SEL User Guide
SEL User Guide
SEL User Guide
WHAT IS SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING? 2. Student supports and environment
Social-emotional learning (SEL) describes The environment in which students
the mindsets, skills, attitudes, and feelings learn, which influences their academic
that help students succeed in school, success and social-emotional
career, and life. At its core, SEL focuses on development.
students’ fundamental needs for motivation, Example topics: Teacher-Student
social connectedness, and self-regulation Relationships, Sense of Belonging,
as prerequisites for learning. Educators may School Safety
also refer to SEL as “non-cognitive skills,”
“soft skills,” “21st century skills,” “character 3. Teacher skills and perspectives
strengths,” and “whole child development.” Teachers’ readiness, preparation, and
capacity to support every student
Social-emotional learning is an important socially and emotionally.
part of a well-rounded education. A 2017 Example topics: Professional Learning
meta-analysis from CASEL (the Collaborative About SEL, Resources for Student
for Academic, Social, and Emotional Support, School Climate
Learning) shows that investment in SEL has
led to improved classroom behavior, better Within each of these areas, Panorama
stress management, and 13 percent gains in offers survey measures that cover an array
academics. of SEL topics (e.g., Growth Mindset, Self-
Management, Sense of Belonging). Schools
HOW CAN SCHOOLS MEASURE SOCIAL- and districts can select the topics that align
EMOTIONAL LEARNING? with their strategic priorities, measurement
By asking students and teachers to reflect goals, or SEL framework. We encourage
on SEL through surveys, schools and schools and districts to select between four
districts can gather actionable data to and seven topics for their survey so that
better understand how to support students students and teachers can complete short,
socially and emotionally. Panorama’s Social- specific surveys.
Emotional Learning Survey helps educators
measure and improve SEL in three areas:
1. Student competencies
The social, emotional, and
motivational skills that help students
excel in school, career, and life.
Example topics: Growth Mindset, Self-
Efficacy, Social Awareness
Student Competencies
The social, emotional, and motivational skills that help students succeed in school,
career, and life.
Example Question: How connected do you feel How much students feel that an academic
to the adults at your school? subject is interesting, important, and useful.
Example Question: How often do you use ideas
SCHOOL SAFETY — RECOMMENDED P. 25 from [SUBJECT] class in your daily life?
Perceptions of student physical and
psychological safety while at school. VALUING OF SCHOOL —
Example Question: How often do you worry
about violence at your school? How much students feel that school is
interesting, important, and useful.
Example Question: How important is it to you
to do well in your classes?
Grit — Recommended
How well students are able to persevere through setbacks to achieve important long-term goals.
Grades 6-12
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-12
Whether a person does well or poorly in school may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In school, how possible is it for you to change:
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the subjects you are studying possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Putting forth a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Grades 3-5
Whether a person does well or poorly in school may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In school, how possible is it for you to change:
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the subjects you are studying possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Giving a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Grades 6-12
How often did you get your work done right away, Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
instead of waiting until the last minute? time
How often did you pay attention and Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
resist distractions? time
When you were working independently, how often did Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
you stay focused? time
How often did you remain calm, even when someone Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
was bothering you or saying bad things? time
How often did you allow others to speak Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
without interruption? time
Grades 3-5
How often did you get your work done right away, Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
instead of waiting until the last minute? time
How often did you pay attention and Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
ignore distractions? time
When you were working independently, how often did Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
you stay focused? time
How often did you remain calm, even when someone Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
was bothering you or saying bad things? time
How often did you allow others to speak without Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often
interrupting them? time
Grades 6-12
Cared a
Cared Cared quite
How much did you care about other people's feelings? Did not care at all Cared a little bit tremendous
somewhat a bit
How well did you get along with students who are Did not get along Got along a little Got along Got along Got along
different from you? at all bit somewhat pretty well extremely well
Somewhat Extremely
How clearly were you able to describe your feelings? Not at all clearly Slightly clearly Quite clearly
clearly clearly
When others disagreed with you, how respectful were Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite respectful
you of their views? respectful respectful respectful respectful
Grades 3-5
Cared a
Cared Cared quite
How much did you care about other people's feelings? Did not care at all Cared a little bit tremendous
somewhat a bit
How well did you get along with students who are Did not get along Got along a little Got along Got along Got along
different from you? at all bit somewhat pretty well extremely well
Somewhat Extremely
How clearly were you able to describe your feelings? Not at all clearly Slightly clearly Quite clearly
clearly clearly
When others disagreed with you, how respectful were Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite respectful
you of their views? respectful respectful respectful respectful
Grades 6-12
How confident are you that you can complete all the Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
work that is assigned in your classes? confident confident confident confident
When complicated ideas are presented in class, how Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
confident are you that you can understand them? confident confident confident confident
How confident are you that you can learn all the Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
material presented in your classes? confident confident confident confident
How confident are you that you can do the hardest Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
work that is assigned in your classes? confident confident confident confident
How confident are you that you will remember what Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
you learned in your current classes, next year? confident confident confident confident
Grades 3-5
How sure are you that you can complete all the work
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
that is assigned in your class?
