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Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology

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EMA EMITS College Philippines

Secondary Education Department

Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. identify the different kinds of bacteria;

2. draw the different shapes of bacteria;
3. appreciate the benefits of bacteria.
II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Bacteria
B. Reference: a. Introduction to Bacteria.(April 19,2015).Retrieved
b. Bacteria - MicrobeWorld.(April 19,2015).Retrieved
from http://www.microbeworld.org/types-of-
c. Bacteria -MicrobiologyOnline.(April19,2015).Retrieved
C. Materials: visual aids (mp and pictures)
D. Skills: drawing
E. Values: appreciation, patience
F. Concept: Bacteria are not all harmful to humans but rather, it
has more benefits to humans and the environment.

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities (take 5 mins.)

Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management

B. Review (this will take 5 mins)

Before we proceed to our lesson, Ma’am bacteria and protozoa.

let’s have a review about
unicellular organism. Can you give
me an example of a unicellular
Ma’am, unicellular algae and
Very good, what else? unicellular fungi or yeasts.

Ma’am because they are single-celled

Yes. That’s correct! And why are organism. From the root word “uni”
they called unicellular organism? which means one or single.
Very good. These unicellular
organisms are single-celled and
also called prokaryotes. Now, do Ma’am Bacteria!
you have any idea if what is the
smallest type of unicellular

You’re right!

C. Motivation (this will take 10 mins)

Class, I have here a picture which

shows different words that are (students choose a word and explain)
related to bacteria. I want you to
choose one word and use it to
describe or define bacteria.

(show picture)

D. Developmental Activities
(this will take 20 mins)

Okay class, since we already

describe and define bacteria; let us
now study the different shapes of
Ma’am, the white colored bacterium
bacteria. Look at this photo
has a round shape.
carefully and tell me the shape of
each bacterium. (show picture)
Ma’am the bacterium on the center
Very good. What else?
has a rod shape.

Ma’am it is a spiral shaped bacterium.

Correct. And the last one?

Yes. Very good. These are the

three basic shapes; rod shaped
called bacilli, round shaped called
“cocci” and the spiral shaped also
called “spirillum”. Some exist as
single cells, others are clustered
Yes ma’am!
Do you think bacteria are alive?
Ma’am because the bacteria can
Why do you think so?

Ma’am because they eat.

You’re right. Very good! What else
can make you think that a
bacterium is alive?

Ma’am because the bacteria can

Yes. What else?
Ma’am they use their flagella to move.
Very good. What do they use to

Yes. Most motile bacteria move by

the use of flagella There are helical
bacteria which have a specialized
internal structure known as the
axial filament which is responsible
for rotation of the cell in a spiral
fashion and consequent
locomotion and others are gliding
bacteria. Ma’am they reproduce through binary
fission wherein they multiply through
Since we said a while ago that a division.
bacteria can reproduce, do you
have any idea how they Ma’am through conjugation, wherein
reproduce? the cilia of the bacterium connects to
other cilia of a bacterium then
Very good. There is one more way transfers genetic material to another.
on how bacteria reproduce, what is
it? Ma’am some make their own food
from sunlight, like the photosynthetic
You’re right! Now, what do you
think do they eat? Ma’am some are scavengers like the
bacteria in our stomach which eat
what we eat.
Yes. Another?
Ma’am some bacteria eat other
bacteria which are also called
Correct! What else?

Ma’am bacteria that make us sick.

Very good! So what are Ma’am they produce poisons that

pathogens? Do you have any result in fever, headache, vomiting,
idea? and diarrhea and destroy body tissue.

And how do they make you sick? Ma’am through direct contact with
people who are sick.

Ma’am from food, Water, or other

Correct! Where do you get a surfaces that are contaminated.
Yes ma’am. For example, you could
Yes, what else? become infected if you come into
contact with equipment that has
been touched by an ill person.
Is it also possible that you get
infected through indirect contact?
Ma’am some pathogenic bacteria rely
on insect carriers such as
mosquitoes, fleas, lice or ticks to
Yes. What else? move from host to host.

