Trauma Acoustic Journal
Trauma Acoustic Journal
Trauma Acoustic Journal
Journal of Otology 9 (2014) 111e116
There is growing evidence suggests that noise-induced cochlear damage may lead to hyperexcitability in the central auditory system (CAS)
which may give rise to tinnitus. However, the correlation between the onset of the neurophysiological changes in the CAS and the onset of
tinnitus has not been well studied. To investigate this relationship, chronic electrodes were implanted into the auditory cortex (AC) and sound
evoked activities were measured from awake rats before and after noise exposure. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) was used to assess the
degree of noise-induced hearing loss. Tinnitus was evaluated by measuring gap-induced prepulse inhibition (gap-PPI). Rats were exposed
monaurally to a high-intensity narrowband noise centered at 12 kHz at a level of 120 dB SPL for 1 h. After the noise exposure, all the rats
developed either permanent (>2 weeks) or temporary (<3 days) hearing loss in the exposed ear(s). The AC amplitudes increased significantly 4 h
after the noise exposure. Most of the exposed rats also showed decreased gap-PPI. The post-exposure AC enhancement showed a positive
correlation with the amount of hearing loss. The onset of tinnitus-like behavior was happened after the onset of AC enhancement.
Copyright © 2014, PLA General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Production and hosting by Elsevier
(Singapore) Pte Ltd. All rights reserved.
1672-2930/Copyright © 2014, PLA General Hospital Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Production and hosting by Elsevier (Singapore) Pte
Ltd. All rights reserved.
112 E. Laundrie, W. Sun / Journal of Otology 9 (2014) 111e116
auditory plasticity changes have been observed following pe- repetition rate of 21 times/second. Sound stimuli were pre-
ripheral damage induced by salicylate (Sun et al., 2009), sented through a high frequency super tweeter (FT28D, Fos-
cisplatin (Salvi et al., 2000) and noise exposure (Sun et al., tex) and the sound level was calibrated using a sound level
2012; Syka, 2002). Both monaural and binaural noise expo- meter (Larson Davis Sound Level Meter, model 824, ½ inch
sure often enhanced the amplitude of the auditory cortex (AC) condenser microphone). ABR was obtained in both ears 5e6 h
responses in awake rats. Even though there has been a cor- following noise exposure and on a daily basis until the rat had
relation between noise exposure and increased AC amplitude recovered to its full potential.
as well as noise exposure and tinnitus behavior, the correla-
tions of neurophysiological changes in CAS and onset of 2.3. AC recording
tinnitus remain unclear.
Previous studies using animal models have allowed re- Rats were anesthetized using 1e2% isoflurane. A silver
searchers to study the physiology of tinnitus. Sun et al. ball electrode was implanted into the right AC, cemented in
revealed that salicylate-induced tinnitus paralleled a substan- place, and the wound was sutured around the electrode
tial increase in the AC amplitude in the first few hours connector. The rats were allowed 2 weeks to recover before
following the 250 mg/kg salicylate injection before recovering testing began.
toward the baseline within a day or so (Sun et al., 2009). Even Sound stimuli were generated using TDT hardware (RP2 D/
though acoustic-trauma evoked tinnitus is one of the most A converted, PA5 attenuator, HB7 headphone amplifier) con-
commonly reported causes of tinnitus, it is unknown to what nected to a loudspeaker. The electrode was connected to a low
extent the AC response of an awake rat will be affected by impedance amplifier (RA16PA Medusa Preamp, TDT) and
acoustic trauma-induced tinnitus. We hypothesize that an in- signals were sampled using an RA16 Medusa Base Station
crease in AC response will be related to tinnitus behavior. To (TDT). Stimulus generation and data acquisition was accom-
test this hypothesis, we investigated the influence of monaural plished using TDT software (BioSigRP).
noise exposure on the AC amplitudes by using a chronically The awake rats were tested in a custom testing apparatus to
implanted silver ball electrode of awake rats before and after restrict rat's movement during the test. Before the test, rats
treatment with a 120 dB SPL narrowband noise centered at were placed in the testing apparatus for 1e2 h per day for 2e3
12 kHz for 1 h. We also monitored tinnitus behavior by days to let the rats get used to the testing environment. The
measuring the startle reflex before and after the monaural sound level was calibrated. Local field potentials were recor-
noise exposure. ded before and after noise exposure. Tone-bursts centered at 6,
12, 16 and 20 kHz were used to elicit AC responses.
