3&4 Syallabus Sit
3&4 Syallabus Sit
3&4 Syallabus Sit
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
L-Lecture T-Tutorials P- Practical CIE-Continuous Internal Evaluation.
B.E (Mechanical Engineering) IV Semester
Sl. Sub. Title Teaching Teaching Examination Credits
No. Code Dept. hours/Week
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Total 22 4 6 450 450 900 26
L-Lecture, T-Tutorials, P- Practical, CIE-Continuous Internal Evaluation
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Apply basic mathematical operations on complex numbers in
Cartesian and polar forms. Determine
continuity/differentiability/analyticity of a function and find the
derivative of a function. Identify the transformation (L3,L1)
2. Evaluate a contour integral using Cauchy’s integral formula.
Compute singularities and also the residues (L3).
3. Formulate and solve partial differential equations. Use of
separation of variable method to solve wave, heat and Laplace
4. Represent a periodic function as a Fourier series. Determine the
Fourier transform of a given function(L3).
5. Compute extreme values of a variational problems like geodesics,
least time and shortest path(L3).
Text Book:
1. B.S.Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 43rd edition,
Khanna Publications, 2015.
Reference Books:
Contact Hours/ Week : 3 Credits : 3.0
Total Lecture Hours : 42 CIE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 3ME01 SEE Marks : 50
Mechanical Behavior Materials: Stress- strain diagrams to show
ductile and brittle behavior of materials, linear and non-linear elastic
behavior, Mechanical properties in plastic range, yield strength, offset
yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, toughness. Plastic
deformation of single crystal by slip, dislocation and twinning,
deformation of polycrystalline metals.
08 Hrs.
Fracture: Types of fracture, Griffith theory of Brittle fracture,
Theoretical Cohesive strength. Creep: Phenomenon with examples,
three stages of creep, creep properties, Creep test, stress relaxation.
Fatigue: Types of fatigue loading with example, Mechanism of fatigue,
fatigue properties, fatigue testing and SN diagram.
08 Hrs.
Solidification: Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and
Heterogeneous Nucleation, crystal growth. Cast metal structures.
Phase diagram: Solid solutions, Hume Rothary rules, substitution,
and interstitial solid solutions, Gibbs phase rule, construction of
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, SIT, Tumakuru 6
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Contact Hours/ Week : 3+1 (L+T)
Total Lecture Hours : 42 Credits : 3.5
Total Tutorial Hours : 14 CIE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 3ME02 SEE Marks : 50
• To understand the layout of linkages in the assembly of a
• To study the principles involved in assessing the displacement,
velocity and acceleration at any point in a link of a mechanism.
• To analyse the motion resulting from a specified set of linkages
in a mechanism.
Definitions: Link or element, pairing of elements with degrees of
freedom, Grubler’s criterion (without derivation), Kinematic chain,
Mechanism, Mobility of Mechanism, Inversion, Machine. Kinematic
chain with Four bar chain; Single slider crank chain & Double slider
crank chain and their inversions.
i) Quick return motion mechanisms - Whitworth mechanism and
Crank & slotted lever Mechanism
ii) Straight line motion mechanisms -Peaucellier’s mechanism
iii) Intermittent Motion mechanisms–Geneva mechanism and Ratchet
& Pawl mechanism.
10 Hrs.
Unit -II
Velocity and Acceleration Analysis of Mechanisms (Graphical
Velocity and acceleration analysis of Four Bar mechanism and Slider
crank mechanism by vector polygons, Relative velocity and
acceleration of particles in a common link, relative velocity and
accelerations of coincident Particles on separate links, Coriolis
component of acceleration.
12 Hrs.
Kinematics synthesis of Planar Mechanisms:
Introduction, Movabilty or Mobility or Number Synthesis. Dimensional
Synthesis. Graphical methods-Pole, Relative Pole. Design of
Mechanism by relative pole method-Four bar Mechanism, slider-
Crank mechanism. Errors in Kinematics synthesis of Mechanisms.
Analytical Method-function Generation, Chebyshev,s spacing for
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, SIT, Tumakuru 8
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Six questions will be set, Ist question will be of objective nature and
should be compulsorily answered by the student. In the remaining
five questions(Questions must be set from each Units) students must
answer any four full questions.
