There Is No Fallacy of Arguing From Authority
There Is No Fallacy of Arguing From Authority
There Is No Fallacy of Arguing From Authority
Abstract: I argue that there is no fallacy of argument from authority. I first show the weakness
of the case for there being such a fallacy: text-book presentations are confused, alleged
examples are not genuinely exemplary, reasons given for its alleged fallaciousness are not
convincing. Then I analyse arguing from authority as a complex speech act. R~iecting the
popular but unjustified category of the "part-time fallacy", I show that bad arguments which
appeal to authority are defective through breach of some felicity condition on argument as a
speech act, not through employing a bad principle of inference.
1. Introduction/Summary
There's never been a satisfactory theory of fallacy, as Hamblin pointed out in his
book of 1970, in what is still the least unsatisfactory discussion. Things have not
much improved in the last 25 years, despite fallacies getting more attention as
interest in informal logic has grown. We still lack good answers to simple
questions like what is a fallacy?, what fallacies are there? and how should we
classifY fallacies?
The idea that argument from authority (argumentum ad verecundiam) is a
fallacy, is well-established in logical tradition. I argue that it is no such thing. The
second main part of the paper is negative: I show the weakness of the case made
in the literature for there being such a fallacy as argument from authority. First,
text-book presentation of the fallacy is confused, second, the examples given are
not genuinely exemplary and third, reasons given for its alleged fallaciousness are
not convincing. Fourth, attempts to improve on the text-book accounts in recent
literature are not much help. The third main part is positive: I propose that
consideration of arguing from authority as a complex speech act illuminates
existing discussion and points toward a clear and simple positive argument for
there being no such fallacy. Specifically, I suggest that such an analysis enables us
to reject the unjustified category of the "part-time fallacy" (which has
increasingly shown up in texts recently), by showing that bad arguments which
appeal to authority are defective through breach of some felicity condition on
argument as a speech act rather than through employing a bad principle of
inference. The variety of ways such an argument can go wrong reflects the
complex structure of felicity conditions on it, not a long and unprincipled list of
unexpressed premises, as some authors have argued. Arguing from authority uses
a good principle of inference: after all, some arguments of this kind are good.
There is no fallacy of argument from authority.
366 Edwin Coleman
Most authors these days grant that some appeals to authority are legitimate, which
may seem to suggest that I am beating on an open door: few current authors are
so incautious as to claim that there is a fallacy of arguing from authority
simpliciter. However things are not so simple. Writers on fallacy still mostly
manage to convey the message that argument from authority is a bad thing.
Older logic books unabashedly declare there is a fallacy of argumentum ad
verecundiam, or appealing to authority; but judging from their ways of presenting
their discussions, it seems that many authors are rather uncertain that there really
is a fallacy. The better recent books tend to imply that there is such a fallacy by
their section headings but to say in their discussion that appealing to authority is
"sometimes a fallacy." The notion of a part-time fallacy is not much discussed,
but some have marked this shift by referring instead to the fallacy of appealing to
There is no Fallacy ofArguingfrom Authority 367
Barry and Rudinow [1990: 233ft] give examples which differentiate what they
call six "varieties of this fallacy", as follows.
[1] "Invincible authority. When an appeal to authority wipes out all other
considerations, it constitutes a fallacious appeal to authority." They give an
example from Galileo:
But can you doubt that air has weight when you have the clear testimony of
Aristotle affirming that all the elements have weight including air, and
excepting only fire?
The argument they seem to have in mind here is the air has weight since
Aristotle says the air has weight [and Aristotle is never wrong). Galileo does not
actually give this second premise, but since no authority is indefeasible, if this
were the argument Galileo intended, then his argument has a false premise, not a
bad inference. If Aristotle were never wrong, this argument would be fine.
What in any case do they mean when they say "when an appeal to authority
wipes out all other considerations"? In explication they point to religious groups
like the Jonestown group who committed suicide at their leader's behest. It was
no doubt highly irrational of these people to believe everything Jim Jones said,
but it is inaccurate to imply that Jones made an irrelevant appeal to authority in
suggesting they commit suicide. In fact he used his own authority, no doubt
stupidly or madly or evilly, but he did not appeal to it. If someone else made the
368 Edwin Coleman
claim 'everything Jim Jones says is so' this was simply making a false claim. It
cannot be the type of argument that wipes out all other considerations but rather
the blame is on the participants' attitudes to Jones, to arguments etc. Fallacy is not
necessarily involved just because irrationality is.
