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The Journal of Neuroscience, December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12299


Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection via Priming of

Auditory Cortical Circuits
X Joseph Sollini and X Paul Chadderton
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Acoustic environments are composed of complex overlapping sounds that the auditory system is required to segregate into discrete
perceptual objects. The functions of distinct auditory processing stations in this challenging task are poorly understood. Here we show a
direct role for mouse auditory cortex in detection and segregation of acoustic information. We measured the sensitivity of auditory
cortical neurons to brief tones embedded in masking noise. By altering spectrotemporal characteristics of the masker, we reveal that
sensitivity to pure tone stimuli is strongly enhanced in coherently modulated broadband noise, corresponding to the psychoacoustic
phenomenon comodulation masking release. Improvements in detection were largest following priming periods of noise alone, indicating that cortical segregation is enhanced over time. Transient opsin-mediated silencing of auditory cortex during the priming period
almost completely abolished these improvements, suggesting that cortical processing may play a direct and significant role in detection
of quiet sounds in noisy environments.
Key words: broadband; coherence; masking release; noise; opsin; pyramidal cell

Significance Statement
Auditory systems are adept at detecting and segregating competing sound sources, but there is little direct evidence of how this
process occurs in the mammalian auditory pathway. We demonstrate that coherent broadband noise enhances signal representation in auditory cortex, and that prolonged exposure to noise is necessary to produce this enhancement. Using optogenetic
perturbation to selectively silence auditory cortex during early noise processing, we show that cortical processing plays a crucial
role in the segregation of competing sounds.

In the acoustic world, animals are challenged to detect salient
sounds in noisy backgrounds, a process of critical importance in
communication, hunting, and threat-detection. The auditory
system is well suited to the task as it demonstrates a remarkable
spectral (Rosenblith and Stevens, 1953) and temporal resolution
(Klumpp and Eady, 1956; Plomp, 1964), and this acuity is valuable for detecting changes in natural soundscapes (McDermott et
al., 2013; Andreou et al., 2015). Predictable, or coherent, nonrandom features of soundscapes may be exploited by the auditory
Received Feb. 29, 2016; revised Aug. 25, 2016; accepted Aug. 29, 2016.
Author contributions: J.S. and P.C. designed research; J.S. performed research; J.S. and P.C. analyzed data; J.S.
and P.C. wrote the paper.
This work was supported by MRC Career Development Award (G1000512) to P.C. We thank Andrei Kozlov for
feedback on the manuscript; and Matthew Brown and Alexander Morris for discussions and support.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This article is freely available online through the J Neurosci Author Open Choice option.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Paul Chadderton, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College
London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Copyright 2016 Sollini and Chadderton
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distributionandreproductioninany
medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.

system to improve sound processing (Ulanovsky et al., 2003; Taaseh et al., 2011; Yaron et al., 2012; Teki et al., 2013; Krishnan et
al., 2014; Nelken, 2014). A prevalent feature of natural sound is
coherent amplitude fluctuations across frequency, termed comodulation (CM). CM is present in both environmental sounds
and vocalizations (Nelken et al., 1999). Given its pervasiveness in
nature, CM may be a critical cue for grouping and segregating
overlapping sounds (Nelken et al., 1999; Krishnan et al., 2014).
Comodulation masking release (CMR) is a psychoacoustic phenomenon whereby adding coherently modulated noise to an existing masker makes signals easier to perceive (Hall et al., 1984). This
effect is striking as additional noise energy normally reduces, or does
not change, signal detectability (Fletcher, 1940). CMR encompasses
two separate processes, dependent on the relative frequencies of the
noise and the signal: within-channel CMR (signal and noise similar
in frequency) and across-channel CMR (signal and noise dissimilar
in frequency). Within-channel CMR can be implemented in the
auditory periphery, but across-channel or true CMR (Verhey et
al., 2003) cannot be explained by mechanical processes in the ear and
is sensitive to cues of auditory grouping (Buss et al., 2009; Dau et al.,
2009; Verhey et al., 2012). Across-channel CMR is therefore a result
of brain processing, but the mechanism and location of such processing are not well understood.

12300 J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311

Only a small number of studies have directly sought to understand the representation and underlying mechanism(s) of CMR
at the cellular level. In the peripheral auditory system, neuronal
responses to pure tones are enhanced by across-channel CM in a
way consistent with human behavior (Pressnitzer et al., 2001).
However, it is not clear whether this information is inherited or
influenced by processing at later stages of the auditory system. A
CMR correlate has been shown to develop progressively between
the inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex (Nelken et al., 1999; Las et al., 2005), although this work
explored both within- and across-channel cues simultaneously.
As such, it remains unclear how much of the observed CMR is
attributable to across-channel processes (Verhey et al., 2003;
Grose et al., 2005a). Neuronal correlates of within-channel CMR
have been observed in the avian auditory forebrain area L2a;
however, when measured in an across-channel configuration
(comparing narrowband [NB] and broadband comodulated
noise), no significant CMR was found (Nieder and Klump, 2001;
Hofer and Klump, 2003).
In this study, we set out to quantify the influence of acrosschannel CM on signal detectability in the neuronal activity of
primary auditory cortex (A1), a critical site in auditory perception (Bizley and Cohen, 2013). We then sought to establish
whether processing by auditory cortical circuits plays a functional
role in the formation of across-channel CMR. We provide the
first quantification of across-channel CMR in A1. Transient inactivation during early sound processing significantly reduces
subsequent masking release, suggesting that auditory cortex may
play a causal role in enhancing signal representation in the presence of comodulated noise.

