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Elizabeth M. Comstock

Lawrence E. Symington
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HHary E. Chmi21inski

Judith S. McGuire
December 1979

Food Sciences taborz;tnrv
R 1 4~ '1 {) () l {·:t~,

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Elizabeth M.jComstock Lawrence E. ymington,-

Hilary E.1ChmielinskilftJudith S./tcGuire
Food Sciences Laboratory 6.2 USDA Reimbursable
US Army Natick Research & Development Command Agreement
Natick, MA 01760 #FNS 58-3198-9-30
US Army Natick Research & Development Command Dec01ilA#79 /
Natick, MA 01760 101 /
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Methods of measuring plate waste were reviewed and evaluated in order to select, pretest,
and develop the method best suited to an economic analysis of waste in school feeding programs.
Aggregate selective plate waste was the method chosen because it appeared to be fast, accurate,
ind easy to learn. Six other methods considered all had serious drawbacks. Aggregate selective
r'I,'e waste measurement involves collecting trays from all, or a sample, of the students in
i lunchroom and separately scraping the waste from each food item. Waste is accumulated
across students before being weighed at the end of the meal. During development and pretesting.- -'

DO An 1473 Eooo' 9mOV*fIS0OLETE UNCLASSIFIED J.1 . . %.


20. Abstract (cont'd)

ft was determined that aggregate selective plate waste can be collected from approximately
300 students during typical lunchroom operation. In lunchrooms serving more than 300
students, a sample of 300 students was found to provide acceptably accurate measures of waste
for most food items. Recommendations were developed for staff, equipment, sampling
procedures, and scraping procedures.


The objectives of the research presented in this report were to review and evaluate methods
of measuring food waste in institutional feeding systems, to select the method best suited to
a national economic study of waste in the National School Lunch Program and the School
Breakfast Program, and to pretest and modify the method to make it as accurate and efficient
as possible.

The method was chosen to be appropriate for data collected on an institutional level,
and flexible enough for use with different serving systems, menu items, school sizes, and age
groups. In addition, the method should be reliable and valid, and should minimize cost and
time requirements. Of the seven methods reviewed in Chapter 2, four were found to be clearly
unsuitable. Aggregate nonselective plate waste does not provide enough information about
specific food items wasted. Garbage analysis involves allowing tray waste to become mixed
in the garbage containers, necessitating the time-consuming procedure of separating the foods
again. Food preference questionnaires were found to be of questionable reliability and validity
as measures of waste. Self-estimation is subject to large student error and bias.

Three methods - individual plate waste, aggregate selective plate waste, and visual
estimation - were all considered applicable within the range of serving systems, kinds of menus,
waste disposal systems, and school sizes described in Chapter 3. Aggregate selective plate waste
was the method chosen, because it appeared to provide the necessary information on amount
of waste, and was fast, accurate, and easy to learn. The other methods had serious drawbacks.
Individual plate waste, while it would provide more detailed information, was judged to be
too time-consuming. Comparisons of time, included in Chapters 4 and 5, show individual
plate waste to require between two and three times longer than aggregate selective plate waste.
Visual estimation was judged to be inadequately tested as a method, to be of questionable
accuracy, to require more time for training researchers, and to require no less time at each
school than the other methods.

Aggregate selective plate waste measurement involves collecting trays from all, or a sample,
of the students in a lunchroom and separately scraping the waste from each food item. Waste
is accumulated across students before being weighed at the end of the meal. Development
and pretestinj of this method centered on three methodological issues: First, how many trays
need to be scraped to obtain an acceptably accurate estimate of total waste for each food
item? Second, how much time is required for aggregate selective plate waste measurement?
Third, what procedures are the most efficient?

Although the best measure of aggregate selective plate waste will be obtained by scraping
all trays in a lunchroom, this procedure is not always practical, particularly in large schools
and when time is limited. When not all trays can be scraped, the number of trays required
in the sample depends on two major factors: the first factor is the degree of accuracy desired;
larger samples yield more accurate estimates. For purposes of this, the accuracy criterion was
a relative standard error of the mean (or total) equal to 0.10 or less. The second influence
on required sample size is the variability of the waste of a food item from tray to tray. The
greater the variability, the more trays must be sampled to reach the accuracy criterion. Since

no measures of the variability of plate waste were found in the literature, variability was
measured for a total of 432 food items in two summer feeding programs (see Chapter 4) and
two regular school lunch programs (see Chapter 5). The type of lunch service ranged from
no-choice, prepackaged lunches to self-serve lunches with numerous menu choices. In general,
variability of waste was very high, and,therefore, desirable ample sizes were large for most
food ivems.

Based on the variability data, it is recommended that, in lunchrooms with fewer than
300 meals served, all trays be scraped for aggregate selective plate waste. In lunchrooms with
more than 300 meals served, it is recommended that trays be sampled to obtain a total of
approximately 300 trays. A sample size of 300 allows the accuracy criterion to be met in
most situations for most food items. For example, if a population size of 500 is assumed,
sampling 300 trays allows the accuracy criterion to be met for 38 of 62 food items. Of
the remaining food items, relative standard errors never exceeded 0.28 and were more typically
closer to the desired 0.10. Errors in estimating waste will tend to be largest for foods wasted
the least, and thus, will contribute least to the cost of the waste.

Measurements of the time required for aggregate selective plate waste indicate that 300
trays can be scraped in a reasonable amount of time. A team of two to four researchers
can scrape about 50 trays per person per hour. Weighing at the end of the meal requires
another ten to fifteen minutes. Therefore, aggregate selective plate waste can easily be collected
from 300 students during the one and a half to two hours of typical lunchroom operation.
Another 30 to 45 minutes for setup and cleanup activities brings the total time in a lunchroom
to between two and three hours. By comparison, collection of individual plate waste requires
between two and three times longer.

The basic procedures recommended for collecting aggregate selective plate waste are
described in Chapter 6. Suggested staff, equipment, sampling procedures, and scraping
procedures are all straightforward and fairly simple to employ. The following additional
recommendations are made. Since the biggest problem logistically is the buildup of incoming
trays, it is recommended that ample table or rack space be available, and that one researcher
devote full attention to receiving and sampling incoming trays. Counting of trays scraped
should not be done until these trays are returned to the dishroom after scraping is complete.
Waste from milk and juice are consistently difficult to estimate accurately; therefore, researchers
should consider collecting all liquid waste, even when only a sample of waste from other foods
is collected. Finally, since every lunchroom operates differently, it is recommended that
researchers visit the lunchroom to observe prior to the day on which data are to be collected.


The Behavioral Sciences Division (BSD) of the Food Sciences Laboratory (FSL), United
States Army Natick Research and Development Command (NARADCOM) was requested to
evaluate methods for measuring food consumption and waste in institutional feeding systems
by the Office of Policy. Planning, and Evaluation (OPPE), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS),
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Funding for this effort was provided under
Agreement Number FNS 58-3198-9-30.

The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions made toward this effort by
individuals bo'h ,utside and within BSD. The two individuals from OPPE, FNS, USDA who
monitored this effort, Dr. Sandra Huffman and Dr. Steven Gale, were extremely helpful to
us. Our initial observations of schools were greatly facilitated by Mr. John Stalker and
Miss Louise Watts of the Bureau of Nutrition Education and School Food Services,
Massachusetts Department of Education, and by Dr. Lloyd Littlefield, Food and Nutrition
Service, State of New Hampshire. There was a high level of cooperation extended by food
service personnel in virtually every school visited. Particular appreciation is extended to the
following individuals: Kathryn Brophy, Kenneth Gebo, Maura Hennigan, Mary McGlaughlin,
Elizabeth Murray, and Herbert Wallace.

Within BSD, several individuals contributed to the overall effort. Dr. Harry Jacobs, Chief
of the Division, was instrumental in the initial contact with USDA and provided the primary
shaping of the project scope. Gina Cosimini, Nancy Curran, and Joseph Hunn were integral
members of the waste data collection team. Dr. Herbert Meiselman also assisted in data
collection, and he and Dr. William Wilkinson provided numerous thoughtful comments in their
reviews of the manuscript. Lorenz Digman provided statistical expertise for the analysis of
probable sampling error. We also express our appreciation to Charlene Slamin and Veronica
O'Brien for their patience and expertise in producing the various drafts and final manuscript.


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Direct Measures of Waste 13
Indirect Measures of Waste 19
Conclusion 27


Description of Schools Visited 29
Waste Measurement Problems 33


Rationale 41
Assessment of Individual Plate Waste Variability 41
Method 42
Resu Its 44
Conclusion 59


School Lunch Programs and Pretesting Methods 63
Aggregate Selective Plate Waste Results 69
Individual Plate Waste Variability 73
Conclusion 75


Staff 77
Equipment 78
Sampling Procedures 79
Scraping and Weighing Procedures 82
Additional Implementation Recommendations 85

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Figure 1. Standard Error of Mean Waste for Two Foods for Four 57
Population Sizes (N) and Six Sample Sizes

Figure 2. Sample Form for Recording Aggregate Selective Plate Waste 80




Table 1. Characteristics of SchouI Lunch Programs Sampled 30

Table 2. Number of Schools with Each Number of Locations for Serving, 29

Eating, and Waste

Table 3. Number of Trays Sampled for Weighing on Each Day at Each 44


Table 4. Description of Food Items for which Individual Waste 46

Measurements Were Made

Table 5. Means and Variances of Individual Plate Waste and Sample Sizes 48
Required for Standard Errors to be Within 10% of the Mean

Table 6. Approximate Percent Waste of Food Items at Site A and 51

Sample Sizes Required for the Standard Errors to be Within
10% of the Mean in a Population of 500

Table 7. Standard Errors of the Mean Expressed in Grams for Three 53

Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes

Table 8. Standard Errors of the Mean Expressed as Proportions of the 55

Mean for Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes

Table 9. Number of Foods and Relative Standard Errors for Three 58

Population Sizes and Two Sample Sizes

Table 10. Estimated Cost in Dollars of Total Waste and Standard Error 60
of the Total for Three Population Sizes and Two Sample Sizes

Table 11. Times Required to Collect Aggregate Selective Plate Waste 62

Table 12. Characteristics of School Lunch Programs Used in Pretesting 64

Table 13. Time Requirements of Aggregate Selective Plate Waste 70

Collection During Pretesting

Table 14. Comparison of Two Samples of Aggregate Selective Plate Waste 72

at School 4



Table 15. Means and Variances of Individual Plate Waste, Required 74

Sample Sizes, and Standard Errors for Food Items at School 1
and School 3

Table 16. Characteristics of Food Waste in Lunchroom Populations 76

of 500

Table 17. Recommended Sampling Ratios for Different Lunchroom Sizes 81





The Behavioral Sciences Division (BSD) of the Food Sciences Laboratory (FSL), United
States Army Natick Research and Development Command (NARADCOM) was requested by
the Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation (OPPE), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS),
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to evaluate methods for measuring food
consumption and waste in institutional feeding systems. Specifically, the objectives of this
effort were to evaluate currently available direct and indirect methods of measuring food waste
applicable to food items in institutional feeding systems; to select the best available food waste
measurement method(s) applicable to a large scale food program evaluation; and to pretest
and modify the method(s) to apply to a large scale economic study of the national school
lunch and breakfast programs. Two additional objectives of this work effirt - the generation
of a literature review concerning food consumption measures, and the design of a protocol
for a methodological study to evaluate and modify methods for further use in evaluating the
nutritional impact of school lunch and breakfast programs on the consumer - are being
addressed outside of this report.

The report is organized in a rough approximation to the time sequence actually followed
in the research effort. The initial task was an extensive review of the literature dealing with
plate waste measurement; that review is presented in the next section of the report. A
concurrent undertaking involved preliminary observations of various school lunch programs in
order to obtain a better understanding of such operations, particularly with respect to potential
waste measurement problems. These observations are detailed in Chapter 3.

The next section of the report addresses the rationale for the proposed method, aggregate
selective plate waste. This rationale is followed by discussion of the pretests of the aggregate
selective plate waste method. The report concludes with recommended procedures for use
of the proposed method.



As the initial task of the effort to select the best available measure of food waste applicable
to a large scale economic study of the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast
Program, an extensive review of the literature was undertaken. The reference list and the
bibliography contain a complete list of sources reviewed in the areas of food waste and food
consumption in children, with particular application to the school lunch program. The discussion
presented here focuses on the methodological considerations involved in selecting among
measures of plate waste. Food consumption measures will be reviewed elsewhere. For data
on specific factors which influence amounts of waste in the school lunch program, see Altschul's
(1976)' review.

Plate waste measures can be divided into two broad categories - direct measures and
indirect measures. Direct measures include weighing the waste of separate food items for
individual students or groups of students, weighing total unseparated waste, and separating and
weighing waste from garbage containers. Indirect measures include measuring food preference
or acceptability, visually estimating amounts of each menu item wasted, and asking students
to report the amounts they wasted. In the review which follows, each of these measures
will be described and evaluated. The description will include procedures commonly employed,
situations in which the measures are commonly applied, and some representative results.

Evaluation of plate waste measures will consider reliability and validity, range of
applicability, and cost. Shortcomings of studies employing these methods will also be discussed;
these include methods of sampling and other design problems. It is important to note that
most studies of Plate waste are designed to characterize relative amounts of waste that occur
for different menu items or to test hypotheses about factors which influence amounts of plate
waste. They were not designed to evaluate the measures. Therefore, data on which to base
an evaluation are often incomplete.


Individual plate waste

Individual plate waste is measured by weighing the leftovers from the separate food items
on the trays of individual students. Initial serving size is also measured when waste is to
be expressed as a proportion of food served or when amount of food consumed is of interest.
Often only a sample of trays is weighed and used to estimate average waste per student.

Individual plate waste is the criterion against which other estimates and indirect measures
of waste have traditionally been compared. It might be noted here that many investigators
have also attempted to use individual plate waste to calculate individual consumption (e.g.,

IAltschul, A.M. Studies in school lunch waste - A literature review and evaluation. USDA/FNS
Contract 557-FNS--76, 1976.

Harper & Jansen, 1973;2 Jansen & Harper, 1978:3 Head & Weeks, 1977(b) ). This procedure
is not necessarily accurate, especially where there is much trading and spillage among students,
and where there are large variations in serving si;e.

A common design for individual plate waste studies involves indicating the student's food
choices on a card as he goes through the cashier's station, leaving the lower portion of the
card on the tray, and recording the weight of the leftovers on the back of the card as the
waste is being disposed of (e.g., Jansen & Harper, 1978; Meredith, et al., 1951;6 Head &
Weeks, 1975"). If the mean serving size of each food is desired, it is usually estimated from
the mean of four or five servings.

Numerous factors have been found to influence the amount of individual plate waste in
school lunches. For example, younger students were reported to waste more than older ones
(Augustine, et al; 1950;8 Hunt, et al; 1958; Mirone & Harvey, 1954;1 0 Patton, et al; 1958' ' )

'Harper, J.M. and G.R. Jansen. Phase II Report; Comparison of Type A and NSM menus
in the National School Lunch Program. USDA/FNS Contract 12-35-600-85, 1973.

'Jansen, G.R. and J.M. Harper. Consumption and plate waste of menu items served in the
National School Lunch Program. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1978, 73,
Head, M.K. and R.J. Weeks. Conventional vs. formulated foods in school lunches. II. Cost
of food served, eaten and wasted. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1977b, 71,

'See footnote 3.

Meredith, A., A. Matthews, M. Zickefoose, E. Weagley, M. Wayave and E.G. Brown. How
well do school children recall what they have eaten? Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1951, 27, 749--751.

"Head, M.K. and R.J. Weeks. Major nutrients in the Type A lunch. II. Amounts consumed
by students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1975, 67, 356-360.

'Augustine, G., M.McKinley, S.L. Laughlin, E.L. James and E. Eppright. Nutritional adequacy,
cost and acceptability of lunches in an Iowa school lunch program. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association, 1950, 26, 654--662.
Hunt, F.E., M.B. Patton and A.F. Carver. Plate waste in a school lunch Ill. Vegetable

acceptance study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 810-813.

'Mirone, L. and L.G. Harvey. A new menu pattern is tested. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association, 1954, 30, 757-761.

' 'Patton, M.B., A.F. Carver and F.E. Hunt. Plate waste in a school lunch. II. Sources of
waste. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 733-737.

and girls to waste more than boys (USDA/FNS, 1978(a);' 2 USDA/FNS, 1978(b)1 3). Family
style service in schools was reported to produce less waste than cafeteria style (Brine, 1956),'4
but bulk serving apparently generated less waste than preportioned lunches (USDA/FNS,
1976).' 5 A la carte choice produced as much waste as the Type A lunch in one study (Sando
and Patton, 1956),' " but free choice generated less wuste than "offered vs. served" or preplated
lunches in another (USDA/FNS, 1978(b)).'

