A Guide To The Use of Steel Slag

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A Guide to the Use of Steel

Furnace Slag in Asphalt and
Thin Bituminous Surfacings
Slag Production and Member Locations in Australasia and South East Asia
© Copyright Australasian Slag Association
Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Guide
may be reproduced, in any form or by any
other means, without written permission from
the Publisher.

ISBN 0 9577051 31
A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in
Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings.

Published by:
Australasian Slag Association Inc.
73 Auburn Street
Wollongong NSW 2500

Copies of this document can be obtained by

contacting the Association on +612 4225 8466
or via email: info@asa-inc.org.au

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

This “Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings” is
the third in a series of publications to promote understanding and the appropriate usage of
slag based products. The other publications were “A Guide to the Use of Slag in Roads”
published in June 1993 and “A Guide to the Use of Iron Blast Furnace Slag in Cement and
Concrete” published in April 1997.

The Australasian Slag Association is grateful for the co-operation and valuable input received
from the Roads and Traffic Authority NSW, VicRoads, and the Australian Asphalt Pavement
Association in the production and the publication of this Guide.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings i
ii A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose of this Guide 1
1.2 Background 1
2 Production and Processing Steel Furnace Slags 2
2.1 Furnace Processes 2
2.2 Cooling and Transporting 2
2.3 Metallics Separation 2
2.4 Processing - Crushing and Screening 3
2.5 Stockpiling - Conditioning and Weathering 3
2.6 Quality Assurance Procedures 3
3 Properties of Basic Oxygen Steelmaking and Electric Arc
Furnace Slags 4
3.1 Chemistry 4
3.2 Physical Properties 4
3.2.1 Grading 4
3.2.2 Average Least Dimension 5
3.2.3 Particle Shape 5
3.2.4 Fractured faces 5
3.2.5 Density 5
3.2.6 Particle Strength 5
3.2.7 Abrasion Resistance 5
3.2.8 Water Absorption 6
3.2.9 Skid Resistance 6
3.2.10 Resistance to Stripping 8
3.2.11 Aggregate Soundness 8
3.1.12 Expansion Characteristics and CSIRO Research 8
4 Use of Steel Furnace Slags in Asphalt 9
4.1 General 9
4.2 Asphalt Mix Types 9
4.3 Advantages of Steel Furnace Slag Aggregate in Asphalt 9
5 Asphalt Mix Design using Steel Furnace Slag Aggregates 11
5.1 Overview 11
5.2 Target Grading 11
5.3 Bitumen Content 11
5.4 Resistance to Stripping 12

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings iii
5.5 Moduli Values 12
5.6 Sample Mix Design 12
6 Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Thin Bituminous Surfacings 13
6.1 General 13
6.2 Types of Sprayed Bituminous Surfacings 13
6.3 Types of Slurry Surfacings 14
6.4 Use of Steel furnace Slag Aggregates in Thin Bituminous
Surfacings 14
7 Case Studies 15
7.1 BHP Steelworks Road System - Port Kembla 15
7.1.1 General 15
7.1.2 Asphalt Mix Designs 15
7.1.3 Pavement Loading and Design 16
7.1.4 Wearing Surface Performance 16
7.2 RTA Network - Illawarra District 16
7.2.1 F6 Freeway Intersection 17
7.2.2 Other Roads within the Network 18
7.2.3 Asphalt Mix Designs 18
7.3 Pennant Hills Road 18
7.4 Tomerong Bypass 20
7.5 Roberts Road, Padstow 20
7.6 Newcastle Region 20
7.6.1 Newcastle BHP Steelworks 20
7.6.2 Kooragang Island 21
7.6.3 New England Highway 21
8 References 22
9 Common Industry Acronyms & Abbreviations 24
10 Glossary of Terms 25
11 Acknowledgements 27

The Australasian Slag Association is a non-profit organisation, which has been formed to provide a
forum for exchange of information between its members and others. Since the information contained
in its publications is intended for general guidance only, and in no way replaces the services of
professional consultants on particular projects, no legal liability or otherwise can be accepted by the
Association for the information contained in this publication.

iv A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

1.1 Purpose of the Guide. bitumen and acts as a strong matrix in asphalt.
The skid resistance properties of steel furnace
This Guide, which is supplementary to the slag make it a very useful aggregate for asphalt
Association’s Guide to the Use of Slag in Roads, surfacings including open grade asphalt, dense
reviews in detail the use of steel furnace slag in grade asphalt, fine gap graded asphalt and stone
asphalt and thin bituminous surfacings. The mastic asphalt.
Guide shows that, with technical evaluation
supported by field experience that steel furnace In thin bituminous surfacings, the cubical shape
slag has in many applications, properties and skid resistant properties enhance the
suitable to replace, supplement and improve performance of surfacings such as slurry seals,
other materials. The use of steel furnace slags sprayed seals and emulsion seals.
in these ways also has environmental benefits Over the last decade the use of steel furnace
in allowing the conservation of depleting natural slag in asphalt has become widely accepted,
resources. particularly in the Wollongong Region of New
The purpose of this Guide is to provide South Wales. Its acceptance in the Sydney
information to designers, specifiers and Region is increasing and there has been some
providers of bituminous road surfacings on the used in the Newcastle Region of New South
properties of steel furnace slag aggregates so Wales for Asphalt. This follows over 20 years
that they may be considered on an informed experience overseas including the US, UK and
basis when comparisons are being made with Europe where steel furnace slag has been
other aggregates. widely used and is accepted as a premium
asphalt aggregate (1).
The Guide forms part of an continuous
improvement process which aims to optimise the In New Zealand melter slags have been
opportunities for the use of steel furnace slag successfully utilised in cold emulsion mixes and
aggregates. slurry seals. The coldmix has performed well
under heavy-duty loadings and has been
As there are many types of slag, it should be developed with recycled rubber buffings for use
emphasised that this booklet refers particularly in golf course walkways.
to basic oxygen steelmaking slag and/or electric
arc furnace slag which are steel furnace slags. Steel furnace slags have been used in open
graded asphalt and sprayed sealing applications
on the state highway network for Transit New
1.2 Background.
Steel furnace slag is formed during the In other overseas countries blast furnace slag
manufacture of steel. It has a complex chemical aggregates, which are a by-product from the
structure comprised of oxides and silicates. making of iron, are also used in asphalt. At this
Local processors and suppliers have utilised time only steel furnace slag aggregates are used
expertise from overseas and Australasian in bituminous surfacings in Australia.
experience to develop sound management
procedures for the handling of steel furnace slag Steel furnace slag is a valuable industrial by-
to optimise its quality. The experience in product. Its increased use in bituminous
processing and developments in utilisation have surfacings will result in improved performance
resulted in a high level of performance of asphalt for the road user and owner and a decrease in
containing steel furnace slag. the demand for our limited natural resources.

Steel furnace slag has many properties, which The locations of steel production centres within
make it well suited for use in bituminous Australasia are shown inside the front cover.
surfacings. It is a hard, dense, durable and well-
shaped aggregate which has an affinity for

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 1

2.1 Furnace Processes The slag in both EAF & BOS processes floats
on the surface of the steel and is removed from
Steel furnace slag is formed during the the vessel after decanting of the molten steel.
manufacture of steel. It has a complex chemical Some steel remains within the slag produced.
structure of oxides and silicates. The slag produced by both processes is similarly
treated by tipping into pits for cooling.
There are two main methods of manufacturing
steel in Australasia:
• Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS)
• Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking
In the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking process,
molten iron from the blast furnace ironmaking
process is placed in a refractory lined vessel with
steel scrap and fluxes (lime and dolomite). Large
volumes of oxygen are blown through a water-
cooled injection lance into the molten material
to melt the scrap and flux and refine the metal
to produce the required quality steel. After 30 to Tipping of Molten Steel Furnace Slag
40 minutes the resultant molten products are
200 to 250 tonnes of steel and 25 to 30 tonnes 2.2 Cooling and Transporting
of slag.
Once in the pits, the material is allowed to cool
until solidification occurs. Cooling is often
accelerated with the addition of controlled
amounts of water. The addition of water also
aids in cracking the slag into more manageable
sizes for loaders to be able to dig and remove
the slag from the pits.
The slag is loaded onto vehicles and moved to
an area for further watering prior to processing.