Materials and Methods

Animals and preparation. The care and experimental manipulation of
animals were performed in accordance with institutional and United
Kingdom Home Office guidelines. Homozygous Pvalb-IRES-Cre mice
(JAX stock #008069) of both genders were used in this study. At 6 weeks,
auditory cortex was injected unilaterally with AAV-EF1a-DIOhChR2(H134R)-EYFP virus to express selectively channelrhodopsin
(ChR2) and EYFP proteins in parvalbumin-positive (PV !) interneurons. Mice were anesthetized with 1%2% isoflurane under aseptic conditions and held using ear bars on a stereotaxic mount (Angle 2, Leica). A
small burr hole was made with a dental drill "1 m lateral from midline
and "2.7 mm caudal to bregma. A small glass pipette holding the virus
was advanced to reside in auditory cortex; 0.5 !l was then slowly injected
into cortex over a period of 15 min. The pipette was then removed and
the burr hole sealed with Kwik-Cast (World Precision Instruments),
once dry acrylic dental cement was layered over the top forming a hard
seal over the site. The area was then cleaned (iodine) and the tissue sealed
(Histoacryl, Braun). Analgesia was administered during the procedure
via intraperitoneal injection (Carprofen; 5 mg/kg). The animal was then
recovered and the virus left to express for 2 weeks, during which time
buprenorphine (0.8 mg/kg) jelly was used for postoperative analgesia.
Electrophysiology. For electrophysiological recordings, mice were anesthetized with a fentanyl/midazolam/medetomidine/mixture (0.05, 5.0,
and 0.5 mg/kg). A midline incision was made, and all tissue was cleared
from the cranium. Hatched score lines were made on the cranial surface
with a dental drill to increase surface area and a customized headplate
was fixed using adhesive (Histoacryl, Braun). A small craniotomy was
made directly above auditory cortex, and dura was removed using fine
forceps. Mice were fixed by clamping the headplate to a customized
clamp stand. A silicon microelectrode (A32, 4#2Tet Neuronexus) was
advanced via micromanipulator (IVM, Scientifica) into auditory cortex
at an angle perpendicular to the cortical surface. An optical fiber, attached to DPSS laser (473 nm, 100 mW; SLOC), was positioned between
the middle two probe shanks "1 mm from the cortical surface. The laser
was controlled via TTL signals generated via digital processor (RZ6,

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

Tucker Davis Technology). A number of laser durations were trialed,

with the intention of disrupting cortical activity for the period of the
precursor (0 400 ms) but not disrupting cortical activity to the later
masker (500 1000 ms). We found that laser duration of 150 ms (from 0
to 150 ms) was sufficient to produce transient suppression (see Fig. 6C).
Data were acquired via Digital Lynx 16SX system (Neuralynx) and
stored on a PC. Recordings were made in primary auditory cortex from a
total of 21 sites at different penetrations, in 6 animals.
Auditory stimulation. Auditory stimuli were generated and calibrated
using MATLAB (The MathWorks) and stored as files to be used when
required. All signal levels were calibrated (5100 kHz flat spectrum $1.5
dB SPL). Stimuli were sinusoid amplitude modulated (SAM) tone maskers presented in the presence of a pure tone signal. Three bandwidth
configurations were used: a NB condition (10 Hz SAM 20 kHz pure tone)
and two broadband conditions (incoherent modulation [IM] and CM).
The broadband conditions consisted of an on-frequency band (10 Hz
SAM 20 kHz pure tone), low off-frequency bands (3 # 0.125 octave
spaced 10 Hz SAM pure tones centered at 12.9 kHz), and high offfrequency bands (3 # 0.125 octave spaced 10 Hz SAM pure tones centered at 30.8 kHz). Off-frequency bands were designed so that all
components fell outside a mouse auditory filter (May et al., 2006). For all
conditions, the phase of the envelope of the on-frequency band remained
identical. In the IM condition, the envelope of the off-frequency bands
was selected at random between 0 and 180; and in the CM condition,
the off-frequency bands had identical envelope phases with the on frequency band. The NB, IM, and (long-) CM conditions were all composed
of a precursor (400 ms) and masker portion (500 ms) with a short gap in
between (100 ms). A short-CM condition was also used; this was identical to the long-CM condition but without the precursor. An interstimulus interval of 2 s was used. The signal was comprised of three 50 ms SAM
tone pips (10 Hz modulator), occurring in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th troughs
of the masker. Eight different signal conditions were used for each masker
condition, a noise alone (i.e., no signal) condition and seven noise ! signal
conditions (%10 to 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio [SNR] in 5 dB steps, where
the masker level was held at 65 dB SPL and the signal level varied).
Frequency response areas (FRAs) were measured using pure tones, at
25 different frequencies (500 ms duration, 757 kHz, with 0.25 octave
spacing), 8 different sound levels (10 80 dB SPL at 10 dB steps), with a
1 s interstimulus interval. Stimuli for both FRA and masking experiments
were presented in blocks, a single repeat of each stimulus combination
was presented in each block (frequency/level or masker signal combination, respectively). The order of the stimuli within a block was randomly
selected. Blocks of masking condition and FRA stimuli were interleaved
such that five blocks of masking condition were followed by one block of
the FRA stimuli. In total, there were 30 repeats of each masker/signal
combination and 6 repeats of each frequency/SPL combination. All stimuli were saved in the above structure into a single file to be used for
neuronal recordings. Sound files were presented using MATLAB to interface with RPvdsEX (Tucker Davis Technology) running on an RZ6
(Tucker Davis Technology) driving a free-field speaker (ES1, Tucker
Davis Technology).
Data analysis. Spikes were extracted from the raw data files using
SpikeDetekt ( and initially
clustered using KlustaKwik. Clusters were manually inspected using
Klusters and reclustered when necessary, clusters that contained &1% of
spikes within a 1 ms interspike interval were rejected (http://neurosuite. Spike time data were extracted and exported to MATLAB for further processing.
Raw FRAs were initially smoothed using a 3 # 3 pyramidal window;
iso-response curves (FRA edges) were then determined by finding a 30%
change from baseline firing rate (Sutter and Schreiner, 1991; Scholes et
al., 2011). Both excitatory (positive criterion) and inhibitory (negative
criterion) curves were defined but processed separately. Each curve circumscribed a defined region. Inspection of the resulting defined regions
revealed that using a single criterion meant that two strong responsive
regions, separated by a weak response in between, could be defined as two
independent regions (because the weak region did not cross criterion).
To prevent this, an additional stage was added where a 15% criterion was
used and regions connected by this lower criterion were grouped into

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

single regions (regions were defined using bwboundaries command in

MATLAB, excitatory regions were only grouped with other excitatory
regions). The largest defined region was always used for further analysis.
Characteristic frequency was taken as the frequency yielding a defined
response at the lowest signal level.
Significant changes in firing rate of two conditions were detected by
pooling the single presentation repeats of those conditions and bootstrapping to produce a distribution of mean firing rate (500 samples,
sample with replacement). This distribution was then used to define
significant increases in firing rate (mean firing rate p & 0.95). To compare responsiveness to the signal and ignore the plethora of responses to
the noise, we calculated the following signal response:

SR ijk "

