Solidworks 2007 What'S New
Solidworks 2007 What'S New
Solidworks 2007 What'S New
What’s New
About this Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Moving to SolidWorks 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Chapter 1 SolidWorks Fundamentals
Add to Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Auto-recover, Backup, and Save Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Background Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
CommandManager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Error Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
FeatureManager Design Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Keyboard Shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Numeric Input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Open and Save Dialog Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Pack and Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Performance Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Screen Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Select Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Task Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Triad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Undo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Units and Dimension Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Intended Audience
This book is for experienced users of the SolidWorks software and assumes that you
have a good working knowledge of an earlier release. If you are new to the software,
you should read the Quick Start guide, complete the Online Tutorial lessons, and then
contact your reseller for information about SolidWorks training classes.
Additional Resources
Other resources where you can learn about the new functionality of the SolidWorks
software include:
• SolidWorks 2007 What’s New Highlights. This book provides the
highlights of the new functionality in the SolidWorks software. This book is
available in print format for new and upgrading customers.
• Interactive What’s New. Click next to new menu items and the title of
new and changed PropertyManagers to read what is new about the
command. A help topic appears with the text from this manual.
Late Changes
This book may not include all of the enhancements in the SolidWorks 2007 software.
Late changes are documented in SolidWorks Release Notes.
Interactive Features
Many of the functionality descriptions in What’s New include 3D images or video
• 3D images include this annotation: Click the image for 3D viewing.
• Animations are shown with the icon that you click to activate them.
Add to Library
Add to Design Library has been changed to Add to Library. An Add to Library tool
has been added to the Task Pane Design Library tab.
The Add to Library PropertyManager opens when you click the tool in the Task Pane or
drag an item from a SolidWorks document into the Task Pane. In the PropertyManager,
you specify items to publish, file names, folder names, and other options.
Background Images
You can use an image supplied with the
software, or your own image, as background for
the graphics area and FeatureManager design
tree area.
Click Tools, Options, System Options, Colors.
Choose a scheme under Current color scheme,
or browse to an Image file under Background
In the CommandManager shortcut menu, Show Description has been replaced by Use
Large Buttons with Text. You can also select or clear Use large buttons with text in
Tools, Customize, Toolbars.
You can drag complete toolbars from the graphics area or window border into the
CommandManager control area.
Two new documents are shipped with the software media kits: the Quick Reference
Guide and the Quick Start Guide. The Quick Reference is also available from the Help
The What’s New PDF document now includes interactive graphics. You can view images
in 3D and play video animations.
The Installation and Administration compiled help file (.chm) combines and replaces a
number of documents and has been streamlined for easier access.
Error Reporting
You can stop the build process for each error so you can fix feature failures one at a
time. To choose the action the software takes when it encounters errors during model
creation or rebuild, in Tools, Options, System Options, General, select Stop,
Continue, or Prompt in When rebuild error occurs. In the FeatureManager design
tree, hover the pointer over an item with an error to see the explanation in a tooltip.
If you drag the rollback bar to a specific position, the model is rebuilt to that position
regardless of errors. The model is not rebuilt if:
• The document is not the top-level document.
• The feature with the error is directly above the rollback bar.
• The part does not have any more rebuild errors during the current rebuild
than it did in the previous one.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The interface for managing keyboard shortcuts allows you to redefine (add, delete, or
change) shortcuts for all commands. You can assign multiple shortcuts to commands.
In the dialog box, select a command and press a key or key combination for the
You can view the commands by category and show all commands or only commands
with shortcuts assigned within the categories. Text strings in the Search for field filter
the Command list within the selected category.
Macro icons with shortcuts appear in the Tools category.
Print List brings up the Print Setup dialog box so you can print out the list currently
selected. Copy List copies the current list to the clipboard so you can paste it into
documents such as Word or Excel.
To reset all shortcuts to the system defaults, click Reset to Defaults.
See Customize Keyboard in the help.
Numeric Input
Horizontal sliders and thumbwheels have been
added to numeric controls such as those in the
Camera and Colors PropertyManagers.
Thumbwheel for numeric input
You can select multiple files with Ctrl and Shift in the Open dialog box.
Pack and Go
Pack and Go copies files (parts, assemblies, drawings, references, design tables,
Design Binder files, COSMOS® results, and PhotoWorks content) to a specified folder or
zip file. In SolidWorks, click File, Pack and Go. In Windows Explorer or the SolidWorks
Task Pane File Explorer, right-click a SolidWorks document and select SolidWorks,
Pack and Go . In SolidWorks Explorer, click Pack and Go .
In the Pack and Go dialog box, the selected document is listed, along with any
references. You can choose to include drawings and PhotoWorks files and add a prefix
or suffix to the file names. If you save the results to a zip file, you can send it with an
See Pack and Go in the help.
Performance Feedback
Performance feedback is sent via web service rather than email. In Tools, Options,
System Options, General, the option Enable performance email is now Enable
performance feedback.
Screen Capture
Click Screen Capture (Standard toolbar) or
View, Screen Capture to copy the contents of
the active window or viewport to the clipboard.
You can then paste the image into other
applications (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
The image is captured without user interface
Select Other
The Select Other dialog box displays icons for the types of elements in the list. Hidden
faces are not displayed. The list shows entities in the order pierced. Highlighting is
displayed in multiple views. You can scroll through the list with the middle mouse
Task Pane
The SolidWorks Resources tab has a link to User Groups , a web site for finding
and joining SolidWorks user groups, and a link to News.
The View Palette tab contains drawing views. See View Palette on page 5-5.
The Document Recovery tab appears with auto-recover documents if your system
has crashed. See Auto-recover, Backup, and Save Notification on page 1-2.
The triad has been enhanced so that it attaches more easily to geometry. Moving the
center sphere drags the object rather than the triad.
The triad is larger and, when appropriate, displays rotation rings. The rotation motion
can snap to angle. Right-click the ring and select:
• Snap while dragging
• Rotate 90°
• Rotate 180°
See Triad in the help.
The Undo command is available in more areas of SolidWorks, including:
• Sketch actions even after exiting the sketch. See Undo on page 2-11.
• Move and suppression of components.
• Dimension and annotation creation and modification in context of drawing.
View Menu
Items added to the View menu:
3D Sketching
Equal Relations
You can add equal relations to all applicable sketch entities in 3D sketching.
Trim Entities
All trim options, Power trim , Trim away inside , etc. are available with any 2D
sketch created on a 3D sketch plane. Previously, you could use the trim tool, but not
select the type of trim.
