Ain Shams Engineering Journal: O.A. Mokuolu, A.O. Coker, M. Adejumo, M.K.C. Sridhar

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Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 1647–1651

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Modeling a covered drainage system for the reduction of malaria

O.A. Mokuolu a,⇑, A.O. Coker b, M. Adejumo c, M.K.C. Sridhar c
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A community based, cross-sectional study design was adopted using 501 consented children under the
Received 31 May 2016 age of 14 years from 200 households. Mathematical model for determining the relationship between
Revised 21 July 2016 malaria prevalence (MP) and features of the household surroundings was designed using multiple regres-
Accepted 31 July 2016
sion models. Children age was 75.0 ± 45.5 months (range = 3–168 months). MP was 29.9/100, Most of the
Available online 3 January 2017
houses 99.0% had open drainage immediately around their surrounding, 7.1% of the drainages were flow-
ing while 91.9% were stagnant. Solid Wastes in Drains (SWD), Stagnation of Wastewater in Drains
(STWD), Presence of Open Drains (POD), and Presence of Weeds (POW) significantly predicted MP while
Larval reduction
reduction in MP after a 12-months intervention was 14.4%. Features of the household surroundings con-
Malaria prevalence tributed more to MP and covered drainage system could reduce the burden of malaria through free flow
Modeling of waste water. This engineering solution could be encouraged in communities with high MP.
Ó 2016 Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Background African Region, where an estimated 90% of all malaria deaths occur,
and in children aged less than 5 years, accounting for 78% of all
Malaria is known to have been present since the existence of deaths [3].
man. It was linked with poisonous vapours of swamps or stagnant Malaria in pregnancy carries a high mortality for the fetus or
water on the ground since time immemorial. The term malaria unborn child and for the mother in low communal immunity. Preg-
(from the Italian mala ‘‘bad” and aria ‘‘air”) was used by the Italians nant women and their unborn children are also particularly vul-
to describe the cause of intermittent fevers associated with expo- nerable to malaria, which is a major cause of perinatal mortality,
sure to marsh air or miasma [1]. Malaria is a serious public health low birth weight, and maternal anemia [4]. Outside Africa, approx-
challenge in Africa where one in every five childhood deaths is due imately two thirds of the remaining cases occur in three countries:
to the effects of the disease; every 30 s, a child dies from malaria Brazil, India, and Sri Lanka. However, malaria is still endemic in
[2]. One third (3.3 billion people) of the world population in 97 more than 100 countries [5]. South Africa has a relatively low
countries and territories are at risk of malaria while 1.2 billion prevalence of malaria particularly in the period 2000–2002 with
are at high risk (>1 in 1000 chance of getting malaria in a year). economic cost during this period ranging between US$15million
According to the latest estimates, 198 million cases of malaria and US$41million, excluding estimates of the human suffering
occurred globally in 2013 and the disease led to 584,000 deaths. and lost investment [6]. International funding for malaria control
The burden is heaviest in the World Health Organization (WHO) has continued to rise to a peak of US$ 2 billion in 2011. The
amounts committed to malaria, while substantial, still fall short
of the resources required to reach malaria control targets, esti-
⇑ Corresponding author.
mated at more than US$ 5 billion per year for the years 2010–
E-mail addresses:,
(O.A. Mokuolu), (A.O. Coker), 2015 [7]. The cost of malaria treatment and prevention in Nigeria
(M. Adejumo), (M.K.C. Sridhar). has been estimated to be over $1 billion per annum [8].
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. Mathematical models have the ability to address several multi-
plicative, feedback and nonlinear effects that enhance or suppress
the effects of factors such as, exposure, immunity, spatiotemporal
heterogeneities, control measures and environment, in order to
Production and hosting by Elsevier capture key linkages to the complex transmission dynamics. They
2090-4479/Ó 2016 Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1648 O.A. Mokuolu et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 1647–1651

