Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Financial Incentives
Strategic Pay Plans
Equal Opportunity and the Law
Ethics and Employee Rights and Discipline
and Careers
MANAGEMENT Case Mapping for
by Gary Dessler | Biju Varkkey
12 Edition, Pearson Education
Course Case Map for
Course Case Map for
Human Resources Strategy - Patrick M. Wright (SHRM, 2008) Kill Your Performance Ratings - David Rock, Josh Davis, Beth Jones (S+B, 2014)
Personal Side Of Time: Mastering Work-Life Balance (Book Chapter) - Harvard Business How To Keep Your Top Talent - Jean Martin, Conrad Schmidt (HBR, May 2010)
School Press (May 2005) The Discipline Of Teams - Jon R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith (HBR, Jul 2005)
Delivering Strategic Human Resources Management - Boris Groysberg, Andrew N. Job-Hopping To The Top And Other Career Fallacies - Monika Hamori (HBR, Jul 2010)
McLean, Cate Reavis (HBR, Feb 2006) How Your Brain Responds To Performance Rankings (S+B Video, Sep 2014)
Tours Of Duty – The New Employer-Employee Compact - Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, Managing Multicultural Teams - Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, Mary C.Kern (HBR, Nov 2006)
Chris Yeh (HBR, Jun 2013)
Managing Your Boss - John J. Gabarro, John P Kotter (HBR, Jan 2005)
Inner Work Life: Understanding The Subtext Of Business Performance - Teresa M. Amabile,
Steven J. Kramer (HBR, May 2007) The Concept Of Workplace Performance And Its Value To Managers - Jacqueline C. Vischer
(CMR, Feb 2007)
Interview With Warren Bennis - Joel Kurtzman (S+B, Jul 1997))
The Making Of An Expert - K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J, Preitula, Edward T. Cokely (HBR,
Job Enrichment Pays Off - William J. Paul Jr.; Keith B. Robertson; Frederick Herzberg (HBR, Jul 2007)
Mar 1969)
An Inside Job: Best Practices From Within - Lisa Kimball (S+B, Apr 2007)
They’re Not Employees, They’re People - Peter F. Drucker (HBR, Feb 2002)
The Myth Of The Top Management Team - Jon R. Katzenbach (HBR, Nov 1997)
How To Make People Decisions - Peter F. Drucker (HBR, Jul-Aug 1985)
Creating And Testing Workplace Strategy - Kevin Kampschroer, Judith Heerwagen, Kevin
Teaching Smart People How To Learn - Chris Argyris (HBR, May 1991) Powell (CMR, Feb 2007)
Good Communication That Blocks Learning - Chris Argyris (HBR, Nov 2000) Toward A Theory Of High Performance - Julia Kirby (HBR, Jul 2005)
What Would Peter Say - Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBR, Nov 2009) Ten Steps To A Global Human Resources Strategy - John A. Quelch, Helen Bloom (S+B, Jan
Differences At Work: The Leadership Challenge - Sandra J. Sucher (HBR, Sep 2014) 1999)
Empowerment: The Emperor’s New Clothes - Chris Argyris (HBR, May 1998) Toward A Career Resilient Workforce - Robert H. Waterman,Jr, Judith A.Waterman, Betsy
Corporations, Culture, And Commitment: Motivation And Social Control In A.Collard (HBR, Jul 2001)
Organizations - Charles A. O’Reilly (CMR, Jul 1989) What Execs Don’t Get About Office Romance - John A. Pearce II (MIT Sloan Management
Why Did We Ever Get Into HR - Matthew D. Breitfelder, Daisy Wademan Dowling (HBR, Jul Review, Apr 2010)
2008) What It Means To Work Here - Tamara J. Erickson, Lynda Gratton (HBR, Mar 2007)
Leadership That Gets Results (About Emotional Intelligence) - Daniel Goleman (HBR, Mar What Men Think They Know About Executive Women - Dawn S.Carlson, K.Michele Kacmar,
2000) Dwayne Whitten (HBR, Sep 2006)
How Hardwired Is Human Behaviour - Nigel Nicholson (HBR, Jul 1998) Who Wants To Manage A Millionnaire - Suzy Wetlaufer (HBR, Jul 2000)
How Gen X Managers Manage - Jay A. Conger (S+B, Jan 1998) Why Mentoring Matters In A Hypercompetitive World - Thomas J.Delong, John J Gabarro,
The Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome - Jean-Francois Manzoni, Jean-Louis Barsoux (HBR, Mar Robert J. Lees (HBR, Jan 2008)
1998) Getting 360-Degree Feedback Right - Maury A. Peiperl (HBR, Jan 2001)
The Human Moment At Work - Edward M. Hallowell (HBR, Jul 2000) Breakthrough In On-The-Job Training - Earl R. Gomersall, M.Scott Myers (HBR, Jul 1966)
The Folly Of Forced Ranking - Edward E. Lawler III (S+B, Jul 2002) From Control To Commitment In The Workplace - Richard E.Walton (HBR, Mar 1985)
What Great Managers Do - Marcus Buckingham (HBR, Mar 2005) How To Cultivate Engaged Employees - Charalambos Vlachoutsicos (HBR, Sep 2011)
Maximizing Your Return On People - Laurie Bassie, Daniel McMurrer (HBR, Mar 2007) The Dangers Of Feeling Like A Fake - Manfred F.R. Kets De Vries (HBR, Sep 2005)
Fair Process: Managingin The Knowledge Economy - W.Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne The Rise Of The Supertemp - Jody Greenstone Miller, Matt Miller (HBR, May 2012)
(HBR, Jan 2003) Work And Life: The End Of The Zero-Sum Game - Stewart D.Friedman, Perry Christensen,
Look Before You Lay Off - Darell Rigby (HBR, Apr 2002) Jessica DeGroot (HBR, Jul 2000) 3
Course Case Map for
The Year Without The Shift: Productive Lean In: Human Resource Coaching For Smart Staffing: 1501 Ways to
Pants: The Future of Workplaces: Dignity, Women, Work, Management: Performance: How to Hire, Reward Reward Work is Already Here Meaning, and and the Will to Lead A Contemporary Growing People, and Keep Top Employees Employees
and the Future of by Lynda Gratton Community in the by Sheryl Sandberg Approach Performance and for Your Growing by
Work 21st Century by Julie Beardwell, Purpose Company Bob Nelson Ph.D.
by Scott Berkun by Marvin R. Weisbord Tim Claydon by Sir John Whitmore by Wayne Outlaw
The Brave Employees First, Why Employees The Human The Road Less Traveled, The Talent Management First, Break All The Maverick:
New World of eHR: Customers Second: Don't Do What They're Equation: Timeless Edition: Handbook: Creating a Rules: What The The Success Story
Human Resources Turning Conventional Supposed To and Building Profits A New Psychology Sustainable Competitive Worlds Greatest Behind the World's
in the Digital Age Management What You Can Do by Putting of Love, Traditional Advantage by Selecting, Managers Do Most Unusual
by Hal Gueutal, Upside Down About It People First Values and Developing, and Differently Workplace
Dianna L. Stone, by Vineet Nayar by Ferdinand Fournies by Jeffrey Pfeffer Spiritual Growth Promoting the Best People by by Ricardo Semler
Eduardo Salas by M. Scott Peck by Lance A. Berger, Marcus Buckingham,
Dorothy R. Berger Curt Coffman 4
Course Case Map for
Hollywood Classics
High Fidelity The Siege Abducted Citizen Kane Working Girl Face to Face Nine to Five Horrible Bosses
Outsourced The Insider Modern Times GoodFellas Office Space Adalen’ 31 The Negotiator Wal-Mart:
The High Cost of
Low Price 5
Course Case Map for
S.No. Chapter ET Cases’ Case Products S.No. Chapter Case Study/Case Flyer/Case Brief
1 Chapter I: Introduction to Case Study The House of HR: Junk it or Sync It? 21 Chapter IX: Performance Management Case Flyer Forced Ranking: Boon or Bane?
Human Resource Management and Appraisal
2 Chapter II: Employment Law in India and Case Study Women Employees in Tamil Nadu Factories: 22 Chapter IX: Performance Management Caselet Grow As We Grow (B):
the United States Lawful Intentions vs Unlawful Pretentions and Appraisal Performance Appraisal at Jocata
3 Chapter II: Employment Law in India and Caselet Child Labor in India: Role of Company HR 23 Chapter X: Coaching, Careers, and Case Study Ashok Leyland Limited: Building Competitive
the United States Talent Management Advantage through Generational Diversity
4 Chapter II: Employment Law in India and the Case Study Child Labor in India and Indian Companies: 24 Chapter X: Coaching, Careers, and Case Flyer Indian Start-ups: The War for Talent
United States & Is there a Case for Extended Responsibility? Talent Management
Chapter XIV: Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment
in HR Management 25 Chapter XI: Establishing Strategic Pay Plans Case Flyer CEOs’ Compensation
5 Chapter III: The Manager's Role in Strategic Case Study The Cost of Employee Loyalty @ Anand Finance: 26 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (A):
Human Resource Management Financial Incentives Money and Motivation @ Panache Fashions
6 Chapter IV: Job Analysis Case Study Job Analysis: AAPS’ Paralysis 27 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (B):
Financial Incentives Individual Employee Incentive and Recognition
7 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Caselet Elizabeth’s International Placement: Programs @ Whites-32
and Recruiting Should She or Shouldn’t She?
