CWIP Policy
CWIP Policy
CWIP Policy
Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory Financial Policies and Procedures Part I
The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines for appropriately managing
Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) projects at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory (LBNL).
CWIP is a balance sheet account that the Laboratory maintains and manages (through an
accounting process) to reflect costs incurred for plant and capital equipment (PACE). The
Laboratory will ensure that costs incurred for plant and capital equipment purchases are
properly accounted for (i.e., timely closing, asset identification, tagging, capitalization, and
depreciation) in accordance with DOE requirements.
Maintaining a CWIP account complies with accounting standards and capitalization criteria
in the Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) No. 6, Chapter 2.34
and the Department of Energy (DOE) Accounting Handbook, Chapter 10,1.h. The
Laboratory CWIP account reflects costs associated with PACE work in progress
accumulated during the acquisition, fabrication and/or construction period. When the
project is completed and/or the asset has been identified (tagged) and placed in service, it
is capitalized and transferred to an asset account for depreciation.
See following table for criteria, guidelines and procedures for processing PACE projects
for CWIP.
Financial Policies and Procedures Manual
Ensure WFO equipment purchases meet terms and conditions of WFO contract.
Track all associated costs within that project ID; ensuring the total cost is greater
than $50K to meet the established criteria, as appropriate. Stay within approved
budget and date projected for project to be completed.
Complete PACE Life Cycle Form to open and/or close projects as applicable, and
submit electronically to Property Accounting.
Property Accounting
Verifying PACE form data and submit to Budget Office to open project.
Ensure overall management and oversight of CWIP process. Work with stakeholders
to ensure CWIP processes are performed in a timely and accurate manner.
Capitalize asset when appropriate and transfer costs to asset account, completing
the CWIP process.
Budget Office
Verify appropriate funds are available at the B&R level when project ID is in “request”
status in FMS.
Property Management
Identify and tag asset when notified via email from Property Accounting.
In cases where the project did not meet the capitalization criteria (non capital funds), the
following process applies:
If the equipment costs of a non capital project are charged to a CWIP project, and
require an adjustment to transfer the costs into the appropriate operating expense, the
Division prepares a resource adjustment to reflect the appropriate changes.
If the equipment costs have been removed from CWIP and placed into a capital asset
account and General Accounting has begun depreciating the asset:
o The Division prepares a resource adjustment to move the costs into the
appropriate operating expense.
o If the cost was incurred in a prior year, and the B&R is closed, consult the Budget
Office’s Direct Budget Group for the appropriate B&R to use. If the B&R that
should have been used is closed, also contact the Direct Budget Group for the
new B&R to use.
o Notify General Accounting of the change via email, so that depreciation of the
asset can be reversed, and the asset can be removed from the Property
Accounting System.
Gold – Opening
Project meets Blue – Execution
capital criteria
Green – Closure
Funding is
Funding source B&R Funding
No appropriate and Yes
appropriate? adequate?
Yes Yes
Enter new project info into
FMS in REQUEST status Open project in FMS
and obtain PACE Form change to OPEN status
and “Open” information
Execute resource
Close Project ID adjustment for write off to
Property Accounting
Beneficial occupancy: The point at which the facility is turned over to the user or
Capital equipment: A movable, tangible item, with a value of > $50K, including
labor, burdens, transportation, modifications, etc., and a useful life of > two years.
Contracting Supporting Research (CSR): The CSR funds are provided to the
Laboratory by the University of California. For research at the Laboratory, selection
of the projects funded with CSR funds are made at the discretion of the Laboratory
Director or designee.
Depreciation: The allocation of the cost of an asset over a period of time for
accounting purposes. A decline in the value of a property due to general wear and
tear or obsolescence.
Personal Property: Property that can be moved and that is not permanently affixed
to and part of real estate.
Plant and Capital Equipment (PACE): Land, land rights, depletable resources,
improvements to land, buildings and structures, utilities, and equipment. For the
purposes of this policy, PACE is synonymous with property, plant and equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E): Synonymous with plant and capital
equipment (PACE).
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