilities such as access road,
individual within, say, the year. He however, argued that in such a situation,
as we have in Nigeria, where income, particularly; salaries and wages, is not
net income over a period of time normalized by the rate of inflation over the
same period. In Nigeria, the purchasing power of the citizens reached a peak
value in the mid 1970’s after which it underwent rapid decline until recently
between the poor and non-poor. It has two aspects; total household income
and the social milieu in which the household is situated. Data on expenditure
tend to be more reliable indicator of well being than income; these are
nutrition, literary and access to primary education, health care and safe
most poverty lines are based solely on income or consumption data World
parameters such as income size and purchasing power assess poverty at the
level of individual while the standard of living is better suited for assessing
rich) and developing (or poor) countries of the World. And that was the
Apart from using a poverty line, other poverty indices are used to measure
the incidence, intensity and severity of poverty. They include the headcount
index, the poverty gap index, and the squared poverty gap index.
consumption per capital below the poverty line. It measures the incidence
and magnitude of poverty. This index has the advantage of being easy to
The poverty gap index measures the income shortfall below the poverty line.
That is, the amount required to bring the poor above the poverty line. It is
defined by the mean distance below the poverty line as a proportion of that
line. It measures the depth or intensity of poverty. Thus it has an advantage
The squared poverty – gap index devised by Foster, Greer and Thorbecke,25
is the mean of the squared proportionate poverty gaps formed over the
entire population counting the non-poor as having a zero poverty gap. The
inequality amongst the poor. Ravallion M and Sen B.26 This method is said
sanitation. They also include the number of hospital beds and physicians per
child immunization. For education, the ratios computed are literacy rates,
gross and net enrolment ratios at the primary, secondary and tertiary
educational levels disaggregated by gender and expressed as percentage of
measuring it. Survey has been the popular means of ascertaining the level
with the survey data especially for poor countries for comparison across
b. Different survey-based Measures of living standard gives different
result. Some use income while others use consumption. An income –based
survey measure is bound to show higher inequality than the one based on
household enterprise.
d. Survey quality varies, so that even seemingly similar surveys might not
a. Effects of Globalization
The process of globalization which started about a decade and a half ago
rates, terms of trade, tariff e.t.c.) are on the positive and favourable scale.
utility had gone into serious dilapidation. The road network was in bad shape,
was relegated to the background and those that remained in it, were
last 10 years.
60% among the youths aged 14-25 years) translating into 3 million jobless
relevant or even adopt or cope with it. Until the country can achieve certain
growth, fairly efficient public infrastructure and utilities, Nigeria shall remain
b. Governance
Bad governance over the years had deprived Nigerians of the ideals and
top through democratic process, the energy and creative talents of the
people and harness the nations’ resources to enhance the welfare of the
a free, democratic and just society through the pursuit of people centered
programmes. The process will facilities and consistently cultivate a style of
c. Corruption
nepotism, looting, bribery, vote buying and abuse of office are very common.
with cronies who serve as conduit pipes to siphon public money to foreign
accounts of some top government functionaries. Such monies are often kept
countries in the world. The corrupt practices in Nigeria range from extortion
hardly any form of service that would be rendered without giving or receiving
ways, admissions into schools and even hospital was possible only through
bails and police cells, guarantee fees are also being demanded from
scene, credit card racket, breach of business trust, false identities are the
stock in trade of many Nigeria as abroad. The sum total effect is that
corruption has wiped out the goodwill that usually sustains good business
Through corrupt practices the bulk of the nations wealth have been
d. Debt Burden
The debt portfolio which was slightly above US$14.28 billion dollars in 1980
rose to about US$30 billion in the year 2000. The servicing of the debt has
income goes to debts servicing payment. The high debt services ratio
translate into resource constraint needed for such public infrastructures and
utilities as:
iii. Power supply and portable water iv. Roads (urban and rural)
e. Unemployment
Unemployment in Nigerian assumed crisis level in the late 80s and early 90s
tertiary institutions
institutions and.
