Sarbast Osman Mero Nawroz University

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Importance of Shear Force and bending Moment Diagram

1. We can use a shear force diagram to analyze the beam

2. The shear force diagram indicates the shear force resisted by the beam section
Importance of Analyzing the Shear and
along the length of the beam.

Moment Diagram on Structural Element

3. The bending moment diagram indicates the bending moment resisted by the
beam section along the length of the beam.
4. Shear and bending moment diagrams are analytical tools used in conjunction
with structural analysis to help perform structural design by determining the value
of shear force and bending moment at a given point of an element.
5. Using these diagrams the type and size of a member of a given material can be
easily determined. 
6. Another application of shear and moment diagrams is that the deflection can be
easily determined using either the moment area method or the conjugate beam

Shear force is the force in the beam acting perpendicular to its longitudinal (x) axis. For
design purposes, the beam's ability to resist shear force is more important than its ability
to resist an axial force.

Axial force is the force in the beam acting parallel to the longitudinal axis.

The following is a drawing of a simply-supported beam of length L under a uniform load,


This beam has the following support reactions:

where Rl and Rr are the reactions at the left and right ends of the beam, respectively.
The shear forces at the ends of the beam are equal to the vertical forces of the support
reactions. The shear force F(x) at any other point x on the beam can be found by using
the following equation.

where x is the distance from the left end of the beam.

Shear force diagrams are simply plots of the shear force (on the y-axis) versus the
position of various points along the beam (on the x-axis). Thus, the following is the
generalized shear force diagram for the beam shown above.

The bending moment at any point along the beam is equal to the area under the shear
force diagram up to that point. (Note: For a simply-supported beam, the bending
moment at the ends will always be equal to zero.)

To calculate the bending moment the beam must be broken up into two sections:

one from x = 0 to x = L/2 and
the other from x = L/2 to x = L.

The bending moment M(x) at any point x along the beam can be found by using the
following equations:
Bending moment diagrams are simply plots of the bending moment (on the y-axis)
versus the position of various points along the beam (on the x-axis). Thus, the following
is the generalized bending moment diagram for the beam shown above.
Shear Force
 Shear force is the internal resistance created in beam cross sections, in order to
balance transverse external load acting on beam. Consider following beam, it
does not matter from where you take a section, when you add forces acting on it,
it should be in equilibrium. Shear force is induced exactly for this purpose, to
bring the section to equilibrium in vertical direction. It acts parallel to cross

Fig.4 Shear force is induced in a section to balance the external

 So just by applying force balance in vertical direction on the free body diagram,
we can determine value of shear force at a particular cross section. Usual sign
convention of the shear force is as follows.

Fig.5 Usual sign convention of shear force

 Now we can apply same concept in different cross section and find out how
shear force varies along the length of the beam.
 Bending Moment
 But balance of transverse forces alone does not guarantee equilibrium of a
section. There is another possibility of beam rotation, if moment acting on it is not
balanced. If this is the case a bending moment will be induced in cross section of
beam, to arrest this rotation. It will be induced as normal forces acting on fiber
cross section as shown.

Fig.6 Bending moment is induced in section to balance external

moment, section is zoomed in left figure for better viewing
 Resultant of those forces will be zero, but it will produce a moment, to counter
balance the external moment. So we can calculate moment induced at any cross
section by balancing the external moment acting on the free body diagram.
 Sign convention of bending moment is as follows.

Fig.7 Sign convention of bending moment for simply supported

 This sign convention approach is valid for simply supported beam. For cantilever
case sign convention is exactly opposite to this.
 With these concepts developed, we can easily calculate distribution of shear
force and bending moment along the length of the beam. We will see few
 Example of Cantilever
 Consider this case, a cantilever carrying 3 loads.
 Here we can start analysis from the free end.
Fig.11 SFD and BMD of simply supported beam

Stress-Strain Curve, Steel and Concrete


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