Strategy 13 Presentation - Social Emotional Learning

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Chapter 19:

Social and
“Help learners understand
and manage their emotions
and relationships”
By: Presley Bendza & Kyla Park
EDUC 535.06

Use the “Reactions” icons in
the bottom of your Zoom
screen to respond to each of CLASS ACTIVITY
the 3 questions

How confident are you in
teaching Social-Emotional
Learning strategies and
classes to your students?
1. 3.
Where is your current
What is your reaction
level of understanding of
to learning more about
Social-Emotional Learning
What is SEL?

What is Social-Emotional Learning? - YouTube

Well-designed sel instruction can...

➜ Foster learners’ social

➜ Build learners’ sense of skills, including
identity and confidence in teamwork and sharing,
their ability to learn and to and their ability to
overcome challenges establish and repair
➜ Help students identify, relationships
describe and regulate their ➜ Prevent occurrence of
emotional responses challenging behaviours
➜ Promote the cognitive ➜ Improve quality of life for
regulation skills critical to all learners
decision-making and

Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.225


Flipping your lid


Labeling emotions
validating emotions


5 Essential skills & Competencies

Self-Awareness Self-Management Social Awareness
➜ Recognize your ➜ Regulating your emotions, ➜ Taking perspective and
emotions & their thoughts, and behaviours empathizing with others of
influence on behaviour in different situations diverse backgrounds
➜ Knowing your ➜ Stress management, ➜ Understanding social and
strengths and impulse control, internal ethical norms, awareness
limitations motivation, goal-setting & of family, school, and
achievement community resources

Relationship Skills Responsible Decision-Making

➜ Establishing and maintaining healthy ➜ Making respectful choices about personal
relationships with diverse individuals behaviour and social interactions
and groups ➜ Considering ethical standards, safety
➜ Clear communication, active listening, concerns, social norms, evaluating
cooperation, resisting inappropriate pros/cons & consequences, well-being of
peer pressure, conflict negotiation & self and others
resolution, and seeking & offering help
Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.226

5 BREAKOUT ROOMS - Within your group, think of strategies to address your
assigned skill or competency of SEL. We will then reconvene to discuss.

1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Management
3. Social Awareness
4. Relationships Skills
5. Responsible Decision Making

5 Essential skills & Competencies

Self-Awareness - Classroom Strategies
➜ Recognize your emotions & their influence on behaviour
➜ Knowing your strengths and limitations

➜ Zones of regulation
➜ Books
➜ Colour Monsters: A Story about Emotions by: Anna Llenas
➜ Modelling using their words, “I feel…”

5 Essential skills & Competencies

Self-Management - Classroom Strategies
➜ Regulating your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours in different situations
➜ Stress management, impulse control, internal motivation, goal-setting & achievement

➜ Visual reminders
➜ This/that options with consequences
➜ Reward systems for goal-setting
- Weekly goal setting with movie reward at the end of the week
- Token boards (students with ASD) - checklists, stars, themes interesting to the
- “I’m working for” visual board
- Distanced visual goal-setting around the classroom, continuous goal-setting (all
students can participate, individual goal-setting)
- Marbles in the jar for students exceeding expectations
- Token economy - available to all students in the class

5 Essential skills & Competencies

Social Awareness - Classroom Strategies
➜ Taking perspective and empathizing with others of diverse backgrounds
➜ Understanding social and ethical norms, awareness of family, school, and community

➔ Including cultural perspectives of students in the classroom in lessons/teaching

➔ Books, literature, social stories from different cultures
➔ Culture week/day
➔ Gallery walk of cultures in the classroom
➔ Family tree/lineage project (cognizant of kids who are adopted or in foster care)
➔ Writing deconstructed fairy tales/stories to understand different perspectives
➔ Current events in an appropriate way (ex. Residential schools)
➔ Field trips
➔ Sharing circle/learning circle
➔ Resource presentation
➔ Guest speakers - *meet with them prior to find out exactly what they are presenting
➔ Elders - Indigenous education

5 Essential skills & Competencies

Relationship Skills - Classroom Strategies
➜ Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with diverse individuals and groups
➜ Clear communication, active listening, cooperation, resisting inappropriate peer pressure,
conflict negotiation & resolution, and seeking & offering help

