LM Art6

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A. Have you been in SM City Batangas, let us see how you are
familiar about the different establishments found in it. Identify
the incomplete logo of brands, food chain, and establishments
in SM City Batangas.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

B. Within the community choose a logo of one establishments, then

draw it by applying the different art elements and explain why
you choose that establishment.

Logos are among the most common symbols in our visual
environment. We see them on the Web, in billboards, in newspapers,
in magazines, in packaging, etc. They are in clothes, buses,
notebooks, and so on. Many of these logos have become famous.
Well-designed logo makes an impact on our eyes and minds.
On the most basic level, logos are symbols. Each word, font, color,
shape, or image in logos means or represents something. Logos like
symbols, convey a message, information embody ideas about that
which it represents. These logos can be made through the use of
different application that can be found in our personal computers or
eve in our gadgets like smartphone and tablets.

• What are the different art elements can we use in making

• What modern technology can be used in making logo wherein
we can apply the different art elements?

C. Using the different art elements, create a logo for the group and
discuss what their logo symbolizes.
3 2 1
We use all the art
elements in our
We give a clear
explanation about
our logo

We all work
together to create
our work

D. Create a brand logo of a coffee, and describe it.


A. The teacher will have a contest about the name of logo. You
will write it in a strip of cartolina. The group who will finish first
will be declared as winner.

Many drawing and image software programs are available to

create digital logos. Let start to familiarize yourself with them. Practice
makes perfect. Figuring out how to use a software program starts with
an understanding of all the features it contain. After you open your logo
in one, several control panels appear on our deskstop. One of which is
long and narrow.

Watch a video presentation on how to create a logo using software


This toolbox or toolbar is full of features that are helpful to logo

designers. Here are the toolbox.

• Burn tool – This tool darkens an image.

• Crop tool – it changes the size of the image
• Dodge tool – it lightens an image
• Eraser tool – it can erase part of the image in a certain layer
• Hand tool – it moves around an image within an object
• Lasso tool – it can select areas within a layer that cannot
be reached with the Marquee tool

• Marquee tool – this is a group of tools that allows you to
select rectangles, ellipses, circles, squares.
• Move tool – this tool moves around all objects within a
• Paint Bucket tool – this tool makes an area one color
• Pen tool – it makes lines and can be used with shape tools
to create different shapes
• Pencil tool and Brush tool – these tools draw or paint a line
• Sponge tool – it soaks color out of the image
• Type tool – it puts text in a picture
• Zoom tool – Zoom in on part of the picture for closer editing
• Gradient tool - use this to highlight a color and make it fade
from dark to light
• Airbrush tool – use this tool to create a soft spray and
clouding effect
• Blur tool – use this tool to soften sharp edges
• Measure tool - use this tool like a ruler
• Rubber stamp tool – use this to replicate the same pattern
or image

B. Grouping Activity
Group 1 – Arrange Me
The teacher will give jumbled letters to form icon/tool.
1. R A B T L O O
2. P O C R O O L T

5. O S S A L O L O T
Group 2 – Guess Me
The teacher will give definition of icon/tool.
1. This tool darkens an image.
2. It lightens an image.
3. It soaks color out of the image.
4. This is a group of tools that allows you to select rectangles,
ellipses, circles, squares.
5. It can draw or paint a line.
Group 3 – Draw Me
Draw your group logo and tell something about it.

C. Using software application, create/draw your group logo

design and tell something about it.
5 Can create group logo design clearly and explain fully
3 Can create group logo design clearly
1 Cannot finish the group logo design

D. Assignment
Create your own logo using Inkscape application.

First Quarter-Week 3

A. Guessing game
Group the class into four. Give them cutout of papers to form
different logos that they usually see. Then, the pupils will identify the
type of logo that they formed. The fastest group who will form and
identify it will be the winner.