28 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives ©:
8 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Caselet Grow As We Grow (A): Financial Incentives Incentives for Salespeople @ Tiles & Styles
and Recruiting Recruitment Challenges at Jocata
29 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (D):
9 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Case Suty Recruitment Fiasco at CITPR Ltd. Financial Incentives Incentives for Managers and Executives @ DuraCoats
and Recruiting
30 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (E):
10 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Case Flyer Trends in Employee Referral Plans Financial Incentives Team and Organization-wide Incentive Plans @
and Recruiting Ray Tech
11 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Case Study Chandrika Pasricha’s Flexing It: Flexible Working= 31 Chapter XII: Pay for Performance and Caselet Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (F):
and Recruiting Maximum Job Satisfaction, Optimum Value! Financial Incentives Designing Effective Incentive Programs @
Indus Research
12 Chapter V: Human Resource Planning Case Flyer ‘Differently-abled’:
and Recruiting A ‘Right Fit’ in Indian Companies? 32 Chapter XIII: Benefits and Services Case Flyer Women-only Employee Benefits
13 Chapter VI: Employee Testing and Selection Case Study HRS’ Employee Testing and Selection Solutions: 33 Chapter XIV: Ethics, Justice, and Case Flyer Employee Surveillance and Investigation at
Startups’ Problems? Fair Treatment in HR Management Ikea, France
14 Chapter VII: Interviewing Candidates Case Flyer Interviewing Candidates 34 Chapter XV: Labour Relations and Case Study Foxconn India’s Plant Shutdown:
Collective Bargaining Workers – Unions – Management Deadlock
15 Chapter VIII: Training and Developing Employees Case Flyer Learning Models: The New Classroom LAW
35 Chapter XV: Labour Relations and Case Study Nokia India Exits Economic Zone:
16 Chapter VIII: Training and Developing Employees Case Flyer Maruti Suzuki India Limited’s (MSIL’s) Collective Bargaining Employees Enter ‘Collective’ Conflict Zone
‘Mind-Enlightenment’ Program
36 Chapter XVI: Employee Safety and Health Case Flyer Workplace Harassment
17 Chapter VIII: Training and Developing Employees Case Flyer Mid-life Crisis and the Importance of
New Skills for Mid-level IT Professionals 37 Chapter XVII: Managing Global Human Resources Case Study Infosys’ Global Hiring: Ethnocentric or Polycentric?
18 Chapter VIII: Training and Developing Employees Case Flyer Theatre: The New Corporate Training Method 38 Chapter XVIII: Managing Human Resources in Case Spot The Cost of Employee Loyalty at Bikanervala
Entrepreneurial Firms
19 Chapter VIII: Training and Developing Employees Case Flyer Employee Learning Trends 6
S.No. S.No.
Mapping for Chapter I: Mapping for Chapter II: Employment Law in India and the United States
1 Introduction to Human Resource Management CASE STUDY 2 Mapping for Chapter XVI: Employment Safety and... CASE STUDY
The House of HR: Junk it or Sync It? Women Employees in Tamil Nadu Factories:
Lawful Intentions vs Unlawful Pretentions
Abstract: Abstract:
This case study is meant to serve as an inaugural case study in HRM course highlighting the scope of HRM This case study, mapped for Employee Safety in HRM course, is structured around women employees of
as a discipline and as a practice. Presented through different emerging trends in HR practice, this case Tamil Naduʼs garment industry and textile mills. Tirupur-Coimbatore-Erode-Salem districts together
study enables a discussion on the need for re-orienting the course contents of HR to align with corporate formed a thriving textile hub and while business grew in these districts, the allegations – ranging from
expectations and realities. exploitation to apathy – have also been on rise. These four districts employ more than 500,000 women
Having been presented with several suggestions (by HR Heads and HR Consultants), Dr. Sanjay Vohra, workforce and have been facing severe criticisms for their non-compliance of laws, especially related to
Dean, Bombay School of Management, is perplexed with the degree and intensity of changes spanning women safety at their workplaces. With the new amendment proposed to Factories Act 1948, allowing the
HR discipline and practice. While he is contemplating appropriate changes to HRM course curriculum, he companies to employ women during night shifts, with Madras High Courtʼs guidelines (in circa 2000;
is not sure how to reorient the same to suit industry expectations and make the course highly practical. R.Vasantha), will it be a bane or boon for women workers in these four districts? Would the exploitation
stop or would it increase?
Pedagogical Objectives
To have an overview of the HRM course contents and discuss on the practical relevance of the recommended course Pedagogical Objectives
contents of HRM To have an overview of slew of Laws and Acts prevalent in India to safeguard womenʼs rights and dignity at
To understand several trends spanning and shaping HR Departments and discuss on the organizational and workplace, taking cognizance of article 15(3) of the Indian Constitution
behavioral (modification) implications of the same To examine the current state of women workerʼs health and safety record at Tamil Naduʼs garment industry/textile
To discuss and debate on the ways and means to reorient HRM course contents to make it more meaningful and mills in the light of several related laws
highly relevant To discuss and debate on the proposed amendment to Factories Act 1948 with reference to women working during
night shifts and its effect on textile millsʼ women workers
Key Concepts/Keywords
Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management and Global Trends; Introduction to Human Resource Key Concepts/Keywords
Management; Introduction to HRM; Significance of HRM; Line and staff functions in HRM; Trends in HRM; Managing Women Employees; Women Employee Safety and Health; Women Workers and Labor Laws in India; Women Workers
expectations; Trends in recruitment; Fraud in recruitment; Trends in work delivery; Trends in the workplace and Factories Act. 1948; Women Workers and Amendments to Factories Act, 1948; Women Workers in Night Shift;
Women Workers and Garment Industry in Tamil Nadu; Women Workers and Compliance of Laws in India; Women
Chapter Reading/Background Material: Workers and Unsafe Workplace Conditions
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Introduction to Human Resource Management”, Human Resource Management,
12th Edition, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Claire Cain Miller, “Silicon Valley: Perks for Some Workers, Struggles for Parents”,
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Chapter 2: Employment Law in India and the United States”, Human Resource
Management, 12th Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
April 7th 2015 (accessed date: April 23rd 2015)
Gary Dressler and Biju Varkkey, “Chapter 16: Employee Safety and Health”, Human Resource Management, 12th
Biprorshee Das, “Fun at work is serious business”,
Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
panache/fun-at-work-is-serious-business/articleshow/46874184.cms, April 10th 2015 (accessed date: April 28th
Amrita Nair-Ghaswalla, “When employees call the shots”, es/
newmanager/when-employees-call-the-shots/article7102217.ece, April 14th 2015 (accessed date: May 7th 2015)
T.E. Raja Simhan, “How commuting influences career choices”,
smartbuy/tech-news/how-commuting-influences-career-choices/article6987100.ece, March 12th 2015 (accessed
date: May 7th 2015)
Veenu Sandhu, “Sexual harassment at work: Tell and suffer”,
article/beyond-business/tell-and-suffer-115040300777_1.html, April 4th 2015 (accessed date: April 28th 2015)
R . R a v i k u m a r, “ C o r p o r a t e w o r l d g o e s g a g a o v e r r a d i o t o c o n n e c t w i t h s t a f f ” ,
staff/article6975396.ece, March 9th 2015 (accessed date: May 7th 2015)
Veenu Sandhu, “At work and happy”,
happy-115013001596_1.html, January 31st 2015 (accessed date: April 23rd 2015)
Child Labor in India: Role of Company HR Child Labor in India and Indian Companies:
Is there a Case for Extended Responsibility?
Abstract: Abstract:
This caselet can be used to discuss whether the HR departments have extended responsibility of arresting This case study can be used to reflect the extended responsibilities of HR departments in the case of child
the practice of child labor. In India, 4.5 million children (according to 2011 census) were reportedly labor. Especially in a country like India, where nearly 4.5 million children (according to 2011 census) are
employed but the unreported numbers are mindboggling. While many government and reportedly employed, what would this mean for the demographic dividend? Also with Kailash Satyarthi
non-governmental organizations were working towards the eradication of this social malice, corruption winning the Nobel Peace Prize (for 2014) for his campaigns against child labor, the simmering problem
among the enforcement authorities, illiteracy of the parents, poverty, adult unemployment, and many seems to have assumed a global dimension. Can Indian companies and their HR departments play a
other factors kept the practice of child labor prevalent in the country. Can Indian companies and their HR proactive role to abate the prevalence and occurrence of child labor through their intent and
departments play a proactive role to abate the prevalence and occurrence of child labor? involvement? Two young HR recruits (Mitali Roy and Manika Arora) grapple with their ethical dilemmas.
The Cost of Employee Loyalty @ Anand Finance* Job Analysis: AAPSʼ Paralysis
Abstract: Abstract:
This case study can be used effectively for understanding the nuances of employee loyalty, especially if The purpose of this case study is to understand the importance of job analysis for an effective work
there is a cost of employee loyalty. While Anand Finance is happy that its workforce has largely been loyal, delivery and most importantly an appropriate appraisal system. While the outcome of any job analysis has
the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) times force it to chart new course of action. The two main components – job description and job specification – its understanding has far reaching
newly appointed Business Head, Ashok Singhʼs challenges compound when he finds that there wasnʼt a implications in an organizational context in general and HR Departments in particular. Describing the HR
single innovation or best practice adopted over the last 3 years. Given his mandate to make Anand issues faced by Anoop Singh, Aditya Sharma, Pooja Thakur and Sarika Bakshi (AAPS) – professionals
Finance as the Walmart of financial services, can he aspire to rally the forces behind the new mission? working with different organizations – the case study explains how the four faced problems due to
missing or inappropriate job analysis. Did all the problems arise due to erroneous job analysis? The case
study shows the impact of job analysis on important HR decisions such as recruitment and selection,
Pedagogical Objectives performance appraisal, job evaluation (wage and salary decisions) and the training requirements. This
To discuss and debate on the merits and demerits of employee loyalty and analyze the implications of the same for case study can be used to highlight how a seemingly theoretical and an unimportant HR practice like job
organizational change analysis could deeply impact several other allied HR decisions. This case study can be suitably used to
To debate on whether employeesʼ relatively longer stints at companies would contribute to active inertia, that might teach the concept of Job Analysis and the allied concepts (like job description, job specification and
lead companies down the hill
performance appraisal) in Human Resource Management course.