Vegetable acceptance is another area in which individual plate waste has been measured
(Ireton & Guthrie, 1972;"8 Hunt, et al; 1958; 1 9 Patton, et al; 1958;20 Sando & Patton,
195 12'). These studies have focused specifically on ways to decrease waste from vegetables
which generally is the food group most wasted in school lunch programs.

S2 USDA/FNS. Food consumption in the National School Lunch Program. 1978a.

'3 USDA/FNS. Pilot study to compare Type A lunches with alternative subsidized lunches
among high school students. Contract No. 12-35-600-351, 1978b.
Brine, C.L. and E.B. Tate. Effect of food losses on nutritive content of diets in four
institutions. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1956, 32, 19-23.

' USDA/FNS. Pilot study to assess, audit, and evaluate food delivery systems used in school
food service. Contract No. 12-35-600-183, 1976.
' 6 Sando, L.G. and M.B. Patton. Lunch programs in Ohio Public Schools. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association, 1951, 27, 285-288.

See footnote 13.

Ireton, C.L. and H.A. Guthrie. Modification of vegetable-eating behavior in preschool

children. Journal of Nutrition Education, 1972, 4, 100-103.

"See footnote 9.
"See footnote 11.
See footnote 16.

Individual plate waste has not been specifically tested for validity, probably because there
appears to be no more accurate method. Since food separation and individual weighings are
time-consuming, a sample of trays is often used to estimate both initial serving size and the
amount of waste. More trays are typically sampled to estimate waste than to estimate serving
size, but no data on the variability of either waste or serving size were found in the literature.
Therefore, it is not possible to know the degree of accuracy obtained with the sample sizes
used in individual plate waste studies. Preliminary weighings done by the NARADCOM research
team showed very large variability in both serving size and waste, suggesting that estimates
based on small sample sizes should be treated with caution.

Sampling procedures should also ensure that the trays weighed are representative of the
populations to which inferences are to be drawn. In particular, the findings on factors which
influence plate waste suggest that sampling within schools should be representative of age and
sex ratios and menus of differing popularity. Among schools, sampling must take into account
various serving and preparation methods.

A second difficulty with the individual plate waste measure is that it requires a fairly
major intervention in cafeteria procedures. Students given tray cards are usually aware that
their plate waste will be measured, and so may alter their eating behavior.

Finally, the individual plate waste measure is time-consuming (and, therefore, costly)
relative to other methods. For this reason, individual plate waste has been eliminated by USDA
from the methodological options for the future studies toward which this review is directed.

Aggregate selective plate waste

Waste separated by food item and accumulated from several people before weighing is
called "aggregate selective plate waste". Aggregate waste is easier and quicker to weigh than
the leftovers from individual plates, but it cannot provide data on variability in waste or
consumptior within or between individuals. Usually a fixed proportion of the students' trays
is sampled ind assumed to provide an unbiased estimate of group plate waste. Mean aggregate
plate waste will equal mean individual plate waste, as long as the samples are representative.

Aggregate selective plate waste methods have most frequently been applied when students
have no choice among the menu items being measured. For example, Robinson (1978)2 '
collected multiple samples of milk cartons (20 per sample) returned during lunch periods of
schools with and without the special milk program and found that the program did not
contribute to milk waste at lunch. However, in schools where more children were eligible
for free milk, higher milk waste was rioted.

2 - Robinson, J.S. Special milk program evaluation and National School Lunch Program survey.
USDA/FNS: 1978, 52-57.

Bell and Lamb (19/3)- 'measured milk aiid vegetable waste to test the effect of nutritioi
education on consumption of those items. The plate waste of the nutrition education class
was weighed as a whole, both before and after a specific education program. Milk consumption
did not change relative to pre-nutiition education levels, but vegetable consumption increased.
There are at least two methodological problems with this study. First, milk waste may not
have increased because it was already a highly consumed food item. Second, since students
weighed their own waste, they may have been biased in their eating when measurements were

Head and Weeks (1977(b)) 2 4 used aggregate selective plate waste to determine the effect
of formulated foods on consumption of elementary school students. Some menus used
formulated foods in which nutrient-dense components were substituted for, or added to,
traditional foods. Aggregating waste of 70 students in each age group (grades 1 - 3 and
4 - 6) in five schools over two test periods of 20 menus each, Head and Weeks found that
serving formulated foods increased consumption as a proportion of serving size. They also
found that rural children (two schools) consistently consumed more than urban children (two

Martin (1971) 2 used aggregate waste to test whether elementary and junior high school
students preferred hot lunches to cold lunches of equal preference ratings. The proportion
of the serving that was wasted (not the absolute amount of waste) was higher in the cold
lunch than the hot lunch. Elementary school students consistently wasted more than junior
high school students. The preference-matching methodology is of questionable value in
comparing plate waste since other factors enter into consumption (e.g., method of preparation,
environmental temperature, amount of inedible waste).

When not all students receive the same foods, sampling procedures take on a particularly
important role. More trays must be weighed to obtain a given degree of accuracy in the
mean plate waste for each food item. One study (Head and Weeks, 1975)26 handled a situation
with many food choices by distributing food acceptability cards as the children selected their
lunches, asking them to evaluate those items consumed and to return the form with the tray
at the time of waste disposal. Assuming that the students did not evaluate foods they did
not eat (perhaps a naive assumption and not validated at any rate), the investigators used the
number of times a food item was evaluated as the number of servings from which aggregate
waste had been collected. The results were e',pressed in terms of waste of specific food items
per individual served.

-' 'Bell, C.G. and M.W. Lamb. Nutrition education and dietary behavior of fifth graders. Journal
of Nutrition Education, 1973, 5, 196--199.
See footnote 4.

" Martin, K.M. Nutritional adequacy, preference, acceptability, and food production aspects
of hot and cold school lunches. Ph.D. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1971.

"See footnote 1.

The validity of aggregate selective plate waste measurement depends on the same factors
of size and representativeness of samples which were discussed for individual plate waste. An
additional caution occurs with aggregated waste, however. When individual plate waste data
are collected, variability in amount of individual waste for each food item can be calculated;
from these data an estimate of the accuracy of the mean can also be calculated. When plate
waste is aggregated, no data on individual variability are obtained, and therefore the accuracy
of the estimated mean waste is not known.

Aggregate selective plate waste measurement should take less time than individual plate
waste measurement; however, the amount of time saved is not known, since no data were
found on the relative requirements of the two methods. Also, aggregate selective plate waste
measurement should require little disruption of normal cafeteria routines, especially when it
is not necessary to know what each student was served.

Aggregate nonselective plate waste

Aggregate nonselective plate waste is overall edible waste left over on the plate, not
separated by food item or individual. In some applications, milk is collected separately from
other food items. Nonselective waste measurement provides a gross estimate of food losses
but does not yield quantitative information on specific food items consumed or wasted.

Nonselective plate waste was used successfully by Carver and Patton (1958)2 7 to monitor
general food acceptance in school lunches. The results agreed with findings mentioned above
that younger students wasted more than older students. Similarly, Hageman (1945 (a) and
())2M ,2 used the method with hospital patients to determine whether menu choice affected
gross waste of food. She found that clinic patients without any choice ate less than private
patients (always with choice) who, in turn, ate less than clinic patients who were given a choice
of menus.

It is possible to measure the nutrient composition of nonselective plate waste by

homogenizing and chemically analyzing the food waste. For example, Guthrie (1977)30 used
nutrient analysis of gross waste (with milk waste separated) to study the effect of the chocolate
milk option on food waste and consumption. Food waste increased and milk waste decreased

Carver, A.F. and M.B. Patton. Plate waste in a school lunch, I. Overall waste. Journal
of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 615-618.

2" Haqeman, M.I. A study of plate waste as a directive measure in food conservation: Part I.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1945, (a) 21, 608-610.

' Hageman, M.I. A study of plate waste as a directive measure in food conservation: Part I1.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1945, (b) 21, 685-689.

"'Guthrie, H.A. Effect of a flavored milk option in a school lunch program. Journal of
the American Dietetic Association, 1977, 71, 25-30.

when chocolate milk was offered to the students. On the basis of food preparation costs,
she concluded that since milk waste cost less than food waste, chocolate milk was not a desirable
option for the lunch program.

Aggregate nonselective plate waste is not useful for the purposes of an economic study
of waste. The biggest difficulty is that it does not give the essential information on actual
foods which were wasted. Even with nutrient analysis, a time-consuming and expensive
procedure, there is no tested method for inferring foods from which those nutrients came
or the cost of the waste.

Garbage Analysis
Another direct estimate of food waste is garbage separation and analysis.
and Harrison (Rathje and Harrison, 1978;
3 1
Harrison, et al., 197532) were the pioneers in
the field and have produced the principal studies to date. They took garbage containers from
the street, manually separated food from trash, and estimated food inputs from labels on
packages. Consumption was calculated as food input minus observed waste.

The major advantage of this method is that it is unobtrusive - none of the subjects knew
his garbage was being analyzed. It is time-consuming, however, and inaccurate. Researchers
must depend on correction factors for food that is used without its evidence reaching the
garbage can (unlabelled, unweighed, and unpriced food; vegetable garden harvests; and
disappearance through garbage disposals, pets, and compost heaps). Validity has not been

In the school lunch program, total garbage analysis seems unnecessary given that the waste
can be collected and separated before it becomes mixed in the garbage can. The small intrusion
in the cafeteria environment can save many hours of trash separation that may entail large


Food preference

For the purposes of this review, "food preference" is defined as an individual's opinion
of a food in general, independent of such factors as alternative choices, quality of preparation,
etc. "Food choice" is a measure uf what an individual actually selects to be put on his or
her plate. "Food acceptability" is considered to be the specific reaction to a food as prepared,

' Rathje, W.L. and G.G. Harrison. Monitoring trends in food utilization: application of an

archeological method. Federation Proceedings, 1978, 37(1), 50-54.

32Harrison, G.G., W.L. Rathje and W.W. Hughes. Food waste behavior in an urban population.
Journal of Nutrition Education, 1975, 7(1), 13-16.

served, and eaten. "Food consumption" is a measure of the amount actually ingested. These
four concepts are generally related, but not necessarily highly correlated in all instances. For
example, a food could have a high preference rating (be generally well liked) and not be chosen
for d givoo meal because of an attractive alternative. It could also be chosen, then giveii
a low acceptability rating because it was poorly prepared. Given all this, the actual amount
consumed could also vary widely as a function of how hungry the individuel is, when more
food will be available, etc.

Preference can be measured by verbal ratings, nonverbal ratings, estimates of the frequency
of desired consumption, and semantic differentials (Ellis, 1968). ' In studies of children in
the school lunch program, verbal hedonic scales such as the following have been most frequently

- "It's ok, I like it; It's a favorite; Never tasted it; Don't know what it is" on 4th
to 6th and 9th grade children (Martin, 1971).1

- "Like very much" to "Dislike very much" (9-point scale) on 5th and 6th graders
5 3
(O'Connor, 1975).

- "Very pleasant; Pleasant; Neutral; Unpleasant; Very unpleasant" on nursery school

children (Lamb and Ling, 1946).36

- "Terrible; Bad; OK; Good; Great" on grades 5 and 10 (Harper and Jansen, 1973;37 39
Jansen, et al., 197538 ); 4th to 6th and 10th to 12th graders (Head, et al., 1977);
and 5th graders (USDA/FNS, 1975(a); 4 ° USDA/FNS, 1975(c) 4 I).

Ellis, B.H. Preference testing methodology. Food Technology, 1968, 32 (May), 49-56.
1 See footnote 25.

11O'Connor, M.A. Preference maximized school lunch menu planning. M.S. Thesis, Un-
versity of Massachusetts, 1975.

S"' Lamb, M.W. and B. Ling. An analysis of food consumption and preferences of nursery
school children. Child Development, 1946, 17, 187-217.
-'See footnote 2.

-"Jansen, G.R., J.M. Harper, A.L. Frey, R.H. Crews, C.T. Shigetomi and J.B. Lough.
Comparison of Type A and nutrient standard menus for school lunch. I1l. Nutritive content
of menus and acceptability. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1975, 66, 254-261.

"Head, M.K., F.G. Giesbrecht and G.N. Johnson. Food acceptability research: comparative
utility of three types of data from school children. Journal of Food Science, 1977, 42,
4"USDA/F NS. Comparison of Type A and Computer assisted nutrient standard menus. Date
County Public Schools. Contract No. 12-35-600-116, 1975(a).
' USDA/FNS. Comparison of Type A and Nutrier.t Standard Menus. Memphis City Schools.
Contract No. 12-35-600-115, 1975 (c).

-"Like very much; Don't like; Have never tasted" on 4th graders (Hunt, et al.,

"Like; Accept; Refuse" on preschoolers (as determined by their mothers) (Bryan

and Lowenberg, 1958). 4

- "Really good; Good; So-so; Bad; Really Bad" on 1st to 6th graders
", 1976).1
("Determining ...

- "Will not eat; Will not choose; Will eat occasionally; Will 4eat frequently; Other"
on young college women (Young and LaFortune, 1957).

- "Like most; Like least of all; Have never tasted" on teenagers (Schorr, et al.,
1972) .46

Nonverbal hedonic scales for the measurement of preferences have included rating foods
", 1978)
on a 1 to 10 scale ("Food ... and choosing which of a series of faces ranging from
", 1976; '
happy to sad best describes a food ("Determining ... LaChance, 1976(a) 4 9 ).

See footnote 9.

"'Bryan, M.S. and M.E. Lowenberg. The father's influence on young children's food
preferences. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 30-35.

44 Determining what's going down or out. School Foodservice Journal, 1976, 30 (Sept), 65-70.

41 Young, C.M. and T.D. LaFortune. Effect of food preferences on nutrient intake. Journal
of the American Dietetic Association, 1957, 33, 98-103.
Schorr, B.C., D. Sanjur and E.C. Erickson. Teen-age food habits. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association, 1972, 61(4), 415-420.

4 Food preference surveys help cut plate waste. School Foodservice Journal, 1978, 32
(Sept). 21.

4 See footnote 44.

4 LaChance, r.A. Simple research techniques for school foodservice. Part I: Acceptance
testing. School Foodservice Journal, 1976 (a), 30 (Sept), 54-61.

To determine preferences, a hedonic scale questionnaire is typically administered to children
in their classrooms. In studies linking preferences to school lunch waste or consumption, the
form is filled out just prior to the lunch when waste is to be measured. Usually a teacher
administers the form and describes the foods listed. Food waste is collected after lunch and
individual plate waste is weighed. A regression equation is computed between the preference
rating and waste or consumption per 100 g. served (4 or 5 servings are used to compute mean
serving size).

There are several problems with using preference ratings to measure plate waste. The
first concerns reliability, that is, the capability of producing the same result twice from the
same test on the same population. Although hedonic scales have been found to be reliable
in determining preferences of adult men (Peryam and Pilgrim, 1957;5 ° Jones, et al., 1955;"
Waterman et al., 1974;52 Meiselman, et al., 1972;1 3 Smutz, et al., 19 7 4 S4), preference ratings
given by children have not been tested for reliability.

Children might be expected to produce unreliable preference ratings because their

comprehension of food names has been shown to be poor ("Food ... , 1978; 55 Meredith,
et al., 1951 "). Many children do not have a food vocabulary as wide as their actual experience.
If a teacher explains what a food consists of or looks like, the children are quite likely to
be biased by the description. One investigator (Martin, 1971) s 7 tested elementary school

Peryam, D.R. and F. J. Pilgrim. Hedonic scale method of measuring food preferences. Food
Technology, 1957, 11, 9-14 (following page 472).

'Jones, L.V., D.R. Peryam and L.L. Thurstone. Development of a scale for measuring soldiers'
food preferences. Food Research, 1955, 20, 512-520.

"Waterman, D., H. Meiselman, T. Reed, L. Symington and L. Branch. Food Preferences of Air
Force enlisted personnel. NARAL)COM Technical Report 75-51-FSL, Natick, 1974.

"3 Meiselman, H.L., W. Van Home, B. Hazenzahl and T. Wehrly. The 1971 Fort Lewis Food
Preference Survey. NARADCOM Technical Report, TR-72-43-PR, 1971.

" 4 Smutz, E.R., H.L. Jacobs, D. Waterman rnd M. Caldwell. Small sample studies of food
habits: I. The relationship between food preference and food choice in naval enlisted personnel
at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, Davisville, RI, NARADCOM, Natick, MA, 1974,
Technical Report 75-52-FSL.

See footnote 47.

56See footnote 6.

57 See footnote 25.

children's familiarity with 33 food names by administering a pictorial and verbal matching
test. Ninety-one percent of the foods were correctly identified by more than half of the
students tested; more than 80% of the students identified 70% of the foods correctly. In
the Junior High School, 12 food names were correctly identified by more than 85% of the

Evidence also shows that children may indicate ignorance about a food (vegetables in
this case) that they are known to have eaten. When school lunch menus are filled with food
names such as "vegetable chow", "tri-taters", "corn dogs", "pronto pup", French dip sandwich"
and "succotash", it is not difficult to see why children often think they are not familiar with
the foods listed.