2.3 Metallics Separation

Unprocessed steel furnace slag contains

Decanting Slag metallics, which are separated from the slag
during processing in purpose-built metal
In the Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking process,
recovery plants. These plants operate on a basis
iron and steel scrap and fluxes (lime and
of magnetic separation and use various types
dolomite) are again placed in a refractory lined
of magnets throughout the process to remove
vessel. Carbon electrodes are lowered into the
recoverable metaltics.
vessel, and an electric arc is induced. This arc
is maintained to melt and refine the scrap steel, The metal recovered is recycled back into the
lime and dolomite. After 40 to 50 minutes the steel making process.
resultant molten products are 70 to 90 tonnes
of steel and 8 to 10 tonnes of slag. After the initial removal of metallics, steel furnace
slag is then ready for aggregate production.

2 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
2.4 Processing - Crushing and This may be achieved by either:-
• Stockpiling the slag aggregates for
Steel furnace slag is processed in a manner sufficient time to allow moisture from the
similar to the production of aggregates at any atmosphere (i.e. rain and humidity) to react
quarry. with the slag particles, lime and dolomite,
Slag is fed to crushers and after reducing to the
required maximum size is screened into the • Regularly watering the slag aggregates,
required grades. For asphalt and thin thereby accelerating the conditioning
bituminous surfacings, aggregate sizes are process.
usually 20 mm, 14 mm, 10 mm, 7 mm and slag
fines. After conditioning and weathering, various
aggregates may be combined in design A test has been developed by the CSIRO (2) to
proportions to produce a blended aggregate as ensure sufficient weathering has taken place.
specified by the customer. This is discussed in Section 3.2.12.

It is possible to recover further metallics after 2.6 Quality Assurance Procedures

crushing. This occurs using the same methods
as described in Section 2.3. Recovery of In Australia, and particularly New South Wales,
metallics after crushing is the only significant it is normal industry practice to supply
difference when comparing operations of a slag aggregates and roadbase under a Quality
processor to those of a quarry. Assurance regime. Producers of BOS slag
aggregates have in place registered Quality
Assurance schemes.
The Quality Assurance schemes, which have
been adapted and improved from UK and USA
experience, provide detailed procedures
covering all aspects of slag production and
processing. Testing is performed regularly with
aggregates being tested prior to dispatch to
provide the customer with confidence in slag

Steel Furnace Slag Processing Plant, Port

Kembla NSW.

2.5 Stockpiling - Conditioning and


Steel furnace slags in Australia may contain

small amounts of expansive product such as
burnt lime and dolomite. Also, the slag particles
themselves can be expansive until they are fully
hydrated. Sufficient moisture and time must be
provided to enable these materials to react
before the aggregate can be used.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 3

3.1 Chemistry

Typical Chemistry of both BOS and EAF slags, after appropriate conditioning and weathering as
discussed in Section 2.5, are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Chemistry of Steel Furnace Slags

Constituents as Oxides BOS Slag (%) EAF Slag (%)

Calcium Oxide (CaO) 40 35
% Free Lime 0–2 0 -1
Silicon Oxide (SiO2) 12 14
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 20 29
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 9 7.7
Manganese Oxide (MnO) 5 5.7
Aluminium Oxide (Al2O 3) 3 5.5
Titanium Oxide (TiO2) 1 0.5
Potassium Oxide (K2 O) 0.02 0.1
Chromium Oxide (Cr2O 3) 0.1 1
Vanadium Oxide (V2O5) 1.4 0.3
Sulphur (S) 0.07 0.1

3.2 Physical Properties a slightly lower percentage of material passing

the 75 micron sieve. This is often an advantage
The physical properties of steel furnace slag in asphalt as it allows more flexibility in the type
aggregate are described below and summarised and quantity of filler added.
in Table 3.2.

3.2.1 Grading

Steel furnace slag aggregates are screened into

individual sizes that conform to standard
aggregate grading specifications. From the
individual sizes it is possible to blend aggregates
to gradings as required for use in asphalt. The
individual sizes are also suitable for use in thin
bituminous surfacings.
The only minor difference in grading between
steel furnace slag and quarry products is that
steel furnace slag aggregate generally will have Graded Aggregates

4 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
3.2.2 Average Least Dimension • BOS slag

The Average Least Dimension (ALD) of steel • 3,300 kg/m3 to 3,400 kg/m3, dry
furnace slag aggregates is generally higher than • 3,350 kg/m3 to 3,450 kg/m3, SSD.
for naturally occurring aggregates of the same
nominal size. This reflects the cubical shape of While these densities are higher than those of
the aggregates. conventional aggregates, this does not translate
directly to a proportional increase in the cost of
It has also been shown that the higher ALD also placed asphalt. While there may be increases
occurs on the lower size fractions eg 4.75 mm in haulage costs and a reduction in m3/tonne of
to 6.7 mm. This property has been linked with asphalt laid, costs of binder, mixing and placing
improved performance of asphalt in terms of are the same as when using conventional
deformation resistance. For the fraction 6.7 mm aggregates.
to 9.5 mm a typical ALD is 6.7 mm and for 4.75
to 6.7 mm the range is 4.5 mm to 5.2 mm. In
3.2.6 Particle Strength
both cases these results exceed the value for
what is considered to be well shaped aggregate Steel furnace slags have high particle strength,
for use in asphalt. which is an advantage for asphalt.

3.2.3 Particle Shape The high particle strength combines well with
the cubicle shape to give a matrix which is able
BOS slags have a predominantly cubical particle to transfer very high loads, and is very resistant
shape. This is verified by the low results for to deformation in asphalt. Testing for particle
Misshapen Particles of less than 10% for 2:1 strength is performed in accordance with AS
and less than 2% for 3:1 when tested by 1141.22 (5).
proportional calipers in accordance with AS
1141.14 (3). The high particle strength combined with the
cubical shape makes steel furnace slag
The cubical shape of steel furnace slag aggregates suited to applications such as stone
aggregates is an advantage for aggregate mastic asphalt and open grade wearing
interlock and hence improving the deformation surfaces. In both these types of asphalt there is
resistance of asphalt containing BOS Slag. considerable direct contact between aggregate
In sprayed seal applications, the particle shape
of steel furnace slag aggregates is well within In sprayed seals, strong particles significantly
specification limits. reduce the risk of the seal flushing due to particle
breakdown, which reduces the effective average
3.2.4 Fractured Faces least dimension of the aggregate particles.

All steel furnace slag has 100% fractured faces BOS slag has a dry strength of about 250 kN.
when tested in accordance with Roads and The dry strength can range up to 350 kN for the
Traffic Authority (NSW) Test Method RTA T239 smaller particle fractions such as 7 mm and 10
(4). Fractured faces also improve the aggregate mm. The wet strength is in the range of 230 kN
interlock and hence matrix stability. to 300 kN.
For BOS slag the wet/dry strength variation is
3.2.5 Density in the range 5 to 20% and for EAF slag the wet/
dry strength variation is in the range 5 to 15%.
The particle densities of steel furnace slags are These low values indicate materials where
as follows:- particle strength is not significantly affected by
• EAF slag
• in the order of 3,300 kg/m3, dry 3.2.7 Abrasion Resistance
• 3,400 kg/m3, Saturated Surface Dry Abrasion resistance is tested using the Los
(SSD). Angeles Abrasion test in accordance with AS

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 5
1141.23 (6). The Los Angeles Value (B) for BOS 3.2.9 Skid Resistance
slag is in the range of 12 to 18. For EAF slag
the Los Angeles Value is of the order of 16. Steel furnace slag has a Polishing Aggregate
Friction Value PAFV (9) (which is similar to the
These results indicate that steel furnace slags Polished Stone Value Test) greater than most
have a high abrasion resistance, which again is naturally occurring aggregates. The range of
an advantage for asphalt. This is particularly so values for BOS slag is usually 52 to 58 and for
when the asphalt is in high stress areas such as EAF slag 58 to 63. The naturally occurring
heavily trafficked domestic and industrial aggregates with PAFVs greater than these
locations and intersections. values are some rhyolites and scorias which
tend to have lower wet strengths and abrasion
3.2.8 Water Absorption resistance than steel furnace slag.