Contact Hours/ Week : 4 (L)+1(T) Credits : 4.5
Total Lecture Hours : 56 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 14
Sub. Code : 3ME03 SEE Marks : 50
Fundamental Concepts & Definitions
Thermodynamics; definition and scope. Microscopic and Macroscopic
approaches. Engineering Thermodynamics Definition, some practical
applications of engineering thermodynamics. System and Control
Volume . Characteristics of system boundary and control surface,
examples. Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive
and extensive properties. Thermodynamic state, state point, state
diagram, path and process, quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic
processes; Thermodynamic equilibrium; definition, mechanical
equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium, chemical
equilibrium- Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts,
scales, measurement. International fixed points.
9 Hrs.
Work & Heat
Mechanics, definition of work and its limitations. Thermodynamic
definition of work; examples, sign convention. Displacement work,
expressions for displacement work in various processes through p-v
diagrams. Shaft work; Electrical work. Other types of work. Heat
definition, units and sign convention. Comparison of heat and work,
Numerical examples.
10 Hrs
First Law of Thermodynamics
Joule’s experiments, equivalence of heat and work. Statement of the
First law of thermodynamics, extension of the First law to non -cyclic
processes, energy,Internal energy as a property, , pure substance;
definition of pure substance.Statement of two-property rule, Specific
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
1 Rajput R.K. Thermal Engineering. Lakshmi publications.
2 Nag P.K. Basic & Applied Thermodynamics.
Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. 2002.
1 Radhakrishnan E. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics.
Prentice-hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2 Yunus A. Cenegal and Thermodynamics -An Engineering Approach.
Michael A. Boles Tata McGraw-Hill. 2002
3 Van Wylen and Sonntag Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics,
Wiley, 1986
Six questions will be set, Ist question will be of objective nature and should be
compulsorily answered by the student. In the remaining five questions(Questions
must be set from each Units) students must answer any four full questions.
Contact Hours/ Week : 4+1 (L+T) Credits : 4.5
Total Lecture Hours : 56 CIE Marks : 50
Tutorial Hours : 14 SEE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 3ME04
The objective of the subject ‘Strength of Materials’ is determination of
the stresses, strains and displacements produced by the various types of
loads and also gives a complete picture of the mechanical behavior of the
At the end of this course, the students will be able to
1. Analyze the machine member subjected to stresses, strains and
stability due to tensile and compressive forces, thermal stresses and
volumetric deformation.
2. Stresses in two dimensions, concepts of principal stresses and stress
in thin-walled pressure vessels due to internal pressure.
3. Compute shear force and bending moment diagram, stresses due to
bending in beams and deflection of beams.
4. Evaluate buckling in column due to a variety of loading and support
conditions and shafts
Classroom lectures are supplemented with some physical
demonstrations and also includes some practical problems where the
students can link between theory and application of the subject can
be made.
Simple stress and strain: Introduction, stress, strain, mechanical
properties of materials, Linear elasticity, Hooke’s Law and Poisson’s ratio,
Stress-Strain relation, behavior in Tension for ductile and brittle
material. Extension /Shortening of a bar, bars with cross sections
varying in steps, bars with continuously varying cross sections (circular
and rectangular), Elongation due to self weight, Principle of super
position, Statically Indeterminate members.
Stress in composite section: Volumetric strain, expression for
volumetric strain, elastic constants, simple shear stress, shear strain,
temperature stresses (including compound bars).
14 Hrs.
Compound stresses: Introduction, plane stress, stresses on inclined
sections, principal stresses and maximum shear stresses, Mohr’s circle
for plane stress.
Thick and thin cylinders: Stresses in thin cylinders, changes in
dimensions of cylinder (diameter, length and volume), Thick cylinders
subjected to internal and external pressures (Lame’s equation),
(compound cylinders not included). 13 Hrs.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams
Introduction, Types of beams, loads and reactions, shear forces and
bending moments, rate of loading, sign conventions, relationship between
shear force and bending moments, shear force and bending moment
diagrams for different beams subjected to concentrated loads, uniform
distributed load (UDL) and couple for different types of beams.
14 Hrs.
Bending and shear stresses in beams: Introduction, theory of simple
bending, assumptions in simple bending, relationship between bending
stresses and radius of curvature, relationship between bending moment
and radius of curvature, moment carrying capacity of a section, shearing
stresses in beams, shear stress across rectangular, T sections (composite
/ fletched beams not included).
Deflection of beams: Introduction, differential equation for deflection,
equations for deflections, slope and moments, double integration method
for cantilever and simply supported beams for point load, UDL, and
Couple, Macaulay’s method. 14 Hrs.
