Sustainability Report Full
Sustainability Report Full
Sustainability Report Full
to people.
ur Values
Integrity and Transparency
- Dr. K. Anji Reddy Productivity
Respect for the individual
Collaboration and Teamwork
03 | Our Purpose, Our Promises, Our Values Dr. Reddy’s Corporate Sustainability Report 2015-2016 | 04
7 27 55 83
the CEO a better world performance
G V Prasad talks about Dr. Reddy’s approach Our commitment A snapshot of our
Dr. Reddy’s sustainability towards sustainability towards environment performance against
journey management key performance indicators
About this report Custodians of good Living our dreams GRI content index
09 | Interaction with our CEO Dr. Reddy’s Corporate Sustainability Report 2015-2016 | 10
hat we are today
As a responsible player in the pharmaceutical industry, we have
made significant progress in ensuring good health and we recognise
our role in delivering good health to those who need it, and to
promote wellness among them.
Patient centricity is core to our approach and we strive to build awareness Biologics, or biologically Our Proprietary Products We have one of the largest
among the practitioners, patients and their families to help them take right synthesised medicines, are business focusses on custom pharmaceutical
increasingly preferred for the developing differentiated services business in India. We
decisions and participate in their own care. We work tirelessly to create an treatment of diseases like formulations that present offer end-to-end product
environment of innovation and ensure that patients across the world gain cancer and auto-immune significantly enhanced benefits development, manufacturing
access to affordable medicines. We carefully design our product mix to offer disorders. Our biosimilar, in terms of efficacy, ease of use services and solutions to
generic equivalents of the and the resolution of unmet innovator companies. Our
solutions for unmet medical needs and create better access to medicines. innovator's biologics, offer patient needs. For instance, this clients have access to the best
affordable yet equally effective involves developing a new technologies and a global
alternatives. Dr Reddy’s leads dosage of a current drug or new delivery network. We have a
the industry with four biosimilar combinations of synergistic well-earned reputation of
products currently marketed medication. The aim is to bringing innovations to the
Over the Active and an extensive development improve the patient's holistic market quickly, efficiently and
Generics pipeline. experience with our medicines, economically
counter Ingredients
so as to strengthen compliance
with the therapeutic regimen
and ensure positive outcomes.
Our Generic Formulations We actively develop We began as an Active
business offers more than 200 appropriate over the counter Pharmaceutical Ingredients
high-quality generic versions of products that do not (API) manufacturer and have
expensive innovator medicines necessarily need a doctor's consistently built on our
at an affordable cost in over 20 prescription. We make and strengths in this area through
countries around the world. market Over the Counter (OTC) the years, becoming one of the
Generic Formulations, including medicines in the areas of pain top producers of APIs in the
tablets, capsules, injectable, management, dermatology and world. During this journey, we
and topical creams, is the allergy management areas, and have developed deep technical
largest part of our business gynaecology. In the coming strengths in the development of
portfolio, making products years, we will continue to complex APIs such as steroids,
across the major therapeutic explore offering OTC versions peptides, complex long chain
areas of gastrointestinal of our generic products as synthesis and oncology
ailments, cardiovascular regulations allow.
disease, pain management,
oncology, anti-infective,
paediatrics and dermatology.
Going beyond the pill: Over the last three decades, we have evolved from a Dr. Reddy’s has a number of Dr Reddy’s has proven Dr. Reddy’s has a number of
established products like expertise to develop solutions established products – both
maker of active Ingredients to a patient-centric company with a global Metformin, Glimepiride, for health conditions such as generic and branded generic –
footprint. Our development efforts also focus on creating newer Glicazide and their Seborrheic Dermatitis, that address a wide range of
combinations as well as exploring new delivery mechanisms to improve combinations in its portfolio, to Psoriasis, pain conditions. Products such
ensure good health to diabetics. Corticosteroid-responsive as Nise, our brand of
patient comfort, convenience and efficacy. Many of our development Dermatoses, various types of Nimesulide, is one of the top
efforts focus on initiatives to Dermatitis, Actinic Keratosis, 300 brands in the Indian
help improve patient Rosacea, Warts and Acne. In pharmaceutical market, for
compliance. For example, we fact, some of our OTC products instance. Apart from
successfully developed a in the area of trichology and Nimesulide, we have a number
Gastro- Cardio- patient-friendly dosage form of hair regrowth are leading of other products including
enterology vascular Metformin that was easily brands in their own right. Ketorolac and Hyaluronic acid
swallowed, and helped the that form a significant part of
patient stick to the prescribed our portfolio.
We have developed a broad Dr Reddy’s has developed a Changing lifestyles and dietary treatment regimen.
range of high-quality cancer broad portfolio of acid patterns are causing an
care medications. Across the suppressive medications to unprecedented surge in the
spectrum of cytotoxics, address Gastroesophageal incidence of cardiovascular
targeted therapies and reflux disease (heartburn), and diseases, including
supportive care, our range is other gastrointestinal disorders hypertension. Responding to
designed to effectively combat such as irritable bowel, these needs, we have
cancer and the side effects diarrhoea and constipation, developed a wide and varied
associated with the therapy. which are becoming widely portfolio of anti-hypertensive
Oncology is also the field prevalent worldwide. We have medicines to bring good health
where we’ve successfully recently ventured into to the millions affected by this
demonstrated our cutting-edge Hepatology segment to address condition.