can also include stochasticity in different variables and parameters tive mothers or guidance were sought before the commencement
to simulate realistic scenario. These comparative analyses of differ- of the survey. A 3-stage random sampling techniques was used
ent mathematical models of malaria would contribute to consoli- to select Zones, Households and 501 children aged less than
date understanding about the evolution of these models, and 14 years to participate in the study. A pro-rata form was developed
may also help in developing new models by incorporating features to collect information such as the characteristics of the children
discussed above to improve predictions and deciding realistic con- and household surroundings from their parents/guidance.
trol measures [9,10]. This study applied a model to reduce malaria
burden with the application of covered drainage system. 2.4. Study population and sampling techniques

2. Materials and methods This study was carried out among children aged less than
14 years old; representing the most susceptible age group to the
2.1. Study area and study location disease [4,12,13]. Okelele Community was purposively selected
and divided into five zones; Lowin, Amuyankan, Omoboriowo,
This study was carried out in Okelele community of Ilorin East Jagun, Babaladifa. Forty (40) households, each from the 5 zones,
Local Government of Kwara state. Kwara State with its capital in were randomly selected by balloting. From each of the selected
Ilorin has 16 local Government areas, located within Longitudes household, two or three children aged less than 14 years old were
4°300 and 4°450 E and Latitudes 8°250 and 8°400 N. It covered a land randomly selected through balloting per household.
area of about 75 km2 and an estimated population of 1.4 million
people. The climate is tropical with mean annual temperature, rel- 2.5. Laboratory analysis
ative humidity and rainfall of 27 °C, 76% and 1800 mm respec-
tively. The climate presents two distinct seasons: a rainy season Malaria prevalence was determined using the malaria Rapid
between April and October, with high rainfall during the months Diagnostic Test (RDT) kit, Paracheck. This test kit is based on the
of June and August, and a dry season (November – March) com- identification of parasite’s Histidine rich protein II (HRP-2) that is
pletely devoid of rain. The vegetation in Ilorin reflects that of the present on the parasite cell wall. Malaria parasite prevalence was
Guinea savanna zone, characterized by a predominance of tall calculated as the proportion of children less than 14 years with
grass, which are frequently removed by violent bush burning activ- positive slide results per total number of children screened.
ities in the dry season [8].
Okelele community, with a population of 36,191 (National Pop-
2.6. Modeling engineering solution for malaria burden reduction
ulation Commission) lies between longitude 04°320 and latitude
08°260 and covered an estimated land area of 1.5 km2. The relief
The engineering solution was validated by modeling. A number
flanking the flood plains around Okelele is between 290 m and
of the variables generated were fed into the development of the
305 m above the sea level (Personal communication through the
mathematical model for determining the relationship between
office of surveyor general, Kwara State government and confirmed
malaria prevalence (RDT) and environmental factors. Using Step-
through GIS). Okelele, was chosen following a review of the records
wise multiple regression models, the designed covered reinforced
of admissions at the Emergency Paediatric Unit (EPU) of the
concrete drainage is expected to nullify Presence of Open Drains
University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, the largest and most patron-
(POD), Stagnation of Wastewater in Drains (STWD), and Solid
ized Hospital in the State, which revealed that majority of the
Waste in Drains (SWD).
patients admitted into the Unit for severe malaria were from Oke-
lele area of the town. Of a total of 226 with severe malaria in a one
2.7. Data analysis
year period, 121 (53.6%) of the subjects were from Okelele area.
Subjects from this area also accounted for 44% of the malaria
Data generated from the field were edited daily. Then they were
related mortality [11]. The obvious geographical pattern in the dis-
coded and entered into the computer for analyses using Statistical
tribution of severe malaria patients seen in this facility raised the
Package for Social Science 20.0 version. Data were presented as
consideration of a probable environmental determinant for high
mean standard deviation for continuous variables and percentages
burden of malaria in the area.
for categorical variable. Chi-square statistic was used to determine
the associations between characteristics of the children and the
2.2. Ethical considerations
malaria prevalence. Also multiple regression models were used
and statistical significance was defined at p < 0.05.
This study was approved by the University of Ilorin Teaching
Hospital, Ilorin, Kwara state Ethical Review Committee before the
commencement of the field work. Also, permission was obtained 3. Results
from the district authorities and community leaders. Individual
interviews and tests for baseline data were only started after the 3.1. Characteristics of children
purpose of the study had been clearly explained to the participants
(parents of children/guardians) and informed consent obtained. Table 1 shows the characteristics of children that participated in
Participation was made voluntary and no form of coercion was this study. The mean age of the children was 75.0 ± 45.5 months
adopted. There was no undue influence on the participants. Partic- (range = 3–168 months) and 51.9% were male. Mean weight of the
ipants were ensured of confidentiality of all information obtained children was 19.1 ± 8.8 kg (Range = 2–53 kg) while 45.3% and 1.8%
from them and respondents’ names were not written on the ques- fell within the weight category of greater than 10–20 kg and greater
tionnaire in order to ensure anonymity. than 40 kg respectively. Mean body temperature was 36.5 ± 0.7 °C
(Range = 34.5–40.0 °C) while only 11.2% used mosquito net.
2.3. Study design
3.2. Malaria prevalence before the engineering intervention
This study was community-based and cross-sectional in design.
Two children aged less than 14 years old were randomly selected The RDT positivity ratio was found to be 29.9% (29.9/100) and
from each household and their consents and that of their respec- comparing with children’s sex, age category and use of mosquito
O.A. Mokuolu et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 1647–1651 1649

