Cidam Oral Comm
Cidam Oral Comm
Cidam Oral Comm
Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations.
Culminating Performance Standard: Proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.
Power Standard: The learner delivers a purposeful and effective presentation appropriate to the situation.
First Quarter
Learning Competencies Highest Enabling
Strategy to Use in
Performance Standards
Developing the
Highest Thinking Skill to Assess
Highest Thinking
Content Skill to Assess
Content KUD KUD
Standards BEYOND
MINIMUM Assessment Technique Teaching
RBT Level General
Nature and Elements The The The learner…. The learner…
of Communication learner…. learner….
1. Definition Understands Designs 1. Defines 1. Distinguish Analyzing Quiz Simula Connectio Q and A
2. The Process of the nature and communication. es and & applying (Situation tion/R n and Think
Communication and performs employs al ole Communi Pair
3. Communication elements of effective 2. Explains the effective Analysis) Playin cation Share
Models oral controlled nature and K presentation U g
4. Five Elements of communicati and process of s in various
Communication on in uncontrolle communication communicat
o Verbal and Non- context. d oral ive contexts
Verbal communica 3. Differentiates the by showing
Communication tion various models U responsiven
5. Effective activities of ess and
Communication Skills based on communication. openness to
6. Intercultural context. audience’s
Communication feedback
4. Distinguishes the
various models
5. Explains why
there is a
breakdown of
6. Uses various
strategies in
order to avoid
7. Demonstrates
sensitivity to the
dimension of
situation with
focus on
a. culture
b. gender
c. age
d. social
e. religion
Second Quarter
Communicative Recognizes Demonstrat 1. Identifies the 1. Showcases
Competence that es effective various types of appropriate
Strategies In Various communicati use of speech context verbal and
Speech Situations ve communica 2. Exhibits nonverbal
competence tive appropriate behavior in
A. Types of Speech requires strategy in verbal and K varied types
context understandin a variety of nonverbal of speech in
1. Intrapersonal g of speech speech behavior in a the given
2. Interpersonal context, situations given speech U context
a.1 Dyad speech style, context
a.2 Small group speech act 3. Distinguishes Name it
Quiz playin
3. Public and types of speech Share it
U (situation g/Publi Connectio
communicati style Applying Tell it
al c n
B. Types of Speech ve strategy. 4. Identifies social Pen and
analysis) sharin
Style situations in paper
1. Intimate which each
2. Casual speech style is
3. Consultative appropriate to
4. Formal use
5. Frozen 5. Observes the
C. Types of Speech language forms
Act in using a
1. Locution particular speech
(Utterance) style
2. Illocution 6. Responds
(Intention) appropriately
3. Perlocution and effectively to
(Response) a speech act
Performance Task: A group of SHS students conducts a symposium on how to become aware on the harmful effects of Cyberbullying as a response to the memo issued by DepEd. The
symposium is attended by JHS students and their parents of the institution. The SHS students play a role of advocates of anti-Cyberbullying. The three-minute speech must be organized, engaging
and effective.
Literal Transfer Task: Your class is invited to speak as advocates/ambassadors of women’s rights in the International Women’s Month Summit with the theme, “The Many Faces of Women”.
The class is divided into three groups: 1st group – Informative/Expository; 2nd group – persuasive and 3rd group – Entertainment. Your 10-minute speeches must be organized, evocative and