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This Teaching Guide is mapped and aligned to the DepEd SHS Curriculum, designed to be

highly usable for teachers. It contains classroom activities and pedagogical notes, and is
integrated with innovative pedagogies. All of these elements are presented in the following

1. Introduction

• Highlight key concepts and identify the essential questions

• Show the big picture

• Connect and/or review prerequisite knowledge

• Clearly communicate learning competencies and objectives

• Motivate through applications and connections to real-life

2. Motivation

• Give local examples and applications

• Engage in a game or movement activity

• Provide a hands-on/laboratory activity

• Connect to a real-life problem

3. Instruction/Delivery

• Give a demonstration/lecture/simulation/hands-on activity

• Show step-by-step solutions to sample problems

• Give applications of the theory

• Connect to a real-life problem if applicable

4. Practice

• Discuss worked-out examples

• Provide easy-medium-hard questions

• Give time for hands-on unguided classroom work and discovery

• Use formative assessment to give feedback

5. Enrichment

• Provide additional examples and applications

• Introduce extensions or generalizations of concepts

• Engage in reflection questions

• Encourage analysis through higher order thinking prompts

6. Evaluation

• Supply a diverse question bank for written work and exercises

• Provide alternative formats for student work: written homework, journal, portfolio,
group/individual projects, student-directed research project

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