The water absorption of steel furnace slag is Steel furnace slag aggregates have been
similar to naturally occurring aggregates. The successfully used in high accident areas such
water absorption for both BOS and EAF slag is as intersections and low radius curves with
1% to 2% for coarse aggregates (7 mm and reduced accident rates resulting (12). The
larger). For fine aggregates, the water friction measurements determined by the
absorption is 2% to 4%. These results are Sideways Force Coefficient Routine
consistent with naturally occurring aggregates Investigation Machine (SCRIM) have also been
and indicate that additional bitumen is not shown to be high.
required for absorption.
Typical SCRIM results for steel furnace slag
The surface area of steel furnance slag aggregates from case studies are presented in
aggregates is slightly greater than naturally Section 7. Table 3.3 provides typical
occuring aggregates due to cubical particle investigatory skid resistance levels for SCRIM
shape and the vesicular nature of the particle values. (13)
surface. Additional binder in the order of 0.5%
by mass is required to coat the increased surface

Table 3.2 - Table of Important Properties of BOS and EAF Slags

Property EAF Slag BOS Slag

Particle Density (AS1141.5 & 6) 3,300 kg/m3 dry 3,300 to 3,400 kg/m3 dry
(7) (8) 3,400 kg/m3 SSD 3,350 to 3,450 kg/m3 SSD
Particle Shape (AS1141.14) (3) < 10% 2:1 < 10% 2:1
< 2% 3:1 < 2% 3:1
Dry Strength (AS1141.22) (5) 275 to 350 kN 250 to 350 kN
Wet Strength (AS1141.22) (5) 240 to 300 kN 230 to 300 kN
Wet / Dry Strength Variation 5 - 15% 5 - 20%
(AS1141.22) (5)
Water Absorption 1% to 2% coarse 1% to 2% coarse
(AS1141.5 & 6) (7) (8) aggregate aggregate
2% to 4% fine 2% to 4% fine aggregate
Fractured Faces (RTA T239)(4) 100% 100%
LA Abrasion (AS1141.23)(6) 16(B) 12 to 18 (B)
Polishing Aggregate Friction 58 to 63 52 to 58
Value (AS1141.41/42)(9) (10)
Sodium Sulphate Soundness < 4% < 4%
(AS1141.24) (11)

6 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
Table 3.3 - Examples of Investigatory Skid Resistance Levels

INVESTIGATORY LEVELS OF SFC50 at 50km/h or equivalent

Category 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
Site Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Traffic light controlled

(See notes) intersections
Pedestrian/school crossings INVESTIGATION
Railway level crossings
Roundabout approaches

2 Curves with tight radius < 250m ADVISED

Gradients > 5% and >50m long
Freeway/highway on/off ramps

3 Intersections
(See notes)

4 Manoeuvre-free areas of
undivided roads

5 Manoeuvre-free areas of divided


INVESTIGATORY LEVELS OF SFC20 at 20km/h or equivalent

0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
Category Site Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6 Curves with radius < 100m INVESTIGATION

7 Roundabouts ADVISED


all primary roads, and for secondary roads with more than 2,500 vehicles per lane per day

roads with less than 2,500 vehicles per lane per day

NOTES for Table 3.2:

• The difference in Sideways Force Coefficient values between wheelpaths (Differential Friction
Levels) should be less than 0.10 where the speed limit is over 60km/h; or less than 0.20 where the
speed limit is 60km/h; or less than 0.20 where the speed limit is 60 km/h or less.
• Investigatory levels are based on the minimum of the four point rolling average skid resistance for
each 100m section length.
• Investigatory Levels for Site Categories 1 and 3 are based on the minimum of the four point rolling
average skid resistance for the section from 50m before to 20m past the feature, or for 50m
approaching a roundabout.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 7
3.2.10 Resistance to Stripping furnace slags, CSIRO have developed a test
method for characterising the potential of a steel
Steel furnace slags have a strong affinity for furnace slag sample to expand (2). The test
bitumen. This has been evidenced by excellent involves a short immersion period of a sample
results when steel furnace slag is tested by the under water after being saturated under vacuum.
Modified Lottman procedure in accordance with This allows moisture to come into contact with
RTA test method T640 (14). Samples are tested any expansive materials very quickly. The
for modulus in a dry state and then treated by grading of the sample is taken before and after
soaking in hot water and sometimes freezing testing. This data is used as a measure of the
prior to being tested for a wet modulus. The extent of any breakdown of slag particles due
results of these tests when performed on asphalt to the effect of expansion.
containing steel surface slag aggregates have
exceeded current requirements indicating a high This test method is considered to be a significant
resistance to stripping or moisture damage. improvement on previous test procedures which
depended on artificially elevated temperatures
This result would be anticipated in many such as in an autoclave which is not reflective
respects due to the presence of hydrated lime of field experience. The vacuum method
on the surface of steel furnace slag particles. provides an accelerated process at ambient
Hydrated lime is a known agent for improving temperatures.
the resistance to stripping and is often added to
asphalt as a filler for this purpose. To date it has been shown that there is very little
potential for expansion in the smaller particle
For use in sprayed sealing applications, BOS sizes such as 7 mm and 10 mm, in some cases
slag aggregates tested in accordance with RTA even for slag which has had very limited
Test Method T230 (15)- Plate Stripping Test, will weathering. For 14 mm and larger sizes the
give conforming results when the appropriate research has shown that weathering is required
precoating agent is used. in most cases before incorporation of the
aggregate in asphalt. Work is continuing to
3.2.11 Aggregate Soundness obtain sufficient data to enable further guidelines
for acceptance to be established.
Testing of steel furnace slag aggregates for
aggregate soundness using RTA Test Method It should be noted that asphalt is a very
T266 (16) has shown that there is very little appropriate use for steel furnace slags in respect
particle loss. Results are less than 4% to potential expansion. This is for a number of
compared to the current RTA specification reasons.
requirements of less than 12%. 1 Bitumen coats the steel furnace slag
particles. This minimises the opportunity
3.2.12 Expansion Characteristics and for moisture infiltration into the particles.
CSIRO Research Also, the high affinity between bitumen and
steel furnace slag means that there is
It is possible for small amounts of burnt lime and minimal opportunity for stripping and
dolomite to be contained in steel furnace slags. hence moisture infiltration into the
Free lime contents for Australian steel furnace aggregate particles.
slags are generally significantly lower than for
other countries. For EAF slags, the amount of 2 Asphalt is a visco-elastic material that is
burnt lime is very low, usually less than 0.5%. able to tolerate a small amount of
For BOS slags the percentage is 0 to 2% expansion.
although usually less than 1%. Burnt lime
In Australia, there have been no instances of
hydrates very quickly in the presence of
expansion where appropriately weathered steel
adequate moisture and steel furnace slag
furnace slag has been incorporated in asphalt.
producers have in place appropriate handling
This is after supply of over 350,000 tonnes up
procedures to allow this hydration to occur.
to 1999.
To provide the asphalt producers and their
customers with appropriate assurances
regarding the expansion characteristics of steel