So, if the type of argument intended here is characterised by a premise of the
kind 'everything X says is so' its fault is just having a false premise; but if the
fault adverted to is blind faith, that is no fallacy either.
[2] "Irrelevant expertise. When the appeal is to an authority whose expertise
is in some field other than the one at issue, the appeal is to irrelevant expertise.
For example, quoting the political or economic opinions of a distinguished
physicist like Oppenheimer or Einstein is fallacious because the massive weight
of an Einstein's opinion in the field of physics may not transfer to other fields."
Here again the problem is a simple mistaken belief-that Einstein is
authoritative about politics; not a mistaken inference of appealing to authority.
(Incidentally to say that Einstein's views about politics should not be given
weight just because he is an expert on physics, clearly presupposes that appeal to
a genuine authority is fine.)
[3] The third kind of example they give is so-called testimonials, for
Don Meredith for Lipton's tea: "What makes me a Lipton's tea lover? Lipton
tastes so damn good."
As it stands, there is no argument here, so no fallacy. To invent an argument
equivalent to the ad we might try something like You should drink Lipton:s tea,
because Don Meredith says it:~ good and we will have to impute to the advertisers
the implied premise If tea tastes good to Don Meredith it will taste good to you.
Thus the idea is that the ad is equivalent to the argument
Lipton S tea lastes good to Don Meredith
/flea tastes good 10 Don Meredith it will laste good to you, so
You should drink Lipton s lea
The artificiality and lack of real equivalence of the result is obvious. It
derives from trying to find in the ad an attempt to prove something, as though the
advertisers want to prove that Lipton's tea is good, and offer as evidence Don's
statement. But an ad is not an attempt at proof; this one is really urging:
Be like Don Meredith, drink Lipton s tea.
If Don Meredith, whoever he is, says Lipton's tea tastes good to him, then if
true, this might be a good reason for my drinking it if I want to ape him, or might
not, if I don't. Most likely it's simply a lie. If there is something wrong here it is it
is his lying or the advertisers' wrongly thinking I want to ape him, not a mistaken
inference. Nobody believes the imputed premise and there is no reason to impute
it because there is not even an attempt at argument, so how can there be a fallacy?
[4] "Unidentified experts. Frequently expert opinion is merely alluded to, or
is identified in such a vague or incomplete way that its reliability, accuracy, and
weight are impossible to verify... phrases like "experts agree"." The example they
give is
There is no Fallacy ofArguingfrom Authority 369
Doctors recommend one pain reliever most: the one you get in Anacin.
This is a pretty bad example because the main thing wrong here is the misleading
implication that the pain reliever in question, namely aspirin, is only found in
Anacin. If we remove this distraction we get
Doctors recommend one pain reliever most: Anacin.
This is no longer a real example and probably no longer true, but never mind: is it
a fallacy?
It is not yet an argument, so let's make it one:
Doctors recommend one pain reliever most: Anacin. So Anacin is best.
Now this is certainly not a very good argument for the very simple reason that the
term 'doctors' is too vague. But
Most physicians recommend one pain reliever most: Anacin. So Anacin is best.
would be a (fairly) good argument if the premise were true, and it isn't good just
because that premise is false. On the other hand
Most physicians recommend one pain reliever most: aspirin. So aspirin is best.
is not an argument for the conClusion wanted although it is an acceptable though
weak argument from authority. But even then it is weak because we have 'most
physicians' not' 'all physicians'. Neither version is bad because it appeals to
[5] "Experts with axes to grind. Sometimes claims are advanced by appeal to
experts who do have impressive and genuinely relevant credentials. but whose
testimony may legitimately be suspected due to demonstrable conflict of
interest ... Suppose our attention is directed to an inconclusive study of the effects
of second-hand tobacco smoke conducted at a reputable institution under the
direction of someone with genuine scientific credentials. Now suppose we learn
that the study was underwritten by a research grant supplied by the Tobacco
Institute. We should at least look for other studies to compare this one with."