Sig ijk # N ijk


Where SR is the signal response peristimulus time histogram (PSTH), Sig

the noise and signal PSTH, and N the noise alone PSTH (5 ms bins were
used for all PSTHs) and where i is the cell number, j the background noise
condition index, and k the SNR index. $ was calculated as the SD of all
possible firing rates for that cell (i.e., all bins from all PSTHs for that cell
were included in this measure). The SR PSTH for each condition was
then averaged between 1.175 and 1.275 s (i.e., the period of the first tone
pip). This produced a SR/SNR function for each cell, which was upsampled (linear interpolation) in the SNR dimension and the individual
cell threshold estimated (0.5 SD criterion crossing).
The population signal response was the mean of the individual signal
responses. As before, this was then averaged between 1.175 and 1.275 s to
produce the mean SR/SNR function. To compare signal sensitivity and
tuning properties we grouped cells, based on their characteristic frequency (CF), and data were bootstrapped to allow comparison across
populations (50 selections per subpopulation with replacement, 500 repeats). This gave 500 SR/SNR functions, the mean of which was used to
estimate the SR/SNR function for each subpopulation. An arbitrary criterion of 0.25 SD was selected; this value was intentionally low to allow
subpopulations with only weak responses to be included in this analysis.
To quantify thresholds, firing rates were converted into a neurometric
function for each individual condition, by comparing the mean firing
rate to the noise alone versus each SNR measured. Each cell was given a
vote to respond whether that cell detected a signal. A relative increase
in firing rate (%25%) was equivalent to a yes (and given a value of 1), a
decrease (%25%) was equivalent to a no (a value of 0), and anything
in-between was set to chance (a value of 0.5). The population proportion
correct was the mean value across the population. This neurometric
function (proportion correct vs SNR) was upsampled (linear interpolation) and binomial probability used to estimate threshold (above chance
performance, p ' 0.05 Bonferonni corrected).
To quantify the effect of band-widening on the onset responses, we
calculated across-frequency interaction (AFI; i.e., the change in onset
response between the NB and broadband conditions). Across the population, cortical firing rates were distributed in a log-normal fashion (Buzsaki and Mizuseki, 2014). Thus, to allow comparison of changes in spike
count across our population, we converted spike counts to a linear scale
(exponential function) and then normalized by dividing by the maximum response of a given cell across all of the stimuli presented. Using
these normalized spike counts, AFI was calculated by subtracting the
total spikes, within the onset window (0 75 ms), in response to the NB
stimuli from the response to the broadband stimuli (IM and CM, respectively). Therefore, positive values reflect facilitation in spiking, relative to
the NB condition, and negative values reflect suppression.
All data are presented as mean $ SEM unless otherwise stated.

Signal- and noise-evoked activity in primary auditory
cortical populations
Our first aim was to establish whether neuronal correlates of
across-channel CMR are present in individual neurons of A1
(Linden et al., 2003). Simultaneous extracellular population recordings were made in anesthetized mice (Fig. 1A), and evoked

J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12301

activity was measured during the presentation of a pure tone

signal (train of 20 kHz tone pips) embedded in masking noise at
a variety of SNRs (range: % 10 to 20 dB, 5 dB steps, masker level
fixed at 65 dB SPL). Across the population, evoked responses
were observed to both signal and masker, including a wide variety
of firing profiles to the masking noise alone (Fig. 1BG). Psychoacoustic CMR is characterized by improved signal detectability produced by adding energy to an existing masker (e.g., a NB
noise). It is observed when (1) extra noise energy is added away
from the signal frequency (i.e., increasing the bandwidth); and
(2) the envelope of this noise energy is coherently modulated with
the NB masker. We expected that both conditions should be met
to observe large masking release of signal-evoked neuronal activity. Additional noise energy, in the form of amplitude-modulated
flanking bands of pure tones, was therefore added to the masking stimulus (6 pure tones split into low- and high-frequency
flanking bands; see Materials and Methods). The modulator
phase of flanking noise bands was presented either incoherently
(IM; Fig. 1C), or coherently (CM; Fig. 1D), with respect to the NB
masker (Fig. 1B). Thus, by comparing signal-evoked responses
between three distinct noise conditions (NB, IM, CM; Fig. 1B
G), we measured the influence of across-frequency coherence on
signal detectability in A1.
Most cells demonstrated a simple relationship between spiking and SNR, whereby increased signal levels evoked more action
potentials (Fig. 1BD). The majority of cells only responded to
the first of the three tone pips, although examples were found of
cells responding to the entire train. In individual cortical neurons, we found only small differences in signal-evoked responses
between NB and broadband IM maskers (Fig. 1 B, C, E, F ). Therefore, adding sound energy to a masking noise by itself neither
impaired nor improved the detectability of signals at low SNRs
when this energy was restricted to frequencies away from the
signal. However, coherent modulation of flanking noise bands
produced large enhancements in signal-evoked activity, consistent with psychoacoustic measurements and corresponding to a
true release from masking (Fig. 1 D, G).
Selective enhancement of neuronal sensitivity via CM
To isolate signal-evoked activity, the mean spiking response to a
masked signal was subtracted from the response to the isolated
masker (noise alone; Fig. 2A). Salient features of auditory scenes
are encoded by the concerted activity of neuronal ensembles
(Harris et al., 2011; Bathellier et al., 2012). Signal sensitivity
across A1 was assayed by calculating the population mean signal
response, this included all cells that demonstrated significant signal responses to at least one SNR/noise combination (nall ( 1271;
Fig. 2B). Cortical signal detectability was compared across different masking backgrounds. The minimum sound level at which
signal-evoked responses were observed (i.e., the overall cortical
sensitivity) was similar in NB and IM conditions (Fig. 2B; NB vs
IM), whereas responses in coherently modulated broadband
noise were detected at markedly lower SNRs (Fig. 2B; NB or IM vs
CM). Frequency channels in A1 therefore remain relatively independent of one another during the presentation of coincident,
but incoherently modulated, sounds. Coherent noise modulation is necessary for masking release at the signal frequency, suggesting that interactions across sound frequencies are necessary
to improve cortical sensitivity to signals at low SNRs.
Having established that neuronal correlates of across-channel
CMR are present in A1, we sought to identify whether particular
subsets of neurons are responsible for the overall improvement in
signal representation. Frequency selectivity is a fundamental

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

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Time (s)


modulation (IM)



modulation (CM)

