Thani Oruvan
Thani Oruvan
Thani Oruvan
Jayam ravi has got a new face and a much needed stardom upgrade , a The title justifies the Protagonist and Antagonist as a Single Person
solid role etched carefully by his brother who traverse on different paths for which seems to be the right one
for them and they do succeed on the same with their own thought
Nayanthara a very valuable addition to the team , her character makes the process paving the way for the same.Like they say a Great Hero
audience mesemerised by both her beauty and performance especially needs a Greater Villain, here the same was followed and succeeded.
theproposal scene was top notch
The intensity in Mithran’s character is the exact balance of the moral
Hip hop tamizha and his lyrics were great especially theemai dhan anger inside him and his anxiety to snitch his most prized target
vellum was so apt to the character and situations ;Siddarth Abhimanyu.
Thambi ramiah has done his role cleverly striking a balance between both The movie when seen from a Social Angle depicts that all small
a foolish politician and a innocent but at the same time a oppurtunist crimes and antisocial acts are just a fitting piece of puzzle in a bigger
picture which is completely blindfolded by the Megalomaniacs and
on the whole with a master Class screenplay and characterisations Corporate Giants from the eyes of common man. The movie
backed by stunning performances and a smart technical team emphasized on how the minor and major events are interlinked and
relatively affecting the lives of the common public without disrupting
THANI ORUVAN is a MASTERPIECE by Mohan raja their daily lives.
Coming to the movie, the movie’s success is a complete Teamwork
from all ends. The most important factor was the Character Design
and Depiction on screen which hit the ball out of the park. Siddharth
Abhimanyu’s character is always cool, never loses his calm and
temper, never shouts lines in decibels instead handles all matters in
phone calls with a bluetooth headset always with him. By this he
always outshines all the hurdles and threats posed by the
The dialogues are placed pitch perfect for the characters and the
situations that it does not seem like the they were placed intentionally
to spice up the scene. Some of the best scenes would the one when
Mahima (played by Nayanthara ) advices Mithran that his anxiety has
become his addiction which is killing him slowly and the one where
Siddarth Abhimanyu gets to know about Mithran, instead of going for
the big kill decides to bring him down morally.
This movie is one such rare gem in Tamil Cinema that it will be always
remain eternal for its theme, making and presentation on screen with
class and style. This movie was the game changer for Jayam Raja
and Jayam Ravi and also gave a confidence that good story can
always make good cinema when presented unadulterated.