Tangent to Face
You can add either Tangent or Equal Curvature relations between adjacent
faces and 2D or 3D splines. Select the face, edge, and spline, and then add the relation.
Enhancements to blocks facilitate:
• Orienting and aligning sketches
• Modeling pulleys and chain sprockets
• Modeling cam mechanisms
Align Grid/Origin
Previously, blocks inherited their origin location from the parent sketch. Now, the origin
of a block is aligned to the orientation of the sketch entity.
Origin Location
You can change the origin location and orientation for blocks and sketches.
Align Grid/Origin replaces the Align Grid.
Original sketch
Traction Relation
The new Traction relation allows you to create relative rotation constraints between
blocks used to represent pulleys or sprockets. When you add a Traction relation, it
adds a tangent relation between circles, or between circles and linear entities.
• Circles. Simulate gear mechanisms by creating equal rolling distances
between two or more circular entities.
You can add a fix relation to the center of a circle, but use
horizontal and vertical relations, dimensions, or construction
geometry to locate the centers of additional circles. Adding
multiple fix relations potentially restricts the degrees of
• Circles and linear entities. Simulate a rack and pinion mechanism with a
traction relation between the two entities.
Simulate a cable-pulley or chain mechanism by sketching:
• Circles or arcs to represent pulleys, cogs, or sprockets.
• Continuous tangent lines and arcs to represent the belt or chain path.
All sketch entities along the path are tangent, but you cannot
select any single entity independently.
3 In the PropertyManager, under Belt Members, select the three circles, left to
right, for Pulley components to add the belt around each circle.
4 Click the arrow pointing up on the small circle to make the belt move under
the circle.
5 Click .
Make Path
A path enables you to create a tangent relation between a chain of sketch entities and
another sketch entity. For example, you can model cam profiles where the tangency
relation between the cam and a follower automatically transitions as the cam rotates.
Once you have created a path, all the sketch entities in the path are selected
simultaneously. To select an individual sketch entity in the path, right-click and choose
Select Other.
You can make a path within the block, or you can make a path
on the block entities.
To create a path:
1 Open \sketching\create_path.sldprt.
2 Select the two arcs and the two lines in the cam, and click
Make Path (Sketch toolbar) or Tools, Sketch Tools, Make
Path, then click to close the PropertyManager.
3 Select any arc on the cam and the bottom arc line on the
4 In the PropertyManager, under Add Relations, click Tangent
then click .
5 Select the center of the small arc and rotate the cam.
• Use the shortcut menu and choose Select Midpoint for any sketch entity
while the Add Relations PropertyManager is displayed.
Sketching Options
You can display sketch entities in anti-alias mode. Click Options, System Options,
Display/Selection, and select Anti-alias edges/sketches.
You can undo sketch actions after you exit the sketch. Return to Edit Sketch mode and
click Undo (Standard toolbar).
SketchXpert, formerly Resolve Conflicts, includes changes to the PropertyManager
and visual solutions for over defined sketches. Color codes represent the sketch states:
• Yellow indicates that a relation or dimension is valid but in conflict.
• Red indicates that no solution can be found for the relation or dimension.
Click Over Defined on the status bar to diagnose or manually repair the sketch.
The Diagnose solution generates a number of potential solutions under Results. You
can cycle through potential solutions using and under Showing solution.
Manual Repair
Manual Repair generates a list of dimensions and relations in the sketch. To repair the
sketch, select one or more relations in Conflicting Relations/Dimensions and press
Delete or Suppress.
Enhancements to splines include:
• Correct drag behavior at the unconstrained ends of a spline, when dragging
the control polygon.
• Options in the Spline and Curvature Scale PropertyManagers.
• Individual control for spline weight and direction.
• New polygon control handles.
In the Spline PropertyManager, under Options, you can select Show Curvature to
display curvature combs.
In the Curvature Scale Property Manager, the Density scale adjusts the number of
curvature combs you can display.
Two-Point Splines
With two-point splines that include curvature handles at both ends, under Options, you
can raise and lower the degree of the spline.
Handle colors indicate the state of the operation (applies to all spline handles)
Inactive: The handle is not selected.
Selected: You selected the handle with the pointer, but no motion has
Active: You moved the handle, but have not set the spline point’s
Activated The handle was moved and the spline point was set to its new
Control Function Result
Drag either circle handle to control
both tangency weight and direction
(vector) asymmetrically.
Select the spline to display all non tangent driving handles.
Spline PropertyManager
When you press Alt and drag either arrow head handle, the weight is displayed for both
Tangent Weighting 1 and Tangent Weighting 2 under Parameters. This
indicates a symmetrical adjustment to the spline point. Although the weight of Tangent
Weighting 1 and Tangent Weighting 2 does not have to be equal, each is being
adjusted symmetrically.
Control Polygons
New control polygon handles facilitate modifying the spline. Drag a control polygon to
change the display from points to triangles. After you drag, a node is added to the
polygon. The tangency arrow that is displayed matches the length or the segment of
the polygon it applies to.
This chapter describes enhancements to parts and features in the following areas:
Boundary Surfaces
Feature, Fillet, and Draft Xperts
Hole Series
Surface Fills
The SelectionManager, available in loft, sweep, and boundary surface features only,
combines and replaces contour and smart selection, while offering enhanced selection
• You can select edges and sketch entities, which was not possible in smart
• You can select entities across multiple sketches as well as in combination
with model edges.
• Open selection sets are now trimmable and extendable at both ends,
regardless of how you create them.
• Parametric trim points snap to geometry, so if you modify the geometry, the
trim is modified.
6 In the SelectionManager:
a) Click Select Closed Loop .
b) Select Auto-OK selections.
7 Select the two loops one-by-one in approximately the
same area to add them to Profiles in the
PropertyManager as Closed Loop<1> and <2>.
8 In the PropertyManager, click in Guide Curves .
12 Click Select Open Loop , then select the three remaining guide curves.
One Open Group and three Open Loop selections are listed under Direction
13 Click in the PropertyManager.
Multibody Parts
In multibody parts, the following items are configurable for each body:
• Hide/Show
• Color
• Texture
Boundary Surfaces
The boundary surface feature allows the creation of surfaces that can be tangent or
curvature continuous in both directions (all sides of the surface). In most cases, this
delivers a higher quality result than the loft tool.
4 Under Direction 2:
a) Select one of the 3D sketch curves for
The SelectionManager appears with the
Select Open Loop tool active.
b) Click the pushpin so the SelectionManager
remains available.
c) Click .
Open Loop<1> is listed under Direction 2.