research and development the patient needs of Hepatitis B
capabilities. and Hepatitis C, providing
affordable medications to more
Research and
6.3 %
specific Social
energy impact
consumption investment INR million
increased to
Ingredients Product
sourcing manufacturing
impacted through programs
Product Operating
SIP, CHIPS chemistry
packaging procedures Helped to reduce
and and order waste, use of
warehousing management energy toxic solvents and
usage across conserve water
Dr. Reddy’s
INR million 213
invested to reduce environmental
adversities from disposal of waste
and care
We published our first Safety, the report is sourced from our inputs on the report, please We firmly believe in an inclusive Engaging with these As a result of this dialogue, we
Health and Environment (SHE) various systems as well as from write to Mr. Alok Mehrotra at participatory approach that stakeholders helps us establish have been able to draw linkages
Report in 2001, and have been respective plant locations. to share values the voices of our and maintain an inclusive into defining the materiality
regularly publishing our Though we have presence in 26 your feedback. stakeholders. relationship with them. While assessment process for our
Sustainability Reports since countries, for the purpose of the inputs from our business. This helps us in
2004. With the guidance from this report, to describe our Our key stakeholder groups stakeholders help us putting the lens over issues of
our senior management, we endeavours and impacts of our The report has been include our patients, investors, understand their needs and importance to our business and
have gone for third party initiatives on environment and prepared in governments and regulators, expectations, addressing their to our stakeholders and
assurance for our Sustainability society, we have defined our employees, business partners, concerns help us to establish formulating our overall
Report of FY 2013-15 and we significant locations of
accordance with suppliers, local communities lasting partnerships based on sustainability strategy.
continue to do that in this operation as in and around our the guidelines of and health professionals. trust. We are striving to embed
FY 2015-16. manufacturing facilities located the Global their concerns while designing
primarily in Andhra Pradesh, our key sustainability focus
Since inception, we have Telangana and Himanchal
Reporting Initiative areas.
always operated in a safe and Pradesh. (GRI G4)
responsible manner, Framework’s ‘Core’
consistently demonstrating our There has been no significant
commitment to responsible change in our operations and
corporate citizenship. Though supply chain in the FY 2015-16 Employees
inclusive growth, environmental in terms of location, closure or
stewardship and effective expansion. We recognise the
stakeholder engagement, we need to further strengthen our
Sustainability is not
new to us; and this Modes of engagement Topics and concerns
now focus on ensuring that measurement systems for
Good Health is delivered to our certain indicators and we are report represents Organisation Health Index Occupational health and
patients with clear and tangible currently establishing systems
sustainability benefits across to capture a wider set of
Dr. Reddy’s 10th formal Publications (in-house): safety
stakeholder groups, as metrics. Case studies have disclosure on our Around Dr. Reddy's (Monthly) Career planning and
| Elixir (Quarterly) development
described in sections of this been used to further illustrate non-financial Intranet (Round-the-year) Market based compensation,
report. our company’s approach to
performance and CEO & COO benefits and amenities
The scope of this report covers impact. Communications (Quarterly) Employee Welfare
our operations across India and We welcome your valuable 360◦ feedback Collective bargaining/
the reporting period considered Celebrations freedom of association
is from April 1, 2015 to March Sustainability focussed Diversity at workplace
31, 2016. Where possible we interviews and Focus Groups (gender, ethnicity, disability)
have provided comparative Circulation of sustainability Contract labour management
data from the previous report practices
reporting period. This report Employee satisfaction
has been developed with a surveys
commitment to disclose our Team building workshops
sustainability performance Capacity building and
transparently. training
Grievance redressal
The information represented in
Dr. Reddy's Foundation for Affordable medicines Face to face meetings with Compliance
Health Education (DRFHE) Access to healthcare ministries and regulators Energy & water consumption
meets Emergency medicines Structured engagements & conservation
Mobile Medical Van - Life At Cure of difficult diseases through audits Climate change impacts
Your Doorstep Participation in forums/ Socio-economic impacts
Living Well programmes in seminars Green growth
association with Art of Living Policy Advocacy Pollution prevention
Modes of engagement Topics and concerns Modes of engagement Topics and concerns
Investor and analyst meets Economic performance Direct engagement at facility Infrastructure development
Industry forums Sustainable wealth creation Dedicated CSR team Education & healthcare
Presentations Risk management Initiatives and healthcare Environmental protection
Annual / Sustainability report Responsible investment projects Employment opportunities
Emails on financial results Sustainability reporting and Visits and camps & Employability
Corporate website disclosures DRF - Creating Sustainable Human rights
Quarterly and annual results Investments in new products Livelihoods
publication and processes DRFHE
Earning calls with analysts Roundtables and workshops
and investors
Modes of engagement Topics and concerns Modes of engagement Topics and concerns
We have adopted an approach issues that are rated as high by issues raised by the local
Sustainability Management Material GRI G4 Aspect
to sustainability management, most of them) community and key
Focus Area Approach Aspects Boundary
focusing on ‘materiality’, based expectations of the employees,
on the GRI G4 guidelines. We Conducting a brainstorming etc. Ensuring robust pipeline of Economic Internal and
understand materiality is about session on materiality with complex generics as well as our Performance, Indirect External
identifying economic, social, about 30 representatives of These inputs were then Affordable and new proprietary products for Economic Impacts
environmental and governance the middle management of consolidated and reviewed by Innovative medicines unmet medical needs; custom
pharmaceutical services
related issues that matter the different Formulations Plant the management to validate Dr.