Torsion of circular shafts and Elastic stability of columns:
Introduction, pure torsion, assumptions, derivation of torsional
equations, polar modulus, torsional rigidity / stiffness of shafts, power
transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts. Introduction to columns,
Euler’s theory for axially loaded elastic long columns, derivation of
Euler’s load for both ends pinned or hinged, end conditions for other
cases, effective length, limitations of Euler’s theory, Rankine’s formula.
13 Hrs.
1 S Ramamrutham Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Company (p) Ltd-New Delhi, 2003.
1 Ferdinand Beer & Mechanics of materials- S.I. Units. Tata
Russell Johnston MaGrawHill. 2003.
2 Nash W.A. Strength of Materials. Ed 4. Schaum’s Outline
Series. 2007.
3 Egor P. Popov Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Second
Edition, Pearson Education
4 S. S. Rattan Strength Of Materials, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Education Private Limited, 2011.
Scheme of Examination:
Question paper contains 6 question
Question No. 1 is Compulsory, it has questions of 2 marks each and it
covers full syllabus.
5 questions to be set from 5 Units and students have to answer any 4 full
questions from question from 5 questions i.e., No. 2 to Question No. 6.
Manufacturing Process: Introduction to basic manufacturing,
Classification of manufacturing process, Applications.
Metal Casting: Introduction about metal casting, Steps involved in
making casting, Advantages and limitations, Applications.
Pattern making: Functions of pattern. Classification of pattern,
Different pattern materials, various pattern allowances in design of
pattern, Simple problems in design of pattern using pattern
Moulding sand ingredients: Types of base sand, properties of base
sand, Types of binders and its functions, various types of additives
and its functions.
10 Hrs
Mould making & Core making: Sand moulding procedure, Moulding
Processes- Green, Dry, Loam, Skin dried moulding and CO2 Moulding.
Core- definition and functions
Gating System: Elements of gating system, requirements of gating
system, Factors considered for proper functioning of gating system,
Objectives of gating system and defects due to improper design.
Risering: functions, increasing riser efficiency, riser location.
(Problems on pouring time only)
Defects in casting: Introduction, Types of defects, causes and
8 Hrs
Melting Furnaces: Types of furnaces, constructional features &
working of Cupola, Resistance furnace, Electric arc furnace, Induction
Special casting Processes: Shell moulding, investment casting,
Gravity die casting, Pressure dies casting, Centrifugal casting, Slush
casting, Continuous casting, Injection moulding.
8 Hrs
Welding Processes: Introduction to Joining & Welding Processes,
Weldability, Classification of Welding Processes, Types of joints,
welding positions and techniques, Principle of arc and gas welding,
Resistance welding-Spot welding, projection and seam. Solid state
welding-Friction, Explosive, Forge welding, Thermo chemical
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
welding- thermit welding, Radiant energy welding- EBW and LBW, TIG
welding, MIG welding, advantages and applications.
8 Hrs
Metallurgical effects of welding: Metallurgical effects of welding,
formation of different weld zones, defects in welding and remedies.
Non Destructive testing of casting and welding: Magnetic particle
testing, Eddy current, X-ray Radiography, Ultrasonic and Die
penetrant test
Powder Metallurgy- Basic steps, flow chart, advantages, limitations
and applications.
8 Hrs
1. Foundry Technology, O.P Khanna, Dhanpat rai publications-2003
2. Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding, P N
Rao, 2nd Edition Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publication
1. Manufacturing Technology, Swaroop Kalpak Jain, Steuen R.
Schmid, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Ed.2006.
2. Principles of metal casting, Richard W Heine, Carl R Loper, Philip C
Rosenthal, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publication 2002.
3. Workshop Technology, Vol-1, H.K Hajara Choudhary,12th Edition,
MPP Publisher,2001.
4. Workshop Technology, O.P Khanna, Dhanpat rai publications-2001.
5. Manufacturing Process-1, K Radhakrishna,Sapana.
* 10% of the marks are for annotations and dimensioning.
* No viva voce to be conducted.
* Indicated marks for evaluation.
Course Objectives:
Provides knowledge to serve as a link between Machine design
and Manufacturing, which is an integral part of industry.
To study the conventions (ISO/BIN standards) and rules to be
followed by the engineer for making accurate drawings that are
easily understood or visualized at machine shop level.
