Commission Procedure

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine

For Home Lift (please fill it up and send it back)

TI Version:-
Machine and Drive detail:-

Encoder type
Make Model No. Sr. No.


1. Preliminary checks:-

Th ese ch ecks ar e ma ndato ry an d mu st be don e before st artin g of commissio nin g

proced ure.
Description Yes No
1. Earthing at 2 points to Gearless machine unit.
2. Earthing at 2 points to controller.
3. Earthing to V3F drive is OK.
4. All terminals on controller checked with Earthing, no shorting found.
5. All terminals on V3F Drive are checked for tightness.
6. Voltage between Earth and Neutral is < 3 Volts. Ensure during running this
voltage not increasing beyond this level.
7. Line choke is provided at the controller. (10 amp. 2.93mH) single phase.
8. Shield of power cable is connected to Earth at Motor end as well as at
controller end
9. Shielded cable is used for digital inputs of the drive.
(Shield of cable must be Earth at drive end only)
10. Output contactor is provided on controller.
11. Motor terminal shorting contactor is provided on controller.
(As per the recommended scheme explained in Point 3)
12. Braking resistor of appropriate rating is provided.(100ohms.1000w)
(Terminal ++ and PB, applicable for KEB drive)
13. Motor encoder is connected to the drive.
(Terminal X3A, applicable for KEB drive)
14. Check the motor thermistor is connected to the drive.
(Terminals T1 & T2, applicable for KEB drive)
15. Ensure the size of rope or roping.
(4 mm rope with 100 mm diameter pulley).
16. Check input voltage. It should be in between 210VAC to 240V AC. (Across
L2, and L3 )
17. Ensure BBL supplied Brake PCB has been used for brake supply.
(As per the electrical circuit explained below)

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

2. Brake Circuit:-

Ch eck br ak e co nn ection throu gh Br ake PCB (Suppli ed b y BB L) only.

A s sho wn in b elow di agr am:-

To break + cn o/p
Unit at motor _ 01 210v/110vDC
Break PCB
Main/c Bkr/c
I/p cn i/p 230v
230vAC 02 AC

3. Recommended Scheme to enhance the safety in our Gearless machines:-


1 2
3 4
5 6

R1 R2 R4 R3



Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

1 2 3

3 2

1- Relay (with 2 c/o contacts, operated by terminals 24 and 26 of KEB ( o/p contactor

2- Original output / motor contactor.

3- Additional contactor with 2 NO + 2 NC main contactors , provided to short the motor

terminals during standstill condition.


During Starting

With r el ay '1' (op er at ed by Drive) , Co ntactor '3' will pi ckup fir st.
Th en with combin ation of cont act s of '1 ' and '3 ', Co ntactor '2' wil l pick -up.

During Stopping

First Cont actor '2 ' will drop, as Rel ay '1 ' is d ropped by th e Dri ve.
Th en Cont actor '3' wil l drop.
Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

With thi s arr an gem ent at st an dstill condition, durin g po w er 'O FF' OR 'O N'
con dition, shorting of Motor t erminal s will t ak e place.
Wh en ever there i s no power to Motor and Br ak e i s rel eased , and th en th e
Motor t ermin al s will get short ed b y 'N C' con tact s of co ntactor '3 '. This shortin g of
termin al s will pro vide Dyn ami c Br akin g and the sp eed of th e el evator will be very
less. Speed of the lift will depend o n th e imbal an ce of lo ad an d si ze of the
machin e.

All the above part of the procedure is applicable for Any Drive.

Any deviation; will affect the performance of the machine, as well as its

Hence please do not ignore any of the above instruction.

