Basic principles of lathe - machine and operations performed on it. Basic description of
machines and operations of Shaper-Planner, Drilling, Milling & Grinding.
Introduction, classification of welding processes. Gas welding, types of flames and their
applications. Electric Arc welding. Resistance welding, Soldering & Brazing processes
and their uses.
Abrasive flow machining - abrasive jet machining - water jet machining - Electro
Discharge Machining (EDM) - Wire cut EDM - Electro Chemical Machining (ECM) -
Ultrasonic Machining / Drilling (USM / USD) - Electron Beam Machining (EBM) -
Laser Beam Machining (LBM).
Numerical control (NC) machine tools - CNC: types, constitutional details, special
features - design considerations of CNC machines for improving machining accuracy -
structural members - slide ways - linear bearings - ball screws - spindle drives and feed
drives. Part programming fundamentals - manual programming.
OUTCOME: Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the different
manufacturing process and use this in industry for component production.
REFERENCES: 1. Gupta. K.N., and Kaushik, J.P., 1998, Workshop Technology Vol I and
II, New Heights, Daryaganj, New Delhi. 2. Arthur. D., et. al. 1998, General Engineering
Workshop Practice, Asia Publishing House, Bombay. 3. Chapman W.A.J., Workshop
Technology, 1992, Part I, II, III, E.L.B.S. and Edward Amold Publishers