The following are toolbox or toolbar that are helpful to logo


a. Burn tool – This tool darkens an image. To use this tool, just
drag it over the image.

b. Crop tool – This tool changes the size of the image. To use,
select the area you want to crop and then press enter.

c. Eraser tool – This can erase part of the image in a certain layer.
To erase everything in a certain area, flatten the image or go through
every layer to delete the part.

d. Type tool – It puts text in a picture. Click on the picture with the
Type tool and select a box the size of the area you want to add.

e. Pencil tool and Brush tool – These tools draw or paint a line.
Change the colour of the paint brush by clicking on the colour

B. Presentation

Present a video presentation on how to utilize art skills in using

technologies (hardware and software) in creating a logo.

Set the equipment and tools in art skills using new technologies
like hardware and software. Setting your own artwork from paper to
computer is known as digitally formatting your art. To bring the
artwork from paper to computer you need basic pieces of hardware
like computer, scanner, digital tablet and stylus.
a. Computer- Obviously, you need a computer and operating
system to run on to create a digital painting. It is important that your
computer is powerful enough to run software programs. Having as
much Random Access Memory (RAM) as you can is a feature to
consider in successful digital painting. The more stored application
programs and operating system your computer has, the faster it can
process things- like computer command as example.

b. Scanner- it is absolutely essential to digital painting. Without
one, you cannot digitize your artwork. It is also useful for scanning
-like real canvas and water color paper- to make texture supports
(paper/canvas, etc.) or patterns which you can apply as backgrounds
for paintings.

c. Digital Tablet and stylus -a real-world brush changes the

way it deposits paint when its shape changes. Push down on a brush
tip and spread out the bristles. Make the stroke larger and the shape

changes. Tilt brush and again the shape changes, depositing paint in
a different way. These features can now be done with varying
degrees of success using a pen stylus (pen tool) to make marks and
digital tablet to communicate directions to the computer.

Of course, what use is computer software in making painting

today? Drawing your image is the first step; scanning it into computer
is the second. Step three is using a computer program to transform
your work by cropping, editing, enhancing, lightening, darkening,
shading, adding color, layering, styling, or just about any other editing
graphic you can think of.
Many kinds of computer software are available to get started with
digital painting. It is recommended that you use Gimp, Photo Editor,
Open Source, (free wares) for Tablet PC and Paint (Windows) for
Laptop/ Desktop PC. Together, these programs have a wide array of
tools and options that you can manipulative to turn your work into
digitalized masterpiece.
What software tools are used in digital painting? What is a brush
Like traditional painting, digital painting primarily makes use a lot
of colors. Your software has several tools that provide all the colors
you will need and make coloring in your painting easy.

The following are primary coloring tools. It is also recommended
that you begin with the Brush tool, because after you start coloring your
painting, this is the tool you will probably use the most.
• The Brush Tool- This tool applies color to your work,
similar to the way a traditional paintbrush would apply on a
canvass or paper. The edges of the lines created when
using the brush tend to be slightly softer than that of the
other tools, mimicking a real brush.

• What pieces of hardware will you need to bring the artwork

from paper to computer?
• What is the first step in making painting using computer
• What computer software is available to get started with
digital painting?
• If you are ask to make a digital painting, can you do it by
• How can you utilize art skills using new technologies?

C. Art Activities
1. Say: If you were a cartoonist/lay-out artist, what application would
you like to do? Create your own logo using software in a computer like
paint or adobe photo shop.

2. Application
Using software application of a brush tool the pupils will try to
practice using brushes to increase your skills. Figure out how the
brushes you have selected can imitate the behavior of any traditional
materials. Find out how they can introduce you to the effects that can
be achieved with various brushes as well.
(See Learner’s Materials)
a. You will choose your digital brush with the brush selector in
the upper left corner of your computer program’s workspace. Choose
your brush and dark gray colour.

b. Next, move your pen in different ways to create marks, such

as straight, diagonal, light to dark, thick to thin, wide or broad lines, etc.
c. Then make various strokes by changing your grip. Make marks
with pen. Make marks with the pen held upright or tilted at different
angles like drawing with the side of a piece of chalk. The way the brush

is held and directed determines the kind of mark /s you will produce in
digital painting.
d. Make your brush pressed down lightly or heavily. Make them
in dabbing, circular, or repeating motions as well. Dragging any-brush
quickly makes the brushstrokes wider. Discover how else you can
achieve other kinds of effects with your brushes.

