NEW INDIA-discharge Voucher

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Claim No:



I/WE have this day taken delivery of ……………………… Motor

…………………………………………Registered No ……………………………….
hereby certify that the whole of the repairs and replacements for which I/we have
have been carried out to my/our entire satisfaction by
I/We hereby authorize and direct NEW INDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED
to pay the accounts for such and such and such payments will discharge NEW INDIA
ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED from all liability in connection with my/ our
claim for damage to such motor vehicle arising out of accident which occurred on:
………………………. (date) ……………………….. (month ) ………………….
(year )

Signature of Insured:

Witness: ………………………………….. Date:


N.B.No aacount recognized unless accompanied by this discharge voucher.

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