To examine the ways to align operational orientation with strategic mindset, especially in the case of employees who
rose through the ranks and had been serving the company for relatively longer period
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand the role of job analysis and its inter-linkage with job description, job specification, recruitment and
Key Concepts/Keywords selection, performance appraisal, job evaluation and training & development in designing appropriate HR policies
and guidelines
Employee loyalty; Cost of employee loyalty; Organizational change and employee loyalty; Active inertia at organizations;
Strategic HRM; Competitive advantage; Strategic HRM and competitive advantage; Operational orientation vs strategic To examine the four outlined situations and discuss on the most pragmatic and workable options given the
orientation sensitivities involving the appropriate job analysis failure
To discuss and debate on the relevance of integrating job analysis into job role. i.e., to make out a case for every job
role to be proficient with carrying out an appropriate job analysis
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Donald N. Sull, “Why Good Companies Go Bad”, Harvard Business Review, July–August 1999
Key Concepts/Keywords
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, “Blue Ocean Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, October 2004
Job analysis; Job analysis and job description; Job analysis and job specification; Job analysis and recruitment and
selection decisions; Job analysis and performance appraisal; Job analysis and job evaluation; Job analysis and wage and
salary decisions; Job analysis and training requirements
Key Concepts/Keywords
Recruitment and campus interviews; Recruitment and campus recruitment; Recruitment and Immersion programs; Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Recruitment and personal values; Recruitment and professional responsibilities; Recruitment and international Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Human Resource Planning and Recruiting”, Human Resource Management, 12th
placements; Recruitment and Decision making Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
Ankita Rai and Sonali Chowdhury, “From Feedback to Feedforward”, Business Standard, March 9th 2015, page 4
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, “Why Introverts Can Make The Best Leaders”,
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
introverts-good-leaders-leadership-managing-personality.html, November 30th 2009
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Human Resource Planning and Recruiting”, Human Resource Management, 12th
Edition, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011
Srikant M. Datar, et al., “Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads”, Harvard Business Review
Press, April 13th 2010
Sheryl Sandberg, “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead”, Alfred A. Knopf, March 11th 2013
Abstract: Abstract:
This case study can be used to discuss the concepts of HR Planning, Recruitment Processes and HR This Case Flyer and the base article can be used to understand the importance of referral schemes as a
Communication. Mr. Swami, HR Manager, CITPR Ltd., found himself in big trouble after not following the part of scouting for the right talent. Highly suited for discussion on recruitment, this Case Flyer also
HR process carefully. This resulted in a highly chaotic situation placing the careers of 25 students of TTC enables a discussion on the pros and cons of referral schemes. With several startups and established
College of Engineering and Management (TTC) in a quandary when CITPR Ltd., after selecting them in the companies doling out several innovative gifts – from iPads, iPhones, Harley Davidsons, to sponsoring
campus interview, denied them final placement. Overlooking HR planning, delaying the communication foreign holidays – the referral schemes definitely help to connect with and recruit the right talent.
and initiating official action based on oral communication poses a serious problem to the participants. However, many question if employee referral schemes end up promoting an inappropriate behavior
Would the students be left in a lurch by CITPR Ltd. and TTC College? How far is it justifiable to take among the referring and referred employees. How would employee referral schemes impact employee
decisions based only on verbal commitment? loyalty? Why are employee referral schemes relatively popular amongst younger employees, than the
older employees? Why are employee referral schemes encouraged more in startups?
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand the importance of HR Planning and what can be the repercussions of not following the steps
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand the recruitment process and policies
To understand the role of referrals in finding the right talent for companies
To understand the need for supervision in important matters
To examine when and where the employee referral schemes should be encouraged and promoted
To understand the concept of HR communication
To discuss and debate on advantages and disadvantages of employee referral schemes
Key Concepts/Keywords
Recruitment Fiasco Case Study; Recruitment Fiasco Case Studies; HR Planning Concepts; Recruitment Processes; HR Key Concepts/Keywords
Communication; CITPR Ltd Employee Referrals; Employee Referral Schemes; Employee Referral Schemes in India; Employee Referrals in Startups;
Employee Referrals amongst young employees; Employee Referrals and Employee loyalty; Employee Referral Schemes
and Productivity; Employee Referrals and Recruitment; Employee Referrals and Human Resource Planning; Employee
Referrals and Effective Recruiting
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand various concepts and processes related to employee testing and employee selection Key Concepts/Keywords
To discuss and debate on the “accuracy” premise of employee testing and employee selection and examine the Interviewing candidates; Interviewing candidates and Job interviews; Interviewing candidates and Employment
efficacy of several tools and techniques employed to achieve the same interviews; Interviewing candidates and Structured and unstructured interviews; Interviewing candidates and
To debate if employee testing and selection activities should be outsourced or should they be executed in-house, at Administering interviews; Interviewing candidates and Errors in interviewing candidates
startups in particular
Chapter Reading/Background Material: Jerker Denrell, “Selection Bias and the Perils of Benchmarking”, Harvard Business Review, April 2005
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Employee Testing and Selection”, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition, Dianne Weinstein, “The psychology of behaviorally-focused resumes on applicant selection: Are your hiring
Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011 managers really hiring the ‘rightʼ people for the ‘rightʼ jobs?”, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 2011
“The 4 Hiring Practices of Highly Successful Organizations”,, Peter Bregman, et al., “Guide to Getting a Job”, Harvard Business Review, 2010
January 16th 2002, (accessed date: May 22nd 2015)
Robert E. Ployhart, “Staffing in the 21st Century: New Challenges and Strategic Opportunities”,
Challenges_and_Strategic_Opportunities/links/00b4953bd74339da58000000.pdf, December 2006, (accessed date:
May 22nd 2015)
Milind Mutalik, “The Referral Conundrum”,
referral-conundrum/article7151241.ece, April 28th 2015, (accessed date: May 22nd 2015)
Utkarsh Joshi, “How entrepreneurial innovation is helping HR solve complex problems”,
solve-complex-problems/article7151216.ece, April 28th 2015 (accessed date: May 19th 2015)
Shirin Salis, “Vital instincts: Do recruiters rely too much on instinct while making hiring decisions?”,, May 12th 2015 (accessed date: May 19th 2015)
Learning Models: The New Classroom LAW Maruti Suzuki India Limitedʼs (MSILʼs)
‘Mind-Enlightenmentʼ Program
Abstract: Abstract:
This case flyer enables a discussion on the evolving nature of learning by analyzing the four learning This Case Flyer, based on an article from The Economic Times, enables a discussion on how Maruti Suzuki
models outlined in the accompanying article. On the basis of the learning experiences of individuals, the India Limitedʼs (MSILʼs) well-crafted ‘mindfulnessʼ programs are helping its workforce to enhance their
case flyer suggests that a learning experience is a function of two variables – the learning outcome and the efficiency and emotional stability. Started on an experimental basis, spirituality and ‘mind-enlightenmentʼ
learning potent. It discusses the new classroom LAW of learning i.e., allocating a predetermined amount programs by Brahma kumaris have yielded stellar results in improving productivity general work ethic and
of time to Listening, Asking and Watching for the classroom learning to be effective. While the case flyer most importantly reducing the stress levels and conflicts. Encouraged by these results, MSIL extended the
focusses on individual learning in a classroom setting, it also links the concept of learning to training to all of its 18,000 employees. These training sessions, while improving the efficiency levels, have
organizational learning. The case flyer is suitable for teaching the concept of learning in Organizational also contributed to better employee engagement. Interestingly, with 45% young workforce, these
Behavior course. training programs seem to be preparing the future and potential leaders to be true owners. However,
many wonder if this initial euphoria would translate into long-term yields or would this pass as one more
employee-development practice?
Pedagogical Objectives
To analyze the various learning models and to critically evaluate their pros and cons
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand and discuss the new classroom LAW
To examine the relationship between competencies, capabilities and training and development and discuss on the
ideal ways to build competencies and capabilities amongst employees
Key Concepts/Keywords To understand Maruti Suzuki India Limitedʼs (MSILʼs) ‘mind-enlightenmentʼ program and discuss on how it has
contributed to its employeesʼ efficiency and engagement
Learning; Learning organization; Individual learning; Organizational learning; Learning models; Passive to active
learning; Peer-to-peer learning; Research-teacher & Learning; Life-long learning To discuss and debate on whether the spirituality-related programs can help build a few requisite competencies
(personal, inter-personal and professional)
Mid-life Crisis and the Importance of New Skills for Theatre: The New Corporate Training Method
Mid-level IT Professionals
Abstract: Abstract:
This case flyer and the accompanying article enable a discussion on the rapidly rising phenomenon of This case flyer enables a discussion on an innovative training method – theatre-based corporate training.
mid-life crisis amongst mid-level IT Professionals, in particular, and employees across various levels and It highlights the popularity of theatre-based corporate training in India in the recent past, as detailed in
industries, in general. It offers a platform to deliberate on the role of HR in managing the re-skill the accompanying article. The case flyer helps in evaluating theatre-based corporate training vis-à-vis
requirements of employees. Though mid-life crisis, as a phenomenon has been a long researched area, off traditional training methods. However, the case flyer introduces the dilemma on effectiveness of various
late it has captured the interest of companies and individuals alike. Is mid-life crisis a necessary evil for corporate training methods. Further, it debates on the factors that decide the effectiveness of a corporate
every working professional? Can it be avoided? Is it possible to device a mechanism to cope up with mid- training method. The case flyer is suitable for teaching the concept of training methods in Organizational
life crisis? Research in the area of mid-life crisis had revealed that individuals generally experienced this Behavior course.
phase between the ages of 40 and 60. However, recent research figures indicate a significant change in
this pattern with individuals experiencing this crisis as early as their mid-30s. Do men and women Pedagogical Objectives
experience mid-life crisis at the same age/stage of their lives? Do personal events have a bearing on when
To understand theatre-based training as a corporate training method
an individual will experience mid-life crisis?