d. About 10% i.e. 100,000 got formal jobs, over one million might be
secondary schools and colleges dropouts and retrenched workers due to the
closure of many industries. Although there are no reliable data for these
unemployed, it has roughly been estimated to be over 5.0 million. All these
Statistics shows that in 1980, Nigeria population was about 65 million, it rose
estimated that the Nigerian population is currently about 120 million going
stretched the basic social and infrastructural facilities as well as public goods
growth average 2.83 against GPD growth rate of 2.7% meant that resources
meant for investment are consumed with little left for development thereby
A question that has perplexed development economist for decades is. Why
is Africa so poor? There were basically two lines of thinking in the 1950s and
early 1960s. The first focuses mainly on “stages of economic growth”. The
through which all countries must pass. Africa is therefore, poor because this
is a necessary stage that she must go through. It is therefore argued that
today’s advanced Nations have been there and Africa can become advanced
too with the right mixture of savings, investment and foreign aid.
would eradicate poverty, create jobs, reduce inequalities and bring about a
There is a third line of thinking that has emerged in the 1980s and, this new
group looks at the reality on the ground and does not ask why Africa is so
poor rather what can be done to fight poverty in these Nations. Foremost
these strategies is that there is a possibility that the benefits may leak to
is believed, will invariably lift the average poor above the poverty line. In the
short run, income distribution may be positively skewed but the assumption
is that, in the long run, through trickledown effects poverty reduction, both
economic growth.
poverty both in the short and long run. The growth strategy according to
Onah.32 would take more than three decades to achieve the intended
the second half of the 1980s when most African counties have been
In the same vein Chinsman,34 is of the view that, the poverty situation in
Chinsman holds the view that the contemporary growth progress in Nigerian
does not hold much prospect for poverty eradiation. He argues thus:
Nigeria has clearly demonstrated that the hitherto held view that poverty
effect of economic growth is faulty…. It is now clear that there is little sense
An Indian activist once observed that when people felt that they have the
freedom to think, act and relate to each other, they take on a lot of
therefore, makes a “bottom up” poverty reduction strategy in which the poor,
become aware that trust is placed in them, they will begin to assumed
2.8 Theoretical Framework
perhaps they are. But one thing is certain, that every decision arrived at by
the phenomenon (or the social problem) to which the policy and measures
deriving from it are addressed. And this is so even when the administrators
fail to make explicit the theoretical basis of the decision. It is so even when
they themselves are not fully and consciously aware of the models that they
are using. Furthermore, any policy decision is only as good as the model,
which has inflamed its formulation and wrong models of problem can
with it.
It has been argued that neither economists nor social scientist have
forces which govern and determine the pattern of ownership of the factors
personal and inter –group differences in individual income and wealth in any
You cannot study any subject orderly and systematically without using a
reality. All the features of reality are represented there. Anytime we are
conceptual models. The use of models enables the study to be orderly and
systematic. It enables the study to have a focus and it simplifies the process
Thomas Dye in his book “understanding public policy has presented or
model, institutionalist model, systems theory along with the vicious circle of
However, for the purpose of this study, the systems and vicious circle
theories are used. The combination is necessary because it will give a better
here clearly that all but the systems theory along with the vicious circle can
this work. However, the system theory along with the vicious circle will be
used for the theoretical framework of this study. According to this theory,
environment which affect the political system are viewed as input, such as
external to the boundaries of the political system. The political system is that
group of interrelated structures and processes which functions
are authoritative value allocation of the system and this allocation result to
low investment, low savings because of the income situation as the input.
The system theory is further explained with the aid of a diagram thus:
Figure 1
Environment Environment
Environment Environment
According to the theory, the structure of political power in any society is the
Poverty is seen as the necessary features of any situation where the few
posses so much power that they can organize economic system in their own
selfish interest. And that poverty will remain prevalent as long as there is no
power in the society in favour of the majority. Accordingly, how effective the
exploiting class will entrench and perpetuate the system will depend on the
First Nigeria is poor nor because it is a poor country, Nigeria is a very rich
country, and the country is blessed with human and natural resources.
Nigeria has earned more than $250 million? Considering the huge amount of
money, every Nigeria suppose to live as a rich man. But irony is the case,
few continue to become riches and majority continues to become
The few who have access to the resources of the country have continued to
populace. One will wonder that a country like Nigeria where many cannot
afford three square meal per day, some few have billions of Naira in their
Even if there is any effort to assist the poor through poverty eradication
programmes such assistance hardly reaches the targeted poor. The few who
are in possession of power will still hijack it for their own selfish interest. As
such, the poor become poorer and the rich become richer. This is the
situation in Nigeria.