most to our business and to our and API Manufacturing Reddy’s sustainability focus Safety, Health and Environment Energy, Water, Internal
stakeholders. locations at Hyderabad, areas as listed below. The Policy, ISO 14001 certification, Emissions, Effluent
Visakhapatnam and Baddi. The exercise has served as a guiding Environmental zero discharge facilities, and Wastes, Materials,
In FY 2015-16, we have session was conducted at Dr. tool for us to focus our Management and Programme to Achieve Cost and Overall
Capabilities Excellence (PACE);
validated the key focus areas Reddy’s corporate office and sustainability disclosure around Climate Change
increasing the renewable energy
based on the following: all the plant locations were these material topics and mix, recycling waste, carbon
connected through video strengthen our monitoring and reduction initiatives
Face to face interactions conferencing. The team reporting practices. `In
guided by a structured rated the universe of harmony with our six Code of Business Conduct and Employment, Ethics and Internal and
Ethics; using technology that Integrity, Occupational External
questionnaire with 17 sustainability issues as high, sustainability focus areas, we Being an Employer allows us to redeploy our Health and Safety,
representatives of senior medium, low against have identified nine pillars of of Choice human resources towards value Training and Education,
leadership and functional Dr. Reddy’s Business Success sustainable operations with added and more productive Diversity and Equal
heads (including the Factors (e.g. brand defined goals and clear targets, work; SMTs, expanding training Opportunity, Freedom of
chairman and co-chairman) value/reputation, cost aimed at securing positive and development initiatives. association & collective
bargaining, Child labour
at the corporate office who savings, access to new impacts across sustainability
also acted as proxies for our markets etc.) as perceived by parameters. Building an organisation on the Products and Internal and
external stakeholders them. foundation of operational Services, Economic External
–especially the patients, Product excellence to ensure product Performance
investors, and the Face to face interactions with Our material issues: Responsibility quality through structural changes
communities. The senior the plant or operations heads, across product life cycles by
providing vital integration
management interactions representatives of Human
were designed to elicit the Resource (HR) and CSR teams
Affordable and between product development,
quality and manufacturing
material aspects for the and employees from Innovative Medicines
organisation and how the management and Environmental Local sourcing and improving the Procurement practices, Internal and
aspects are impacting the non-management cadre (e.g. capacity and capabilities of local Supplier environmental External
Management and Sustainable producers; optimisation of the assessment, Freedom of
stakeholders within and Self-Managed Teams or
outside the organisation. SMTs) at different plant Climate Change Sourcing supply chain based on forecasting association & collective
– I^2 Intelligent Integration; bargaining, Child labour,
locations – API Being an Employer increase in sea shipments; Supplier human rights
Developing a universe of Manufacturing Unit 3, of Choice maintaining optimal safety stocks; assessment
sustainability issues and Formulations Plant 3, API
obtaining materiality scores Manufacturing-Special
Product Continued focus on three Local Communities, External
(high, medium, low) on all the Economic Zone (SEZ), Responsibility broad areas – education, livelihood Indirect Economic
Caring for and heath care; Other projects: Impacts
issues from 13 representatives Formulations Plant -7 to Sustainable Sourcing Communities CHIP, Livelihood Advancement
of the senior management to understand the material
finally arrive at issues of issues from day to day
Caring for Business School (LABS); and School
Improvement Program (SIP);
importance to Dr. Reddy’s (i.e., operations perspective, Communities Increased CSR spend.
Deepening impact
through strategic
interventions across
sustainability metrics
at Formulations
from 3674 in FY 2014-15 to
4208 in FY 2015-16.
63.54 million
operations, carrying the risk of success was realised by decision making to deliver on improved efficacy and safety waste. As a result, our
obsolete inventory write-off, leveraging technological our promise of Good Health preventing the formation of manufacturing process has
which are not viable to sustain capabilities, where end to end for all. toxic epoxide metabolite. Our become energy efficient. during the year
and thus there exists a struggle integrated planning solutions previously reported synthesis
to reach the desired supply like SAP Advanced Planning After the successful involved a resolution strategy,
Renewable energy usage
chain optimization between and Optimization (SAP APO) & implementation of i^2, we have
customer service levels, cost & execution systems like SAP ERP been able to maintain a across
inventory. Well-designed Central Component (SAP ECC) customer On Time, In Full Dr. Reddy’s is
systems are essential to realise are embedded with the (OTIF) of 95%+ in key markets
seamless end-to-end supply differentiated pharma specific with a reduction in average
chain integration of planning & supply chain optimization logic inventory and lower cost of
execution. & business rules. Some of the supply chain operations by
key features of our integrated optimizing transportation &
To circumvent these challenges, system include – forward through automation of
we have leveraged demand projections based on planning, execution & reporting
technologies and tools through past consumption and market across the entire global supply
the “i^2 - Intelligent intelligence, mapping chain network.