I agree entirely with the conclusion here. Only I don't see what fallacy is
being alluded to. Incidentally it is noteworthy that discussions of this "fallacy"
generally go in for these vague descriptions rather than concrete examples.
Presumably the idea intended here is that someone might say
Expert E says passive smoking is harmless. so passive smoking is harmless
where E is the recipient of the dubious funding. (Of course, no-one would
actually say
E says smoking is harmless and E is an expert but E has ajinancial interest in
people believing smoking is harmless, so smoking is harmless.
If the third premise is left out the argument might well be contested by pointing it
out; but that shows that it is part of the opposite case not of this argument.) But
there may well be nothing wrong with an argument of this kind even when such a
clause is true: most proponents of theories have an interest in other people
believing them, even physicists. We don't ignore Einstein's views in physics
because it was to his advantage to become a widely respected physicist.
If there is something wrong with the argument it must boil down to the fact
that E says passive smoking is harmless but E is lying because E knows the
370 Edwin Coleman
evidence is bogus. After all there are always perfectly proper studies which give
evidence for or against anything you like.
This example is one where a presupposition of appealing to authority fails,
namely the sincerity of the cited authority; but that is not the same thing as a
fallacy being committed. There is no fallacy here if a fallacy is a bad type of
argument. The type of argument is appealing to authority, which is a good type of
argument; only in this instance it has been badly executed. I will enlarge on this
contrast in the second part of the paper.
[6] "Division of expert opinion ... When the experts disagree, citing the
authority of representatives of one side or the other fails to settle the issue and
constitutes a fallacy". They mention controversy about how AIDS spreads and
say "In such a climate of controversy it would be inadequate simply to quote [one
This is a peculiar way to deal with a genuine problem which has been widely
discussed in the literature (for example Willard 1990, Cederblom and Paulsen
1988). Indeed for some writers this is the only real problem about argument from
authority. Once again Barry and Rudinow do not give an actual example of an
argument committing a fallacy, but presumably if I said
AIDS is easily caught from mosquitos. because Masters et al. say so
this would be an example of what they have in mind. Would it be a fallacy for me
to do that? I grant that it would be "inadequate," if this means that I would be
disingenuous, even misleading, if I pretended that there was no controversy
andlor that I would be ripe for contestation by someone citing other experts with
the contrary view. My argument would be weak because it would be easily
countered, it would or should certainly "fail to settle the issue." But does that
make it fallacious? Compare this case with a case of unproblematic appeal to
authority; say I claim
AIDS is caused by a virus. because Masters et al. say so?
This is just the kind of argument which just about all text-book authors
accept as being a non-fallacious appeal to authority. All the experts agree about
the matter, or nearly. Actually even this example should be ruled out by the
authors presently under discussion because there are a few experts like Peter
Duesberg who dispute that AIDS is virological. This in itself shows that there is
something wrong with claiming that a fallacy is committed by an example where
there is no expert unanimity. There never is. Clearly I might be wrong in either of
these cases, or even in the unlikely case of unanimity, since sometimes the experts
are all wrong, this type of argument is never conclusive. But why would one be a
fallacy and the other not? Would the latter argument somehow become a fallacy if
suddenly Duesberg's view became prevalent? Surely the type of argument would
not have changed.
To sum up, the examples given prove to be: two arguments bad through
having a false premise, one not an argument at all, one an argument weak through
vagueness, one an argument bad only in the way that any piece of testimony can
turn out to be unreliable, and one an atgument which is simply weak but not
fallacious. The examples given in logic texts all seem to be like these! Either they
There is no Fallacy ofArguing from Authority 371
are not arguments at all, or they are not bad arguments, or if they are bad, they are
bad because of a false premise or presupposition. (The examples alluded to by
Copi and Cohen-no argument is actually given-are testimonials and Einstein
on politics: they clearly take the fallacy to be just use of a non-authority as if an
authority, which is the false premise case.)
Reasons have been put forward why appealing to authority is or can be fallacious,
but they are not very convincing.