8 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

4.1 General Ultra-thin asphalt surfacings are of two major

This section describes the types of asphalt mixes
in which steel furnace slag aggregates can be • Thin open graded asphalt placed with a
used. modified asphalt paver that applies a
binder layer immediately ahead of the
asphalt layer, and
4.2 Asphalt Mix Types
• Modified, small sized dense graded
The types of asphalt commonly used that could asphalt mixes.
incorporate steel furnace slag aggregates are:-
Detailed descriptions of these mix types and
• Dense Graded Asphalt (DGA) guidelines for the selection of mixes for particular
(or Asphaltic Concrete) applications can be gained from AUSTROADS
Dense graded asphalt comprises a mixture of 1998a (17).
continuously graded aggregates, sands, filler Steel furnace slag aggregates can be
and bitumen which is mixed and placed hot. It is incorporated into any of the above mix types as
the most common type of asphalt. an alternative to natural aggregates or to take
• Open Graded Asphalt (OGA) advantage of the unique properties of steel
furnace slag aggregates.
Open graded asphalt (or porous asphalt) has a
large proportion of coarse aggregate and only a 4.3 The Advantages of Steel
small amount of fine aggregate resulting in a Furnace Slag Aggregate in
high void content (18 to 25%). It is used as a Asphalt.
low noise, low spray wearing surface application
• Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) The properties of steel furnace slag aggregate
that can be advantageously used in asphalt are:-
Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) is a durable and
rut resistant surfacing mix (sometimes also a) Cubical particle shape and 100 percent
called Coarse Gap Graded Asphalt (CGGA)). It fractured faces provide strong aggregate
has a large percentage of coarse aggregate with interlock and improves resistance to
stone on stone contact, with the remaining air permanent deformation under traffic.
voids partially filled with mastic comprising fines, b) High particle strength combined with
filler and bitumen. cubical particle shape and abrasion
• Fine Gap Graded Asphalt (FGGA) resistance makes steel furnace slag
aggregate suitable for wearing surface
Fine gap graded mixes are a modified form of applications such as dense graded
dense graded mix specifically developed to asphalt, stone mastic asphalt and open
achieve durable asphalt mixes for use in light graded asphalt, even in heavily trafficked
traffic areas such as residential streets and lightly applications.
trafficked roads .
c) High skid resistance makes steel furnace
• Ultra-Thin Asphalt (UTA) Surfacings slags suitable for wearing surface
including Thin Open Graded Asphalt. applications in high stress situations.

Ultra-thin asphalt surfacings have been d) The strong affinity for bitumen and the high
developed as a means of restoring surface resistance to stripping makes steel furnace
characteristics of otherwise sound pavements slag aggregates suitable for use in asphalt
with the shape correction and surface properties where conditions are encountered where
of asphalt but with a minimal thickness of stripping may occur.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 9
e) The use of modified binders with steel
furnace slag aggregate in asphalt can be
effective in providing mixes that are
resistant to bleeding and rutting in high
stress situations. Guidelines for the
selection and use of modified binders can
be found in AUSTROADS 1998b (18).
Case studies illustrating the use of steel furnace
slag aggregates in asphalt are provided in
Section 7.
Detailed guidelines on how to incorporate steel
furnace slag aggregates into the design of
asphalt are provided in Section 5.

10 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
5.1 Overview Once a trial binder content has been selected
then a trial mix may be batched at binder
Mix design for asphalt containing steel furnace contents + 0.5% of the target. Compactions at
slag aggregates is very similar to mix design for varying numbers of cycles of the Gyratory
asphalt containing other aggregates. Some Compactor are performed and the bulk density
allowances however need to be made for the and air voids are plotted against Gyratory
higher density of steel furnace slag. For Compactor cycles.
example, the bitumen content expressed as a
percentage of the total mix, will be slightly more The following parameters are also measured
on a volume basis as for asphalt containing and plotted against binder content for the
naturally occurring aggregates but will be slightly appropriate number of Gyratory Compactor
less on a mass basis due to the higher particle cycles for the traffic category:
density of the steel furnace slag aggregate. • air voids
The AUSTROADS Pavement Research Group • bulk density
(APRG) in May 1997, published “Selection and
Design of Asphalt Mixes: Australian Provisional • Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
Guide” (19). Mix designs should be undertaken
in accordance with this Guide. • Voids Filled with Binder (VFB).

5.2 Target Grading

Binder Film Thickness Calculation
The target grading will depend upon the end use
of the asphalt. AUSTROADS Guide to the QEB 1 10 3
Selection of Road Pavement Surfacings (17) F=
100 − QBIT A ρ BIT
and local practice can be used to determine the
appropriate maximum particle size or nominal
F = film thickness (µm)
size of the asphalt. The grading will depend
QEB = effective binder content
upon the traffic loading, underlying materials, (% by mass of mix)
type of bitumen to be used and the local QBIT = total binder content
environment. (% by mass of mix)
Ac = surface area of aggregate blend
To make up the required target grading, coarse - corrected for density(m2/kg)
aggregate, fine aggregate and filler are graded ρBIT = density of binder at 25oC (t/m3)
and then a blended design is formulated. The
blending of the constituent materials may take The surface area of the aggregate is calculated from:-
place at the steel furnace slag supplier’s depot
or alternatively individual particle sizes may be TA = (2 + 0.02a + 0.04b + 0.08c +0.14d
supplied to the asphalt producer’s plant. +.0.30e + 0.60f + 1.60g) x 0.20482
A = (TA x 2.65)/ ρCOMP
ρCOMP = combined particle density of components
5.3 Bitumen Content
A = surface area of aggregate (m2/kg)
The selection of bitumen content is often based a = percentage passing 4.75 mm sieve
upon experience with similar mixes. It may also b = percentage passing 2.36 mm sieve
be based on achieving a minimum bitumen film c = percentage passing 1.18 mm sieve
thickness. The calculation for binder film d = percentage passing 0.60 mm sieve
thickness is presented below. For steel furnace e = percentage passing 0.30 mm sieve
slag aggregate, its higher particle density needs f = percentage passing 0.15 mm sieve
to be taken into account. g = percentage passing 0.075 mm sieve

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 11
5.4 Resistance to Stripping Field performance in regard to stripping or
moisture damage of asphalt containing steel
Steel furnace slags have a strong affinity for furnace slag has been very good.
bitumen. This is due in part to the presence of
hydrated lime on the surface of weathered steel 5.5 Moduli Values
furnace slag aggregates. Hydrated lime is
The moduli of mixes are often obtained,
added to bitumen to promote resistance to
particularly for medium to heavily trafficked
stripping. With weathered steel furnace slag the
roads. The range of modulus values for full slag
hydrated lime is already present on the surface
mixes, tested in accordance with
of the aggregate where it is needed.
AS2891.13.1(20), is between 3,000 and 7,000
AUSTROADS has been investigating a testing MPa. The conditions for this test represent a
procedure for resistance to stripping or moisture temperature environment of 25oC and a vehicle
damage for some time. At present, the Modified travel speed of about 25 km/h. The test results
Lottman procedure is the most widely used in need to be corrected to give modulus values for
Australia (19). other temperature and design speed values.
Results from tests performed on asphalt These values are well above those usually
containing steel furnace slag under the Modified assumed for design of pavement layers.
Lottman procedure, RTA T640 (14), shows that
steel furnace slag aggregates have a high 5.6 Sample Mix Design
resistance to stripping. Results are usually over A sample mix design is shown in the table 5.1.
95% for the ratio of indirect modulus (wet/dry) Other mix designs are provided in Section 7 -
for asphalt containing steel furnace slag as both Case Studies
coarse and fine aggregate. Current
specifications have a minimum requirement of These are provided to show some of the
80%. characteristics of asphalt containing steel
furnace slag aggregates.
Table 5.1 - Dense Graded 14mm Asphalt
Test Methods Results Production
AS 2891.2.2 (21) 120 Cycles
AS 2891.9.2 (22) Bulk Density (t/m3) 2.798
RTA T605 (23) Max Density (g/ml) 2.931
AS2891.8 (24) Air Voids (%) 4.5 3.0 to 6.0
V.M.A. (%) 17.0 MIN 15%
V(f)B (%) 73.6
AS2891.2.2 (21) 350 Cycles
AS2891.9.2 (22) Bulk Density (t/m3) 2.855
AS2891.8 (24) Air Voids (%) 2.6 > 2.5%
RTA T607 (25) Bitumen Content (%) 4.9 4.8 - 5.4
RTA T607 (25) Combined Aggregate Grading
37.50 mm
26.50 mm 100
19.00 mm 100
13.20 mm 100 100
9.50 mm 97 88-98
6.70 mm 84 75-89
4.75 mm 78 65-79
2.36 mm 62 51-65
1.18 mm 39 33-41
0.600 mm 25 20-30
0.300 mm 18 12-22
0.150 mm 12 8-16
0.075 mm 7 4.0-9.0
4.7 3.0-6.0
RTA T607 (25) Filler to binder ratio (%) 0.9 0.6-1.2
Bitumen film thickness (µm) 11.5 > 7.5
Temp. of sample 162