When you add or make changes to constant radius fillets and neutral plane drafts that
cause rebuild errors, the FeatureXpert automatically fixes the errors. The FeatureXpert
can change the feature order in the FeatureManager design tree or adjust the tangent
properties so a part successfully rebuilds.
The FilletXpert manages, organizes, and reorders fillets for you so you can concentrate
on your design intent. The FilletXpert can:
• Create multiple fillets
• Automatically invoke the FeatureXpert
• Automatically reorder fillets when required
The DraftXpert takes trial and error out of the draft process. You select the draft angle
and references to draft, and the DraftXpert manages the rest.
The DraftXpert can:
• Create multiple drafts
• Do draft analysis
• Edit drafts
The freeform feature deforms faces of surface or solid bodies. You can deform only one
face at a time and the face must have four sides only. Designers have direct, interactive
control of deformations by creating control curves and control points, then pushing and
pulling the control points to deform the face. Use the triad to constrain the push or pull
Freeform gives you more direct control compared to deform features. Freeform meets
the needs of consumer product designers who create curvilinear designs.
To create a freeform feature, you first add control curves to a face, then add control
points to the control curves, then move the control points to deform the face.
Reference sketch
The Add Curves and Add Points buttons are modal. In add
curve mode, you can add control curves only. Then click Add
Points to enter point mode to add control points along control
4 Click Add Points, then click the control curve to place seven control points
total approximately as shown.
2 Click .
3 Hide the sketches and origin, then rotate the model to view the freeform
feature on the bottom.
To refine the grip, you could add another freeform feature with
control curves over the three humps. You would then place
control points on these control curves to define your design
Hole Series
The hole series feature has been enhanced:
• You can use an existing hole as the seed hole. Select Use existing holes in
the Hole Position PropertyManager.
• You can specify the end of the hole series under End Component in the
Hole Series (Last Part) PropertyManager.
• You have two new end conditions:
• Up to Surface
• Offset from Surface (Available only with Tap as the end hole)
• If you add new components between the start and end components after
you create the hole series, you can choose to include the new components
in the hole series. You must edit the hole series to update it.
• The depth of each hole within each component is
measured from the entry face of the component to
the end of the hole in the component. The depth
displayed represents the actual depth of the hole in
each component, resulting in accurate production
Select the Hole Wizard hole from the Top component in the
FeatureManager design tree.
Surface Fills
Surface fills have been enhanced:
• Curvature continuity is supported at boundaries.
• Composite curves are supported. Previously only edges and sketches were
• You can enable the Fix up boundary option in the PropertyManager to
construct a valid boundary by automatically building missing pieces or
trimming pieces that are too big.
Surface fill (red) is created despite the Surface fill (red) is created despite the
gap in the boundary. The gap between green boundary being larger than the sides
the blue and orange surfaces is of the fill patch. To create the surface fill,
bridged by extending the curve the edges are split internally.
internally to the orange surface.
Use the Belt/Chain assembly feature to model systems of belts and pulleys or chains
and sprockets. This feature creates:
• Belt mates to constrain the relative rotation of the pulley components.
• A sketch containing a closed chain of arcs and lines describing the path of
the belt.
The software calculates the length of the belt based on the positions of the pulleys.
Optionally, specify the length of the belt and have the pulley positions adjust (at least
one pulley must have an appropriate degree of freedom).
You can select to automatically create a new part containing the belt sketch and add the
part to the assembly. In the part file, use the sketch as a sweep path to create a solid
5 Under Properties:
a) Select Driving.
b) Type 32 for Belt Length.
c) Select Engage belt.
6 Click .
The top pulley moves to accommodate the specified belt length. In the
FeatureManager design tree, the following appear:
• A Belt feature.
• A BeltMates folder (under Mates ), containing mates between
adjacent pulleys.
The Isolate command sets all components except the selected ones to be hidden,
transparent, or wireframe, enabling you to focus on the selected components. Before
you exit Isolate, you can save the display characteristics to a new display state.
Otherwise, the display returns to its original state without any permanent changes.
To isolate components:
1 Open Assemblies\Power Supply Assembly.sldasm.
2 Select Voltage Switch and AC Connector.
Cross Select
When you box select from right to left (cross select), all components whose visible
geometry intersects the selection box are selected.
Gear Ratios
For gear mates, the software assigns gear ratios based on the relative sizes of the
cylindrical faces or circular edges you select. The values are parametric. You can
override the automatic values.
Mate to Curve
You can create the following types of mates to single entity curves:
MateXpert, powered by SWIFT technology, replaces Mate Diagnostics. Enhancements
help you to avoid, diagnose, and fix mate errors.
View Mates
• You can pin the View Mates PropertyManager to keep it visible.
• When multiple components are selected, the mates they have in common
are sorted to the top of the list.
• In the graphics area, components involved in the mate system for the
selected components are slightly transparent. Components not involved are
• Callouts appear in the graphics area to help you visualize mate systems.
Each mate has one callout, with leaders pointing to the two mated entities.
In the callout, you can perform several common mate functions, such as
flipping the alignment or suppressing the mate. When you select a callout,
the mate geometry highlights, and components not involved in the selected
mate become more transparent. Error and warning icons are displayed in
the callouts.
Force Mate
Other Enhancements
• During editing, the software changes the alignment of related mates
automatically if necessary to prevent introducing mate errors.
• You can force a mate into position in spite of errors to help identify other
mates that are causing the conflict.
• The mate status is reported in the status bar. You can click the status to run
View Mates when mate warnings or errors exist.
In the following example, add a distance mate between two components, which over
defines the assembly. Then use mate callouts to diagnose and correct the mate error.
Smart Components
Selective Insertion
When activating the Smart Feature of a Smart Component, you can select which
individual associated features and components to insert. Previously, you had to select
all or none of the features and all or none of the components.
Hide Components
When making a component smart, you can click Hide Components under Auto Size to
make it easier to select the concentric mate reference.
General Enhancements
Cosmetic Threads
Tapped holes created as assembly features can
display cosmetic threads across multiple parts or
bodies as dictated by the thread depth. Previously,
the thread was displayed only on the first part or
body regardless of the depth of the thread.
Flexible Sub-Assemblies
The positions of nested flexible sub-assemblies are
now maintained across sessions.
Open Part
Now when you open a part from within an assembly, the part opens in the configuration
referenced by the assembly. Previously, it opened in the last saved configuration.
Broken Views
You can create multiple horizontal and vertical breaks in the same drawing view. When
you insert the break lines, the breaks are immediately applied. Additionally, you specify
horizontal or vertical breaks and the type of break lines in the PropertyManager.