Any attempt to challenge the status quo is seen as an attempt to over throw
in a vicious circle being poor, he lacks the basic means of livelihood to break
out of poverty, thus he remains poor. Like the individual, the economy at
large, can be trapped in a vicious circle. Such an economy has a low per
low per capital income. At the individual level, low income, low savings and
Figure 2
Low income
Low Shortage of
productivity employment
living with low income, unemployed i.e. lack gainful employment and access
either rural area or marginalized sub-urban area. Albeit, there are many
projects and interventions under the NAPEP programme since its inception,
The area of study is Ojokoro Local Government Area of Lagos State., Nigeria.
Lagos State was one of the oldest states created in Nigeria and former capital
of Nigeria, as one of the first of twelve states to replace the nation’s three
regions and Ojokoro is a local government in the state. The total land mass
of Lagos State today is more than 3,577 (km2) square kilometers. The state
Commission (NPC), 2006 albeit the current population of the state is more
than this figure. The state has 20 local government areas, LGAs. The main
Survey research method was adopted in this study. According to Aina and
For this present study both primary and secondary data were employed.
One hundred and three (103) respondents were chosen using simple random
quantitative in nature.
3.5 Validity and Reliability of instruments
not valid are worthless data. Reliability of an instrument is the degree of its
Male 99 96.1
Female 4 3.9
18-30 48 46.6
31-40 35 34.0
41-50 20 19.4
Marital Status:
Married 72 69.9
Single 23 22.3
Divorce 7 6.8
Widow 1 1.0
Size of Household:
Below 6 48 46.6
6-10 45 43.7
Above 10 10 9.7
Primary 21 20.4
Secondary 55 53.4
NCE/OND 20 19.4 7 6.8
Government 65 63.1
Bank 26 25.2
Individual 5 4.9
Self 7 6.8
Mode of Payment:
Full 34 33.0
Instalment 68 66.0
Other 1 1.0
to the females 4 (3.9%) in the study area. This is not surprising as males
usually many as transporters in the society than females. In the age range,
the respondents that fall between the age range 18-30 years are 48 (46.6%),
followed by age ranges of 31-40 and 41-50 years with 35 (34.0%) and 20
napep operators are within the age range of 18-30 years which, is the normal
period to complete education. More so, findings show that most respondents
are married 72 (69.9%) and very rear to find widow 1 (1.0%) among the
operators. This implies that most operators were married without secured or
household of the respondents indicates that 46.6% have small family size of
less than six (6) members and 9.7% have large family size of more than ten
certificate holders with 73.8% and minority of them are high certificate
holders with 26.2%. This connotes that large number of the operators
poverty among the less privileged and illiterates in Lagos state, Nigeria.
This substantiates that government is the main creator of the project under
revealed in the table 1 that majority of the respondents (66.0%) are paid for
have been involved in this tricycle project/operation in less than two years
while the remaining respondents (6.8%) have been involved in more than
two years. This implies that most respondents have not spent sufficient years
operation. Many respondents are earning income per day more than one
dollar ($1) designed as dollar poverty line and food poverty line according to
goods and services are rising in the economy, causing the income earned
respondents particularly those that are married and/or have large family
Table 3: Distribution based on Respondents’ Perception of the Contribution, Assessment and Problem Encountered of
No Improvement 10 9.7
Satisfactory 87 84.5
Not Satisfactory 11 10.7
Don’t Know 5 4.9
while the respondents don’t see high rate of interest on loan as problem.
Table 4: Paired-Samples t-test Analysis of the Income before and after the
Involvement in Keke-napep on Standard of Living of the Respondents
Paired Samples Statistics
Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Lower Upper
Pair 1 resp. monthly income -.96117 1.23608 .12179 -1.20274 -.71959 -7.892 102 .000
earned before keke-
napep involvement
operation - resp. monthly
income earned after
keke-napep involvement
value of the test is 0.0001 which is less than 0.05 therefore we can
conclude that there is a significant difference between the income earned
conclude that there was a significant increase in income earned before and
p˂.0005 (two-tailed). The mean increase in income earned was 0.96 with
in the area of study. The study showed that most operators of keke-napep
their income earned, although there are some constraints to this operation
that it can be ease for the operators to complete their payment for the
network so that more passengers would have confidence and safe in using