Elastic Tape: Profile No.: 19 NIC Code: 13946

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Profile No.

: 19 NIC Code: 13946



Woven fabrics are made in different width. Most garments or made-ups are made from the
fabric 36” or wider. We commonly see the fabric for Dress Material (36” or 48”), Shirting (48”,
54” or 60”), Suiting’s (60” or 63”) or Bed Sheets (96” to 120”). On the other hand, there are
woven fabric products of narrow width like straps, bands, laces, labels, ribbon, hooks & loops
(Velcro) etc. with width ranging from 10 mm to 300 mm. While weaving process for wide and
narrow fabric is similar, the machines used in each segment are different. Increasing customer
expectations and technology innovations have led to the development of variety of machines
offering different features in woven fabric of all widths.


Elastic Tapes are categorized under Narrow Fabrics. The narrow fabrics may be elastic or
inelastic in nature. While inelastic narrow width fabrics are used in labels, hand tags, straps,
shoe laces, Niwars etc., the elastic narrow fabrics, called Elastic Tapes, are used to hold
garments firmly in place like in undergarments, trousers, top sleeves, waist-bands, wrist bands,
hospital products, hair bands etc. The ability to stretch under force, stay firm for longer duration
and regain the original shape upon withdrawal of force is the greatest characteristic of elastic
tape leading to its multiple applications. An elastic tape eliminates the need for exact size in
any application giving the manufacturers flexibility in product sizes and offering the consumers
convenience of comfort and fit.


Graduate in any discipline.


Elastic is used is underwear, knitted shirts, knitted trousers, lingerie and many other garments.
Elastic also offers better shape and fitting to the garments making it the essential consumable
item in many products. The rise in use of knitted fabric has led to more demand for elastic tape
and the trend is expected to continue.


Constant change in fashion is throwing new challenges on fabric and garment manufacturers.
The customers demand garments that make them look fit and young. Elastic plays a great role
in holding garment in place. Apart from under garments, variety of sportswear, women-wear
and children-wear use elastics. Garment manufacturers are competing with each other to offer
products of better fit and appearance. Elastic tapes with different quality specifications of
stretch, shrinkage, thermal resistance, skin friendliness, designs, patterns etc. are in great


Traditionally, the elastic tapes were made using mainly rubber core in warp and cotton or
synthetic yarn in weft. With change in technology, rubber has been replaced with Lycra or
Spandex. Depending on the design, pattern & construction of the finished product, the raw
material would include rubber, cotton yarn (bleached and/or dyed), synthetic yarn (bleached
and/or dyed) and Lycra or spandex yarn. These materials are easily available in most industrial
cities of India.


Elastic Tapes can be made in 3 different ways namely Braiding, Knitting and Weaving. Braiding
involves diagonal movement of rubber and yarn from side to side and passing under / over
each other thereby creating a net of rubber and yarn. This tape has very good stretch quality
but shrinks in width when elongated. It has specific applications like trunk legs. Sometimes this
elastic is also used in waist band of low priced garments. Knitting or crochet knitting uses rubber
and yarn in knit construction. As knitting eliminates other processes of fabric manufacture, it is
economic and simpler compared to weaving. Presence of naked rubber in knitted elastic gives
it good stretch characteristic although its look and feel is not great. Woven elastics are the
latest and most commonly used by the customers. Warp beams of rubber covered with yarn
are made and placed on needle looms. Each loom has multiple heads and each head produces
narrow fabric of varying width depending on technical specifications of the loom. Cotton or
synthetic yarn is used in the west. Advanced needle looms have functionality of weaving the
brand or logo in the tape. Patterns of different shapes and colors can be woven in the elastic
tape in looms currently in the market.


The enterprise shall need 19 employees at full capacity, as detailed below:

Sr. No. Designation of Monthly Number of employees required

Employees Salary ₹ Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5

1 Machine Operators 12,000 6 7 8 9 10

2 Helpers 8,000 3 4 4 5 5
3 Production supervisor 25,000 1 1 1 1 1
4 Accounts Executive 15,000 1 1 1 1 1
5 Stores Assistant 12,000 1 1 1 1 1
6 Office Boy 8,000 1 1 1 1 1
Total 13 15 16 18 19


The needle looms are available within 3-4 weeks of order placement. Other machinery is readily
available. Once the location has been finalized, production can be started within 2 months.
Detailed Implementation Schedule is given below:
Time Required
Sr. No. Activity
(in months)
1 Acquisition of premises 1
2 Construction (if applicable) -
3 Procurement & installation of Plant & Machinery 2
4 Arrangement of Finance 1
5 Recruitment of required manpower 1
Total time required (some activities shall run concurrently) 2


A project with 3 Needle Weaving Looms and other balancing equipment shall cost ₹ 80.56 lacs
as detailed below. The production is assumed to be 50 linear meters per head per hour.
However, the production may vary depending on the RPM of the needle loom, number of heads,
width and complexity of elastic tape construction etc. The factory can be set up in 2500 sq ft
of rented premises with rental @ ₹ 25 per sq ft. Detailed cost of project is shown below:

Sr. No. Particulars ₹ in Lacs

1 Land -
2 Building -
3 Plant & Machinery 56.50
4 Furniture, Electrical Installations 1.00
5 Other Assets including Preliminary / Pre-operative expenses 1.25
6 Margin for Working Capital 21.81
Total 80.56


Bank term loans are assumed @ 60% of fixed assets. The proposed funding pattern is as under:

Sr. No. Particulars ₹ in Lacs

1 Promoter's contribution 45.31

2 Bank Finance 35.25

Total 80.56


The project requires working capital of ₹ 50.24 lacs as detailed below:

Sr. No. Particulars Gross Amt Margin % Margin Amt Bank Finance

1 Inventories 22.95 40% 9.18 13.77

2 Receivables 40.50 40% 16.20 24.30
3 Overheads 2.85 100% 2.85 -
4 Creditors -16.07 40% -6.43 -9.64
Total 50.24 21.81 28.43


The project requires following machinery and other assets:

Sr. No. Particulars UOM Qty. Rate (₹)
(₹ in Lacs)
Plan & Machinery / equipments
a) Main Machinery
i. Needle Looms Nos 6.00 7,00,000 42.00
ii. Warping machine with creel Nos 2.00 5,00,000 10.00
iii. Beams, Trolley etc. LS 1.00 2,00,000 2.00
iv. Reeling Machine Nos 1.00 1,00,000 1.00
b) Ancillary machinery
i. Lab Equipments LS 1.00 1,00,000 1.00
ii. Strapping machine Nos 1.00 50,000 0.50
sub-total Plant & Machinery 56.50
Sr. No. Particulars UOM Qty. Rate (₹)
(₹ in Lacs)
Furniture / Electrical
a) Computer and printer Set 1.00 50,000 0.50
b) Tables, Chairs LS 1.00 50,000 0.50
sub total 1.00
Other Assets
a) Rent Deposits 2.00 62,500 1.25
sub-total Other Assets 1.25
Total 58.75

There are several manufacturers of Needle Looms and many of them have offices across
India. Some machinery suppliers are listed below:

 Vishwakarma Industries, 1-2, Sayona Gold Estate,

Maheshwari Mill Compound, Tavdipura,
Ahmedabad 380004

 Shakti Vijay Engineering Works

Nirmalnagar, Kesharbaug,
Street No. 00 Plot No . 5,
Bhavnagar 364002, (Gujarat) India.

 Susamtex Machinery
I-4120, Phase 4, G. I. D. C., Vatva
Ahmedabad- 382445, Gujarat, India


Sr. No. Particulars UOM Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5

1 Capacity Utilization % 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

2 Sales ₹. In Lacs 324.00 378.00 432.00 486.00 540.00
Raw Materials &
3 ₹. In Lacs 299.35 349.73 399.14 449.51 498.92
Other direct inputs
4 Gross Margin ₹. In Lacs 24.65 28.27 32.86 36.49 41.08
Overheads except
5 ₹. In Lacs 17.13 17.13 17.13 17.13 17.13
6 Interest ₹. In Lacs 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.57
7 Depreciation ₹. In Lacs 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.31
Net Profit before
8 ₹. In Lacs -4.37 -0.74 3.85 7.48 12.07

The above calculations are based on assumed average sale price of ₹ 10 per meter. The direct
material costs are assumed at ₹ 8 per meter of finished product. Electricity tariff is assumed
at ₹ 8 per KwH.


The project shall reach cash break-even at 60.13% of projected capacity as detailed below:

Sr. No. Particulars UOM Value

1 Sales at full capacity ₹. In Lacs 540.00
2 Variable costs ₹. In Lacs 498.92
3 Fixed costs incl. interest ₹. In Lacs 24.70
4 BEP = FC/(SR-VC) x 100 = % of capacity 60.13%


The project does not require any specific government approval. Registration with MSME is
optional. An Entrepreneur may be required to obtain Shops & Establishment Registration and
Professional Tax registration by local Municipal authorities. Registration under Factories Act,
Provident Fund Act and ESI provisions would be required depending upon the number of
employees, the location, the level of mechanization and the age of the enterprise. Entrepreneur
may contact State Pollution Control Board where ever it is applicable.

Going forward, an Entrepreneur may consider manufacture of multi colour Elastic Tapes with
name, logo or embroidery. Since the machines are capable of manufacturing narrow width
fabrics, no other products can be produced on these machines.


Udyamimitra portal ( link : www.udyamimitra.in ) can also be accessed for handholding

services viz. application filling / project report preparation, EDP, financial Training, Skill
Development, mentoring etc.

Entrepreneurship program helps to run business successfully is also available from Institutes
like Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) and its affiliates all over India.

Only few machine manufacturers are mentioned in the profile, although many machine
manufacturers are available in the market. The addresses given for machinery manufacturers
have been taken from reliable sources, to the best of knowledge and contacts. However, no
responsibility is admitted, in case any inadvertent error or incorrectness is noticed
therein. Further the same have been given by way of information only and do not carry any

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