Freq (kHz)

Freq (kHz)

Freq (kHz)


SNR (dB)





Noise alone

Time (s)

Noise alone

Noise alone







Time (s)



Figure 1. Signal-evoked activity in mouse primary auditory cortex in the presence of masking noise. A, Experimental setup.
Recordings were made from primary auditory cortex (A1) using 4 # 2 tetrodes. Extracellularly recorded action potentials (spikes;
bottom left) were sorted to isolate evoked single neuron activity (right). BD, Pure tone signals were presented in three different
noise backgrounds: (B) NB (red), (C) broadband with IM (blue), and (D) broadband with comodulated envelopes (CM, black). BD,
Bottom, Raster plots of evoked spiking activity of a single cell. Each mark indicates a spike (30 consecutive trials for each condition).
Noise was presented alone and in the presence of three tone pips at different SNRs (ordinate). Gray dashed lines indicate noise
onset. Pink backgrounds represent the tone presentation window. EG, PSTHs of the same cell for noise alone (light colored lines)

property of auditory cortical neurons and

is a key parameter in determining individual neuronal sensitivity to tonal signals.
We expected that the most robust signalevoked responses would be from neurons
tuned at or close to the 20 kHz signal frequency. The overall increase in signalevoked responses in comodulated noise
could result from enhanced sensitivity of
this subset of neurons whose selectivity is
centered on the signal frequency. Alternatively, increased sensitivity at the population
level could be a consequence of additional
recruitment of neurons whose receptive
fields are centered away from the signal frequency. When sorted according to CF (each
cells most sensitive frequency between 7
and 56.6 kHz; see Materials and Methods),
cells tuned to the signal frequency demonstrated the highest sensitivity (Fig. 2C) and
the largest masking release in CM versus
IM/NB maskers (Fig. 2D). Thus, increases
in sensitivity to the signal were largely restricted to neurons tuned to frequency
bands adjacent to, and encompassing, the
signal frequency. Large differences in sensitivity were observed between the most and
least sensitive subpopulations in all three
masking conditions (CM: 15.7 dB SNR; NB:
8.28 dB SNR; IM: 6.12 dB SNR). These results demonstrate that improvements in signal detectability at the population level are
accounted for by neurons with receptive
fields centered at, or close to, signal frequency, and that improvements in detectability afforded by CM are restricted to this
same population (i.e., signal-selective
We compared the response functions
of signal-selective neurons (CF ( 1523
kHz, ntuned ( 499) in different masking
environments. As expected, the properties
of the masker had a significant effect on
signal-response functions (Friedman test,
&)22 * ( 172.9, p ' 0.01). Incoherent flanking noise produced relatively small increases in firing rate at low SNRs relative
to the NB condition, although this difference was significant (Fig. 2E; NB vs IM,
Wilcoxon rank sign test, Z ( %5.4, p '
0.01). By contrast, comodulated flanking
noise produced significantly larger changes in firing rate than both NB and IM
conditions (Wilcoxon rank sign test, CM
vs NB and CM vs IM, Z ( 15.4 and 12.5,
and 5 dB SNR (dark colored lines) stimuli for each masking
condition (NB, IM, and CM, respectively). Dashed line indicates
the time period around the signal (top row) and is magnified
(bottom row). Red dashed lines indicate onset of individual
tone pips.

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

Signal response
( STDs)



J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12303










Time (s)

SNR (dB)




Time (s)



.5 .75 .5 .75 .5 .75 .5 .75 .5 .75 .5 .75 .5 .75
Time (s)


0.25 STD crossing

(dB SNR)








Characteristic frequency (kHz)





Threshold (dB SNR)

Signal response
(FR in zscore)



Characteristic frequency (kHz)



SNR (dB)


Signal response

Population signal response



SNR (dB)



Figure 2. Comodulated flanking noise produces large masking release in signal-tuned neurons. A, Signal-evoked response of
individual cell (shown in Fig. 1BG) in NB, IM, and CM backgrounds at 5 dB SNR (left to right). B, Population mean signal response.
The mean signal response for the NB, IM, and CM (left to right) conditions was calculated across all cells demonstrating a significant
signal response (nNB ( 887, nIM ( 842, and nCM ( 797). C, The effect of frequency selectivity on signal sensitivity. Mean signal
response in CM noise for subpopulations grouped by CF (see Materials and Methods). D, Signal sensitivity of CF-defined subpopulations in different masking conditions. The sensitivity of each subpopulation was defined using 0.25 SD change in firing rate as a

respectively, p ' 0.01). In psychophysics,

CMR is a reduction in the perceptual
thresholds of participants. We tested
whether the neuronal limits of signal representation resembled the limits of perception. To this end, a population-based
neurometric function was calculated from
the single-cell data for each condition
(Fig. 2F ) and from this function thresholds were derived. Threshold was defined
as the SNR at which neurometric performance was above chance (binomial
probability; see Materials and Methods).
Incoherent flanking noise was associated
with a small (1.7 dB) but significant reduction in threshold (NB vs IM, 8.1 vs 6.4
dB SNR, 2 independent-sample t test, p '
0.01), whereas CM of flanking noise produced a much larger (6.6 dB) significant
reduction in threshold (NB vs CM, 8.1 vs
1 dB SNR, 2 independent-sample t test,
p ' 0.01). Thus, although adding flanking
noise did produce a significant change in
threshold, this change was relatively small
("4 times smaller), and CM of this noise
is necessary for large reductions in signal
detection threshold within A1.
Across-frequency coherence alters early
noise processing and predicts strong
masking release
Our results reveal that interactions across
sound frequency can alter sensory representations in A1, and that changing the temporal characteristics of the noise alone can
enhance signal-evoked activity. Little is
known about the neuronal mechanisms
that underlie across-channel CMR, but psychophysical models have suggested that ongoing cancellation of the noise at the signal
frequency might be the cause of improvements in detectability (Piechowiak et al.,
2007). Such a process could be implemented by lateral inhibitory mechanisms
upstream of, or within, A1. Under this
scheme, neurons tuned to the signal frequency are predicted to exhibit a relative decrease in ongoing noise-evoked activity for
CM versus NB maskers. We compared ongoing (100 400 ms and 500 1000 ms)
noise-evoked responses in the three background conditions for the signal selective
cells (CF ( 1523 kHz, ntuned ( 499). Surprisingly, increasing bandwidth produced a
criterion. Lines represent linear interpolation of rolling average (3 data points). E, Population (ntuned ( 499) signal response function in NB, IM, and CM backgrounds. F, Population
detection thresholds. Cell responses were converted into a
population neurometric function from thresholds that were
estimated using binomial probability ( p ' 0.05 Bonferonni