To critically evaluate the effectiveness of theatre-based training
Pedagogical Objectives
Key Concepts/Keywords
To understand the connotations and inevitabilities of mid-life crisis
Training; Training Methods; Corporate training; Corporate training methods; OB Case Study on corporate training;
To discuss how to manage mid-life crisis and the role of HR Theatre-based training; Training and development; Training and learning; Effective training methods
Abstract: Abstract:
This case flyer and the accompanying article enable a discussion on the intriguing concept of individual This case flyer and the accompanying article enable a discussion on the intriguing concept of
learning and development. It provides a platform to debate on the relationship between employee performance appraisal. It provides a platform to debate on the challenges in creating and implementing a
engagement and employee productivity. The contemporary corporate scenario has witnessed a rise in fair and unbiased appraisal process for employees across all levels. The techniques and methods for
the need for designing and implementing effective learning tools and techniques for employees across all evaluating work performance and appraising employees has come a long way from the traditional
levels. Organizations have realized that this is by no means an easy feat to attain given that these learning ranking systems to the modern day 360° and 720° appraisal methods. What are the limitations of
programs must be designed to ensure a consistently high employee engagement. How can highly standardizing performance measurement practices? Should the performance appraisal methods vary
engaging learning programs be designed and implemented? What measures must be taken to ensure according to the organizational hierarchy? Driven by the objective of improving employee and
employee engagement? Who is responsible for ensuring employee engagement? An interesting trend organizational productivity, appraisal systems are expected to offer a fair and impartial assessment of an
has been the increase in the Learning & Development (L&D) budgets in Indian organizations, especially employeeʼs work performance. It is ironical then, that employee productivity and their work performance
over the past 2 years. Nevertheless, these L&D budgets must be worked out to not only meet the diverse often show signs of decline, post the completion of an appraisal cycle. What is the role of communication
needs of the learners but to also meet the strategic business objectives. How can the Return On in creating an effective performance appraisal system? What measures should be taken to manage
Investment (ROI) on employeesʼ learning investments be measured? Should companies be mandated to employee expectations across various levels?
allocate budgets to meet the L&D requirements?
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand how organizations can ensure a consistently high level of learnerʼs engagement To deliberate on the pros and cons of performance appraisals
To deliberate on the L&D budgeting trends in Indian organizations To understand the importance of institutionalizing an unbiased and anxiety free culture
Key Concepts/Keywords
Key Concepts/Keywords Performance Appraisals; Performance Appraisal Biases; Performance Appraisal and Feedback; Performance Appraisal
Individual Learning; Learning; Development; Employee Learning; Learning & Development; L&D Budget; Employee and Evaluation Methods; Performance Appraisals in Manufacturing Sector; Performance Appraisals in Services Sector;
Engagement; Learning Program; ROI; E-learning; Organizational Behavior; OB Performance Appraisals and Bell Curves; Performance Appraisal Training
Forced Ranking: Boon or Bane? Grow As We Grow (B): Performance Appraisal at Jocata
Abstract: Abstract:
This case flyer enables a discussion on the topic of ‘Forced Ranking Systemʼ as propounded by the This caselet, second in a series of two caselets, can be used to discuss the need for effective performance
legendary Jack Welch at GE during late 1980s. Considered as a mixed measure of Performance appraisal process, standards and tools to evaluate employee performance and administer performance
Management Systems (PMS), the case flyer suggests that a great deal of precaution is essential before appraisal. Sundari Vedula (Sundari) was the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Jocata Financial Advisory
implementing any such system. The case flyer revolves around the introduction of forced ranking system and Technology (Jocata), a start-up commenced in 2011 in India, she was also responsible for the
as a performance management system at Yahoo! by Marissa Mayer, its new CEO. In coherence with the employeesʼ performance appraisal. Sundari had to prepare a summary of the employeesʼ performance
accompanying article, the case flyer discusses the repercussions of forced ranking system in an from their filled-up appraisal forms. However, it was not an easy task. Since the first performance appraisal
organization and debates if forced ranking system even truly evaluates human resources as it is believed process, Sundari still continues to face few challenges with regards to the content of the review forms, the
that employee performance does not follow a bell curve. The case flyer finds application in teaching the employeesʼ goal convergence with the company vision, employeesʼ hesitation to share feedback about
concept of ‘performance evaluationʼ in Organizational Behavior Course. peers and team leads and managing the performance of underperformers. The management strived to
improve its performance appraisal processes and find solutions to these challenges, however, some still
stay unresolved.
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand the concept of performance evaluation and to analyze various Performance Management Systems
(PMSs) Pedagogical Objectives
To debate on the fallout of forced ranking on human resources in an organization To understand the difference between performance management and appraisal and also set effective performance
appraisal processes and standards using appropriate tools to evaluate the employee performance and finally
administer the appraisal
To discuss and debate about the challenges in the performance appraisal processes at Jocata and find a probable
Key Concepts/Keywords
Performance Appraisal; Forced Ranking System; Forced Ranking at Yahoo!; Marissa Mayer; Employee Performance; Bell
Curve; Vitality Curve; Performance Evaluation; Performance Management Systems; Performance Appraisals;
Performance Measurement; 360o Feedback; GEʼs Performance Management System; OB Case Study on Performance
Key Concepts/Keywords
Management System
Human Resources Management; Performance Management and Appraisal; Performance Appraisal; Performance
Management; Performance Appraisal Process; Performance Appraisal Standards; Performance Appraisal Tools;
Performance Appraisal Interview; Performance Appraisal Techniques; Steps in Performance Appraisal; Graphic Rating
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Scale Method; Alternation Ranking Method; Paired Comparison Method; Forced Distribution Method; Critical Incident
Jack Welch and John A. Byrne, “Jack: Straight from the Gut”, Grand Central Publishing, October 1st 2003
Method; computerized and Web-based Performance Appraisal; Electronic Performance Monitoring; Performance
Jack N. Kondrasuk, “So What Would an Ideal Performance Appraisal Look Like?”, Journal of Applied Business Appraisal Problems; Performance Appraisals and the Law
and Economics,, 2011
Edward E. Lawler III, “The Folly of Forced Ranking”,, July
15th 2002 Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Performance Management and Appraisal”, Human Resource Management, 12th
Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
Ankita Rai and Sonali Chowdhury, “From Feedback to Feedforward”, Business Standard, March 9th 2015, page 4
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, “Why Introverts Can Make The Best Leaders”,
introverts-good-leaders-leadership-managing-personality.html, November 30th 2009
Ashok Leyland Limited: Building Competitive Advantage Indian Start-ups: The War for Talent
through Generational Diversity
Abstract: Abstract:
This case study can be effectively used for a discussion on how to bridge the generational gaps at This case flyer enables a discussion on the recent phenomenon of large number of start-ups being
workplace. While some tout generational diversity to be an invisible competitive advantage, several established in India and focusses on the issue of Indian start-ups and their inability to attract the required
others caution that if not used correctly, the same generational diversity can become an organizational talent. As explained in the accompanying article, while it is relatively easier for start-ups in India to garner
stumbling block, as was the case at Ashok Leyland Limited (ALL), Indiaʼs second largest commercial capital, it is very difficult to get the right workforce for the start-ups. Why are Indian start-ups struggling
vehicle manufacturer. Faced with stiff (foreign) competition, in the light of deregulated business on the talent front while in the US, not only are the start-ups able to attract talent, people even feel
environment during early 1990s, and the following demographic changes, ALL reoriented itself to have honored to work for a start-up. The case flyer helps to identify the various factors such as pay package,
higher composition of millennials / Gen Y in its workforce. By 2005, nearly 40% of total ALL employees brand name, risk taking ability, etc., that an individual considers before deciding to work for an
were millennials. The seniors / the company veterans viewed it diametrically opposite. It was a new organization. The case flyer also debates on the need to nurture a work culture for start-ups in India. It is
challenge for ALL and new problems cannot be solved by old solutions. Could ALL turn around the tables? suitable for teaching the concept of talent management in Human Resource Management course.