12 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

6.1 General normal traffic loading due to braking,

accelerating or turning vehicles.
This section describes the types of thin
bituminous surfacings that can incorporate steel Polymer Modified Binders (PMBs) are often
furnace slag aggregates. The types of utilised in SAMs, SAMIs and HSS to gain
surfacings described include sprayed enhanced performance.
bituminous surfacings and those applied as a • Reinforced seals
Fibre reinforced seals
6.2 Types of Sprayed Bituminous
Fibre reinforced seals usually use a polymer
Surfacings modified emulsion and the application process
uses a purpose-built sprayer which, on a single
The types of sprayed bituminous surfacings
commonly used that could incorporate steel
furnace slag aggregates are:- • Sprays binder onto the pavement,
• Primerseals • Cuts the required amount of fibre glass to
length, generally in the range 50mm to
A primerseal is an initial treatment where a
90mm, and blows this onto the first layer
primerbinder is sprayed onto a prepared
of binder,
pavement surface and is covered with a layer
of aggregate. It allows immediate trafficking, and • Sprays a second layer of binder over the
allows for the delay in placing the final surfacing cut fibres,
for logistical or operational reasons. Primerseals
are generally only designed for a short life. The bitumen and fibre layers are immediately
covered with a lightly spread aggregate which
• Seals and reseals is locked into place using a racked in aggregate.
A seal is formed by the spraying of one or more Geotextile Reinforced Seals
applications of binder and covering it with one
or more layers of aggregate. The two common types of geotextile reinforced
seal are:-
• Special application seals
- single coat (often using a modified binder)
Strain Alleviating Membranes (SAMs)
- double coat (using modified or unmodified
A Strain Alleviating Membrane (SAM) is a binder in the first spray of binder and
sprayed seal surfacing with a binder containing slightly or unmodified binder in the second
a relatively large amount of rubber or polymer layer)
modifier. It is used to absorb strains that occur
in the pavement and reduce reflection cracking. Geotextile reinforced sprayed seals are
produced by spraying a layer of bitumen onto a
Strain Alleviating Membrane Interlayers (SAMIs) pavement (bond coat), then covering this
bitumen with a layer of geotextile and lightly
A strain alleviating membrane interlayer (SAMI)
is similar to a SAM but placed as an interlayer
under asphalt. A single or double application seal is then applied
over the geotextile.
High Stress Seals (HSS)
A High Stress Seal (HSS) is a bituminous seal,
or reseal treatment that is subject to heavier than

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 13
6.3 Types of Slurry Surfacings c) Cubical aggregate shape with a high
percentage of fractured faces which
There are two basic types of slurry surfacings; makes steel furnace slag aggregate
a basic slurry mixture usually known as slurry suitable for multiple application sprayed
seal and an enhanced mixture which is usually seals as it assists in the “locking up” of
designated microsurfacing. the aggregate.
• Slurry Seals In utilising steel furnace slag aggregate in
sprayed seal applications, the spread rate of
Slurry seals are composed of a graded mixture aggregate in m 2 /m 3 is the same as for
of sand and fine aggregate containing filler, comparable naturally occurring aggregates but
cement and unmodified bitumen usually in the the higher density of the steel furnace slag
form of an anionic emulsion and are generally aggregates needs to be accounted for in
placed in thicknesses around 1 to 1.5 times the assessing the mass of aggregate required.
nominal mix size. The maximum size of
materials in a slurry seal varies from sand to As with all materials the use of steel furnace
7mm aggregate (26). slag aggregate needs to be evaluated on a value
for money basis.
• Microsurfacing
Microsurfacing is similar to slurry sealing except
that polymer modified bitumen emulsions are
used to provide faster setting for earlier
trafficking, greater resistance to rutting, greater
durability and improved flexibility. Larger sizes
of aggregate and multiple applications are also
feasible. Other terms for microsurfacing include
microasphalt, cold overlay and microseal.

6.4 Use of Steel Furnace Slag

Aggregate in Thin Bituminous

Steel furnace slag aggregates can be

incorporated into any of the above thin
bituminous surfacing applications as an
alternative to natural aggregates or to take
advantage of the unique properties of steel
furnace slag aggregates.
The properties of steel furnace slag aggregates
that are advantageous when utilised in thin
bituminous surfacings seals are:-
a) High aggregate strength, which limits
aggregate breakdown and minimises
flushing and moisture ingress.
b) High abrasion resistance and skid
resistance, which makes steel furnace
slag aggregate suitable for use in sprayed
seals in high stress areas.

14 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

7.1 BHP Steelworks Road System - slag materials. Some 6 km of the network was
Port Kembla constructed or reconstructed during 1990/91.
These roads were constructed from blast
furnace slag roadbases and surfaced with
7.1.1 General
asphalt containing steel furnace slag.
Asphalt containing steel furnace slag has been
produced since 1980 at the Boral Asphalt Plant, 7.1.2 Asphalt Mix Design
which is situated within the BHP Port Kembla
Steelworks. For that period asphalt containing Asphalt for the steelworks road system was
steel furnace slag was used in all types of designed using conventional methods and
applications within the steelworks areas and incorporated as much steel furnace slag as
continues to be used throughout the works. possible. All aggregate fractions down to 7 mm
were steel furnace slag. The remainder of the
Since 1990, following the proven performance grading was made up from steel furnace slag
of steel furnace slag asphalt’s, asphalt fines and/or quarry produced fines e.g. . basalt
containing steel furnace slag has been used on and sand.
roads for Councils, the Roads and Traffic
Authority and civil contractors (27). The bitumen used was C320 with no added
polymers or other modifiers.
The BHP internal road network consists of over
20 km of roads that have been constructed from A typical mix is as shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 - Typical Asphalt Properties for a Dense Graded 14mm Mix Containing 55%
Steel Furnace Slag

Aggregate Grading
% passing AS sieve 19.0mm 100
% passing AS sieve 13.2 mm 99
% passing AS sieve 9.5mm 91
% passing AS sieve 6.7 mm 73
% passing AS sieve 4.75 mm 56
% passing AS sieve 2.36 mm 47
% passing AS sieve 1.18 mm 36
% passing AS sieve 600 µm 29
% passing AS sieve 300 µm 18
% passing AS sieve 150 µm
% passing AS sieve 75 µm
Bitumen Content - Dry 5.5%5.2%
Aggregate Total Mix
Voids 5.5%
Voids filled by bitumen 71.1%
Briquette Density 2.683 kg/m3
Maximum Density 2.838 kg/m3

