Recent Trends in Talent Acquisition and Retention PDF
Recent Trends in Talent Acquisition and Retention PDF
Recent Trends in Talent Acquisition and Retention PDF
Vol: 4, No. 2
April -2007 September - 2007
DK Ribfia Jain
Talent management brings together a number of important human resources and management initiatives.
Organizations that, formally decide to manage their talent undertake a strategic analysis of their current HR process.
Talent management approach is adopted and focused on coordinating and integrating the following. ♦ Recruitment:
ensuring right people ore attracted to the organization.
♦ Retention: developing and implementing practices that reward and support employees.
♦ Employee development: ensuring continuous formal and informal learning and development.
Attracting qualified talent is the critical first step in the talent management cycle. Jobs are plenty, finding the right
candidate is the challenge. The need is to "sell a job". Having sold the job well, retaining good employees is the next
challenge that arises. And the company's brand image makes these tasks easier. Hence the marriage of compulsion
arises between HR and marketing principles-employer branding.
As we know that we get good customers
with a good brand. In the same way companies
must develop their image in the society by implementing the best practices in each and every aspect.
Employer branding therefore helps a company attract, recruit, and retain employees | that if wants and is
becoming increasingly
important in attracting and retaining star
performers in a talent-tight market.
Employer branding is not different from
(branding a product or service and the payoff are
identical. Some of them are-
Selecting Talent
An effective retention strategy begins at the earlier stages of the recruitment & selection process. This is true
because most of the employee turnover happens due to poor chemistry or bed fit.The research indicates that most of
the people leave organizations due to he mistakes made during the hiring phase. For this reason some smart
companies are adopting the strategy of " hire for attitude & train for skill." They have realized that it is easier to develop
the skills & capabilities that an employee needs than to attempt to change the employee's personality or mindset.
For instance, although infosys receives about twice the number of application as its competitors it is very selective in
recruiting employees.
In the financial for 2004-2005, it received close to one million resumes which went through rigorous selection
process and offers were made to about 1.5% of the applicants. Infosys looks at candidates who display a high degree of
The company looks for candidates with good analytical ability, team work and leadership potential besides
innovation skills and structured approach for problem solving.
Some companies go to even extraordinary lengths before hiring somebody. According to a study, Hewitt, a leading
Indian company, was selecting a senior marketing manager after the candidate had gone through several rounds of
interviews. The company had identified the person they thought was the right one for the job and was on the verge of
making an offer. The HR head took him out for dinner and, during the meal, the
Prospective marketing manager was particularly rude to a waiter in front of his potential employer and peer. The
company reversed its decision to recruit him. If he could be rude to the waiter in such a setting, how would his
behavior reflect the company image and culture if he were in-charge of marketing?
Besides getting the right people in the door, recruiting has an important symbolic aspect. When a prospective
employee undergoes rigorous selection process, the person feels that he or she is joining an elite organization.
This creates high expectations and gives an impression that people matter the most to the organization.
Retaining Talent
The time is tough. There is no denial to the fact that in today's fast pace and knowledge boom, one of the most
important factors for today's organization is talent. Its viewed that the availability of suitable and competent talent
inside any organization determines the excellence of the same.
Most companies today would acknowledge that their human resources are most important asset. But since
companies can't own employees the way they own factories or product your success or failure hinges on the quality
and duration of the relationship you form with your people. In present scenario people choose companies which have
congenial atmosphere and prefer change if they don't get desirable, as it may hinder the growth and success of the
company. Hence retention is vital than recruitment.
The attrition rate of employees in organization is alarming. Take any industry, any sector, any organization and
you can find more than enough examples of employees joining and leaving their workplace. All this adds to the
worry of HR managers who are only left with the option of scratching their heads and singing no mercy's all-time
hit-"where do you go?"
Thus it is an organization's ability not only to recruit, but also to cultivate and retain, talent that will ultimately
determine its longevity.
Two major trends point to the growing importance of employee retention as an important HR issue. One is the
constant rise in turnover in virtually every economic sector and left
Unaddressed it can have an adverse impact on
organizational effectiveness. The other is the ever
raising cost of turnover, especially when it involves
high performers.
Cost of Employee Turnover
Turnover is important because it costs the organization money in direct expenses to recruit and train new
hires and indirect expenses to pay overtime for remaining workers, when necessary, and in opportunity cost of lost
production. Estimates vary widely (as does the true expense), but several authors have placed total cost (which
include various aspects of recruitment, hiring, training and lost productivity) at somewhere in the vicinity of the one
to two times the yearly pay of the one who leaves. That means a thousand-person company) with a 10 percent
turnover rate per year and on average individual pay level of $40,000 might be expected to spend between $ 4
million and $ 8 million per year on turnover-related costs.
Strategies for Retaining Talent
The problem of attrition continue to escalate. Today talented professionals are increasingly mobile, have highly
transferable skills, are internet literate, well informed and above all, sought after. Organizations are constantly
struggling to keep
Retention inevitable
our basic components that a retention. Strategy must address in order to infuse confidence among
Work-life balance
therefore it is crucial for every organization to retain two years. In reality these are at best, average
talented people by developing appropriate talent increases in a scenario where 30 % hikes are not
retention strategy. Following are some of the key talent uncommon. These still don't stem attrition. Its not just
retention strategy. the best performing employees who are switching jobs;
even mediocre employees who benefit from salary
hikes of 30% leave their organizations.' Surely, as an
organization you have to pay at least hygiene-level
salaries. It is the cost of doing and staying in business.
20:80 rule Applying the 20:80 rule, organization must
identify the top 20% star performers who contribute to 5. Work-life balance
80% growth of the organization. Retaining star Work-life balance has important consequences for
employees is a continuous struggle, because top employee attitudes towards their organizations as well
performers will always be in demand. Quitting by high as for the lives of employees. With the economy on a
performers constitutes "dysfunctional turnover " that roll and globle work practices becoming the norm in
can pose a large threat to business success. That's India as well, the educated Indian workforce is
why it is rightly said If you don't embrace your stars, suddenly discovering that hefty pay cheques come at
someone else will. a price- long working hours, stress stiff targets and
intense competition. And 'Zero personal life'.
2.Let them know that you want to keep Employers should realize their role in helping their
employees strike a balance in their lives, before they
them burn out.
In an attempt to help its employees tide over this
Many organizations have deliberately not told talented
problem, IBM India has appointed a person to
people that they were special in many ways for fear of
specifically look into work-life management issues. It
alienating the average performers. But this practice
has introduced work-life balance initiatives like
makes it difficult to retain top performers. To retain top
parenting workshops, an in-home care project, a day-
talent in the future , executive will need to clearly
care center and access to a work-life essentials web
identify, develop involve and recognize key people.
site that offers work-life balance tips.
3. Employee engagement