Maintained a customer On
Time, In Full (OTIF) of 95%+
in key markets
We have incorporated policies and practices within our organisation to A Finance, Investment and Risk The ERM team focuses on The ERM team regularly
Management (FIRM) Council identification and prioritisation monitors risk exposure against
ensure that the highest levels of ethical conduct, by all employees and has been instituted to help the of key business, operational and a pre-determined risk appetite
management are adhered to. Enterprise Risk Management strategic risks. This is carried for key risks including
(ERM) team prioritise out through structured environmental, social ad
organisation-wide risks, review interviews, surveys, on-call governance parameters. Any
and steer mitigation efforts in discussions and incidents risk exposure or event that
Dr. Reddy’s is committed to Enterprise Risk Management mitigation with the senior line with our risk capacity and reporting. Risks are identified at exceeds threshold is brought to
ensuring that its operations are management and the board. appetite. The Chief Risk Officer the unit, function and the attention of the Board or the
carried out in an environment All businesses face uncertainty, provides periodic updates to organisation level and Management Risk Committee.
built upon fairness, and the challenge for Provides a framework to the FIRM Council and the Risk categorised into four risk For financial risks, the risk
transparency and management is to determine assess and monitor risk Committee of the Board, groups – Financial, Reputation, appetite is linked to the
accountability. We believe that how much uncertainty to capacity and risk appetite. including - Quarterly updates Regulatory and Safety & Company’s Earnings Before
fostering a culture of integrity accept as it strives to grow on the progress of mitigation of Environment. Finally, risks are Interest, Taxes, Depreciation
will help us build trust amongst shared value. Uncertainty Develop warning systems for key risks and specific ERM prioritised on the basis of their and Amortisation (EBITDA) and
our stakeholders. presents both risk and any breach of the defined initiatives carried out during likelihood, severity and velocity for operational risks such as
opportunity, with the potential risk level. the year. Safety/Health & Quality; it is
At Dr. Reddy’s the Board of to erode or enhance value. linked to pre-determined Lag
Directors provides direction, Enterprise Risk Management Provides an analysis that a Key Risk Indicators.
supervision, counsel and (ERM) enables us to effectively formal and focused risk
guidance towards defining the deal with uncertainty and management process is
Company’s long-term strategy. associated risk and opportunity, facilitating reduction in
The Board Committees focus enhancing the capacity to build residual risks.
on specific areas and make value. ERM demonstrates the
informed decisions within the company’s precautionary
authority delegated. Our approach towards operational
corporate governance report planning across the product We firmly believe that
can be found in the Annual value chain.
Report for FY 2015-16.
timely disclosures,
In India, the Securities and Dr. Reddy’s follows the transparent accounting
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Committee of Sponsoring policies, rigorous
regulates corporate governance Organizations of the Treadway
for listed companies. Commission (COSO) ERM
internal control systems
framework to effectively and a strong and
Dr. Reddy’s is in full compliance manage risk across the independent Board go
with all the applicable organization. Risks are
provisions of the SEBI’s aggregated at the unit/function
a long way in
corporate governance norms. It and Organization level by risk preserving shareholder
is also in compliance with the groups bucketed into Strategic, trust while maximizing
appropriate corporate Operational, Financial and
governance standards of the Compliance categories.
shared value creation”
New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE). Objectives:
45 | Delivering on our promise: Good Health Dr. Reddy’s Corporate Sustainability Report 2015-2016 | 46
Disease Management and condition, making awareness variety of natural sources - Expanding to emerging (Rabeprazole), among many
Awareness initiatives the first step towards human, animal, or markets others. The success of our
addressing diabetes and microorganism - and may be research organisation
ASSIST - Hair loss associated complications. produced by biotechnology Our Generic Formulations Over the years, these brands
awareness program: methods and other business addresses this urgent have established themselves as can be judged by the
Hair loss is a medical Save The Gen Next - cutting-edge technologies. need by offering more than 200 leaders in their respective fact that we have over
problem and correct Anti-tobacco drive: Biologics represent the high-quality generic versions of categories. Since 2006, we
treatment can only be sought
from a dermatologist. Assist
Save The Gen Next is an
awareness initiative
cutting-edge of biomedical
research and, in time, may offer
expensive innovator
medicines—at a fraction of the
have a successful track record
of commercialising 4 biosimilars 230 ANDAs,
is our endeavor to spread
awareness and educate
dedicated to fulfilling the
dream of a tobacco-free
the most effective means to
treat a variety of medical
cost—in over 20 countries
around the world. In many
in India and other emerging
markets. With a commercial 760 DMFs and
304 patents
patients about the various India. We reach out to young, illnesses and conditions that emerging markets, our presence across 26 countries,
facets of the problem, and impressionable children in presently have no other products are available under a we are looking to further
help them seek proper schools and adolescents in treatments available. We have brand name, such as Omez expand into emerging markets
treatment. colleges with the intent of four products in the market and (Omeprazole), Nise to provide affordable medical
making them torch bearers an industry-leading pipeline (Nimesulide), Ketorol (Ketorolac solutions for unmet healthcare
filed in the last five
Mitr - Lifestyle support to spread the message of spanning oncology, nephrology Thromethamine), Stamlo needs. years.
program for cancer patients: Tobacco-Free India. and autoimmune diseases. (Amlodipine Besylate), Razo
Mitr – a warm and caring
companion is a toll-free Awareness for Life - Lifestyle
helpline which is a diseases awareness program
confidential psychological / for corporates:
emotional support service A program for corporate Our revenues
program for cancer patients. India, Awareness for Life is
Participating patients also and our unique capabilities
share their experiences and allow us to improve North america
success stories, which accessibility to them. Similarly,
motivate participants to
adhere to ulcerative colitis
our patient-centric approach
means we tend to focus on
developing differentiated
products that best address
Roshni - Diabetes awareness unmet patient needs.
initiative: India
Roshni aims to bring Biologics
undetected diabetics to light.