Appealing to authority is sometimes said to be irrational. Irrationality is a lot
broader than the committing of fallacy, and some kinds of irrationality positively
preclude fallacy (see Coleman [1996]). We need a specification of what is
irrational about it. One common suggestion is that one is substituting authority for
evidence, and this is irrational. Such a suggestion presupposes that citing
authority is not giving evidence, and this seems hard to square with accepting that
sometimes it is a good way to argue. Either argument requires giving evidence, in
which case if argument from authority is sometimes not fallacious it must give
evidence; or else, as I would say, argument requires giving reason to believe
which may be evidence but need not, as in the case of argument from authority.
Either way this provides no reason for calling argument from authority a fallacy.
One certainly is substituting authority for evidence if we take the narrow
construal of what is evidence, but that's the point of the exercise: the question is
precisely whether this is at least sometimes the rational thing to do, and accepting
argument from authority as sometimes non-fallacious is to say that it is. So this
suggestion just begs the question.
Another suggestion is that argument from authority forecloses debate, which
is irrational (see Cederblom and Paulsen [1988]). This also seems to beg several
questions: Is it not rational to close debate? Does appealing to authority foreclose
debate? Does using 'foreclose' rather than 'close' not falsely aSSLlme that debates
have a natural closing point? In fact, argument from authority need not close
debate; what often happens is that the topic of debate shifts from the original
claim to the expertise of the claimant. This is hardly irrational; we see it
happening frequently in courts of law when expert witnesses are being used: the
opponent will dispute the fact. extent or nature of the witness' expertise. It is true
that the debate cannot be about the evidence for a claim if that evidence is not put
torward. and it is also true that historically, appeals to authority have been used to
avoid considering other evidence, but nothing indicates that this is intrinsic to its
use.' In any case, authority can be and often is pitted against authority, hardly
closing debate.
Again, Salmon [1989: 355] says "To argue that a conclusion is correct
merely because some authority figure accepts it is fallacious." Such a way of
putting things is ambiguous between "arguing p, because E accepts if' - i.e. going
in for arguing p. for that reason - and "arguing [p, because E accepts p]", i.e.
arguing that E's acceptance is the reason, the explanation, for p's being so. This
372 Edwin Coleman
simply confuses the knowledge of the fact and the knowledge of the reasoned
fact, as Aristotle puts it. That some authority accepts a fact is a good, though
defeasible reason to believe it; but it does not of course explain why it is so. p is
rarely correct as a result of E's thinking it so. Other reasons for believing p might
make plain why it is so, but this does not mean that authority cannot show it to be
so. What "arguing [p, since E accepts pJ" means is never "p, merely because E
accepts p" so Salmon is engaging in travesty to report this form of argument in
these terms.
These attempts to argue that appealing to authority is irrational are not very
convincing ways to show that it is a fallacy. The other main argument is
commonly implied in the course of discussion of examples: the fact is that such
arguments are not conclusive: the desired conclusion could be false even though
the premises are true. Despite what authors say a fallacy is, this tends to become
the test for it. This "test" is applied to examples of other alleged fallacies too; and
if one examines what is said about other fallacies one finds that quite a few are
also claimed to be only sometimes fallacious, and that the examples given of
other alleged fallacies are also frequently not even arguments, not bad arguments,
or if bad are bad for reasons other than the one alleged. This all suggests that it is
important to examine what exactly a fallacy is said, in general, to be. I will not go
into this matter here because there is a long and complicated historical story to be
told; although this is particularly relevant to explaining why and when it has been
claimed that there is a fallacy of arguing from authority - since, and consequent
on, the successful struggle of science to wrest intellectual authority from the
Church - in this paper I confine myself to arguing that there is no such fallacy. I
will take up these related issues on another occasion.
Since all accounts agree at some point that not every argument from authority is
fallacious, let us return to the idea of a part-time fallacy. In the journal literature
some attempt has been made to determine when an argument of this kind is
acceptable and when not, by identifying implicit premises for the "true form" of
this type of argument, any of whose breach can lead to a "fallacious" use. The
idea of treating argument from authority as an enthymeme is a natural one as I
said at the beginning.
A saysp, sop
is commonly cited. though the real form of the argument is
A says p, A is authoritative on such things, so p.