A second problem with preference ratings is that if they are to be used as indirect measures
of plate waste, then they must be validated. In this instance, the important aspect of validation
is accuracy. There are reasons in addition to unreliability to doubt the accuracy of preference
ratings as measures of plate waste.

When correlation coefficients have been computed between preference ratings and
consumption or waste measures in school children, results have been equivocal. Some studies
have failed to find a correlation (Hunt, et al., 1958).18 Other studies have reported good
correlations (Head, et al., 1977; 9 Jansen, et al., 1975;60 Harper and Jansen, 1973;6 ' Acredolo
and Pick, 1975;62 USDA/FNS, 1975 (a) 63 and (c)" 4 ), but did not present sufficient evidence
to allow the reader to determine the error inherent in estimating consumption or waste from
food preference data. Also, further research would be required to determine the variation
in the relationship between preference ratings and waste over the different racial, socio-economic,
geographic, and environmental conditions under which the method would most likely be used.

"See footnote 9.

'See footnote 39.

"0 See footnote 38.

6 See footnote 2,
"Acredolo, L.P. and H.L. Pick. Evaluation of a school lunch program. Psychological Reports,
1975, 37, 331-332.
63See footnote 40.
1 See footnote 41.


An extension of food preference measures is to include a time dimension by asking students
to give their preferred frequencies of eating specific foods (Ellis, 1968).61 Sullins, et al., 197766
and Meiselman, et al., 19716" used this method to determine food preferences in adult men.
Schuh and colleagues (1967)"8 attempted to measure the accuracy of adult hospital patients'
preferred frequencies by measuring plate waste when foods were served at desired frequencies
and more frequently, but failed to find a change in plate waste (estimated visually, but not

O'Connor (1975)69 and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts have attempted to

determine a "preference-time function" - the abstinence period between occasions of eating
a food, according to its degree of preference. They attempted to determine this function
for 5th and 6th graders on 60 menu items. A 7-point happy face scale was used to determine
preferences, and descriptions were used to simulate the time frame: "Pretend these foods
are in front of you; how would you rate them? Pretend these foods are in front of you
but you haven't eaten them since Christmas? How many times every 10 school days would
you enjoy eating these foods?" The preference-time function, unfortunately, was not related
to plate waste in the school lunch program but certainly offers an innovative method of tailoring
school lunches to children's preferences.

In conclusion, studies of food preferences offer little support for using preference ratings
as measures of waste. In addition to problems of unreliability and inaccuracy, it is clear from
the literature (Ellis, 1968;7o Pilgrim, 1961;'' Peryam and Pilgrim, 195772) that the terminology

SSee footnote 33.

"Sullins, W.R., L.E. Symington, J.R. Siebold and J.G. Rogers. Food preference, acceptance,
and consumption in a simulated, isolated-duty station. Natick, MA, NARADCOM, 1977.
Technical Report Natick/TR-78/027.

"7 See footnote 53.

Schuh, D.D., A.N. Moore and B.H. Tuthill. Measuring food acceptability by frequency ratings.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1967, 51, 340-343.
9 See footnote 35.

"See footnote 33.

'Pilgrim, F.J. What foods do people accept or reject? Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1961, 38, 439-443.

2 See footnote 50.

used in the scales and the number of gradations require substantial pre-testing before being
put into use. Although time and personnel requirements for administering and scoring preference
questionnaires have not been reported, these would not seem to be significantly less than with
other methods. A high degree of intervention is required, since students must individually
complete the preference questionnaires.

Visual estimation

Visual estimation of plate waste is an appealing alternative to direct plate waste measures
because it is cleaner, may be less time consuming, and may require fewer personnel. It entails
evaluating the quantity of leftovers on a plate by sight, using a predesignated scale. In all
studies reviewed here, the visual estimation scales were based on portion of the original serving
which remained as waste. For example:

- 0, nothing eaten; 1, one bite eaten; 2, more than one bite eaten; 3, whole portion
eaten (Acredolo and Pick, 1975)1
- 1971)
0, none; 1, some; 2, all of the food eaten (What's .....

- All; 3/4; 1/2; 1/4; none of the food remaining on the plate (LaChance, 1976(b)) 7

- 0; 1/2; 2/3; all food remaining on the plate (Chmielinski and White, 1978)6

The limited evidence available suggests that reliability of visual estimation measures can
be good. Interobserver reliability was measured in two studies; it was found to be 88 to
93% by Acredolo and Pick (1975)17 and 90% by Chmielinski and White (1978).8 Test-retest
scores were found by Chmielinski and White to vary from 8 to 26% for five specific foods.

"'See footnote 62.

"4 What's wrong with school lunch. School Lunch Journal, 1971, May 1971, 42-51.

I LaChance, P.A. Simple research techniques for school food service. Part II: Measuring
plate waste. School Foodservice Journal, 1976b, 30 (Oct), 66-76.

"Chmielinski, H.E. and M.A. White. Plate Waste Index: An observational measure/school
food waste. Teachers College, Columbia University, 1978.

"7 See footnote 62.

"See footnote 76.

The biggest problem with visual estimation as a measure of plate waste is that its validity
has not been established. Chmielinski and White conducted the only study to date which
measured validity. The authors used a nonparametric method to compare visual estimates with
the actual weights of the food waste. Agreement was 80%. One problem with the comparison
is that only one tray was used to obtain the standard serving weights for each food item.
Since serving sizes vary widely, it would be advisable to use a larger sample of trays to estimate
serving sizes. Alternatively, visual estimates of plate waste could be based on an absolute
scale such as volume so that estimates of waste do not depend on initial serving size.

A second problem with visual estimation is sampling. Unlike the other indirect methods,
which might be able to collect data from all students, visual estimation would be done on
only a sample of trays. As such, its validity is subject to the same factors of size and
representativeness of samples which were discussed for individual plate waste.

Visual estimation appears to hold promise as a measure of plate waste, but it has not
been tested extensively enough to permit its recommendation for use in a national study of
school lunch waste.

Self-estimation of plate waste

A final indirect measure of plate waste involves asking students to give estimates of the
amounts they consumed, for example, "all, most, about half, just tried it, none" (Head, et
al; 1977).' " Self-estimation as a measure of plate waste depends on the assumption that students
will give accurate estimates of what they ate. Many studies suggest that this assumption is
seldom true.

Head, et at; 1977 administered questionnaires to students in eight elementary schools and
one high school asking the students to rate in adjacent columns how much they liked the
food and how much they ate. Randomly selected plates were sampled for plate waste weighing.
At low consumption levels, students claimed to have consumed more than they did.

Young, et al; (1953)" tested the food estimating capability of twenty-five 8th and 9th
graders on three consecutive days during which the serving size and waste were measured, and
students were asked to recall what they had just eaten for lunch. The agreement between
recall and weighed values was "amazing" according to the authors, but close supervision by
teachers could have made the students quite conscientious. In another study .6 children aged
12 to 14 years were unobtrusively observed during one lunch. Consumption was estimated
by home economics teachers and the children were asked afterwards to recall what they had

-'See footnote 39.

" Young, C.M., F.W' Chalmers, H.N. Church, M.M. Clayton, G.C. Murphy and R.E. Tucker.
Subjects estimation of food intake and calculated nutritive value of the diet. Journal of the
American Dietetic Association, 1953, 29, 1216-1220.

eaten. A tendency for all children, but especially boys, to overestimate consumption was noted.
Meat portions were found to be especially difficult to estimate. The investigators evaluated
the accuracy of estimation and recall in several age groups and concluded that when the subjects
knew they were being observed, their recall and estimation were better.

Meredith, et al. (1951), " in a similar study, asked 94 children nine to 18 years old
to recall what they had eaten for lunch 1/2 to 2 hours after the lunch period. They were
assisted by a nutritionist who knew nothing about the lunches that had been served. It was
found that about 5% of the children remembered the number and kinds of items and their
amounts correctly. One-third of the subjects remembered the number and kinds of foods,
but almost one-half of the children forgot one to four items. The tendency to underestimate
the volume of juice and applesauce consumed, for example, and to misidentify foods were
some problems noted.

Another problem with procedures as obtrusive as self-estimation is that even if children's

memory and estimation abilities are good, they may be biased in what they are willing to
report. Marshall (1956)82 and Litman, et al,(1964)83 assessed children's food beliefs using
the Lewin test. This is a questionnaire in which the child is asked which foods are bad and
which are good, who punishes or praises his food behavior, and what are great and awful
meals he might have at a friend's house. The results revealed that children know approximately
what they should be eating, and that they tailor their alleged consumption to the adult they
assume is reading their dietary reports.

Since self-estimation is subject to such large errors, it is not recommended as a measure

of plate waste.


The seven methods reviewed above were evaluated as measures of plate waste suitable
to be used in an economic analysis of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast
Program. It is assumed that data will be collected on an institutional level, not necessarily
separated by individual student. It is also assumed that specific food items will be kept separate.
The method should be reliable and valid, and should be flexible enough for use with different
serving systems, menu items, age groups, and geographic locations. Within these constraints,
the method which best minimizes personnel, cost, and time requirements should be selected.

" See footnote 6.

2 Marshall, M.M. An inquiry into the food attitudes characteristics of the children in the
Menands school. M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, 1956.

HM Litman, T.J., J.P. Cooney, Jr. and R. Stief. The views of Minnesota school children on
food. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1964, 45, 433-440.

Four methods were found to be clearly unsuitable. Aggregate non-selective plate waste
does not provide enough information about specific food items wasted. Garbage analysis involves
allowing tray waste to become mixed in the garbage containers, necessitating the time-consuming
procedure of separating the foods again. Food preference questionnaires were found to be
of questionable reliability and validity as measures of waste. Self-estimation is subject to large
studet error and bias.

The three remaining methods are individual plate waste, aggregate selective plate waste,
and visual estimation. Individual plate waste provides the most detailed information, but also
requires the most time and expense. Aggregate selective plate waste seems more suitable because
it can provide the same total waste measures without requiring individual weighings. Here
the major unresolved methodological problem is how to obtain a sample of trays large enough
and representative enough to give accurate estimates of the amount of waste in the whole
cafeteria. Visual estimation shares this problem and also needs to be further tested for its

Another valuable conclusion to be drawn from the literature reviewed here is that
investigators need to be alert to factors consistently affecting plate waste. These are particularly
relevant to the sampling among institutions and within institutions which must be done in
measuring plate waste. Sex, age, serving style, choice, menu preferences, environmental
temperature, season, and socio-economic status have all been mentioned as important variables
for sample selection.


" I



A first step toward constructing an instrument to measure plate waste in schools is to

examine the school feeding settings themselves. A total of 39 schools in Massachusetts and
New Hampshire were visited. This sample was selected to reflect a variety of urban and rural
conditions, school sizes, types of kitchen and food delivery systems, types of waste disposal
systems, and student ages. The characteristics of the sample on thirteen relevant dimensions
are shown in Table 1. These schools ranged from 130 students in a rural community school
with family style feeding to 1900 students in an urban school with five separate cafeterias
in the same building with on-site bulk feeding. The range of settings is just a suggestion of
the considerable variability which must be considered in an analysis of NSLP plate waste.

The schools visited included 20 elementary schools, seven middle schools, and 12 high
schools. Of the elementary schools, two served family style on-site; one served on-site,
pre-packaged food; three served food prepared off-site in bulk; three served food prepared off-site
and pre-packaged; and 11 served food prepared in bulk on-site. All 19 middle and high schools
served food prepared on-site in bulk. Sixteen of the school- visited offered a breakfast to
their students. The numbers of schools having each number of serving, eating and waste disposal
locations are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Number of Schools with Each Number of Locations

for Serving, Eating, and Waste

Number of Locations 1 2 3 4 or more

for serving 12 12 3 12
for eating 32 4 1 2
for waste 17 11 1 10

The number of students eating the full lunch in a single school ranged from 53 to 1900.
The number of lunch shifts ranged from one to six, with three and four shifts being most
common; and shift lengths ranged from 20 to 45 minutes, with 20 minutes being most common.
Schools differed in the types of trays and/or plates used. The trays or plates were disposable
in 10 schools, and nondisposable in 29 schools; in 31 of the schools, they were also
compartmentalized. Finally, the methods of waste disposal differed according to item
separation. Milk, food, and non-food were all mixed together in 15 schools. In the remaining
24 schools, at least one of these items was separated. The number of individual food item
choices in a single school was also variable. The entrees available ranged from one to eleven.
The number of vegetables served ranged from one to six, and the fruits offered ranged from
none to four. Also, dessert choices ranged from none to four. The amount of variation
in the factors which related to school feeding is tremendous, as indicated by the data above.

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The selection of schools in Massachusetts and New Hampshire at the end of the school
year raises some critical issues for the interpretation of the data. It is important to recognize
that sampling done in this region, at this particular time, may have yielded data which are
not strictly representative of the national constituency of the NSLP. For example, the menus
sampled in some cases reflect changes in menu planning strategies from the normal procedure.
This point was made by some of the cafeteria- managers who stated that they were preparing
for the end of the school year by incorporating perishable stored foods into the menus for
that period. Other effects of time of the year, such as field trips, early dismissals, and special
uses for cafeterias (e.g., play rehearsals) are not likely to have biased the observations.
Nonetheless, it must be recognized that limitations exist in the generality of this sample.

Another focus of our observations was to anticipate any problems that might arise for
measuring plate waste in these school settings. This task was incorporated as a standard
component of the field observations. The possible measurement difficulties and sources of
error were broken down into: (1) variable quantities of foods served to students; (2) variable
quantities of food wasted; and (3) other extraneous sources of consumption and waste
variability not directly related to menu, delivery system, or waste disposal system. An outline
of these problems is presented in Part 2 of this section.

It is clear from the outline that the goal of large scale, objective measurement of plate
waste in settings and with populations exhibiting such enormous variability is a most difficult
task. The method to be used must be inexpensive in personnel, time, and general overhead
costs, as well as valid. This means that the measurement procedure must be flexible enough
to accommodate the highly variable physical environments and serving systems, and that it
must yield data from each setting which are reliable, valid, and still comparable for use in
the overall economic analysis. Thus it appears that a single, invariant procedure may not be
feasible. What is needed instead is a standard protocol for data recording, and a set of procedures
which will control for any observed variability in the system, and which can be used in all
settings concerned.


How Much Each Student Was Served May Be Difficult to Assess because

A. Food service workers serve portions of varying size.

1. Random variability

a. Size of naturally-portioned items

* Fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges) and sometimes canned fruit (pears)
are served whole (or halved). Fruits are naturally variable in size.

* Meat is also sometimes naturally portioned (chicken pieces, fish pieces),

though more often served in a more uniformly-portioned way (fishcakes,
hamburger patties).

b. Method of preparation

Toppings (frosting, whipped topping, sauces, condiments) may be thicker

on some portions than on others.

Cutting is a great source of variability, particularly for sheet cakes, large

pizzas (at least for edge pieces), vegetable sticks (carrots, celery), salad
ingredients (tomatoes), etc.

Bread was usually commercially sliced into very uniform pieces. The
exception is school-baked rolls (and cookies), which could be moderately
variable in size.

c. Method of serving

- Serving utensils vary in their accuracy from

- measured ladles (e.g., 4 oz or 6 oz, used by most schools for at

least some items, such as spaghetti, soup, stew)

- ice cream scoops (sometimes used for other items such as mashed
potatoes or cole slaw)

- slotted spoons (used by most schuols for serving vegetables)

- regular servings spoons (used occasionally for items such as turkey

a la king, vegetables, cole slaw)

33 r
- rubber spatulas (ulten used, sometimes by students, to spread
condiments like mustard)

- metal spatulas (often used to serve pizza, lasagna, cakes)

sc0olS (sometimes uised for french fries, sjlad)

- tongs (used rarely, for items such as fish sticks, salads, French fries)

hands (extremely variable when used to serve French fries, potato


- paint brush (sometimes used by food service workers to put butter

(melted) on bread)

-squirt bottle (occasionally used for condiments)

Food service workers cannot perfectly size the portions they serve.

Preportioned items are probably less variable in serving size than items
portioned as served.

2. Systematic variability

a. Age of student

- Older stiudents were frequently given larger servings or seconds.

b. Size of student

Bigger students were frequently given larger servings or seconds.

c. Students' requests for more or less

Some schools freely adjusted portion size in accordance with student

requests, some even to the point of omitting an item entirely if a student

Even prepack lunches were occasionally given as seconds if there were


d. Food service workers seemed to adjust serving sizes as a meal progressed,

either to conserve items in short supply or to use up items in ample supply.

e. Food service workers occasionally portioned items visually (e.g., 2/3 of a

dish full). If more than one size of dish or compartment was used, portion
size would also vary.

