CS-2400 / CS-2500: The Analyser You Know Becomes Better
CS-2400 / CS-2500: The Analyser You Know Becomes Better
CS-2400 / CS-2500: The Analyser You Know Becomes Better
with diagnostics
CS-2400 / CS-2500
Design and specifications may be subject to change due to further product development.
Sysmex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Sysmex New Zealand Ltd Sysmex Vietnam Co., Ltd
Tel +65 6221-3629 Fax +65 6221-3687 Tel +64 (9) 630-3554 Tel +84 (8) 3997-9400 Fax +84 (8) 3997-9405
www.sysmex-ap.com www.sysmex.co.nz www.sysmex.com.vn
Sysmex India Pvt. Ltd Sysmex (Thailand) Co., Ltd Sysmex Vietnam Co., Ltd (Hanoi Branch)
Tel +91 (22) 6112-6666 Tel +66 (2) 032-2536 Fax +66 (2) 116-5396 Tel +84 (4) 3776-7020 Fax +84 (4) 3776-7022
www.sysmex.co.in www.sysmex.co.th www.sysmex.com.vn
Successor of the CS-Series, based on proven track Delivering high quality results on every test run
record of CS-2000/2100i and CS-5100 and even more...
With the release of the IVD industry’s first coagulation analyser having a multi-wavelength analysis technology, Haemolysis and inappropriate filling of tubes are 2 of the most common pre-analytical problems in coagulation
Sysmex aims to help improve operational efficiency and the quality of coagulation testing. testing1. The CS-2400/CS-2500 are the first coagulation analyser to incorporate the pre-analytical check function
to minimise pre-analytical errors by automatically detecting and managing unsuitable samples prior to any testing.
The CS-2400/CS-2500 is equipped with an optical Photo diode 340nm
fiber that supplies light at 5 different wavelengths, 405nm HIL check for interfering substances
and a detector capable of receiving light in multiple 575nm
wavelengths. Lamp unit • Utilising the multi-wavelength technology, the
system measures the level of Haemolysis (H), Multi-wavelength detector block
Having this multi-wavelength capability, the system is Icterus (I), and Lipemia (L) in the sample with a HIL
not only able to care of your analysis results, but also detector at 3 wavelengths - 405, 575 and 660 nm.
your pre-analytical check function. Multi-wavelength filter Optical fiber • The level of HIL can be displayed as a flag, based on
user-defined criteria for each parameter, to ensure
Multi-wavelength detection system
appropriate interpretation of results.
Primary wavelength
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
turbidity level over threshold
Wavelength (nm)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Spectra of interfering substances Seconds
Normal reaction curve
Primary sample volume check
• Measure multiple parameters with varying Signal • When aspirating a sample for the first time, the
methodologies simultaneously. Throughput is 1,200 system detects the level of liquid in the sample
improved as the time to measure a single sample tube. It then determines whether or not it contains
is reduced. an appropriate volume of blood according to the Blood/
• Reduce the effect of interfering substances on the 800 CLSI guideline of 9:1 ratio. ratio 9:1
absorbance spectra by utilising optimal wavelengths. • Sample tubes with volumes outside the acceptable
Optimal wavelength is automatically selected based Secondary wavelength range are flagged to avoid reporting of erroneous
400 (800nm)
on sample characteristics (wavelength switching) for results.
more accurate results.
Primary wavelength (660nm)
• The system automatically switches to the secondary turbidity level over threshold
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CS-2400 / CS-2500
Intuitive cap-piercing technology Convenient reagent loading Extended on-board reagent stability
• Sysmex has accumulated more than 20 years of Reagents can be replaced or added without interrupting • Reagent racks are designed so that reagent vials
experience in developing cap-piercing systems. the current measurement. are tilted to reduce dead volume and maximise the
number of tests per vial.
• The system can handle various types of blood
collection tubes. It automatically detects the • The reagent table is cooled at 10˚C to allow longer
presence of a cap enabling measurement, even on-board stability and support 24-hr laboratory
when capped and uncapped collection tubes are operations.
placed on the same rack.
Cap-piercing on CS-2500
*CS-2400 is a non cap-piercing model
Reagent tables
Enhanced reagent management functions
• Can load up to 40 reagents.
• An in-built barcode reader automatically identifies Comprehensive QC program
and registers the reagent, no matter where the • Automatically manage QC measurement by placing Tilted reagent rack
reagent is placed. QC material in a rack that is registered as a QC rack.
• Advance software that: • Automatic QC performed at regular intervals.