How sure are you that you can learn all the topics
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
taught in your class?
How sure are you that you can do the hardest work
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
that is assigned in your class?
How sure are you that you will remember what you
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
learned in your current class, next year?
Grades 6-12
How confident are you that you can choose an Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
effective strategy to get your schoolwork done well? confident confident confident confident
Grades 3-5
How sure are you that you can figure out a good way
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
to get your schoolwork done well?
Grades 6-12
How much effort do you put into getting involved in A little bit of Quite a bit of A great deal of
Almost no effort Some effort
discussions during class? effort effort effort
When your teacher is speaking, how much effort do A little bit of Quite a bit of A great deal of
Almost no effort Some effort
you put into trying to pay attention? effort effort effort
How much effort do you put into your homework for A little bit of Quite a bit of A great deal of
Almost no effort Some effort
this class? effort effort effort
Overall, how much effort do you put forth during A little bit of Quite a bit of A great deal of
Almost no effort Some effort
this class? effort effort effort
How much effort do you put into learning all the A little bit of Quite a bit of A great deal of
Almost no effort Some effort
material for this class? effort effort effort
Grades 3-5
How much effort do you put into your homework for A little bit of Quite a bit of A tremendous
Almost no effort Some effort
this class? effort effort amount of effort
Overall, how hard do you try in class? Not hard at all A little hard Somewhat hard Very hard Extremely hard
How much effort do you put into learning all the A little bit of Quite a bit of A tremendous
Almost no effort Some effort
material for this class? effort effort amount of effort
Grades 6-12
Overall, how much effort do you put into figuring out A small amount Quite a bit of A tremendous
Almost no effort Some effort
what your teachers are thinking? of effort effort amount of effort
How much effort have you put into figuring out what A small amount Quite a bit of A tremendous
Almost no effort Some effort
your teachers' goals are? of effort effort amount of effort
How confident are you that you can complete all the Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
work that is assigned in your [SUBJECT] class? confident confident confident confident
How confident are you that you can learn all the Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
material presented in your [SUBJECT] class? confident confident confident confident
How confident are you that you can do the hardest Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
work that is assigned in your [SUBJECT] class? confident confident confident confident
Grades 3-5
How sure are you that you can complete all the work
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
that is assigned in your [SUBJECT] class?
How sure are you that you can learn all the topics
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
taught in your [SUBJECT] class?
How sure are you that you can do the hardest work
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
that is assigned in your [SUBJECT] class?
How sure are you that you will remember what you
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
learned in your current [SUBJECT] class, next year?
Grades 6-12
When you are feeling pressured, how easily can you Somewhat
Not easily at all Slightly easily Quite easily Extremely easily
stay in control? easily
When everybody around you gets angry, how relaxed Somewhat Extremely
Not relaxed at all Slightly relaxed Quite relaxed
can you stay? relaxed relaxed
Once you get upset, how often can you get yourself
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
to relax?