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 15
7.1.3 Pavement Design and Loading There is also the movement of 1,500,000 tonnes
of coal into the Port Kembla Steelworks area
Pavements within the steelworks area were and the movement of 1,000,000 tonnes of
constructed using slag roadbases. During the processed slag products over these pavements
construction of pavements in 1990/91 blended in triaxle semi-trailers.
roadbase consisting of 60% steel furnace slag
and 40% granulated blast furnace slag was used Within the steelworks area there are three major
for most of the roadways. This material gains roundabouts, which are used regularly by the
sufficient strength through reaction of lime and heavily loaded vehicles. Very high stresses are
slag to give unconfined compressive strengths placed on the asphalt wearing surface as high
in the range of 4 to 8 MPa. It is thus considered wheel and axle loads pass over these sections.
to be a heavily bound material with modulus
values over 5,000 MPa as calculated using the 7.1.4 Wearing Surface Performance
formulas in the AUSTROADS Guide to the
Structural Design of Road Pavements (1992), When due consideration is given to the high
Section Modulus Correlation’s (28). traffic loads within the road network of the Works,
Therefore these pavements have deflections of inspections have not revealed any areas of
less than 0.2 mm and very low curvatures of significant deformation or rutting on asphalt.
less than 0.06 mm. Even within roundabout areas there have not
been any degradation due to rutting or shoving.
Most subgrade within the steelworks area is This demonstrates the high deformation
either sand or various slags. Hence the resistance of asphalt containing steel furnace
subgrade CBR is greater than 10 in most areas. slag aggregate. Some widely spaced shrinkage
cracking does appear in the pavements but this
Asphalt placed over heavily bound material is has had no adverse effect on the performance
subject to high compressive stresses due to the of the asphalt. There is also some crocodile
very low deformation of the base layer. This cracking present in high stress areas indicating
makes rutting or other deformation of the asphalt that the bound base/subbase may be nearing
the most likely failure mechanism, particularly if the end of its design life.
slow moving vehicles with heavy wheel loadings
are using the pavement. Fatigue of asphalt
7.2 Roads and Traffic Authority -
surfacing on a heavily bound pavement is
unlikely to occur provided that a good bond is
Illawarra District
achieved between asphalt and base. Any failure
Roads maintained by the Roads and Traffic
is most probably a result of fatigue in the base
Authority’s Illawarra District Office are used by
many triaxle semi-trailers transporting coal to
The movement of large amounts of materials Port Kembla for steelmaking and export. The
within the steelworks is facilitated by vehicles same roads carry much of the industrial produce
capable of carrying heavy loads. These vehicles from the Wollongong area. Most of the triaxle
impart very high axle and wheel loads on the semi-trailers are able to carry the maximum legal
asphalt surfacing, as shown in Table 7.2. These load through the use of permits and many are
loads are generally applied at low speeds. All using ‘super single’ tyres which have higher
vehicles are required to travel at less than 50 contact pressures and hence increased
km/h and the larger vehicles at less than 30 damaging effect.
To carry these high loadings it has been
Some 2,000,000 tonnes of slag are moved necessary to construct heavily bound or deep
annually on these roads as well as various lift asphalt pavements. In both cases these
metallics and water carts. There are also pavements have asphalt wearing surfaces. The
movements of Cat 992 loaders whose tyres are high loading and low deflection pavements
protected by chains. Very high local stresses create conditions which increase the
occur under the chains necessitating high susceptibility of asphalt to deformation through
deformation and abrasion resistance from any rutting or shoving.
asphalt pavements.

16 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
Table 7.2 - Typical Design Axle Loads used for roads within BHP - Port Kembla

Vehicle Type Gross Axle Loading

And Configuration
50t 96t 96t

Elevated Platform Carriers

8.9 m 2.4 m
7t 15t 22t

Highway Trucks

3.7m 2.4m 5.5 m 2.4m 2.4m

18t 50t


4.2 m
46t 46t

Caterpillar 992

4.6 m

7.2.1 Intersection of F6 - Freeway and

Northern Distributor - Wollongong

The intersection of the F6 - Freeway and the

Northern Distributor at Gwynneville known as
“Crystal Corner” has an Annual Average Daily
Traffic of 50,000 vehicles with an estimated
percentage of commercial vehicles of 20%.
Previously traffic lights controlled the intersection
and southbound traffic was required to stop or
slow down prior to turning right onto the Northern
Picton Road, Wilton Distributor. The regular stopping of the vehicles
and acceleration through the intersection
On some sections of pavement where the large resulted in high stresses being imparted onto
number of heavy vehicles were braking and the asphalt surface. This section has flat terrain
turning it was decided to trial asphalt with steel prior to and through the intersection.
furnace slag aggregate during the early 1990’s.
After initial successful trials asphalt containing During the 1980’s and early 1990’s a number of
steel furnace slag became accepted for many wearing surface treatments were placed on the
situations. approaches to Crystal Corner and through the
intersection. All needed to be replaced after
relatively short periods due to deformation.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 17
A 14mm dense grade asphalt containing steel
furnace slag aggregate was placed in 1992. The
binder was C320 bitumen with 5% gilsonite.
Gilsonite hardens the binder and increases rut
resistance. This wearing surface performed well
up to 1998 when it was replaced during the
construction of a grade separated intersection.
In evidence of the materials suitability and
performance characteristics, steel furnace
aggregates were again selected for the new

7.2.2 Other Roads within the Network Princes Highway, Helensburgh

Other sections of the Highway Network have

7.2.3 Asphalt Mix Designs
also been surfaced with asphalt containing steel
furnace slag. This has been done to increase The predominant mix used by the RTA is 14 mm
skid resistance in areas with high accident rates dense grade and typical blend proportions are
and to increase deformation resistance. Various shown in Table 7.4. A blended 14 mm steel
binders have been used as shown in Table IV. furnace aggregate has been mixed with sand,
Early SCRIM results for these sections are filler (flyash) and bitumen, which in the typical
encouraging. On Bulli Pass the SCRIM testing mix shown is of type AR 320/1000. AR 320/
has given mean results in the range 0.73 to 0.85 1000 has similar properties to C600 bitumen at
after 2.5 years. high temperatures for deformation resistance
and also has fatigue characteristics of C170
bitumen at low temperatures. It is also known
as “Multigrade” bitumen. The RTA has also
made 20 mm dense grade and 10 mm open
grade mixes containing steel furnace slag.

Mixing in accordance with the proportions shown

in Table 7.4 gives a mix with typical properties
as shown in Table 7.5. This mix has been
reported to give excellent results when
compacted using the gyratory compactor for 350
cycles. The percentage of voids remaining in
the asphalt after this number of cycles has been
Princes Highway, Bulli Pass 2.5 or greater. This indicates a mix that is very
unlikely to deform.
This is an excellent result. It is realised that
continued monitoring will be required for 7.3 Pennant Hills Road
assurance of long term performance.
A number of sections of Pennant Hills Road
Table 7.3 indicates sections of the network which between Carlingford and Pennant Hills in
have been surfaced with asphalt for performance Sydney are surfaced with asphalt containing
reasons. Many other sections have been steel furnace slag. There is also one section
surfaced with asphalt containing steel furnace that consists of a nominal 200 mm of asphalt
slag because steel furnace slag is the most over lean mix concrete.
economic aggregate.
Pennant Hills Road is a very heavily trafficked
These sections are mainly 14 mm dense grade road with some of it on a steep grade. There
mixes although Macquarie Pass includes a are frequent intersections, which are controlled
Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) section with by traffic lights. During the 1990’s the road has
nominal size 10 mm. been widened, intersections improved and new
pavements constructed. This initially led to a

18 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
Table 7.3 - The Binder used on Sections of the Highway Network where Asphalt
contains Steel Furnace Slag

Section Binder
Angels Creek, Corrimal C320 + 5% Gilsonite
Kerang Ave to Rothery Road, Woonona C320 + 5% Gilsonite
Bulli Pass AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Helensburgh Curves AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Picton Road Climbing Lane AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Mt Ousley to Picton Road Turning Lane AR 320/1000 Bitumen
F6 – Northern Distributor Intersection AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Macquarie Pass AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Cambewarra Mountain and Barrengarry AR 320/1000 Bitumen
Mountain – Kangaroo Valley

Table 7.4 - Typical mix proportions for 14mm Dense Graded Asphalt Mix

Product Percentage
14mm blended steel furnace slag aggregate 87.9
Sand 5.0
Filler – flyash 2.5
Bitumen - type AR 320/1000 4.6

Table 7.5 - Typical Asphalt Properties for a Dense Graded 14mm Mix

Aggregate Grading% passing AS sieve

19.0 mm 100
% passing AS sieve 13.2 mm 97
% passing AS sieve 9.5 mm 84
% passing AS sieve 6.7 mm 71
% passing AS sieve 4.75 mm 56
% passing AS sieve 2.36 mm 43
% passing AS sieve 1.18 mm 30
% passing AS sieve 600 m 23
% passing AS sieve 300 m 12
% passing AS sieve 150 m 5.7
% passing AS sieve 75 m 4.0
Bitumen Content 4.6%
Voids 5.0%
Voids filled by bitumen 70.3%
Briquette Density 2.786 kg/m3
Maximum Density 2.932 kg/m3