Many patients with type 2 Biologics (i.e. biological
diabetes are unaware of their products) are isolated from a
47 | Delivering on our promise: Good Health Dr. Reddy’s Corporate Sustainability Report 2015-2016 | 48
ustodians of
Good Health
We have spearheaded an integrated approach for
measuring, managing and disclosing our environ-
mental, social and economic impacts to our stake-
Safety is our priority QbD - Quality by Design
Dr. Reddy’s has well defined Safety, Health & Environmental Policy and QbD is an approach, which we have championed, aimed at ensuring the
Principles in place to motivate our employees to achieve 'Goal Zero' - zero quality of medicines by employing statistical, analytical and risk management
incidents, zero harm to people and zero damage to the environment. methodologies in the design, development and manufacturing of medicines.
Safety forms an integral part of topics to enhance preventive improved and in FY 2015-16 we At Dr. Reddy’s, quality is inbred Today, QbD is spread across all As we advance our mission to
our Code of Business Conduct and precautionary attitudes have achieved an encouraging with care and infused through manufacturing facilities and is deliver Good Health, we are
and Ethics (COBE). Each of our ensuring that safety protocol performance with zero design and to deliver results in-built into our operational exploring new approaches to
employees signs up to the are followed. fatalities. beyond mere product framework. manufacturing that leverage
commitment towards safety, specifications. technologies such as- robotics,
health and environment, every We provide regular training to We have also done exceedingly We are embedding quality as a automation, real-time data
year. all employees on health and well in the space of near miss Our pledge towards continuous way of life by steering the capture and analytics - to
safety in order to safeguard reporting and the statistics improvement and business Quality Management System secure greater patient value
A number of programs and them from any injuries and show our consistent excellence drives us to work right from the top management, through the highest standards
initiatives, such as the ‘Safety accidents. Safety training improvement in this area over toward exceeding these seeding the principles of of quality.
Star Caps’ and ‘Parivartan’ have programs which are conducted the last three years. In this year, minimum standards. It ensures Quality by Design across
instilled a sense of deep for employees and workmen 7471 near miss incidents were consistency, increases operations, adopting global Quality as a way of life
ownership across all levels to are also extended to reported as compared to 4381 productivity, reduces costs and benchmarking
build an organisational attitude contractual employees. Our in the previous year cycle time, facilitates tools, institutionalizing a series Our approach to delivering
that places a high priority on safety statistics have constantly reproducibility, promises of self-checks and world-class products
safety, has zero tolerance greater shelf life, enhances incorporating corrective encompasses the following:
towards violations and drives Nearmiss Reporting (Numbers) audit readiness, and accelerates measures.
awareness at the shop floor. 8000 7471 the organisation's drive to Quality Management System
“Star Cap” is an additional ‘getting it right the first time’. (QMS)
responsibility a team member
Ensuring product safety To deliver Good Health
undertakes in the work team as 6000 We continue to adopt and and quality is of utmost consistently and reliability, a
part of the empowerment master advanced tools such as well-conceived, rigorous
process. It is a transitionary role
5000 4381 Failure Mode Effect Analysis
importance and this Quality Management System
in which team members must 4000 (FMEA), Process Mapping, commitment is (QMS) is implemented across
spend at least a year, to Hazard Analysis and Critical engrained within our our operations. Our QMS
broad-skill themselves, before 3000
Control Points (HACCP), focuses on continual
moving to a Team Leader role. Hazard Operability Analysis
culture and embraced improvement aimed at
This 'broad-skilling' is the
(HAZOP), Fault Tree Analysis by our entire streamlining production,
functional expertise the team 1000 (FTA) and Cause and Effect workforce. optimizing processes and
members build in any of the Analysis (CEA). eliminating non-value-adding
aspects - Safety, Quality, FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 efforts in production. These
Engineering, Delivery or People
Fire Prevention and Protection
depending which Star Cap role
they take on. In FY 2015-16 we have made significant progress in strengthening our
fire protection and prevention system.
Our safety approach has
evolved into a responsive In Formulations, we have adopted the approach of “mitigation of
framework from 'zero by fire risk at its initial stage” through implementation of aerosol fire
chance' to 'zero by design' suppression system, clean agent localized fire suppression system
through 'Project Parivartan', a and Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) modular fire suppression system.
safety culture transformation
journey. We organise regular In addition, a new fire water pump house has been installed in
Formulations Unit 2, and a Fire Station and Fire Tender have been
workshops and awareness
set up for our Bachupally Campus. An Emergency Response Team
sessions on various safety is available at the Emergency Control Center round the clock
across all Formulations Units.
7 % increase in rainwater
of environmental stewardship efforts we actively engaged
every year so as to achieve 40%
and actively supports the Green harvesting with the State Pollution Control
reduction by 2020 (base
Industry Rating Programme of Board to include clean energy
year=FY 10) while specific
Confederation of Indian use as a means for power
energy consumption is
Industries (CII) that evaluates generation for all
calculated as the ratio of
companies on the basis of their In the FY 2015-16 manufacturing operations in the
energy consumed within the
environmental performance. states of Andhra Pradesh,
We have partnered with CII to
carry out a project on
55% ofwaste
the hazardous
Telengana & Himachal Pradesh.