To visualize the sectional views of different machine component.
To sketch machine parts, showing the relative positions of
different components and prepare assembly drawings.
Course outcomes:
1. The students will be capable of converting concepts of machine
design into product drawings.
2. The students will be capable of making accurate drawings that
are easily visualized at machine shop level.
3. The students will be capable of making the sectional views of
different machine component to get interior details.
4. The students will be capable of making Assembly Drawings of
different mechanical systems.
Review of graphic interface of the software. Review of basic sketching
commands and navigational commands. Starting a new drawing sheet.
Sheet sizes. Naming a drawing. Drawing Modules, grid and snap.
2 Hrs.
Sectional views (2D only): Conversion of pictorial views into
orthographic projections of simple machine parts with and without
section. (Bureau of Indian Standards conventions are to be followed
for the drawings) Hidden line conventions.
12 Hrs.
(2D only)
Thread forms: Thread terminology, sectional views of threads. ISO
Metric (Internal & External) BSW (Internal & External) square and
ACME. Sellers thread, American Standard thread.
Fasteners: Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer (assembly),
square headed bolt and nut with washer. Studs, lock nuts, taper and
split pin for locking, Parallel key, and taper key, Feather key, Gibhead
key and Woodruff key.
8 Hrs.
1 K.R. Gopala Machine Drawing, Subhas Publication.
Krishna Bangalore.1992
2 N.D. Bhat & Machine Drawing. Charotar Publishing House.
V.M. Panchal ANAND, ISBN : 978-93-85039-23-2
1 VTU A Primer on Computer Aided Machine Drawing.
VTU, Belgaum.
2 JunnarkerN.D. Machine Drawing. Pearson Education. Delhi.2005.
Scheme of Examination:
One question to be set from Part-A, Two questions to be set from Part -
B (Any One question in part –B to be answered) and One from Part-C.
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Part - A
1) Tensile test for mild steel (0.2% Carbon steel) & C.I.
2) Compression test for low & high carbon steel.
3) Torsion test for mild steel.
4) Bending test for rectangular section of wood
Part - B
1) Shear test for low carbon steel.
2) Rockwell hardness test for mild steel , C.I., Tool Steel.
3) Brinell hardness test for mild steel & Aluminium.
4) Izod Impact tests low carbon steel.
5) Charpy Impact tests low carbon steel
6) Preparation of Specimen for Metallographic Examination
i. For Aluminum, Mild Steel and Medium Carbon Steel Metal
ii. Observation of Microstructure for prepared specimen
7) Die penetration test – For Demo
8) Magnetic particle test – For Demo
1 William D. Callister Jr. Materials Science & Engineering.
Ed 5. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2001.
2 Raghavan V. Materials Science and Engineering.
PHI. 2006.
3 VanVlack H. Elements of materials science & Engg.
Addison–Wesley Edition. 1998.
4 Donald R. Askeland The science and Engineering of Materials.
Ed 4. Thomson Asia. Singapore. 2007.
Conduction of Experiment and calculation in the class =20 marks
Laboratory record submission = 20 marks
Viva related experiment = 10 marks
Final Semester Examination:
1. One question from part A for 20 marks.
2. One question from part B for 20 marks.
3. Viva for 10 marks.
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, SIT, Tumakuru 19
Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Apply least square method to fit a curve for the given data and
evaluate the correlation coefficient and regression lines for the
data (L3).
2. Determine the nature of the events and hence calculate the
appropriate probabilities of the events (L3).
3. Classify the random variables to determine the appropriate
probability distributions (L2).
4. Determine the joint probability distribution, its mean, variance and
covariance and calculate the transition matrix and fixed
probability vector for a given Markov chain (L3).
5. Estimate the parameter of a population, important role of normal
distribution as a sampling distribution (L2).
Unit-I : Statistics
Introduction, Definitions, Curve Fitting, equation of Straight line,
parabola and exponential. Correlation and regression, formula for
correlation coefficient, regression lines and angle between the
regression lines. 10 Hours
Unit-II :Probability
Basic terminology, Definition of probability, Probability and set
notations, Addition law of probability, independent events, conditional
probability, multiplication law of probability, Baye’s theorem.
9 Hours
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th edition,
Wiley Publications, 2015.
Sub Code: 4ME06 Credits: 4 IA Marks: 50
Hrs/Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs: 52 Exam Marks: 100
• Make decisions on various parameters to maximize industrial
• Plan and evaluate an alternative approach to the problems.