In Tools, Options, Document Properties, Dimensions, the option Show dimensions
as broken in broken views displays dimension lines with a zig-zag.
In views with multiple breaks, the break line style (straight cut,
curve cut, etc.) must be the same.
Deleting Views
When you delete a detail or section view, the Confirm Delete dialog box has an option
to Delete detail sketch or Delete section sketch so the sketch used to create the view
is also deleted. This same dialog box appears if you delete a sketch used for a detail or
section view.
Drawing Sheets
In drawings with multiple sheets that span
beyond the length of the screen, use the First Last
navigation buttons at the bottom of the
drawing window to jump to the first or last Previous Next sheet
If you hold down the next or previous sheet buttons, the tabs scroll.
You can rename a drawing sheet by right-clicking a tab at the bottom of the window
and selecting Rename.
When you reorder drawing sheets with the tabs at the bottom of the window, the
pointer changes to (single sheet) or (multiple sheets).
Relative Views
You can select reference planes to specify the view orientation of relative views. This is
helpful when you create relative views of cylindrical structural members. You can select
reference planes for an entire part or for selected bodies.
Section Views
When you create a section view in a part or assembly, you can save the section view to
include in the View Palette.
6 For Excluded components, select the following to exclude from the section
• headcover
• snapring <1> and <2>
• collar
7 Click OK.
8 Click Make Drawing from Part/
Assembly , or File, Make
Drawing from Assembly.
View Palette
Use the View Palette , located in the Task Pane, to insert drawing views. It contains
images of standard views, annotation views, section views, and flat patterns (sheet
metal parts) of the selected model. You can drag any of the views onto the drawing
sheet to create a drawing view.
The View Palette populates when you:
• Click Make Drawing from Part/Assembly .
• Browse to a document from the View Palette.
• Select from a list of open documents in the View Palette.
Annotation Views
You can change the horizontal orientation of annotation views. You might want to
change the orientation because:
• The default view orientation is not acceptable for a drawing view.
• An imported part was created in the context of an assembly, and the part
does not align with standard views.
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click an annotation view and select Edit
Annotation View, then adjust the following under Horizontal Direction:
You can set the arrow head size for dimensions and section views to scale automatically
to the dimension height or section view letter height, if the arrows do not follow the
document font. In Tools, Options, Document Properties, Arrows, select Scale with
dimension height or Scale with section view arrow letter height.
Using custom properties in balloons is streamlined for ease of use. You can define the
custom properties individually in the PropertyManager or for the entire document in
Tools, Options, Document Properties, Balloons.
In drawings, you can create blocks from sketch entities, just as you create blocks in
parts and assemblies. Previously you created blocks in drawings by using block
definitions and block instances. Now you create blocks from sketches where the blocks
can be:
• Created and edited in the drawing, not in a separate window.
• Nested (blocks within blocks).
• Copied between drawings and sketches.
Some differences separate the drawing block functionality from blocks in parts and
assemblies. Blocks in drawings:
• Have dimensions displayed by default. You can control dimension scaling in
the Block PropertyManager so dimensions scale with the block.
• Are displayed in the FeatureManager design tree in the Blocks folder with
one line per block (not per instance). In parts and assemblies, each block
instance is listed.
When a block is on a layer, the layer’s display attributes are applied to the entire block,
regardless of the layer attributes of any entities in the block that are on a different
layer. This does not apply to blocks created in previous releases.
See Blocks in the help.
Center Marks
In Tools, Options, Document Properties, Detailing, you can specify Center marks -
holes or Center marks - fillets so that center marks are inserted based on the feature
See Detailing Options in the help.
Dimensioning Standards
The following enhancements support the GB standard.
Hole Callouts
Hole callouts are displayed with text above and below the hole callout line.
When you drag a dimension, the text remains visible.
Extension Lines
When you dimension to a circle containing a center
mark, but use the circle instead of the center mark
as the reference, a gap exists between the center
mark and the extension line.
Fractional Dimensions
Fractional dimensions created with the Dimension tool
are displayed in a stacked orientation. You set the
orientation (horizontal stack, diagonal stack, etc.) and
the stack size percentage in Tools, Options, Document
Properties, Dimensions under Fractional display.
The pointer indicates that you can lock a dimension’s orientation.
See Lock Dimensions in the help.
When you place radial, diameter, or chamfer dimensions, they snap at 15° increments.
Linear dimensions snap at 0.40 from the offset, and 0.25 thereafter. You can specify the
snap distances for linear dimensions in Tools, Options, Document Properties,
Dimensions under Offset distances.
If you make a change to a dimension (for example, if you insert a symbol into a
dimension), you can undo the change.
DimXpert applies dimensions in drawings so that manufacturing features (patterns,
slots, pockets, etc.) are fully-defined. The DimXpert tool is accessible in the Dimension
PropertyManager. You select a feature’s edge to dimension, then DimXpert applies all
associated dimensions in that drawing view for the feature.
Dragging Leaders
You can hold down CTRL and drag a leader from radial, diameter, fillet, and chamfer
dimensions and hole callouts to create multiple leaders. The leaders are allowed on
entities that are the same size as the original dimension or hole callout.
Placement of handles on arrowheads has changed. The square handle indicates that
you can CTRL+drag to create multiple leaders. When you hold down CTRL and move
the pointer over the square handle, the pointer changes to .
Multi-Jog Leaders
When you insert an annotation, you can create it with a multi-jog leader. All
functionality remains identical to that of the Multi-jog Leader tool (Annotation
toolbar). Click Multi-jog Leader from the PropertyManager to create the following
annotations with a multi-jog leader:
• Notes
• Surface finish symbols
• Geometric tolerance symbols
• Balloons (accessed in the Note PropertyManager)
• Weld symbols (select Use multi-jog leader in the Properties dialog box)
When you insert a dimension into a note, any symbols or tolerances included in the
dimension are included in the note. For SolidWorks documents from previous releases
that you open in SolidWorks 2007, you can insert the symbols or tolerances from
dimensions by selecting Include prefix, suffix and tolerance of dimensions in the
Note PropertyManager.
General Enhancements
Save as Microsoft Excel
When you save tables as Microsoft® Excel® files, the following is retained:
You can use the CTRL key to select multiple cells.
When you insert a table, the table snaps to the sheet format and other tables before
you place the table. Previously you had to place the table first, then drag the table to
have it snap to entities.
When you save a table as a template, column widths are also saved.
General Tables
When you type a note in a general table, you can link the note to a property.
Hole Tables
Adding Holes
To add holes to an existing hole table, right-click the hole table in the FeatureManager
design tree and select Edit Feature. Previously you selected Add Hole(s) from the
shortcut menu.