C. Assessment
Using the different software applications, create a
logo for the group and discuss what your logo symbolizes.
3 2 1
We use techniques
in software
applications in our
We give a clear
explanation about
our logo
We all work
together to create
our logo

Personal logos/ Class logos as personal images are
used to brand possessions, achieved or even one’s identity.
Through logos, simple but strong declarations such as
“This I own that,” “I made this” seemed to be an ancient
practice. For centuries, potted inscribing their personal signs
on jars, vases, and figurines they created. Egyptians and
Chinese craftsmen, were recorded to have stamped initials,
carved, or seared into their works, properties, or belongings.
In time, the logo had emerged as a symbol of an
individual’s qualifications to perform a certain skill. The
doctor’s sign, a caduceus, assured patients that they were
being attended to buy a real medical specialist. The compass
and angle, on the other hand, symbolized the stone mason’s
art and craft – a profession that built the cathedrals,
aqueducts, and palaces of the period.
• What is personal logo?
• Where do personal logos/ class logos used?
• What is the importance of logo in today’s world?
• If logo was not introduced to human, what do you think
will be the effect of it?
• How can you show your personal character when you
create your own logo?

A. Art Activity
If you will become a businessman, what logo would you
like to have? The following are the assigned products for
each group that you are going to make a logo. Draw it on a
Group I – Mineral Water Group IV – Coffee
Group II – Tooth paste Group V – Smartphone
Group III – T-shirt

B. Discussing Concepts
Presentation of each group about the created logo

C. Closure Activity
• What is your idea about Personal Logo?
• Being a Grade 6 learner, how can you create logo?

D. Assessment
Directions: Create your personal logo about your own
favorite product and tell something about it.

E. Assignment
Create a logo of your own brand of tablet.


Cartoon Character Making

Many of us are highly motivated by the idea of cartoons.

Cartoons are fun. They amuse and entertain us to no end. We are
familiar with many cartoons mainly because of the characters. We
simply love how they become the mediums to tell jokes or share
opinions about life and its endless interesting situations.

A. Look at some famous cartoon characters shown below.

• What are cartoons?

• How did cartoons evolve?

Cartoon is a form of visual communication that became popular

with the invention of modern newspaper and motion picture in the 20th

century. Modern cartoons were first used to attract viewers to
newspaper and movies.

Cartoon is as old as man. Just take a look at the walls of

prehistoric cave dwellers. The earliest example of cartoon can be
found in these places. Although we do not find talking mammoths, we
do find in these places something unique to all cartooning-
simplification. Cartoon is an illustration on figures and situations that is
simple and easy for the observer to comprehend.

B. Art Activity
Cartoon Face Drawing Challenge
Pencils, oslo paper, crayons, felt tip or marker

Are you ready for some fun? Remember that a hint of playfulness
will help unleashed creativity, loosen up your mind and inspire your
artwork. This is a drawing activity that involves three drawing
challenges: drawing a cartoon character of yourself, inventing a
cartoon character and drawing a cartoon character digitally.

1. You are the best model in this activity.
2. You will need to study yourself in a mirror, contorting your face into
various expressions.
3. See what your eyes and mouth in particular are up to when you are
sleepy, shy, angry, cool, naughty, etc.
4. Visualize yourself in a series of expressions.