Introduction:- Definition of OR, The Historical Development, Phases
of OR study, Features and Limitations of OR.
Linear programming- Mathematical formulation, Standard form,
Solution space, Types of Solution-Feasible, Basic, Optimal, Infeasible,
Multiple, Pseudo Optimal, Graphical method,
Simplex method:- Standard Form, Slack and surplus variables,
Artificial variable, Big M-Method(Charnes Penalty Method).
10 Hrs
Duality theory, Dual Simplex method:- Concept of Duality, General
rules For Converting primal to its dual, Duality problems, Advantages
of Duality, Dual Simplex Method, Advantages of Dual Simplex Method.
9 Hrs
Transportation model: Mathematical formulation, Tabular
representation, Initial Basic feasible solution using North-West corner
method, Matrix Minima method and Vogals Approximation
method(VAM), Optimal solution using Modified Distribution
method(MODI), Unbalanced Transportation problems, Degeneracy in
transportation. 10 Hrs
Assignment problem: Mathematical formulation, Solution to
Assignment problems using Hungarian Method, Unbalanced
Assignment problem, The Traveling salesman problem.
Game Theory- Introduction, Pure strategy, Mixed strategy, Optimal
strategy, Payoff Maximin and Minmax principle, Saddle Point, Solution
to (m x n) games, Solution to Two-by-Two(2 x 2 ) games without saddle
point, Arithmetic Method, Dominance Rule, Modified Dominance Rule,
Graphical Method for (2 x n) and (m x2) games.
11 Hrs
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
PERT-CPM Techniques: Network Diagram Representation, Rules for
Drawing Network Diagram, Common Errors in Drawing Network
Diagram, Fulkerson’s i-j Rule. Time estimates and critical path in
Network Analysis, Determination of probability of completion of
project, Total float, Free float, Independent float, Crashing of
Networks, cost slope, Normal time, Crash time, normal cost, crash
cost, Optimum schedule, Minimum Cost schedule.
12 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Taha H A - Operations Research and Introduction, McMillan ISBN-
0-02-408940-5 2001.
2. S D Sharma - Operations Research, Kedarnath Ramnath and
Reference Books :
1. Philips, Ravindran and Soleberg – Principles of Operations
Research- Theory and practice, PHI 2003.
2. Hiller and Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research.
Standards of measurement
Definition and Objectives of metrology, Standards of length -
International prototype meter, standard of temperature, Imperial
standard yard, Wave length standard, subdivision of standards, line
and end standard, comparison, transfer from line standard to end
standard, calibration of end bars, Slip gauges, Wringing phenomena,
Indian Standards (M-87, M-112), Numerical problems on building of
slip gauges.
1 R.K. Jain Engineering Metrology, Khanna
Publishers, 1994
2 Beckwith Marangoni Mechanical Measurements. Pearson
and Lienhard Buck Education Publications, 6th Ed., 2006.
1 I.C.Gupta Engineering Metrology. Dhanpat Rai Publications, Delhi
2 R.K.Jain Mechanical measurements
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
I Mid-Term – Unit – 1
II Mid-Term – Unit - 2
Comp. Mid Sem.- Complete Syllabus
End Semester – Total Six questions, answer five questions, first
question is compulsory, answer any four full questions from question
numbers two to six.
Contact Hours/ Week : 4 + 1 (L+T) Credits : 4.5
Total Lecture + Tut Hours : 56 + 14 (Tut) CIE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 4ME03 SEE Marks : 50
Air Standard cycles
Air standard cycles, Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Stirling cycles, p-v
and T-s diagrams, description, efficiencies and mean effective
pressures. Comparison of Carnot’s Otto, diesel and Dual cycles.
Problems for finding efficiency and mean effective pressures.
I.C. Engines
Atmospheric air and psychorometric properties; Dry bulb temperature,
wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature; partial pressures,
specific and relative humidifies and the relation between the two
Enthalpy and adiabatic saturation temperature. Construction and Use
of psychometric chart. Analysis of various processes; heating, cooling,
dehumidifying and humidifying. Adiabatic mixing of stream of moist
air. Summer and winter air–conditioning Numerical problems
18 Hrs.
1 Rajput R.K. Thermal Engineering. Lakshmi publications.
2 Nag P.K. Basic & Applied Thermodynamics. Tata McGraw
1 Radhakrishnan E. Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics. Prentice-hall of India.
2 Yunus A. Cenegal and Thermodynamics-An Engineering Approach.
Michael A.Boles Tata McGraw Hill. 2002.