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

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Mean normalized firing rate

Ongoing noise response





Time (s)



NB (spikes/s)

NB (spikes/s)



CM (spikes/s)




IM (spikes/s)


IM (spikes/s)




CM (spikes/s)


Figure 3. Broadband noise facilitates ongoing noise-evoked responses. A, Normalized firing rates of cells tuned close to the signal frequency (1523 kHz; ntuned ( 499) for noise-only conditions.
Black represents CM. Blue represents IM. Red represents NB. B, Comparison of individual firing rates (averaged from between 0.1 and 0.4 and 0.6 1 s) for the CM and NB conditions. Red dashed line
indicates when the firing rates are matched. Value in the top left corner ( number of points falling above the line; bottom right ( number of points falling below the line. C, Comparison of individual
firing rates for the IM and NB conditions. D, Comparison of individual firing rates for the IM and CM conditions. Adding spectral energy facilitates ongoing noise responses regardless of temporal
features of the masker.

significant increase in firing rate for both broadband (CM and IM)
conditions relative to the NB condition across this population (Fig.
3; sign test, CM, p '' 0.01, IM, p '' 0.01). Furthermore, in individual neurons, differences between CM and NB noise-evoked responses during the signal window were not correlated with masking
release (Pearsons Product-moment correlation; PPMC, r ( 0.048,
p ( 0.36). This demonstrates that there is no evidence of active
cancellation (or reduction) of neuronal responses to noise at the level
of cortex and the magnitude and relative change of noise-evoked
activity in CM versus NB conditions during the signal window were
not predictive of signal sensitivity. The effect of coherent and incoherent modulation on the ongoing representation of noise responses
was also contrasted (Fig. 3D). There was no significant difference in
spiking responses to the noise between coherent and incoherent
modulation, suggesting that increases in firing rate were spectral and
not related to modulation or across-channel processes (Fig. 3D; sign
test, p ( 0.93).
Psychophysical experiments indicate that properties of the
early portion of the background noise, such as onset synchrony, duration, and spectrotemporal statistics, are critical in
the formation of a large across-channel CMR (McFadden and

Wright, 1990, 1992; Grose and Hall, 1993; Dau et al., 2005;
Grose et al., 2009; Verhey et al., 2012). We therefore looked for
evidence of a role for early noise processing in masking release
at the level of A1. Initially, we compared the relative amplitude
of the early periods (first 100 ms) of broadband (IM and CM)
and NB noise-evoked responses for individual neurons, and
found marked differences in neuronal firing rates between
onset responses for each noise conditions. Evoked responses
to broadband noise were often either suppressed or facilitated
relative to NB noise (Fig. 4A). Differences between CM and
NB noise-evoked responses were quantified with a metric we
termed Across Frequency Interaction (AFI), where positive
values indicated facilitation and negative values indicated suppression in noise-evoked activity to the onset in the broad
relative to narrow-band conditions (Fig. 4 A, B; see Material
and Methods). We investigated the relationship between AFI
and masking release in all cells demonstrating significant responses to the signal (nall ( 1271). The addition of the flanking noise tended to facilitate NB noise onset responses,
demonstrated by slightly positive, yet significant, mean AFI
values (mean CM AFI ( 0.0284, sign test, p '' 0.01, IM AFI (

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

Signal response



FI =






















AFI distribution

AFI vs. Masking release




MR = 4.77 dB









MR = -3.4 dB



MR = -1.07 dB



SNR (dB)

Normalized firing rate





MR = 1.29 dB



Proportion of cells






AFI binned by CF





Across-frequency interaction

Across-frequency Interaction




SNR (dB)

Masking release (dB)

Normalized firing rate


Average change
in FR (z-score)

PSTH at noise onset

Average change
in FR (z-score)

J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12305

Across-frequency interaction

30 40 50
Characteristic frequency (kHz)

Figure 4. Early noise responses are predictive of masking release. A, Noise-evoked responses from two example cells demonstrating different AFIs when comparing between NB and broadband
noise conditions. Red line indicates the response to the NB noise. Blue line indicates the response to broadband IM noise. Black line indicates the response to broadband CM noise. Hatched lines
indicate differences in evoked response between NB and broadband conditions (NB IM and NB CM; blue and black AFI values, respectively; see Materials and Methods). B, Signal response
functions for the same cells in different masker conditions. Mean firing rate changes were used to derive thresholds for each condition (dashed white lines). Differences in thresholds correspond to
masking release (MR) produced by adding broadband comodulated bands, indicated in each panel. C, AFI distribution for all cells in IM (light gray) and CM (dark gray) conditions. CM is associated
with negative AFI values (i.e., reduced evoked activity to noise onset). D, Relationship between AFI and masking release. Individual cells were binned based on their AFI. Negative AFIs values are
associated with increased masking release in broadband maskers. E, Relationship between AFI and frequency tuning. Neurons tuned at or close to signal frequency exhibited negative AFIs in the
presence of broadband CM but not IM noise.

0.1029, sign test, p '' 0.01). However, the type of background

masker had a significant effect on AFI where CM significantly
shifted the distribution of AFI values in the negative direction
(Fig. 4C; K-S test, D ( 0.1599, p '' 0.01). Interestingly, when
we compared AFI values with CMR measurements in individual
neurons (see Materials and Methods), we observed a clear pattern:
cells demonstrating suppressed onset responses to broadband noise
(i.e., negative AFI) demonstrated strong masking release (Fig. 4A,B,
top row). Cells with enhanced broadband onset responses (i.e., positive AFI) showed the opposite behavior (an overall increase in
masking, Fig. 4A,B, bottom row). Plotting AFI and masking release
demonstrated suppression during noise onset was associated with
masking release, AFI varied significantly with masking release for the
CM condition (ANOVA, F(5) ( 3.73, p ( 0.0024) but not for the IM

condition (ANOVA, F(5) ( 2.15, p ( 0.0574). In addition, a significant correlation between AFI and masking release was found in
single units for the CM condition (Fig. 4D; PPMC, r ( %0.12, p ''
0.01) but fell short of significance for the IM condition (PPMC, r (
%0.059, p ( 0.067). Therefore, at least for the CM condition, early
noise responses (quantified here with AFI) were predictive of subsequent masking release. Finally, the relationship between AFI and CF
was investigated. AFI varied significantly with CF for both broadband masking conditions (MANOVA, p '' 0.01). Post hoc tests
revealed both CM (ANOVA, F(23) ( 2.22, p ( 0.0008) and IM
(ANOVA, F(23) ( 4.18, p '' 0.01) varied significantly with CF. For
the CM background, the AFI was lowest close to the signal frequency
("20 kHz), where it became negative (i.e., suppressive). Comparison of noise onset firing rates in the NB and CM condition con-