Editing Datums
To edit the datum origin of an existing hole table, right-click the hole table in the
FeatureManager design tree and select Edit Feature. Previously you selected Edit
datum definition from the shortcut menu.
Locating Dimensions
Hole tables include tolerances for the X and Y locations of holes. If tolerance values
were not defined in the model, you can still add tolerances by selecting a cell in the X
LOC or Y LOC column and setting the tolerance in the Cell PropertyManager.
Locating Precision
You can change the locating precision for each hole on a per-cell basis. Previously you
could control the entire table in Tools, Options, Document Properties, Tables, but you
could not control individual cells.When you select a cell in the X LOC or Y LOC column,
you can set the precision in the Cell PropertyManager.
See Table Cell PropertyManager in the help.
Multiple Views
You can select more than one drawing view to define a hole table.
Origin Face
Revision Tables
Origin - Drawing View2
There are new options for revision tables when you have
multiple sheets in a drawing. You can set them at Tools, Options, Document
Properties, Tables, under Multiple sheet style:
• See Sheet 1. The revision table on the first sheet is the active table. On all
other drawing sheets, the revision table is labeled See Sheet 1. This
functionality is the same as previous releases.
• Linked. A copy of the revision table from sheet 1 is created on all sheets,
and all revision tables update as one. For example, if you add a revision on
one sheet, the revision tables on all other sheets include the revision.
• Independent. The revision table on each sheet is independent of any other
revision table in the drawing. Updates to a revision table are not reflected in
tables on other sheets.
Text Alignment
Text alignment has been simplified. When you drag text, only the text displays; the text
box does not appear because text is now aligned based on the inference lines only.
When you align two lines of text, inference lines extend from one line of text to the
moving text.
The following in Tools, Options, System Options, Drawings have been removed and
are always enabled:
• Detail item snapping when dragging corner
• Detail item snapping when dragging center
When you edit an existing annotation, you can undo your changes to:
View Labels
A new option, Display label above view, is in Tools, Options, Document Properties,
View Labels. This option places view labels for detail, auxiliary, and section views
above the view, and it applies to new drawing views only.
See View Labels Options in the help.
New options in Tools, Options, Document Properties, Annotations Font allow you to
set the font for Detail View Label and Section View Label. Previously, these labels
were controlled by the font used for notes.
See Annotations Font Options in the help.
Corner Trim
A Corner Trim tool was added to the Sheet Metal toolbar. The Corner Trim tool is
available only with flattened parts.
Options Examples
Collect all corners. Selects all inside
Cleared Selected
Tangent to bend. Creates corner cuts that are tangent to the bend lines (available only
with Centered on bend lines selected).
Cleared. Modify the Distance Selected. The system sets the distance to create
option to set the size of the cut. a cut that is tangent to the bend lines.
Add filleted corners. Creates a fillet
of a specified radius on the inside
Curved Edges
Cylindrical Lofted
• Curved edges must border a planar face.
• Multiple edges must be tangent but can include linear and curved segments.
• Specify No Relief or add relief using Relief Type in the PropertyManager.
Applies to edge flanges and miter flanges when you can extend
the bend to the next boundary.
• Default direction of the edge flange is normal to the base flange at the
• Creating an edge flange along a non-planar edge adds a 3D sketch.
• You cannot select additional edges that are not tangent to the original
• Only Bend Outside is available for edge flanges created on the straight
edge of lofted or cylindrical parts.
See Edge Flange in the help.
Animation Enhancements
Create very high quality result animations.
Animation improvements include camera
movements, sequential animations, and moving
arrows in cut plots and cut plots with animated
Cavitation Model
COSMOSFloWorks™ can indicate areas in the
model where cavitation can possibly occur and
allow you to explore design changes that prevent
Orthotropic Material
COSMOSFloWorks can now consider different
thermal conductivity in different directions. You
can input different values of conductivity in x, y
and z directions.
Model thermostats and relate the heat source to
the temperature at any location in the model.
When you create a new part or assembly, default lighting now includes one Ambient
and three Directional lights.
Rotate View
Rotate View has been enhanced so that if you rotate the view while zoomed in on the
model, the model does not fly off the screen. Rotate About Screen Center has been
removed from the View, Modify menu. Previously saved macros and API calls that use
the Rotate About Screen Center option are respected.
RealView Graphics
RealView Graphics enhancements include the ability to:
• Change the color, diffusion, specularity, and shininess of materials through
the Color and Optics PropertyManager.
• Assign a material to a part while editing the part from an assembly.
• See some changes in lighting in parts that use RealView materials.
You can save a file as a pdf document within DWGeditor. Click File, PDF Out, or File,
Export to File and set Save as type to PDF file (pdf). Multi-sheet drawings are
exported to one pdf with multiple pages.
You can import DXF 3D solid models into
SolidWorks drawings. The models are displayed
as solid entities and can be shaded, rotated, etc.
You can export colors to DXF/DWG files by layer
and by block. Colors are mapped with True
Colors for both import and export.
Export Options
An option for End Point Merging has been added to the DXF/DWG Export Options.
Select Enable merging and specify the tolerance within which gaps between line
endpoints are eliminated.
Import Options
An option for Import Dimensions has been added to the DXF/DWG Import Wizard.
When you import DXF files to new parts, on the Document Settings page, you can
choose whether to import dimensions.
SolidWorks Explorer
SolidWorks Explorer has a redesigned user interface, and now includes:
• Functionality previously found in PDMWorks Standalone client.
• Enhanced search capabilities with the new SolidWorks Search assistant.
See SolidWorks Explorer in the help.
For weldment cut lists, the settings in Document Properties now control the unit of
measure and the trailing zeros in the LENGTH column.
General Enhancements
SolidWorks add-in toolbars and menu items are more usable and consistent. You can
customize toolbar buttons, add toolbars to the CommandManager, make toolbars as
flyout toolbars, and toggle the display of toolbars in View, Toolbars.
The settings for add-ins are transferred from one release to the next and can be saved
and restored with the Copy Settings Wizard.
The following add-ins are supported:
The Add-Ins dialog box (accessed by clicking Tools, Add-Ins) shows active add-ins by
category: the SolidWorks Office product you have purchased, add-ins to the SolidWorks
application, and other add-ins that you might have purchased.
Select add-ins for the current SolidWorks session (check boxes on the left) and to be
included at the next SolidWorks start-up (check boxes on the right).
The SolidWorks add-in help files listed below are integrated into the main SolidWorks
help file. The Help, <add-in> menu items have been removed.
