Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Transaction of The ISME (International Edition)

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Transaction of the ISME

Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering

(International Edition)

Instruction for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Papers

1 Layout

The paper should by prepared on good quality white paper A4 (210×297) size and typed on
one side. Use 12 pt Times Roman throughout, except for the cases stated below. The margins
are 25mm from the edge of the page on all sides. Paragraph indentations are 5mm everywhere
when required. Generate your printouts with laser printer adjusted for high quality text and
graphic. Manuscripts generated with dot matrix printers are not acceptable. Microsoft Word
or Latex must be used to type the text.

2 Title

The title of the paper should not exceed 15 words. It should by typed in 18pt Times Roman
starting 50 mm from the top page. The title should be centered on the page, and the longest
line should note exceed 130 mm.

3 Name and Affiliation

The author’s name should consist of first and middle initials, followed by the last name. Set
names in 14 pt Times Roman and center on the page. Names are positioned two line spaces
below the last line of title. Affiliations should include: department of division, university or
company, and city. Countries other than I. R. Iran should be included. Affiliations should be
in 12 pt Times Roman. In case of two or more authors with the same affiliation, the names
should follow the name of the first author on the name line. If the affiliations are different, a
single or two-column layout may be used to accommodate the names and the affiliations, as

4 Abstract

The first line of the abstract begins 120 mm from the top edge of the page with no heading.
The first line or any other part of the abstract should not be indented. The margins for the
abstract are the same as those for the main body of the paper (see layout above). Write the
entire abstract in one paragraph, single-spaced, using 12pt Times Roman (normal font). The
abstract should not exceed 120 words.
2 Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 13, No. 2, Sep. 2012

5 Keywords

Give the appropriate keywords in less than 8 words below the abstract and before the
introduction. Leave one line spacing before and after the keywords line. Use 12 pt italic Time
Roman for the heading Keywords and 12 pt regular Times Roman for the keywords
themselves. For example,

Keyword: natural convection, heat, buoyancy, laminar flow, isotherms

6 Introduction and Main Body

The introduction follows the keywords. The introduction and the main body of the paper
should be set in 12 pt Times Roman regular font. The first line of each paragraph should be
indented 5 mm, except for the first paragraph, which is set flush left with the left margin. The
left and right margins of the page are 25 mm. the text is arranged in a single-column format
and fully justified on the left and right margins. The headings are numbered, with number 1
assigned to introduction. The headings should be set in 12 pt Times Roman bold font, flush
left with the left margin. There is no blank line between paragraphs. The spacing between the
last line of each section and the next heading should be one blank line. There is also one blank
line after each heading. Footnotes should be numbered successively using superscript
numbers, typed with 10 pt Times Roman regular font, and arranged at the bottom of the page
in which it first appears, flush left with the left margin.

7 Acknowledgments

The heading should not be numbered. Use 12 pt Times roman bold font for the heading and
regular font for the text of the acknowledgments.

8 References

References to the cited literature should be identified in the text in square brackets and listed
at the end of the paper (after acknowledgments and before nomenclature) in order of
numerical appearance. All references should be referred to in the text. Each reference should
have the names of the authors, full title of the cited article, full title of the publication in
which in which it appeared (do not use abbreviated titles), volume number, inclusive age
numbers, and the year of publication. Single-spaced typing must be used, but leave one blank
space between the last line of each reference and the first line of the next. Use 12 pt Times
Roman. References should be styled and punctuated according to the examples below: journal
article [1], book [2], thesis [3], report [4], proceedings [5], and edited book [6].

[1] Bennon, W.D., and Incropera, F.P., "Developing Laminar Mixed Convection with
Solidification in a Vertical Channel", ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 110, pp. 410-
415, (1988).

[2] Kays, W.M., and Crawford, M.E., "Convective Heat and Mass Transfer", 3rd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 245, (1993).

