Optimism Bias
Optimism Bias
Optimism Bias
A 60.00
motivated to press the correct lever,
because if they made a mistake they
50.00 Neutral
would not receive a reward at all. The
% Likelihood/occurrence
between the two structures when The effects can be quite substantial, unwanted future outcomes (such as
healthy individuals imagine positive with one survey of 97,000 individuals lung cancer, bankruptcy and obesity)
scenarios relative to negative ones. reporting that optimists are 14% less are unlikely to materialize and that
We suggest that the rACC contributes likely to die between the ages of 50 positive future outcomes (such as
to optimism by biasing attention and 65, and 30% less likely to die earning larger amounts of money)
and vigilance towards positive from cardiac arrest. Optimism has are. Indeed, it has been reported that
associations and emotions when also been related to extended survival extreme optimists are more likely
imagining the future. Intriguingly, time of cancer and AIDS patients. to smoke and less likely to save
it is precisely these regions — the Optimism affects physical health money than are mild optimists. These
amygdala and the rACC — that show in at least two ways. First, expecting behaviours have traditionally been
abnormal function and impaired positive outcomes reduces stress attributed to temporal discounting
connectivity in depressed individuals. and anxiety. This is beneficial given (overvaluing the present over the
Further links between depression that chronic stress is detrimental to future), but studies show that when
and (a lack of) optimism come from health, causing over-activation of the optimistic expectations are abolished,
the notion that optimism relates to a autonomic nervous system and the these behaviours are reduced. This
person’s belief in their control over hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical suggests that choosing to engage in
future outcomes. Overestimating axis. Optimists have been reported an act that is rewarding at present
ones’ control over events is thought to catch fewer infectious diseases but costly in the future (smoking,
to increase optimism, because and have a stronger immune system. unprotected sex, overeating) can be
people believe that if they have the Second, it has been suggested that partially explained by an excess of
ability to control future outcomes optimism facilitates health-promoting unrealistic optimism.
they can steer themselves in the right actions. For example, studies show The harmful influences of over-
direction. While healthy individuals that optimistic patients are more optimism likely extend to the
tend to overestimate the extent likely to eat healthily and engage in collective behaviour of groups. For
of control they have over events, exercise. It seems that the belief in instance, the optimism bias has
depressed individuals do not show recovery motivates the individual to been named by several economists
this tendency. Seminal work by act in ways that promote it. as one of the core causes of the
Martin Seligman (2006) suggests Optimism appears to be related financial downfall of 2008. Unrealistic
that learning that one does not have to success in the professional expectation of individuals, financial
control over the environment can domain as well. Duke economists analysts and government officials
induce depression. He has shown Puri and Robinson (2007) report that the market would continue
that when an animal is exposed to that optimists work harder and growing, despite evidence to the
an environment in which actions do longer hours, which may account for contrary, likely contributed to the
not influence outcomes, it quickly their higher pay. Indeed, optimism collapse. This example may be
begins to show signs of depression. has been linked to achievement indicative of a trend in which the
Seligman coined the effect “learned in education, business, sport and negative consequences of optimism
helplessness” and showed that, electoral politics. In a recent paper, are especially pronounced in the
even after being transferred to an Johnson and Fowler (2007) present a modern world. There are two reasons
environment in which the animal computational model suggesting that why this might be. First, models
can in fact determine outcomes, the overestimating one’s probability of of predictive bias (such as that of
animal assumes helplessness and success is advantageous in a world Johnson and Fowler) hold that the
fails to commit the actions needed to of uncertainty and competition. They extent of unrealistic optimism should
avoid negative outcomes. suggest that if contested resources increase with uncertainty. People will
were sufficiently valuable compared show the largest bias in situations
Is optimism optimal? to the costs of competing for them with the greatest unknowns. The
Given that the healthy brain exhibits during human evolutionary history, modern world presents us with many
mechanisms that create optimistic humans would have evolved a bias such situations — whether we are
beliefs, one can ask the teleological to overestimate their likelihood of dealing with unfamiliar cultures (for
question of why this is. While success. example, in political relations) or novel
classic theories in economics and In a recent review, McKay and technologies (for example, internet
psychology assert that correct beliefs Dennett (2009) conclude that and financial markets), modern life is
will maximize reward and minimize optimistic illusions are the only group rife with circumstances in which over
loss, many sources of evidence point of misbeliefs that are adaptive. While optimism is likely to arise. Second,
to the conclusion that optimism is this may indeed be the case, it is the modern world has increased
nonetheless advantageous compared important to note that excessive interactions between larger numbers
to unbiased predictions. optimism can also be hazardous. of individuals. Individuals’ biases that
As discussed above, the absence Underestimating risk may reduce are inconsequential on their own can
of positive expectations of the future precautionary behaviour such accumulate together to produce a
is associated with mild depression as safe sex, attending medical large bubble, such as in the case of
and anxiety, suggesting that optimism screenings or buying insurance. It the 2008 financial market fall.
is vital to mental health. However, could potentially promote harmful On balance, however, it seems that
optimism is also beneficial for behaviours such as smoking, over- the benefits of unrealistic optimism
physical health. All else being equal, spending, and unhealthy eating due may have outweighed the downfalls.
optimists live longer and are healthier. to the optimistic assumptions that The biologists Ajit Varki (2009), Danny