Six questions will be set, I question will be of objective nature and
should be compulsorily answered by the student. In the remaining
five questions(Questions must be set from each Units) students must
answer any four full questions.
Contact Hours/ Week : 4 +1 (L+T) Credits : 4.5
Total Lecture Hours : 56 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 14 SEE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 4ME04
Static Force Analysis and Belt drives:
Reaction between members without friction. Analysis of engine mechanism,
four bar mechanism (without friction). Definition, Laws of solid friction, Belt
drives, ratio of belt tensions, centrifugal tension, power transmitted, Effect of
centrifugal tension on power transmitted and V -belt drives, principle of
superposition. 13 Hrs.
Dynamics of Engine Mechanism:
Turning Moment Diagrams of single cylinder and multi cylinder IC engines,
Design of flywheels for IC engines and punching press.
14 Hrs
Balancing of rotating masses: Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of
single rotating mass in same plane and in different planes. Balancing of
several rotating masses in same plane and in different planes.
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Applicable for the academic year 2017-18
1 Shigley J.V. and Theory of Machines & Mechanisms Ed 2. McGraw
Uickers J.J. Hill. 1995.
2 Sadhu Singh. Theory of Machines. Ed2. Pearson Education
(Singapore), Indian Branch. New Delhi. 2006.
Contact Hours/ Week : 3 +1 (L+T) Credits : 3.5
Total Lecture Hours : 42 CIE Marks : 50
Total Tutorial Hours : 14 SEE Marks : 50
Sub. Code : 4ME05
Fluid kinematics- Introduction, types of flow, Continuity equation in three
dimensions(Cartesian co-ordinate system only), Velocity and acceleration.
Stream function and velocity potential function. Simple Problems.
10 hrs
Fluid dynamics-Introduction, Various forces acting on the fluid flow. Eulers
equation of motion along a stream line, Derivation of Bernoulli’s equation
from Euler’s equation. Modification of Bernoulli’s equation, Impulse-
momentum equation, Simple problems.
Flow through pipes-Frictional losses in pipe flow-Darcy equation, Chezy
equation. Reynolds number, its Significance. Dimensional analysis-
Introduction, dimensions of physical quantities, Buckingham’s π-theorem,
dimensionless numbers. Simple problems.
1 Dr. Bansal R.S. Fluid mechanics. Lakshmi publications. 2006.
2 Hegde R.K. Fluid Mechanics. Niranjan murthy. Sapna book
1 Dr.Jagdeeshlal Fluid mechanics and hydraulics. Metropoliton book.
2 Dr Kumar D.S. Fluid mechanics and fluid power engineering. Katson
Question paper contains six questions.Question no.1 consists of short
answer questions of 20 marks (Covering all Units) and is compulsory.
Student have to answer 4 full questions in the remaining 5 questions.
ONE question from Metrology (part -A) : 20 Marks
ONE question from Instrumentation (part -B) : 20 Marks
Viva –Voce : 10 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
SEE Marks : 50
2. Foundry Practice
Use of foundry tools and other equipments
Preparation of moulds (ready to pour) using two boxes
Use of Split pattern, Match plate pattern and Core
3. Smithy models
Preparing one model involving upsetting, drawing and bending
4. Wood Turning – Only for Demonstration
One question is to be set from Part-A : 20 marks
One question is to be set from either Part-B : 20 marks
Viva : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Preamble to the constitution of India, fundamental rights under part III-details of
exercise of rights, Limitations & important cases. Relevance of Directive principles
of state policy under part-IV, Fundamental duties & their significance. 7 Hrs.
Union executive-President, Prime minister, Parliament & the Supreme court of
India.State executive–Governors, Chief Minister, State legislator and High courts.
6 Hrs.
Constitutional provisions for Scheduled castes & tribes, women, Children &
backward classes. Emergency provisions. Electoral process, Amendment procedure,
42nd, 44th, 74th, 76th 86th & 91st constitutional amendments. 7 Hrs.
Scope & aims of Engineering Ethics, responsibility of Engineers, impediments to
responsibility. Honesty, Integrity and Reliability, Risks, Safety & Liability in
Engineering. 6 Hrs.
Scheme of Examination:
Question paper is of objective type. Students have to pass this subject
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