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Final Assessment Test (FAT) – May 2017

Course: PHY1001 - Engineering Physics

Class NBR(s):4977 / 5275 / 5276 / 5277 /5278 Slot: C2+TC2
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

Answer any TEN Questions

(10 X 10 = 100 Marks)
1. a) Could an astronaut use a wrist watch to measure relativistic time dilation? [5]
b) Obtain an expression for the de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a
potential difference of 'V' volt. Compute the de Broglie wavelength if the electron is accelerated by [5]
2. Using time independent wave equation, derive the Eigen energy and Eigen wave function for a particle
in a box.
3. a) How do you correlate the Moore’s law with nanotechnology? [5]
b) Explain the different structures of CNT with suitable diagram. How the CNTs are used in industries for
potential applications?
4. Derive the relation between the probabilities of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission in
terms of Einstein’s coefficients.
5. Write the Maxwell’s equations. Show that the velocity of plane electromagnetic wave in the free space
1 [10]
is given by c 
 o o
6. a) Distinguish between step-index fibre and graded-index fibre. [5]
b) In an optical fibre, the core material has refractive index 1.6 and refractive index of cladding material
is 1.3. Calculate the critical angle and angle of acceptance cone.
7. Discuss the characteristic of PIN photodiode with energy band diagram. [10]
8. Derive the length contraction formula from Lorentz transformation equations. [10]
9. Explain Compton effect. Derive an expression for Compton shift of wavelength. [10]
10. Describe the construction and working of CO2 laser with neat diagram and write down its applications. [10]
11. a) Mention three mechanisms responsible for attenuation in optical signal. [5]
b) What is the role of optical fiber in endoscopy? [5]
12. a) Explain the working of scanning tunnelling microscope(STM) with a neat diagram. [5]
b) A particle is moving in one-dimensional potential box of with 50Å. Calculate the probability of
finding the particle within an interval of 10Å at the center of the box when it is in its state of least [5]

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