No ma’am.

Very good! Are all bacteria Ma’am not all bacteria are pathogenic
pathogens? because there are some types of
bacteria that help with digestion and
Why? Explain further. also used as ingredients of some
foods like cheese for fermentation.

Ma’am it is also used for production of

antibiotics and the photosynthetic
bacteria produces oxygen.
Correct. Anymore more idea?

Very well said! Can you give some Ma’am, one is “Pediococcus” which is
example of helpful bacteria as we used in production of fermented
have said a while ago that not all meats.
bacteria are pathogenic and some
are helpful? So what are these
helpful bacteria? Ma’am “Lactobacillus casei” which is
found in human intestines and mouth
Yes. What else? to improve digestion.

Ma’am “Leuconostoc cremoris” which

is used in the production of buttermilk
Anymore? and sour cream.

Ma’am “Lactobacillus bulgaricus”

which is used in the production of
No more? yogurt and cheese.

Ma’am “Pathogenic E. coli” which is

found in ground beef, contaminated
Very good. Do you know some fruits and vegetables.
common pathogens?
Ma’am “Salmonella” which is found in
raw meats, poultry, eggs, sprouts, fruit
Yes. What else? and vegetables

Ma’am “Listeria” which is Found in

deli foods, lunch meats, smoked fish
Correct. What else? and vegetables.

Ma’am washing our hands often will

avoid the transfer of bacteria to our
You’re right. So what can we do to mouth or food.
prevent or avoid these pathogenic
bacteria? Ma’am food should be cook
thoroughly to kill any pathogens that
Yes. What else? may be in the food.
Ma’am let us store food properly to
Correct. Anymore? limit pathogen growth.

Very good!

E. Application (this will take 5 mins)

Direction: Bring out a piece of bond (students will now draw)

paper and draw the different
shapes of bacteria.

F. Generalization (this will take 5 mins)

Ma’am bacteria are the smallest
Okay class, let’s have a recap on unicellular organism.
what we have discussed today.
What are bacteria?
Ma’am the rod shaped called bacilli,
What are the different shapes of round shaped called “cocci” and the
bacteria? spiral shaped also called “spirillum”.

Ma’am they move, reproduce and eat.

What are the evidences or proof
that bacteria are alive?
Ma’am the bacteria that make us sick.
What are pathogens?
Ma’am through direct and indirect
How do we get pathogens? contact with other people. And also
from the contaminated foods, water
and surfaces.

Ma’am “Pediococcus” which is used in

What are the examples of good production of fermented meats,
bacteria? “Lactobacillus” casei which is found in
human intestines and mouth to
improve digestion, “Leuconostoc
cremoris” which is used in the
production of buttermilk and sour
cream and “Lactobacillus bulgaricus”
which is used in the production of
yogurt and cheese.

Ma’am “Pathogenic E. coli“ which is

What are the common pathogenic found in ground beef, contaminated
bacteria? fruits and vegetables, Salmonella
which is found in raw meats, poultry,
eggs, sprouts, fruit and vegetables
and “Listeria“ which is Found in deli
foods, lunch meats, smoked fish and

Ma’am we should wash our hands

How can we avoid pathogenic often, food should be cook thoroughly
bacteria? and food should be stored properly to
avoid pathogenic bacteria.

Very good!
IV. Evaluation (this will take 5 mins)

Direction: Bring out ¼ piece of paper and identify the following bacteria if it is
beneficial or harmful and give their shape. (14 pts.)

1. Pediococcus
2. Pathogenic E. coli
3. Lactobacillus casei
4. Salmonella
5. Leuconostoc cremoris
6. Listeria
7. Lactobacillus bulgaricus

V. Assignment

Read about multicellular organism.

Prepared by:

Elma Grace S. Dalida

BSEd IIl – Bio. Sci.
Photo used in Motivation:

Photo used in the developmental activity: Identification of shapes.

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