B. Students may select portions of varying size.

1. Amount of self-selection within a preportioned menu item.

Schools often allow students to select their own items (pick up own vegetable
sticks, cakes or other desserts, fruit, sandwiches, rolls, etc.). Students can
thus choose smaller or larger portions (and often appear to carefully ponder
their choices).

2. Self-serve items.

Portion size is obviously enormously variable when students spoon (or

otherwise dish up) their own food.

o Self-serve happens most frequently with condiments and salad dressings.

Occasionlly schools allow self-serve on most menu items (either in the regular
line or on a salad bar).

3. Family-style service allows great variability in individual portion size, since all
items are self-served from serving dishes at the dining tables.

C. Students may select menus of varying composition.

1. Offer vs. serve

High schools sometimes (and middle schools, occasionally) allow students to

purchase a Type A lunch with only three or four of the five food items

2. Amount of choice available

- Some schools (particularly, but not exclusively, high schools) offer choices
within menu categories.

- Milk: always white, sometimes chocolate, infrequently skim

- Entrees: probably the item with the fewest choices, unless fast food
or cold sandwiches

- Vegetables: sometimes leftovers from previous days. Greatest choices

probably occur in salad bars

- Fruits: frequently choices of several different canned or frozen fruits

- Potato: seldom more than one variety served

- Bread: usually only white, but rarely whole wheat or other dark bread


-- Other desserts: sometimes a choice of type of cookie or cake

3. Extra portions and a la carte items

Schools had widely different procedures for serving extra portions. They
ranged from:

-- Extra portions only if a second full meal is purchased (as the student
goes through the line or later)

-A La Carte items purchased separately (milk, potato chips, etc.)

- Extra entrees distributed to students who want them free of charge

Sometimes vending machines or carts sold extra items during the lunch period
(ice cream bars, soft drinks)

D. Food may be traded.

1. Items from the Type A lunch

Student trading was more common in some schools than others.

Occasionally, lunch monitors encouraged trading by looking for students to

eat other students' leftover food items.

2. Other food I
Students may occasionally trade food from the Type A lunch for food from
brown bag lunches.

I1. How Much Students Ate (Wasted) May Be Difficult to Assess because

A. Food goes other places than waste containers.

1. Outside the lunchroom

Students often take food to playgrounds and elsewhere (bathrooms,

classrooms), even though most schools prohibit it.

Food service workers reported particular problems with fresh fruit in the
plumbing and peanuts and raisins being thrown.

2. Onto tables and floors, etc.

This problem was usually fairly small, with a few notable exceptions

3. Sometimes some groups eat Type A lunch someplace other than the lunchroom.

Special ed students, preschoolers, kindergarten, were observed to eat separately

in their classrooms.

At some schools, students eat outside.

B. Other waste is included in the same containers.

1. Brown bag lunches

Occasionally students who brought lunches from home sat in a separate area
of the lunch room.

2. A la carte

3. Teachers, food service workers

4. Non-food waste

* Prepack trays (hot & cold packs).

Napkins, milk cartons, & other disposables.

Plates, trays, silverware are occasionally discarded by mistake.

C. Waste separation is never complete.

Even when students are supposed to separate items, they often make mistakes
or don't complete the separation.

Hard to separate chicken meat from bones, apples from core, etc.

Liquid foods and sauces which mix will be difficult to separate.

Some solid foods (e.g., breads) may absorb liquid and result in contamination
of both.

D. Pricing policies may encourage the purchase of extra meals to obtain one item

e.g., students may want to purchase a second whole Type A lunch just to
get a second serving of French fries, which cannot be bought a la carte.

IlI. Other Measurement Considerations Come from the Following

A. Time influences measurement on several levels.

1. Time of meal

- Portion size may change from the initial package through cooking, etc.

2. Time of day

Students tend to be hungrier for the later shifts, and if lunch is after recess.

Students may rush to finish if recess follows lunch.

3. Time of week

Many schools have special menus certain days of the week (meatless Fridays,
chocolate milk on Tuesdays & Thursdays, etc.).

One school had half days every Wednesday, so lunch was limited that day.

4. Time of year

- Seasonal diet variations may occur, such as more hot soups in the winter
and more fresh vegetables in late spring and early fall.

5. Special days

Field trips (more numerous in the late spring) and other special meals may
cause major disruptions in the lunch program

6. Duration of lunch period

Time for measurement may be limited.

Time for students to eat may not always be sufficient.

B. Space is often limited.

1. Unobtrusive measures are unlikely.

Although there is usually enough space to physically observe kitchen, serving,

eating, and waste disposal functions, there is usually no place to do this
observation without being very noticeable to kitchen staff and students.

2. Lunch rooms often have other uses.

* Cafetoriums, study halls, gyms, classrooms were all frequently observed. These
other uses could possibly be disrupted by observers, especially when they occur
simultaneously with lunch, as did one study hall and one singing class.

C. Menus vary widely in populaity and familiarity

Food service workers reported that the. most popular menu items were pizza,
hamburgers, French fries, spaghetti, etc.; least popular were vegetables.

D. Tray reserves might not be available for use between shifts.




The review of the literature on methods of measuring plate waste narrowed the options
appropriate ior a national economic study to three: individual plate waste, aggregate selective
plate waste, and visual estimation. Preliminary observations in the schools did not specifically
prohibit the use of any of these methods. All three appear to be applicable to each type
of food preparation, serving, and waste disposal system, kind of menu, school size, etc., with
only minor variations. None of the methods would drastically modify school lunchroom
routines, and the required equipment is simple and readily available.

Aggregate selective plate waste is the method recommended by the NARADCOM research
team. The rationale is as follows. Time and cost are important criteria in the choice of
a method. Individual plate waste, while it provides the most detailed information about waste,
is the most time-consuming method. In some preliminary comparisons of the time required
to scrape and weigh plate waste, individual plate waste indeed required more time than did
aggregate selective plate waste. Since information on amounts of food wasted by individuals
is not essential for an economic analysis of feeding programs at the school level, the extra
time and associated costs involved make individual plate waste a less appropriate measure.

Aggregate selective plate waste was also judged better than visual estimation for purposes
of an economic analysis. There are four basic reasons for this judgment. The first is that
visual estimation has not been adequately tested for accuracy. An economic analysis would
seem to require accurate measurements of the absolute waste. Although the studies of visual
estimation reviewed in Chapter 2 showed high inter-observer agreement, the accuracy of visually
estimating the weight of waste has not been adequately tested. Second, since visual estimation
has been based on proportion of the initial serving that was waste., 1t would be expected
to be particularly inaccurate in lunch programs which serve portions of v.rying sizes. Since
initial serving sizes are typically highly variable, relatively lower accuracy of the estimates would
be expected. A different visual estimation procedure based on volume of waste rather than
proportion might reduce this problem, but it would be a time-consuming and costly method
to develop. The third and fourth disadvantages of visual estimation are based on judgments
by the NARADCOM research team that visual estimation would require much more staff training
and would take no less time at each school.


It is expected that the application of aggregate selective plate waste measures to the
economic analysis of the school lunch program will involve selectively scraping only a sample
of the trays from a meal. Although at small schools it may be possible to scrape waste from
all trays, time and personnel constraints will make sampling a necessity at larger schools. Two
major questions are raised when sampling is employed. First, how many trays can a team
of researchers be expected to scrape in a given amount of time? The literature reviewed gave
little indication of the time and personnel requirements of aggregate selective plate waste

A second unanswered question concerns the accuracy in estimating total waste when only
a sample of trays is aggregated. Obviously, if waste from all trays is aggregated, then total
plate waste for each food item is known with as much accuracy as the scraping and weighing
procedures allow. When sampling is employed, total waste must be estimated from the total
waste in the sample. Assuming that an unbiased sample is obtained, the accuracy of the estimate
h(1(!enIs O, Ion
iree ..-tors:

1. The number of trays in the sample (n),

2. the number of trays in the lunchroom population (N), and

3. the variability of the waste of each food item across trays.

Estimates of total waste of a food item will be worse the smaller the sample size, the larger
the population size, and the larger the variability in food 'tem waste. Ideally, a large enough
sample size should be chosen so the estimates of total waste in most food items will met
some established criterion of accuracy. This cannot be done unless variability in individual
plate waste is known. No data on plate waste variability were found in the literature.

The data described below were gathered to measure variability in individual plate waste
for a variety of menu items. Aggregate selective plate waste was also measured for samples
of trays in order to begin to assess time requirements and develop the recommended sampling
and scraping procedures.



Since the analysis of individual plate waste variability was made durina July and Auaust.
no regular school lunches were being served. Two summer programs with feeding systems
similar to schools participating in the NSLP were selected. Both programs served lunches that
met the specifications for type A lunches, both served students of similar numbers and ages,
and both had lunchroom procedures similar to those observed during the school year. Program
supervisors were very cooperative in allowing data to be gathered in the lunchrooms.

Program A was a summer recreation and community school program located at an urban
elementary school. Approximately 165 children between the ages of 6 and 12 were fed cold,
prepackaged lunches which had been prepared by a private, off-site vendor. There were no
choices available in menu items. All trays and utensils were disposable. The children ate
in groups of eight or fewer at round tables and usually disposed of their garbage in waste
containers scattered around the lunchroom.

Program B was a pre-college enrichment program for approximately 361 gifted high school
students, ages 13 to 15. Lunches were prepared on site and served in bulk from the cafeteria

line of a state college dining facility. Two hot entree choices were available each day, and
there was a very popular self-serve salad bar. Trays and utensils were not disposable. Students
ate at round tables for six. They separated ulensils ,irid paper from their trays before placing
them on a conveyor belt leading to the dishroom.

Plate sampling and scraping procedures

Each site was visited on two days (Al, A2, B1, B1); the second visits were five days
after the first visits to each site. The research team of three or four people arrived before
lunch was served, set up equipment, and recorded the menu items to be served that day. At
site A, five lunches were randomly selected and the initial serving sizes of all menu items
were weighed. It was not possible to weigh initial servings at site B.

When students had completed their meals, a sample of trays was gathered for weighing.
Even though lunchroom routines necessitated a slightly different procedure at each site, the
sampling procedures were designed to be unbiased. At site A, students were instructed by
the lunchroom monitor to leave all their waste on the tables. When the students left the
lunchroom at the end of the meal, the research team gathered all the trays, putting every
second tray from each table into a group for aggregate scraping. The other half of the trays
were selectively scraped and the scrapings were individually weighed.

At site B, trays were picked from the conveyor belt. On day one, every fourth tray
was sampled, and on day two, every third tray was sampled. The first tray sampled was
randomly chosen from among the first three or four trays. As at site A, every second sampled
tray was put into a group for aggregate scraping and the remainder were individually scraped
and weighed.

Sampled trays were selectively scraped as follows. The basic procedure was to separate
for wcghing all the edible portion of each food item which remained on student trays. Nonfood
waste and inedible food waste were discarded. For example, banana was weighed without
the peels and chicken without the bones. Individual food components were separated from
each other as much as possible without excessive labor. For example, hamburger and cheese
were separated from buns and as much condiment as possible was separated from the meat
and buns; gravy was separated from green beans, turkey, and bread. In these difficult
separations, there was some small and unavoidable contamination of one food item from another.
Some food items were intentionally left as composites, for example, macaroni and cheese (B1),
soup (B2), lettuce with dressing (81), and mixed tossed salad with dressing (82).

Equipment and procedures for weighing

All weights were measured to the nearest 0.1 grams usinq a Mettler P-1000 toD-loadina
scale, which could weigh up to 1000 grams. The scale was balanced at each site prior to
data collection.

Food waste to be included in aggregate weighings was scraped with rubber spatulas into
separate containers, one for each food item. The containers were of three types - number 10

can with plastic lids, gallon-size Ziploc plastic bags, and 250 ml polystyrene disposable dishes
(Moore-Park weigh boats). The empty weight of each number 10 can was determined and
recorded prior to the collection of any food waste. After all trays had been selectively scraped,
the aggregates were weighed and container weights were subtracted. An empty plastic bag
or weigh boat was placed on the scale and the scale set to zero prior to weighing aggregates
in those container types.

For the measurement of individual plate waste, the scale was set to zero with an empty
weigh boat in place. Food items from individual trays were then selectively scraped into separate
weigh boats and weighed. Weights from one tray were recorded before moving on to items
from another tray. When a tray showed no evidence of a food item, either because the food
had been completely consumed or because the food had never been on the tray, the weight
was recorded as zero.

The times required to weigh individual plate waste and aggregate selective plate waste
were informally measured with a stop watch during portions of the first three days of data
collection. On the final day, procedures were kept as close as possible to those expected
to be employed in the final method. One researcher sampled and delivered trays to a second
researcher, who selectively scraped for aggregate selective plate waste. The time from a
stopwatch was recorded after each ten trays.


Table 3 shows the number of trays at each site on each day that were sampled for aggregate
selective plate waste and for individual plate waste. Also shown are the total numbers of
trays served at each site. At site B, the total number of meals served was estimated by
multiplying the number sampled by the inverse of the proportion ot trays sampled.

Table 3. Number of Trays Sampled for Weighing On Each Day At Each Site

Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2

Aggregate selective plate waste 40 40 37 55

Individual plate waste 42 40 37 52

Total trays served 130 80 296 321

Plate waste data were gathered for a total of 36 food items, 12 at site A and 24 at
site B. Waste was weighed for all food items served at site A. At site B, a few foods offered
were ignored in the waste collection. On day 1, no data were collected on beverages; waste
from the fruit drink served at site B was measured on day 2. Also, on day 1, no waste
occurred in three items which were to have been measured - pickles, macaroni salad, and
cucumbers - which were all available on the salad bar. On day 2, at site B, three food items
that were very seldom wasted - milk potato chips, and ketchup - were ignored, as were
peas, which were introduced to the cafeteria line late in the meal. Cottage cheese waste was
to have been measured, but none occurred.

The 36 food items for which waste measurements were made are listed and described
in Table 4. Also listed are initial serving weights for all items served at site A and for seven
ittmis served ;it site B. At site A, the weights listed are the means of five initial servings.
The weights listed for site B were obtained when portions returned as waste could be determined
to be a full serving.

Individual plate waste

Table F lists several characteristics of the wasted food items from the individual plate
waste measurements at each site. The mean waste weight in grams is the mean amount of
each food item returned per tray. Since the sample of trays was obtained in an unbiased
way (every xth tray was sampled), multiplying the mean waste by the number of students
in the lunchroom will provide an estimate of the total waste produced in the lunchroom for
a given food (see Cochran, 1953).4 For example, the mean corned beef waste was 31.6;
multiplying by 130, the number of trays served at site A on day 1 (see Table 3), yields an
estimated total waste for corned beef of 4108 grams. Estimating total waste from the mean
will be unbiased in that it will not predictably overestimate or underestimate the lunchroom
total. It will also be a consistent estimator, meaning that the estimate will be better the
larger the sample size.

Table 5 also lists the variance of each food item, calculated from the individual plate
waste samples. Food items differed tremendously in variance, ranging from 0.6 grams squared
for bacon to 6826.6 grams squared for milk. Variability can be indexed in three other ways
particularly relevant to assessing the accuracy of sampling food waste from a large finite
population. There are:

1. the number of trays needed for the sample to meet a specified criterion of

2. the standard error of the mean (or total)waste in grams, and

3. the standard error of the total waste in dollars.

Each of these measures is treated below.

First, it might be asked how many trays would need to be sampled for the estimated
total waste to meet a given criterion of accuracy. The criterion chosen here was a standard
error of the mean no larger than 10% of the mean. Since the total number of trays served
is known, the standard error of the total waste will also be no larger than 10% of the total
waste. When this criterion is met, the true lunchroom total waste for a given food item would
be expected to fall within plus or minus 10% of the estimated total for approximately two-thirds

M4Cochran, W.G. Sampling Techniques. New York: Wiley, 1953.