Indeed, this has now been
organisation per million sales.
At the same time, we strive to
increase the percentage share
inventorying product specific were sent for alternative use made a mandatory consent
of renewable energy by 25% in
greenhouse gases to showcase in cement and other condition for all manufacturing
industries our total energy profile by 2020
its relevance and significance operations in the state. In
(base year=FY 10). In FY
from the sectoral perspective. another instance, we have
2015-16, we have invested 91.35
A pilot has been implemented successfully engaged with the
In the FY 2015-16, specific million INR in energy
in one of our units (API Central Pollution Control Board
energy consumption has conservation activities leading 50 48 Specific energy consumption
Manufacturing Unit-2). The unit to obtain approval for (GJ/ Million Sales)
reduced by to savings of 63.54 million INR, 45
was assessed by CII for conducting trial usage of sludge
4.3 million units of electricity,
certification under the Green generated from our Effluent
Rating System and awarded
% compared to
FY 14-15 Treatment Plant (ETP) as an
1070 kilolitres of furnace oil and 40 39
265 kilolitres of high speed 33
Bronze Rating. alternative fuel in the nearby 31
diesel for captive power 30
cement plants. 30
generation. Initiatives include
We are actively engaging
In the FY 2015-16, renewable installation of Air-Operated
environmental regulators in the Our belief in environmental
energy share is Double Diaphragm pumps,
states where we operate to leadership is institutionalised in 20
elimination of vacuum pumps,
bring about policy changes to
put greater focus on cleaner
technologies, processes and
13.6 % as against 10.9%
in FY 14-15
our business strategy in terms
of the ambitious commitments
that we have taken to
use of pumps with lower Horse
Power, installation of energy 10
efficient lighting system (LED
lights with voltage stabilizer),
power savings on air curtains 0
FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16
etc. across several operations
and merger of power sources of
Formulations Plant 1 and API
Manufacturing Unit 1.
importance of working At Dr Reddy’s, people are at the Dr. Reddy’s Employee Value Proposition
Hired 2,500 talented rural youth through "SMT route" transforming their
lives by providing opportunities that strengthen careers.
At Dr. Reddy’s, occupational system to manage and monitor productivity and increase
health is addressed at the health and safety. retention.
design stage; beginning with
R&D of our products. A Our employees undergo regular At Dr. Reddy's, we
comprehensive toxicological comprehensive health check up acknowledge that people need
risk assessment is done at the to ensure early detection and work-life balance in order to be
time of product selection & prevention of potential illnesses productive, to be healthy and to
appropriate controls are & ailments. We recognize that not suffer from burnout and
implemented to prevent any employee wellbeing is much stress. Providing flexibility in
kind of exposure during R& D more than people’s medical work ensures that our
and commercial manufacturing. health. To align with our employees lead a balanced,
company’s mission “Good stress-free and fulfilling life.
The objective is primarily to Health Can’t wait”, we design &
ensure that the products we execute various wellness & To this end, we have
craft are safe for the patients; fitness campaigns all across the implemented policies such as
and that our operations do not organization for better health of flexible work timings, sabbatical
present any health risks to our employees. leave, part-time work, extended
employees, community, paternity and maternity leave
environment or customers. We While we offer medical support (including for those adopting a
subscribe to the precautionary through health check-ups and child).
Unlocking minds by leveraging Apart from operational benefits religion, age, nationality or any principles with a philosophy of medical insurance, we also
modern technologies such as efficiency other factor. prevention to ensure zero work provide flexibility in work, to
improvement, cost reduction, related illnesses. We have ensure that our employees lead
Moving ahead with times, we safety enhancement and Enhancing diversity in our corporate standards, a balanced, stress-free and
have been modernizing our energy conservation, a key workforce is crucial to procedures and an fulfilling life. This helps enhance
operations leveraging the value advantage is the elimination or facilitating the interplay of occupational health governance employee loyalty, improve
provided by new technological reduction of human different modes of thinking to
solutions such as intervention across process, broaden the length and breadth
mechanisation, automation, where machines replace men to of imagination, innovative ideas
robotics and digitization. All our perform repetitive tasks. and creativity. We do this by
new plants are next-generation Shifting from muscles to amplifying our global talent
manufacturing blueprints and machines, reduces the number pool, inducting young and fresh
our existing plants are being of employees working on talent, employing
gradually migrated to smarter manual tasks and we are able to differently-abled individuals, or
technologies. These repurpose our human resources increasing the ratio of female
technologies increase workers’ towards productive avenues, employees.
safety and dignity, enhance unleashing their minds and
quality, productivity and freeing ingenuity for innovation. Beyond these parameters, we
availability of our products, also focus on assimilating
drive optimum use of natural Embracing diversity people with varied educational
resources, propel greater background, knowledge
engineering prowess and We celebrate our differences domain, functional expertise,
extend continuous and capitalize on the intrinsic industry excellence and
improvement down to the shop values of a diverse workforce, international experience, both
floor. including gender, race, colour, on the management board as
well as on the execution team.