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand and analyze Ashok Leyland Ltd.ʼs (ALLʼs) business landscape and the emergence of its strategy curve in Pedagogical Objectives
context to how the structure (the environment) forces a companyʼs strategy To analyze the recent phenomenon of large number of start-up companies being established in India and to critically
To understand the reasons for generational disconnect at Ashok Leyland Ltd.(ALL) and analyze the same in the light evaluate Indian start-ups vis-à-vis start-ups in other countries
of millennialsʼ characteristics To identify and debate on the reasons behind start-ups in India not being able to attract talent
To discuss and debate on the initiatives taken by ALL to bridge the generational gaps to create a unified and
purpose-oriented workforce and analyze the efficacy of the initiatives
Key Concepts/Keywords
To contextualize the role and efficacy of corporate culture and cross-functional teams in effecting a lasting
organizational change Indian start-ups; Start-ups in India; Technology start-ups in India; Start-up entrepreneurs in India; Start-up CEOs; Talent
for Indian start-ups; Talent management in Indian start-ups; The war for talent in Indian start-ups; PESTEL framework
Key Concepts/Keywords
Strategic HRM; Competitive advantage; Strategic HRM and competitive advantage; Millennialsʼ work values; Millennials Chapter Reading/Background Material:
and generational diversity; Cross-functional teams; Ashok Leyland Limited
Anita Elberse, “Module Note-The Creative Industries: Managing and Marketing Talent”, Harvard Business
School, June 29th 2009
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Dan Senor and Saul Singer, Start-up Nation: The Story of Israelʼs Economic Miracle, Twelve, November 4th 2009
Tamara J. Erickson, “Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work”, Harvard Business School
Publishing, November 3rd 2008
Neil Howe and William Strauss, “The Next 20 Years: How Customer and Workforce Attitudes Will Evolve”,
Harvard Business Review, July 2007
Sylvia Ann Hewlett, et al., “How Gen Y and Boomers Will Reshape Your Agenda”, Harvard Business Review, July
Jim Collins, “How The Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In”, Random House Business, 2009
“ M i l l e n n i a l s i n t h e Wo r k p l a c e : H u m a n Re s o u r c e St r a t e g i e s f o r a N e w G e n e r a t i o n ” ,
Rishikesha T. Krishnan, “Linking Corporate Strategy and HR Strategy: Implications for HR Professional”,
Emerging Asia: An HR Agenda, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett, “Changing the Role of Top Management: Beyond Structure to
Processes”, Harvard Business Review, January 1995
Donald N. Sull, “Why Good Companies Go Bad”, Harvard Business Review, July-August 1999
Jeanne C. Meister and Karie Willyerd, “Mentoring Millennials”, Harvard Business Review, May 2010
Jacquelyn B. James et al., “Generational Differences in Perceptions of Older Workersʼ Capabilities”, The Centre
on Aging & Work,, November 2007
“How Do Generational Differences Impact Organizations and Teams?”,
Paul R. Dannar, “Millennials: What They Offer Our Organizations and How Leaders Can Make Sure They
Deliver”, Journal of Value-Based Leadership, 2013
Course Case Map for 18
S.No. S.No.
Mapping for Chapter XI: Mapping for Chapter XII:
25 Establishing Strategic Pay Plans CASE FLYER 26 Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives CASELET
Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (B): Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (C):
Individual Employee Incentive and Incentives for Salespeople @ Tiles & Styles
Recognition Programs @ Whites-32
Third in a series of six caselets, this caselet introduces the participants/students to the challenges involved
Abstract: in designing an effective incentive plan for sales personnel. Thomas Isaac (Thomas) owned a high-end tile
This caselet, second in a series of six caselets, introduces the participants to individual employee incentive and sanitaryware showroom Tiles & Styles (T&S) in a posh locality in the heart of Delhi city. Even after
and appropriate recognition programs. Whites-32 is a dental clinic chain established by Dr. Anil Kumar more than one year of the storesʼ establishment, Thomas observed that the sales at his store were not
(Anil) in 2013. By the end of 2014, the chain expanded to 10 clinics in the city. However, Anil observed that picking up. Thomas discussed with his Store Manager and his salespeople to identify the issue. But they
patients mostly preferred only a few doctors employed at his clinics. He observed that these selected few opined that as the store was new the sales had not picked up and were hopeful that it might do well in the
were making efforts to go that extra mile to comfort the patients and offering better services than others, future. However, Thomas believed that his staff was not motivated enough to drive the sales in his store.
with 4Es – Elucidation, Ease of treatment, Engagement and Empathy – that led to greater patient He was contemplating to change the pay structure and design an incentive plan for his team to trigger
satisfaction and in turn more referrals and footfalls. However, it was becoming difficult for Whites-32 to higher store sales. However, he was not sure of a fool proof method to design such an incentive plan.
allocate appointments as most of the patients were seeking the service of these select few. As Anil wanted
all the doctors employed at Whites-32 to be motivated to perform better, he decided to offer an incentive
plan. What type of incentive scheme should be designed to motivate the employees at Whites-32 and Pedagogical Objectives
what should be the KRAs and KPIs to decide the incentives scheme? To understand various types of compensation plans for salespeople and the importance of setting sales quotas and
commission rates in order to maximize sales forcesʼ outcomes
To analyze the problem faced by Thomas and discuss about the effective pay and incentive plans to motivate his
Pedagogical Objectives team
To understand the various types of incentive plans for individual employees and their suitability to different types of
Key Concepts/Keywords
To discuss the problem faced by Dr. Anil Kumar and design a workable and effective incentive plan to motivate his
employees along with the KRAs and KPIs required Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Incentives for Salespeople; Financial Incentives; Non-financial Incentives;
Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay; Variable Pay; Sales Commission; Incentives Programs in
India; Fixed Salary Plan; Straight Commission Plan; Combination Sales Compensation Plan; Setting Sales Quotas and
Key Concepts/Keywords Commission Rates
Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Individual Employee Incentive and Recognition Programs; Financial
Incentives; Non-financial Incentives; Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay; Incentives
Programs in India; Piecework Plans; Standard Hour Plans; Merit Pay or Performance Increment; Merit Pay Options; Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Incentives for Professional Employees; Recognition-based Awards; Performance Feedback; Social Recognition Program; Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives: Incentives for Salespeople”,
Online and IT-supported Awards Human Resource Management, 12th Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
“Getting Beyond “Show Me the Money””, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Doug J. Chung, “How to Really Motivate Salespeople”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Mark Roberge, “The Right Way to Use Compensation”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives: Individual Employee Incentive
V. Kumar, et al., “Whoʼs Your Most Valuable Salesperson?”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
and Recognition Programs”, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education,
Inc., 2011
“Getting Beyond “Show Me the Money””, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Doug J. Chung, “How to Really Motivate Salespeople”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Mark Roberge, “The Right Way to Use Compensation”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
V. Kumar, et al., “Whoʼs Your Most Valuable Salesperson?”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (D): Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (E):
Incentives for Managers and Executives @ DuraCoats Team and Organization-wide Incentive Plans @ Ray Tech
Fifth in a series of six caselets on Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives, this caselet is meant to
Abstract: understand the importance of organization-wide incentive plans. Siddarth Ray (Ray) established Ray Tech
This caselet, fourth in a series of six caselets, is meant to introduce the participants/students to the relative Pvt. Ltd. (Ray Tech) in January 2011. The company designed a software for doctors and clinics to store,
importance of fixed and variable component of compensation package for Managers. In April 2013, access (from anywhere) and share healthcare records with other doctors. The company also launched a
Gambhir Kumar (Kumar) joined DuraCoats Pvt. Ltd. (DCPL) – a company dealing with production and sales website through which patients could search for doctors and book appointments. However, the
of protective industrial coatings across the country – as a Sales Manager for the States of Andhra Pradesh companyʼs projects were getting delayed on a regular basis. The management found lack of cooperation
and Telangana. He was a consistent performer who over-achieved the set sales target and was and coordination between the technical team and the marketing team. In order to motivate the two teams
instrumental in roping in a few very big clients. However, he was dissatisfied, as the company offered him a to work in sync with each other, Ray Techʼs management decided to go for an organization-wide incentive
fixed salary with no benefit/commission on sales. This concern was communicated to the Company Head, plan using the Scanlon Benefit Sharing Formula.
who assigned the task of designing an incentive program to the four Regional Managers.
Pedagogical Objectives
Pedagogical Objectives To understand the importance of team and organization-wide incentive plans in bringing employees together to
To understand the importance of the fixed and variable component of compensation package and the various types work for the common goal of the company and the various team and organization-wide profit-sharing plans used
of short- and long-term incentives for Managers To discuss and design a Scanlon Benefit Sharing Plan for Ray Tech employees
To discuss the challenge faced by DuraCoats and design an incentive plan to motivate its Sales Managers keeping in
view the long-term growth of the organization
Key Concepts/Keywords
Profit-sharing Plans; Scanlon Plans; Gain-sharing Plans; Rucker Plan; Lincoln Incentive System; Improshare Plans; At-risk
Pay Plans; Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs); ESOPs in India; Broad-based Stock Options
Key Concepts/Keywords
Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Incentives for Managers and Executives; Financial Incentives; Non-financial
Incentives; Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay; Short-term Incentives; Long-term Incentives; Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Stock Options; Performance Shares; Indexed Options; Premium Priced Options; Stock Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives: Team and Organization-wide
Appreciation Rights; Performance Achievement Plan; Restricted Stock Plans; Phantom Stock Plans; Golden Parachutes; Incentive Plans”, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
Executive Compensation Plan
“Getting Beyond “Show Me the Money””, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Doug J. Chung, “How to Really Motivate Salespeople”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Chapter Reading/Background Material: Mark Roberge, “The Right Way to Use Compensation”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives: Incentives for Managers and V. Kumar, et al., “Whoʼs Your Most Valuable Salesperson?”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Executives”, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011
“Getting Beyond “Show Me the Money””, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Doug J. Chung, “How to Really Motivate Salespeople”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Mark Roberge, “The Right Way to Use Compensation”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
V. Kumar, et al., “Whoʼs Your Most Valuable Salesperson?”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives (F): Women-only Employee Benefits
Designing Effective Incentive Programs @ Indus Research
Abstract: Abstract:
The last in a series of six caselets, this caseletʼs focus is on the critical components of an effective incentive This case flyer and the base article can be used for understanding the concept of designing HR practices
plan. Indus Research Pvt. Ltd. (Indus) started in November 2012, was a market research firm, preparing exclusively meant for women employees/executives. Do women employees get relegated to being
country, industry, company, product and brand reports that were widely used in India and abroad, second-class citizens in such instances? One of the recent yet questionable practices has been the
especially in Europe and US. Initially, Indus was founded with only 10 employees, but with its growing ‘egg-freezingʼ perk doled out by two of the silicon valley-based companies – Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc.,
number of clients, the employee number had increased to 40. With its growing market and number of to their women employees. While many may opine that the only way to break the glass ceiling is to
employees, Sreedhar Nath, Founder and CEO, decided to have a well-defined organization structure and encourage women to pursue sustainable and equal-footed careers and dole out several exclusive perks in
employee KRAs and incentive schemes to keep his employees motivated to perform better. He wondered the process, several others question whether treating them separately would only accentuate the glass
as to what could be the building blocks of designing an effective incentive scheme? ceiling effect rather than abating it.