Table 1 Modelling of household surroundings features and malaria

Characteristics of Children (N = 501). prevalence were carried out using multiple regression analysis
Children data Number % (Table 3). This was done to find out the predictors of malaria preva-
Age (in months) lence in the study area. The predictors: availability of drains (AVD);
612 35 7.0 Presence of Open Drains (POD); Solid Wastes in Drains (SWD);
12–59 165 32.9 Presence of Weeds (POW) around the house has a negative regres-
60–118 182 36.3 sion coefficient (a-value), which shows a negative regression rela-
119–168 119 23.8
tion with (RDT). Stagnation of Wastewater in Drains (STWD) has
Mean ± SD = 75.0 ± 45.5 months, Range = 3–168 months the highest b-value (0.4292). The following predictors: Solid
Male 260 51.9
Wastes in Drains (SWD), Stagnation of Wastewater in Drains
Female 241 48.1 (STWD), Presence of Open Drains (POD), and Presence of Weeds
Weight (in kg) (POW) having p-value < 0.05 level of significance contributes sig-
610 94 18.8 nificantly as independent variables in explaining the dependent
10–20 227 45.3
variable, malaria prevalence.
21–30 133 26.5
31–40 38 7.6
>40 9 1.8 3.4. Validation of designed drainage system for malaria control after
Mean ± SD = 19.1 ± 8.8 kg, Range = 2–53 kg the engineering intervention
Temperature (°C)
Mean ± SD = 36.5 ± 0.7 °C, Range = 34.5–40.0 °C Step-wise multiple regression analysis was used and the final
Used mosquito net model is given as follows:
Yes 56 11.2
No 445 88.8
Malaria prevalence (RDT)% = 89.42 + 30.87STWD  28.73POW 
21.28SWD  16.72POD.
net, It was revealed that several (45.5%) of male children were RDT
Forecasting/interpolation were used to obtain the likely esti-
positive compared to 54.4% of their female counterparts. The asso-
mate of RDT% after the intervention. The intervention is assumed
ciation between Malaria prevalence (RDT positivity) and children’s
to change each level of the significant variable from level 1 to 2
sex was statistically not significant at p = 0.05. Likewise, Malaria
or vice versa as the case may be.
prevalence was compared with the children’s age category using
From the model we now have:
cross tabulation and the association was not significant. Further-
more, Malaria prevalence was compared with the use of mosqui-
(RDT)% after intervention = 89.42 + 30.87(1)  28.73(1)  21.28
to’s net. A non-significant association existed between Malaria
(2)  16.72(2) = 89.42
prevalence and the use of mosquito net.
+ 30.87  28.73  42.56  33.44 = 15.56%
3.3. Features of household surroundings
Therefore the intervention has reduced the prevalence of
malaria from 29.9% (before the intervention) to 15.56% after the
Most, 93.0% of the households had no weeds immediately