This document contains a partial list of the COSMOSWorks® enhancements. See the
COSMOSWorks online help for a complete list of enhancements with links to more
Bearing Connectors
The bearing connector allows you to replace a
physical bearing with a virtual component to
duplicate the behavior of bearing. You can
specify local stiffness as well as free rotations for
this connector.
Cyclic Symmetry
Cyclic Symmetry is a Load/Restraint option that
allows you to analyze a portion of a model when
the geometry and boundary conditions repeat in
a circular pattern.
Envelope Plots P
Plot the maximum or minimum result value at a
given location in a model across several results
sets for transient thermal, drop test, and
nonlinear analyses. Probe the envelope plot to
determine the output value and the time step
Remote Mass
Represent certain purchased parts such as
motors and actuators as a remote mass. Rather
than create a CAD model of the parts, you
consider the effect of these parts on rest of the
assembly by specifying the mass and moments
of inertia.
Use sensors to retrieve result quantities such as
stress and displacement on a repeatable basis.
Sensors are defined at a location on the model
or a specified x,y,z coordinate. You can save
sensors per plot and display them when printing.
Also, use sensors to query local reaction forces.
Weldment Analysis
Analyze weldments efficiently using beam
elements. A beam element is defined by two end
points and an appropriately oriented uniform
cross-section. The software automatically
derives beam cross-sections from solid
geometry, detects joints, and applies loads and
Paper Color
To define the paper color for drawings, click
Options or Tools, Options, select Override
paper color, and choose a color.
Stamp Tool
To add stamp images to 2D and 3D documents,
click Insert Stamp or Tools, Stamp. A set of
transparent stamps is provided in eDrawings.
You can also specify the stamp folder and add
images to the specified folder.
A 2D stamp behaves like a rubber stamp applied
to a paper drawing. A 3D stamp remains fixed
when the model is scaled, rotated, or dragged.
You can drag and resize 2D stamps and drag 3D
Stamps become permanent when the file is
To import images into documents, click Image
or Tools, Markup, Image, browse to an image file
(.bmp, .gif, .tif, .jpg), click Open, and place the
image in the graphics area.
You can drag, resize, and delete images.
Measure Tool
Measure displays measurement data in
callouts that identify the value (Length, dX,
Center Dist, etc.) and display units. Candidates
for measurement turn red when the pointer
hovers over them.
Measure can measure arcs and circles, both
lines in 2D DXF/DWG drawings and real edges in
3D models. The arc’s diameter and center
coordinates are displayed.
User Interface
The tabs for the left panel are identified by
To hide the panel, click the arrows or the bar between the arrows . This procedure
replaces View, UI Mode, Simple or Complete.
Markup tools appear in the left panel border rather than the right window border.
The Print dialog box now includes options:
• Select Color/grayscale or Black & white.
• For the Active sheet (drawings only), choose As displayed, Entire sheet,
To scale (1 to 1), or Selected area.
• Click Line Weights and define Thin, Normal, Thick, etc. for both System
settings and Document settings.
For files published from SolidWorks, the Document settings are inherited from the
SolidWorks Line Weights in effect at publishing time.
The Layers tab lists the layers displayed in the graphics area. You can select or clear
layers to display or hide them. The initial state reflects how documents were saved in
the original document. Resaving documents in eDrawings saves the layers in their initial
state. Empty layers and hidden annotations and dimensions are included. Layer states
apply to the whole document, not by sheet or view. Markups capture the state of the
layers, so if a markup is retrieved, layers are displayed as they were when the markup
was created. Shaded data for components in assemblies is published with the layer
2006 2007
FeatureWorks recognizes the following geometry:
PDMWorks Workgroup
Checking in Drawings
Performance has accelerated when you click Find and include associated drawings
upon check in. Previously, each drawing found was opened during the find operation
which slowed performance. Now, drawings are opened only after you click Check In.
See Check In Document in the help.
To further accelerate performance, the option Skip drawings validation during check
in is available on the Vault Settings tab in the VaultAdmin. This allows you to check in
drawings without prior validation in the SolidWorks software.
Client Action
Same release as vault None
Newer than vault, same major release None
Newer than vault, newer major release Login is blocked
Older than vault, same major release Optional update in the About
SolidWorks Explorer dialog box
Older than vault, older major release Mandatory update
Document Information
The Document Information dialog box has been simplified. Information from the
upper half of the dialog box has moved to the Info tab.
My PDMWorks Cleanup
My PDMWorks Cleanup helps you manage your personal workspace. When you right-
click a folder in the SolidWorks software or in SolidWorks Explorer (with the PDMWorks
Workgroup add-in) and select My PDMWorks Cleanup, it searches the folder and
shows you all of the files based on selected search criteria. You can then clean up your
workspace by deleting selected files.
See My PDMWorks Cleanup in the help.
Online Help
The PDMWorks Workgroup online help is installed at <install_dir>\lang\english. If the
SolidWorks software is not installed on your computer, the PDMWorks Workgroup online
help is installed at:
Program Files\SolidWorks\<PDMWorks_Workgroup_product>\lang\english
Project Permissions
You can apply permissions from one project to others. On the Projects tab in the
VaultAdmin, click Copy Project Permissions to propagate all permissions from one
project to all selected projects.
Search Results
When you search the vault, documents with more than one instance in the vault tree
are listed only once.
The VaultAdmin includes a Search tab that allows you to build an Indexing Service
catalog for the vault metadata. Indexing increases performance when you search the
vault for documents. To use the indexing functionality, you must install the Microsoft
Indexing Service.
See Search in the help.
Select Labels
The Select Labels tool has been removed from the File Explorer tab in the Task Pane.
You can access the functionality by right-clicking in the vault view and selecting Display
Labels With, Select.
Standalone Client
The PDMWorks Standalone client has moved into SolidWorks Explorer. If you have a
PDMWorks Workgroup license, the vault view appears in SolidWorks Explorer and is
referred to as PDMWorks Workgroup Contributor. See SolidWorks Explorer on page
Web Portal
The Web Portal has been renamed to PDMWorks Workgroup
PhotoWorks includes enhancements to:
• Materials
• Materials display in options
• Materials library
• Scene Editor
• Preview Window
The Materials dialog box has moved to a PropertyManager. The multi-tab
PropertyManager is fully interactive, allowing you to apply materials in the same
manner as you apply decals.
The Materials folder has been added to PhotoWorks Items in the Task Pane,
enabling you to drag materials onto your model. The Task Pane integrates all file
management capabilities. From the Materials folder, you can browse to a material
and then drag the material to:
• The graphics area, to apply the material to the model and open the
• The graphics area while holding Alt, to apply the material without opening
the PropertyManager.
