Trust Strategy 2021 2022
Trust Strategy 2021 2022
Trust Strategy 2021 2022
Our Vision 1
Strategic Objectives 1
Trust Overview 3
External Landscape 7
Internal Analysis 10
Our Vision
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
multi-disciplinary working among health and We recognise that our patients and the
care professionals. communities we serve want to interact with
us in many ways, and that technology has an
Our patients will be supported to manage
important role to play in this. We have and
their own care, and will no longer be passed
will continue to use digitally enabled solutions
from one organisation to another as they seek
so that people can book appointments, see
to identify the care they support and require.
clinical staff and safely monitor their own
We believe that this approach will enable us to health. We will embrace this change, and work
remove unnecessary duplication, and ensure with partners across the whole healthcare
resources are used effectively. system to automate processes and information
Separate organisations will cease to have sharing. We will help create a system where
competing agendas as we will work together patients feel supported to live healthier and
to put the patient at the centre of all we do. more independent lives.
Together, we will be mutually accountable We will continue to work with our
for the delivery of services as we share all communities, patients, partners and staff
available resources. We believe that this is as we evolve. Understanding the need and
the most appropriate, safe and financially requirements of the diverse communities
responsible solution for the future of health of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire and the
and care provision in Wolverhampton and Black Country is fundamental in our vision
beyond. as well as identifying and addressing the
Collaboration will also extend beyond the inequalities within these communities. Our
city as we look to work more closely with approach will always be inclusive, and we will
other providers of care. We know that safe share, discuss and consult on all major service
services are those that are well resourced reconfiguration.
and have adequate clinical support. Making This vision, our values and the strategic
best use of collective resources to achieve objectives provides the narrative for this
this goal is a positive step for patients. journey.
Together with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust,
The impact of the pandemic has meant that
we have expressed our intention to work
the key operational priority for 2021/22 will be
closer with each other to ultimately improve
on restoration and recovery.
patient outcomes and reduce duplication and
Our history suggests that we have adapted What success looks like by 2022
well to the challenges we have faced and
embraced innovation to achieve our strategic Amongst other things, we will have:
aims. • Established the Wolverhampton
We must continue on this path if we are to Integrated Health and Care
remain financially and clinically resilient. Partnership and South Staffordshire
Integrated Care Partnership
Similar to all healthcare providers, perhaps the
biggest challenge we face over the coming • Developed a person centric
years is our staffing capacity to accommodate integrated data resource for
the demand in the system and the ability to population level planning and
successfully attract and retain appropriate research
staff. We know that as different generations
• Reduced the gap in engagement
enter the workforce we need to adapt and
scores for BAME staff
provide career paths that satisfy their needs.
We will respond to this challenge through • Recovered services following Covid in
innovative and creative career development line with the national ambitions
pathways, working collaboratively with
academic institutes. We will look to develop a • Delivered the RWT component of the
sustainable workforce in a caring, supportive STP medium term financial plan.
and exciting environment.
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Overview
Wolverhampton CCG Wolverhampton Council
Wolverhampton CCG
Specialised Services
Wolverhampton Council
Staffordshire CCGs
Specialised Services
Other Black Country CCGs Staffordshire CCGs
NHS England
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
External Landscape
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
The current age profile of Wolverhampton We know that high levels of deprivation
is broadly in line with that of the country are a determining factor in the health of a
whereas a greater proportion of people over population. Life expectancy in Wolverhampton
the age of 65 reside in South Staffordshire is lower than for England as a whole and
compared with the country generally. the mortality rate across all causes is higher
than for England as a whole. In terms of
Wolverhampton and behavioural risk factors, Wolverhampton has
a lower percentage of physically active adults
Staffordshire’s Health than the country and a higher percentage
classified as overweight or obese. Smoking
Needs prevalence is however slightly below the
English average.
A key challenge for the Trust is the diversity
Finally, males experience a health inequality
of the communities we serve. Wolverhampton
at birth of 7.8 years and females, 6.3. Both are
is characterized by high levels of deprivation
higher than the national average.
whereas South Staffordshire is typically more
prosperous and less ethnically diverse. As
a Trust, we work closely with colleagues in
commissioning and the Local Authority to
develop the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
We also contribute to the Joint Strategic
Needs Assessment (JSNA) that defines the
health considerations across our communities.