Mark Roberge, “The Right Way to Use Compensation”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015 Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Benefits and Services”, Human Resource Management, 12th Edition, Dorling
Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2011
V. Kumar, et al., “Whoʼs Your Most Valuable Salesperson?”, Harvard Business Review, April 2015
Jessica Bennett, “Company-Paid Egg Freezing Will Be the Great Equalizer”,
paid-egg-freezing-will-be-the-great-equalizer/ , October 15th 2014, (accessed date: October 30th 2014)
“Monster Salary Index Indian IT Sector Report”,
publications-2014/MSI_Indian_IT-Sector-Report-20140723.pdf, 2014, (accessed date: October 30th 2014)
Nick Wingfield, “Microsoftʼs Nadella Sets Off Furore on Womenʼs Pay”, icrosoft-s-nadella-sets-off-furore-on-women-s-pay-114101100041_1.htm l,
October 11th 2014, (accessed date: October 30th 2014)
“The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap: 2014 Fall Edition”,
Simple-Truth_Fall.pdf, (accessed date: November 4th 2014)
“Insight Report: The Global Gender Gap Report 2014”,
GGGR_CompleteReport_2014.pdf, (accessed date: November 4th 2014)
Employee Surveillance and Investigation at Ikea, France Foxconn Indiaʼs Plant Shutdown:
Workers – Unions – Management Deadlock
Abstract: Abstract:
This case flyer and the accompanying article enables a discussion on the controversial and debatable Set in the backdrop of Foxconnʼs shutdown of its Indian operations, this case study sensitizes the
practice of employee surveillance and monitoring. What is employee monitoring and why are employers participants to the circumstances that led to the closure of its Indian operations and whether Foxconn was
engaging in employee investigation and surveillance? Is employee monitoring an acceptable workplace right in the way it contracted its closure. The participants can discuss and debate on the actions of the
practice? What are the acceptable forms of employee monitoring? This case flyer provides ample scope to workers and unions at Foxconn India, using the relevant legal provisions governing such actions and the
debate on such intriguing questions. With the growing dependence on Internet in the modern day possible recourse for the aggrieved employees. Citing the reason of ‘no orders from Nokiaʼ, all the
information age, employees end up creating an electronic trail through what they consider as mere Foxconn employees were placed under paid-holiday-leave status, from December 22nd 2014. The trade
innocuous online interactions, giving others the power to monitor and record not only their professional unions and Assistant Labour Commissioner termed the lockout ‘illegalʼ, as the company did not follow the
but also their personal lives. Should organizations be allowed to monitor employees at workplace and legal procedures before announcing the closure. Employees, under the guidance of their trade unions,
beyond? Do employees have a right to know that they are being watched? This case flyer stirs up an resorted to protests, hunger strikes and forced entry into the factory premises. Under the provisions of the
interesting debate on whether employee monitoring and spying is a boon or a bane? Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, can the management and the workers resort to such actions? How should
both parties deal with their respective issues under the provisions of relevant Acts?
Pedagogical Objectives
To understand the various surveillance and investigation practices at workplaces Pedagogical Objectives
To deliberate on the ethical landmines in Ikeaʼs worker investigation in France To understand how Foxconnʼs operation in TSEZ/Nokia SEZ contributed to and affected the manufacturing and
employment ecosystem
To debate on whether employee surveillance and monitoring is a boon or a bane
To understand the factors contributing to Foxconnʼs shutdown of Indian operations and the resultant labor unrest
and the unified agitations from Trade Unions
Key Concepts/Keywords To discuss and debate whether Foxconnʼs reasoning for shutting down its Indian operations was justified
Employee Monitoring; Employee Surveillance; Employee Investigation; Monitoring; Surveillance; Investigation; To examine the efficacy of actions taken by Foxconn's management, unions and employees
Employee Spying; Spying; Ikea; France; Resignation; Employee Grievance; Grievance
To understand the relevant provisions of lock-out/closure, lay-offs and strikes as enshrined in the Industrial Disputes
Act, 1947 and Trade Unions Act, 1926 and examine the efficacy of the actions taken by Foxconn and its employees
Key Concepts/Keywords
Trade Unions Act, 1926; Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Collective Bargaining; Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and lock-outs;
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and Strikes; Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining; Workersʼ Strikes in India; Collective
Bargaining and Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations; Collective Bargaining and the
CITU; Collective Bargaining and the Labor Department; Collective Bargaining and Labor Strikes; Factories Act, 1948;
Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Employee State Insurance Act, 1948; and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,
1970; Special Economic Zones Act, 2005; Foxconn International Holdings India Private Limited; Collective Bargaining and
Foxconn India; Nokia India Private Limited
Key Concepts/Keywords
Collective Bargaining and the Labor Movement; Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations; Collective Bargaining and
Role of Trade Unions; Collective Bargaining and the CITU; Collective Bargaining in India; Collective Bargaining and Nokia;
Collective Bargaining and the Indian Labor Laws; Collective Bargaining and Arbitration; Collective Bargaining and Labor
Strikes; Collective Bargaining and Labor Grievances; Collective Bargaining and Role of Governments; The Trade Unions
Act, 1926; Collective Bargaining and The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Infosysʼ Global Hiring: Ethnocentric or Polycentric? The Cost of Employee Loyalty at Bikanervala
Abstract: Abstract:
This case study introduces to the sensitivities involved in staffing a global companyʼs multiple offices This case spot can be used for discussing and debating the cost of employee loyalty in the backdrop of a
spread across multiple global locations. In the backdrop of the six law suits filed against Infosys in US company where the average tenure of an employee is about 15 years. It is generally argued that, ‘my
courts, this case study takes the students/participants through the legal compliance and ethical standards loyalty to the company is contingent on my firmʼs loyalty to meʼ. When viewed from the nature of industry
expected of a global firm in managing its global HR. Infosys had been facing six lawsuits in the US filed by and nature of business that the featured company – Bikanervala Foods Private Limited (Bikanervala) – is in,
the job aspirants and employees of the company for its practices of employee discrimination and B-1 visa the learning outcomes can be quite pronouncing. Set in the backdrop of Hyderabadʼs outlet of
misuse. In 2011, Jack B. Palmer (Palmer), an employee of Infosys, filed a whistle-blower complaint with the Bikanervala, the century-old Indian manufacturer of traditional sweets and savories, this case spot
company regarding the misuse of B-1 visas and discrepancies in the I-9 processes. When the company rummages through what it takes to command employee loyalty and also the unseen costs (if at all there
ignored his complaint and harassed him, he took the matter to court. The Federal Government slapped a are any) of employee loyalty. With over 42 successful outlets across India with a global presence spanning
fine of $34 million on the company for B-1 visa misuse. In 2013, four of the Infosysʼ job across Nepal, UAE, UK, New Zealand and Singapore, Bikanervala transformed a traditional and highly
aspirants/employees filed a civil action lawsuit alleging about the companyʼs discrimination with respect geographic-centric business into a scalable and growth-driven business with its unique business and
to language, regional and national bias, as it hired mostly South Asians. All along the company had been people practices.
denying of any illegal practice, discrimination or harassment. The bigger question that emanates from While every company wishes to celebrate its high employee loyalty factor, the contrarian perspectives
these incidents at Infosys is what it takes for a global company to recruit and manage a global workforce at would offer some intriguing and interesting insights into employee loyalty to have a balanced view on
various global locations? high employee loyalty. What are the costs of high employee loyalty – for the employers as well as the
employees? What is the relationship between high employee loyalty, innovation, business sustenance,
growth, etc.?