5. Sketch the results in simple ovals to start with.

Group II
How can you invent your own cartoon character by fitting different
pieces together to complete figure? Morph your figure into a cartoon
character. You are creator, anything possible! You will have to

1. You may use the manual (Invent your own cartoon character) showing
prepared sample cartoon noses, eyes, ears separated by category for
2. Try out a body (Dress, hairstyle, hands, feet and accouterments) and
several mouth, nose and eyes shapes until you find a combination that
you have in mind or like.
• Select a head shape
• Select a body
• Select a mouth
• Select a nose
• Select some eyes
3. Sketch what you have selected to mix and match. Complete your
cartoon character.
4. Finalize the details of your cartoon character. Make a clear outline by
using a sharp object to trace over the lines carefully.
• How did you find the activity?
• Is it hard to sketch your own facial expressions?
• Is the activity easier to do using modern technology? Why do you
say so?

C. Compose a paragraph (5-7sentences) about the use of
technology in the application in the art processes, elements and

Standard 5 points 3points 1 point
Clarity of the Gives the Gives the The ideas
ideas in the ideas ideas were not
paragraph properly properly explained
and orderly. properly.

D. Make your own cartoon character with the use of recycled

materials. Be ready for the presentation in front of the class.

A. Sing the song “ART ELEMENTS” to the tune of “London
We have different art elements
Line, colors, shapes, texture
We should always remember these
To guide our artwork.
B. Are you fun of watching cartoon programs? Now let us see who
among you are anime fanatics!
From the three pictures showed identify in what anime program
they belong.






C. Complete the missing part of this cartoon character.

D. Let’s Discuss
• Where do cartoonists get their ideas to create them?
Cartoonists give a lot of attention to their characters. For them,
cartoons are basically a peek into the lives of the characters that habit
them. Animation and character design as art form, is now big business.
Cartoonist have been creating amusing characters and fantasy
creatures for a long time. Yet, there is no precise instruction as to how
cartoon characters can be invented. Cartoon characters just happen,
usually unintentionally. It is safe to say, however, that characters need
to be modeled on someone, something, or types we know well.

• How can one be successful in creating cartoon characters?
Creating cartoon character is fun. To be successful, though you
need to have a good understanding of the basics of developing them.
Figure drawing has to be recognized as an important aspect of
the cartoonist’s art-you will not find many cartoons without figures. So
it is essential to study the figure in detail to see how best you can
manipulate it according to your needs. With each figure, the cartoonist
has to incorporate several important points, such as expression,
physical type, and decorative details.

• Physical features
• Facial character
• Facial expression
• Hands
• Feet
Now that you have studied the details, it is time to fit the pieces
together in to a complete figure. This will be easier for you to do if you:
• Keep on sketching, visualizing ideas in pencil;
• Keep on making your figures simple by shortcutting the image into
as few strokes as possible;
• Keep on refining the lines until an outline is reached; and
• Keep on making your cartoon relatable, believable, and most of
all, humorous.
Copying other cartoonists’ work for practice is all right. Learn
from the masters. Be inspired by a variety of styles until you evolve
your own.
E. Arrange the jumbled letters of the name of each cartoon
characters then draw them.
1. B O B N G E S P O
2. K Y T T I H L L O E
3. P I A K U C H
4. N I O N M I
5. M O N R A E D O

• What did you feel while doing the activity?

• How did you start making your assigned cartoon

F. Create your own Batangueno Superhero, give him a name, and

then describe what will be his characteristics or superpower.
After you create your superhero answer the rubrics.
3 2 1
I make my
unique from the
I describe my

I follow the
in making my
I consider some
important points
in creating my

I. Assignment
By applying the concepts on the steps/ procedures in
cartoon character making, create your own cartoon
superhero using Microsoft Paint.


A. The teacher will have a contest – Jigsaw Puzzle of cartoon

character. The group who will finish first will declare as winner.

Many of us highly motivated by the idea of cartoons. Cartoons

are fun. They entertain us to no end. We are familiar with many
cartoons mainly because of their character simply love how they
become the mediums to tell jokes or share opinions about life and it’s

Watch a video presentation on how to create a cartoon
character using software application situations

• https://youtu.be/bFBrGd6xw9U

Here are the definition of terms for drawing software.