2. Materials and methods
2.4. Acoustic startle reflex
2.1. Animals
All startle reflex testing was performed in a sound attenu-
Three Harlan Sprague-Dawley male rats (3e4 months old) ating box. Each box contained a startle reflex platform and a
were used for testing. The rats did not have any diet re- high frequency speaker (FT28D, Fostex) located 20 cm above
strictions. All rats were exposed to 120 dB SPL monaural the rat. All rats were placed in a wire mesh cage (15e20 cm
narrowband noise centered at 12 kHz (1 kHz bandwidth) for long 7 cm wide 5.5 cm high) mounted on an acrylic glass
1 h following a series of reliable AC baseline and ABR base to restrict their movement. The cage rested on top of a
measures. Following the noise exposure, AC responses were piezoelectric transducer (Radio Shack 273-066) within the
obtained at 1 h, 4 h, 1 day, 2 days, 1 week and 2 weeks. Startle calibrated sound field
reflex testing was administered pre noise exposure until a Sound stimuli were generated by a RP2 Real-Time Pro-
stable baseline was obtained. Startle reflex testing was also cessor (TDT) from custom software created in MatLab 6.0.
administered 2e4 h, 1 day, 2 days, 1 week and 2 weeks The rat's body movement elicited from the startle stimuli was
following noise exposure. measured by the sensitive piezoelectric transducer connected
to an A/D converter on an Real-Time Processor (TDT). The
2.2. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) recording output was sent to a low-pass filter set at 1000 Hz (LPF-300,
World Precision Instruments). The root mean square (RMS)
Hearing thresholds were obtained from each subject as amplitude was measured over 100 ms response following the
measured by ABR under isoflurane anesthesia (1e2%). The onset of the startle stimulus using custom software. The startle
ABR recordings were measured using a surgically implanted eliciting stimulus consisted of a broadband noise burst pre-
chronic electrode connected to a preamplifier (RA16LA, TDT) sented at 105 dB SPL (0.5e30 kHz, 20 ms duration, 0.1 ms
using a low noise cable. The preamplifier was then connected rise/fall time).
to a digital signal processing module (RX5-2, Pentusa Base Acoustic startle reflexes were measured on all three rats
Station, TDT) before being processed with software (Bio- before and after noise exposure using two testing procedures:
SigRP) with a band pass filter set at 100e3000 Hz. The sound gap-induced prepulse inhibition (gap-PPI) and noise burst
stimulus was a tone-burst (5 ms duration; 1 ms rise/fall time) prepulse inhibition of startle reflex (NB-PPI). For the gap-PPI,
at 6, 12, 16 and 20 kHz generated by TDT hardware with a the startle reflex was measured in the presence of continuous
E. Laundrie, W. Sun / Journal of Otology 9 (2014) 111e116 113
Three rats were tested before and after the noise exposure. 3.3. Acoustic startle response
Fig. 1 shows the ABR threshold (dB SPL) in the control ear
and exposed ear pre and post acoustic overstimulation at Noise-induced tinnitus was assessed using the gap pre-
12 kHz. During the pretreatment period (mean data for 3 pulse inhibition of acoustic startle reflex (gap-PPI) behav-
days), the mean ABR threshold was approximately 20 dB SPL ioral paradigm (Turner et al., 2006). Prior to acoustic over-
for the exposed and control ears. After the rats were exposed stimulation, the 50 ms gap suppressed the mean (n ¼ 3)
to noise for a 1 h, the ABR threshold increased significantly in amplitude of acoustic startle response ((STng-STg)/
the exposed ear 2 h following the acoustic overstimulation. STng 100%) by approximately 55% across all four fre-
The average ABR thresholds (n ¼ 3) on the exposed ears quencies. Four hours following acoustic overstimulation, the
increased about 30e45 dB SPL, whereas the unexposed ears average gap-PPI had decreased to 31% at 6 kHz, 28% at
showed less than 10 dB SPL changes. These results suggest 12 kHz, 36% at 16 kHz, and 42% at 20 kHz. A significant
that 1 h of monaural narrowband noise centered around decrease was seen in 16 and 20 kHz. Although the averaged
12 kHz at 120 dB SPL (1 kHz bandwidth) significantly de- gap-PPI remained constant (~15% decrease compared to pre-
creases hearing sensitivity for the exposed ear 2 h following
114 E. Laundrie, W. Sun / Journal of Otology 9 (2014) 111e116
Fig. 2. Monaural noise exposure induced enhancements of AC evoked potentials. (A) Examples of AC response. (B) The average AC amplitudes (n ¼ 3) increased
significantly 4 h following noise exposure at 12 kHz. (CeD) The AC response evoked by tone bursts at 6e20 kHz produced significant enhancements at 4 h post
noise exposure and recovered at 1 day post treatment.