When things go wrong for you, how calm are you able
Not calm at all Slightly calm Somewhat calm Quite calm Extremely calm
to remain?
Grades 3-5
When everybody around you gets angry, how relaxed Somewhat Extremely
Not relaxed at all Slightly relaxed Quite relaxed
can you stay? relaxed relaxed
Grades 6-12
How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students at this school? unfair unfair nor fair fair
How pleasant or unpleasant is the Very Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
pleasant nor
physical space at your school? unpleasant unpleasant unpleasant pleasant pleasant pleasant
How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of the school? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
At your school, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a little learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning bit some
amount amount
Grades 3-5
How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students at this school? unfair unfair nor fair fair
How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of the school? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
At your school, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a little learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning bit some
amount amount
Grades 6-12
How many of your teachers are respectful None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
towards you? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers
If you walked into class upset, how many of your None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
teachers would be concerned? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers
When your teachers ask how you are doing, how many None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
of them are really interested in your answer? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers
How many of your teachers would you be excited to None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
have again in the future? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers
Grades 3-5
If you walked into class upset, how concerned would Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
your teachers be? concerned concerned concerned concerned concerned
Grades 6-12
How well do people at your school understand you Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand
How connected do you feel to the adults Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
at your school? connected connected connected connected connected
A tremendous
How much respect do students in your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No respect at all Some respect amount of
show you? respect respect
Matter a
Do not matter Matter Matter quite
How much do you matter to others at this school? Matter a little bit tremendous
at all somewhat a bit
Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
at your school? at all bit somewhat a bit belong
Grades 3-5
How well do people at your school understand Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
you as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand
A tremendous
How much support do the adults at your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No support at all Some support amount of
give you? support support
A temendous
How much respect do students at your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No respect at all Some respect amount of
show you? respect respect
Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
at your school? at all bit somewhat a bit belong
Grades 6-12
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-12
Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to your classes? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited
In your classes, how eager are you to participate? Not at all eager Slightly eager Quite eager Extremely eager
Grades 3-5
Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to your classes? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited
Somewhat Extremely
How focused are you on the activities in your classes? Not at all focused Slightly focused Quite focused
focused focused
Somewhat Extremely
In your classes, how excited are you to participate? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited
Grades 6-12
Grades 3-5
When you feel like giving up, how likely is it that your
Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
teachers will make you keep trying?
Encourage me
How much do your teachers encourage you Do not encourage Encourage me Encourage me Encourage me
a tremendous
to do your best? me at all a little some quite a bit
Grades 6-12
How interesting do you find the things you learn in Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
[SUBJECT] class? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
Grades 3-5
How interesting do you find the things you learn Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
in [SUBJECT]? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
Grades 6-12
How interesting do you find the things you Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
learn in your classes? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
Grades 3-5
How interesting do you find the things you learn Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
in your classes? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
How thoroughly do you feel that you Not thoroughly Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
know all the content you need to teach? at all thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly
On most days, how enthusiastic are the students about Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
being at school? enthusiastic enthusiastic enthusiastic enthusiastic enthusiastic
Trusted a
To what extent are teachers trusted to teach in the way Trusted a little Trusted Trusted quite
Not at all trusted tremendous
they think is best? bit somewhat a bit
Somewhat Extremely
How positive are the attitudes of your colleagues? Not at all positive Slightly positive Quite positive
positive positive
How supportive are students in their interactions Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
with each other? supportive supportive supportive supportive supportive
How respectful are the relationships between teachers Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite respectful
and students? respectful respectful respectful respectful
How optimistic are you that your school will improve Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite optimistic
in the future? optimistic optimistic optimistic optimistic
How often do you see students helping each other Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently
without being prompted? time
When students need help from an adult, how often do Almost all the
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently
they have to wait to get that help? time
For students who need extra support, how difficult is it Somewhat Extremely
Not at all difficult Slightly difficult Quite difficult
for them to get the support that they need? difficult difficult
How important is it for your school to hire more Not important Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite important
specialists to help students? at all important important important
Additional Questions