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

12306 J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311


Signal response
( STDs)





Time (s)



Time (s)

1.0 0.5

Time (s)


SNR (dB)








Threshold (dB SNR)







Signal response

Population signal response

SNR (dB)

Priming significantly enhances CMR in auditory cortex

Across-channel CMR is affected by the temporal history of the
masker (McFadden and Wright, 1992; Grose and Hall, 1993;
Dau et al., 2005; Grose et al., 2005b, 2009; Verhey et al., 2012).
Increasing the preceding duration of comodulated noise enhances signal detection (McFadden and Wright, 1990, 1992;
Hatch et al., 1995); and when comodulated noise preceding
and following the signal segment is replaced with random
noise, the CMR effect is cancelled (Grose et al., 2005b, 2009).
Furthermore, onset asynchrony of noise across frequency prohibits CMR (McFadden and Wright, 1992; Grose and Hall,
1993; Verhey et al., 2012). Together, these findings demonstrate the importance of the history of a noise masker and
imply that the detectability of quiet signals is greatest when the
auditory system has been primed or adapted to these features
of the noise. The prevalence of such higher-order influences
on across-channel CMR suggests an important role for higher-order processing, such as may occur in auditory cortex.
Having observed a close relationship between early processing of masking sounds and across-channel CMR, we
sought to functionally test the importance of the initial noiseprocessing period on signal detection in A1. We hypothesized
that exposure to the early noise portion (between 0 and 400
ms) primes the auditory system to the spectrotemporal statistics of the masker to facilitate masking release. We therefore
measured the impact of prolonged exposure to the spectrotemporal statistics of the masker (i.e., priming) on the magnitude of across-channel CMR. We examined this by removing
the early portion of the noise and measuring the effect on
signal detectability in tuned cells sensitive to CM (ntuned-CM (
358). Priming had a large impact on signal sensitivity, demonstrated by large decreases in the population signal when
changing from a long to a short-CM masker (Fig. 5 A, B). This
equated to a significant decrease in the signal response function (Fig. 5C; Friedman test, & )22 * ( 68.15, p '' 0.01), and
decrease in masking release. The neurometric threshold decreased significantly by 5.6 dB (Fig. 5D; from %0.2 dB SNR to
5.3 dB SNR, 2 independent-sample t test, p '' 0.01), demonstrating that preceding exposure to comodulated noise
enhances subsequent across-channel masking release. Priming is therefore necessary to induce large across-channel CMR
in A1.
At what stage of the ascending auditory system does priming to spectrotemporal statistics occur? This process could
occur exclusively via subcortical mechanisms in which case
the improvements in signal detectability will be passively inherited in the inputs to A1. Alternatively, A1 could itself play a
role in priming to ongoing noise to enhance signal detection
(e.g., via local circuit mechanisms and/or feedback to subcortical stations). We therefore set out to assess whether cortex
plays a direct role in the formulation of large across-channel
CMR. To do this, we applied a paradigm to transiently and
specifically disrupt neuronal activity in A1 during early sound processing. PV ! interneurons were selectively trans-

Signal response
(FR in zscore)

firmed that this suppression was significant (sign test, 20 kHz, p (

0.0172 and 21.8 kHz, p '' 0.01). Those cells exhibiting the greatest
masking release (those tuned at, or close to the signal frequency; Fig.
2C) also demonstrated the strongest onset suppression to CM versus
NB noise (Fig. 4E). Altered responses during early sound processing
are therefore a prominent feature of neurons that exhibit strong
masking release, and the across-frequency suppression of noiseevoked onset responses is positively related to CMR.

Figure 5. Priming noise exposure is necessary for large masking release. A, Signal-evoked
responses in short (yellow) and long (black) maskers. B, Population mean signal response for
short- and long-CM-noise conditions (ntuned-CM ( 358). C, Population signal response function.
D, Population detection thresholds. Cell responses were converted into a population neurometric function from the thresholds estimated using binomial probability ( p ' 0.05 Bonferonni

fected with ChR2 using viral injections of the FLEXed ChR2

construct into auditory cortex of PV-Cre mice (Fig. 6A; see
Materials and Methods). Blue light stimulation (150 ms, 473
nm, 5 mW) of cortical tissue caused transient activation of
PV ! cells, which in turn produced strong inhibition of cortical pyramidal cells (Fig. 6 B, C). This protocol allowed fast,
temporally precise inactivation and recovery of auditory cortical processing. To confirm the fidelity of this approach, we
first probed the effect of transiently inactivating cortex before
the presentation of signals embedded in short duration maskers. When no early noise portion was present (short), we
found that signal-evoked responses were unchanged following
cortical disruption (Fig. 6C), with population signal responses
demonstrating no effect of the laser manipulation (Fig. 6C,D).
Overall, no significant difference was found between the mean
change response functions, demonstrating that optogenetic
perturbation had no effect on the signal response function
(Friedman test, & )22 * ( 3.73, p & 0.05). By contrast, laserdriven cortical inactivation during presentation of the early
portion of the noise produced a visible reduction in signal
evoked spiking responses in single cells (Fig. 7A). In addition,
relatively large reductions in the population signal response

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection


PV-Cre mouse






PV+ cells


PV- cells

Population signal response


SNR (dB)







Time (s)



Normalised FR




A1 inactivation

Time (s)


Signal response
(FR in zscore)

Normalised FR


Signal response

J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12307

A1 inactivation



SNR (dB)