Ethnic 2
White: 64.5% White: 96.5%
BME: 35.5% BME: 3.5%
Life Expectancy 1
Males: 77.3 3
Males: 80.3
Females: 81.9 Females: 84.3
Below national average Above national average
Quality of Life 2
Males: 58 years 5
Males: 71 years
(lower than national average) (higher than national average)
(Disability free
life expectancy) Females: 61 years Females: 73 years
(lower than national average) (higher than national average)
Deprivation 1
17th most deprived LA 5
250th most deprived district
51.3% of population amongst the 9% of population amongst the 20%
20% most deprived nationally most deprived nationally
Morbidity 1
67.3% of adults (18+) classified as 3
62.7% of adults (18+) classified as
overweight or obese overweight or obese
27.7% suffer from one or more LTCs 4
18.7% suffer from one or more LTCs
Single greatest cause of years of life
Single greatest cause of years of life
lost: circulatory diseases
lost: Cardiovascular Disease
Taken from:
Health Profile 2017-19, Public Health England
Wolverhampton JSNA 2019
Health Profile 2017-19, Public Health England
Health & Wellbeing Profile 2015 for South Staffordshire
South Staffordshire E-JSNA
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Internal Analysis
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Opportunities Threats
• The Trust recognises the • The impact of COVID-19 continues to
opportunities that come from represent one of the biggest threats
working more closely with our ever faced by the Trust and the NHS
neighbouring trusts. Together, with in general. Despite the roll out of
Walsall NHS Foundation Trust, we vaccinations, we remain conscious of
are pursuing the benefits of this the further disruption it could bring
• Following the recent legislative
• Following the recent legislative proposals that offer greater influence
proposals that offer greater influence and decision-making power to
and decision-making power to Integrated Care Systems, there is
Integrated Care Systems, there is the a threat that this could negatively
opportunity for the Trust to have an impact on the Trust
influence on a larger scale
• The demand on services is not
• Vertical integration offers further sustainable – this was true before
opportunities for the Trust to COVID-19 and has been emphasised
enhance the whole patient pathway in the backlog of patients waiting as
a result of Covid-19
• Our recently announced 10-year
partnership with Babylon combines • Delivering the financial plan remains
the experience of running a hospital a challenge. The expectation on us to
with cutting edge technology to continually deliver a significant CIP
bring innovative solutions for our whilst demand for services increases
patients puts considerable pressure into the
• We can further improve our CQC
rating to ‘Outstanding’ and take • Financial pressures faced by other
advantage of the benefits that come partners in the health and social care
with this. sector, could have a de-stabilising
effect. This puts pressure elsewhere in
the system, and creates inefficiencies
and poorer health outcomes
• In the same way that acute
collaboration brings opportunity, it
also brings threats which we must
remain mindful of.
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Our Values
Safe and Effective
Kind and Caring Exceeding Expectation
We will work collaboratively to
We will act in the best interest of We will grow a reputation for
prioritise the safety of all within our
others at all times excellence as our norm
care environment
Strategic Aims
To have an Operationally
opportunities Attract, retain Maintain
effective and well manage the
to develop and develop our Deliver a safe financial health
integrated health recovery from
our services staff and improve and high quality – appropriate
and care system Coronavirus to
through digital employee service investment to
that operates achieve national
technology and engagement patient services
efficiently standards
Establish the Identify and implement Maintain the lowest Recover and restore planned activity to at least Delivery of the RWT
Wolverhampton Health a digitally enabled vacancy levels in the 85% of normal levels by July 2021. component of the STP
Board and implement operating model in Black Country medium term financial
the associated partnership with Achieve best practice By March 22, reduce plan
operating framework Babylon Increase the percentage for the management of the number of patients
of staff who deem the Covid patients awaiting initial cancer Use our influence
Work with partners Develop a person organisation has taken treatment to the levels for Black Country
to develop a model centric integrated data positive action on their Reduce indirect harm seen in February 2020 investment into RWT
of care collaboration resource for population health and well being caused by Covid by and maximise external
across the Black level planning and establishing systems to Prioritise the treatment capital opportunities
Country research Improve overall identify and monitor of P1 and P2 patient, to support the
employee engagement learning from related reducing the number development of the
Establish a South- Establish a Digital incidents waiting to the levels estate and related
West Staffordshire Collaborative to focus seen in February 2020 assets
Reduce the gap in
Integrated Care on the construction, engagement scores Reduce harm by
Partnership engineering and for BAME staff and assessing, recognising
analysability of a high improve performance and responding
Improve outcomes for quality clinical and against the Workforce to prevent patient
patients and efficiency care data set Race Equality standard deterioration
of process through
closer collaboration Promote equity of
with Walsall access and equality
of outcomes by
understanding and
reporting the outcomes
of service users
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
The Trust has been a committed partner across We welcome the increased national emphasis
the local health economy and the STPs for a being placed on collaboration and the
number of years. We recognise the challenges increased powers being given to Integrated
that all providers face in the current climate Care Partnerships (ICPs) in the recent
and that if we are to realise our strategic legislative changes.
ambitions we need to work together focusing
During 2021/22 we expect to see the Black
on collaboration rather than competition.
Country and West Birmingham STP develop
We have already seen the benefits of this into an Integrated Care System (ICS) from
approach. 1st April 2021. This ICS is expected to evolve
in maturity during the course of the year
• In June 2016 we embarked on an
ultimately resulting in the establishment of
ambitious Primary Care Programme
the ICS as an independent statutory body by
(Vertical Integration) whose aim
April 2022. As part of this, the Trust will be
was to address these issues. We
represented on the ICS board whilst also being
already have nearly 60,000 patients
part of a provider collaborative -allowing us to
registered with our GPs, and the Trust
integrate services locally.