Table 4. Description of Food Items for Which individual
Waste Measurements Were Made

Mean Serving Weight

Food Item Description of Item in Grams8

Site A, Day 1:

Corned Beef Thin-sliced heap for bun lilling 56.2

Bun Hamburger roll for Corned Beef 49.1
Cole Slaw Chopped cabbage with dressing 83.1
Banana Small, ,resh 67.4
Milk White, in carton 238.2
Mustard Prepackaged 3.9

Site A, Day 2:

3-5 fried, cold, 2nd wing joints 58.8 b

Roll Small unbuttered dinner roll 25.1
Banana Small, fresh 75.7
Milk White, in carton 240.9
Orange Juice Natural, in carton 121.9 c
Ketchup Prepackaged 6.1

Site B, Day 1:

Bacon Strips
Macaroni & Cheese Large serving, approx. 11/2 cups
Bread Sliced, white 22.1
Potato Chips On salad bar, rut:led
Green Beans Cut
Green Pepper On salad bar, chopped
Tomato On salad bar, sliced/chopped
Onion On salad bar, sliced
Lettuce with On salad bar, shredded, 3 dressings
Jello Red and green cubes
Cookies Chocolate chip, oatmeal, sugar 15.2

Table 4. Description of Food Items for Which Individual
Waste Measurements Were Made (cont'd)

Mean Serving Weight

Description of Item in Gramsa
Food Item

Site B, Day 2:

Hamburger Patty served on bun 47.2 d

Turkey One rolled piece, hot 51.8 d
Cheese Sliced American, on salad bar, for
Bun For hamburger 5 3 .5 d
Bread Sliced, white, for turkey
Gravy Ladled onto hot turkey
Soup Vegetable beef in cup
Green Beans Cut
Cold Slaw On salad bar, chopped cabbage with dressing
Mixed Tossed Salad On salad bar, lettuce, tomato, radish & onion
Mixed Fruit Canned peaches, pineapple, fruit cocktail
Fruit Drink Red, orange, green, purple 197.2 d
Cookies Six different kinds 14.2

aWeights of Site A items based on initial servings. Weight of Site B item obtained only when
complete portions were returned as waste.
bChicken bones were not weighed in waste measurements.

CWeighed including carton.

dBased on only one observation.

Table 5. Means and Variances of Individual Plate Waste, and Sample Sizes
Required for Standard Errors to be Within 10% of the Mean

Sample Size Required for

Population Size =
Mean Waste
Food Item In Grams Variance* 100 500 1000 2000

Site A Day 1:

Corned Beef 31.6 561.8 37 51 54 55

Bun 29.1 497.9 38 53 56 58

Cole Slaw 68.2 1024.5 18 22 22 22

Banana 11.9 525.9 79 214 272 315

Milk 36.6 6461.5 83 246 326 389

Mustard 2.2 4.2 47 74 80 83

Site A Day 2:

Chicken 16.6 286.4 51 86 94 99

Roll 9.8 202.3 68 148 174 190

Banana 17.5 796.2 73 172 207 231

Milk 36.2 6826,6 84 256 343 414

Orange Juice 6.2 459.4 93 351 541 714

Ketchup 5.8 4.9 13 14 15 15

*Variance X(x - x) 2 /(n - l)

Table 5. Means and Variances of Individual Plate Waste, and Sample Sizes
Required for Standard Errors to be Within 10% of the Mean (Cont'd)

Sample Size Required for

Population Size =
Mean Waste
Food Item In Grams Variance* 100 500 1000 2000

Site A Day 1:

Bacon 0.3 0.6 90 320 471 615

Macaroni & Cheese 28.8 3801.3 83 240 315 374

Bread 6.2 120.2 76 193 238 270

Potato Chips 0.6 5.8 94 375 600 856

Green Beans 14.9 756.9 78 204 255 293

Green Pepper 0.4 1.4 92 342 518 699

Tomato 2.8 68.5 90 316 461 599

Onion 0.5 1.6 86 269 368 450

Lettuce w/dressing 11.6 554.5 81 225 291 340

Jello 15.9 1186.4 83 243 321 382

Cookies 7.3 246.3 83 242 319 379

Site B Day 2:
Hamburger 6.9 179.5 79 214 272 315

Turkey 1.1 51.5 98 447 807 1353

Cheese 0.6 4.3 94 370 587 830

Bun 8.7 221.9 75 186 228 258

Bread 2.3 90.1 95 383 620 899

Gravy 2.2 37.1 89 302 432 551

Soup 2.1 202.8 98 451 820 1390

Green Beans 32.5 421.2 29 37 39 40

Cole Slaw 1.8 170.7 99 457 839 1446

Mixed Tossed Salad 8.3 454.8 87 284 396 494

Mixed Fruit 6.7 351.9 89 305 439 563

Fruit Drink 7.0 817.1 95 386 627 913

Cook ies 1.9 37.6 91 335 503 671

*Variance = (x -_ ) 2 /(n - 1) 49
of the samples drawn. Table 5 lists the number of trays required for the sample when the
total number of trays served is 100, 500, 1000, and 2000. The formulas used to calculate
,,,iple sii/es were dS lullows (Kish, 1965); F irst, the element reldtive variance, Cy", WdS
calculated as sy 2 / 2, where sy 2 is the variance and 72 is the squared mean. The relative
variance of the mean, or the coefficient of variation, cv 2 , was set at 0.12 = 0.01. The sample
size needed for cv 2 to be 0.01 in an infinite population was calculated as x = cy 2 /cv 2 .
Correcting for finite populations of known size N, requiring sample sizes were then computed
by the formula n = x/(l+x/N).

Notice that as population size increases, the sample size required to meet the accuracy
criterion also increases, but not nearly as rapidly. This means that the proportion of trays
required to meet the accuracy criterion decreases as population size increases. For example,
at population size 100, 30 of the 36 food items would require sampling more than half of
the trays, while at population sizes 500, 1000, and 2000 only 17, 10, and 3 of the 36 food
items would require sampling more than half of the trays.

In general, the food items requiring the largest sample sizes are the food items of which
the smallest percent was wasted. This relationship between percent wasted and sample size
required was remarkably strong. Table 6 shows the food items measured at site A, rank ordered
by approximate percent of the serving size which was wasted. Also shown are the sample
sizes required in a population of 500 for the standard error of the total to be within 10%
of the mean. Of the 12 items, there are only two (chicken and roll) which are out of order
by one location. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient is -- 0.88.

The inverse relationship between percent wasted and sample size required has practical
siqnificance. It indicates that the food items for which the waste will be easiest to estimate
(i.e., a satisfactory estimate can be obtained with the fewest trays sampled) are the food items
which are in some senses the most important to estimate accurately, those for which the most
waste occurred.

Another characteristic of waste measurement is apparent from the data on sample sizes
required to meet the criterion of a standard error of the total within 10% of the total. In
general, smaller sample sizes are required at site A than at site B. For example, in a population
of 500 at site A, only one food (orange juice) of the 12 measured would require a sample
size of more than 300 students. At site B, 13 of the 24 foods measured would require a
sample size of more than 300 students. The explanation of this difference is that at site B
there was a wide range of menu choices available. No attempt was made to keep track of
which menu items were served to which students. The absence of waste from a given food
item was always recorded as zero, whether no food had been taken or whether the food was
all consumed. Using this procedure, when a food is one of several choices, the distributions
of individual plate waste tend to include many zeros, to be biomodal or positively skewed,
and to have low means and high relative variances. Such distributions require larger sample
sizes for estimates of total waste to meet criterion.

" Kish, L. Survey Sampling. New York: Wiley, 1965.

Table 6. Approximate Percent Waste of Food Items at Site A
and Sample Sizes Required for the Standard Errors
to Be 10% of the Mean In a Population of 500

Approximate Sample Size Required

Food Item Day % Wasted When n = 500

Ketchup 2 95 14

Cole Slaw 1 82 22

Bun 1 59 53

Corned Beef 1 56 51

Mustard 1 45 74

Roll 2 39 148

Chicken 2 28 86

Banana 2 23 172

Banana 1 18 214

Milk 1 15 246

Milk 2 15 256

Juice 2 5 351

A second and closely related way to consider the accuracy of sampling is to estimate
standard errors of the mean waste in grams for specific sample and population sizes. The
two sample sizes chosen were 150 and 300 trays, and population sizes were 500, 1000, and
2000. Tables 1 and 8 show the standard eriors of the mean, expressed in grams and also
as prol)ortions of the mean waste, which would be expected at each sample and population
size. Figure 1 graphically illustrates the decrease in standard errors expected for increasing
sample sizes in population of 100, 200, 500, and 1000.) The two foods illustrated are milk
(Al), with a high gram standard error and hamburger (B2) with a lower gram standard error.
Standard errors expressed as proportions of the mean were approximately equal for the two

Notice that, for constant sample and population sizes, food items vary widely in the
accuracy of estimates which would be obtained. Standard errors expressed in grams are not
necessarily correlated with standard errors expressed as proportions of the mean. For example,
suppose 300 trays were sampled in a lunchroom of 500 students. For milk at site A, the
standard error of the mean waste would be expected to be about 3 grams (or 1500 grams
for the total waste), or about 8% of the mean (or total). The standard error of the mean
for cookies (BI) was approximately the same proportion (0.08) as for milk, but it was only
0.57 grams. Soup (B2) had a standard error of the mean of 0.52 grams, similar to cookies,
but this standard error was 25% of the mean soup waste.

Tables 7 and 8 also show that for a given sample size, doubling the population size (e.g.,
from 500 to 1000 or from 1000 to 2000) results in only slight increases in standard errors.
On the other hand, for a given population size, doubling the sample size from 150 to 300
decreases standard errors by nearly one half. Therefore, a sample of 300 trays would be expected
to provide much better estimates of total waste than would a sample of 150 trays. Table 9
is a summary of data from Table 8. It shows the number of foods at each site which would
be expected to have relative standard errors of 0.1 or less, 0.1 to 0.2, and over 0.2. Figures
are from a total of 12 foods at site A and a total of 24 foods at site B. Sample size 150
provides very poor estimates of total waste, especially at site B, where the relative standard
error for only one food would be less than 0.1. Relative standard errors are greatly reduced
with sample size 300. Even at sample size 300, however, there are three food items from
site B with relative standard errors over 0.2 dt population sizes 500 and 1000. The foods
are turkey, soup, and cole slaw, all of which were selected and wasted by very few students
on the day of testinq

The third way in which the accuracy of sampling was investigated involved the cost of
the Wast' Cost estimates were available for alI 12 food items at site A and for 13 food
itenms at site B These costs were used to obtain the estimated total waste cost for each

The formula used to estimate the standard error of the mean was ./ (1-n/N) sy in. This
stindard error wds divided by the mean to give the relative standard error.

Table 7. Standard Errors of the Mean Expressed in Grams
for Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes

Site A Sample Size - 300 Sample Size = 150

Day 1: N = 500 N = 1000 N = 2000 N = 500 N = 1000 N = 2000

Corned Beef 0.87 1.14 1.26 1.62 1.78 1.86

Bun 0.81 1.08 1.19 1.52 1.68 1.75

Cole Slaw 1.17 1.55 1,70 2.19 2.41 2.51

Banana 0.84 1,11 1.22 1.57 1.73 1.80

Milk 2.94 3.88 4.28 5.49 6.05 6.31

Mustard 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.15 0.16

Day 2:

Chicken 0.62 0.82 0.90 1.16 1.27 1.33

Roll 0.52 0.69 0,76 0.97 1.07 1.12

Banana 1.03 1.36 1.50 1.93 2.12 2.22

Milk 3.02 3.99 4.40 5.64 6.22 6.49

Orange Juice 0.78 1.04 1.14 1.46 1.61 1.68

Ketchup 0.08 0.11 0.12 0.15 0.17 0.17

Table 7. Standard Errors of the Mean Expressed in Grams
for Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes (Cont'd)

Site B Sample Size =

300 Sample Size = 150
Day 1: N = 500 N = 1000 N = 2000 N = 500 N = 1000 N =2000
Bacon 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06
Macaroni &
Cheese 2.25 2.98 3.28 4.21 4.64 4.84
Bread 0.40 0.53 0.58 0.75 0.83 0.86
Potato Chips 0.09 0.12 0,13 0.16 0.18 0.19
Green Beans 1.00 1.33 1.46 1.88 2.07 2.16
Green Pepper 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.09
Tomato 0.30 0.40 0.44 0.57 0.62 0.65
Onion 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.10
Lettuce with
dressing 0.86 1.14 1.25 1.61 1.77 1.85
Jello 1.26 1.66 1.83 2.35 2.59 2.70
Cookies 0.57 0.76 0.84 1.07 1.18 1.23
Day 2:
Hamburger 0.49 0.65 0.71 0.92 1.01 1.05
Turkey 0.26 0.35 0.38 0.49 0.54 0.56
Cheese 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.16
Bun 0.54 0.72 0.79 1.02 1.12 1.17
Bread 0.35 0.46 0.51 0.65 0.71 0.75
Gravy 0.22 0.29 0.32 0.42 0.46 0.48
Soup 0.52 0.69 0.76 0.97 1.07 1.12
Green Beans 0.75 0.99 1.09 1.40 1.54 1.61
Cole Slaw 0.48 0.63 0.70 0.89 0.98 11.03
Tossed Salad 0.78 1.03 1.14 1.46 1.61 1.67
Mixed Fruit 0.68 0.91 1.00 1.28 1.41 1.47
Fruit Drink 1.04 1.38 1.52 1.95 2.15 2.24
Cook ies 0.22 0.30 0.33 0.42 0.46 0.48


" :
Table 8. Standard Errors of the Moan Expressed as Proportions of the
Mean for Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes

Site A Sample Size =300 Sample Size = 150

Day 1: N =500 N =1000 N =2000 N =500 N =1000 N =2000

Corned Beef 0.027 0.036 0.040 0.051 0.057 0.059

Bun 0.028 0.037 0.04 1 0.052 0.058 0.060

Cole Slaw 0.017 0.023 0.025 0.032 0.035 0.037

Banana 0.071 0.093 0.103 0.132 0.145 0.152

MilIk 0.080 0.106 0.117 0.150 0.165 0.172

Mustard 0.034 0.045 0.050 0.064 0.070 0.073

Day 2:

Chicken 0.037 0.049 0.054 0.070 0.077 0.080

Roll 0.053 0.070 0.077 0.099 0.109 0.114

Banana 0.059 0.078 0.086 0.110 0.122 0.127

Milk 0.083 0.110 0.122 0.156 0.172 0.179

Orange Juice 0.125 0.166 0.183 0.234 0.258 0.269

Ketchup 0.014 0.018 0.020 0.026 0.029 0.030

Table 8. Standard Errors of the Mean Expressed as Proportions of the
Mean for Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes (cont'd)

Site B Sample Size = 300 Sample Size = 150

Lay 1: N = 500 N = 1000 N = 2000 N = 500 N = 1000 N =2000

Bacon 0.109 0.144 0.159 0.204 0.224 0.234

Macaroni &
Cheese 0.78 0.103 0.114 0.146 0.161 0.168

Bread 0.064 0.085 0.094 0.121 0.133 0.139

Potato Chips 0.141 0.187 0.206 0.264 0.291 0.304

Green Beans 0.068 0.089 0.098 0.126 0.139 0.145

Green Peppers 0.120 0.158 0.174 0.224 0.247 0.257

Tomato 0.107 0.141 0.156 0.200 0.220 0.230

Onion 0.088 0.116 0.128 0.165 0.181 0.189

Lettuce with
dressing 0.074 0.98 0.108 0.138 0.152 0.159

Jello 0.079 0.105 0.116 0.148 0.164 0.171

Cook ies 0.116 0153 0.169 0.217 0.239 0.250

Day 2:

Hamburger 0.070 0.093 0.103 0.132 0.145 0.152

Turkey 0.236 0.312 0.344 0.442 0.487 0.508

Cheese 0.138 0.182 0.200 0.257 0.283 0.296

Bun 0.063 0.083 0.091 0.117 0.129 0.135

Bread 0.147 0.195 0.215 0.276 0.304 0.317

Gravy 0.101 0.133 0.147 0.188 0.208 0.217

Soup 0.246 0.326 0.359 0.461 0.508 0.530

Green Beans 0.023 0.031 0.034 0.043 0.048 0.050

Cole Slaw 0.264 0.349 0.493 0.543 0.567

Tossed Salad 0.093 0.124 0.136 0.175 0.193 0.201

Mixed Fruit 0.102 0.135 0.149 0.191 0.210 0.220

Froit Drink 0.150 0.198 0.218 0.280 0.308 0.322

Cookies 0.116 0.153 0.169 0.217 0.239 0.250

11.0 H0

10.0 Po0



M~t AT 6~
w .0



2.0 1000
500 9

360 5 0
o 50 200 250
waste for Two Foods for Four POPUIatiOfl
Standard Mean
Error of Sizes.
(N) and Six Sampte
Figure .
Tahle 9. Number of Foods lll'd Relitivo Stindard Errors for
Three Population Sizes (N) and Two Sample Sizes

Standard Sample Size = 300 Sample Size = 150
Error N = 500 N = 1000 N = 2000 N = 500 N = 1000 N 2000

Site A:

0.1 or less 11 9 8 7 6 6

0.1 to 0.2 1 3 4 4 5 5

over 0.2 0 0 0 1 1 1

Site B:

0.1 or less 10 6 4 1 1 1

0.1 to0.2 11 15 13 11 9 8

over 0.2 3 3 7 12 14 15

food item and the standard errors of those totals in dollars. The estimated total costs and
standard errors are shown in Table 10 for sample sizes 150 and 300 and for population sizes
500, 1000, and 2000.