Figure 6. Preceding cortical inactivation does not influence subsequent signal-evoked responses. A, Top, AAV-EF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP was injected into A1 of Pvalb-IRES-Cre mice.
Bottom, Specific infection of PV ! cells was confirmed via coexpression (merged image, right) of ChR2 (green, left) and PV % antibody (red, middle). B, Optogenetic inactivation of auditory cortex
before presentation of noise and signal. Schematic showing approach to functionally measure the role of cortical early sound processing via transient selective inactivation of A1. Activation of
ChR2-expressing PV ! interneurons (teal circles) was used to inhibit ongoing cortical activity. C, Brief (150 ms) laser stimulation of A1 induced strong activation of PV ! cells (left) and inhibition of
PV % cells (right). The fidelity of the approach was confirmed by comparing population PSTH responses with noise presentation in the presence (red) or absence (yellow) of preceding laser
stimulation. While cortical activity was strongly modulated during laser stimulation, subsequent auditory-evoked responses were unchanged in both PV ! and PV % cells. D, Signal-evoked
responses from PV % cells were tested using brief CM noise maskers in the absence (control, yellow) and presence (A1 inactivation, red) of preceding laser stimulation. E, Laser stimulation did not
influence the population signal response (ntuned-CM ( 358). F, Population signal response function under the two conditions. No significant differences were observed.

were observed along with a reduction in sensitivity (Fig.

7 B, C). This equated to a significant reduction in the signal
response function (Friedman test, & )22 * ( 6.65, p ' 0.01). Laser
stimulation during the presentation of the early sound portion
also resulted in a large significant change in threshold, increasing thresholds by 5.4 dB (from 0.2 to 5.6 dB SNR; Fig. 7D).
This increase in threshold was small but comparable in scale to
the increases observed in short-CM maskers (Fig. 5). Selective
optogenetic inactivation during preceding noise presentation
caused a significant reduction in subsequent signal-evoked

responses, demonstrating that auditory cortical processing is

critical for large across-channel CMR in these neurons.

How the brain detects and segregates stimuli is an important
question for understanding sensory perception. Here we have
identified a neuronal correlate of across-channel CMR, an auditory phenomenon that improves signal detection, in A1 of the
mouse. CM increases signal detectability in cortical neurons and
also alters initial noise-evoked responses in a manner predictive

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

12308 J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311



(A1 inactive)






Time (s)

Time (s)



long (A1 inactive)


Time (s)

1.0 0.5

Time (s)



SNR (dB)







in n g

long (A1 inactive)


Threshold (dB SNR)

SNR (dB)



Signal response (FR in zscore)


Signal response

Population signal response


Signal response
( STDs)

Figure 7. Processing of the early noise is required for large masking release in auditory cortex. A, The role of A1 in across-channel CMR was tested by inactivating A1 during the early noise period
(left, long; A1 inactive). Blue bar represents laser on. Middle, Single-cell example PSTHs for the normal (top, long, black line) and silenced (bottom, long; A1 inactive, teal) conditions. Right, Signal
response for during long-CM masker, with (teal) and without (black) preceding A1 inactivation. B, Population mean signal response for long, and long-A1 inactive conditions (ntuned-CM ( 358).
C, Population signal response function. D, Population detection thresholds. Cell responses were converted into a population neurometric function from the thresholds estimated using binomial
probability ( p ' 0.05 Bonferonni corrected). Cortical inactivation during early presentation of the noise reduced improvements in signal detection thresholds.

of later masking release. Intriguingly, masking release is impaired

by selective inactivation of A1 during early noise processing, suggesting that cortical processing is involved in the production of
large across-channel CMR effects.
Neuronal and behavioral correlates of across-channel CMR
in animals
CMR has been demonstrated psychophysically in birds (Klump
and Langemann, 1995; Langemann and Klump, 2001) and mam-

mals (Kittel et al., 2000; Branstetter and Finneran, 2008; Klink et

al., 2010; Trickey et al., 2010). Strong evidence for across-channel
CMR has been found in the Starling (Langemann and Klump,
2001), but not in mouse (Klink et al., 2010). Klink et al. (2010) did
observe that detection thresholds were lower in across-channel
comodulated backgrounds, but these differences did not reach
significance, in contrast to the relatively large neuronal CMR
observed here. Differences in stimulus design may underlie this
disparity: in the current study, we used maskers comprised of

Sollini and Chadderton Comodulation Enhances Signal Detection

several (6) flanking noise bands (as opposed to 1) incorporating

sinusoidal amplitude modulation (as opposed to low-pass noise).
Such manipulations substantially increase the magnitude of
CMR in humans (Buus, 1985; Hall et al., 1990; Buus et al., 1996;
Verhey et al., 2003, ), suggesting, together with our neurophysiological data, that these acoustic features may be necessary to
induce strong across-channel CMR in the mouse.
Our results provide evidence that across-channel processing
contributes to forebrain correlates of CMR (Nelken et al., 1999;
Las et al., 2005). However, as our recordings were performed
under fentanyl-based anesthesia, it is not possible to know the
extent to which our measurements represent perceptual and neuronal thresholds in behaving animals. The presence of a robust
neuronal correlate of CMR under anesthesia does suggest that
integration of temporal cues across frequency is a fundamental
property of the ascending auditory pathway. However, top-down
influences, such as general arousal (McGinley et al., 2015) and
task-specific attention (Fritz et al., 2003), may modulate and further enhance signal detection in behaving animals.
Modeling across-channel CMR
The most successful model of psychophysical across-channel
CMR has been the equalization cancellation model (Buus, 1985;
Piechowiak et al., 2007). This model uses ongoing temporal
structure from one channel to cancel noise in the signal channel.
In this scheme, cancellation of noise-evoked responses is predicted when comparing NB versus CM broadband conditions.
We find evidence of on-frequency noise suppression in the
presence of flanking noise (NB to IM) and CM (IM to CM; Fig.
4E). However, our data demonstrate inconsistencies with the EC
model. First, flanking noise should suppress ongoing responses
to noise. Contrary to this, we found significant facilitation in
ongoing responses to CM (and IM) maskers (Fig. 3), whereas
suppression was only observed immediately following noise onset. Second, optogenetic manipulation disrupted A1 only during
the early presentation period but preserved ongoing noise representation at the time of signal presentation. Ongoing cancellation
processes as described in current EC models do not rely on stimulus history (with the exception of peripheral adaptation, which
should be relatively unaffected by cortical disruption). Hence,
suppressing cortical activity during the precursor should not affect ongoing cancellation. Ongoing cancellation has been previously observed in A1 (Fishman et al., 2012); however, we have
used 10 Hz sinusoidal modulators (i.e., effectively 50 ms interstimulus intervals), which may induce stronger forward suppression (Wehr and Zador, 2005; Sadagopan and Wang, 2010) than
stimuli with longer intervals. Our results indicate that active cancellation via ongoing lateral inhibition may be primarily a subcortical phenomenon (e.g., via wideband inhibition in cochlear
nucleus) (Pressnitzer et al., 2001; Neuert et al., 2004; Ernst and
Verhey, 2006). We also note that perceptual masking release can
also occur in the absence of masking components at the signal
frequency (Grzeschik et al., 2015), indicating that cancellation at
signal frequency may not be the only way in which off-frequency
cues contribute to CMR.
Mechanisms underlying CMR in the brain
What processes underlie CMR in the brain? Studies in guinea pig
cochlear nucleus and avian forebrain found that CM noise produces increased signal-evoked spiking activity (Pressnitzer et al.,
2001; Hofer and Klump, 2003). In cat inferior colliculus, medial
geniculate body, and A1, CM noise evokes decreases in noiseevoked activity at low SNRs, followed by, at much higher SNRs,

