Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology
Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology
Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Topic: Bacteria
B. Reference: a. Introduction to Bacteria.(April 19,2015).Retrieved
b. Bacteria - MicrobeWorld.(April 19,2015).Retrieved
c. Bacteria -MicrobiologyOnline.(April19,2015).Retrieved
C. Materials: visual aids (mp and pictures)
D. Skills: drawing
E. Values: appreciation, patience
F. Concept: Bacteria are not all harmful to humans but rather, it
has more benefits to humans and the environment.
III. Procedure:
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management
You’re right!
(show picture)
D. Developmental Activities
(this will take 20 mins)
And how do they make you sick? Ma’am through direct contact with
people who are sick.
No ma’am.
Very good! Are all bacteria Ma’am not all bacteria are pathogenic
pathogens? because there are some types of
bacteria that help with digestion and
Why? Explain further. also used as ingredients of some
foods like cheese for fermentation.
Very well said! Can you give some Ma’am, one is “Pediococcus” which is
example of helpful bacteria as we used in production of fermented
have said a while ago that not all meats.
bacteria are pathogenic and some
are helpful? So what are these
helpful bacteria? Ma’am “Lactobacillus casei” which is
found in human intestines and mouth
Yes. What else? to improve digestion.
Very good!
Very good!
IV. Evaluation (this will take 5 mins)
Direction: Bring out ¼ piece of paper and identify the following bacteria if it is
beneficial or harmful and give their shape. (14 pts.)
1. Pediococcus
2. Pathogenic E. coli
3. Lactobacillus casei
4. Salmonella
5. Leuconostoc cremoris
6. Listeria
7. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
V. Assignment
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