• displays reagent information (name, lot number, • QC vial enables QC checking before a new vial of
expiry date, etc.) on the reagent screen; reagent is used for testing.
• offers real-time tracking of remaining volume, or • Following the setting guide allows for easy
number of tests; registration of a new lot of QC.
• displays reagent on-board time.
• sample information;
• estimated measurement completion time;
• measurement status;
• measurement results for each order, allowing
measure information to be checked at
a glance.
• Measurement results, reagent lot number,
calibration curve used in testing, and the date/time
of the recent QC measurement can all be traced Measurement results
and status
Sample information
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CS-2400 / CS-2500
Functions with High
Added Value
We recognised the needs of today’s progressive laboratories. As such the CS-2400/CS-2500 is designed to perform Clot waveform analysis (for research)
a broad range of routine and specialised assays. It supports specialised tests such as labor intensive platelet
Potential clinical utility for evaluating coagulation
aggregation assays as well as improve efficiency of routine tests such as cross mixing tests.
function in various bleeding disorders, especially
Haemophilia A, B, and monitoring bypass therapy3.
Provide assessment of platelet-based ristocetin cofactor activity (vWF:RCo) and platelet aggregation to ADP,
epinephrine, collagen, arachidonic acid and ristocetin2.
Cross-mixing testing
type Simplify cumbersome procedures References
• Automatic dilution
1. Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Montagnana M, Lima-Oliveira G, Guidi GC, Favaloro EJ. Quality standards for sample
• Graph creation
collection in coagulation testing. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012; 38:565–75.
• Index calculation
• Overlay of immediate and delayed type of graphs 2. Lawrie AS, Kobayashi K, Lane PJ, Mackie IJ, Machin SJ. The automation of routine light transmission platelet
aggregation. Int J Lab Hematol. 2014; 36(4):431-8.
3. Shima M, Thachil J, Nair SC, Srivastava A. Towards standardization of clot waveform analysis and recommendations
for its clinical applications. J Thromb Hemost. 2013; 11:1417-20.
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Lighting the way
with diagnostics
Design and specifications may be subject to change due to further product development.
Fibrinogen Dade Thrombin, Dade Fibrinogen Determination Reagent
Thrombin Time Test Thrombin, Thromboclotin
Batroxobin Time Batroxobin
Factor Deficiency Factor II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII
Lupus Anticoagulant LA1 screen, LA2 confirmation
Protein C Pathway ProC Global, Protein C Reagent, Berichrom Protein C, Protein S Ac,
Innovance Free Protein S
Antithrombin Innovance Antithrombin, Berichrom Antithrombin III (A)
D-Dimer Innovance D-Dimer
Von Willebrand Factor vWF Ag, Innovance vWF Ac, BC von Willebrand
Chromogenic Factor VIII Chromogenic, Berichrom Factor XIII Chromogenic,
Berichrom C-1 Inhibitor, Berichrom α2-Antiplasmin,
Berichrom Plasminogen
Sysmex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Tel +65 6221-3629 Fax +65 6221-3687
Sysmex New Zealand Ltd
Tel +64 (9) 630-3554
Sysmex Vietnam Co., Ltd
Tel +84 (8) 3997-9400 Fax +84 (8) 3997-9405
Heparin BIOPHEN Heparin (LRT)
www.sysmex-ap.com www.sysmex.co.nz www.sysmex.com.vn
Sysmex India Pvt. Ltd Sysmex (Thailand) Co., Ltd Sysmex Vietnam Co., Ltd (Hanoi Branch)
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors Hemoclot Thrombin Inhibitors, BIOPHEN DTI
Tel +91 (22) 6112-6666 Tel +66 (2) 032-2536 Fax +66 (2) 116-5396 Tel +84 (4) 3776-7020 Fax +84 (4) 3776-7022
www.sysmex.co.in www.sysmex.co.th www.sysmex.com.vn Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors BIOPHEN DiXal
PT Sysmex Indonesia Sysmex Philippines Inc. Sysmex Australia Pty Ltd
Tel +62 (21) 3002-6688 Fax +62 (21) 3002-6699 Tel +63 (2) 621-2460 Fax +63 (2) 621-2432 Tel +61 (2) 9016-3040 Platelet Function Revohem ADP, Revohem Collagen, Revohem Epinephrine, Revohem
www.sysmex.co.id www.sysmex.com.ph www.sysmex.com.au
Arachidonic Acid, Revohem Ristocetin
Sysmex (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Tel +60 (3) 5637-1788 Fax +60 (3) 5637-1688
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