Direct comparisons between site A and site B should not be made, since the costs obtained
were not cdomparable. At site A, the cost iii ormalion
1)vdilahle was the (: (st of vach servin(l,
including preparation. At site B, the cost information available was for food items as initially
purchased. In either case, it is apparent that the waste is generally not of negligible cost.
For example, at site A, if 300 trays were sampled from a population of 1000 students, total
corned beef waste would be estimated at $191.51, plus or minus a standard error of $6.92.

Aggregate selective plate waste

There were two major reasons for collecting aggregate selective plate waste. One was
to begin to develop the sampling and scraping procedures. The recommendations of the
NARADCOM research team for efficient procedures will be presented in Chapter 6.

The second purpose in collecting aggregate selective plate waste was to measure the amount
of time required. Table 11 shows times for scraping five successive sets of ten trays on the
second day at site B, when procedures were kept as close as possible to those expected to
be employed in the final method. One researcher sampled trays and delivered them to a second
researcher, who collected aggregate selective plate waste for thirteen separate food items.

The mean time for ten trays was 6 minutes and 37 seconds, which translates into
approximately 40 seconds per tray or 91 trays per hour. This rate would be expected to
be faster for menus with fewer food items or food items easier to separate. As a general
guideline, a team of two reasearchers with experience would be expected to be able to selectively
scrape close to 100 trays an hour. A team of three researchers might increase that rate to
150 or 200 trays an hour. Rates of aggregate selective plate waste collection were measured
again during the final pretesting of the method.


The data collected in the summer feeding programs has led to the following general
conclusions: First, plate waste in these programs was not of negligible cost, This finding
is in agreement with studies of plate waste in school lunches and underscores the importance
of analyzing the economic advantages of reducing plate waste.

Second, individual plate waste can be extremely variable, particularly when variability is
measured relative to the mean or total waste. The higher the variability, the greater the number
of trays that need to be sampled to reach a given criterion of accuracy in estimating total
waste. In general, the foods which required the largest sample sizes were the foods of which
the smallest percent was wasted and foods chosen least often.

Cc O.D N..- (N - (N MD ( ( C

IC) (N4 N. (N 0 . (N
C- ( -
oC C


iz u00 -4 cy) a) (D 0 C) .- (4 CV) CD)

C _ '" CV) 6 c'i 6 6 4 C- t'6 e'J 6

0 0.

(07 (N( D Y D CD) M' (0 to C") (N4

0 -ll 0Q - 0 0
q- . - ORD-
ol c" (66
) c-) Lo( o O Lf 6 'rt a) C'
0 00 (D CY) (Nl C" C%) C') C') C') (N4
4-C") (N -


0 0 -

r_ i-t( C') 0 C -
- C
m w CD ' - - 0C'

E~ rn 0 D o c-) co o Lo ON0* a 0 L
m O 0 00 00 C14 CD C) m' Cn ) 0 m
(n) c -


C' 00. 4r-: Li r


(D 0. ( (
0 C I') C CD


O M CN LO 00- CI -l m. 04 I. Ci (N mD LO
U.11 C) mD CD (N) r1 N.) 0o 00 Cl? LON

U)0 n. tN CD 't CD 0N C') (N D
w. w' CD
z ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'l IlC r n C' C14 0
0, 6~ 6 N L6 o6 0, (N 06 0- 0- 0l 0

N. (N 0 N.: N. -C N. C C (N

C) -n N. b r m0'

CN (0 0 mD 0 N4 Lc) Cl) - CO
U0 0 0) CV) 6 6 q IR CN 0C c)


Co 0
(NC1 CY)
CO r,
0O .- 000 ~ 0
.o - (3 (3 'I LC)

0 U CO
oL 0.
CL (n 0 - CO
o N CD a) CD co U-) (D)

4-0 -l C') - D r N
CV) r- C '

00 0C
C C V)
C) 0c
r- 00
-1o D -l

C clO C 't() CO (N C') 0D

m tr- CO0
Bcn~ 0 6D 6T -N 0 0 0- 00
- 0M 0o -


CN ~ (D* L4
D C ri
CP) C)
Co N


r(- CD - O0 C) - r D C
0 m

C m 0 MU - t - 0 It T 0) C C') N -n 0)
M'~ 0: LO CD0 r- (0 -- (NC
C1 N

00CLcc -
0o. 0 Co

aEa CD

.2 U' D O
r- - 0
N cD
0 C
.2 Cmw o 6 6 6o -o 6 66
.0 0

U') CO ( C') 0) CD Iq (N IC - C') -

0 ' CD
0 -. 0 (N - ) ) D C CN

E 4) a) 0(a
0 0>a
Co c 'D -c N .0 U)c
-~ ,>
0 0.
> E ~ C ~a, -
~ CO
co a-
0 L. 0 c :I

Table 11. Times Required To Collect Aggregate Selective Plate Waste

Set of Ten Trays Time in Minutes and Seconds

1 8:25

2 5:40

3 6:00

4 7:21

5 5:45

Mean 6:37

Obviously, the more trays sampled in a lunchroom, the more accurate the estimates of
total waste for each food item will be. In lunchroom populations of 300 students or less,
it is recommended that all trays be scraped using aggregate selective plate waste procedures.
In lunchroom populations of more than 300 students, it is recommended that trays be sampled
to obtain a total of approximately 300 trays. These recommendations are based on the judgment
that a team of three or four researchers can fairly easily scrape 300 trays during the one
and a half or two hours of typical lunchroom operation. The pretests described in Chapter 5
further tested the time required for aggregate selective plate scraping. The second reason for
recommending a sample size of 300 is that it appears to be a large enough sample to bring
estimates of total waste of most food items to reasonable levels of accuracy. Errors in estimating
waste will be expected for some food items, but these errors will tend to be largest for foods
wasted the least and, thus, contributing least to the cost of the waste.



Methods for collecting aggregate selective plate waste were pretested in five schools between
12 September and 3 October 1979. The schools chosen for the pretests represented a broad
cross section of types of kitchen and serving systems, school sizes, and ages of students.
Table 12 lists several characteristics of the schools, which are also described in more detail

The pretests were designed to assure that the method would be usable in a broad range
of school lunch settings, to improve its efficiency if necessary, and to test its validity. Validity
was assessed by two means. First, two samples of aggregate selective plate waste were gathered
in one school on a single day and compared. Second, individual plate waste was measured
in two schools to assure that the measurements of variability, and thus the required sample
sizes, in the summer programs (described in Chapter 4) were typical of school feeding situations
in general.

Over the course of pretesting, the aggregate selective plate waste procedures were modified
slightly to improve their overall efficiency. The final recommended procedures are described
in Chapter 6, and the specific procedures used and data collected at each school are described


Pretesting Methods

Procedures for collecting aggregate selective plate waste were kept as uniform as possible
rom school to school. Two or three members of the research team visited each school during
a lunch period prior to the day of data collection in order to secure the cooperation of
lunchroom personnel and to determine how to best implement the procedures with minimal
disruption of normal lunchroom routines. Arrangements were made for the schools to provide
tables near the tray return area to be used for holding trays and waste-collection equipment.

On the day of pretesting, the research team arrived approximately one hour prior to the
beginning of the first lunch period. Menu items to be served that day were recorded and
equipment was set up. To ensure that no plate waste was discarded by students before it
could be sampled, trash containers normally distributed around the lunchroom were all gathered
behind the tables where the research team worked. Empty weights were measured for all
containers into which aggregate selective plate waste was to be scraped.

The research team always consisted of three or four people. One person was responsible
for taking trays as they were brought to the waste disposal area, and for sampling trays when
not every tray was to be scraped. Two people scraped for aggregate selective plate waste.
One of the scrapers also counted stacks of trays which had been scraped before discarding
them or turning them in to the dishroom to be washed. When a fourth person was on the

Table 12. Characteristics of School Lunch Programs Used in Pretesting

School School School School School School

1 1 2 3 4 5
Day 1 Day 2

Data Collection Date 9-12 9-26 9-14 9-19 9-21 10-3

Number of Student-

Approx. Total 435 435 570 228 560 1100*

Eating School Lunch 244 237 310 187 539 401*

Aggregate Sample 244 0 310 149 539 263

Individual Sample 0 100 0 38 0 0

Number of Foods
Separated 21 20 19 7 6 22

Grade Range Served 1-6 1-6 7-9 1-5 1-5 9-12

Kitchen Type off- off- on- off- on- on-

site, site, site, site, site, site,
bulk bulk bulk pre-pack bulk bulk

Dishes Disposable? no no no yes no no

Dishes Compartmentalized? yes yes no yes no yes

'School 5 had two cafeterias, but only one was tested. Of approximately 1100 students, 878
were served school lunches. Of these, 401 were served lunches in the cafeteria tested.

resei,;h team, he or she helped the first researcher in handling the incoming trays, and removed
paper and liquid waste before giving the trays to the scrapers.

The equipment and the procedures used for scraping and weighing aggregate selective plate
waste are described in Chapter 6. Except for a few cases noted in the descriptions of schools
below, containers used for collecting waste were number 10 cans and gallon-sized Ziploc bags.
Milk, juice, and a few other food items were scraped directly into the number 10 cans. All
other food items were scraped into Ziploc bags which had been inserted as liners into number
10 cans. When the Ziploc bags became fairly full they were removed from the number 10
cans, sealed, and set aside for weighing at the end of the meal. When the meal ended, the
remaining Ziploc bags were closed, removed from the number 10 cans, and weighed along
with those set aside earlier.

Individual plate waste was measured at two schools (School 1 on day 2 and School 3).
The procedures and equipment were the same as those described in Chapter 4, except for
occasional time-saving modifications described below for each school.

School 1

School 1 was a suburban elementary school which served lunch to approximately 240
students in grades one to six. Food was prepared in the kitchen of a neighboring junior high
school (School 2) and delivered in bulk. Trays were nondisposable and compartmentalized.
Students always had a choice of five entrees - the hot lunch or one of four sandwiches
(submarine sandwich, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, peanut butter and marshmallow fluff
sandwich, and a sandwich of the week, such as turkey). Milk was whole or skim, and juice
was available in paper cups. Students sat at rectangular tables with attached stools. When
they were finished eating, students typically returned their trays to one of two waste disposal
areas, where they emptied milk and juice into a bucket and put trash and food waste into
a large garbage container. There were three 30-minute shifts, and students were allowed to
go outside to the playground after 15 minutes if they had finished eating.

On the first day at School 1, three researchers collected aggregate selective plate waste
from all 244 students eating school-prepared lunches that day. An attempt was made to use
procedures as close to the final recommended method as possible. The time required to scrape
trays was measured from the time the first tray arrived at the waste disposal area to the time
the last tray was scraped. The time required to weigh the aggregate selective waste was also

Problems encountered at School 1 were as follows. First, an attempt was made to separate
milk bought a la carte to drink with home lunches from milk bought with the school-prepared
lunches. It was found to be too tin econsuming and confusing to ask each student whether
they had brought lunch from home. Since kitchens keep good counts of milks and lunches
sold, it was decided that separating a la carte milk cartons was not necessary.

A second problem was that there was much more milk waste than the research team
anticipated. We ran out of convenient containers to hold the waste. Weighing the milk waste
was also a problem. The scale weighed a maximum of 1000 grams, and it could not be zeroed

with ibljtt
11 ds hedVy as a nu mber ten can (about 285 grams) in pl)ace. Therefore, the
rseri:h tedm was torced to weigh milk in portions smaller than 715 grams. Weighing would
have been greatly speeded if a scale with a greater maximum weight had been available.

At School 1, the most troublesome menu item to separate was the submarine sandwich,
which was separated into roll, lettuce, tomato, bologna, salami, and cheese. Separation could
be done fairly accurately, but was time consuming. Future researchers might want to consider
leaving lettuce and tomato together, and all cold cuts together.

On the second day at School 1, three researchers collected individual plate waste only.
Approximately every second tray was selected, for a total of 100 trays. One modification
was made in the basic individual plate waste procedures. The 250 ml weigh boats used for
indiVidudl Plate waste measurements just barely held the contents of one milk carton; spills
were frequent. Therefore, to save pouring and cleanup time, waste milk was weighed in the
carton. Seven empty skimn milk cartons and fifteen empty whole milk cartons were weighed
and found to be very uniform. Skim milk cartons weighted 16 grams and whole milk cartons
13 grams. Carton weights were later subtracted as part of the data analysis.

School 2

School 2 was a Junior high school in the same suburban community. Approximately
310 students in grades seven to nine were served lunch in three 45-minute shifts. Food was
prepared in bulk on site and served on nondisposable, noncoripartmentalized plates and trays.
The menu choices were the same as at School 1. Students ate at rectangular tables for eight.
When they were finished eating, they usually emptied milk and juice into a pail, put paper
waste into a large container, and returned trays and plates to a single dishroorn where food
waste was removed.

Four researchers collected aggregate selective plate waste from all 310 students who brought
school lunches. A la-carte milk waste from an idditional 203 students was also collected. Time
was measured fronri the arrival of the first tr ,y to the scrap)iig of the last tray. The portion
of this time actually spent scraping was obtained by subtracting out the two periods of time
at the ends of shifts one and two when researchers were idle waiting for the first trays from
the next shifts to arrive. Time spent weighing the aggregates was also measured.

The biggest problem encountered at School 2 was a shortage of space for stacking trays
)riir to scraping. A majority of students tended to return their trays during a short period
of time. The trays, with separate plates and dishes, were not easily stacked and required
more handling in the process of collecting waste. A rack into which students or researchers
could slide trays would have helped alleviate these probeins.

The time consuming food to separate at School 2 (as at School 1) was the submarine
sandwich. Also, the tartar sauce was hard to scrape from the small paper cups in which it
was served, because rubber spatulas did not fit inside the cups and some sauce tended to remain
in the folds of the paper cup.

School 2 had a large volume of milk waste, but procedures were somewhat more efficient
than at School 1. Milk cartons were set aside and not emptied until there was a lull in incoming
trays. Enough containers were available, and weighings were done on a scale available in the
school kitchen which could weigh up to 25 pounds.

School 3

School 3 was an urban elementary school. During three 40-minute shifts, 187 students
in grades one to five were served prepackaged lunches in disposable containers. The hot pack
contained the hot food, and the cold pack contained both the cold food in compartments
of a small tray and the nonfood items such as napkin, straw, and utensils. The only menu
choice was for milk (chocolate or whole), which was served in cartons. Students sat at
rectangular tables with attached stools. Normally, as each student finished, waste was collected
and discarded by lunchroom monitors. When all students from one classroom were finished
eating, they returned to their classroom.

At School 3, three researchers collected individual plate waste from 38 trays and aggregate
selective plate waste from the remaining 149 trays. The sample of trays for individual plate
waste was obtained by putting every fifth tray on a separate table. Individual plate waste
weighings were done when lulls occurred in the scraping for aggregate selective plate waste.
Two people from the school system's food service program assisted researchers by collecting
trays from students who had finished eating, and delivering these trays to the researcher who
was sorting incoming trays. Since the individual plate waste measures and the extra helpers
are not part of the recommended procedures, nL time measurements were made at School 3.

One waste separation problem encountered was that the cheese in the cheeseburger was
impossible to accurately separate from the bun. It was decided to weigh these items in one
aggregate. Also, a second kind of juice was unexpectedly served in some of the lunches; both
kinds of juice were collected in one aggregate. Since the procedure of not separating some
food items might make it hard to determine costs of the waste, future researchers might want
to attempt to separate these items, even though it may not be as accurate as other separations.

School 4

School 4 was another urban elementary school for students in grades one to five. Lunches
were prepared in bulk on site and served on nondisposable trays and plates. Students could
choose whole or chocolate milk, but choices were normally not offered on other major menu
items. Approximately 539 students ate school lunches in three 40-minute shifts. Students
sat at rectangular tables for eight. As students finished eating, trays were gathered by six
lunchroom monitors, each responsible for four tables. Normally, the monitors dumped waste
milk into a bucket and separately scraped food and nonfood waste from the plates before
returning them to the dishroom. Students did homework at their tables until the lunch period

At School 4, serving weights were obtained for all six food items on the menu. Six
servings of pear halves and nine servings of spice cake were weighed prior to the meal. Serving

weights of pizza and mixed vegetables were obtained by having a researcher enter the serving
line at a random point, collect a tray intended for a student, and weigh the served portions.
Two trays were collected in this way during each of the three lunch shifts. Serving weights
of milk were obtained by weighing the contents of five unopened whole milk cartons and
eleven unopened chocolate milk cartons which had been returned as waste.