• Pencil Tool – the tool that draws free lines onto the picture.
• Line Tool – use to create perfectly straight lines.
• Paint Bucket – used to fill an area with a solid color or
• Square Tool – used to create perfect square or rectangular
shapes. By changing the line thickness in the line tool, you
could change the thickness of the square.
• Circle Tool – similar to the square tool, it is used to create
perfect circles and the thickness can be changed using the
line tool.
Selection and Erasing Tools
• Erasing Tools - these provide several different ways to
erase various parts, or all, of your drawing.
• Moving Truck – allows various parts of the image to be
selected and moved around the canvas. There are different
shapes and sizes that the selections can be, such are
circles and rectangles.
• Dye Tool – used to pick out colors already used
somewhere in the canvas.
Text Insertion

• Text Tool – includes “rubber stamps” of the letters of the
alphabet which speak the name of the letter when selected.
• Typing Tool – includes basic abilities to add text to the
image in different fonts and various sizes.
• Opacity - the degree to which something reduces the
passage of light.
• Undo – cancel, annuls, or reverses an action or its effect.
Here also the video presentation using magic slate
B. Group Activity
Group 1 – Arrange Me
The teacher will give jumbled letters to form icon/tool.
6. E N P L I C T L O O
7. I C L E C R O O L T
8. M O N G I V T C K R U
Group 2 – Guess Me
The teacher will give definition of icon/tool.
6. It cancels, annuls or reverses an action or its effect.
7. It includes “rubber stamps” of the letters of the alphabet.
8. It is used to create perfectly straight lines.
9. It is used to create perfect square or rectangular shapes.
10. It is used to create straight lines.
Group 3 – Draw Me
Draw your own cartoon character and tell something about
C. Generalization
• What are the tools that are helpful to cartoon character
D. Application
• Using the video presentation, what are the important
tools/icons frequently used?
• What are their functions?
E. Reflection
As a grade six pupil, we are now in a modern technology,
we should practice using computer in making cartoon character.
F. Assessment
Using software application, create/draw your own cartoon
character and tell something about it.

5 Can create group logo design clearly and explain fully
3 Can create group logo design clearly
1 Cannot finish the group logo design

G. Assignment
Create your favorite cartoon character using software
application/magic slate program.


A. The teacher will show the following pictures in the class.

• What can you say about the picture1? Picture 2? Picture 3? and
Picture 4?
• What do you call to those people who wear costumes like these?
• Where do you usually see cosplayer?

Cosplay is short for “Costume Play”. It involves creating

costumes, styling a dress and mimicking a favorite cartoon, movie or
video game character. Cosplay is commonly seen at shopping mall,
parks, science fiction conventions and book fairs. A well-designed
cosplay costume relies on the creativity and skills of the cosplayer.
Make-up, hair styling or wigs, and role-playing complete an effective
cosplay costume.
B. Performing the Activities (Groupings)
The teacher will divide the class into four groups.
Each group will choose one to be their model in creating
costume made from the recycled materials that they
Standard 5 points 3points 1 point
1. Create a Designs Designs The
model with the model the model costume
well- most creatively of the
designed creatively and model was
costume and properly. designed
with properly. without
originality. creativity.
2. Cooperatio 100% of 85% of the 75% of the
n the member member
member cooperate cooperate
cooperate s in the s in the
s in the activity. activity.

1. Processing the Activities

• How did you find the activity?
• Is it hard to design a cosplay costume?
• What did you do to design your cosplay costume in

C. Closure Activity
1. Generalization
• How does cartoon character can be used to entertain,
express your opinions and ideas?

2. Reflection
• How does cartoon character affect one’s life?

D. Assessment
Create a fist-sized cartoon character that you loved most. Use
any recyclable materials and your sewing kit in making it.
Standard 5 points 3points 1 point
Create a fist- Designs the Designs the The
sized model fist-sized fist-sized costume of
with well- model most model the fist-
designed creatively creatively sized model
costume with and and was
originality. properly. properly. designed

E. Enrichment Activity
Make your own cosplay costume. Be ready to
present your finished cosplay costume in a small
production similar to a fashion show on Friday
(Culminating Activity).


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