intervention. Thus, the study found a reduction in malaria preva-
around their surroundings, 7.0% had weeds, whereas only 1.5% sta-
lence after intervention by 14.34%.
ted that they cut the weeds immediately around their houses once
in a month. Most of the houses 99.0% had open drainage immedi-
ately around their surrounding, 91.9% of the drainage were stag- 4. Discussion
nant while 7.1.0% of the drainages were flowing.
Correlation of household surroundings features included avail- The study found that more than half of the children (study pop-
ability of drains (AVD), number of drains (NUMD), Solid Wastes ulation) were male. This shows that more male children partici-
in Drains (SWD), Stagnation of Wastewater in Drains (STWD), Pres- pated in the study than the female or it may be a cultural barrier
ence of Open Drains (POD) and Presence of Weeds (POW). Correla- for a female child is always behind the scene. Less proportion of
tion between household surroundings features and malaria the children used mosquito net. This study revealed that sleeping
prevalence (RDT positivity) was determined as seen in Table 2. under mosquito net especially among children less than 14 years
No significant correlation was found between AVD and NUMD with old was not common in the study area. Although it was a monitor-
malaria prevalence (RDT positivity). In contrast, a significantly pos- ing and evaluation system for implementing routine larviciding of
itive correlation was observed between POD (r = 0.667, p < 0.01), malaria vectors in African cities [14], showed considerable poten-
SWD (r = 0.513, p < 0.05), STWD (r = 0.596, p < 0.01), POW tial for sustained, rapid responsive, data-driven and affordable
(r = 0.748, p < 0.01) and malaria prevalence. application in the use of Insecticide Treated Net (ITN). In another

Table 2
Correlation matrix of household surroundings features as predictors of malaria prevalence (RDT positivity).

Variables AVD NUMD POD SWD STWD POW RDT positivity

NUMD 0.319 1
POD 0.221 0.174 1
SWD 0.151 0.096 0.287 1
STWD 0.146 0.091 0.111 0.157 1
POW 0.149 0.041 0.248 0.171 0.034 1
RDT positivity 0.114 0.083 0.667** 0.513* 0.596** 0.748** 1
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
1650 O.A. Mokuolu et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 9 (2018) 1647–1651

Table 3
Modeling household surroundings features as predictors of malaria prevalence (RDT positivity).

Variables R square a (coefficient) B F/t (p Value)

Malaria prevalence (RDT positivity) (Non adjusted)
Model 0.5478 25.245 (0.000)
POD 19.7046 0.2569 4.67 (0.000)
SWD 14.5096 0.1302 2.54 (0.012)
STWD 31.5975 0.4292 7.85 (0.000)
POW 27.6002 0.3423 6.35 (0.000)
Constant 86.9497