is directly responsible for the delivery
of primary care Wolverhampton place
• Pathology services across the Black Whilst the ICS develops across the Black
Country are now working together Country and West Birmingham, the Trust
in a service hosted by The Royal will continue to play the leading role it
Wolverhampton NHS Trust. This has established in the development of the
allows us to exploit economies of Wolverhampton place based agenda. This
scale and improve the sustainability agenda brings together health and social care
of the service stakeholders from across Wolverhampton
in the development of a programme of
• Both The Royal Wolverhampton work aimed at making best use of the
NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare Wolverhampton pound for the population of
NHS Trust have agreed to strategic Wolverhampton.
collaborate. In doing so, we aim
to improve outcomes for patients, Strategic Objectives
improve the sustainability of services
and reduce inefficiency. • Establish the Wolverhampton Integrated
Health and Care Partnership and
We believe that collective responsibility implement the associated operating
for resources and wider population health framework
through coordinated, joined up care will
help people to live healthier for longer and • Work with partners to develop a model
improve the health and wellbeing of the of care collaboration across the Black
communities we serve, in the context of rising Country
demand and financial pressures. • Establish a South-West Staffordshire
Our vision is for a system of integrated services Integrated Care Partnership
founded on multi-disciplinary working among
• Improve outcomes for patients and
health and care professionals.
efficiency of process through closer
collaboration with Walsall.
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Urgent Care – We have made significant We will commit to the following actions:
investment over the past three years in urgent
• Work collaboratively with
care. This has seen the opening of a new ED
neighbouring trusts to develop
facility, and the development of a co-located,
improved patient pathways that
Urgent Care Centre which the Trust will run
provide equitable access
from April 2021. Our current performance
puts us in the top half of all trusts in the • Establish working groups with
country, but we want to improve upon this. other providers to take forward
Our ambition is be in the top 25% of all Trusts key initiatives such as Community
nationally. Diagnostic Hubs
We have already made a number of positive • Implement the new 28-day cancer
and innovative changes to the way we deliver diagnosis standard.
care in ED. This has seen considerable patient
benefits as fewer patients now require
admission, and we are able to triage patients Strategic Objectives
to the most appropriate point of care upon
• Recover and restore planned activity to at
arrival. In addition to this we have developed
least 85% of normal levels by July 2021.
an Ambulatory Emergency Care facility which
will specifically support identified patients. • The number of patients awaiting initial
This affords greater opportunity to provide cancer treatment to the levels seen in
appropriate and enhanced care for patients February 2020
and should, again, result in the requirement
for fewer patients to have a hospital • Prioritise the treatment of P1 and P2
admission. patients, reducing the number waiting to
the levels seen in February 2020.
We note the recent consultation into new
standards for patients in need of Urgent and
Emergency Care and support the principles
underpinning the new standards. We will
continue to monitor our performance against
these standards in anticipation of them being
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
We recognise that the Trust Strategy is a document that should not sit in isolation. A clear structure
is in place, outlined in the table below. The Trust has one strategy and one set of strategic aims
and objectives which are supported by nine enabling strategies which align to the sub-committees
of the Board. Delivery plans sit underneath the enabling strategies setting out the detailed
philosophy of delivery.
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Our Vision
An NHS organisation that
continually strives to improve
the outcomes and experiences
for the communities we serve
Our Values
Safe and Effective
Kind and Caring Exceeding Expectation
We will work collaboratively to
We will act in the best interest of We will grow a reputation for
prioritise the safety of all within our
others at all times excellence as our norm
care environment
Strategic Aims
To have an Operationally
opportunities Attract, retain Maintain
effective and well manage the
to develop and develop our Deliver a safe financial health
integrated health recovery from
our services staff and improve and high quality – appropriate
and care system Coronavirus to
through digital employee service investment to
that operates achieve national
technology and engagement patient services
efficiently standards
Establish the Identify and implement Maintain the lowest Recover and restore planned activity to at least Delivery of the RWT
Wolverhampton Health a digitally enabled vacancy levels in the 85% of normal levels by July 2021. component of the STP
Board and implement operating model in Black Country medium term financial
the associated partnership with Achieve best practice By March 22, reduce plan
operating framework Babylon Increase the percentage for the management of the number of patients
of staff who deem the Covid patients awaiting initial cancer Use our influence
Work with partners Develop a person organisation has taken treatment to the levels for Black Country
to develop a model centric integrated data positive action on their Reduce indirect harm seen in February 2020 investment into RWT
of care collaboration resource for population health and well being caused by Covid by and maximise external
across the Black level planning and establishing systems to Prioritise the treatment capital opportunities
Country research Improve overall identify and monitor of P1 and P2 patient, to support the
employee engagement learning from related reducing the number development of the
Establish a South- Establish a Digital incidents waiting to the levels estate and related
West Staffordshire Collaborative to focus seen in February 2020 assets
Reduce the gap in
Integrated Care on the construction, engagement scores Reduce harm by
Partnership engineering and for BAME staff and assessing, recognising
analysability of a high improve performance and responding
Improve outcomes for quality clinical and against the Workforce to prevent patient
patients and efficiency care data set Race Equality standard deterioration
of process through
closer collaboration Promote equity of
with Walsall access and equality
of outcomes by
understanding and
reporting the outcomes
of service users
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
Trust Strategy 2021-2022
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