Pedagogical Objectives
To discuss on the nature of complexities involved in Infosysʼ global staffing given its nature of business
Pedagogical Objectives
To discuss and debate on the veracity of six lawsuits filed against Infosys in US alleging the abuse of B-1 visas (instead
of H-1B visas) and discriminatory policies To understand the concept of employee loyalty and its importance for an organizationʼs sustained and superior
To examine the desirability of following either ethnocentric, polycentric or geocentric staffing strategies for a global
firm and discuss on the implications of following either of them on the long-term prospects of a firm To understand the contributing factors of very high employee loyalty at Bikanervala
To understand and discuss the relationship between the nature of industry, nature of business, nature of job,
employee loyalty factor and an organizationʼs sustained and superior performance
Key Concepts/Keywords
To discuss and debate on the cost of employee loyalty (i.e., is high employee loyalty an asset or a liability?) at
Global Hiring; Global Hiring Practices; Global Hiring and Ethnocentric Staffing; Global Hiring and Polycentric Staffing; Bikanervala (Hyderabad), given fairly longer tenures of employees
Global Hiring and Geocentric Staffing; Global Hiring and Infosys global Staffing; Infosys and B-1 Visas; Infosys and H-1B
To discuss and debate on whether family businesses foster and command relatively better employee loyalty
visas; Global Hiring and Indian IT Companies
Key Concepts/Keywords
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Employee Loyalty; Employee Loyalty and Organizational Performance; Employee Loyalty and Organizational Culture;
Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, “Managing Global Human Resources”, Human Resource Management, 12th Employee Loyalty and Talent Management; Employee Loyalty and Employee Engagement; Employee Loyalty in
Edition (Indian Adaptation), Pearson Education, Inc., 2011 Companies; Employee Loyalty in Family Businesses; Employee Loyalty in Manufacturing Sector; Employee Loyalty in
“Immigration Reforms Needed to Protect Skilled American Workers”, Services Sector; Cost of Employee Loyalty
media/doc/Palmer%20Testimony.pdf, March 17th 2013
“2nd Amended Class Complaint v. Infosys”,
Chapter Reading/Background Material:
Tamara J. Erickson and Lynda Gratton, “What it Means to Work Here”, Harvard Business Review, March 2007
Timothy Butler and James Waldroop, “Job Sculpting: The Art of Retaining Your Best People”, Harvard Business
Review, September-October 1999
Reid Hoffman, et al., “Tours of Duty: The New Employer-Employee Compact”, Harvard Business Review, June
Financial Incentives
Strategic Pay Plans
Ethics and Employee Rights and Discipline
and Careers
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Employee Safety and Health
Managing Global Human Resources
Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms
Course Case Map for
S.No. Chapter Case Study/ Key Concepts S.No. Chapter Case Study/ Key Concepts
Case Flyer/Case Brief Case Flyer/Case Brief
1 Chapter I: The House of HR: Human Resource Management: HRM and Global Trends; Introduction 8 Chapter V: Grow As We Grow (A): Human Resources Management; Recruitment and Placement; Human
Introduction to Junk it or Sync It? to HRM; Significance of HRM; Line and staff functions in HRM; Human Resource Recruitment Resource Planning and forecasting; Effective Recruiting Techniques;
Human Resource Trends in HRM; Managing expectations; Trends in recruitment; Fraud Planning and Challenges at Jocata Employment Planning; Recruitment and Selection of Candidates;
Management in recruitment; Trends in work delivery; Trends in the workplace Recruiting Performance Management; Human Resource Selection Tools;
2 Chapter II: Women Employees in Women Employees; Women Employee Safety and Health; Women Recruiting Internal and External Candidates; Rehiring; Succession
Employment Law Tamil Nadu Factories: Workers and Labor Laws in India; Women Workers and Factories Act. Planning; Online Recruiting; Virtual Job Fairs; Applicant Tracking
on India and the Lawful Intentions vs 1948; Women Workers and Amendments to Factories Act, 1948; Systems; Employment Ads; Employment Agencies; Offshoring and
United States Unlawful Pretentions Women Workers in Night Shift; Women Workers and Garment Outsourcing Jobs; On-Demand Recruiting Services; College
Industry in Tamil Nadu; Women Workers and Compliance of Laws in Recruiting; On-Site Recruiting; On-Campus Recruiting; Referrals and
India; Women Workers and Unsafe Workplace Conditions Walk-Ins; Internships; Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
3 Chapter II: Child Labor in India: Child Labor in India; Child Labor and Kailash Satyarthi (Nobel Peace 9 Chapter V: Human Recruitment Fiasco Recruitment Fiasco Case Study; Recruitment Fiasco Case Studies;
Employment Law Role of Company HR Prize Winner – 2014); Child Labor and Factories Act, 1948; Child Resource Planning at CITPR Ltd. HR Planning Concepts; Recruitment Processes; HR Communication;
in India and the Labor and Mines Act, 1952; Child Labor and Article 24/Article and Recruiting CITPR Ltd
United States 45/Article 21(A)/Article 39-e/Article 39-f; Child Labor Violations in 10 Chapter V: Trends in Employee Employee Referrals; Employee Referral Schemes; Employee Referral
India; Child Labor in Agriculture Sector in India; Child Labor and Human Resource Referral Plans Schemes in India; Employee Referrals in Startups; Employee Referrals
Illegal Mining in India; Child Labor in Manufacturing Sector; Child Planning and amongst young employees; Employee Referrals and Employee
Labor as Domestic Help; Child Labor in Hazardous Jobs; Child Labor Recruiting loyalty; Employee Referral Schemes and Productivity; Employee
and International Labour Organization (ILO); Child Labour Referrals and Recruitment; Employee Referrals and Human Resource
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986; National Authority for the Planning; Employee Referrals and Effective Recruiting
Elimination of Child Labour (NAECL); International Program on the 11 Chapter V: Chandrika Pasricha’s Flexible working; Flexible working and Chandrika Pasricha; Flexible
Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC); National Child Labour Project Human Resource Flexing It: Flexible working and flexi-working; Flexible working and freelancing; Flexible
(NCLP); Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Planning and Working=Maximum working and independent working; Flexible working and Flexing It;
4 Chapter II: Child Labor in India Child Labor in India; Child Labor and Kailash Satyarthi (Nobel Peace Recruiting Job Satisfaction, Trends in flexible working; Flexible working in India
Employment Law and Indian Companies: Prize Winner – 2014); Child Labor and Governing Laws in India; Child Optimum Value!
in India and the Is there a Case for Labor and Constitutional Provisions in India; Child Labor and 12 Chapter V: ‘Differently-abled’: Persons with Disability (PwD); PwDs and Workforce Diversity; PwDs
United States Extended Factories Act, 1948; Child Labor and Mines Act, 1952; Child Labor Human Resource A ‘Right Fit’ in Indian and Intelligence Quotient (IQ); PwDs and Emotional Quotient (EQ);
& Responsibility? and Article 24/Article 45/Article 21(A)/Article 39-e/Article 39-f; Child Planning and Companies? PwDs and M Quotient (MQ); PwDs and O Quotient (OQ); PwDs and
Chapter XIV: Labor Violations in India; Child Labor in Agriculture Sector in India; Recruiting Indian Companies; PwDs and Job Profiles; PwDs and Job-fit; PwDs
Ethics, Justice, Child Labor and Illegal Mining in India; Child Labor in Manufacturing and Discrimination and Exploitation; PwDs and the Mainstream
and Fair Sector; Child Labor as Domestic Help; Child Labor in Hazardous Jobs; Workforce; PwDs and Career Growth Prospects; PwDs and Inclusive
Treatment in Child Labor and Responsibility of HR Departments; Child Labor and Recruitment; PwDs and Mirakle Couriers
HR Management International Labour Organization (ILO); Child Labor and National
Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) 13 Chapter VI: HRS’ Employee Employee testing and selection; Employee testing and selection
Employee Testing Testing and Selection outsourcing; Employee testing and selection at startups; Employee
5 Chapter III: The Cost of Employee Employee loyalty; Cost of employee loyalty; Organizational change and Selection Solutions: Startups’ testing and basic testing concepts; Employee testing and selection
The Manager's Loyalty @ Anand and employee loyalty; Active inertia at organizations; Strategic HRM; Problems? and background investigations; Employee testing and selection and
Role in Strategic Finance: Looking Competitive advantage; Strategic HRM and competitive advantage; reference checks; Employee testing and selection and problem
Human Resource Through the Lens of Operational orientation vs strategic orientation employee; Employee testing and selection and
Management Regional Managers* entrepreneurial innovation
6 Chapter IV: Job Analysis: AAPS’ Job analysis; Job analysis and job description; Job analysis and job 14 Chapter VII: Interviewing Interviewing candidates; Interviewing candidates and Job interviews;
Job Analysis Paralysis specification; Job analysis and recruitment and selection decisions; Interviewing Candidates Interviewing candidates and Employment interviews;
Job analysis and performance appraisal; Job analysis and job Candidates Interviewing candidates and Structured and unstructured interviews;
evaluation; Job analysis and wage and salary decisions; Interviewing candidates and Administering interviews;
Job analysis and training requirements Interviewing candidates and Errors in interviewing candidates
7 Chapter V: Elizabeth’s Recruitment and campus interviews; Recruitment and campus 15 Chapter VIII: Training Learning Models: The Learning; Learning organization; Individual learning; Organizational
Human Resource International recruitment; Recruitment and Immersion programs; Recruitment and and Developing New Classroom LAW learning; Learning models; Passive to active learning; Peer-to-peer
Planning and Placement: Should She personal values; Recruitment and professional responsibilities; Employees learning; Research-teacher & Learning; Life-long learning
Recruiting or Shouldn’t She? Recruitment and international placements; Recruitment and
Decision making 16 Chapter VIII: Training Maruti Suzuki India Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL); Mindfulness and Maruti Suzuki
and Developing Limited’s (MSIL’s) India Limited; Mindfulness and Brahma kumaris; Mindfulness and
Employees ‘Mind-Enlightenment’ Conflict Resolving; Mindfulness and Employee Stress Levels;
Program Mindfulness and Spirituality; Mindfulness and Mind-Enlightenment Programs; Mindfulness and Employee Training and Development;
Mindfulness and Employee Competency; Mindfulness and Employee
Engagement; Mindfulness and Millennial Workforce; Mindfulness
Course Case Map for
S.No. Chapter Case Study/ Key Concepts Fashions Herzberg's Theory of Motivators; Edward Deci's Demotivators
Case Flyer/Case Brief Theory; Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory; B.F.Skinner's Behavior
Modification/Reinforcement Theory; Payment of Bonus Act, 1965;