Very important note - If you have used VFD other than KEB, please
take help from the qualified engineer of your respective VFD supplier
and refer our user manual and name plate for machine related

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

Following part of the procedure is applicable only for KEB Drive

4. Selection of Speed reference logic:-

i) Sele ct the set point fo r (Lb .05 = 1)

Connecter No. X2A.10 X2A.11 X2A.12

High Speed 1 1 0
Levelling Speed 0 1 0
Inspection Speed 0 0 1


ii) Sel ect th e set point for ( Lb.05 = 2 )

Connecter No. X2A.10 X2A.11 X2A.12

High Speed 0 1 0
Levelling Speed 1 0 0
Inspection Speed 0 0 1

5. Other control connection detail :-

Connector no. of
X2A.14 Forward direction (F)
X2A.15 Reverse direction (R)
X2A.16 Control release (ST)
X2A.20 +24vdc comm. to all logic inputs
X2A.22 Ground
X2A.23 Ground
X2A.24 +24vdc from controller
X2A.27 +24vdc from controller
X2A.26 To control output contactor relay
X2A.29 To control brake contactor relay

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

6. Parameterization of Drive:-

 Switch on th e m ain singl e ph ase sup pl y to t he drive.

 Now set th e followin g parameters as p er the sequ ence:-


If drive shows Us_ro then set ‘11’ by pressing
Lb.1 - up arrow key to make it Us_on.
Us_on Set remaining parameters
Selection of machine If it is not showing S GL, By pressing up
Lb.3 S GL
type arrow key make it S GL and press enter.
Set point selection for Select 1 or 2 as described in Page No.5 (Point
Lb.5 1
speed reference 4).
Lb.8 Switching frequency 16 kHz Change it to 8 kHz

Lb.10 In/output configuration 1 Make it 2

Braking resistance
Lb.18 * Set the actual value of resistor (ohms).
value (ohms)
Ld.02 Motor rated RPM * Refer table on page no. 08 (point no 7).
Ld.03 Motor rated current * Refer table on page no. 08 (point no 7).
Ld.04 Motor rated frequency * Refer table on page no. 08 (point no 7).
Ld.06 Motor Rated voltage 230 VAC Refer table on page no. 08 (point no 7).
Ld.08 Winding resistance * Refer back side of motor name plate.
Ld.09 Winding inductance * Refer back side of motor name plate.
Ld.10 Motor rated torque * Refer table on page no. 08 (point no 7).
It should display 13 then press enter key it
Lc.11 Feedback system 13
will display “ busy “ , press enter key again.
Lc.12 PPR value of encoder 2500 Make it to 4096 and press enter key.
Lc.13 Track change encoder 0/1
*Lc.18 - 0 Make it 2.
Lf.01 Max. lift speed in m/sec 0 m/sec Set the maximum lift speed limit to 0.5m/sec.
Lf.02 Sheave diameter(mm) 600mm Set 100mm for home lift machine.
Lf.05 Roping type 1 Make it 2.
Lf.06 Contract load * No of passengers x 68kg
Lf.11 Kp speed make 1100 Set it to 500.
Lf.12 Ki speed make 550 Set it to 250.
Lf.13 Ki speed offset 6000 Set it to 0.

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-


Lf.21 levelling speed 0.05m/sec As per site requirement.

Lf.22 Vn nominal speed 0.32m/sec As per site requirement.
Lf.23 Inspection speed 0.2m/sec As per site requirement.
Motor + inverter
Lf.49 off Make it ON.
overheating function
Lf.50 Drive OH delay time 0 Make it 3.

*Special Note:-

In case Lc.18 parameter is not available please follow the below mentioned steps:-


By pressing up key on inverter make it 440

Lb.1 - Us_on
and then press enter key.
Ds.30 - 0 Make it 2 and press enter key.
By pressing up key make it 11, press enter. It
Ud.1 - 11
should display “SGL” or Us_on.

For any clarification pertaining to the above parameters please contact BBL.