But I want to contrast this recognition of a commonly suppressed premise
with a strategy followed by some writers, for example Woods and Walton
[1979a,b], which I think is misguided. It consists in attempting to identify a list of
conditions which must be met if argument from authority is to be good, and
building them into the form of the argument as further suppressed premises. The
idea is that the real form of argument from authority is something like
1. E is an expert on domain 0
There is no Fallacy ofArguingfrom Authority 373
2. E says p
3. P is in D
4. Other experts say p too
5. p does not conflict with available "objective" evidence.
So plausibly, p.
The idea is that if, and only if, all these supplementary premises hold, the
argument is good.
I have three objections to this. First, this kind of attempt to give a form for
argument from authority is wrong-headed since it subscribes to the mistaken idea
of formal logic that underneath the manifest argument there is a better one trying
to get out. Second, I doubt whether clauses 4 and 5 reflect conditions which
argument from authority need satisfy. I have argued against 4 already and I will
make two points briefly against 5. First, 'objective' begs many questions if the
shudder-quotes are dropped, and 'objective evidence' presupposes or insinuates
that testimony is not evidence, an idea which I have questioned already and which
is explicitly disputed by some writers [Coady 1992, Hardwig 1985]. (Woods and
Walton write 'direct evidence' but I don't know what that is; Walton [J989a p61],
writes 'objective'.) Further, there are certainly cases where one will rightly prefer
the testimony of an expert which conflicts with so-called objective evidence, for
example when having mechanical faults diagnosed. But thirdly, whatever the
merits of these clauses, this general idea cannot in any case serve the purpose of
pinning down in what exactly consists the fallacy of argument from authority,
since if it were successful it would turn every case of a bad argument from
authority into an argument with a false premise. But a fallacy is not an argument
with a false premise, but an argument in which the support offered by the
premises to the conclusion is delusory. At least, that is what logicians generally
claim (including our example text-book authors), because it is part of the standard
account that logic is about the evaluation of entailments, not of premises.
Nevertheless, let us put aside the issue whether we should allow that a
fallacy may be a kind of false premise because even if we do, there is a deeper
problem with this kind of account. The list of allegedly implicit premises of
Woods and Walton roughly corresponds to the lists of varieties of the fallacy, or
ways to argue fallaciously, of textbook authors like Barry and Rudinow or Engel,
or the lists of conditions for acceptable appeal to authority of other authors like
Salmon, or the rather interesting list of test questions proposed by Ennis [1974] to
ask in deciding of some testimony if one should accept it. But what is common to
all of them is the lack of any reason for supposing that such an account is
complete: on what basis can it be claimed that these and only these are the ways
you can commit this fallacy? Or that these and only these are the conditions
which must be satisfied or these and only these the suppressed premises that must
hold? These writers all just produce their lists with no attempt to assure us that
there are no other ways to go wrong, no other missing premises or conditions to
satisfy. Perhaps this reflects the general shapelessness of discussions of fallacy,
but it is not conducive to confidence since the lists all differ from one another. I
present in Part 3 what I think is a better suggestion.
374 Edwin Coleman
Here is my suggestion.
First, to argue is already a complex speech act:
W argues to R for p on the basis of q if
[i} W asserts q to R; [where q may be several premises}
[ii} W asserts p to R;
376 Edwin Coleman
another global set for the whole act of argument. So there are thirty-six ways, not
all equally important no doubt, in which the speech act of argument from
authority might go wrong. And each of these will itself be possible in various
ways. None of them deserves to be called committing a fallacy, but fortunately in
order to see that we shall not need to look at all thirty-six of them in detail.
Instead I shall argue in turn for some simple consequences of argument from
authority's being a speech act, of its being a complex speech act, and of its being
a speech act of argument.
I have been using a general argument against calling various possible flaws in
argument from authority fallacies, which consists in pointing out that they can
obtain when one of the constituent speech acts is used for non-argumentative
purposes. This provides us with one positive argument for there being no such
fallacy. If we now consider the implications of the fact that argument from
authority is a speech act of argument we can make clear another positive
argument. It is this: if we are going to identify any way in which argument from
authority in going wrong is a fallacy it will have to be in virtue of argument from
authority'S being a speech act of argument; and we know that it cannot be in
asserting the premises that one may make a fallacy. only in the further claim that
they support the conclusion. Thus it can only be in the conditions on the
embedded speech act of indication that we need look for fallacy. Flaws in the acts
of assertion of the premises by Wand the doubly embedded act of attestation by
380 Edwin Coleman
E are problems with the premises and cannot be the source of fallacy (though they
can be and often are the source of other ways of going wrong).