➜ Learning how to compromise

➜ Sharing
➜ Conflict resolution skills
➜ Setting, communicating, and accepting boundaries with grace
➜ Expressing emotions/feelings to others
➜ Discretion - knowing when to back off and knowing not to tell secrets

5 Essential skills & Competencies

Responsible Decision-Making - Classroom Strategies
➜ Making respectful choices about personal behaviour and social interactions
➜ Considering ethical standards, safety concerns, social norms, evaluating pros/cons &
consequences, well-being of self and others

➜ Collaboration
➜ Communication
➜ Setting boundaries
➜ Self-regulation
➜ Observing others and the situation
➜ Being knowledgeable of rules
➜ Pros and cons list
➜ Reflection or predictions

SAFE Teaching Approach

S - Sequenced set of activities to develop SEL skills in a step-by-step

A - Active forms of learning, such as role-plays and behavioural

rehearsal that provide students with opportunities to practise SEL.

F - Focus attention on social and emotional learning, with at least eight

sessions devoted to SEL skill development.

E - Explicitly target particular SEL skills for development, with skills

identified in lessons’ learning objectives.

Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.227


Social Information
Processing Model
1 & 2 ➔ Learners selectively attend to particular situational and internal
cues, encode those cues, and interpret them

3 ➔ Learners select goals or desired outcomes for the situation

4 ➔ Learners access possible responses from memory, or if a

situation is novel, construct new behaviours in response to
immediate social cues

5 ➔ Learners evaluate the potential outcomes of these responses

and their ability to carry them out

6 ➔ Learners select the most positively evaluated response

**This model should be used to analyze students’ difficulties with SEL** Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.227


The Evidence
2011 Meta-analysis 11:1 Return on US Study of High
investments School Learners
Quality SEL programs
led to: Supportive teachers:
➜ Better academic ➔ For every ➜ Healthier school
performance dollar climate
➜ Improved attitudes invested in
➜ Greater social
and behaviours SEL
(greater motivation programs,
schools were ➜ Lower levels of
to learn)
➜ Fewer negative saving $11 depression
behaviours on remedial ➜ Lower drug use
➜ Reduced emotional programs
distress and dropout
Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.228-231

● Inadequate initial training and SEL design/implementation

● Lack of school-wide implementation and support

● Offending or triggering students

● Lack of school support staff and/or resources

Mitchell & Sutherland, 2020, p.231

Body Break

SEL Lesson I’ve taught:

- Book: What do you do with a

feeling? By: Tasha Belix &
Jo-Ann Godenir

- Create coasters with colors to

represent emotions

Strategies - Individual student appreciation -

Simple but effective
- Games: Cranium (Cariboo), Jenga, Matching, Charades, My Feelings Game, Social Skills Games,
- Books
- Social Stories
- Modeling
- Praise (be specific)
- Mindfulness activities- Deep breathing, sensory sit, etc.
- Brain Gym
- Cosmic Kids
- Safe space in the classroom
- Yoga
- Proactive body breaks
- Visuals ( if you’re mad and you know it)
- Reflective journal questions

Strategies- Whole Class

- We Thinkers: Incredible, Flexible, You

- Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

- Zones of Regulation (can personalize)

resources 27

Free SEL worksheets & teaching resources:

Social emotional |

SEL videos for students:

SEL lessons using illustrated music videos:

Social & Emotional Life Skills Lessons & Videos | Flocabulary

Instagram: theedqueen - Behaviour Special Education teacher with great ideas and classroom strategies in photo &
video form

Self-Awareness Charts:

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Dr. Gabor Mate
Born for Love by Dr. Bruce Perry
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog by Dr. Bruce Perry
What Happened to You? by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey


Belix, T., & Godenir, J. (2019). What do you do with a feeling? Your guide to becoming a
feelings expert. Friesenpress.

GoNoodle | Get Moving. (2019, April 11). Mood walk - Blazer fresh [Video]. YouTube.
Mood Walk - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle - YouTube

Mitchell, D., Sutherland, D. (2020). What really works in special and inclusive education,
3rd Edition. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

SlidesCarnival. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cute Geometry. Free PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme (

YourAlberta. (2019, January 18). What is Social-Emotional Learning? [Video]. YouTube.

What is Social-Emotional Learning? - YouTube

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