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 19
number of problems with deformation and rutting Road at Padstow in Sydney. A 30 mm layer of
of wearing surfaces. 10 mm open grade asphalt was placed and the
coarse aggregate consisted of 10 mm steel
Steel furnace slag was used by Boral Asphalt in furnace slag. Steel furnace slag was chosen
the wearing surface of a number of sections as for its skid resistance properties as well as its
a means to improve the resistance to shape.
deformation and rutting.
The paving of the wearing surface took place in
CSR Emoleum constructed the pavement at the 1997 and after to date there is no sign of any
intersection of the M2 Motorway on Pennant Hills deterioration.
Road. This consists of three nominal 60 mm
layers of 20 mm dense grade asphalt. Steel
7.6 The Newcastle Region
furnace slag was used as both the coarse and
fine aggregate. 7.6.1 Newcastle BHP Steelworks

7.4 Tomerong Bypass Steel furnace slag aggregate asphalt’s have

been used in the past throughout the Newcastle
Steel furnace slag aggregate was chosen for area (29). Newcastle BHP steelworks was one
the asphalt surfacing of Tomerong Bypass, of the first sites in which slag asphalt’s were
South of Nowra on the Princes Highway in NSW. trialed in the region.
In 1996 a thin (nominal 20 mm) 10 mm open
grade asphalt layer over a rubberised bitumen Trials using steel furnace slag in asphalt mixes
seal was placed on the existing pavement. This were commenced in 1987. Due to the steel
low cost treatment provided improved ride, skid furnace slag’s success, approximately 3 kms of
resistance and waterproofing. Steel furnace slag pavement have been reconstructed around the
was chosen because of its shape and skid works in areas subjected to severe traffic stress.
resistance properties as well as meeting all other This includes major haul roads, intersections and
specification requirements. areas of localised braking and accelerating. It
should be noted here that base pavements have
In an open grade mix using a strong well shaped also been constructed using slag materials.
aggregate allows for an improved matrix with Typical designs for 10mm and 14mm asphaltic
good aggregate interlock for load dispersion and concrete are as given in Table 7.6.
An asphalt trial in 1992 was carried out within
Some 7 km of single carriageway were BHP in conjunction with the RTA (30). The
resurfaced and the use of steel furnace slag in section of road was constructed to service
thin asphalt has become more widely accepted. heavily laden trucks carting iron ore to stockpiles.
The trial enabled the comparison of the
The wearing surface has performed well to date.
performance of a number of different high
strength asphalt designs. The results indicated
7.5 Roberts Road, Padstow that given the strength characteristics of steel
furnace slag asphalt, the slag asphalt performs
CSR Emoleum used steel furnace slag
as well as the high strength mixes and mixes
aggregates in the wearing surface of Roberts
that had the addition of Gilsonite.

Table 7.6 - Typical Mix Designs - BHP Newcastle Steelworks

14mm Asphalt 10mm Asphalt
Size Material % in mix % in mix
14mm Steel furnace slag 21.9 -
10mm Steel furnace slag 12.9 26.9
5/7mm Steel furnace slag 17.0 12.8
Dust Crusher dust 28.4 37.1
Sand Dune / river 11.8 14.4
Filler Flyash 2.5 2.8
Bitumen C320 5.5 6.0

20 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
7.6.2 Kooragang Island the beginning of the New England Highway and
is approximately 1.3km long, with a traffic count
Trials have been carried out on Kooragang of 34,500 vehicles per day (1992) on this road.
Island to test steel furnace slag asphalt’s as well Two control pavements were also placed to
as slag base courses. The trial site was an compare steel furnace slag to proven crushed
industrial waste disposal area and, as such, the rock asphalt mixes. Andesite aggregate and
majority of traffic was heavily laden vehicles. Rhyolite aggregate were used as control
The project involved the reconstruction and
sealing of approximately 1km of road. The The trial was a rehabilitation of a divided
pavement was completed in April 1992 and has carriageway constructed on a low embankment
been subject to more than 200 truck movements on a flat grade. The existing asphalt was
per day. An all steel furnace slag 10mm asphalt removed and 60mm of steel furnace slag AC 20
was laid at a thickness of 35mm. The area asphalt placed followed by 40mm of AC 14
chosen was the access way to levy banks. The wearing surface incorporating the two control
main section of pavement has shown some sections. Mix parameters for these pavements
longitudinal cracking associated with sub are shown in Table 7.7.
pavement layer movements. High lateral forces
from trucks occur at a turn off area where the Class 170 binder was used with variations as
steel furnace slag asphalt has performed very required for the known aggregate
well. characteristics.
An objective of the testing was to assess the
7.6.3 New England Highway skid resistance of the steel furnace slag mix.
SCRIM testing has shown the steel furnace slag
With the RTA involvement in the successful trial to be performing equal to that of the control
asphalt pavements on BHP land, a full trial pavements in all properties, and better than the
section was carried out on the New England control pavements from a serviceability point of
Highway. The trial was situated at Hexham at view.

Table 7.7 - Mix parameters used for the New England trials
Mix Description (all dense graded)
AS Sieve Size 14mm 14mm 14mm 20mm
(mm) Steel furnace slag Andesite Rhyolite Steel furnace slag
26.5 100
19.0 100 100 100 92-100
13.2 92-100 92-100 92-100 80-94
9.5 73-87 73-87 71-85 65-79
6.7 55-69 59-73 58-72 52-66
4.75 48-62 54-68 51-65 45-59
2.36 40-50 46-56 43-53 37-47
1.18 29-39 37-47 33-43 28-38
600 µm 23-31 30-38 26-36 22-30
300 µm 12-20 16-24 16-24 12-20
150 µm 5.5-10.5 7.5-12.5 6.5-11.5 7-12
70 µm 4.9-7.9 6.8-9.8 7.4-10.4 6.0-9.0
Bitumen Binder
( % of total mix 4.9 – 5.7 5.0 – 5.8 5.1 – 5.9 4.5 – 5.3
by mass )
Voids 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7
Stability 16-40 16-40 16-40 16-40
On curve1 0.42 – 0.58 0.41 –0.67
(mean 0.50 (mean 0.53
sd 0.05) sd 0.08)
On straight1 0.50 – 0.62 0.45 – 0.59
(mean 0.56 (mean 0.52
sd 0.04) sd 0.05)
After 2 to 3 years

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 21

1. MAW. K.J. (1991) Steel Slag its use and 10. AS 1141.42-1999 Methods for sampling
Development in the United Kingdom. ASA and testing aggregates - Pendulum friction
International Seminar “Slag – The Material test.
of Choice, July 1991.

11. AS 1141.24-1997 Methods for sampling

2. CSIRO (1998) BOS Slag Aggregate and testing aggregates - Aggregate
Performance Testing and Acceptance soundness - Evaluation by exposure to
Criteria - CSIRO Building Construction and sodium sulfate solution.
Maintenance - Report BRE 050.

12. VicRoads (1993) - Steel Slag Aggregate -

3. AS 1141.14-1995 Methods for sampling Materials Technology Department
and testing aggregates - Particle shape, Technical Note 9.
by proportional caliper

13. RTA/VicRoads (1995) - A Guide for the

4. RTA Test Method T239 Fractured Faces Measurement and Interpretation of Skid
of Coarse Aggregate Resistance using SCRIM”, August 1995.

5. AS 1141.22-1996 Methods for sampling 14. RTA Test Method T640 Assessment of
and testing aggregates - Wet/dry strength Propensity for Stripping of Bituminous
variation. Mixes.

6. AS 1141.23-1995 Methods for sampling 15. RTA Test Method T230 Resistance to
and testing aggregates - Los Angeles Stripping of Aggregates and Binders.

16. RTA Test Method T266 Soundness of

7. AS 1141.5-1996 Methods for sampling Aggregates (By Use of Sodium Sulphate
and testing of aggregates - Particle density Solution).
and water absorption of fine aggregate.