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

7. KEB Parameters Releated To Motor Data:-


Parameter Description GE0 GE0.5 GE1 GE1.5 GE2 GE2.5 GE3 GE1 GE2 GE3 GH1 100
225 225 200 225 225 225 225 300 300 300 (Home lift)

Ld.02 RPM 120 180 120

Ld.03 Current I 6 7.2 8.4 13.1 17.7 22 26.2 14.8 24.2 37.1 3
Ld.04 Frequency 12 18 12
Ld.06 400 230
Voltage (V)
Ld.10 Torque 215 273 330 490 650 795 940 360 590 900 60
LC.12 2048 4096
pulses (ppr.)
Lift max.
LF.01 Speed 1 1.5 0.32
Sheave Dia.
LF.02 320 100
LF.05 Roping type 2 (2:1)

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

8. Start-up the lift in Inspection-Mode :-

 Put the lift in inspection mode. Now switch on to main supply to

the controller.

 Before dri vin g th e lift into insp ection mode confirm all th e saf et y
cir cuits ar e working.

 Press Mup (maint en an ce u p) or Mdn ( mainte nan ce do wn) swit ch of

controll er & ch eck lift is mo vin g in up & do wn dire ction.

 If lift is not movin g in up & do wn dir ection t hen ch eck th e value of

( LI.17) on the in verter.

Param et er Valu e w hen Valu e w hen

( LI.17) control ON control O FF
No op er ation 0 0

In UP dire ction 2117 0

In d own direction 73 0

 If abo ve valu es ar e not showin g on in vert er t hen ch eck the sp eed

referen ce input logi c o f invert er (r ef er point 3 and 4.) A nd corr ect it
accordin gl y.

 If motor direction i s not mat chin g with th e l ift direction, th en ch ange

the value of ( LC.13) as mentioned b elow: -
If Lc.13= 0 mak e it 16 OR if Lc.13=1th en chan ge it to 17.

 Drive th e motor in in spection mod e in up or in down direction for

so me di st ance.

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

 Now put the in spectio n swit ch into n ormal mod e an d take so me t est

 If ther e i s roll b ack upon rel easin g the br ak e or at sto ppin g can b e
minimi zed b y increasi ng Lf.13 in st ep s of 200.

 Always ensure safety.

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

9. Pro cedure f or E mpty car balan cing b y Cu rrent method:-

(Pl. pro vid e Comp en sating chain b efore goin g for Empt y car bal an cing by Current
method, if req uired) .

Lift can b e oper at ed in Inspe ction O R in Norm al mode. Car should be “ EMPTY”.
(Empty car mean s co mpl et e ca r w ith all acc esso ri es but w ithout load)

Sel ect Paramet er LI – 11 and th en press “ FUNC” ke y on KEB op er ator. Di spl ay

will sh ow ‘0 .00’; this is for monitorin g th e curr ent.

Step -1: Tak e th e car at top floor, and th en r un th e lift in dow n dir ection till
Bottom floor.
Not e do wn th e current (in Amps).

Step – 2: Now run th e lift in UP direction till Top floor.

Not e d own the current (in Amp s).

Rep eat st ep s 1 and 2 for on e more time and t ake the aver age curren t in UP as well
a DOWN dir ection.
Ch eck the differen ce b etw een these two r eadi ngs.
Th e differen ce should be l ess th an 1 Amp.

1. If the current is more in UP direction, then Car is heavy. Add the

weight in C’wt side and repeat the steps 1 and 2 above till the
difference is reduced.

2. If the current is more in DOWN direction, then C’wt is heavy. Remove

the weight in C’wt side and repeat the steps 1 and 2 above till the
difference is reduced

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Commissioning Procedure of BBL Greenstar Gearless Machine
For Home Lift
TI Version:-

G ener ally appro x. 50 kg w ei ght will tak e 1 Amp. Current.

If the differen ce i s l ess than 1 Amp , we can con clu d e th at “Empt y car i s b al an ced
with C’wt ”.

Now add wei ght s equi valent to 45 to 50 % o f Th e Contract lo ad in the C’wt sid e.

NOTE: - Please follow the instructions sequence wise. Don’t try to skip any steps in between.

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