• Onto faces to apply the material only to that face.
• Features and bodies in the FeatureManager design tree, to apply to those
You can also double-click the material in the Task Pane to display the Materials
Surface Finish
New surface finish types were added to support new materials (see New Materials and
Enhanced Materials on page 9-21) such as improved textured plastics.
Chips Circular
New surface finish properties include High Threshold and Low Threshold. These
controls mimic the effect of texturing a mold for a plastic part. They work in tandem to
control the extent to which surface finish elements display on a material surface. The
effects of high and low threshold are dependent on your amplitude settings.
Manipulators like those used with decals are now used with projection, spherical, and
cylindrical mapped textures and for automatic mapping.
Document Properties
Store PhotoWorks data in model file. (Note: May increase file size.). Select to store
PhotoWorks material with the model. This option stores the images used materials,
decals and scenes. If increased file size is not an issue, this allows to share models that
include all the required PhotoWorks data, instead of using Pack and Go.
The illumination produced by selecting both Enable caustic and Enable global
illumination is more realistic. The Diffuse property of materials now accurately
influences models when both options are selected. This results in more realistic
renderings based on the setting.
Materials Library
The reorganized materials library includes:
• Re-calibrated materials
• New materials
• The capability to share PhotoWorks materials, decals, and scenes with other
• Greater efficiency in locating missing materials, decals, and scenes
Sharing Materials
The option Store PhotoWorks data in model file enables you to share PhotoWorks
data so that other users can reproduce the same renderings (see System Options on
page 9-20). You can also share materials, decals, and scenes using the streamlined
Pack and Go interface.
Scene Editor
Enhancements were added to several tabs of the Scene Editor dialog box. These
enhancements were added to support High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). Four HDRI
scenes, accessed through PhotoWorks Studios, were added:
• Conference Room
• Industrial Space
• Interior Kitchen (default)
• Sunset
• Streamlined selection method for Background.
• Enabled preview image.
• Added the Background Image Brightness slider.
The Environment tab includes items previously located in the Back/Foreground tab.
• No Environment. Make the background selection from the Manager tab.
• Use Background Image. Make the background color selection from the
Back/Foreground tab; click System Colors to restore the default.
• Select Environment Image. Browse to locate an image that is identified
under Image File Path. Then select from the Environment Mapping
options: Planar, Spherical, or Cubic.
Under Image Contribution, there are two new options:
• Environment Reflections
• Diffuse Material Brightness
High dynamic range manipulates the contrast between bright and dark areas.
Manipulating this range results in more accurate depictions of how the light affects
objects, their shadows, and how those objects reflect the environment.
The Diffuse Material Brightness slider controls the overall brightness of a scene (the
objects and environment), without affecting reflections. The reflections below are
Preview Window
While editing a material, decal, or scene, you can toggle the display of the Preview -
[model name] (PhotoWorks toolbar).
Choose Selected Reference to preview rendering on selected geometry.
The following rendering and illumination properties were added to the Preview:
• Indirect Illumination
• Caustics
• Global Illumination
• Anti Aliasing (turns down the current anti-aliasing setting lower)
• Surface Finish (renamed)
Previously, you could not see the effects of indirect illumination, caustics, or global
illumination in the preview window. These properties were toggled through
PhotoWorks, Options.
Using the SolidWorks software’s ScanTo3D functionality, you can open scan data (mesh
or point cloud files), prepare the data, then convert it into a surface or solid model.
ScanTo3D significantly reduces the time required to build complex 3D models from
non-digital data. Designers can use ScanTo3D for various purposes:
• Medical designers - Create anatomical objects for reference
• Consumer product designers - Create quick representations of physical
components made from clay, foam, etc.
• Machine designers - Create quick references to OEM parts
In the following example, you use the semi-automated wizard method, using the
Surface Wizard’s guided creation, to create a solid model.
For your models, adjust simplification to the mesh size that your
computer can process.
8 Click .
Now you smooth the model and fill holes.
1 Under Global Smoothness, move the slider to
approximately three-quarters as shown to
smooth the entire model and remove most of
the rough texture.
2 Click Front (Standard Views toolbar), then zoom to the lower left corner
of the mesh.
3 Under Local Smoothness, click Polygon
Selection , then sketch a polygon to select
the mesh approximately as shown.
4 Select Allow selection depth adjustment.
This 3D tool, aligned to the view orientation,
lets you select the depth of the model to
9 Select the top and bottom sub-meshes, click Spline and create spline-
based surfaces.
The model should resemble the image.
10 Click .
Surface preparation is complete. The surfaces are
extracted to the Surface Extracted1 folder in the
FeatureManager design tree.
11 Click .
SolidWorks Animator
Camera Control
You can control camera movement while looking through the camera:
• Back and forth along the target path
• Up, down, left, and right in the view plane
• Change the pitch and yaw
• Roll it about the target line
Camera movements use standard views. Mouse and keyboard combinations such as the
following also control the camera view:
Camera movement control is possible when you are editing the Camera
PropertyManager, and outside the PropertyManager if you clear Lock camera position
except when editing under Camera Type in the PropertyManager.
If COSMOSMotion is installed and active and your model has a computed
COSMOSMotion simulation, you can import the simulation using the Animation Wizard.
10 Drag the timeline to 6 seconds and place another key point in the Camera2
row at 6 seconds.
This adds a view orientation key point that sets the view to be
through Camera2.
Mate to Curve
You can mate a component to a single entity curve, then drag the component along the
curve. See Mate to Curve on page 4-9. You can use this functionality to control a
component’s movement in an animation along a path defined by a curve. If you attach
the camera position or target point to a single entity curve, you can animate the
position along the curve, which is a convenient way to define camera walk-through
View Orientation
View Orientation has been renamed as Orientation and Camera Views. To unlock
views, right-click Orientation and Camera Views and clear Disable View Key Creation
(previously named Lock).
Auto Correction
Use Update Values to specify and correct checks that failed. You can use Update
Values for most design checks. For a list of exceptions, see Auto Correction in the
Merge Standards
You can merge .swstd files through File, Merge Standards. You can also create
multiple standards files and then merge them into one master file. In the Merge
Standards dialog box, click Add and browse to .swstd files.
The merged file assumes the name of the first file on the list, but you can rename it.
Once the merged file is created, the new file and all the original .swstd files are
Once saved, the new merged file is opened so you can view all the check types and
their values.