8. AS 1141.6.1-1995 Methods for sampling Guide to the Selection of Pavement
and testing aggregates - Particle density Wearing Surfaces (Draft).
and water absorption of coarse aggregate
- Weighing-in-water method. 18. AUSTROADS (1998b) - AUSTROADS
specification framework for polymer
modified binders. AUSTROADS
Pavement Research Group Report No.19.
9. AS 1141.41-1999 Methods for sampling
and testing aggregates - Polished
aggregate friction value - Horizontal bed

22 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings
19. AUSTROADS (1997) - Selection and 29. FRANCIS C and BROWN D - Steel Slag
design of asphalt mixes - Australian Asphalt - A trial in Newcastle. 9th AAPA
provisional guide. Austroads Pavement International Asphalt Conference.
Research Group Report No.18.

30. HEATON, B S (1995) - Developments in

20. AS 2891.13.1-1995 Methods of sampling the use of slags from iron and steel plants
and testing asphalt - Determination of the in road pavements. Research report no.
resilient modulus of asphalt - Indirect 113.08.1995, Department of Civil
tensile method. Engineering & Surveying, University of

21. AS 2891.2.2-1995 Methods of sampling

and testing asphalt - Sample preparation 31. AS 1141.11-1996 Methods for sampling
- Compaction of asphalt test specimens and testing aggregates - Particle size
using a gyratory compactor. distribution by sieving.

22. AS 2891.9.2-1993 Methods of sampling

and testing asphalt - Determination of bulk
density of compacted asphalt -
Presaturation method.

23. RTA Test Method T605 Maximum Density

of Bituminous Plant Mix.

24. AS 2891.8-1993 Methods of sampling and

testing asphalt - Voids and density
relationships for compacted asphalt mixes.

25. RTA Test Method T607 Bitumen Content

and Aggregate Grading of Bituminous
Mixtures – Reflux Method.

26. RTA (1997) - Guide to Slurry Sealing.

Pavements and Scientific Services

27. FENTON B (1996) - The use of steel

furnace slag aggregate in asphalt in the
Wollongong area. Proc 18th ARRB Conf.

28. AUSTROADS (1992) - Guide to the

Structural Design of Road Pavements.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 23
AC Asphaltic Concrete
ALD Average Least Dimension
ARRB Australian Road Research Board
BF Blast Furnace
BOS Basic Oxygen Steel
CGGA Coarse Gap Graded Asphalt
DGA Dense Graded Asphalt
DGB Dense Grade Base
DGS Dense Grade Sub-base
EAF Electric Arc Furnace
FGGA Fine Gap Graded Asphalt
GBFS Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
GGBFS Ground Granulate Blast Furnace Slag
GP General Purpose Cement
HSS High Stress Seal
LH Low heat Cement
OGA Open Graded Asphalt
OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
PAFV Polished Aggregate Friction Value
RTA Roads & Traffic Authority, NSW
SAM Strain Alleviating Membrane
SAMI Strain Alleviating Membrane Interlayer
SBC Slag Blended Cement
SCRIM Sideways Force Coefficient Routine Investigation Method
SMA Stone Mastic Asphalt
SR Sulphate Resisting Cement
SSD Saturated Surface Dry
SSF Steel Slag Fines
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
VFB Voids Filled with Binder
VMA Voids in Mineral Aggregates

24 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

Aggregates Mat

Material complies with the specified Grading A surface condition in which the aggregate is
requirements for fine and coarse aggregates. It proud of the surface and the binder is
may be produced from rock, gravel metallurgical approximately two thirds of the way up the sides
slag or artificial stone. of the aggregate particles.

Asphalt (Hot Mix) Polished Aggregate Friction Value

A mixture of bituminous binder and aggregate A measure, on scale of 0 to 100, of the resistance
with or without mineral filler produced hot in a of an aggregate to polishing under the action of
mixing plant. It is delivered, spread and traffic as determined in standard laboratory tests.
compacted while hot. The term Asphalt which is
in common use in Australia, is an abbreviation Polishing
for Asphaltic Concrete.
A condition whereby the surface of an aggregate
Bound Pavements becomes smooth under the action of traffic. This
tends to reduce tyre/road friction.
Pavements composed of granular materials
incorporating sufficient amounts of binding Precoating
agent(s) to produce significant flexural stiffness.
The coating of an aggregate with an oil, water
Coarse Aggregates of bituminous based material, with or without an
adhesion agent, to suppress the dust and
Material having a nominal size of not less than improve the subsequent adhesion of bituminous
5mm and complying with the requirements material.
Australian Standard AS1141.11 (31).
SAM (Stain Alleviating Membrane)
Cubical Aggregates Particles
A sprayed seal with the binder containing a
An aggregates particle which is approximately relatively large concentration of rubber or
cube-shaped. polymer modifier. It is used to provide a
membrane to absorb strains that occur in a road
Fine Aggregates pavement and thereby reduce reflection
Material having a nominal size of less than 5mm
and complying with the requirements Australian SAMI (Stain Alleviating Membrane
Standard AS1141.11 (31). Interlayer)

Grading (Aggregates) Similar to SAM, but provided as an interlayer

before placing an Asphalt overlay (usually a
The proportion of the various particle sizes thicker and more highly modified binder than a
present in an aggregate, expressed as a SAM)
percentage by mass of the whole.
Skid Resistance
Heavily Bound Base
The frictional resistance provided by the
A bound pavement layer having a Unconfined pavement surface to the vehicle tyres during
Compressive Strength (UCS) value greater than braking of cornering manoeuvers. It is usually
4 MPa. measured on wet surfaces.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 25
Sprayed Seal Gyratory Compactor

A thin surface layer of bituminous material A controlled method of compacting asphalt

covered with aggregate which, as the uppermost samples where an axial load is applied 1 to 3
pavement layer, is directly subjected to the degrees from the perpendicular as the sample
forces of vehicular traffic. rotates. Each application of the load is termed
a cycle.
Vesicular Slag
Modulus (resilient)
The term vesicular as applied to slag means the
particles contain voids which tend to be The ratio of stress to recoverable strain under
unconnected to each other, occurring throughout repeated loading conditions. Also referred to
each particle and appearing as blind holes on as elastic stiffness.
the particle surface.
Weathered Steel Furnace Slag
The longitudinal vertical deformation of a
Steel furnace slag is considered to be weathered pavement surface in a wheel path, measured
when it has been exposed in its finished form to relative to a straightedge placed at right angles
both atmospheric and controlled conditions to to the traffic flow and across the wheel path.
allow the full hydration of any lime present .

Wearing Surface
That part of pavement upon which the traffic
travels. Lateral displacement of pavement structure by
braking, accelerating or turning vehicles.
Bleeding (seals)
A surface condition in which an excess of free
binder completely covers the aggregate. There A separation of the binder film from the surface
is no surface texture. of aggregate, usually in the presence of water.

Flushed Surface

A smooth pavement surface due to the presence

of excess binder.

26 A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings

This Guide is the product of a considerable co-operative effort between the NSW Roads and Traffic
Authority, VicRoads, Transit New Zealand, the Australian Asphalt Pavement Association and the
Australasian Slag Association to better understand the behaviour of and develop the utilisation of
industrial slag products.
The valuable contribution of experience and expertise of the following people is gratefully

Val Brizga Roads & Traffic Authority NSW

Warren Carter CSR Emoleum
Norm Clifford Steelstone
Russell Crabb Boral Asphalt
Gordon Dobson Steel Cement
Bruce Fenton Australian Steel Mill Services
Chris Francis Roads & Traffic Authority NSW
Phil Gallagher Australian Asphalt Pavement Association
Peter Hanley Steelstone
Brian Heaton Consultant
Craig Heidrich Australasian Slag Association
Wayne James Australian Steel Mill Services
David Jones BHP Port Kembla
Adam Kelly Steelstone
Joe Krsul Roads & Traffic Authority NSW
Lance Midgley VicRoads
David Mangan Australian Asphalt Pavement Association
Greg McAlister Australian Steel Mill Services
Ian Moreland Slag Reduction New Zealand
Doug Prosser Australasian Slag Association
Martin Venour BHP Newcastle
Phil Walter Roads & Traffic Authority NSW
Geoff Youdale Consulting Engineer

Special thanks go to Bruce Fenton and Geoff Youdale who co-ordinated the compilation and editing
of the Guide.

A Guide to the Use of Steel Furnace Slag in Asphalt and Thin Bituminous Surfacings 27

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