similar study, a cost analysis for malaria control involving Larval [22]. The findings revealed that each of the above stated variables
Source Management (LSM), Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs), contributes significantly as independent variables in explaining
and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), shows that LSM intervention malaria prevalence. Without doubt, proper surface and subsurface
compares favourably with cost for IRS and LLINs [15]. Data from drainage to remove excess water in a safe and timely manner plays
this study revealed RDT positivity ratio of 29.9% (29.9/100). an important role in controlling malaria. Mosquito larvae breeds in
Although not statistically significant, this study revealed that sev- fresh water and fresh water-filled depressions either natural or
eral (45.5%) of male children were RDT positive compared to 54.4% man-made such as drains, vehicle tracks, foot prints, pig wallows
of their female counterparts. This is an indication that sex of the and borrow pits [16]. In the study conducted at Solomon Islands,
children had no influence on RDT positivity. Likewise, children’s they concluded that the presence and abundance mosquito larvae
age category, and the use of mosquito’s net did not show any sig- are influenced by environmental factors within the large streams.
nificant association with RDT positivity. Descriptive information on households also gave 99% as having
It was found that large percentage of the households had no open drainages around the house; majority (69.0%) of households
weeds immediately around their surroundings whereas most of examined has at least one open drain around the house while
the houses had open drainage immediately around their surround- 16.5% has up to two. This means that proper surface and subsurface
ings. The open drainage could be a conducive environment for drainage to remove excess water in a safe and timely manner plays
mosquito breeding hence lead to increase in the malaria burden an important role in controlling water-related diseases including
especially among study children. This is in accord with the findings malaria. Misuse and lack of maintenance are the two main reasons
of [16], in their study conducted at Solomon Islands who reported why drainage structures are often associated with environmental
that the presence and abundance of mosquito larvae are influenced health problems. The drainages found at the study area are not
by environmental factors. 99% had open drainages around their covered, unkept and no form of maintenance is deployed.
houses, emphasizing a habitable environment for mosquito larvae.
This study documents that presence of open drains within the sur-
roundings related positively with malaria prevalence RDT. This is 5. Conclusion
similar to the work reported by [17] which showed that uncon-
trolled disposal of wastes clogs the drainage system and creating It was found that most of the houses had open drainage imme-
numerous health problems including mosquito breeding. diately around their surrounding and RDT positivity ratio was
As a result of lack of waste collection systems in the study site, 29.9% (29.9/100). Solid Wastes in Drains (SWD), Stagnation of
residents found it most convenient to dump their waste in drai- Wastewater in Drains (STWD), Presence of Open Drains (POD),
nages and open dumps around their homes. This study found that and Presence of Weeds (POW) significantly predicted malaria
solid waste in drains was positively related to the malaria preva- prevalence (RDT-positivity). A 14.4% reduction in malaria preva-
lence. These findings suggested that surroundings with solid waste lence was observed after the intervention (from 29.9% to 15.6%).
in drains had contributed to malaria prevalence among children These features of the household surroundings contributed more
less than or equal to 14 years old in the study community [18]. to malaria prevalence and covered drainage system could reduce
In a similar study by [12] it was documented that proximity of the burden of malaria through free flow of waste water. This engi-
municipal waste dumpsites to residential neighborhoods and rate neering solution could be encouraged in communities with high
of hospitalization for malaria, revealed a significant increase in prevalence of malaria.
the incidence of malaria and rate of hospitalization among the chil-
dren observed. Similarly, a strong relationship between distance Acknowledgement
from the waste dumpsite and malaria disease in the overall sample
was recorded. It was reported that certain construction activities The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of all the
such as water resources development, road construction have 501 Children at Okelele, their parents, Mogajis (head of commu-
resulted in vector borne infections like malaria [19]. It is in accor- nity), and Imams (spiritual leaders).
dance with these findings that mismanagement of waste including
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Rusinga Island, western Kenya. Malaria J 2007;6:48.

Dr. Olubunmi Ajike Mokuolu is a lecturer in the

Department of Water Resources and Environmental
Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State,
Nigeria. Her recent work is in Public Health and envi-
ronmental Engineering. She is a master trainer in
medical waste management and has trained over 1000
participants ranging from hospital cleaners to hospital
consultants on same. She has mentored a number of
pupil Engineers who are themselves at various levels of
career developments. Dr. Mokuolu is a co-examiner at
professional examinations, has relevant publications
and a member of professional Associations.

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