Exam Trematode

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1- In class trematoda all of the following is correct except : a) Flat dorsoventrally . b) Usually has three suckers .

c) Usually is hermaphrodite . d) Bilaterally symmetrical .

2- Cercaria of Heterophyes heterophyes is a) Furcocercous cercaria . b) Leptocercous cercaria . c) Microcercous cercaria . d) Parapleurolophocercous cercaria .

3- Halzoun is thought to be result of ingesting: a) Nymphs of Linguatula serrata . b) Encysted metasercaria of Fasciola species with fresh vegetables . c) Raw liver of sheep contain immature worms of Fasciola spp. d) A & C e) All of the above .

4- The brown ant: Formica fusca is the second intermediate host of : a) Dicrocoelium dendriticum . b) Heterophyes heterophyes . c) Fasciolopsis buski . d) Schistosoma mansoni .

5- Complications of Heterophyes are: a) Cerebral haemorrhage. b) Myocarditis and heart failure. c) Pulmonary egg emboli. d) All of the above.

5- Picture show egg of : a) Schistosoma haematobium . b) Heterophyes heterophyes . c) Fasciola hepatica . d) Non of the above .

Metagoniums yokagawai
6- Arrow pointed to.

7- Select the CORRECT statement: a) Fasciola eggs hatch in fresh water. b) Heterophyes heterophyes eggs hatch in brackish water. c) Schistosoma eggs are ingested by the snail intermediate host. d) All of the above.


A 30 years old male patient with upper abdominal pain since 4 months with jaundice, splenomegaly and ascites. Abdominal ultrasound show something in the CBD . Stool examination revealed large sized egg What is the most probable diagnosis ?

9- Female Schistosoma haematobium oviposit their eggs in: a) Vesical and pelvic plexuses . b) Superior mesenteric veins . c) Inferior mesenteric veins . d) Non of the above . e) All of the above .

10- Schistosoma is an atypical trematode because: a) Eggs are non-operculated b) Sexes are separate. c) All of the above.

8- Suckers of Schistosoma mansoni female are .. and ovary situated in . of the body .

9- Which of the following is NOT true for Fasciola gigantica: a) Lateral sides are parallel. b) Suckers are equal. c) Inner branches of intestinal caeca are T or Y shaped.

8- Fasciola species egg is large size , oval in shape characterized by presence of .. , thin shell and contain one cell-stage embryo surrounded by cells .

15- A parasite that uses a host other than its usual one. a) Abberrant. b) Facultative. c) Obligate. d) Incidental.

16- The scientific name of the lancet fluke is? a) Metagonimus yokogawai. b) Paragonimus westermani. c) Dicrocelium dendriticum d) Fasciola hepatica.

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