implement this successfully. management based on their spread of Self-Managed Teams
10 1
performance. (SMTs) to more of our existing
The framework provides an facilities. Workplace Organisation
opportunity to undergraduate improvement
9 2
“I have been associated with Dr. Reddy’s Skill based
since last 14 years. I started my career progression
after my 10+2 qualification as an Area system
Recognition &
department. Celebrations
A 5
It is a great opportunity for young people TA
Human Value
who want to work hard, having Action Team
enthusiasm to learn and expose their N
learnings in practice.” M
- S Chamundeswari
Broad skilling
Team Leaders and about 20 house), Visual Display Boards
team members. etc. voluntarily come Delivery Engineering
Deep skilling
education program for which
they may earn a Bachelor’s
Quality control
Reviews at department and
Ointments &
plant level. The teams also
Oral solid
compete with each other to win
‘Team of the Month’, ‘Team of
the Quarter’ and ‘Team of the
Year’ awards.
Source of emission factor: Combined emission factor of grid electricity (Central Electricity
Payment to Govt. (tax) INR Million 5094 5984 7127 Authority Database Version 11, April 2016).
Suspended Particulate Matter Tons/yr. 42 61 81 Total attrition Nos 3025 3818 3692
Male %age 83% 86% 84%
NOx Tons/yr. 2611 2674 2646
Female %age 17% 14% 16%
Scope and Approach Review of Dr. Reddy’s approach to stakeholder engagement and recent outputs. We did not
have any direct engagement with external stakeholders;
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited (‘Dr. Reddy’s’ or ‘the Company’) commissioned DNV GL Business
Review of information provided to us by Dr. Reddy’s on its reporting and management
Assurance India Private Limited (‘DNV GL’) to undertake an independent assurance of Dr. Reddy’s
processes relating to the Principles;
Corporate Sustainability Report 2015-16 (the ‘Report’) in its printed format. The intended user of this
assurance statement is the management of the Company. Our assurance engagement was planned Interviews with selected senior managers responsible for management of sustainability issues
and carried out in June – September 2016 for the financial year ending 31st March 2016. and review of selected evidence to support issues discussed at the sites we visited. We were
free to choose interviewees and interviewed those with overall responsibility to deliver the
We performed our work using DNV GL’s assurance methodology VeriSustainTM1, which is based on our
Company’s sustainability objectives;
professional experience, international assurance best practice including International Standard on
Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Site visits to the CTOs and FTOs in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Baddi to review processes
Reporting Guidelines. and systems for preparing site level sustainability data and implementation of sustainability
strategy. We were free to choose sites we visited and it was selected on the basis of their
We evaluated the performance data presented in the Report using the reliability principle, together
with Dr. Reddy’s data protocols for how the data is measured, recorded and reported. The
performance data in the agreed scope of work included the qualitative and quantitative information on Review of supporting evidence for key claims and data in the Report. Our verification processes
sustainability performance disclosed in the Report prepared by Dr. Reddy’s based on GRI G4 in line were prioritised according to materiality and we based our prioritisation on the materiality of
with its ‘in accordance’ – Core option, and covering economic, environmental and social performance issues at a consolidated corporate level;
for the activities undertaken by the Company over the reporting period 1 st April 2015 to 31st March
2016. Review of the processes for gathering and consolidating the specified performance data and,
for a sample, checking the data consolidation. The reported data on economic performance and
The reporting Aspect boundary of sustainability performance is based on a process of materiality other financial data are based on audited financial statements issued by the Company’s
assessment covering Dr. Reddy’s operations and identifying concerns of key internal and external statutory auditors;
stakeholders, as set out it in the Report in the section “About this Report” and covers the sustainability
performance of significant locations of its operation, i.e., manufacturing facilities located primarily in An independent assessment of the Company’s reporting against the Global Reporting Initiative
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Himanchal Pradesh. The boundary excludes subsidiaries in India, two (GRI) G4 Guidelines and the reporting requirements for its ‘in accordance’ – Core option.
warehouses owned by Dr. Reddy’s (i.e. CTO central warehouse at Hyderabad & GDC-Ghaziabad), and During the assurance process, we did not come across limitations to the scope of the agreed assurance
factory locations and Research and Development facilities outside India. engagement.
We understand that the reported financial data and information are based on data from Dr. Reddy’s
Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16, which are subject to a separate independent audit process. The Opinion
review of financial data taken from the Annual Report and Accounts is not within the scope of our
work. On the basis of the work undertaken, nothing came to our attention to suggest that the Report does
not properly describe Dr. Reddy’s adherence to the GRI G4 Principles for Defining Report Content
We planned and performed our work to obtain the evidence we considered necessary to provide a basis Principles, General StandardDisclosures and Specific Standard Disclosures for the ‘in accordance’ – Core
for our assurance opinion. We are providing a moderate level of assurance based on VeriSustain. No option of reporting as below:
external stakeholders were interviewed as part of this assurance engagement.
General Standard Disclosures: The reported information on General Standard Disclosure
generally meets the disclosure requirements for the ‘in accordance’ – Core option.