The purpose ol collecting aggregate selective plate waste at School 4 was to partially
validate the method. Two separate samples of aggregate selective plate waste were collected.
Nine people (the six lunchroom monitors, two people from the school system's nutrition
education program, and one researcher) collected trays from students who had finished eating,
put all food waste onto the plate, and returned trays to the dishroom. Plates were delivered
to a second researcher, who sorted plates into the two samples by alternately placing them
on a table to the left or a table to the right. The third and fourth researchers selectively
scraped separate samples, and counted and returned to the dishroom the plates they had
completed. Milk cartons were not identified with the meals with which they had been served,
but they were otherwise sorted into two samples by means of the same procedure used for
plates. Weighings of the samples from the two scrapers were kept separate.

School 5

School 5 was a regional high school for students in grades nine to 12 in a mid-sized
college town Lunches were prepared in bulk in an on-site kitchen and were served on
nondisposable, compartmentalized trays. The kitchen served three 22-minute shifts in each
of two separate cafeterias, one for 477 freshman and sophomorec and one for 401 juniors
and seniors. Each cafeteria had one serving line for the hot entree, a second serving line
for fast foods including hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot (ogs, and submarine sandwiches, and
a self-serve salad bar which included at least eight sepvraz.e items plus dressings and condiments.
Whole, chocolate, and coffee-flavored milk were available Students ate at square tables for
four. When finished eating, the students normadly dumped paper waste into trash cans and
returned their trays and utensils to the dishroom where food waste was scraped by kitchen

Because the two cafeterias at School 5 were in different locations, it was not feasible
to sample trays from both at the same time with the avail; ble research staff of four people.
Therefore, aggregate selective plate waste was collected in only the junior-senior cafeteria.
Kitchen workers indicated that approximately 450 to 500 students were expected to purchase
lunch in the junior senior cafeteria. In an attempt to sample about 300 trays, two out of
every three trays were sampled, using the recommended sampling procedures described in
Chapter 6. Actually, only 401 students were served, and only 263 trays were sampled. Total
tire required for scraping was measured from the time the first tray was brought to the waste
r1,sposal area until the time the last tray was scraped.

In two cases at School 5, exceptions were made in the general guidelines for waste
separation. First, most salad bar components were not individually separated. Scraped together
were lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, bacon bits, cottage cheese, and salad dressings. Second,
cores, seeds, and peels were not separated from the fresh apples and oranges. These exceptions
were made to save time, but depending on what price information is available, future researchers
may want to separate these items.



Time Requirements

Time to scrape plates for aggregate selective plate waste was measured in three schools;
time to weigh the aggregates was measured in two schools. As Table 13 shows, the times
were fast and relatively uniform. Three or four researchers required under an hour and a
half to scrape between 244 and 310 plates. On the average, this was 46 to 55 plates per
hour per person. At each school, the research team was finished scraping for aggregate selective
plate waste within 10 minutes of the end cf the last lunch period.

Weighings required an average of just over half a minute each. The number of weighings
required depended mostly on the number of food items separated, with occasional multiple
weighings required for heavy food items which were wasted in large amounts. Thus, in a
typical measurement situation, about 35 or fewer weighings would be expected, for a total
time of 20 minutes or less. The high number of weighings (92) at School 1 occurred because
of the high milk waste and the low maximum weight capacity of the scale.

In all the pretests, no major disruptions were caused in normal lunchroom routines, and
no major delays were caused in normal dishroom or kitchen personnel schedules. School
custodians usually waited 10 or 15 minutes to clean floors and empty trash containers while
the last few weighings were being done.

In summary, a team of three or four researchers can expect to scrape approximately 300
plates for aggregate selective plate waste during the hour and a half or two hours of operation
of a typical school lunchroom, plus 20 minutes oi less for weighings and 30 minutes for
preparation and clean-up activities.

In contrast with aggregate selective plate waste, individual plate waste requires substantially
more time to collect. No precise measurements of time to collect individual plate waste were
made as part of the pretests. However, the following observations were made. At School 1
on dfay 2, individual plate waste was measured for 100 trays. The research team of three
people stopped at this number because of general fatigue after at least twoe hours and fifteen
minutes, and because custodians had already been waiting at least a half hour to finish cleaning
the floors.

In a related study by a member of the NARADCOM research team, two researchers

collected individual plate waste using as rapid a procedure as possible. All food waste was
weighed in individual serving containers, which had constant weights to be subtracted later.
Even this rapid procedure required approximately two hours for between 100 and 125 trays.
Any further speeding of the procedure would seem to require more scales and more researchers.
Also, the rapid procedure is not applicable in the majority of lunchrooms, which do nct serve
food items in separate containers, and it also requires a much longer data transformation stage
to subtract all the separate container weights.

Based on these observations, it can be concluded that aggregate selective plate waste
measures allow data to be collected from at least two or three times as many trays as is possible
with individual plate waste measures.

Table 13. Time Requirements of Aggregate Selective Plate Waste
Collection During Pretestinga

1 2 5

Number of Researchers 3 4b 4

Number of Trays Scraped 244 310 263

Total Minutes for Scraping 88 84 c 86

Seconds per Tray 22 16 20

Trays per Hour per Person 55 55 46

92 31 -
Number of Weighings

Total Minutes for Weighing 49 16 --

Seconds per Weighing 32 31 -

Total Minutes Scraping

and Weighing 137 100

aln addition to the times listed, approximately 30 minutes were spent in

preparation and clean-up activities.

bOnly three people were involved in weighing.

cTotal busy time was 84 minutes, but an additional 27 minutes was spent waiting
for trays to begin coming in from the two later shifts.

Amount of Waste

One product of the pretests was a set of data on amount of waste in the five schools
visited. Since these data are not directly related to the usability and validity of the method,
they are not discussed here, but are presented in the Appendix.

Comparison of Two Samples

As was described above, at School 4, two researchers each collected separate samples of
aggregate selective plate waste. The samples were labeled left and right. To ensure that wasted
food items from students at each table in each lunch shift were approximately equally
represented in each sample, the sampling procedure was to sort every second plate and milk
carton t o each sample. The procedure resulted in a fairly accurate division, with only five
more plates in the left sample than in the right sample. From the total of 539 plates and
542 cartons of milk served, left and right samples received 272 and 267 plates, and 271 and
271 cartons of milk, respectively.

Table 14 shows several characteristics of the waste collected for each of the six food
items in the two samples and overall. The approximate percent waste for each food item,
shown in the rightmost column, was calculated as follows. Numbers of servings of each food
were determined by counting empty serving containers after the waste had been collected.
There were 539 plates on which pizza, vegetables, and cake had been served, 57 whole and
485 chocolate milk cartons, and 404 paper cups in which pears had been served. The total
waste in grams was divided by the number of servings. Then, dividing by the mean measured
serving weight gave the approximate percent waste.

Also shown in Table 14 are the grams of waste collected for each food item in each
sample. The figures for total grams waste are the sums of the grams of waste in the two
samples. Notice that mixed vegetables was the food item most wasted, both in terms of grams
waste (15873) and percent waste (80%). Approximately 17% of the whole white milk was
wasted, but less than 10% of the other four food items was wasted.

The main reason for collecting two separate samples of aggregate selective plate waste
was to check on the accuracy of estimating total waste from a sample. Projected total waste
figures (in Table 14) were calculated from each sample for each food item. The method used
was the one recommended in the aggregate selective plate waste method for estimating total
waste when only the data from one sample are available; weight of waste in the sample was
multiplied by the reciprocol of the proportion of plates or milk cartons in the sample. The
accuracy of these projected totals was assessed by computing the percent error when compared
with the obtained total waste.

In general, sample data provided good estimates of total waste. The three food items
for which the estimated total waste differed by the smallest percentages from actual total waste
were spice cake (1%), mixed vegetables (1.2%), and cheese pizza (8.4%). Somewhat worse
percent errors were obtained for the remaining three food items, canned pear halves (14.5%),
whole milk (15.8%), and chocolate milk (17.7%). Worse estimates were not unexpected for


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these three food items, because all three had low overall percent waste and high variability
of individual plate waste. Milk waste was known to be difficult to estimate (see sections
on individual plate waste variability in Chapter 4 and the following section). Informal
observations while data were being collected at School 4 showed that waste of canned pear
halves was also highly variable. Not all students received pears, and a great deal of trading
of pear servings was observed.

In sum, the comparison of two separate samples supports the validity of the aggregate
selective plate waste procedure. In a lunchroom serving 539 students, reasonably accurate
estimates of total waste were obtained from samples of approximately half of the trays. As
expected, food items for which estimates were worst all had high variability of individual plate
waste and low overall waste. It should also be noted that in order to collect two samples
of approximately equal size, fewer than 300 trays were sampled in each. Were the recommended
300 trays to be collected in a single sample, estimates of total waste would be expected to
be even more accurate.


Data on the variability of individual plate waste were collected at School 1 for 100 students
and at School 3 for 38 students. The main reason for this comparison was to verify that
plate waste variability obtained from the summer programs described in Chapter 4 is also
representative of plate waste variability in actual school lunch programs. Menus differed widely
between the summer programs and the school programs tested; therefore it is not appropriate
to compare specific food items. Instead, general characteristics of amount and variability of
plate waste will be compared.

Table 15 shows the mean waste in grams and the variance for each of the 26 food items
measured at School I and at School 3. Comparable figures for the summer programs were
presented in Table 5. Mea- waste in the school programs ranged from 0.1 to 82.1 grams,
as compared with a range of 0.3 to 68.2 grams in the summer programs. Variances in the
school programs ranged from 1.1 to 8662.0 grams squared, as compared with a range of 0.6
to 6826.6 grams squared in the summer programs.

Of more relevance is the translation of these means and variances into required sample
sizes, standard errors, and relative standard errors Table 15 shows the sample sizes required
in a population of 500 for the standard error of the mean to be within 10% of the mean.
Comparable figures for the summer programs were presented in Table 5. Required sample
size was less than 300 for 16 of the 26 food items tested. The food items for which a larger
sample size would be required were always food items with a very low amount of waste -
apple sauce and components of sandwiches, which were chosen by very few students, potato
chips, and liquids such as skim milk, fruit punch, and apple juice.

Table 15 also shows expected standard errors of the mean, expressed both in grams and
as a proportion of the mean, if 300 trays were sampled from a population of 500. Comparable
figures for the summer programs were presented in Table 7 and Table 8. The most important
finding to notice here concerns the ten foods listed above which would require a sample size

Table 15. Means and Variances of Individual Plate Waste, Required
Sample Sizes, and Standard Errors for Food Items at
School 1 and School 3

Standard Errors
Mean Sample Size of the Mean when
Waste Required for N=500 and n=300
Food Item in Grams Variance N=500 Gramsb Proportion

School 1:
Spaghetti 24.1 1479.5 169 '.40 0.058
Carrots 11.3 179.8 111 0.49 0.043
Roll & Butter 5.3 94.3 202 0.35 0.067
Sandwich 1, Bread 0.9 21.7 423 0.17 0.191
Ham 0.2 1.1 435 0.04 0.211
Cheese 0.3 4.4 451 0.08 0.248
Peanut Butter &
Jelly Sandwich 1.2 65.3 452 0.30 0.250
Peanut Butter &
Fluff Sandwich 1.1 26.9 413 0.19 0.177
Sub Sandwich, Roll 6.9 244.7 253 0.57 0.083
Chopped Salad 3.6 55.7 229 0.27 0.075
Cheese 2.2 30.8 278 0.20 0.091
Ham 3.3 54.1 253 0.27 0.083
Bologna 2.8 42.3 262 0.24 0.086
Cake 6.4 179.7 232 0.49 0.076
Apple Sauce 0.1 1.2 461 0.04 0.280
Pickles 1.6 15.0 264 0.14 0.086
Potato Chips 1.0 11.5 347 0.12 0.123
Milk, Whole 82.1 8662.0 103 3.40 0.041
Milk, Skim 22.4 4050.1 310 2.32 0.104
Fruit Punch 3.6 195.8 374 0.51 0.140

School 3:
Hamburger 9.6 312.7 204 0.65 0.068
Bun & Cheese 15.1 478.7 149 0.80 0.053
Peaches 31.2 1289.9 105 1.31 0.042
Apple Juice 4.1 205.9 355 0.52 0.128
Milk, Wholea 70.0 6172.0 101 2.87 0.041
Milk, Chocolate a 41.8 5099.7 211 2.61 0.063

aChocolate and whole milk calculations were based only on the numbers of cartons of each flavor
of milk served.

bStandard errors of the total waste can be obtained by multiplying standard errors of the mean in
grams by 300.

of over 300. When only 300 trays are sampled, standard errors exceed 10% of the mean.
For six of the ten foods, the standard errors are less than 20% of the mean, and in no case
does the standard error exceed 28% of the mean. Since these ten foods all had very low
mean waste in grams, the higher proportion standard error corresponds to a very low standard
error in grams.

To summarize, data on individual plate waste variability in school lunches necessitate no

changes in the conclusions drawn on the basis of data from the summer programs. In Table 16,
the two sets of data are combined and summarized on several characteristics, assuming a
population size of 500 trays. Site A and School 3 had menus with no choice, served
prepackaged. Of the 18 food items served, 16 required sample sizes of less than 300 for
the standard errors to be within 10% of the mean. More variability of waste was observed
at Site B and School 1, which offered a choice among more food items, served in bulk. Of
the 44 food items measured, 22 required sample sizes of less than 300. Table 16 also shows
that the ranges of sample sizes required and standard errors are similar for summer programs
and school programs. Required sample sizes and standard errors expressed as proportions tend
to have higher upper values in programs which offered menu choices, served in bulk.


In .neneral, pretests of the aggregate selective plate waste method showed it to be usable
in a broad range of school lunch settings, including prepackaged aid bulk service, small and
large lunchroom populations, and students in grades 1 through 12. Over the course of
pretesting, procedures were modified slightly to improve their efficiency. The recommended
procedures for measuring aggregate selective plate waste are presented in Chapter 6.

Aggregate selective plate waste measurement was found to be much faster than individual
plate waste measurement. A team of three or four researchers can expect to collect waste
from 300 plates during the hour and a half or two hours of typical lunchroom operation.
An additional 30 to 50 minutes may be required for preparation, weighing, and clean-up

In lunchrooms serving more than 300 students, it is recommended that approximately

300 plates be sampled. Measures of individual plate waste and the comparison of two separate
samples of aggregate selective plate waste showed that 300 plates will provide an acceptable
level of accuracy in estimating waste in larger lunchroom populations.

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The procedures described here are to be used in studies of plate waste in school lunchrooms.
They have oeen designed to provide information as accurate as practicable on the absolute
weight or cost of the waste of specific food items. Aggregate selective plate waste is appropriate
to use in answering questions such as the following.

* How much of a specific food item is wasted?

How much does student plate waste cost?

What percent of food is wasted? (In this case, in addition to weighing plate waste,
food must be weighed before serving.)

* When large numbers of schools are compared, what factors influence the amount of
plate waste (e.g., type of serving system, age range of students, number of menu
choices, etc.)?

For some questions involving amount of waste, individual plate waste measures are more
appropriate than aggregate plate waste measures. For example, individual plate waste should
be used if a school wishes to compare waste for two methods of food preparation, for different
age groups within the school, or before and after a nutrition education pioject. Guidelines
for measuring individual plate waste have been published by USDA (1975(b)). 6 The guidelines
for measuring aggregate selective plate waste presented here follow the same general outline,
with necessary modifications in the details of the procedures.


The procedures for aggregate selective plate waste measurement require at least two people.
Three or four people greatly speed the process and may be essential in schools where the
volume of trays being returned at one time is high. In occasional schools with more than
one tray return area, even more people may be required. Typical divisions of duties during
the actual collection and scraping of trays are as follows.

Two People: Person A samples and delivers trays to be scraped, counting and returning
completed trays to the dishroom as time permits.
Person B scrapes and separates plate waste.

86USDA/F NS. General guidelines for determining food acceptability, 1975(b).

Three People: Person A samples and delivers trays to be scraped.
Person B scrapes and separates plate waste.
Person C helps scrape plates, and counts and returns completed trays to
the dishroom.

Four People: Person A samples trays to be scraped.

Person B delivers trays to be scraped and removes paper and liquid waste.
Person C scrapes and separates plate waste.
Person D helps scrape plates, and counts and returns completed trays to
the dishroom.

Notice that it is recommended that trays not be counted until after they have been scraped.
This procedure reduces the burden on Person A, who needs to devote full attention to receiving
incoming trays.


The following equipment is recommended, It should be assembled and set up well before
the start of the meal for which waste is to be measured.

1. Tables and racks near the tray return area

Tables must be large enough to hold all the containers for food item waste in
positions convenient for scraping.

Tables must also be large enough to hold many trays waiting to be scraped and
trays waiting to be returned to the dishroom.

* If space for tables is limited, racks to hold trays waiting to be scraped are also

2. Containers into which to scrape waste

Number ten cans with Ziploc bags (gallon size) as liners work well.