17 Chapter VIII: Mid-life Crisis and the Midlife Crisis; Midlife Crisis in IT employees; Midlife Crisis amongst
Incentives Programs in India
Training and Importance of New men and women; Midlife Crisis amongst Men vs Women; Managing
Developing Skills for Mid-level IT Midlife Crisis; Midlife Crisis and the Role of HR; Midlife Crisis; 27 Chapter XII: Pay for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Individual Employee
Employees Professionals Organizational Behavior; OB; Human Resource Management Performance and and Financial Incentives Incentive and Recognition Programs; Financial Incentives; Non-
Financial (B): Individual Employee financial Incentives; Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives;
18 Chapter VIII: Theatre: The New Training; Training Methods; Corporate training; Corporate training
Incentives Incentive and Incentive Pay; Incentives Programs in India; Piecework Plans;
Training and Corporate Training methods; OB Case Study on corporate training; Theatre-based
Recognition Programs Standard Hour Plans; Merit Pay or Performance Increment; Merit Pay
Developing Method training; Training and development; Training and learning;
@ Whites-32 Options; Incentives for Professional Employees; Recognition-based
Employees Effective training methods
Awards; Performance Feedback; Social Recognition Program;
19 Chapter VIII: Training Employee Learning Individual Learning; Learning; Development; Employee Learning; Online and IT-supported Awards
and Developing Trends Learning & Development; L&D Budget; Employee Engagement;
28 Chapter XII: Pay for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Incentives for
Employees Learning Program; ROI; E-learning; Organizational Behavior; OB
Performance and and Financial Salespeople; Financial Incentives; Non-financial Incentives;
20 Chapter IX: Significance of an Performance Appraisals; Performance Appraisal Biases; Performance Financial Incentives ©: Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay;
Performance Unbiased Performance Appraisal and Feedback; Performance Appraisal and Evaluation Incentives Incentives for Variable Pay; Sales Commission; Incentives Programs in India; Fixed
Management Appraisal System Methods; Performance Appraisals in Manufacturing Sector; Salespeople @ Salary Plan; Straight Commission Plan; Combination Sales
and Appraisal Performance Appraisals in Services Sector; Performance Appraisals Tiles & Styles Compensation Plan; Setting Sales Quotas and Commission Rates
and Bell Curves; Performance Appraisal Training
29 Chapter XII: Pay for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Incentives for
21 Chapter IX: Forced Ranking: Performance Appraisal; Forced Ranking System; Forced Ranking at Performance and and Financial Managers and Executives; Financial Incentives; Non-financial
Performance Boon or Bane? Yahoo!; Marissa Mayer; Employee Performance; Bell Curve; Vitality Financial Incentives (D): Incentives; Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives;
Management Curve; Performance Evaluation; Performance Management Systems; Incentives Incentives for Incentive Pay; Short-term Incentives; Long-term Incentives; Payment
and Appraisal Performance Appraisals; Performance Measurement; 360o Feedback; Managers and of Bonus Act, 1965; Stock Options; Performance Shares; Indexed
GE's Performance Management System; OB Case Study on Executives @ Options; Premium Priced Options; Stock Appreciation Rights;
Performance Management System DuraCoats Performance Achievement Plan; Restricted Stock Plans; Phantom
22 Chapter IX: Grow As We Grow (B): Human Resources Management; Performance Management and Stock Plans; Golden Parachutes; Executive Compensation Plan
Performance Performance Appraisal Appraisal; Performance Appraisal; Performance Management; 30 Chapter XII: Pay for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Team and
Management at Jocata Performance Appraisal Process; Performance Appraisal Standards; Performance and and Financial Organization-wide Incentive Plans; Financial Incentives; Non-financial
and Appraisal Performance Appraisal Tools; Performance Appraisal Interview; Financial Incentives (E): Team Incentives; Performance and Pay; Motivation and Incentives;
Performance Appraisal Techniques; Steps in Performance Appraisal; Incentives and Organization-wide Incentive Pay; Designing Team Incentives; Pros and cons of Team
Graphic Rating Scale Method; Alternation Ranking Method; Paired Incentive Plans @ incentives; Profit-sharing Plans; Current Profit-sharing Plans; Deferred
Comparison Method; Forced Distribution Method; Critical Incident Ray Tech Profit-sharing Plans; Scanlon Plans; Gain-sharing Plans; Rucker Plan;
Method; computerized and Web-based Performance Appraisal; Lincoln Incentive System; Improshare Plans; At-risk Pay Plans;
Electronic Performance Monitoring; Performance Appraisal Problems; Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs); ESOPs in India;
Performance Appraisals and the Law Broad-based Stock Options
23 Chapter X: Coaching, Ashok Leyland Limited: Strategic HRM; Competitive advantage; Strategic HRM and 31 Chapter XII: Pay for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Designing Effective
Careers, Building Competitive competitive advantage; Millennials' work values; Millennials and Performance and and Financial Incentive Programs; Financial Incentives; Non-financial Incentives;
and Talent Advantage through generational diversity; Cross-functional teams; Ashok Leyland Limited Financial Incentives (F): Impact of Financial and Non-Financial Incentives; Performance and
Management Generational Diversity Incentives Designing Effective Pay; Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay; Building Blocks of
24 Chapter X: Coaching, Indian start-ups: Indian start-ups; Start-ups in India; Technology start-ups in India; Incentive Programs Effective Incentive Plans
Careers, The War for Talent Start-up entrepreneurs in India; Start-up CEOs; Talent for Indian @ Indus Research
and Talent start-ups; Talent management in Indian start-ups; The war for talent 32 Chapter XIII: Women-only Employee Benefits; Employee Benefits and Services; Employee
Management in Indian start-ups; PESTEL framework Benefits and Employee Benefits Benefits in India; Employee Benefits in Indian Companies; Employee
25 Chapter XI: CEOs’ Compensation CEO Compensation; ESOP; Capping CEO Earnings; CEO's salary; Services Benefits for Women Employees; Employee Benefits for Women
Establishing Executive compensation; Total shareholder return; Role of a CEO; Executives; Employee Benefits and Gender Disparity; Employee
Strategic Pay Star CEOs; Responsible capitalism; Stock Options for CEOs Benefits and Gender Inequality
Plans 33 Chapter XIV: Employee Surveillance Employee Monitoring; Employee Surveillance; Employee
26 Chapter XII: Pay
for Pay for Performance Pay for Performance and Financial incentives; Money and Motivation; Ethics, Justice, and Investigation at Investigation; Monitoring; Surveillance; Investigation; Employee
Performance and and Financial Incentives Financial Incentives; Non-financial Incentives; Performance and Pay; and Fair Ikea, France Spying; Spying; Ikea; France; Resignation; Employee Grievance;
Financial (A): Money and Motivation and Incentives; Incentive Pay; Maslow's Hierarchy of Treatment in HR Grievance
Incentives Motivation @ Panache Needs; Variable Pay; Employee Incentive and the Law; Frederick Management 6
Course Case Map for
Chapter I: Introduction
to Human Resource Management Chapter II: EmploymentLaw on India and the United States
Case Study: The House of HR: Junk it or Sync It? Case Study: Women Employees in Tamil Nadu Factories: Lawful
Key Concepts: Human Resource Management: HRM and Intentions vs Unlawful Pretentions
Global Trends; Introduction to HRM; Significance of Key Concepts: Women Employees; Women Employee Safety and
HRM; Line and staff functions in HRM; Trends in HRM; Health; Women Workers and Labor Laws in India; Women
Managing expectations; Trends in recruitment; Fraud Workers and Factories Act. 1948; Women Workers and
in recruitment; Trends in work delivery; Trends in the Amendments to Factories Act, 1948; Women Workers in Night
workplace Shift; Women Workers and Garment Industry in Tamil Nadu;
Women Workers and Compliance of Laws in India; Women
Workers and Unsafe Workplace Conditions
Chapter II: Employment Law on India and the United States
Caselet: Child Labor in India: Role of Company HR
Chapter II: Employment Law on India and the United States
Key Concepts: Child Labor in India; Child Labor and Kailash
Chapter XIV: Ethics,Justice and Fair Treatment in HR Management
Satyarthi (Nobel Peace Prize Winner – 2014); Child
Case Study: Child Labor in India and Indian Companies: Is there
Labor and Factories Act, 1948; Child Labor and Mines
Act, 1952; Child Labor and Article 24/Article 45/Article a Case for Extended Responsibility?
Key Concepts: Child Labor in India; Child Labor and Kailash Satyarthi
21(A)/Article 39-e/Article 39-f; Child Labor Violations in
India; Child Labor in Agriculture Sector in India; Child (Nobel Peace Prize Winner – 2014); Child Labor and Governing
Labor and Illegal Mining in India; Child Labor in Laws in India; Child Labor and Constitutional Provisions in India;
Manufacturing Sector; Child Labor as Domestic Help; Child Labor and Factories Act, 1948; Child Labor and Mines Act,
Child Labor in Hazardous Jobs; Child Labor and 1952; Child Labor and Article 24/Article 45/Article 21(A)/Article
International Labour Organization (ILO); Child Labour 39-e/Article 39-f; Child Labor Violations in India; Child Labor in
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986; National Agriculture Sector in India; Child Labor and Illegal Mining in
Authority for the Elimination of Child Labour (NAECL); India; Child Labor in Manufacturing Sector; Child Labor as
International Program on the Elimination of Child Domestic Help; Child Labor in Hazardous Jobs; Child Labor and
Labour (IPEC); National Child Labour Project (NCLP); Responsibility of HR Departments; Child Labor and International
Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Labour Organization (ILO); Child Labor and National
Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR)
Should She or Shouldn’t She? Placement; Human Resource Planning and forecasting; Effective
Key Concepts: Recruitment and campus interviews;
Recruiting Techniques; Employment Planning; Recruitment and
Recruitment and campus recruitment; Recruitment and Selection of Candidates; Performance Management; Human
Immersion programs; Recruitment and personal values; Resource Selection Tools; Recruiting Internal and External
Recruitment and professional responsibilities; Candidates; Rehiring; Succession Planning; Online Recruiting;
Recruitment and international placements; Virtual Job Fairs; Applicant Tracking Systems; Employment Ads;
Recruitment and Decision making Employment Agencies; Offshoring and Outsourcing Jobs;
On-Demand Recruiting Services; College Recruiting; On-Site
Recruiting; On-Campus Recruiting; Referrals and Walk-Ins;
Chapter V: Human Resource Planning and Recruiting Internships; Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
Case Study: Recruitment Fiasco at CITPR Ltd
Key Concepts: Recruitment Fiasco Case Study; Recruitment Fiasco Case Studies; HR Planning Concepts; Recruitment Processes;
HR Communication; CITPR Ltd; 6