Responsibilities of the Management of Dr. Reddy’s and of the Assurance
Specific Standard Disclosures: The Report describes the generic Disclosures on
Management Approach (DMA) and Performance Indicators for identified material Aspects as
The management of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited has the sole responsibility for the preparation of below. The Internal processes are in place for monitoring, managing and reporting on these
the Report as well as the processes for collecting, analysing and reporting the information presented in material Aspects and focus areas on a continual basis to ensure long term organizational
the Report. In performing our assurance work, our responsibility is to the management of the sustainability:
Company; however our statement represents our independent opinion and is intended to inform the
outcome of our assurance to the stakeholders of Dr. Reddy’s. DNV GL was not involved in the Economic Social
preparation of any statements or data included in the Report except for this Assurance Statement. DNV Economic Performance– G4-EC1; Labour Practices and Decent Work
GL provides a range of other services to Dr. Reddy’s, none of which constitute a conflict of interest with Indirect Economic Impacts – G4-EC8; Employment – G4-LA1, G4-LA2;
this assurance work. Procurement Practices – G4-EC9; Occupational Health and Safety – G4-LA6*;
Environment Diversity and Equal Opportunity – G4-LA12;
DNV GL’s assurance engagements are based on the assumption that the data and information provided Materials – G4-EN1; Human Rights
by the client to us as part of our review have been provided in good faith. We were not involved in the Energy – G4-EN3 , G4-EN5, G4-EN6; Freedom of Association and Collective
preparation of any statements or data included in the Report except for this Assurance Statement. DNV Water – G4-EN8, G4-10; Bargaining - G4-HR4;
GL expressly disclaims any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or an entity may make Emissions – G4-EN15, G4-EN16, G4-EN18, G4- Child Labour – G4-HR5;
EN21; Supplier Human Rights Assessment – G4-
based on this Assurance Statement.
Effluents and Waste – G4-EN22, G4-EN23; HR10, G4-HR11;
Products and Services – G4-EN27; Society
Basis of our Opinion Overall – G4-EN31; Local Communities – G4-SO1.
Supplier Environmental Assessment – G4-EN32;
A multi-disciplinary team of sustainability and assurance specialists performed work at Dr. Reddy’s *Absenteeism and lost days are not aggregated and
operations in India, ie. Chemical Technical Operations (CTOs) and Formulations Technical Operations reported, and reason for omission has been
The VeriSustain protocol is available on
Stakeholder Inclusiveness Dr. Reddy’s may extend its boundary of reporting to include all subsidiaries and other entities
The participation of stakeholders in developing and achieving an accountable and strategic response to over which it has operational control to further improve on the completeness of its reporting.
A process of review and periodic validation of sustainability related performance and data may
The Company has an ongoing and continuous process of stakeholder engagement in place involving its be carried out to further improve on the quality and reliability of reported sustainability data.
key stakeholders. The outcomes of this process are fairly brought out within the Report as stakeholder
concerns, and these concerns are taken into consideration while identifying the Company’s material
aspects and issues. In our opinion, the level at which the Report adheres to this principle is
For and on behalf of DNV GL Business Assurance India Private Limited
Bengaluru, India
12 September 2016
The process of determining the issues that is most relevant to an organization and its stakeholders.
Dr. Reddy’s has reviewed its key sustainability issues and focus areas through internal reviews by the
top and middle management, and has concluded that there are no change in sustainability focus areas
from the previous reporting period. Nothing has come to our attention to suggest that DRL has missed
out any significant material issues based on its selected reporting boundary. In our opinion, the level at
which the Report adheres to this principle is ‘Good’.
Reliability -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DNV GL Business Assurance India Private Limited is part of DNV GL – Business Assurance, a global provider
The accuracy and comparability of information presented in the report, as well as the quality of
of certification, verification, assessment and training services, helping customers to build sustainable
underlying data management systems. business performance.
The robustness of the data management and aggregation systems was evaluated, and the majority of
the data and information verified at the CTOs and FTOs were found to be fairly reliable. Nothing has
come to our attention to suggest that reported data has not been properly collated from information
reported at operational level, nor that the assumptions used were inappropriate. Some of the data
inaccuracies identified during the verification process were found to be attributable to transcription,
interpretation and aggregation errors and the errors have been communicated for correction. In our
opinion, the level at which the Report adheres to this principle is “Good”.
How much of all the information that has been identified as material to the organisation and its
stakeholders is reported
The Report has fairly reported the General and Specific Standard Disclosures including the
management approach, monitoring systems and sustainability performance indicator against GRI G4
requirements for its ‘in accordance’ – Core option within its identified reporting boundary. The
reporting of sustainability performance needs to identify and bring out material issues across the
Company covering all significant entities such as subsidiaries, warehouses and facilities outside India
included in its financial statements. In our opinion, the level at which the Report adheres to this
principle is “Acceptable”.
The extent to which a report provides a balanced account of an organization’s performance, delivered
in a neutral tone.
The disclosures related to sustainability issues and performances are reported in a neutral tone, in
terms of content and presentation. The Report may further bring out the Company’s responses to
challenges faced at various geo-locations of its operations during the reporting period. In our opinion,
the level at which the Report adheres to the principle of Neutrality is “Acceptable”.
G4-13 8 Yes G4-34 14, 21; Annual Report FY15 -16 pg . 54-69 Yes
G4-16 32 Yes
G4-EN15 46 Yes
G4-DMA 43 Yes
47 ; Annual Report FY15 -
G4-LA12 Yes
16 pg. 22 -27
G4-DMA 16 Yes
G4-DMA 16 Yes
G4-HR5 16 Yes
G4-DMA 16 Yes
G4-HR10 16 Yes
G4-HR11 16 Yes