W argues for p to R if
[i] W asserts to R that q; [q may be several premises]
[ii] W asserts to R that p;
[iii] W indicates to R that q is reason to accept p.
Indication is a speech act which is in general less explicit than is assertion.
In many of its uses its point depends on its being less than fully explicit (here I
part company with Searle's expressibility principle). However this is not the case
in argument, where within reason the more explicit the logical signposting the
better: to say 'q, so p' is clearer and generally better than a mere 'q;p', though
many arguments are given without explicit warranting connectives. So I will
amend this account for present purposes and replace clause [iii] with
[iii*] W asserts to R that q is reason to accept p
with the caveat that what counts as assertion must be interpreted reasonably
charitably here.
Felicity conditions for arguing are then:
[II] The assertion of the premises must be felicitous.
[12] The indication or assertion of the support-claim must be felicitous.
[13] The assertion of the conclusion must be felicitous.
Flawed Argument
I This is not a very good definition but its defects don't affect my arguments in this paper.
2 I take as exemplary two texts used in the two South Australian Universities other than my
own at the time of writing.
J This may seem to assume that considering the evidence would overthro\\i the appeal to
authority. It would perhaps be better to say that appealing to authority may sometimes lead
one to disdain the use of evidence. The famous cases. like Galileo's. were like that. the timlt
was in the weighing of different kinds of evidence. But no doubt this blind and unmerited
substitution of one kind of evidence for another explains much animus against appeal to
4 I am adopting the original analysis of Austin (1972]: I do not agree with some authors that
Searle's revisions count as improvements. but nothing much turns on this for present
; In fact I think it is quite essential to the existence of this particular kind of argument. and I
would prefer to write of 'language acts' not 'speech acts'. but I will not pursue this complex
issue here, This is part of the reason why I have been content with Austin's formulation of
There is no Fallacy ofArguingfrom Authority 383
felicity: we really need to develop an account of "speech" acts which takes documentation
seriously. This is a large task.
Austin J [1972] How to do things with words Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barry V and Rudinow J [1989] Invitation to critical thinking Fort Worth: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston.
Cederblom J and Paulsen W [1988J "Making reasonable decisions in world of experts" in
Govier [1988].
Coady [1992] Testimony Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coleman E [1996] "Fallacy Irrationality Mistake in P Hager and J Roe, eds.
Proceedings, Fourth National Reasoning Conference, Sydney: UTS.
Coleman E [1997] "Fallacies: there are and there aren't" forthcoming.
Copi I [1961] Introduction to logic. 2 ed. New York: Macmillan.
Copi I {and C Cohen} [1990] Introduction to logic, S'h ed. New York: Macmillan.
Eemeren F and Grootendorst R[1984] Speech acts in argumentative discussions
Dordrecht: Foris.
Eemeren F and Grootendorst R [1987] "Fallacies in pragma-dialectical perspective"
Argumentation I: 283-301.
Ennis R H [I974] "The believability of people" Educational Forum 39:347-54.
Govier T [ed.] [1988] Selected issues in logic and communication Belmont CA:
Hamblin CH [1970] Fallacies London: Methuen.
Hardwig J [1985] "Relying on experts" in Govier [1988] = "Epistemic dependence" J
Phil 82.7:335-49.
Locke J [1961] An essay concerning human understanding, ed. Yolton, London: Dent.
Salmon M [1988J Introduction to logic and critical thinking. 2"d ed., San Diego, Ca.:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Walton D [1989aJ "Reasoned use of expertise in argumentation" Argumentation 3: 59-73.
Walton D [1989b]Informal Logic Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Willard C [1990] "Authority" Informal Logic 12.1: 11-22
Woods J and Walton D [1989] Fallacies. selected papers Dordrecht: Foris.
Woods J and Walton D [1979a] "Argumentum ad verecundiam" ch2 of Woods and Walton
Woods J and Walton D [I 979b] "What type of argument is Ad verecundiam?" Chapter 14
of Woods and Walton [1989].