* At least one container is required for each food item to be separated, but many
items will require more than one container. Bring plenty of - ... .

* The empty weight of each container should be measured f rt - -1 rrior to

the meal.

3. Scales for weighing the aggregate selective plate waste

' Ideal scales measure to the nearest gram with a capacity of 5000 grams,

4. Rubber spatulas

Bring at least one for each person who will be scraping.

5. Aprons or lab coats for all people involved in collecting data

6. Forms (see Figure 2), pencils, and clipboard for data recording

7. Paper towels and sponges for clean-up


In order to obtain an accurate weight of food waste, it is recommended that the waste
from approximately 300 trays be weighed. In schools with 300 or fewer students eating the
school -prepared meal, all trays should be collected for weighing. In schools with more than
300 students, a large enough proportion of the trays should be collected to ensure that a sample
of at least 300 trays is collected for weighing.

It is important to use a procedure for collecting trays which gives every tray an equal
chance of being in the sample. Sampling procedures should be determined by the following
three steps.

1. Determine the number of students expected to be served.

The food service director or the lunchroom cashier can usually provide this

2. Determine the sampling ratio.

a. If the number of s-LICcntS is 300 or fewer, the sampling ratio is 1. All trays
should be collected for weighIrigt .

b. If the number of stidents is over 300, the sampling ratio should be determined
by onc of the iollowing two methous.

Method I Consult Table 17

in the fhist COLu-'Mn, locae rne rang; which includes the number of students
you ex;ect to he sL'red. Read across to the recommended sampling ratio in
the second column. For exaimpie, ii 850 students were to be served, 3/8 of
tre trays should hi I:olected tot weighing.

Method 2 - Compute directly

Divide 300 by the number of students expected to be served. Round up to

the nearest simple traction which ensures a sample size of 300. For example,
300 divided by 850 expected students is 0.353. This can be rounded up to
3/8 (0.375).

School: Town: Date
Number of trays sampled ____ Sampling procedure:
Number of trays served

Description of Container Weight Waste

Food Item Preparation Cost Full Empty Weight

2. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

4.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

23.__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Figure 2

Sample Form for Recording

Aggregate Selective Plate Waste Data

Table 17. Recommended Sampling Ratios for Different Lunchroom Sizes

Number of Students Recommended Number of Trays

Expected to be Served Sampling Ratio Sampled

350 or fewer 1/1 -350

350 -399 6/7 300 - 342

400 - 449 3/4 300 - 337

450-- 499 2/3 300 -- 333

500 - 599 3/5 300 - 359

600 -699 1/2 300-350

700- 799 3/7 300-342

800-899 3/8 300-337

900- 1199 1/3 300-400

1200- 1499 1/4 300-375

1500-- 1799 1/5 300-360

1800-2099 1/6 300-350

2100-2399 1/7 300-343

2400-2699 1/8 300-337

2700-2999 1/9 300-333

3000-3299 1/10 300-330

c. The sampling ratio determines a sampling cycle, which should be used as follows
to select trays for weighing. The numerator indicates the number of trays to
be sampled in a row, and the denominator indicates the total number of trays
in the cycle to count before sampling again. For example, if the sampling ratio
is 3/8, 3 trays should be sampled from every 8, or 3 sampled, 5 not sampled,
3 sampled, 5 not sampled, etc. This sampling cycle may be schematically
illustrated SSSNNNNN.

3. Determine the starting position in the sampling cycle.

Use a table of random numbers to select a number between 1 and the denominator
of the sampling ratio. This random number indicates the starting position in the
sampling cycle. When the first tray is returned to the dishroom by a student, the
sampling cycle should be initiated at the starting position. For example, if the
sampling ratio is 3/8, a random number should be found between 1 and 8. Suppose
the random number is 5. Then the starting position is the 5th position in the sampling
cycle, shown underlined in this schematic illustration: SSSNNNNN. The first tray
returned to the dishroom would be the 5th tray in the cycle and should not be
sampled. The next 3 trays should also not be sampled, then the cycle should restart
with 3 trays sampled. Once the sampling procedure has been determined, it should
be recorded on a form such as the one shown in Figure 2.


Before the start of the meal, researchers must determine which foods will be collected
and weighed separately. A detailed menu should be obtained from the kitchen supervisor.
Items such as condiments, different components of composite foods, and milk choices should
all be listed separately on a form such as the one illustrated on Figure 2. Since different
components of a menu item may cost different amounts, it is important to separate as many
components as can be done accurately without excessive labor. The follcwing are examples
of recommended separation procedures.

1. DO separate

Hot dogs from buns

Sandwich fillings from bread (when not too much filling soaks into the bread)

Green beans from mashed potatoes, where these were served as separate menu

2. PARTIALLY separate

Submarine sandwiches into major components, such as roll plus butter, chopped
mixed salad items, cheese, cold cuts

3. DO NOT separate components of

Spaghetti and sauce



Sandwiches in which the filling is very hard to separate accurately from the bread,
such as peanut butter and jelly, grilled cheese

Foods with sauces or condiments mixed or soaked in, such as buttered bread,
dressing on salad, meat and gravy


Frosting and cake

Mixed vegetables, where they are served as one menu item

Vegetables and fruits with their juices

* Tossed salad components

Once the separation procedures have been determined, the number of containers required
to collect the waste should be placed on the waste-collection tables. As student trays in the
sample are returned to the dishroom, all edible food waste should be scraped from the trays
and dishes.

Discard nonfood items such as straws, napkins, and utensils.

Use a ribber sprtula tc scrape plates thoroughly.

Empty all individually packiged foids, such as milk, condiments, and potato chips-

Ideally, only the portion of any food item that is normally considered edible shoud be
weighed. Inedible food waste should not be included in the weight of the waste.

1. Items to be weighed

The following components are' usually considered edible, even though some students
may not them. They should be weighed with the accompanying food item.

Fruit pt:, from apples, grapes, peaches, and pears

Fruit cores from apples and pears

Granishes such as pickles, bacon bits, pimento

Skins from chicken and turkey

Meat fat

Gravies, sauces, cooking liquids

Bread crusts

2. Items NOT to be weighed

The following items are not usually considered edible. Whenever possible, they should
be separated and discarded before the accompanying food item is weighed.


Fruit peels and skins from bananas, oranges, and grapefruit

Pits, seeds, and stems

3. Items to be estimated and subtracted from total weight

Some inedible food portions may require too much time to accurately separate from
the edible portions. Items for which this is likely include chicken bones and some
fruit pits, peels, and seeds. If the researchers judge that this is the case, the weight
of the inedible portion may be estimated as follows.

a. Obtain a count of the number of portions of the food item served. For example,
suppose 200 students were served chicken.

b, Separate and weigh the inedible parts of a sample of these servings. For example,
randomly collect 10 or more trays throughout the lunch period and carefully
cut the chicken off the bones.

c. Estimate the total weight of the inedible portions by calculating the mean weight
of the inedible portions and multiplying by the total number of servings. For
example, if 10 servings of chicken had bone weights totalling 300 grams, mean
bone weight would be 30 grams. Estimated total bone weight for 200 students
would be 6000 grams.

d. Chicken waste from the lunchroom should then be weighed with bones and
the estimated bone weight subtracted.

When the meal is completed and all the sampled trays have been selectively scraped, the
aggregate selective plate waste should be weighed in the containers and recorded on a form
such as the one shown in Figure 2. Container weights should then be subtracted to calculate
net weight of plate waste for each food itern.


The general procedures for measuring aggregate selective plate waste have been described
above. In addition, there are three specific recommendations which will help ensure that
measures of plate waste are as accurate as possible.

First, researchers should consider collecting milk and juice waste from all trays, even when
only a sample of trays is used for other food items. The reason for this recommendation
is that waste from milk and other liquids such as juice has consistently shown high variability,
and therefore requires large sample sizes to estimate accurately. Since milk and juice are served
in separate containers, it should be relatively easy to remove them from trays, regardless of
whether other food items are to be sampled or not.

Second, 300 trays should not be considered a ceiling; re3earchers should scrape as many
trays as possible. If a team of researchers can scrape more rapidly than the estimates presented
in this report suggest, then more trays should be scraped.

Third, the set of schools in which aggregate selective plate . ste is measured should
probably be chosen to include a somewhat disproportionately large number of large schools
with many menu choices. The rationale for this recommendation is as follows. The overall
goal is to measure plate waste in national school lunch and school breakfast programs in different
types of schools across the country. To obtain measures of plate waste as accurate as possible
for each type of school, more schools need to be sampled the more variable the measures
are expected to be. Measures of plate waste will tend to be more variable in larger schools
with more menu choices, and therefore more such schools should be included in the national

This document reports research undertaken at

the US Army Natick Research and Develop-
ment Command and has been assigned No.
NATICK/TR- _ zi/,L in the series of re-
ports approved for publication.


Acredolo, L.P. and H.L. Pick. Evaluation of a school lunch program. Psychological Reports,
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Altschul, A.M. Studies in school lunch waste - A literature review and evaluation. USDA/FNS
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Bryan, M.S. and M.E. Lowenberg. The father's influence on young children's food preferences.
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Carver, A.F. and M.B. Patton. Plate waste in a school lunch, I. Overall waste. Journal of
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Chmielinski, H.E. and M.A. White. Plate Waste Index: An observational measure of school
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Cochran, W.G. Sampling Techniques. New York: Wiley, 1953.

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Ellis, B.H. Preference testing methodology. Food Technology, 1968, 32 (May), 49-56.

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Guthrie, H.A. Effect of a flavored milk option in a school lunch program. Journal of the
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Hageman, M.I. A study of plate waste as a directive measure in food conservation: Part I.
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Harper, J.M. and G.R. Jansen. Phase II Report; Comparison of Type A and NSM menus in
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Harrison, G.G., W.L. Rathje and W.W. Hughes. Food waste behavior in an urban population.
Journal of Nutrition Education, 1975, 7(1), 13-16.

Head, M.K., F.G. Giesbrecht and G.N. Johnson. Food acceptability research: Comparative
utility of three types of data from school children. Journal of Food Science, 1977, 42,

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of food served, eaten and wasted. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1977b,
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Head, M.K. and R.J. Weeks. Major nutrients in the Type A lunch. II. Amounts consumed
by students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1975, 67, 356-360.

Hunt, F.E., M.B. Patton and A.F. Carver. Plate waste in a school lunch Ill. Vegetable acceptance
study. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 810-813.

Ireton, C.L. and H.A. Guthrie. Modification of vegetable-eating behavior in preschool children.
Journal of Nutrition Education, 1972, 4, 100-103.

Jansen, G.R. and J.M. Harper. Consumption and plate waste of menu items served in the
National School Lunch Program. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1978, 73,

Jansen, G.R., J.M. Harper, A.L. Frey, R.H. Crews, C.T. Shigetomi and J.B. Lough. Comparison
of Type A and nutrient standard menus for school lunch. Ill. Nutritive content of menus
and acceptability. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1975, 66, 254--261.

Jones, L.V., D.R. Peryam and L.L. Thurstone. Development of a scale for measuring soldiers'
food preferences. Food Research, 1955, 20, 512-520.

Kish, L. Survey Sampling. New York: Wiley, 1965.

LaChance, P.A. Simple research techniques for school foodservice. Part I: Acceptance testing.
School Foodservice Journal, 1976, 30 (Sept), 54-61.

LaChance, P.A. Simple research techniques for school foodservice. Part II: Measuring plate
waste. School Foodservice Journal, 1976, 30 (Oct), 67-76.

Lamb, M.W. and B. Ling. An analysis of food consumption and preferences of nursery school
children. Child Development, 1946, 17, 187-217.

Litman, T.J., J.P. Cooney, Jr. and R. Stief. The views for Minnesota school children on food.
Journal of the American Dietetic A sociation, 1964, 45, 433-440.

Marshall, M.M. An inquiry into the food attitudes characteristics of the children in the Menands
school. M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, 1956.

Meiselman, H.L., W. Van Horne, B. Hazenzahl and T. Wehrly. The 1971 Fort Lewis Food
Preference Survey. NARADCOM Technical Report, TR-72-43-PR, 1971.

Meredith, A., A. Matthews, M. Zickefoose, E. Weagley, M. Wayave and E.G. Brown. How
well do school children recall what they have eaten? Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1951, 27, 749-751.

Mirone, L. and L.G. Harvey. A new menu pattern is tested. Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1954, 30, 757-761.

O'Connor, M.A. Preference maximized school lunch menu planning. M.S. Thesis, University
of Massachusetts, 1975.

Patton, M.B., A.F. Carver and F.E. Hunt. Plate waste in a school lunch. II. Sources of waste.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1958, 34, 733-737.

Peryam, D.R. and F.J. Pilgrim. Hedonic scale method of measuring food preferences. Food
Technology, 1957, 11, 9-14 (following page 472).

Pilgrim, F.J. What foods do people accept or reject? Journal of the American Dietetic
Association, 1961, 38, 439-443.

Rathje, W.L. and G.G. Harrison. Monitoring trends in food utilization: application of an
archeological method. Federation Proceedings, 1978, 37(1), 50-54.

Robinson, J.S. Special milk program evaluation and National School Lunch Program survey.
USDA/FNS: 1978, 52-57.

Sando, L.G. and M.B. Patton. Lunch programs in Ohio Public Schools. Journal of the American
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Schorr, B.C., D. Sanjur and E.C. Erickson. Teen-age food habits. Journal of the American
Dietetic Association, 1972, 61(4), 415-420.

Schuh, D.D., A.N. Moore and B.H. Tuthill. Measuring food acceptability by frequency ratings.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 1967, 51, 340-343.

Smutz, E.R., H.L. Jacobs, D. Waterman and M. Caldwell. Small sample studies of food habits:
I. The relationship between food preference and food choice in naval enlisted personnel
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Table A-1. Aggregate Selective Plate Waste for 244 Students at School 1

Food Item Total Grams Waste

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce 5614

French Bread with Margarine 1176
Tossed Salad with Dressing 3044
Sandwich 1, White Bread 241
Sliced Turkey 62
Peanut Butter and Marshmallow Fluff Sandwich 289
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich 222
Submarine Sandwich, Roll 898
Bologna 301
Salami 435
Cheese 287
Lettuce from Sandwich 1 or Sub Sandwich 199
Tomato from Sandwich 1 or Sub Sandwich 269
Pickle 241
Potato Chips 155
Pudding, Chocolate 990
Whipped Topping 161
Fresh Apple 2740
Fresh Banana 580
Fruit Punch 515
Milk, Whole and Skim combined 29162

Table A-2. Aggregate Selective Plate Waste for 310 Students at School 2

Food Item Total Grams Waste

Breaded Fish and Cheese Cakes 942

Sandwich Bun for Fish Cakes 1294
Tartar Sauce 1317
Cole Slaw 4575
Sandwich 1, White Bread 162
Sliced Ham 375
Peanut Butter and Marshmallow Fluff Sandwich 162
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich 148
Submarine Sandwich, Roll 1223
Bologna 375
Salami 77
Chopped Lettuce and Tomato 48
Cheese from sandwich 1 or Sub Sandwich 899
Pickles 488
Potato Chips 495
Cookies 1918
Fruit Punch 4983
Milk, Whole White 20083
Milk, Skim 220

Table A-3. Aggregate Selective Plate Waste for 149 Students at School 3

Food Item Total Grams Waste

Hamburger Patty 1398

Sesame Seed Bun 1859
Canned, Sliced Peaches 5895
Apple Juice 1391
Milk, Whole White 810
Milk, Chocolate 6002

Table A-4. Aggregate Selective Plate Waste for 539 Students at School 4

Food Item Total Grams Waste

Cheese Pizza 2884

Mixed Frozen Vegetables 15873
Canned Pear Halves 1419
Spice Cake with Orange Frosting 1797
Milk, Whole White 2180
Milk, Chocolate 10538

Table A-5. Aggregate Selective Plate Waste for 263 Students at School 5

Food Item Total Grams Waste

American Chop Suev 6024

Canned Green Beans in Butter Sauce 1773
Hamburger, Grilled with or without Cheese 477
Cheese, from Cheeseburger, Sub, and Salad Bar 29
Hamburger Roll, from Sub also 1342
Hot Dog 42
Hot Dog Roll 128
Submarine Sandwich Cold Cuts 300
Pickles 38
French Fries 1051
Fresh Apple* 419
Fresh Orange* 383
Cake, Chocolate with Nuts 349
Cake, White with Chocolate Frosting 956
Salad Bar, Mixed Tossed Salad" 1815
White Bread with Margarine 557
Ketchup for French Fries and Burgers 163
Fruit Cocktail 112
Potato Salad 29
Milk, Whole White 2964
Milk, Chocolate 2784
Milk, Coffee-Flavored 717

*Weighed with peels and seeds

"Included lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, bacon bits, dressing, and cottage cheese


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