• The left panel lists the types of checks such as Arrow Style, Dimension
Font, etc.
• The right panel lists the details for each type of check such as Font Style -
Regular, Spell Checker, etc.
Spell Checker
Runs through Annotations to locate spelling mistakes. Any annotation that includes
misspelled words fails.
Non-Standard Holes
Verifies if holes in the part or assembly document comply with the standard hole sizes
created with Simple Holes or the Hole Wizard.
Activate Standard Hole Sizes through Feature Checks . For example, the results
list could display the following:
Parameter Name
• Standard Hole Sizes
• Custom Throughhole
• Diameter: 0.3420
• Standard Throughhole
• Diameter: 0.24320
In this example, the standard diameter for throughholes is 0.24320. However, the
model that was checked included a custom throughole using a non-standard diameter
of 0.3420.
Tapered Drill and Tapered are not supported for Legacy Hole
Welcome Page
From the SolidWorks software, click Design Checker, Build Checks to display the new
Welcome to SolidWorks Design Checker dialog box. Select or clear Show welcome
page at startup. Links include:
SolidWorks Routing
Each route type now has its own toolbar. Click items on the Route toolbar to turn other
toolbars on or off.
Add Bends
Create Route by Drag and Drop
Split Route
Create Route on the fly
Auto Route
The Auto Route command now filters out invalid selections. For example in Re-route
spline mode, you can select only splines, not lines or arcs. Similarly, in Merge
guidelines to form routes, only guideline splines are highlighted, not splines that are
already in valid bundles.
Back-to-Back Flanges
You can drag a flange from the design library and place it back-to-back with a flange
already on the end of the route. The second flange resizes to match the first one.
Flexible Conduit
Select Use flexible in the Route Properties PropertyManager to make a conduit route
You can use the Auto Route command on flexible conduit in the
same way as on flexible tubing.
Stub Length
You can specify Stub Length in the Connection Point PropertyManager, and you can
set the stub length in design tables using the parameter StubLength@CPoint<n>.
7 Click .
The next section of the route highlights.
To start a route:
1 Open Routing\electrical.sldasm.
Component plug001 does not have a connection point.
2 Click Electrical (Route toolbar).
3 Click Create Route on the fly (Electrical toolbar) or Routing, Electrical,
Create Route on the fly.
4 In the dialog box, click OK.
5 In the PropertyManager:
a) Select the end face of the cylinder
on the plug for Select plane or face
and a point .
b) Select Electrical for Select route
type .
c) Type 6 for Nominal diameter .
6 Click .
The Route Properties PropertyManager
7 Click .
A route sketch opens, where you can define the route. CPoint1 appears in
the FeatureManager design tree, with an external reference to plug001.
8 Close the sketch.
You can create other types of routes on the fly by clicking
Create Route on the fly (Piping toolbar) or Create Route on
the fly (Flexible Tubing toolbar).
10 Click .
11 In the wizard, click Next until the Save Component to Library page
12 Select Create end connector illustrations for harness.
13 Click Next. (Click No if asked if you want to save to component library.)
14 In the PropertyManager, select:
a) The front face of the connector for End Face .
b) The top face for Up Direction.
Up Direction
End Face
15 Click .
An end view drawing, connector01.slddrw, is saved in the same folder as
the connector part file.
16 Click Finish.
7 Click Save.
8 In the Save As dialog box:
a) Browse to <install_dir>\samples\whatsnew\routing.
b) Type mywires for File name.
c) Select XML files (*.xml) for Save as type.
d) Click Save.
9 Click Finish.
The Harnessing menus are now located within the Electrical menus. Click Routing,
Electrical, Harness.
Multiple Harnesses
You can create multiple harnesses within one route assembly and have them all appear
within one harness drawing. Previously only one harness appeared on the drawing.
Harnessing Path
Harnessing now uses the path set in Library folder on the Routing page in System
Design Checker
You can schedule tasks for Design Checker and specify the folders where reports
and documents are saved.
Update PDMWorks
Converting documents with Update PDMWorks opens SolidWorks only once and
converts the selected documents in a single session. The option to reopen after
conversion has been removed. Documents are opened in a resolved state (not
lightweight). Be sure documents can be opened with all references resolved on the
computer running SolidWorks Task Scheduler.
SolidWorks Toolbox
Adding Parts
The Add My Parts Wizard has been replaced with right-click and drag-and-drop
functionality. You can create new folders and add your own parts to SolidWorks Toolbox
as you do with other folders in the Design Library.
Chinese Standard
The GB (Guo Biao or Chinese) standard has been added to SolidWorks Toolbox, Hole
Wizard, and Smart Fasteners.
Configure Data
The new Configure Data dialog box consolidates and simplifies the interface for
customizing SolidWorks Toolbox. You can:
• Enable standards, fasteners, and sizes, add custom properties, set default
options, and configure Smart Fasteners all from one dialog box. (Previously
you accessed some items from Tools, Options, Data Options and others
from Toolbox, Browser Configuration.)
• Establish a complete set of fasteners in advance. Populate your SolidWorks
Toolbox files by clicking Create Configurations or Create Parts on the All
Configurations tab that appears when you select components on the
Contents tab.
Additionally, for multi-user environments, you now set the access control options in the
Configure Data dialog box. New options include Allow editing of Favorites and
selections to apply settings either separately for each user or globally for all users.
Access the new dialog box by clicking Toolbox, Configure or Tools, Options, Hole
Wizard/Toolbox, Configure.
Inserting Fasteners
When you drag a Toolbox fastener into an assembly, you now set values in the
PropertyManager instead of a dialog box.
Recreate Fasteners
Assembly files now contain data necessary to recreate SolidWorks Toolbox fasteners if
another user opens the assembly file and the appropriate part or configuration is not
found in that user’s Toolbox.
SolidWorks Utilities
Format Painter
You can copy visual properties of dimensions and annotations from part, assembly, and
drawing documents to the same document or to other documents. You can copy
properties such as arrow style, font style, height, and strikeout property. Click Format
Painter (Utilities toolbar) or Utilities, Format Painter, then follow the dialogs.
The Simplify utility can find simplified features based on their volume in parts and
assemblies. In the Simplify dialog, select Volume Based. To find simplified features by
feature type, select Feature Parameter.
Web Portal. See PDMWorks
Workgroup Viewer
weldment analysis 9-9
weldments 8-9
What’s New 1-3
Copy Settings 9-2, 9-14
from-to lists 9-47
Mesh Prep 9-27
routing components 9-45
routing libraries 9-47
routing options 9-48
Surface 9-27
yield stress 9-9
zip files 1-5