IEEE Paper On Modbus
IEEE Paper On Modbus
IEEE Paper On Modbus
Abstract: Flotation level control is a very important part in the flotation mineral separation process. This article
introduces one application of the Modbus RTU protocol which used in the flotation liquid level control system, discusses
the S7-300's programming ideas and methods which based on the form of communication, and optimize the
communication strategy. The practical application shows that the system of flotation liquid level control which based on
Modbus RTU protocol can get better control effect, and ensure a good target for the mineral separation.
Key Words: Modbus RTU Protocol, Liquid-level Control, UDC3200, CP341, The Flotation Process
978-1-4673-5534-6/13/$31.00 2013
c IEEE 3603
on connected different types of bus or network equipment. station imme- diately receive the data. The first frame of
There has two kinds of transfer mode in Modbus system: messages which send by the host station is the address
ASCII (American information exchange code) and RTU frame, and the address field is 1b. The slave device address
(remote terminal unit), each Modbus system can only use could be 0-247 (Dec). The subordinate station records the
one model, not combination[3]. The definition of the two address and determine to perform the function. To use the
kinds of modes shows on table 1 and table 2[4]. function code control to exchange data in Modbus system,
which is the 2nd byte of each transmitted communication
message frame. The master station send the request which
use the function code to tell slave-machine what to do; and
the subordinate station response the request, who return a
function code like the host sending which shows that the
subordinate station has response the master station and has
done the operation. The master station or the subordinate
station uses CRC-16 check method to distinguish the
receiving information. The error detection domain content
is obtained by detecting whether the message's content is
long or not. CRC domain attached to the messages' end,
added from low byte to high byte.
4 Conclusion
In this project, it achieves stable communication between
the process controller and CP341 by the optimized design
based on Modbus protocol. Huize concentrator practice
shows that the set of level control and technical solutions
used in the flotation units fully able to meet the
technological requirements of the zinc germanium ore
flotation, equipment operation is reliable, accurate slurry
liquid level to ensure a good index of mineral separation.
The next step is to design a set of algorithms, completion of
the PID parameters self tuning in order to achieve more
excellent control effect.
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