Authorisation Letter

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Sri/ Smt. / miss……………………………………………………………..

Son/daughter/wife of………………………………………………………



Dist………………………………….pin code………………………………

Driving License no……………………………Book No………………………

Reg: Authorization to drive the vehicle/motorcycle.


Chassis no…………………………………………………

Engine no…………………………………………………..

Model no……………………………………………………

Class of vehicle………………………………………….

I, the undersigned ,am the Registered owner of the above vehicle do hereby
authorize to the above person to drive my vehicle (above vehicle mentioned ) on
road and handed over the side vehicle to the above person including all the
relevant document for driving the vehicle on road.

I do hereby undertake to declare that if anything happened on the road

during the plying of the vehicle, the above mentioned Driver will face and
maintain all the matter that is motor vehicle department /police/court / etc.

The specimen signature of the driver is attested by me hereunder.

Signature of the driver Signature of the registered owner

ATTESTED BY ME. Name……………………………………………..

Son/Daughter/Wife of……………………….

Signature of the Address…………………………………………..

Registered owner ……………………………………………………..

Vehicle Number……………………..

Dated…………………………… VALID UPTO……………………………

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