exposure) 2 weeks following noise exposure (Fig. 3A), 16 kHz 6, 12, 16 and 20 kHz before and after treatment ((STng-STg)/
gap-PPI showed a significant decrease in 2 weeks, suggesting STng 100%). Prior to acoustic overstimulation, the mean
a permanent noise-induced tinnitus behavior presumably at a NB-PPI (n ¼ 3) was 79% at 6 kHz, 78% at 12 kHz, 83% at
pitch above the noise exposure stimuli (Fig. 3C). 16 kHz, and 79% at 20 kHz. Four hours following acoustic
In order to eliminate the possibility that the gap-PPI deficit overstimulation, the average NB-PPI had decreased to 50% at
was not the result of hearing loss, NB-PPI was also assessed at 6 kHz, 40% at 12 kHz, 71% at 16 kHz, and 44% at 20 kHz,
Fig. 3. (A) The average gap-PPI (n ¼ 3) induced by 12 kHz narrowband noise (60 dB SPL, 50 ms gap) revealed a 44% reduction in inhibition 4 h post treatment
and stabilized at 33% reduction in inhibition from 3 days to 2 weeks following noise exposure. (B) The average NB-PPI (n ¼ 3, 60 dB 12 kHz) showed a 46%
reduction in inhibition 4 h post noise and then totally recovered 1 day post treatment. (C) The average gap-PPI (n ¼ 3) induced by 16 kHz NBN (60 dB SPL, 50 ms
gap) was significantly reduced from 55% to less than 20% at 4 h post noise exposure. The reduction dropped to <20% after 2 weeks, suggesting a permanent noise-
induced tinnitus behavior. (D) The average NB-PPI (n ¼ 3, 60 dB SPL, 16 kHz) showed a decrease at 1 day post noise exposure and then began to recover at 3 days
post treatment. This suggests the noise-induced gap-PPI reduction may not be due to a hearing loss.
E. Laundrie, W. Sun / Journal of Otology 9 (2014) 111e116 115
suggesting that hearing loss affected the startle reflex. How- PPI. There was a significant decrease in NB-PPI 4 h post
ever, for all frequencies tested, the NB-PPI fully recovered treatment and recovery after 1e3 days following treatment.
within 1e3 days following treatment (Fig. 3B and D). Since This could indicate a possibility that the decrease of gap-PPI
the 60 dB SPL narrowband noise burst produced robust inhi- at 4 h following the noise treatment was a result of hearing
bition of the acoustic startle response following noise expo- loss. A recent study reported that a persistent increase of
sure, the noise-induced gap-PPI reduction was not likely due acoustic startle reflex can be induced by noise exposure in
to hearing loss. hamsters 1e2 weeks after noise exposure (Chen et al., 2013).
These results suggest that noise exposure may induce a
4. Discussion permanent hyperexcitability of the CAS which may
contribute to tinnitus.
The ABR is a measuring technique used to assess the In summary, the purpose of the present study was to
functional status of the peripheral auditory system and brain- investigate the effects of monaural noise exposure on the
stem. The present study found that exposure to a high fre- auditory cortex amplitudes in awake rats and examine if a
quency narrowband noise (12 kHz at 120 dB SPL) caused a correlation exists between the AC amplitudes and noise-
~30 dB permanent hearing loss at 12 kHz. Interestingly, no induced tinnitus onset. We find that the AC amplitudes
significant decrease of AC response was detected at high in- evoked from the unexposed ear increased significantly 4 h
tensity, suggesting a compensatory effect in the cortical area after the noise exposure. Most of the exposed rats also
after peripheral damage. Noise-induced tinnitus was assessed developed tinnitus-like behavior on gap-PPI 1e2 days after
using the gap-PPI behavioral paradigm (Turner et al., 2006). the noise exposure. Therefore, the onset of tinnitus-like
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constant two weeks following noise exposure. Previous studies The post-exposure AC enhancement showed a positive cor-
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