J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311 12309

increases in signal-evoked spiking (Nelken et al., 1999; Las et al.,

2005). Our results concur with the former scheme, as CM overwhelmingly produced increases in signal-evoked spiking (although examples of decreases were observed). Previous studies
also reported that most cortical cells demonstrate locking of spiking activity to the envelope of the noise (Nelken et al., 1999),
which we have not observed. An explanation for this disparity is
the spectral composition of the maskers used: Nelken et al. (1999)
added spectral energy both within- and across-channel (whereas
we added across-channel). Noise energy close to CF may result in
enhanced noise locking. We suggest that within-channel CM
noise produces more on-frequency locking than across-channel
cues. If true, this could explain differences in the size of withinand across-channel CMR. Within-channel configurations produce behavioral CMR several times larger than across-channel
CMR (Carlyon et al., 1989; Bacon et al., 1997; Verhey et al., 2003).
Likewise, Nelken et al. (1999) observed locking suppression (decreased noise representation) at very low SNRs. With acrosschannel maskers, as used here, the probability of noise locking is
reduced, which in turn reduces the opportunity for locking suppression. In a few cells demonstrating locking and responsive to
the addition of a signal, we found examples of cells demonstrating locking suppression followed by increasing spiking to the
signal, consistent with previous observations (Las et al., 2005). As
locking suppression thresholds appear to be lower than signal
thresholds, this would present a critical difference in the way in
which the addition of a signal influences within- and acrosschannel configurations. Locking suppression may be more readily available in a within-channel configuration and hence lead to,
on average, lower thresholds. In across-channel configurations,
locking suppression would be available in fewer cells and lead to
higher thresholds.
Consistent with psychophysical CMR, we observed that priming exposure to the masker improves signal representation in
single A1 neurons. However, the mechanism(s) that underlie this
effect remain unclear. In addition to producing strong masking
release, CM maskers evoke weaker onset responses relative to NB
and IM maskers. Cortical activity during the onset/early portion
of the noise may be causally involved in the formation of CMR
because transient and selective A1 inactivation strongly reduces
masking release. However, the full expression of across channel
CMR is not immediate (i.e., it takes time to build up). This latter
observation suggests that slow adaptation to temporal coherence
across-frequency is necessary to implement this form of CMR.
The nature of such adaptation is not known but could include
cortical synaptic depression (Carandini et al., 2002; Chung et al.,
2002; Freeman et al., 2002), forward suppression (Wehr and Zador, 2005; Alves-Pinto et al., 2010; Scholes et al., 2011), and/or
modulation at subcortical processing stations via cortical feedback (Bajo et al., 2007; Malmierca and Ryugo, 2011).
Encoding of objects in the ascending auditory system
Overall we demonstrate that prior exposure to comodulated
noise enhances signal detection. The auditory system is expert in
quickly familiarizing itself with complex spectrotemporal patterns to allow discrimination/detection of changes (Elhilali and
Shamma, 2008; McDermott and Simoncelli, 2011; Shamma et al.,
2011; Krishnan et al., 2014; Andreou et al., 2015). A1 can quickly
and specifically adapt to stereotyped spectrotemporal patterns
while remaining nonadapted to similar, but nonstereotyped, patterns (Malone et al., 2015). This property may endow sensitivity
to deviations in predictable sounds (Yaron et al., 2012; Kozlov
and Gentner, 2014). Prior exposure of A1 to the spectrotemporal

12310 J. Neurosci., December 7, 2016 36(49):12299 12311

pattern of the masker is necessary for large across-channel CMR,

supporting the idea that A1 might play a causal role more generally in the encoding of higher-order spectrotemporal features.
Neuronal encoding of sound becomes increasingly nonlinear
throughout the ascending auditory system to the cortex, and
evoked activity becomes more feature-selective. Abstraction processes may facilitate the extraction of features used to form auditory objects (Bizley and Cohen, 2013); and although these
processes do not stop in A1 (Romanski et al., 2005; Sugihara et al.,
2006; Teki et al., 2012), they are reasonably well developed at this
stage (Bizley and Cohen, 2013; Mizrahi et al., 2014). Psychophysical studies of across-channel CMR demonstrate the dependence
of this phenomenon upon features of object formation (McFadden and Wright, 1992; Grose and Hall, 1993; Dau et al., 2005,
2009; Verhey et al., 2012), and therefore suggest formation at
higher centers of the ascending auditory system. Our results support this notion as specifically silencing auditory cortex during
the presentation of crucial grouping cues (synchronous onset and
early coherent modulation) has a large effect on the magnitude of
across-channel CMR. This suggests that the formation of these
cues could be occurring at the level of A1 or, cortical feedback
during early stimulus exposure can facilitate this processing at
subcortical locations.
Although our results support a role for auditory cortex, they
also indicate that A1 is not solely responsible for the improvements in detectability afforded by across-channel CMR. This is
implied by the observation that there is still a residual unmasking
observed in our A1 inactivation condition (Figs. 5D, 7D). Pressnitzer et al. (2001) found cells in the cochlear nucleus demonstrating a correlate of across-channel CMR. This suggests that,
like other abstract auditory features, cues associated with acrosschannel CMR are likely to be encoded along the ascending auditory system axis, but that cortical circuits may play a prominent
role in their processing.


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