[3] Karki, K.C., "A Calculation Procedure for Viscous Flows at All Speeds in Complex
Geometries", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, (1986).
Instruction for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Papers 3

[4] Walker, K.P., "Research and Development Program for Nonlinear Structural Modeling
with Advanced Time-Temperature Dependent Constitutive Relationships", Report PWA-
5700-50, NASA CR-165533, (1981).

[5] Eslami, M.R., and Mahbadi, H., "Load and Deformation Controlled Cyclic Loadings",
Fourth International Congress on Thermal Stresses, June 8-11, Osaka, Japan, pp. 11-16,

[6] Leonard, B.P., "Elliptic Systems: Finite-Difference Method IV", in Minkowycz, W.J.,
Sparrow, E.M., Schneider, G.E., and Pletcher, R.H. (Editors), Handbook of Numerical
Heat Transfer, Chapter 9, pp. 347-378, John Wiley, New York, (1988).

9 Nomenclature

All Symbols that appear in the paper should be defined in the nomenclature. English symbols
come first with the Greek symbols to follow, all in alphabetical order. The nomenclature
should be arranged in a one column format. The heading, set in 12 pt Times Roman bold font,
is not numbered. Greek symbols have a separate heading, set in italic fonts as Greek symbols.
Single-spaced should be used throughout.

10 Appendixes

The appendices are placed after the nomenclature, typed single-spaced, and set in 12 pt Times

11 Tables

Tables should be numbered consecutively and captioned. All tables should be referred to in
the text. The captions should be 10 pt Times Roman regular fonts, placed above the table, left
justified on the left margin of the table. Use bold font for the word Table and its number. The
body of the table should be 10 pt Times Roman regular fonts. For example,

Table 1 Effect of grid size on shell thickness at z=0.637 m

from meniscus.
nx ny  2 s , mm  21 , mm  1s , mm  11 , mm
25 7 13.7 21.4 17.4 23.5
25 15 13.7 21.5 16.8 21.3
50 15 14.8 19.6 16.8 21.3
50 20 14.7 19.5 16.3 21.0
100 15 14.3 18.6 16.7 21.3
100 30 14.3 18.7 15.9 19.7

12 Figures

All figures should be generated by computer at high resolution and placed closed to where is
to reffered. Use the figure graphics option of your word processor to place the figures in right
position and avoid cut and past. Unnecessary enlargements or excessive size reductions of the
figures should be avoided. Landscapes or foldouts are unacceptable. In general, several
figures can be placed on a page. They should all be placed within the margins. The figures are
captioned in 10 pt Times Roman and left justified on the left margin and placed under the
4 Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 13, No. 2, Sep. 2012

figure. Use bold font for the word Figure and its number. Numbers and symbols on graphs
and diagrams should be clear and legible. Use common symbols and parameters for which a
particular graph is made should be defined in appropriate space inside the graph margins.
Parameters may also be defined in the figure captions. For example,

P res ent s olution for G 2/G 1= 1/3
P res ent s olution for G 2/G 1= 1
P res ent s olution for G 2/G 1= 3
Y .L. Xu s olution [5] for G 2/G 1= 1/3
Normalized stress intensity factor

Y .L. Xu s olution [5] for G 2/G 1= 1

Y .L. Xu s olution [5] for G 2/G 1= 3



(b1-a1)/2b= 0.5
b1+ a1= 0
0 P 1= P 2= 0.1
G 1= G 2= 2.08
b= .6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
c /b

Figure 11 Effect of ring width variations on normalized

stress intensity factor

13 Photographs

The photographs should be clear, sharp, and black-and white glossy prints. They should be
captioned like the figures.

14 Units

The papers submitted to ISME journal must use SI units throughout. However, English units
may be included parenthetically.

15 Equations

All mathematical equations should be typed and centered within the margins of a page. They
should be numbered consecutively as (1), (2), (3) …, with the numbers flush right with the
right margin. Equations are cited in the text as, for example, Eq. (12), or Eqs. (2)-(8).

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