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Module 3 : Cables

Lecture 2 : The General Cable Theorem

In this course you will learn the following

Statement and derivation for the general cable theorem.

3.2 The General Cable Theorem

The general cable theorem helps us determine the shape of a cable supported at two ends when it is acted
upon by vertical forces. It can be stated as: “ At any point on a cable acted upon by vertical loads, the
product of the horizontal component of cable tension and the vertical distance from that point to the cable
chord equals the moment which would occur at that section if the loads carried by the cable were acting on
an simply-supported beam of the same span as that of the cable.”

Figure 3.4 Explanation of the general cable theorem: (a) Cable under vertical loads, and
(b) Simply supported beam with equal span under the same set of loads

To explain, let us consider the cable AB in Figure 3.4a, which is acted upon by the vertical loads , ,
and at known locations. The line AB joining the two supports is known as the chord of the cable and the
horizontal distance between the supports is known as its span . The vertical distance between the chord and
the cable at any cross section is known as the dip . This is vertical distance that is mentioned in the general
cable theorem . The cable in Figure 3.4a has a span L and the dip at a distance x from A is y . The
horizontal reactions at supports A and B have to be equal to satisfy static equilibrium, and let it be H . The
vertical reactions at supports A and B are and , respectively. Figure 3.4b shows a simply-supported
beam AB of same span ( L ) and acted upon by the same set of forces as the cable AB in Figure 3.4a.

For moment equilibrium about support B for the cable:


where, is the summation of moments due to external forces ( , , and ) about point B
. Since the cable is totally flexible against bending, bending moment at any cross-section is zero. By
equating bending moment at a distance x from A to zero, we get:

or, (3.2b)

where, is the summation of moments due to external forces ( , , and to the left of x )

about section x . Substituting from Equations 3.1 and 3.2b:


Now, let us consider the simply-supported beam in Figure 3.4b. From moment equilibrium about support B ,
we get the vertical reaction at support A :


So, the bending moment at a distance x from A is:


which, is same as the right side of Equation 3.3. Therefore:

Moment at x for the simply-supported beam (3.6)

which is the claim as per the general cable theorem .

Note that the horizontal component of the axial force at any section of a cable (under vertical external
forces only) is same as the horizontal reaction ( H ) at the end supports. This can be proved considering the
equilibrium of horizontal forces on any segment of the cable.

We can solve internal forces in a cable using the general cable theorem, and also we can obtain for the
shape of the cable. If the cable length (not the span) is known to us, we can express this length in terms of
the dip y . Using this information along with the general cable theorem we can solve for both the unknowns
H and y . Alternatively, the dip at a certain point, instead of the total length of the cable, may be known to
us. This information, along with the general cable theorem helps us solve for both H and y .

In this course you have learnt the following

Statement and derivation for the general cable theorem.

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